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Software Design Description


Library Automate
List of Figures
Figure No. Description Page
Figure 1.0 Login Class Diagram 52
Figure 2.0 Dashboard Class Diagram 52
Figure 3.0 Catalogue Class Diagram 53
Figure 4.0 Borrowers Class Diagram 53
Figure 5.0 Book Issuance Class Diagram 54
Figure 6.0 Return Book Class Diagram 54
Figure 7.0 Books Class Diagram 55
Figure 8.0 Report Class Diagram 55
Figure 9.0 Access Role Class Diagram 56
Figure 10.0 User Account Class Diagram 56
Figure 11.0 Authentication Class Diagram 57
Figure 12.0 Entity-Relationship Diagram 65
Figure 13.0 Login Sequence Diagram 66
Figure 14.0 Dashboard Sequence Diagram 66
Figure 15.0 Catalogue Sequence Diagram 67
Figure 16.0 Borrowers Sequence Diagram 68
Figure 17.0 Book Issuance Sequence Diagram 69
Figure 18.0 Return Book Sequence Diagram 70
Figure 19.0 Books Sequence Diagram 71
Figure 20.0 Reports Sequence Diagram 72
Figure 21.0 Access Role Sequence Diagram 73
Figure 22.0 User Accounts Sequence Diagram 74
Figure 23.0 Book Classification Sequence Diagram 75
Figure 24.0 Login Interface 76
Figure 25.0 Dashboard Interface 76
Figure 26.0 Catalogue Interface 77
Figure 27.0 Borrowers Interface 77
Figure 28.0 Borrowers Interface – Add New Borrower 78
Figure 29.0 Borrowers Interface – Deactivate Borrower 78
Borrowers Interface - Borrower's Information and Borrowing
Figure 30.0 79
Figure 31.0 Book Issuance Interface 79
Figure 32.0 Book Issuance Interface – Search Borrower 80
Figure 33.0 Book Issuance Interface – Search Books to Borrow 80

Figure 34.0 Book Issuance Interface – Submit Books Issuance Transaction 81

Figure 35.0 Return Book Interface 81

Figure 36.0 Return Book Interface – Search Borrowing Transaction 82
Figure 37.0 Return Book Interface – Returning 82
Figure 38.0 Books Interface 83
Figure 39.0 Books Interface - Add New Book 83
Figure 40.0 Books Interface - Deactivate Book 84
Figure 41.0 Books Interface - Book Information and Borrower History 84
Figure 42.0 Reports Interface - Borrowing Transaction 85
Figure 43.0 Reports Interface - Library Visitors 85
Figure 44.0 Reports Interface - Borrowers 86
Figure 45.0 Reports Interface - Items 86
Figure 46.0 Reports Interface - Inventory 87
Figure 47.0 Access Role Interface 87
Figure 48.0 Access Role Interface – Add New Role 88
Figure 49.0 Access Role Interface – Deactivate Role 88
Figure 50.0 Access Rights Interface 89
Figure 51.0 User Accounts Interface 89
Figure 52.0 User Accounts Interface – Add New User Account 90
Figure 53.0 User Accounts Interface – Deactivate User Account 90
Figure 54.0 Book Classification Interface 91
Figure 55.0 In/Out Library Visitors Log Interface 91
List of Tables
Table No. Description Page
Table 1.0 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 50
Table 2.0 Access Rights 58
Table 3.0 Access Role 58
Table 4.0 Authors 59
Table 5.0 Books Borrowed 59
Table 6.0 Books 60
Table 7.0 Book Authors 61
Table 8.0 Book Classification 61
Table 9.0 Borrower’s Information 62
Table 10.0 Borrowing Transaction 63
Table 11.0 Library Users Log 63
Table 12.0 Borrowing Transaction 64
Table 13.0 Book Authors 64
Software Design Description
Library Automate

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose
This document aims to present the design and progress of Library Automate for Trinidad

Municipal College project. This further explains the description of the software system design. The

general structural designs as well as the current project status are highlighted in this report.

