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Wizard leveling guide ragnarok classic

Ragnarok online revo classic wizard leveling guide. High wizard leveling guide ragnarok classic.

Follow the main missions of history. It gives a lot of basic and work experience to level your character. Guide #2 Get to work level 10 to change the first working class from the novice. Guide #3 At base level 20, get a mercenary hunter by completing the blue mission from Payon Archer Village. A mercenary will help a lot in your first progress. Guide
#4 Reach work level 40 to change for the second working class. Guide #5 Craft only blue gears up to base level 60. At level 65, players will start receiving blue pages from Hellheim Nightmare or Book Challenge. Guide #6 A search for history requires a certain level to activate. This will be the time to grind your character. Guide No. 7 There are two
types of fighting time: 120 minutes of battle time where you can get base, EXP work and barrels. Freya fortune Blessing in which you can only get barrels. The duration of the Freya Fortune Blessing is 60 minutes and can accumulate up to 420 minutes. Freya's blessing does not gain experience as a reward. After opening Freya's fortune, it doubles
the possibility of drop of objects obtained from field monsters. Green combat time: EXP gain and product drops. Red Combat Time: No EXP but with product drops at Freya Luck Blessing. Grind is characterized with 120 minutes of battle time. There are two types of candy: Mysterious Candy (Red): After consuming candies, the battle time is consumed
twice, the rate of acquisition of the experience is doubled, and the probability of fall of the object is supplied twice. Lucky Candy (Orange): After consuming caramel, you get 30 minutes of special effect. After Freya Blessing's luck, the chances of falling objects are given twice when field monsters are defeated. First, consume the mysterious(red)
during the grind exp. When the fighting time is already 120 or red, consume lucky candy (orange) after lighting Freya's blessing. Guide \358;8 Cook and consume Claw Crab Steamed for grinding. Steam crab claw effect: HP and SP recovery every ten seconds of 60-minute duration. The mercenaries can acquire simultaneously effect. Guide #9 Fishing
and gathering herbs at Prontera West Field to get the ingredients you need to cook. Note: You can auto fishing and collecting using the auto fishing book and auto scroll collecting. Guide #10 Doing Daily. Daily are the daily missions and level activities. These daily missions consume demand tickets. Every day at 5:00 a.m. (server time), the character
request ticket is updated to the maximum. Level 30+ has a maximum of 60 tickets. Consume the number of tickets in one of the following daily missions: Forest of Mist: Consume tickets: 40. Daily limit: 1. Mode: festa. Mechanics: Find at least one key to cancel the mission with a party. If you want more exp, then you need to find more keys or clear the
entire map. The Choir Trial: The player will roll the roulette wheel to kill random monsters summoned by the Vatican. Ticket consumption: 20. Daily limit: 2. Mode: festa. Dexterity Test: Survive the mission by avoiding objects thrown at your character. Avoid red danger zones and be careful with the red warning sign. If you fail the mission, your tickets
will be returned. Ticket consumption: 10. Daily limit: 2. Mode: operation. Collection Item: Collect items by purchasing them from PNGs. Ticket consumption: 10. Daily limit: 2. Mode: relax. Monster Test: Kill monsters at your base level or higher. Ticket consumption: 20. Daily limit: 1. Mode: Skill. Note: Claims awards at NPC later. Native Bell:
Complete fishing 60 times. It can be done manually or automatically. Ticket consumption: 20. Daily limit: 1. Mode: relax. Scenario on the road: Take pictures of 5 scenes. Note: Take a photo when the focus turns green. Ticket consumption: 20. Daily limit: 2. Mode: Notes Trade legend: Trade with traders in every city within 10 minutes. You’ll be given
100,000 coins for poring. You need to buy 200,000 Poring Coins from the trade. You cannot use Kafra during trading which you must run between cities within the time limit. Shop refreshes every 3 3 on every city. The question will fail if you don't have at least 200000 Coins Poring after ten minutes. Ticket consumption: 20. Daily limit: 1. Mode:
Strategy. Baedan Training: There are five sets to complete the search. The first is to kill thirty sets of monsters. The fourth set is to talk to the NPC. The fifth set is to kill twenty sets of monsters again. The reward at the NPC. Ticket consumption: 20. Daily limit: 2. Mode: Power. In the advanced monster, you'll have to kill an elite monster. Elite's
monster has a yellow aura. Kill a MINI MVP monster. MINI MVP have a red aura and participate in the treatment of 1 MVP. Participation is counted. Ticket consumption: 20. Daily limit: 1. Mode: Power. Fountain Ball: Dance at the Fountain of Ready for fifteen minutes. You can spend more twenty tickets dancing for another fifteen minutes. Ticket
consumption: 20. Daily limit: 1. Mode: Relax. Note: Talk to NPC to get prizes later. Track down Serenity spies. Stay away and don't miss a target or buy a supicion. A warning bar indicates the vigilance of the person being followed. Hide when the target tries to look back. If there's an obsession, you can avoid it. The ticket will be returned if you
abandon the search. The ruins of Gefenia: light the ten bracier in the maze. Anyway, you need to avoid patrolling monsters. If you're out the fire is off as soon as you get back to the firing range. Watch out for the storm coming. If you die, you'll be deported to the main bracelet. Daily questions are updated on a case-by-case basis every day. It is
