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NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Release Version 1.2

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Release Version 1.2

Written by
Rob Leigh
Chapter introduction scenes by
Matthew Holland (
Artwork by
Alex Aliferov
Omercan Cirit
Stock provided by Pixabay and Unsplash
Matthew Holland, Laurens Edwards, Owen McCartney
Rhiannon Llewellyn-Leigh, John Portsmouth, Lawrence Gillies, Harris Hoin, Matt Forster,
Jeremy Pitt, Marc-André “Dhante” Pilon, Moxie Williams, “Foxy Grandpa”, Kevin McLaughlin,
Richard Kilgour, Dicebag Heroes (Nomad1.44, Mr. Robbins, WDurbin, Sam Jean, Brookiss),
Simon Helfer, and many more...

©2021 Rob Leigh. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission by the author is expressly
denied, except for the purpose of reviews.
Mention of or reference to any companies or products in these pages is not a challenge to the
trademarks or copyrights concerned.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the
products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead is purely coincidental.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Chapter 1: Overview 4 Chapter 7: Equipment 38
The Setting 5 Weapons 39
The Characters 5 Armour 42
The Game 5 Adventuring Gear 42
What is ‘gothic action’? 6 Light Sources 43
Inspirations 6 Food and Drink 44
What you Need to Play 6 Occult Oddments 44
Chapter 2: Core Rules 8 Chapter 8: Playing the game 46
Statistics 9 Resolve 47
Skills 9 Curses 48
Knacks 11 Combat 48
Chapter 3: Characters 12 Light 55
Creating a Character 13 Jury-rigging Items 55
An Example of Character Generation 14 Downtime 56
Chapter 4: Marks 16 Experience Points 57
Scarred 18 Chapter 9: Running the game 58
Haunted 20 Chapter 10: Harrowmire 62
Tainted 22 The History of Harrowmire 63
Obsessed 24 Areas of the City 64
Infested 26 Factions 71
Ravenous 28 Chapter 11: Antagonists 74
Chapter 5: Skills 30 Chapter 12: Random Tables 82
Chapter 6: Edges 34 Example Contract: Lost and Found 86

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

The Necropolis was worse than I’d imagined.

We weren’t very deep, but already I felt crushed, my breath stolen, like I was drowning in the marshes. I
wouldn’t complain any more about contracts to kill Bonerot wildlife.
After a few corners I’d stopped looking at the architecture. Every join was at a different angle to the last,
or that’s what I told myself, to kill the thought that the builders hadn’t been working entirely in the space I
thought I understood.
The others seemed fine. I think they weren’t paying enough attention.
Hektor was fascinated, no more dour than usual. Wretched was enjoying the extra space, as though these
passages were made for people with huge hives on their backs.
Tobias was agonisingly cheerful. Perhaps the Necropolis – despite the name – was one place in
Harrowmire where he wasn’t hounded by the dead.
Human dead, at least.
I stopped, my hand on my belly. It didn’t ease the tightness, nausea, or the feeling of mounting disquiet.
Of inevitability.
Dye was staring at me, lips pursed and eyes quivering as though she were supposed to be looking after
me, rather than the other way around. I gave her the slightest nod, and a smile that would convince nobody.
I had work to do. None of the others could smell the trail, especially as the quarry’s bleeding slowed. I’d
worried that he’d die before he reached the boy; now instead I might lose him.
We were all in trouble if I got us lost down here.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
When the Moon Hangs Low is a gothic action roleplaying crime run rampant, as those who remain spend their
game in which the players take on the roles of hunters: days in wild abandon and their nights in mindless fear.
people cursed with terrible fates who use their strange They have been damned by their empress, abandoned
powers to hunt down monsters. Set in Harrowmire, a by their god, and cursed by their home. Come nightfall
decaying city teetering on the edge of chaos, it is a game the citizens of Harrowmire bolt their doors, bar their
of intrigue, investigation, and combat. windows and pray for the daylight, for at night, when the
Games in When the Moon Hangs Low can cover a range moon hangs low, the monsters rule Harrowmire.
of themes. Characters may find themselves hunting
vile beasts through collapsing sewers, investigating THE CHARACTERS
gruesome murders, or even becoming involved in
In When the Moon Hangs Low, each player creates
intrigue and politics in the heart of the cursed city.
a hunter and works with the other players and the

Gamemaster to tell their story.
Hunters are individuals from across the empire who
The game is set in the city of Harrowmire; a decrepit, have had a brief, traumatic encounter with the forces
gothic city in the grip of a terrible curse. The world is of darkness. This encounter has left each hunter with
similar to our own towards the end of the Industrial a lasting mark which simultaneously grants them a
Revolution of the 1840s; new discoveries are beginning boon and a curse. A character’s boon is a useful ability
to revolutionise society but there is still an air of mystery which will help them on their quest; their curse is an
and darkness. Harrowmire is inspired by early Victorian- inescapable doom which will slowly consume them and
era London, Prague, Paris and similar cities. It is an seal their fate.
imposing and labyrinthine metropolis that reaches into Each hunter also has access to several Edges; a set of
the sky, with towering buildings linked by walkways and skills or powers that allows them to face the monsters
bridges that crisscross and overlap. Harrowmire was a of Harrowmire on an equal footing. Some Edges are
place of both incredible decadence and crushing poverty mundane in origin, whereas others appear to have more
until a series of terrible tragedies left it ruined and mired esoteric sources.
in darkness.
Once, people flocked to Harrowmire to either seek their THE GAME
fortune in the ancient necropolis beneath the city, or in
What is a typical game like? The primary themes of
search of the miraculous life-extending Bitter Sacrament.
When the Moon Hangs Low are horror, mystery, and
But now the terrible sorrow plague has ravaged the city,
combat, so most games will involve one, two or all
striking down rich and poor alike. While most victims
three of these elements in varying degrees. Hunters
simply die in agony, a small percentage are instead
seem to be drawn to each other, either by fate or simple
twisted into bloodthirsty ghouls. As if that were not
practicality, aiding each other in their quests. They often
enough, during the chaos of the plague a terrible fire
congregate at the Bastion; an abbey at the edge of
swept through Harrowmire, killing thousands and leaving
the city where they can pick up contracts from various
much of the city in ruins.
organisations within Harrowmire. These contracts can
In the face of the plague, the fire, and the inability
range from hunting the monstrous creatures that skulk
of the city militia to control the situation, Harrowmire
in the shadows of Harrowmire, to solving crimes for the
has been sealed off from the rest of the Empire. The
beleaguered city militia, or other tasks to help stabilise
mountain passes that lead to the city are now guarded
the city in the wake of the plague.
by Imperial troops under orders to stop anyone leaving.
Games of When the Moon Hangs Low can easily
Despite this some people still travel to the city, drawn
revolve around obtaining and resolving contracts, but
by stories of treasure, glory, and the Bitter Sacrament.
some Gamemasters may instead send the characters
Heedless of the dangers inside the city, the dying and
to explore other areas of the city, investigate strange
desperate come in search of a miracle. Most of them,
occurances, or perhaps even unravel the countless
however, find only death.
mysteries of the cursed city.
Inside Harrowmire the situation is dire; disease and

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

WHAT IS ‘GOTHIC ACTION’? architecture is everywhere in Harrowmire, with its soaring

towers, leering gargoyles, rambling streets and ever
The term ‘gothic action’ describes the mood and present darkness. In addition, elements of suspense,
themes which games of When the Moon Hangs Low mystery and human frailty (all common themes in
should include. It is descended from the genre of gothic traditional gothic horror) are found in the setting, and are
horror and while it shares many of the aspects of that themes that players and Gamemasters can explore as
genre, it also defies some of them as well. part of their games as well.
In traditional gothic horror there is a certain futility to
fighting the forces of darkness: the heroes are often INSPIRATIONS
helpless in the face of the supernatural. While they might
This game has been inspired by a number of other
sometimes learn enough secret lore to take the fight to
works. Most heavily it draws inspiration from the
the enemy, by and large it is a genre of weak protagonists
computer games Bloodborne by From Software and
versus powerful antagonists. Running away or cowering in
Darkest Dungeon by Red Hook Studios. It also takes notes
fear are entirely reasonable courses of action.
from the Dishonoured game series by Arkane Studios, the
In When the Moon Hangs Low the player characters
Bas-Lag Cycle novels by China Miéville, and the Berserk
are possessed of some powerful abilities and a certain
manga series by Kentaro Miura.
measure of grim resolve. When faced with the forces
of darkness they are able to hold their own and, while
they may get covered in blood and gain injuries in the
process, they are capable of defeating their opponents At a minimum you will need one or two players, plus
through guile or strength of arms. This is where the a Gamemaster. You will need a copy of this book,
‘action’ comes in. several six-sided dice (referred to herein as d6) for each
The ‘gothic’ part of the name comes from the same person, some pens or pencils, and some paper. A good
source as it does in gothic horror; from the overbearing, imagination is helpful.
brooding architecture of the gothic revival period. Such

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

“I’m in.” Tobias had slapped the contract onto the table.
Hektor’s brow furrowed as he read it. “Find and rescue a boy. No clue where he’d be.”
“I’ve heard some things that might help.”
“Of course you have. Mishka?”
I was desperate to help; I didn’t know why and I didn’t like it. I certainly didn’t want to tell the others.
Eventually I shrugged. “It’s not worth much.”
A loud scoff from the shadows broke Selena’s silence. “I’m out.”
I clenched my teeth. “Take my share.”
“Your share of ‘not much’ is even less.”
Wretched reached over the table and stabbed the contract with one armoured finger. Explanation would
have helped, but these days Wretched rarely spoke except to their “children”, the flies that constantly buzzed
around them.
A much larger fee had appeared on the contract. Amendments weren’t uncommon, but Dye had said she
couldn’t afford more. The new writing was in a much finer hand.
“I don’t like this.”
Hektor frowned at me. “You were ready to give up your share: now you can help the needy for
decent money.”
Before I could complain, the door opened. A familiar chill drifted in even before Alysska’s hat cleared the
doorway, but despite rising tension a glance from Tobias confirmed my fears.
We might need all the help we could get.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Core Rules
The core rules of When the Moon Hangs Low are Resolve is an abstract measure of a character’s
intended to be easy to learn and also help capture the willpower, mental fortitude, and spiritual strength.
action-adventure feel the game is intended to embrace. Characters use Resolve to activate Edges, but it is also
It is not a system designed to simulate real life down to lost when they confront awful creatures, or are witness
the smallest detail, but one for more pulpy action where to disturbing sights. If a character runs out of Resolve
only a few rolls are required to understand the outcome their curse will become more severe, until it completely
of a given situation. consumes them.
A character’s Resolve is equal to five plus their Intellect
STATISTICS and Presence.