1.2. Scope
This document describes the system design for the Library Automate for Trinidad Municipal
College. It describes how the application will be constructed, by specifying the components to be
used, how they will be organized in relation to each other, and the general principles of the
application's internal construction:

The follow are functionalities covered by Library Automate:

 Borrower’s Information: Functionality that manages the borrower’s information.

 Book Information: Functionality that manages the book’s information
 Transactions
 Book Issuance: Functionality that processes the books borrowed
 Return Book: Functionality that processes returned books.
 Reports
 Borrowing Transactions
 Unreturned Books
 Overdue Books
 List of All Books
 Library Users Monitoring using RFID technology
 Dashboard: Summary of reports as part of librarian’s monitoring (ex. library users,
frequently used books, etc.)

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1.3. Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Term Definition
Class Diagram. Is a type of static structure diagram
that describes the structure of a system by showing
Class Diagram
the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or
methods), and the relationships among objects.
Sequence Diagram. Shows object interactions
arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and
Sequence Diagram classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of
messages exchanged between the objects needed to
carry out the functionality of the scenario.
Graphical User Interface. Is a form of user interface
that allows users to interact with electronic devices
GUI through graphical icons and visual indicators such as
secondary notation, instead of text-based user
interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation.
Database. Is an organized collection of data,
generally stored and accessed electronically from a
Database computer system. Where databases are more
complex they are often developed using formal design
and modeling techniques.
Radio Frequency Identification. Is a form of wireless
communication that incorporates the use of
RFID electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio
frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to
uniquely identify an object, animal or person.
An entity–relationship model describes interrelated
things of interest in a specific domain of knowledge. A
ER Diagram
basic ER model is composed of entity types and
specifies relationships that can exist between entities.
MySQL is an open-source relational database
management system. Its name is a combination of
MySQL "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's
daughter, and "SQL", the abbreviation for Structured
Query Language.

Table 1.0 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

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Software Design Description
Library Automate

2. References

[1] Analee E. Mayo, Public High Schools Online Library System PHOLS, February 2016

[2] S. M.Mojapelo and D. Luyanda, “Information access in high school libraries in limpopo

province,south africa,” South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, vol. 80, no. 2,

2014. Accessed 17 July 2015.

[3] ALA, “Types of libraries.” Web. Accessed 22 July


[4] By Hugh E. Williams, David Lane, Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL:

Building Effective Database, 2004

[5] RFID Technology,

[6] IEEE Std 830-1998 (Revision of IEEE Std 830-1993)

[7] IEEE Std 1058-1998 (Revision and redesignation of IEEE Std 1058.1-1987, incorporating

IEEE Std 1058-1998 and IEEE Std 1058a-1998)

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Software Design Description
Library Automate

3. System Architecture

3.1. Class Diagram

3.1.1. Login - A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions for validating user
credentials during logging in.

Figure 1.0 Login Class Diagram

3.1.2. Dashboard - A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions in retrieving data
displayed in graphical representation for a better understanding of information.

Figure 2.0 Dashboard Class Diagram

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3.1.3. Catalogue - A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions in retrieving books
specified by the user.

Figure 3.0 Catalogue Class Diagram

3.1.4. Borrowers - A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions for managing
borrowers’ information.

Figure 4.0 Borrowers Class Diagram

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3.1.5. Book Issuance – A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions in processing
books to be borrowed.

Figure 5.0 Book Issuance Class Diagram

3.1.6. Return Book – A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions in processing
returned books.

Figure 6.0 Return Book Class Diagram

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3.1.7. Books – A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions in managing books’

Figure 7.0 Books Class Diagram

3.1.8. Report – A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions in generating reports
necessary for the library.

Figure 8.0 Report Class Diagram

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3.1.9. Access Role – A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions in managing different
access roles and its access rights.

Figure 9.0 Access Role Class Diagram

3.1.10. User Account – A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions in managing the
system’s user accounts.

Figure 10.0 User Account Class Diagram

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3.1.11. Authentication - A class diagram that depicts the structure of functions in authenticating
users who logs in to the system.