recommended to choose Forest of Mist or Test of Choir when available. When the number of tickets consumed each day is 60, you can receive prizes from Lucky Roulette. You have to collect five medals from your daily missions to attend a dance during the weekends. There are two daily that appear every day and do not consume tickets. Deviruchi
Rescare: Rescure Deviruchi ten times on Prontera West Field or Prontera Sud SudYou can save more Deviruchi if you have the SOS card. Cat Top: Send the necessary supplies to help Malando listen to his reputation. The reputation is used to improve your medals. Medals are funny. Tips and tricks for beginners and veterans of JeezPlayingAgain Tip; 1
There is something called server level. You can check which level the server is at by clicking on the icon right here. The severity level will tell you exactly how far it is possible to level without getting any EXP penalties. If you are below the level of the server, you will get additional EXP to help you at the fastest level. You can get up to levels 5-8 to pass
the server level. Afterwards ©, you will stack your basic experience points until © the level of separation increases. Suggestion \35; 2 There are two types of farm for cards, accessories, and doses. You can use your hunting time or your Freya226; The Blessing. Every single day you have 120-minute hunting. You can get experience points as well as
monster drops while you have hunting time. Once exhausted, you will only get one EXP per kill depending on the level of the monster and no object falls. You can also use Freyas Blessing. This buff doesn226; It gives you any point of experience but allows players to have more time for dosages, equipment and cards. You have 60 minutes of this buff
every single day and can stack up to 420 minutes. You should wait until you have 420-minute warning and use it all at the same time. That should maximize your chances of having a good drop. If you run out of both hunting time and Freyas Blessing, then Wona is not able to get any object to fall at all. No cards, no accessories, nothing. Tip Starting
from level 45, you can unlock the medals. These medals increase statistics and statistics for your mercenaries. You can get material to update the medal through the daily search of Cat Delivery or with these medal boxes. Note: only update the important ones that concern your work. If you are a tank, you should use maximum defense medals. first.
Anything else. The maximum level you can do is at level 25 for the moment. Tip #4 One of the best features about the origin of Ragnarok is the fact that there are more presets you can set for a character. The first preset for skills, stats and equipment cost 20k zeny each. And the 3rd cost is a little more. I strongly recommend that you invest in these
presets. You can freely change your construction type into anything you want without the hassle of resetting every time. This is especially useful for priests players who can go to beat the priest before and once you can unlock the preset, go to full speed. You also have 3 free resets for your stats and skills. So if you went for a build and I like it, it won’t
stress you much. You can always reset for free. And Event If you use all 3 Free Restore, the materials needed to restore your skills and stats are inexpensive. You can unlock this preset starting at level 45. Suggestion No. 5 You can find the skill check in the settings, the personal tab and these two options right here. The classic mode allows you to
place the skill wherever you click on the area. This makes it much easier to position sanctuary or Wizard AoE. Double touch control sets your abilities directly on yourself. Unless you select a party member or an enemy, it will put your abilities directly on them. So if you use the security wall, it will be thrown directly over them. If you use an AOE skill,
the Center will be placed directly on them. Every control has its pros and cons. It’s up to you to figure out which style of control works best with your job. Suggestion No. 6 You can actually save your daily search for the next day. If you start a daily search, you can that search the next day. This helps players who do not have much time not to waste
their daily missions and lose valuable points of experience. The only thing is that the search is not stacked. So if you started the search for Dancing the day before and the search for Dancing shows up again the day after. You must finish the previous one before starting again the dance search. Keep in mind that for fishing research there is a certain
amount of time you can fish per day. If you exceed that time limit, you won’t be able to fish anymore. Suggestion Monster Research is a neet feature that Gravity is placed in Ragnarok Origin. Each time you kill a certain amount of the same type monster you will increase that monster is 128;s search level. If you increase the search level, you get
points. And if you complete a series, you’ll earn more points. Whenever you increase the level of search book, you get extra stats for your character. The amount you get isn226;Â​t much but it’s better than nothing. You can unlock some special headphones to have a research book at a certain level. One of the best ways to increase your search level is
to finish your daily hunting time. Choose an area where you can kill monster quickly and efficiently. The number of monster deaths increases faster if you join other players. Even without hunting time, the killings you get from killing monsters keep going towards your research book. And at 5AM, you will be automatically teleported to your location in
the saved city. So you don’t have to worry about wasting your hunting time for the next day. Morning.
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