All characters have three primary statistics which
describe their innate physical, mental and social abilities.
These stats are rated numerically from one to five, with While stats represent a character’s innate abilities,
the human average falling around two in each stat. Stats skills represent a character’s learned proficiencies
of five are extremely rare, and represent someone who is and knowledge.
at the peak of human achievement in that particular area.
Physique is a measure of a character’s physical SKILL LEVELS
strength, agility and general constitution. Characters with A character can have a skill at one of three levels;
a high Physique will find tasks such as climbing, combat Untrained, Trained and Mastered. All characters begin
and stealth easier than those with a lower score. with every skill as Untrained. Any character in When the
A character’s Intellect score shows a combination of Moon Hangs Low can attempt a check against any skill
their intelligence, common sense and general reasoning regardless of their proficiency, however, characters who
power, as well as governing how sharp their senses are. are trained in a skill will find it much easier to succeed.
Characters with a high Intellect will find skills such as Characters who have mastered a skill will find it easier still.
alchemy, occult knowledge and awareness easier than
those with a lower score.
Skill checks are made by rolling six-sided dice (d6), one
The Presence stat combines a character’s charisma,
for each point in the stat associated with the skill, and
empathy and force of personality. Characters with a high
counting the number of ‘successes’ rolled. When using
Presence will find skill checks relating to interaction and
an Untrained skill a success is any die that rolls a 5 or a
leadership much easier than those with a lower score.
6. If a character is Trained in a skill then a success is any
DERIVED STATS die that rolls a 4, 5 or 6. If a character has Mastered a skill
then a success is any die that rolls a 3, 4, 5 or 6. For a skill
Each character also derives three more stats from their
check to be successful the number of successes in a roll
primary statistics.
must equal or exceed the Difficulty Value (DV) set by the
Health is an abstract measure of how much damage a
Gamemaster. The number of dice rolled for a skill check
character can sustain before they start getting really hurt;
is equal to the number of points the character has in the
it represents superficial damage such as small cuts and
stat associated with that skill.
bruises. Once a character runs out of Health, they start to
If a character is using equipment that would help them,
take more lasting damage in the form of wounds.
or if certain situational effects make the task they are
A character’s Health is equal to their Physique multiplied
attempting easier, then the Gamemaster can tell them to
by eight.
add bonus dice to the roll.
Wounds are debilitating injuries that a character can
For example: Selena is creeping through an abandoned
suffer when they run out of Health. If a character sustains
house when a twisted monster lunges out of the shadows
enough wounds to fill their Wound Track, they are at
at her! Sam, Selena’s player, attempts to dodge the blow
imminent risk of dying.
using her Reflexes skill and the Gamemaster tells her the
A character’s Wound Track has a number of boxes equal DV is two. As Reflexes is a Physique skill and Selena has
to their Physique. three in that stat, Sam rolls three dice, which result in 5, 6,

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Core Rules

and 2. As Selena is Untrained in Reflexes, Sam only counts PENALTY DICE

dice that roll a 5 or 6, meaning she has a total of two Sometimes when a player character makes a skill check
successes. Selena successfully dodges the attack! the Gamemaster may ask them to add a number of

DIFFICULTY VALUES penalty dice to the roll.

Penalty dice are used to represent environmental
When making a skill check, the Gamemaster will assign
or situational effects that make a skill check harder.
a Difficulty Value (DV) based on how easy (or not) the task
Darkness, distractions, and fear are examples of factors
is. The DV indicated the number of successes a character
that may result in penalty dice.
requires for a skill check to succeed. Some example DVs
are listed below. The penalty dice should be rolled separately to the
normal skill dice when making a check, or if rolled
Task DV Example together they should use dice of a different colour to
Easy 1 A task that anyone without training differentiate them. A penalty die that results in a 5 or 6
could complete cancels out one success rolled on the normal skill dice.
Average 2 A task most people could complete There are a number of situations and actions listed in
Difficult 3 A task that would require either training this book that confer penalty dice. These will usually be
or above-average competence written as ‘add a xd6 penalty’ where x is the number of
Hard 4 A task that requires training, skill and dice rolled.
the right equipment For example: Tobias is lost deep in the catacombs without
Heroic 5 A task that is generally only possible a torch. The Gamemaster asks Tobias’s player to make a
with incredible skill DV 3 Investigation skill check to try and find his way out,
but with a 2d6 penalty due to the impenetrable darkness.
Impossible 6 A task that is pretty much beyond a
Tobias’ player rolls four dice, equal to his Intellect, for
normal human
his skill check, as well as two penalty dice. The skill dice

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Core Rules
result in 3, 5, 4, and 6; as Tobias has the Investigation first check. This can include using a piece of equipment
skill at Trained this would be three successes. However, they hadn’t used previously, enlisting the help of an ally,
the penalty dice he rolled resulted in a 4 and 6, so Tobias or taking some time to rethink their approach. In any
removes one success for a total of two successes: he fails! situation, the character can only retry a failed skill check
if the Gamemaster agrees they can.
Sometimes two characters come into conflict with each KNACKS
other when making skill checks. In these situations the
Some people are just innately better at a particular
DV of a skill check is not determined by the Gamemaster,
skill than others. Every character in When the Moon
instead the characters both make skill checks and the
Hangs Low has three knacks; these are attached to three
results are compared against each other.
separate skills at which the character naturally excels.
In most opposed skill checks there will be an active When using a skill they have a knack for, a character
character and a passive character; the active character adds two additional dice to their roll.
is the one making the skill check and the passive
For example: Tobias is investigating a grusome murder
character is the one they are trying to beat. The active
that has the militia baffled. The Gamemaster tells Tobias’s
character must equal or exceed the result of the passive
player Chris that the DV for investigating the scene is four.
character’s skill check in order to succeed. If the passive
Tobias has an Intellect of four and is also trained in the
character fails to get any successes then as long as the
Investigation skill. Luckily he also has Investigation as one
active character gets a single success they succeed.
of his knacks, granting him a extra 2d6 to the roll. Chris
If neither character gets any successes then both
rolls a total of 6d6 (4d6 for his Intellect of four, plus 2d6
characters fail.
for his knack) and counts the number of dice resulting
Combat actions are one example of opposed skill in a 4 or more. Chris rolls a 3, 4, 6, 4 and 5: a total of four
checks; when a character attacks another the attacker successes. Amid the gore, Tobias finds a vital clue to the
tries to equal or exceed the defender’s skill checks to murderer’s identity.
determine if they hit their target.
For example: Selena is trying to sneak past a militia
member guarding a murder scene. Selena’s player Sam
makes a Stealth skill check and the Gamemaster makes
the militia member’s Awareness skill check. The militia
member gets three successes and Selena gets four
successes; she manages to sneak past him successfully.

Depending on the task in question, failing a skill check
can be anything from inconvenient to life-threatening.
The results of failure are not always dangerous,
sometimes tools can be lost or broken, precious time can
be wasted or valuable ingredients can be consumed and
need to be gathered again. When a character fails a skill
check the Gamemaster must ultimately rule the effects
of the failure, but in general the lower the Difficulty Value
of the check, the less unpleasant the results of failing
should be.
Depending on the task a character may attempt to
retry a failed check, but only if they do something to
change the circumstances under which they made the

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

I made Dye walk in front as I steered her through the main bar of the Slaughtered Lamb, playing sheep
dog and giving my best toothy glares to the more covetous patrons.
It would be much later that I finally credited her with the steel she showed, first at the wall, then as I
showed her into a back room and introduced her to the others. Not to mention later.
She was naïve as well, of course. Sometimes people escorted into back rooms in the Bastion are never
heard from again.
Now there was silence, each hunter looking for value in her: for Hektor a study, for Selena a decoy, for
Tobias a distraction; for Wretched… who knew?
I’d already accepted her as pack-mate – my first – and as Alysska turned my way I laid that claim, picking
my teeth with one clawed finger. The girl was not food.
Dye seemed oblivious, the storm of scrutiny taking nothing from her curiosity. “Why do you do this?”
Most of us laughed, whether with humour, disdain, denial or shame, but there were signs. Hektor couldn’t
hide the look of exhausted determination that always drew my sympathy. Tobias absently touched his
jerkin, where he hid a small pouch close to his heart.
“We have our reasons.”
I looked again at Dye. Most of us make a show of fine living that put her dusty travelling clothes to shame,
but in her I saw a fragile innocence; clean on the inside.
“Are you sure you want to come with us?”

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Each player in When the Moon Hangs Low controls a Hancock, Malady, Morszo, Richtofen, Sardis, Schreiber,
character: a hunter who has been drawn to Harrowmire Sharpe, Talcott, Vaude, Walker, Waldron, Wrythe
by the pull of fate. It is down to each individual player to
create their character and subsequently work with the MARK
Gamemaster to tell the story of that character’s journey Each hunter has a mark; a legacy of their brush with the
through the cursed city. dark. A character’s mark grants them a boon, but also
dictates their curse. Hunters cannot change their mark
CREATING A CHARACTER after they have been created; their mark is an integral
aspect of their personality.
There are several steps to character creation; you can
do these in order (which is advised), or do them in the SPEND CHARACTER POINTS
order you choose. A typical character generation process
Character Points are used to create the core of your
can involve a lot of skipping around between the various
character; you use them to buy primary statistics and
steps, as you hone your character from a rough idea to a
skills. All characters begin with 20 Character Points
finished concept.
(CPs), which are used to buy both statistics and skills.

