Important Questions For CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter 11

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Important Questions for Class 7


Chapter 11 – Transportation in Animals and Plants

Multiple Choice Questions: 1 Mark

1. The circulatory fluid in humans is

a) Blood b) Urine c) Water d) Oil

Ans: a) Blood

2. The fluid portion of the blood is called as

a) Erythrocyte b) Xylem c) Platelets d) Plasma
Ans: d) Plasma

3. The oxygen-carrying component is called

a) RBC b) WBC c) Platelets d) Plasma
Ans: a) RBC

4. The function of the platelets is

a) Transport of oxygen

b) Immunity

c) Clotting
d) Transport of carbon dioxide

Class VII Science 1

Ans: c) Clotting

5. Waste products in blood are filtered by

a) Heart b) Lungs c) Uterus d) Kidneys

Ans: d) Kidneys

6. Water carrying tissue in plants is

a) Xylem b) Phloem c) Veins d) Roots
Ans: a) Xylem

7. Food transporting tissue in plants is

a) Xylem b) Phloem c) Veins d) Roots
Ans: b) Phloem

8. Transpiration occurs through

a) Stomata b) Roots c) Lungs d) Blood

Ans: a) Stomata

9. Transpiration is a means

a) To cool plant body

b) to absorb water from soil

c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b

Class VII Science 2

Ans: c) Both a and b

10. The circulatory fluid in sponges is

a) Blood b) Urine c) Water d) Oil

Ans: c) Water

Short Answer Questions: 3 Marks

11. What is the role of blood in the body?
Ans: Blood is the body’s circulatory fluid and is in charge of transporting
substances. The following is a list of the functions of blood in our bodies:

i. Transports oxygen to all cells of the body.

ii. It removes carbon dioxide from the body’s cells.

iii. Transports nutrients to all cells of the body.

iv. Removes waste from the cells of the body.

v. Provides the body with immunity due to the presence of WBC.

vi. Helps in maintaining body temperature.

12. Explain the components of the circulatory system in humans

Ans: Heart, blood, and blood arteries make up the circulatory system in our bodies.

1. Heart: It is a muscular organ located in the centre of the chest. It is in charge

of pumping blood into blood vessels for transportation throughout the body.

2. Blood: Blood is a type of fluid tissue that transports substances throughout the
body. It is made up of plasma and blood cells. Red blood cells (erythrocytes),
white blood cells (leucocytes), and platelets are the three types of blood cells.
Each has a distinct purpose in the body.

Class VII Science 3

3. Blood Vessels: Blood is carried through these tube-like structures. Arteries,
veins, and capillaries are the three types of blood vessels.

13. How does transport occur in sponges?

Ans: Transportation in sponges occurs with the help of water. Sponges are aquatic
animals. They are always surrounded by water. They do not possess any specific
tissue or organ for transportation. Water enters their body through numerous pores
present on their body surface and helps in exchange of materials in the body along
with removal of waste.

14. What is transpiration? Explain its importance.

Ans: Evaporation of water from the aerial regions of plants, such as leaves, is known
as transpiration. It happens through tiny pores present underside of the leaf surface
known as stomata. Roles of transpiration in plants are as follows:
i. Transpiration cools down the overall temperature of the plant.

ii. Transpiration creates a suction pull which helps in absorption from soil with
help of roots.

iii. It also helps in removal of waste from plants that are dissolved in water.

15. Explain how wastes are removed from the body

Ans: Excretion is the process of removing nitrogenous wastes from the human body.
The excretory system is a specialised organ system in the human body that is
responsible for elimination. Excretory system consists of a pair of kidneys, a pair of
ureters, a urinary bladder, and a urethra. The wastes in the blood are filtered by the
kidneys, which then form urine. The ureters transfer the urine produced by each
kidney to the urinary bladder, where it is held until it can be excreted by the urethra.

Class VII Science 4

Long Answer Questions: 5 Marks
16. Explain the structure of the heart with a diagram.


The human heart is divided into four chambers. The upper two upper chambers are
known as atria and the ventricles are the two lower chambers. The heart is divided
into right and left sides. A septum separates the right and left sides completely and
prevents mixing of oxygenated blood with deoxygenated blood.
Valves separate the atria and ventricles, preventing blood from flowing backward.

17. How does transport of food and water occur in plants?

Class VII Science 5

Ans: Plants lack specialised organs and organ systems for substance transportation.
Instead they have specialised tissues for this purpose. A tissue is a collection of cells
that share a common purpose. Xylem and Phloem are two vascular tissues
responsible for transportation of water and food in plants.

● Xylem is a tissue that looks like a tube or a vessel but has no cross walls. This
is responsible for moving water from the roots to the leaves. The suction force
provided by transpiration pull is required for water movement. The loss of
water from the aerial regions of plants is known as transpiration.

● Xylem is a tissue that looks like a tube or a vessel but has no cross walls. This
is responsible for moving water from the roots to the leaves. The suction force
provided by transpiration pull is required for water movement. The loss of
water from the aerial regions of plants is known as transpiration.

18. What are blood vessels? Compare the different blood vessels.
Ans: The tubes or conduits via which blood is delivered to bodily tissues are known
as blood vessels.

Arteries Veins Capillaries

Carry blood away Collect blood from all Site of exchange of

from the heart to parts of the body and different substances
different body parts. bring it back to heart. between blood and

Carry oxygenated Carry deoxygenated Carry both

blood except blood except oxygenated and
pulmonary arteries. pulmonary veins. deoxygenated blood.

Walls: Thick Walls: Thin Walls: Thin

Valves: Absent Valves: Present Valves: Absent

Class VII Science 6

Blood Pressure is Blood Pressure is low. Blood Pressure is
high. high.

Class VII Science 7

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