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Dear Mr.


Throughout this quarter, my growth in writing has been truly remarkable, bringing me closer

to fulfilling my childhood ambition of becoming a writer. Engaging in class discussions has

taught me that creativity in writing goes beyond individual thinking: it involves actively listening

to others' opinions, engaging in discussions, and even embracing debates, which ultimately lead

to the creation and refinement of new ideas. Furthermore, I have acquired the skill of rapidly

brainstorming main points, considering effective ways to present and discuss them, seamlessly

transitioning between arguments, and meticulously reviewing grammar and text structure.

Additionally, the process of creating, reflecting upon, and revising my Writing Projects has

provided me with invaluable hands-on experience in exploring different genres and engaging

with academic writing. These experiences have laid a solid foundation for my future work.

Notably, during the development of Writing Project 2, I delved into various articles on the same

topic, mastering the art of sifting through vast amounts of information and organizing it

coherently. This newfound skill has proven immensely beneficial in my subsequent academic

writing endeavors.

The question of how to become a writer and how to approach writing may initially seem

overwhelming, but I am grateful that you prompted us to contemplate it during the first week of

this class. It led me to delve into the essence of academic writing and, more significantly,

discover the art of learning to write through reading. Previously, I held the belief that reading and

writing were separate endeavors, as I perceived books solely as sources of knowledge while
considering writing a practical, hands-on process. However, my perspective shifted after

immersing myself in Mike Bunn's insightful work, How to Read Like a Writer. It revealed the

tremendous potential of reading as a powerful aid to writing. I can now follow his instructions to

“work to identify some of the choices the author made” so that I can be prepared when I

encounter similar problems in my writing, and these authoritative examples help me make

decisions. Meanwhile, I will look at “the writerly techniques in the text” to learn these

techniques and understand when to use them, which allows me to improve the quality of my

articles. With a conscious and deliberate mindset, I approached each reading material,

meticulously analyzing the author's choices and their adept utilization of various writing

techniques. Through dedicated practice and active engagement in journaling exercises, I have

steadily honed my ability to adopt this analytical reading approach. As a result, I have now

reached a point where I can confidently assert that I have essentially mastered this method of


Subsequently, my exploration of genres shattered my previous preconceptions and opened

up new possibilities. Before this, I had never considered the intricate relationships and

distinctions between different genres, nor had I contemplated the potential for translation across

genres. However, Kerry Dirk's enlightening work, Navigating Genres, sparked a profound

inspiration within me. I now grasp the notion that "rules change as the genre changes,"

compelling me to adapt my own writing rules to the unique characteristics of each genre, thereby

allowing them to fulfill their intended purpose. The establishment of consistent rules within a

specific genre fosters effective communication, ensuring a harmonious connection with the target
audience. Armed with this knowledge, I embarked on the practice of genre translation, venturing

into the realm of transforming a scientific paper into the realm of poetry. This exercise not only

granted me a personal and profound understanding of the distinctions between genres but also

equipped me with the flexibility to leverage diverse genres to better cater to my intended

audience in the future.

My perception of the academic community underwent a significant transformation as well.

Previously, my understanding of community solely revolved around everyday life, and I

struggled to envision the purpose and value of an academic community. However, my

perspective broadened after immersing myself in the thought-provoking work, Understanding

Discourse Communities, by Dan Melzer. This enlightening read shed light on the indispensable

role that discourse communities play in academic writing, both during college and beyond.

Scholars with “common public goals” and “intercommunication” utilize their “threshold level”

to foster an environment of communication, debate, and innovation, ultimately driving academic

progress. As I delved into various articles about enhancing critical thinking skills for Writing

Project 2, I conscientiously read, analyzed, and compared the works of different scholars. It

became evident that their diverse expertise and backgrounds offered distinct perspectives and

emphases on the subject matter. Engaging in the conversations between these scholars allowed

me to deepen my understanding and develop my informed viewpoint on the topic, offering me a

profound insight into the essence and importance of the academic community.

One advantage of my writing is that I possess a wealth of ideas that often span various

directions. However, one of the drawbacks I face is occasional difficulty in maintaining

organization. An instance that exemplifies this occurred during the drafting process of my

reflection for Writing Project 1. As I began writing, my thoughts raced, encompassing

considerations such as comprehending the target audience, understanding the genre's

characteristics and applicability, and addressing the specificity of the chosen topic. Consequently,

I found myself delving into intricate details of topic specificity within paragraphs meant to

analyze reader comprehension, resulting in a convoluted structure. Recognizing this issue, I

devised an outline that outlined the topic of each paragraph and established a logical order of

exposition beneath them. This approach significantly enhanced the organization of my essay and

enabled me to apply similar strategies in subsequent writing, mitigating the recurrence of such

problems to a considerable extent. Since the first day of class, I have developed a newfound

appreciation for the scope of my abilities as a writer. Previously, I considered myself more adept

at crafting lyrical or narrative essays. However, the methods and ideas I have acquired in

academic writing, coupled with the valuable experience gained through practice, have instilled in

me the confidence to successfully tackle academic essays as well.

Given additional time, my primary focus would be on refining the grammar and overall

accuracy of my essays after ensuring the organization of my logical thoughts. For instance, I

would diligently double-check the coherence and effectiveness of transitions within my articles

to enhance the reader's understanding and engagement. Moreover, I would actively seek out

additional sources of information to verify the accuracy of my ideas and bolster the exposition of

my articles. By doing so, I aim to align my writing more closely with the prompt, fulfill the

intended purpose of my composition, and ultimately achieve a higher level of personal

satisfaction with my work.

The portfolio comprises three distinct components: two Writing Projects and a Reflective

Letter. The first Writing Project centers around genre translation, where I undertook the task of

transforming a scientific article on sea level rise in the Pacific Islands into a narrative poem.

Within the accompanying Reflection, I delve into various aspects, including a review of my

writing goals, the rationale behind genre selection, analysis of the target audience, encountered

difficulties, and the corresponding solutions devised. The second Writing Project centers on

conversations within discourse communities. In this endeavor, I analyze scholarly discussions

surrounding the enhancement of critical thinking in academic writing, subsequently composing a

blog post on the topic. The corresponding reflection invites me to reflect upon my thoughts

throughout the writing process, exploring elements such as topic selection, scholarly background

analysis, communication styles, and the interplay between diverse perspectives. The culmination

of the portfolio lies in the final Reflective Letter, where I encapsulate the knowledge and growth

attained throughout the quarter. Here, I chronicle the evolution of my thinking and writing skills,

highlighting the transformative experiences that have shaped my overall development as a writer.


Crystal Su

Bunn, Mike. “How to Read Like a Writer.” In Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 2,


Dirk, Kerry, and Pavel Zemliansky. “Navigating Genres.” Essay. In Writing Spaces: Readings on

Writing, Volume 1, edited by Charles Lowe, 249–261. Parlor Press, 2010.

Melzer, Dan. “Understanding Discourse Communities.” In Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing,


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