A WIDE AND DIVERSE EMPIRE Statistics and skills cost different amounts of CPs; see
the sections below.
When the Moon Hangs Low is set in an expansive world
heavily inspired by the Victorian empire, but it is not a Buying Primary Statistics
carbon copy of it and nor does it share the Victorian All characters start with one point in each primary
prejudices towards ethnicity, sexuality, or gender. statistic (Physique, Intellect, and Presence) for free. Adding
While it is certainly not a utopia, the empire is a diverse an additional point costs two CPs for each point added. A
nation, and players should not feel bound by any character can have a maximum of five in each statistic.
historical restrictions or expectations. Play the hunter you
want to play.
Buying Skills
Characters start as Untrained in all skills. To buy a
NAME Trained skill costs one CP; this allows a character to
A name is a good place to start with a character. While treat a die roll of 4 or more as a success when making a
a character can have any name the player desires, a few Skill check.
example names are provided below. Some characters To Master a skill costs two CP; this cost is cumulative
choose new names for themselves after they gain their with the one CP paid to already learn the Trained skills,
mark; casting off their old life by taking on a new identity. for a total of three CP to buy and then Master a skill.
Others may be black sheep, cast out of their family and Mastered skills allow a character to treat a die roll of 3 or
come to Harrowmire to seek their fortune; such people more as a success when making a skill check.
often discard their family names, or even take on a
nickname. Many hunters cling to their original names, KNACKS
hoping to retain what little remains of their old lives. Choose three skills that your character has a knack for.
Example names: Albert, Adelina, Beatrix, Carlota, When a character makes a skill check that they have a
Diana, Edward, Elsa, Elizabeth, Felix, Francois, knack for they roll an additional 2d6.
Gascoigne, Henrick, Isabel, Katherine, Leopold, Magnus,
Marianne, Monika, Oscar, Selena, Siegmund, Tomas,
Ulrike, Wolfgang Choose three Edges from the list.

Example nicknames: Hawk, Raven, Rat, Cutter, Pike,

Blade, Nightshade, Wolfsbane, Monkshood, Mist, Rain,
Once a character’s primary statistics have been
Frost, Prowler, Strider, Lightfinger, Scratch, Likewise,
finalised, you should calculate their derived stats: Health,
Butcher, Skinner, Catspaw
Wound Track, and Resolve. If a character’s primary
Example family names: Archer, Attano, Black, Baldrick,
statistics change, so do their derived stats accordingly.
Cavanagh, Dukenfeild, Drachenwald, Fairfax, Fitzgerald,

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

STARTING EQUIPMENT driven by a physical wound that inspires her to hunt down
All characters begin play with the following possessions: monsters. She notes this down on her character sheet,
along with a few notes on the Mark’s boon and curse in
• A set of common clothes
the appropriate areas.
• A leather satchel
Now Sam begins spending character points to give
• A tinderbox
Selena some actual abilities. She decides that Selena is
• A few small personal effects such as cutlery, a physically competent, reasonably intellectual, but not
coin purse, and some minor mementos of their that great in social situations. As such she spends six
former lives points to set Selena’s Physique to four, four points to set
• 200 Shillings her Intellect to three, and two points to set her Presence
Characters can spend their Shillings to purchase to two. In total Sam has spent 12 character points so far,
weapons, armour and other items of equipment. leaving her with eight still to spend.
Looking at the skill list, Sam identifies several skills she
FINAL TOUCHES thinks Selena should be good at: Athletics, Fight, Shoot,
To finalise their character as a distinct person, it may Stealth, and Awareness. Sam is building Selena as a
help some players to answer the following questions character who is good at most types of combat, fairly
about them: sneaky and agile, and is good at noticing things around
her. Each skill costs one character point, meaning she’s
Who were they before they became a hunter? spent five points so far. Sam puts a tick next to each skill
Who was your character before they became a hunter? she has just bought on her character sheet, marking
Were they a noble? A merchant? A soldier? Have they them as Trained.
abandoned their old life, or do they still cling to some
vestiges of it?


How did they gain their mark?
Every hunter gained their mark after an encounter
with the Dark. Was it a traumatic encounter? An
Athletics 
accidental one? Or did your character attempt a Fight 
misguided communion?
When did they gain their Edges? Larceny
When did your character acquire their Edges? Were
they the product of training? Or were they gained through
Shoot 
other means? Reflexes

Stealth 
CHARACTER GENERATION With three points left, Sam decides that she likes the
idea of Selena being quite mentally tough, so buys the
Sam sits down to create a character for Dan’s upcoming
Willpower skill for one character point, and then spends
game. She has already read through the rulebook and
her last two character points to increase Selena’s Stealth
has a rough idea of the character she wants to play.
to Mastered, making her even better at sneaking about.
Starting with her character’s name, Sam decides that she
She checks the ‘Mastered’ box next to the Stealth skill on
will play Selena, a tough no-nonsense character who
her character sheet.
is sneaky and dangerous. She likes the name Selena
because of its connection with the moon, and thinks that Shoot 
works well with what she has planned. Reflexes
Next Sam looks at the Marks. She is already drawn to
the Scarred Mark, as she likes the idea of Selena being
Stealth  
NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Now Sam gets to choose three skills that Selena has a customisation to Selena’s sword. This means she can
knack for. She decides that Selena is naturally good at re-roll a single damage die each round. In total Sam has
close combat, and so chooses Fight as one. Sam also spent 175 shillings, so she decides to keep the remaining
wants Selena to be incredibly good at Stealth, so she 25 shillings. She notes down Selena’s gear on her
chooses that skill as her second knack. Now Selena will character sheet.
roll a total of six dice, and count any that result in a 3 or Finally Selena is almost ready to play. To finish up, Sam
more as a success! looks at the questions about her character.

Shoot  Who was Selena before she became a hunter?

Sam thinks Selena was a soldier in the imperial army,
explaining her skill with blades and guns. Perhaps she
Stealth    was a scout, ranging ahead of the army, which would
explain her skill at stealth.
Finally Sam decides to choose Intimidate as her last
How did she gain her mark? As she thinks about Selena
knack. While Selena isn’t skilled at intimidation, she has
as a soldier, this answers the next question. While on
a natural flare for it. Sam checks each of the knack boxes
patrol with her squad, Selena encountered some kind of
next to her chosen skills on the character sheet.
monster which butchered her comrades and left Selena
It’s time for Sam to choose Selena’s three Edges. with a lasting, agonising scar.
Looking through the Edges chapter, she decides she
When did she gain her edges? Sam is now building a
likes the sound of Flurry, meaning Selena can make
good idea of Selena’s past in her head. While two of her
additional attacks in combat. She also chooses Mantle of
Edges are mundane in origin and possibly abilities she
Darkness, allowing Selena to become all but invisible in
always had, her Mantle of Darkness seems like something
unlit areas, adding to the idea that Selena is incredibly at
that came directly from her brush with darkness.
home in the shadows.
Sam now has a good idea of Selena’s past, how it’s
For her last edge Sam takes Inner Strength, allowing
shaped her, and possibly what her personality is like
Selena to heal some Health when injured. Sam notes
because of it. She writes down some notes on this in the
down each of these edges on her character sheet.
‘background’ section of her character sheet.
Next Sam works out Selena’s derived stats. Health is
Selena is now ready to play! She steps into the
equal to a character’s Physique times eight, so Selena
Slaughtered Lamb, looking for contracts.
has 32 Health. She has a Wound Track equal to her
Physique, four, so Sam shades in one box to indicate
this. She also has 10 Resolve, as this is her Intellect plus
her Presence plus five. Sam notes all these down.

Health 32 32
Wound Track

Resolve 10 10
For starting equipment Sam decides that Selena will
buy a sword, a pistol, some powder and shot for the
pistol, a set of leather armour, and a rope and grapnel.
All this costs a total of 140 shillings, leaving her with 60
shillings. Light is important when exploring Harrowmire,
so Sam decides to buy some Torches for 5 shillings, and
then decides to spend 30 shillings to add the Jagged

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

I felt for Tobias as he led us through Bishopsgate Sanatorium. I don’t claim to understand my mark, let alone
others, but a place of so much death and despair must be a challenge to one who can see the restless dead.
It explained his ease picking a route through the sprawling building, and why it took me three attempts to get
his attention.
“Any chance this is the right place?”
He nodded, but said nothing more. I noticed Selena nearby, cradling her arm, its bandage spotted with
dark red.
“You sense something?”
She nodded. “But nothing I’ve met before.”
Tobias paused before a doorway, letting Selena go ahead and silently checking with Wretched and Hektor.
Alysska was in front of me, while I held Dye back by the shoulder; someone had given her a club, but it might
not help much here.
The fight was over before I knew it. Wretched went first, thick armour and unfeeling flesh helping them
shrug off enemy attention. Tobias closed with someone on the left, Hektor close behind, but most of our
enemies escaped, stepping through shadows or worse. Certainly no missing children.
Alysska wanted to take it out on me.
“I would have had two of them if you kept up.”
Dye took a step forward, her arms open in conciliation that Alysska didn’t deserve. I cut her off, firmly in the
way; the razor silence lasted until Selena shouted out.
“I’ve got a live one here. A ravenous one.”