Figure 11.0 Authentication Class Diagram

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4. Data Design

4.1. Data Description

4.1.1. Access Rights

Table Name: tbl_access_rights

Table Description: Table where the list of different access right is stored.
Primary Key: id
Foreign Key: None
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
id int 7 Field that holds the record number of access
accessright varchar 255 Field that holds the access right name
description varchar 255 Field that holds the access right description
category varchar 255 Field that holds the category of access right
status int 1 Field that holds the status of access right

Table 2.0 Access Rights

4.1.2. Access Roles

Table Name: tbl_access_role

Table Description: Table where the list of different access role is stored.
Primary Key: id
Foreign Key: createdby, updatedby
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
id int 6 Field that holds the access role’s record number
rolename varchar 20 Field that holds the access role name
description varchar 50 Field that holds the role description
createdby int 1 Field that holds the user id of the access role’s
datecreated datetime Field that holds the date creation of access role
updatedby int 1 Field that holds the user id of the access role’s
dateupdated datetime Field that holds the date update of access role
status int 1 Field that holds the status of user role

Table 3.0 Access Role

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4.1.3. Book Author’s Information

Table Name: tbl_authors

Table Description: Table where the list of book authors is stored.
Primary Key: id
Foreign Key: None
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
id int 7 Field that holds the author’s record id
author varchar 255 Field that holds the author’s fullname
status int 1 Field that holds the author’s status

Table 4.0 Authors

4.1.4. Books Borrowed

Table Name: tbl_books_borrowed

Table Description: Table where the list of borrowing transaction is stored.
Primary Key: id
Foreign Key: transactionid, bookid

Fieldname Data Type Length Description

id int 7 Field that holds the borrowing
transaction’s record number
transactionid varchar 11 Field that holds the borrowing
transaction number
bookid int 7 Field that holds the book’s system id
dateborrowed date Field that holds the date of the book
duedate date Field that holds the due date of the
book borrowed
datereturned date Field that holds the return date of the
book borrowed
status int 1 Field that holds status of the book

Table 5.0 Books Borrowed

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4.1.5. Books

Table Name: tbl_books

Table Description: Table where the list of books is stored.
Primary Key: id, accessionnumber
Foreign Key: classification, college, createdby, updatedby
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
id int 5 Field that holds the book’s record number
accessionnumber varchar 50 Field that holds the book’s accession number
title varchar 100 Field that holds the title of the book
category int 5 Field that holds the book’s category
cover Field that holds the book’s cover type
copyrightyear date Field that holds the book’s copyright year
publisher int 5 Field that holds the book’s publisher name
pagecount date Field that holds the book’s total number of pages
volume int 1 Field that holds the book’s volume number
edition varchar 20 Field that holds the book’s edition
acquisitiontype varchar 30 Field that holds the book’s acquisition type
remarks varchar 255 Field that holds the book’s remarks
receivedate date Field that holds the book’s date of receive
classification int 11 Field that holds the book’s classification
location varchar 255 Field that holds the book’s location
availability int 1 Field that holds the book’s availability
maxreturndays int 2 Field that holds the book’s maximum number of
days to return
isbn varchar 255 Field that holds the book’s International Standard
Book Number
barcode varchar 255 Field that holds the book’s barcode number
reserve int 1 Field that holds whether the book is tagged as
reserved or not
createdby int 1 Field that holds the book’ record creator
college varchar 3 Field that holds the department number who
requested the book
datecreated datetime Field that holds the date and time of book
record’s creation
updateby int 1 Field that holds the user id of the book record’s
dateupdated datetime Field that holds the date update of book record
status int 1 Field that holds the book status

Table 6.0 Books

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4.1.6. Book Authors

Table Name: tbl_book_author

Table Description: Table where the lists of book’s author are stored.
Primary Key: id
Foreign Key: bookid, authorid
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
Id INT 7 Field that holds the record id of book’s
bookid INT 7 Field that holds the book’s system id
Author INT 7 Field that holds the author’s system id
Status INT 1 Field that holds the book author’s record

