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Cloud Computing

NAME: Antonio Cancino, Nicolas Contreras, Javiera Valenzuela

CAREER: Computer Engineering
PROFESSOR: Luis Eduardo Reyes Fuentes
DATE: 12-09-2022
1 Introduction
In this report we will write about the different types of clouds that are in the market today... in turn
describing the implications of the clouds, explaining the impact on the use of one cloud or another, in
addition to its basic structures, adding well as their advantages and disadvantages that each of these has,
not forgetting that companies provide these clouds mentioned above.

2 What the is Cloud Computing?

Known as “the cloud” or “cloud computing”, it is a concept that refers to a new way of thinking and
offering computing services through the Internet.

In the computing cloud, what is offered are storage services, databases, and resources such as CPU, RAM
or Disk digitally, in the same way that it was done in the past in the classic VPS used in the paid Web
Hosting industry and the free hosting. The difference is that the cloud is made up of thousands of
interconnected servers that share resources, this allows it to be a fast, scalable, and fail-safe service.

3 characteristics of each
Public Cloud

The public cloud is a classification of cloud computing that refers to the service that is provided to people
at the public level, that is, Cloud services and products are offered using a cloud that is shared by all

The resources and services are managed by different companies, which are responsible for making sure
that everything works properly regarding the use of servers, energy, storage, among others.

Example of a public cloud

Provider Intranetworking with its SSD Cloud Hosting service, which provides applications, resources, and
cloud storage to all types of audiences remotely over the network.

Private Cloud

When we talk about private cloud, we refer to cloud computing environments where resources and
infrastructure are dedicated 100% to a company or corporation. Unlike the public cloud, the private cloud
offers services, resources and infrastructure dedicated only to one organization.

Example of a private cloud

the Amazon Web Services Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service.

Hybrid Cloud

There is a third type of cloud computing called hybrid cloud, this is characterized by being a mix between
the things offered by the public and private cloud.

Like the public cloud, they allow for quickly assured scalability, but they don't bring with them all the
complexity and sky-high costs involved in installing a corporate private cloud.

These types of clouds are not very complex, nor do they offer all the features of the private cloud, so they
are usually used to host simple services and applications, which do not require intelligent data
synchronization, global replications, etc.

Example of a Hybrid Cloud

Some examples of this cloud are Google Cloud, IBM Cloud and Microsoft Azure.

Community Cloud

There is a fourth type of cloud computing called "Community Cloud", which is defined as a Cloud service
that is used by organizations, companies or projects that have social, political, or cultural objectives in

It is usually installed and managed by the same organizations, so it shares certain characteristics of the
concept of private cloud, although it is called "community" because all the organizations that use it
maintain similar objectives or one equally.

Other organizations such as staff of banks or public companies can use it to maintain their services and
interests in common (security, data integrity, running investigations, etc.).

Example of a Community Cloud

Some examples of this cloud are, oneDrive, iCloud, others.

4 Types of Clouds
There are different types of clouds in the current market, among the most prominent are:

1.- Public Cloud

2.- Private Cloud

3- Hybrid Cloud

4- Community Cloud

5 Implications of each cloud

Public Cloud

advantages and disadvantages


 You will be able to access your data from any platform with Internet connection and at any time.
 It is not necessary to invest in an IT infrastructure (servers, hardware, software...).
 The maintenance, management and administration of the cloud is carried out by the provider.
 The public cloud can be combined with other cloud computing models, so you can design your
own digital storage structure according to your company's needs.
 The public cloud is flexible. You can host a small amount of data and grow as you need it.
 The public cloud service does not contemplate a contract of permanence; therefore, you can use
it for as long as you consider necessary.


 The public cloud forces you to share equipment, servers and network with other customers who
are also storing their data in that structure.
 In the public cloud the customer does not have control over the security of their data.
 The proper functioning of the servers, as well as the backups, depend on the service provider.
There is no guarantee that there will be no downtime.

Private Cloud


 If greater control is required, the administration of the private cloud can be handled by the
companies themselves, although a provider can be used if necessary.
 It can be run on the company's premises but accessed from the web. This means that all the
processes, services and applications of the IT department can be covered in one place, which
facilitates the performance of workers and their proactivity.
 There are also alternatives where companies lease data centers from a provider.
 This can generate savings in operational costs such as equipment, electricity, and maintenance

 In this type of cloud, acquisition costs may be incurred, such as for the maintenance of the
equipment, since it requires management tasks to be performed to make it work.
 Upgrades, both hardware and software in this cloud, are usually in charge of the companies to
maintain and update it whenever necessary.
 Flexibility as the need for processing increases or decreases may take a little longer, and SAP
requirements can be variable.
 The private cloud can be more expensive, but the long-term productivity savings should be taken
into account.

Hybrida Cloud


 On-demand SaaS, PaaS or IaaS.

 Possibility of scaling the platform as much as you want without investing in infrastructure.
 IT administrators can decide which data and applications are best suited for the private cloud and
which for the public cloud.


 The company's information must travel through different nodes to reach its destination, each of
them (and their channels) being a source of insecurity.
 The centralization of applications and data storage leads to interdependence of service providers.

Community Cloud:


 Integrates easily and quickly with the rest of the enterprise applications.
 Services are provided globally providing increased capacity, backups and minimizing downtime.
 Requires minimal investment and infrastructure as only a cloud platform is required, and no
software needs to be installed.
 It is automatically updated.
 The chosen application is usually available to work within hours or days.
 It favors the efficient use of energy.


 Internet access is required.

 There is a certain dependence on the providers of this type of service, relying on their technology
and operation.
 Application interfaces are constantly being modified.
 Possible server overload if the number of users is too high or if an adequate usage policy is not
6 Impact of the Cloud on companies
The impact of the Cloud is very different in each organization since it depends on the type of organization.
There will be organizations that will feel identified with the cloud and will adapt better and other
organizations that do not fit well with the cloud due to the specialty of their work.

Cloud implementation results in the disappearance of some roles and the emergence of others. The
traditional role of the CIO changes to include a more executive attitude, oriented towards a strategic
vision towards the customer. Therefore, the new CIO will be involved in the management of

Below, we will analyze the impact of the cloud by type of company:

 This type of organizations has a great future in the Cloud topic. We can highlight the following
 Various Cloud services have been designed for organizations.
 Migration management from current DPCs to a mixed Cloud architecture has to be carried out.
 IT processes will have to be redesigned to align with the new architecture.
 Cloud should be integrated into IT Governance.
 Cloud technologies should be integrated into the corporate plans of organizations.

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