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Every hunter bears a mark: a lasting sign of their For example; a character who is Embraced by their curse
first encounter with darkness. For some their mark is will also suffer the penalties conferred by being Touched
something physical such as a wound or a scar. For others as well.
it might be something more imperceptible, but no less
traumatic and significant. WHAT MAKES A MARK?
Each mark grants the hunter who bears it a boon; Some hunters might view their mark as simply a legacy
a strange ability that will help them in their battles of whatever fateful experience opened their eyes to the
against the creatures of darkness. Simultaneously a existence of strange forces beyond the normal world.
hunter’s mark also confers a terrible curse which, as a While that is true, there is a deeper and more terrible
hunter repeatedly pits themselves against the horrors significance to marks that many are ignorant of.
of Harrowmire, will grow steadily stronger until it finally A Mark is a spiritual scar left when a person is touched,
consumes them. and changed, by the supernatural forces of darkness
Players choose which mark their hunter bears during that exist beyond the mortal world. Some people might
character creation. Hunters cannot change their mark intentionally seek out such encounters and afterwards
after they have been created: it becomes an integral (assuming they survive) become loyal adherents of the
aspect of their body and soul. darkness such as cultists, sorcerers, and other such
monsters in human guise. Hunters, however, differ in that
BOONS they are either ignorant of what they have encountered,
Some boons require concentration to use, whereas or willingly opposed to it. By luck or intent, they refuse
others are innate abilities that are always in effect. The the offer made by the darkness that would leave them in
general function of a boon is described in the individual its thrall.
description, but they are by no means the limits of Blessed with a strong resolve, hunters are able to hold
the boon: some players may come up with clever and off their curse and use the strange powers granted by it for
unexpected applications for them. their own ends. However, due to the destructive nature of
Boons are strange, mysterious and certainly not the darkness, many only succeed in staving off their curse
everyday occurrences. While hunters are accustomed for a few years at most before they finally succumb to it.
to their abilities and those of their allies, to the regular It is no coincidence that most hunters seek a noble end
people of the empire they are strange and unsettling. by pitting themselves against the nightmarish creatures
The people of Harrowmire have a slightly broader gauge found wherever the darkness is strongest.
for ‘weird’ than most people in the Empire, but even they Places such as Harrowmire.
find Marks odd and disconcerting.
What is the Darkness?
The darkness is a supernatural force that exists
Characters are always affected by the curse of
outside of normal reality. It may be a single vast
their mark, but in varying intensity depending on the entity, or a host of them; the truth is its nature is
current degree of severity of their curse. The severity so alien that humans have very little hope of truly
of a character’s curse is increased each time they understanding it.
completely run out of Resolve. A character can reduce Whatever the exact nature of the darkness, it hates
the severity of their curse by spending time between the mortal world and seeks to subvert and destroy
missions recuperating. it however it can. In places reality is thin enough that
Each degree of severity confers a separate effect: the darkness can break through, exerting its will to
some penalties are purely thematic in nature, whereas reshape the world in subtle and horrifying ways.
other effects have a direct mechanical effect. When a Some humans, and other creatures, carry traces of
curse confers a thematic effect, players are expected to the darkness within them. Even those who willingly
incorporate these into the roleplaying of their character. serve the darkness seldom realise they are little more
than its puppets.
The effects of each degree of a character’s curse are
cumulative with those that come before them.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Selena never got a good look at whatever The character was gravely injured during their
butchered her patrol and tore open her arm. encounter with the dark, leaving them with a ragged,
barely healed scar. This wound aches in the presence of
Afterwards, thinking back, all she could anything touched by the dark, granting the character a
remember was a great shadow, long teeth, and form of supernatural awareness. However, the scar will
the agonising pain as her flesh was laid open to never completely heal, and the pain it causes will slowly
the bone. twist the character, turning them cruel and savage.

She had screamed until she’d gone hoarse, BOON: DARK AWARENESS
that first morning when she’d woken up in the By taking a few moments to concentrate, the character
field hospital. The surgeons had done a good can sense any creatures touched by the dark in their
job stitching her arm back together, but even immediate presence (roughly a 20 yard radius). By
succeeding an Easy (DV 1) Awareness skill check the
the strongest drugs did nothing for the pain.
character can use the degree and quality of the ache
Even after the wound had healed and all that from their scar to determine the number of any such
remained was a long, awful scar that ran the creatures, the rough direction and distance from them,
length of her forearm, that pain stayed with her: and how closely tied to the dark they are. Due to their
a sawing, gnawing ache that caused her nerves marks, this ability can also be used to detect other
hunters, and can be used to judge how consumed by
to thrum like the strings of a violin.
their curse a particular individual might be.
No one else understood. They tutted and
tisked when she turned to drink to numb it, CURSE: WEEPING SCAR
The ache of the character’s scar surpasses physical
whispered when she lashed out at those
pain; it is a wound in their soul as much as their body.
around her because of it.
In addition the wound will occasionally break open,
There was no longer a place for her in the weeping blood in a small yet unstoppable flow for
army, they told her. minutes or even hours at a time. Never enough to cause
the character harm, but enough that such hunters often
So Selena left her commission behind, her
have bloody bandages wrapped around the area that
friends, everything she’d known. She picked bears their scar.
a direction and walked in the hopes of finding
Touched: Foul Temper
some way to ease the pain, something to keep
As the character’s curse becomes stronger their scar
her mind from the unending ache.
begins to cause them pain almost constantly. Because
Something in that pain guided her footsteps, a of this, these hunters become foul tempered and prone
clarity to it that dictated her path. It wasn’t until to snapping at even their allies in moments of weakness.
the mountains loomed ahead of her that Selena If they didn’t have a short temper before, the character
gains one now.
realised it was leading her to Harrowmire.
It was there she found the pain had a use: it Embraced: Sadistic Impulses
As the character’s curse grows ever stronger, as does
kept her sharp and focussed. It was a goad
the pain of their scar. It weeps blood almost constantly,
within her, giving her swings weight and her leaving them fatigued and sullen, and fills the character
movements purpose. with the sadistic urge to to cause pain to others.

She suffered, and so would the creatures that A character at this stage of their curse can regain 1d6
Resolve by causing suffering to another character. This
haunted the cursed city.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
can be physical or mental suffering: so long as the target
experiences significant, lasting pain the character will
feel momentarily soothed. Of course, such actions rarely
endear the character to others.

Consumed: Red Fury

As they are consumed by their curse the character
becomes a sadistic pain-fueled monster. No longer
able to separate the exquisite agony of their scar from
other sensations, the character relishes combat and the
chance to injure and kill others. However when the red
fury descends upon these hunters, their ability to discern
ally from enemy is strained.
At this degree of severity the character gains a 2d6
bonus to all close combat damage due to their furious
attacks. However, when the character enters combat
they must make a Difficult (DV 3) Willpower skill check.
If they succeed the character can control themselves
and act as normal; if they fail the character will attack the
nearest target to them; whether they are friend or foe.
The character can retry a failed skill check each round.

Lost: Berserker
When the character is lost to their curse they become
a blood-drunk berserker, driven by their unimaginable
suffering, they vanish into the winding streets of
Harrowmire, where they hunt the citizens and other
hunters alike.

“Different things
make the pain change.
Sorrowful are a dull
throb. Ghouls are like
a hot needle. Ragged,
they make my scar itch.
Sometimes, down in the
necropolis, it hurts so
much I weep.”

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

The stable boy nodded sadly to Tobias, The character died for the briefest of moments
gesturing to something on the floor at the back during their encounter with the dark, and they never
fully returned to the land of the living. Now they can
of the shed. The hunter shook his head at the
perceive the silent ghosts of the restless dead which can
boy, trying to concentrate on what the two sometimes lend them aid. However, their ab-dead state
militia constables were telling him. Something can often make them seem more like a walking corpse
about the innkeeper seeing a shadow last night, and less like a vital, living human.
and hearing screams. Distressingly usual stuff,
for Harrowmire.
The character is constantly aware of the shades of
The youth, his pale face hidden in the the dead, which drift silently through the mortal realm
shadows of the dank wooden shack, waved invisible to the majority of people. These ghosts can
sometimes aid the character in their investigations by
again, this time more urgently.
gesturing mutely to secrets they might otherwise miss.
Tobias turned away from him, nodding to the
By succeeding an Occult skill check the player may ask
militia woman talking to him. He couldn’t ignore the Gamemaster for hints or clues to certain situations.
it though. There is no guarantee the spirits may be able to help in
With a sigh he held up a hand to stop the all situations, however.

rambling story and turned to step into the CURSE: AB-DEAD

darkened stable. The character is no longer truly alive, and is very aware
Tobias knelt, brushing aside the filthy straw to that they are not quite the person they once were.
They have lost something in their return from death;
examine whatever he was being directed to.
something hard to define but deeply important. Such
“What is this?” He asked, looking up at the hunters are often quiet and dour, and others find there to
boy. The shade, like all who came to him, was be something subtly strange about them.
insubstantial and still marked by the wounds
Touched: Cold skin
that had killed him. The ghost shrugged
The character’s skin becomes noticeably pale and
and held up a hand, then mimed dropping cold to the touch, like that of a corpse. They may find
something. He pointed back at the entrance themselves the recipients of strange looks in the street.
of the shed, where the two constables stood Additionally they seem to leech warmth from anyone they
come into physical contact with; not enough to cause
watching Tobias.
harm but more than enough to unsettle and disturb.
“The killer dropped this?” The boy nodded.
Tobias sighed. “My thanks, child. Be at peace.” Embraced: Drawn to Death
The clamour of the living world begins to irk the
He picked up the object and walked back
character. Other people seem too noisy and loud, and
towards the constables, who were watching
the character’s interest in the mortal world begins to
him dubiously. fade. The quiet company of the dead becomes relaxing
“Find something?” One asked, her eyes to the character.

darting between the hunter and the dark A character at this stage of their curse can regain
1d6 Resolve by resting for at least an hour in a coffin,
interior of the shed.
graveyard, or other place close to the dead. Many people
“Yes.” Said Tobias, holding out the bloody knife, take a dim view of such actions, the churchwardens
“It wasn’t a ghoul that did this.” especially. Some people may believe the character is

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
actually dead, should they encounter them during such
a rest.