Table 7.0 Book Authors

4.1.7. Book Classification

Table Name: tbl_book_classification

Table Description: Table where the list of book’s classification is stored.
Primary Key: id
Foreign Key: createdby, updatedby
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
id int 7 Field that holds the book classification’s
record number
classification varchar 20 Field that holds the classification number
description varchar 255 Field that holds the description of
createdby int 5 Field that holds the user id of the book
classification’s creator
datecreated datetime Field that holds the date creation of book
updatedby int Field that holds the user id of the book
classification’s editor
dateupdated datetime Field that holds the date update of book
status int Field that holds the status of book

Table 8.0 Book Classification

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4.1.8. Borrower’s Information

Table Name: tbl_borrowers_info

Table Description: Table where the list of book’s classification is stored.
Primary Key: id
Foreign Key: createdby, updatedby
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
id int 7 Field that holds the borrower’s record
borrowerid varchar 20 Field that holds the borrower’s id number
firstname varchar 100 Field that holds the borrower’s first name

middlename varchar 100 Field that holds the borrower’s middle

lastname varchar 100 Field that holds the borrowers’ last name
suffix varchar 5 Field that holds the borrower’s suffix
address varchar 255 Field that holds the borrower’s address
contactno varchar 20 Field that holds the borrower’s contact
borrowertype varchar 20 Field that holds the borrower type
idnumber varchar 9 Field that holds the id number if the
borrower type is student
createdby int 1 Field that holds the user id of the
borrower’s creator
datecreated datetime Field that holds the date creation of
updatedby int 1 Field that holds the user id of the
borrower’s editor
dateupdated datetime Field that holds the date update of
status int 1 Field that holds the status of borrower

Table 9.0 Borrower’s Information

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4.1.9. Borrowing Transaction

Table Name: tbl_borrowing_transaction

Table Description: Table where the list of borrowing transaction is stored.
Primary Key: id, transactionid
Foreign Key: borrowerid, createdby, updatedby
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
id int 7 Field that holds the borrowing
transaction’s record number
Transactionid varchar 11 Field that holds the transaction number
Borrowerid varchar 10 Field that holds the borrower’s id number

transactiondate datetime Field that holds the transaction date

createdby int 1 Field that holds the user id of the
borrowing transaction’s creator
datecreated datetime Field that holds the date creation of
borrowing transaction
updatedby int 1 Field that holds the user id of the
borrowing transaction’s editor
dateupdated datetime Field that holds the date update of
borrowing transaction
status int 1 Field that holds the status of borrowing

Table 10.0 Borrowing Transaction

4.1.10. Library Users Log

Table Name: tbl_library_users_log

Table Description: Table where the library visitor’s logs are stored.
Primary Key: id
Foreign Key: studentid
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
id int 10 Field that holds the library user log’s
record number
studentid varchar 9 Field that holds the student id number
timein datetime Field that holds the date and time of in
timeout datetime Field that holds the date and time of out

Table 11.0 Library Users Log

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4.1.11. Users

Table Name: tbl_users

Table Description: Table where the user information’s are stored.
Primary Key: id, username
Foreign Key: role, createdby, updatedby
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
id int 7 Field that holds the user’s record number
username varchar 100 Field that holds the username
password varchar 100 Field that holds the password
firstname varchar 100 Field that holds the user’s first name
middlename varchar 100 Field that holds the user’s middle name
lastname varchar 100 Field that holds the user’s last name
suffix varchar 5 Field that holds the user’s suffix
role int 2 Field that holds the user’s access role
imagename varchar 255 Field that holds the user’s image filename
createdby int 1 Field that holds the user id of the user’s
datecreated datetime Field that holds the date creation of user
updatedby int 1 Field that holds the user id of the user’s
dateupdated datetime Field that holds the date update of user
status int 1 Field that holds the status of user

Table 12.0 Borrowing Transaction

4.1.12. User Access Rights

Table Name: tbl_user_access_rights

Table Description: Table where the lists of user’s access rights are stored.
Primary Key: id
Foreign Key: accessright, accessrole
Fieldname Data Type Length Description
id INT 7 Field that holds the user’s access right record number
accessright INT 7 Field that holds the user’s access right
accessrole INT 7 Field that holds the user’s access role
Status INT 1 Field that holds the user’s access right record status

