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Lunes 12-12-22

1.- What do you do if you have time? ¿Qué haces si tienes tiempo?

2.- what would you do if you were a rich person? ¿Qué harías si fueras una persona rica?

If clases => conditional: condición, si de condición

Tiempo gramatical entre las condicionales


Ire al cine => i Will go to the cinema

We will => we will study

He will => he will visit

They will => they will travel

Would=> unica function es terminar en ia( por ende en harias)

El iría (he would go)

Ellos irian (they would go)

Nosotros iríamos (we would go)

Conditional apuntan a casos hipotéticos

Todas trabajan con el if de condición

Ejemplo: i would buy a car if I were a rich person

Yo me compraria si fuese una persona rica

Invertido: If I were a rich person, I would buy a car

Si fuera una persona rica, me compraría un auto


Zero conditional Grammar structure

Presente => <= presente If + subj + verb(present o infinitivo),
Nota: parte con if va , => subj + verb + complement

1.- if you invite me, I go with you.

I go with you if you invite me

2.- if Camilo ask me, I tell him the true.

First Conditional

Presente => <= future(Will) Grammar structure

1.- if I study, I will pass. If + subj + verb(presente o
I will pass if I study. infinitivo) , => subj + will +
verb(infinitive) + complement

2.- if I save money, I will travel to usa.

I will travel to usa if I save money.

Would => jugaría, plantaria… ia

Second Conditional
Could=> podría
1.- if mary had time, she would go with US.


She would go with US if she had time.


Grammar structure
2.- I would work harder if I got a better sacary
If + subj + verb past +
If I got a better sacary, I would work harder. complement , => subt + would o
could + verb(infinitive) +
S hay negacion: con el did not
Third Conditional

1.- if I had studied harder, I would have passed this subject.

Si yo hubiese

I would have passed this subject, if I had studied harder.

Grammar structure

If + subj + had + verb(participle) +

complement , => subjt + would+
have + verb(participle) +

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