Consumed: Hurt by Sunlight

The character’s ab-dead nature is now fully ascendant:
their skin is ice-cold to the touch, and they begin to
exude the damp-earth smell of the grave even when
they have washed. Worse still, the character discovers
that sunlight now burns their skin unless they take pains
to wrap themselves in thick clothing, or only
come out at night.
At this degree of severity the character gains a
2d6 bonus to any Stealth skill checks due to their
natural affinity for the dark. If the character’s
flesh is exposed to
sunlight, they will take
2d6 damage per round
which ignores any
armour they are wearing.

Lost: Abomination
When the character is lost to their curse they become
an ab-dead abomination. With skin like alabaster, they
exude a numbing cold and are driven by inhuman
desires. Most such hunters vanish into the
crypts beneath the city.

“You get used to

it, eventually. It’s
comforting, in a way.
You never feel alone.
Although some of
them... sometimes
some peace would
be nice.”

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Mishka should have realised it wasn’t a normal The character’s encounter with the dark left them
wolf from the very beginning. spiritually tainted by it. Something dark resides
within them now; a bestial presence that threatens
No common animal avoided traps to overwhelm them in times of stress. However this
so meticulously. Or left poisoned bait presence also grants the character strange, animalistic
untouched while taking the rest. Or killed so abilities. Should they succumb to their curse, they will
indiscriminately and violently. transform into something no longer human.

But Mishka had been confident. She was the BOON: HEIGHTENED SENSES
best trapper in the region and the village had The character has incredibly sharp senses of hearing,
paid her handsomely to kill the beast that had sight, and smell: more like the senses of an animal than
been terrorising them. a normal human. Using these senses a character could
potentially track another person by smell alone, hear a
Soon though, she began to wonder who was whispered conversation from across a room, or be able
hunting who. to discern the details of someone otherwise hidden in
Only two of the villagers had been brave shadow. Gamemasters may ask for skill checks when
using these senses, but generally they allow a character
enough to come with her. The beast took one
to notice more than a normal human would be able to.
of them on the first night, dragging him off of
his bedroll without making a sound. The other it CURSE: SAVAGE DESIRES
killed in front of her, tearing out his throat even The character is tormented by savage, animalistic desires
after Mishka put two shots into its shaggy hide. thanks to the bestial presence within them. They are
constantly at war with a nameless spectre within them,
When it turned to look at her, Mishka had which tempts and cajoles them to give in to its impulses.
stood stunned, her rifle forgotten. She had seen Such hunters are often seen muttering to themselves, or
such intelligence in its red eyes, and also such grimacing as they struggle to control an impulse.
malevolent hatred. Touched: Feral Impulses
That was when she realised it was something As the character’s curse gains strength so does
beyond her experience. the animal presence within them. When confronted
with blood and raw meat, the character will become
The next night, when it came for her, Mishka
distracted and hungry. At other times they will find
was ready for it and laid a trap. themselves snarling, adopting a stooped posture, or
Perched in a tree, her skin numbed by the even forgetting how to speak for a few moments.
cold, she watched as the wolf lowered its head Embraced: Wild Hunt
to lap at a pool of her blood she’d left as a lure. At this stage the character’s curse has an even stronger
That was when she leapt down on top of it and grip on their mind. Some hunters embrace this change,
drove her sword through it’s back. allowing them to regain strength by unleashing the
savage animal spirit within them for a short while.
Even as it died it tried to kill her, whirling
A character at this stage of their curse can regain 1d6
around and sinking its fangs deep into her arm,
Resolve by allowing the spiritual presence within them to
and in that moment Mishka felt something take over their body. The character will awake an hour or
enter her, as its blood flowed into her wounds. so later, with only fleeting memories of what happened
Something dark and terrible. in the meantime: sensations of running wild, sprinting on
all fours, howling at the moon. Occasionally such hunters

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
awake feeling ominously full, with blood on their hands...

Consumed: Physical Transformation

“I can hear the
With their curse now almost fully manifest, the
character begins to undergo a physical transformation. cockroaches scuttling in
These changes are subtle but horrifying; fingernails
become long and thick, ears become slightly pointed,
the walls. I can taste the
teeth lengthen into fangs, and the hunter’s posture sweat on the people in
becomes stooped and feral.
At this degree of severity the character gains a 2d6
the market. I can smell
bonus to any Intimidation skill checks due to their new their fear when they see
bestial appearance. However unless the character
takes pains to hide themselves (such as in concealing my teeth.”
clothing, or with swathes of bandages) they are likely to
cause horror and fear in normal humans. Such
characters may find themselves chased by
mobs or the churchwardens if they are not
too careful.

Lost: Monster
When the character is lost to their
curse they become completely
enthralled by the animal spirit within
them. Unable to speak, or even think
like a human any longer, they vanish
into the depths of Harrowmire.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

“None of this bothers you, does it?” Some hunters are not repulsed by their encounter with
the darkness; they are enamoured by it. These individuals
Hektor looked across at the nun, puzzled for
are drawn to places they might encounter the dark
a moment. once again, that they might learn more. While this dark
“What?” obsession makes them less prone to fear than others, it
also threatens to completely overwhelm them and turn
“This.” A pale hand waved at the arcane runes
them into a willing acolyte.
and scattered bones. “This is not normal,
Hektor. But you don’t bat an eye. You just make BOON: RESISTANT TO FEAR
your notes.” The character is more resistant to the horrors they face
than others. The character loses one less Resolve then
Hektor shook his head sadly. People like
they normally would when they fail a Willpower skill
Elena would never understand. check in response to encountering a disturbing situation.
He looked back at the scene before him. If this reduces the Resolve loss to 0, the character loses
The splatter of the blood among the bones, no Resolve.

was it intentional or accidental? Was there CURSE: DARK OBSESSION

significance in the placement of the bones? The character is driven by their perilous desire to learn
He quickly sketched the runes in his notebook, more about the creatures of the dark. Where others hunt
watching with fascination as they writhed on these creatures to put an end to them; the character
the page, just as they did on the floorboards of does so in order to learn about them. Such hunters often
spend too long staring at the corpses of the creatures
the dusty attic. Incredible.
they slay, or can be seen making notes in their journals
“So, what do you think?” Elena asked, when they think no one is looking.
clutching her symbol of Saint Baalius to her
Touched: Unsettling Interest
breast as she stepped careful around the room
As their curse takes hold the character finds it harder
to join him. and harder to hide their strange interest in death,
“Hmm?” He had been lost in examining the darkness and other subjects that unsettle others. They
angle the shadows from the high window sometimes offhandedly make comments that cause
others discomfort, or find themselves idly collecting
made as they fell across a glistening pink-
‘samples’ that cause repulsion and concern.
tinged femur on the floor. Hektor shook
himself and peered owlishly at the woman Embraced: Occult Omens
With their curse now gathering strength the character
next to him. “Think? About what”?
begins to see occult omens in everyday life. They might
“This!” Elena gestured angrily at the garret find significance in the way shards of broken glass lay in
around them, a flush returning to her the street, or in the pattern a swarm of bats form as they
previously-pale features. fly overhead. They often become obsessed with these
omens, to the point that they have difficulty noticing the
“I think you have yourself a problem.” Said
world around them.
Hektor, closing his notebook with a snap.
A character at this stage of their curse can regain 1d6
“These bones are not from some looted crypt. Resolve by studying the omens they see. These periods
They’re freshly flensed. And there are three of study take an hour, during which time the character
femurs, meaning there are two victims here. feverishly scribbles notes, stares at spiderwebs, animal
You have a killer in the abbey.” entrails, or whatever other strange omens they see.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
These periods are deeply unsettling to observers, and
could even be mistaken for witchcraft.

Consumed: Nightmare Visions

As they are consumed by their curse the character’s
dreams become filled with dire visions and horrific
nightmares. Regular sleep is a thing of the past, as the
character wakes every night screaming. Many such
hunters turn to drink or drugs to help them sleep each
night, leaving them haggard and drawn.
At this degree of severity the character gains a 2d6
bonus to any Occult skill checks due to the strange
visions they see in their dreams. However,
due to their nightmares the Recuperate
downtime action only restores half of their
Resolve, rather than all of it.

Lost: Disciple
When the character is lost to their curse they
become a willing devotee of darkness. Some turn
on the citizens of Harrowmire, sacrificing them to the
darkness or carving them up to read the future in their
still-twitching entrails. Others vanish into the catacombs
on their own dark missions.

“The fact that most

people scream when
faced with such
opportunity for learning
tires me. There is so
much we can learn, if
only we could suspend
the irrational animal
parts of our brains.”