Table 13.0 Book Authors

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4.2. Entity-Relationship Diagram

Figure 12.0 Entity-Relationship Diagram

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5. Detailed Design

5.1. Login Sequence Diagram

Figure 13.0 Login Sequence Diagram

5.2. Dashboard Sequence Diagram

Figure 14.0 Dashboard Sequence Diagram

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5.3. Catalogue Sequence Diagram

Figure 15.0 Catalogue Sequence Diagram

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5.4. Borrowers Sequence Diagram

Figure 16.0 Borrowers Sequence Diagram

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5.5. Book Issuance Sequence Diagram

Figure 17.0 Book Issuance Sequence Diagram

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5.6. Return Book Sequence Diagram

Figure 18.0 Return Book Sequence Diagram

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5.7. Books Sequence Diagram

Figure 19.0 Books Sequence Diagram

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5.8. Reports Sequence Diagram

Figure 20.0 Reports Sequence Diagram

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5.9. Access Role Sequence Diagram

Figure 21.0 Access Role Sequence Diagram

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5.10. User Account Sequence Diagram

Figure 22.0 User Accounts Sequence Diagram

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5.11. Book Classification Sequence Diagram

Figure 23.0 Book Classification Sequence Diagram

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6. Human Interface Design

6.1. Module Interface

6.1.1. Login Interface
Library automate provides login page as part of security. It requires username and
password to login. If the role type is administrator, librarian, and staff, it will be redirected to
dashboard page. If role type is student or faculty, it will be redirected to catalogue page.

Figure 24.0 Login Interface

6.1.2. Dashboard Interface

Dashboard is a summary of reports represented in graphical format for a better
understanding of the users.

Figure 25.0 Dashboard Interface

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6.1.3. Catalogue Interface

Catalogue is the page where the users of the system including students and faculty can
search books throughout the Trinidad library. The user may select certain criteria in searching the
books they desire.

Figure 26.0 Catalogue Interface

6.1.4. Borrowers Interface

Borrowers’ page is intended for managing borrowers’ information. List of borrowers will be
loaded once the page displays.

Figure 27.0 Borrowers Interface

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6.1.5. Borrowers Interface – Add Borrower

This is the part of borrower’s page where the authorized users can borrower’s information.

Figure 28.0 Borrowers Interface – Add Borrower

6.1.6. Borrowers Interface – Deactivate Borrower

If the user wants to deactivate borrower’s information record, a message box will prompt as
confirmation for deactivation.

Figure 29.0 Borrowers Interface – Add Borrower

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6.1.7. Borrowers Interface – Borrower's Information and Borrowing History

Users can also view borrower’s entire information, including the books borrowed history
and library visit logs.

Figure 30.0 Borrowers Interface – Borrower's Information and Borrowing History

6.1.8. Book Issuance Interface

Book issuance page is used for processing books to borrowed inside the library.

Figure 31.0 Book Issuance Interface

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6.1.9. Book Issuance Interface – Search Borrower

Before the user selects books to borrow, user must search first for the borrower’s
information. Afterwards, click select button.

Figure 32.0 Book Issuance Interface – Search Borrower

6.1.10. Book Issuance Interface – Search Books to Borrow
After selecting borrower’s information, user can now select books to be borrowed by
student or faculty. If the borrower is a student, the system automatically computes the due date of
book to be returned base from the book’s maximum number of days to be borrowed. Also, students
are not allowed to borrow book while he/she has a pending book to return. If the borrower is
member of faculty, the user can set customized due date of return.

Figure 33.0 Book Issuance Interface – Search Books to Borrow

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6.1.11. Book Issuance Interface – Submit Book Issuance Transaction

After setting all information needed for borrowing process, user must click submit in order
for the process to become successful.

Figure 34.0 Book Issuance Interface – Submit Book Issuance Transaction

6.1.12. Return Book Interface

This is the page where books returned are processed.

Figure 35.0 Return Book Interface

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6.1.13. Return Book Interface – Search Borrowing Transaction

Transaction number is needed for the user in order to process returned book. This is the
part where the user can look for the list of active borrowing transactions waiting to be processed.