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

When Wretched was a child, they had loved to Infested hunters are strange indeed: their encounter
with the dark changed their very flesh, riddling them
keep caterpillars in a glass jar on their windowsill.
with countless vermin that have made a hive deep within
They had been fascinated by the their body. Due to the crawling, biting creatures that now
transformation the creatures underwent, from call their body home, the character is inured to pain, and
wounds that would incapacitate others seem trivial to
wriggling green grub, to brown chrysalis, to
them. As their curse deepens, however, the unnatural
beautiful butterfly. vermin consume ever more of the character’s body.
Wretched had felt that they had undergone
their own transformation, over the course
The character is tougher than others thanks to their
of their life, from a poor child who collected unnatural pain tolerance. The character has an AV of
insects, to a mercenary soldier, and finally to a 2 when unarmoured, and when wearing armour they
hunter. Perhaps they would eventually end up increase the AV of the armour by 1. Attacks that ignore or
reduce armour also affect this natural AV as they would
as a beautiful butterfly.
other armour.
Probably not.
Wretched realised there was something
changing in them. Had been changing for a COMPANIONS
long time. They were not so inattentive that Whether the vermin that infest them take the form
of flies, wasps, maggots, or even rats, the character is
they didn’t realise others shied away from them
constantly followed by a number of these creatures. The
because of what they’d become. character rarely seems perturbed by these unpleasant
And because of the children. companions, much to the distress of others. Such hunters
sometimes take pains to disguise their infestation,
They swarmed around Wretched all the whereas others see no shame in it and treat the vermin
time now, the children. Made nests in their as pets.
clothes and skin, chewed at their nerves Touched: Deadened Sensation
until they felt nothing. With the character’s curse increasing the vermin’s
Wretched didn’t begrudge them, it was all part progress numbs their flesh even further. Hunters at
this stage might pick up a hot pan from a fire, heedless
of the transformation.
of the minor burn it causes them, or absentmindedly
They still wore the armour from their days slice themselves while sharpening a blade. The skin of
as a mercenary, but now their own skin was these characters is notably scarred and toughened from
numerous small injuries.
armoured as well, thanks to the children. And
blows no longer carried the same sting even Embraced: Abhorrent Ministrations
when they pierced Wretched’s flesh. At this stage of their curse the character becomes even
more enamoured of their tiny pets, doting on them as if
Whatever it was the children were turning they were precious children rather than seething vermin.
them into, for now at least Wretched would use A character at this stage of their curse can regain 1d6
their gifts to help as many people as possible. Resolve by spending time ministering to the vermin;
feeding them, talking to them, and even offering them
Regardless of what people thought of them,
new nests within their own body. Witnessing this
Wretched knew what they were inside.
NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
eccentric behaviour is deeply disturbing to most people.

Consumed: Living Hive

As their curse reaches its peak the character becomes
bloated and hunched as the vermin create a great hive
within them. Scores of the creatures constantly swarm
and crawl around the character, and their flesh becomes
deadened to all but the most traumatic of injuries.
At this degree of severity the character gains a 2d6
bonus to any Fortitude skill checks due to their bloated
physique. Due to their hideous appearance and the
swarms of vermin that now accompany them, these
hunters find social interaction difficult indeed. The
character adds a 1d6 penalty to all Animal Handling,
Bluff, and Charm skills checks.

Lost: Chrysalis
When the character is lost to their curse they
disappear into a back alley, abandoned house,
or other secluded place where they turn into a
strange, bloated chrysalis. The churchwardens
and militia burn such ominous pupa whenever
they find them, for fear of whatever monstrosity
would emerge if left to hatch.

“My skin may be

warped, but it is
tough. Scars upon
scars, carefully
minded by my little

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

It was boredom, ultimately, that led Alysska to During their brush with darkness the character was
attempt the communion. cursed with an insatiable hunger that constantly gnaws
at their self-control. With this hunger comes an inhuman
Life as the daughter of a rich noble wasn’t all it metabolism, allowing the character to quickly recover
was cracked up to be. She wanted for nothing, from physical injuries. Should they succumb to their
and because of that, she wanted nothing. curse, however, the character’s hunger will become all
Wine, women, drugs: Alysska lived a life of consuming and monstrous.

bored excess until that fateful night when she’d BOON: REGENERATION
overheard a whispered conversation at a party in The character has incredible powers of natural
the city. Secrets, such as she’d never imagined; regeneration; minor injuries heal almost instantly, and
things beyond the veil, the descriptions of which even severe wounds knit closed in a matter of hours.
The character can use this ability once per scene to
delighted and enthralled her.
regain either 1d6 Health or remove 1 wound from their
After that, it had become an all-consuming Wound Track.
desire. She’d made contacts, bought books,
used her father’s money to travel to far-flung CURSE: INSATIABLE HUNGER
The character is cursed with an unending, gnawing
parts of the empire seeking knowledge.
hunger regardless of how much food they consume.
Slowly Alysska came to understand what Even while on a contract these hunters are almost
those whispers had been about, and she had constantly eating, whether chewing on strip after strip of
begun to plan for the communion. dried meat, or stuffing handfuls of nuts and seeds into
their mouths during quiet moments.
Sacrifices were needed, of course, that part
all the stories agreed on. Flesh was best, living Touched: Extreme Omnivore
was preferred. Human was advisable. Anything organic begins to look like food to the
character, even substances that would normally
Alysska hadn’t had much trouble luring a
be unpalatable. Rotten food, old leather, scraps of
girl from the village up to the house on a dark parchment, stagnant water, rancid milk: all become just
night, plying her with both words and wine until as tempting as a home cooked meal. The character
she lay insensible amid the red-painted runes doesn’t become immune to the effects of eating such
unpleasant fare, however, and they feel no more sated by
and wisps of curling incense.
their new diet than regular food.
But when the creature had come, it wasn’t what
the stories had described. No rapturous choirs Embraced: Awful Feast
When the character’s curse reaches this degree of
sang, no shining lights appeared. What tore itself
severity they find their hunger expanding in a new and
into reality before her was indescribable in its disturbing direction: raw meat. Some hunters resist this
awfulness, brutality, and hunger. new urge, whereas others become slaves to it.

That hunger was its gift to her, it seemed. A character at this stage of their curse can regain
1d6 Resolve by consuming a huge meal of uncooked,
Curiously, it left the girl unharmed. Curious, bloody flesh which they devour in a savage, disgusting
that was, until that new hunger awoke in manner. The meat can be from any source, but it must
be uncooked and reasonably fresh. Suffice to say, anyone
Alysska. Then she understood. The girl wasn’t a
who witnesses the character engaging in such a feast is
sacrifice for the one that had come. likely to be horrified, and perhaps even run for the militia
She was one for her. or churchwardens.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Consumed: Thirsting Aura
As they are consumed by their curse the character’s
hunger transcends a physical need and they begin to
radiate an aura of pure entropy, sapping the life force of
others nearby. Small plants and animals wither and die
in their presence, and other people feel sick and weak
when near them.
At this degree of severity the character inflicts 1d6
damage on every living creature within 5 yards once
every hour. The character can suppress this aura by
concentrating. In normal situations this is a simple
task, but if they are attacked, surprised, or subject
to something that would break their concentration,
they must make a Difficult (DV 3) Willpower check to
keep the aura suppressed. Damage caused by the aura
takes the form of gradual wasting.

Lost: Leech
When the character is lost to their curse they
become an abominable flesh-eating monster. A slave
to their awful hunger, they prey on the people of
Harrowmire mercilessly. Many are hunted down by their
former compatriots, but not before they leave countless
dead in their wake.

“White pepper, pinch

of salt, paprika. Black
vinegar for flavour, but
not too much. Don’t
want to ruin the natural
gameyness. Stop
wriggling, would you?”

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

We were silent until the Bishopsgate. From the sanatorium attackers, we’d kept a mask, a horrible brass
thing like those of churchwardens but somehow worse, and a key to match.
None of us had heard of church agents with marks, but now we had met them, and they us. It was only
Alysska’s private audience with the hostage that pointed us to a Necropolis entrance in New City.
The hostage didn’t survive, but Alysska looked sated. Perhaps that was good news for Dye.
Now we had a covered wagon, half hired and half stolen, queueing for the gate. Our plan was to play it by
ear; nobody cared that I thought it was a terrible idea.
The guards stopped us, peering into the darkness that hid the less human among us. Hektor launched
into a story about our shipment of valuable and perishable goods for the New City market, and nobody
was buying it.
Something large shuffled next to me. Wretched was manoeuvring into the middle of the cart, where they
might be a vague silhouette to the guards.
“Hektor, that’s enough.” The voice was at once mellifluous and jarring, the accent unplaceable but the
authority unmistakable. “Guards, you will forgive our ruse, but I represent Lord Borgo’s interests throughout
the lower city, where I must unfortunately spend much of my time. If you do not let me return for my Bitter
Sacrament, my uncle will hear of it very soon.”
We were waved through in a hurry. I didn’t know what to say, but Wretched had gone back to chattering
quietly to their children.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Skills represent a character’s learned attributes and a hidden passageway beyond. Had they failed they would
innate aptitudes. When a character wants to perform have had to find something to help them smash the wall.
a certain action, they make a skill check. Each skill is
associated with one of the three stats; Physique, Intellect,
or Presence. The number a character has in the related The Larcey skill is used for tasks involving manual
stat determines how many dice the player rolls when dexterity and feats of sleight-of-hand. A character might
making a skill check. The level the character has in the use the larceny skill to pick a lock, palm a card, or pick
skill determines the number on each dice that counts as another character’s pocket. This skill is often opposed by
a success. another character’s Awareness skill.
Example: Selena knows Sister Bethany is carrying the key
PHYSIQUE SKILLS she needs to get into the church cellar. Brushing past her
in the street, she tries to pick the sister’s pocket. Selena
makes a Larceny skill check, while the Gamemaster makes
The athletics skill covers various feats of physical
an Awareness skill check for Bethany. Selena gets more
exertion, agility, and movement. A character might use
successes than Bethany and steals the key without being
the Athletics skill to climb a wall, jump between rooftops,
noticed. Had she failed, Bethany might have realised what
swim against a current, or run away from enemies.
was happening!
Example: Tobias is chasing a hooded figure across the
nighttime rooftops of the Shambles. The Gamemaster tells Shoot
him that to keep up with the figure is an Average Athletics The shoot skill is used when a character makes a
skill check. Tobias rolls his dice and succeeds; he keeps ranged attack with weapons such as pistols, rifles,
pace with the figure. Had he failed, he might have fallen crossbows and throwing knives. It could also be used in
behind, or even slipped and injured himself. situations where a character’s hand-eye coordination is
important, such as throwing a grappling hook.
Example: Alysska fires her pistol at a charging ghoul.
The fight skill represents a character’s ability in close-
She makes her Shoot skill check, and the Gamemaster
combat, whether with weapons such as knives, swords,
makes a Reflexes skill check for the ghoul. The ghoul beats
and clubs, or simply with their fists and feet. It is also
Alysska’s roll, and dodges the shot. Alysska draws her
used to defend against such attacks, allowing a character
cleaver and braces herself...
to parry or counter incoming blows.
Example: Mishka is ambushed by two sorrowful. One Reflexes
of them lunges at her with a rusty hatchet, and Mishka The Reflexes skill is a measure of how quick your
raises her sword to parry. She rolls her dice and gets two character’s reactions are. This skill is used to dodge
successes, but the attacker gets three! The hatchet chops attacks in combat. A character can also use the Reflexes
into her arm. skill to dodge hazards such as falling debris or explosions.
Example: Snooping through a gang hideout, Hektor
accidentally triggers a boobytrap. The Gamemaster tells
Fortitude represents a character’s ability to perform
Hektor to make a Hard Reflexes skill check. Hektor rolls his
feats of raw strength and also resist physical hardships
dice and manages to succeed, throwing himself aside at the
such as fatigue, pain and exhaustion. A character might
last moment. Had he failed, the trap would have certainly
make a fortitude skill check to break down a locked door,
injured him.
lift a heavy piece of rubble, or to stay awake after several
days of no rest. Stealth
Example: Wretched is exploring a ruined house when they The stealth skill is used when a character wishes to
hear a strange noise inside a wall. They try to break through avoid detection by others. A character might use the
the rotten plaster, which the Gamemaster tells them is an skill to move quietly down a hallway, hide in a darkened
Easy Fortitude skill check. Wretched rolls their dice and gets corner, or even ambush an opponent. This skill is often
two successes, enough to bash a hole in the wall and reveal opposed by another character’s Awareness skill.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Example: Selena is listening in to a conversation in the Education

Slaughtered Lamb. One of the targets looks up, and the The education skill covers a variety of learned and
Gamemaster asks Selena to make a Stealth skill check to acquired knowledge such as history, geography, and
remain unnoticed. Selena rolls her dice, opposed by the local information. A character might use this skill to
other character’s Awareness skill. She fails, and is forced to remember a specific fact, understand the significance of
flee as the targets begin chasing her. a clue, or comprehend an archaic map.

INTELLECT SKILLS Example: In a hidden shrine Alysska finds an inscription

referencing an obscure imperial saint. The Gamemaster
Awareness asks Alysska to make a Hard Education skill check. She
Awareness covers a character’s sight, hearing, touch, rolls her dice and fails; looks like the meaning of this
smell, and other less tangible senses. A character particular passage is lost on her. Had she succeeded,
might use this skill to notice a hidden door, listen to a Alysska might have realised the inscription hinted towards
whispered conversation, or search for a hiding character. the location of a hidden relic.

Example: Mishka is searching the home of a missing Investigation

friend. The Gamemaster asks her to make an Easy
Investigation is a measure of a character’s analytical
Awareness skill check, which she succeeds. Mishka notices
abilities and attention to detail. A character might use this
the distinctive scent of gunpowder: someone was shot here!
skill to follow tracks, search an area for clues, or search a
Had she failed, Mishka would have missed this clue.
library for specific information.
Craft Example: Searching the study of a murdered cleric,
The Craft skill covers a basic knowledge of alchemy, Wretched finds a few strange leaves scattered by the
smithing, fletching, leatherworking, and even door. The Gamemaster asks them to make an Average
gunsmithing. A character might use the craft skill to jury- Investigation skill check, and Wretched succeeds. They
rig a boobytrap, carefully construct a new weapon, or recognise the leaves as Batbloom, a plant found in the
repair a broken piece of machinery. eastern parts of the Marshes. How did they get here?

Example: Trapped in the Shambles by a horde of Medical

sorrowful, Hektor attempts to brace a door with scrap
This skill covers a character’s knowledge of
timber. The Gamesmaster asks him to make an Average
anatomy, biology, and medical practices. A character
Craft skill check, and Hektor succeeds. The barricade
might use this skill to stop another from bleeding to
holds, giving him a little longer to work out a way to
death, help a character recover Health, or analyse
escape. Had he failed, Hektor might have wasted the wood
wounds on a cadaver.
he’d collected.
Example: Tobias is attempting to identify the poison
Drive used to kill a militia constable. The Gamemaster tells
This skill covers a character’s ability to drive traps, him this is an Average Medical skill check. Tobias rolls
coaches, and carts. Drive skill checks are generally his dice and succeeds, he deduces the constable was
only required when a character attempts a potentially poisoned with arsenic in his drink. Had he failed, Tobias
dangerous maneuver, such as speeding down a might have wasted valuable time, or even come to an
narrow road, ramming another vehicle, or travelling incorrect conclusion.
over difficult terrain.
Example: Tobias is driving a trap down the streets of the
The occult skill covers a character’s understanding of
New City, chased by a wagon filled with churchwardens. He
the more esoteric aspects of the world. A character might
attempts to swerve into a side-alley to lose his pursuers. The
use the occult skill to decipher ancient texts, recognise
Gamemaster tells him this is a Hard Drive skill check. Tobias
supernatural threats, or identify a mysterious artefact.
tolls his dice and fails, while he does make the turn, he also
Example: Hektor finds a shrine in the Necropolis covered
slams the trap into the wall and damages the vehicle.
in strange runes and littered with bones. He tries to
identify exactly what the shrine is dedicated to, and the

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Gamemaster asks him to make an Average Occult skill Intimidate
check. Hektor rolls his dice and fails; whatever this shrine is, Intimidation is the ability to scare and cajole others
he has never seen its like before. Had he succeeded, Hektor through physical strength, threats, or even psychological
might have been better prepared when he later encounters manipulation. A character might use intimidate to force
the cult responsible. a thug to let them pass, scare a citizen into giving up
information, or interrogate a prisoner. This skill is often
PRESENCE SKILLS opposed by another character’s Willpower skill.
Animal Handling Example: Selena knows a broker has information she
The Animal Handling skill covers a character’s ability needs. Trapping him in a dark alley, she issues a dire threat.
to understand, empathise with, and command various Selena makes an Intimidation skill check, opposed by the
animals. A character might use this skill to ride a horse, Gamemaster’s Willpower skill check. Selena succeeds and
work out why a cat is behaving strangely, or calm a the broker spills the beans.
nervous dog.
Example: Mishka finds herself locked in a barn with
The Insight skill represents a character’s empathy
a large, hungry-looking gutter boar. She tries to calm
and emotional perception. Using this skill a character
the beast long enough to find a way to escape, and the
might be able to discern the emotional state of another
Gamemaster asks her to make a Hard Animal Handling
character, or to tell if they are being lied to.
skill check. Mishka rolls, and succeeds. Keeping her voice
Example: Having talked his way into a club in the New
low, she keeps the boar placated until she finds a loose
City, Tobias ends up playing cards against several nobles.
board in the wall and wriggles through. Had she failed, the
The Gamemaster asks Tobias to make an Average Insight
animal might have decided she was lunch!
skill check to gauge his opponents. Tobias rolls his dice
Bluff and succeeds; not only does he work out who has a good
Bluff is the ability to deceive or fast-talk a target into hand and who doesn’t, he realises one of the men is
believing something that is false. A character might extremely worried by the presence of a hunter.
use bluff to talk their way past a guard, trick someone
into believing they’re a noble, or distract a character
This skill covers a character’s ability to perform in front
for a short time. This skill is often opposed by another
of others and be entertaining. A character might use
character’s Insight skill.
this skill to play an instrument, sing a song, or perform a
Example: Wretched is creeping through the back streets
complex dance.
of the New City when two churchwardens spot them and
Example: Huddled around a campfire deep in the
demand to know what they’re doing. Wretched spins an
Necropolis, Mishka tries to lighten the mood by playing
elaborate lie and the Gamemaster asks Wretched to
a flute. She makes a Perform skill check and gets no
make a Bluff skill check, opposed by the warden’s Insight.
successes: it looks like no one is impressed by her playing.
Wretched succeeds, and the two guards believe their story,
leaving them unharmed. Willpower
Charm Willpower is a measure of a character’s ability to keep
their actions their own. Willpower checks are made to
Charm is the ability to change another’s inclination
resist another character’s Intimidation and Bluff attempts,
towards them through friendly means. A character might
and also to resist losing Resolve when faced with
use charm to convince another to help them, seduce a
horrifying sights.
target, or sway a crowd with a rousing speech.
Example: Wretched faces off against a huge ghoul.
Example: Haggling in the Beast Market, Alysska tries to
The Gamemaster asks them to make a Hard Willpower
get a better deal on a new sword. The Gamemaster asks
check to avoid losing Resolve. Wretched rolls their dice
her to make a Charm skill check, which she promptly fails.
and succeeds: they stand their ground, unshaken by the
Offended by the attempt, the shopkeeper refuses to sell to
creature before them.
Alysska altogether!

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)


The masks were the same. Maybe those who evaded us before had regrouped here, with friends.
Wretched waded in, as always, Tobias and Alysska behind. I made sure to keep up this time. Tobias fired
both pistols – my ears were ringing for hours – and someone shot Selena, but she melted from view and
prepared revenge.
Hektor killed one with a strange bolt of buzzing energy, and bowled another over with a short, sharp word
in a language I’m happy not to know. I saw Alysska reach the prone one and I swear his life just faded, even
before the cleaver struck.
Everything was still; we seemed to have won. Selena snapped at Alysska but eventually let her lay hands
on that bullet wound. Wretched checked their armour. Hektor sat down, drained.
Nobody was ready when an unchecked “corpse” made a break for it, faster than any of us.
Selena cursed, but I shouted over her: “We need one alive!”
But there was nothing anyone could do. Hektor wasn’t ready for another bolt. Tobias fiddled to reload a
pistol. The cloaked churchman was almost out of sight.
Another crack of black powder. It looked like a miss – I saw where it hit the far wall – but the ricochet hit
the runner in the face. His mask broken, he looked back, blood streaming from a broken nose and a scalp
wound, then planted a bloody hand on the wall as he turned the corner.
Tobias stared at Dye, noting her sheepish look and the smoking pistol in her hand.
“How the…?”
She shrugged. “Lucky?”