Figure 36.0 Return Book Interface – Search Borrowing Transaction

6.1.14. Return Book Interface – Returning

Once transaction number is set, borrower’s information and books borrowed will be
displayed on the page. User must select books to be returned before processing

Figure 37.0 Return Book Interface - Returning

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6.1.15. Books Interface

Books page is where the user can manage books information. All active books are loaded
once books page is loaded.

Figure 38.0 Books Interface

6.1.16. Books Interface – Add New Book

To add new book information, the must click add and a form will appear where fields for
book’s data are to be filled-in.

Figure 39.0 Books Interface – Add New Book

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6.1.17. Books Interface – Deactivate Book

If the library personnel decide to deactivate book information record, the user must click
delete icon button. If the book is about to deactivate, the user must select reason for deactivation.

Figure 40.0 Books Interface – Deactivate Book

6.1.18. Books Interface - Book Information and Borrower History

Library personnel/users can also view the entire book’s information and its list of borrowers.

Figure 41.0 Books Interface - Book Information and Borrower History

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6.1.19. Reports Interface – Borrowing Transactions

To generate reports, user must click report menu to redirect to report page. Report page
contains different reports: Borrowing Transactions, Library Visitors, Borrowers, Items, and
Inventory. For Borrowing Transactions report, the user can select unreturned and overdue status
for filtering.

Figure 42.0 Reports Interface – Borrowing Transactions

6.1.20. Reports Interface – Library Visitors

To generate list of library visitors, user can select fiscal year and semester or display all
active library visitors for filtering.

Figure 43.0 Reports Interface – Library Visitors

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6.1.21. Reports Interface – Borrowers

To generate list of borrowers, user can select most issuing borrowers or borrowers without
issue options for filtering.

Figure 44.0 Reports Interface – Borrowers

6.1.22. Reports Interface – Items

To generate list of items, user can select the following options for filtering: Frequently Used
Item, Less Issued Item, Items Not Issued, and Recently Added Items.

Figure 45.0 Reports Interface – Items

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6.1.23. Reports Interface – Inventory

To generate list of items, user can select the following options for filtering: Frequently Used
Item, Less Issued Item, Items Not Issued, and Recently Added Items.

Figure 46.0 Reports Interface – Inventory

6.1.24. Access Roles Interface

Access role page is intended for managing different access roles and setting access rights
to each access role. Different access roles are loaded once the page is loaded.

Figure 47.0 Access Roles Interface

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6.1.25. Access Roles Interface – Add New Role

To add new access role, click add new button found on access role interface.

Figure 48.0 Access Roles Interface – Add New Role

6.1.26. Access Roles Interface – Deactivate Role

System also includes deactivation feature for unwanted access role record.

Figure 49.0 Access Roles Interface – Deactivate Role

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6.1.27. Access Rights Interface

Access rights page is intended for setting authorized access for each and every access
roles in the system.

Figure 50.0 Access Rights Interface

6.1.28. User Accounts Interface

User accounts are being managed under user accounts page. All active users are
displayed once user account page is loaded.

Figure 51.0 User Accounts Interface

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6.1.29. User Accounts Interface – Add New User Account

To add new user account, click add new button on user account page and fill-in necessary
information in creating user account.

Figure 52.0 User Accounts Interface – Add New User Account

6.1.30. User Accounts Interface – Deactivate User Account

User accounts can also be deactivated by clicking delete icon button.

Figure 53.0 User Accounts Interface – Deactivate User Account

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6.1.31. Book Classification Interface

Book classification page provides the list of classification to every book in library. Book
classification page can set new book classification and can also deactivate book classification

Figure 54.0 Book Classification Interface

6.1.32. In/Out Library Visitors Log Interface

The monitoring feature of “library automate” for every library visitors uses RFID technology.
Student’s id is built from rfid and must be tapped on the rfid reader to log its date and time of visit.
In the screen, student’s information and photo will appear including the status whether it’s IN or

Figure 55.0 In/Out Library Visitors Log Interface

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