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Every hunter possesses several Edges: unique abilities close combat at any point before their next turn they
that set them above the humdrum and give them the may instantly strike at their attacker. This is handled in
capability to go toe-to-toe with the horrors of the cursed the same manner as a normal close combat attack, and
city and survive. Some Edges are simply natural abilities occurs immediately after the enemy has made their
honed to an exceptional level, others are of a more attack skill check and damage roll.
occult nature, perhaps as a result of the hunter’s mark.
Many non-hunters are skeptical about such powers,
claiming they are charlatan’s tricks or that there must be The character can use this Edge if an ally within a
a rational explanation, but those who employ them rarely number of yards equal to the character’s Physique is
need such comforts; to a hunter their Edge is sometimes attacked. When used, this Edge allows the character to
all that keeps them alive. immediately move that many yards to place themselves
in the way of the attack, making the defence skill check
While a hunter may come to rely on their Edges to keep
and suffering any damage instead of the original target.
them alive they must also exercise caution; drawing on
them too often will lead a hunter feeling drained and at Expert Dodge
risk from their curse.
This Edge can be used once per combat round, and
Edges can be used as desired during a game (within the allows the character to add a 2d6 bonus to their defence
limits noted in the individual Edge descriptions below), check when they use the Dodge option.
but each time they use an Edge it costs the character
one point of Resolve. Inner Strength
This Edge can be used once per combat round, and
MUNDANE EDGES allows the character to instantly regain 2d6 Health. It
These Edges can be explained as natural aptitudes or cannot be used to remove wounds from a character’s
physical skills which a hunter has honed to incredible Wound Track.
levels. While remarkable, these Edges have rational
Quick Reload
This Edge can be used once per combat round, and
Flurry allows the character to reload a weapon without having
When the character takes the Attack action they can to use the Reload action.
use this Edge to make two attacks rather than one. The
attacks can either be made against the same target or
Focused Attack
two separate ones as long as both targets are within This Edge can be used once per combat round, and
range, and the character must roll each attack separately. allows the character to completely ignore a target’s
If the character is carrying a weapon in each hand they armour for a single attack.
can use this Edge to instead attack once with each
Trick Shot
weapon if desired. This Edge can be used to make either
This Edge can be used once per combat round, and
close combat or ranged attacks, but ranged weapons
allows the character to make a ranged attack against an
must be capable of making multiple attacks without
enemy outside of line-of-sight. The enemy must still be
being reloaded.
within range of the weapon used, but the character is
Mighty Blow able to ricochet or curve their shot to hit the target.
The character adds a 2d6 bonus to the damage roll on a
Catlike Tread
single attack. The character can choose to use this Edge
When the character uses this Edge they become
after their attack roll has been made, but before they roll
incredibly light footed. For one hour or the remainder
of the scene (whichever is shorter) the character’s
Riposte footsteps are silent, they leave no footprints regardless
The character can use this Edge at any time during of where they walk, and they can even thwart pressure-
their turn. Once used, if the character is attacked in sensitive traps.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Lucky thoughts, or even be able to resist it.

This Edge allows the character to instantly re-roll a
Healing Touch
failed skill check. The character can choose to use this
With this Edge the character can lay their hands on
Edge as soon as they fail a skill check, however the
another person and heal their wounds. Injures healed
character can only re-roll a particular skill check once,
in this manner close instantly, often leaving no scars
and the second result must be accepted, even if the
behind. When using this Edge the character must be
result is worse than the original roll.
able to touch the target, who instantly regains either 2d6
Quick Reflexes Health or heals a single wound (chosen by the character
This Edge allows a character to gain a 2d6 bonus to their using this Edge). The character can use this Edge on
initiative during combat. The character can use this Edge themselves as well as others.
at any point during combat, but the bonus is only applied
Mantle of Darkness
when they make their next initiative check. Once used
This Edge allows the character to gather darkness
the bonus remains for the rest of the combat sequence,
around them, allowing them to blend into the shadows.
providing the same bonus every time the character makes
They become easy to overlook, and eyes naturally slip
an initiative check at the start of a new round.
over their shadowy form. When used this Edge makes
OCCULT EDGES the character effectively invisible as long as they are in
an area of low light or darker and do not draw attention
Occult Edges are powers that are harder to explain.
to themselves. No skill check is required to conceal
Many hunters claim such Edges are granted to them by
themselves. They can move about slowly, but if the
one of the various saints of the empire. Others attribute
character attacks another person, talks loudly, or if the
these Edges to ancient rites, long-lost lore, or even claim
local light level is increased then the Edge immediately
they gained them at the same time as their mark.
ends. If another character is actively searching for
Night Vision the character using this Edge then a Difficult (DV 3)
This Edge grants the character the ability to see in Awareness skill check will allow them to perceive the
the dark for one hour or the remainder of the scene character. This power lasts for one hour or the rest of the
(whichever is shorter). While using this Edge the scene (whichever is sooner).
character cannot discern colour, only shades of grey, but
can otherwise see as well in total darkness as they would
This Edge allows the character to communicate with
in daylight.
rats, bats, mice, and other small vermin. The character
Illumination speaks as normal and perceives the animals responding
With this Edge the character can create a small globe of in tiny, piping voices, but to any observers the animals
gentle light that will illuminate an area. The globe of light merely make squeaking or chirping sounds as they
rests in the hand of the character, or can be willed to float normally would. While using this Edge the character can
just in front of them. The light will last for one hour or the interact with vermin as if they were sentient creatures;
remainder of the scene (whichever is shorter) and acts as they can ask them questions, request favours, or
a moderate light source with a 15 yard radius. anything else they can think of. However, the creatures
are not compelled to cooperate, and are limited by
Read Thoughts their innate intelligence; asking a rat to pick a lock will
With this Edge the character can read the surface not work, but asking it if there are humans in a nearby
thoughts of another person within line of sight. The building would. This power lasts for one hour or the rest
character will learn the immediate thoughts of their of the scene (whichever is sooner).
target (whatever is currently occupying its attention), as
potentially gaining an insight into the target’s current
Word of Rebuke
emotional state. While most people are typically unaware Using this Edge the character can stun another person
of this Edge being used, some particularly strong-willed by uttering a single harsh occult syllable. This Edge can
individuals may sense someone trying to spy on their be used in combat as a Primary action, and can be used

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
on any target within 30 yards. The target of this Edge into anything but another human; it cannot be used
must make an Average (DV 2) Willpower skill check; to transform into an animal or a ghoul, for example.
if they fail then they are knocked Prone. Even if they Clothing and equipment is unaffected by this Edge; most
succeed they are Staggered until their next turn. characters who make regular use of this Edge have
several sets of clothes handy at all times.
Hand of Thought
The effects of this Edge are usually incredibly
Using this Edge the character can push, pull, or
convincing, but a character attempting to pass
manipulate an object that they can see within 30 yards
themselves off as a specific person to someone who
using the power of their mind. This Edge allows the
knows that person should be required to make a Bluff
character to perform a single task (pulling a lever,
skill check, opposed by that character’s Awareness.
pushing a vase, snuffing out a torch) per use. The Edge
This power lasts for one hour or the rest of the scene
cannot exert enough force to injure (if used to move
(whichever is sooner).
a knife, for example), but it could be used to pull the
trigger of a firearm, or perform generally any action the Whisperings
character could accomplish with one hand.
Using this Edge the character can whisper a short
If trying to pull an item that is secured (held by another message which is carried to a target, regardless of
character, or lodged somewhere) then the character distance between the two. The target must be known to
should make a Willpower skill check, opposed by the character by name, and the message cannot be more
the other character’s Fortitude (or a DV set by the than a few sentences long. The target hears the message
Gamemaster, in the case of the item being secured by as soon as it is spoken and is aware who it is from, but is
something). Success means the character can move the otherwise unable to answer.
object. Using this power the character could pull or push
an object up to 10 yards in a single combat round. Shadowstep
With this Edge the character can step from one
Shield of Will shadow to another within line-of-sight. Travel between
With this Edge the character can surround themselves the two shadows is near-instantaneous, allowing the
with an invisible shield that turns away blows as if they character to travel distances unnaturally fast and enter
were wearing armour. When activated, this Edge grants locked rooms and other hard-to-reach areas. Those
the character an Armour Value (AV) of 10 for the duration. who possess this Edge often talk of a strange realm of
The Armour Value provided by this Edge will protect the infinite darkness and sibilant whispers, glimpsed as they
character against normal damage but also things normal step between shadows.
armour would not, such as heat, cold, and electricity. The
When using this Edge the character must be in an area of
effects of this Edge last for one minute (approximately 12
deep shadow and be able to see the target shadow they
combat rounds).
wish to step out of. Only the character using the Edge can
Faceshifter travel this way; they cannot bring anyone with them.

With this Edge the character can temporarily change Eldritch Bolt
their physical appearance. They can change their
This Edge allows the character to hurl a bolt of arcane
skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, apparent sex,
energy at a target. This Edge can be used in combat as
and any other distinguishing features. The character
a Primary action, and can be used on any target that
can choose to imitate the appearance of someone
the character can see within 30 yards. The target of this
they’ve previously met, or to create an entirely original
Edge takes 3d6 damage. The bolts of energy created
appearance. Using this Edge does not change the
by this Edge glow brightly and create a distinct noise as
character’s physical abilities or stats in any way, just
they streak through the air, meaning this Edge is far from
their outward appearance.
subtle to use.
This Edge cannot be used to greatly alter the
character’s height or weight; they must stay generally
the same basic shape. Neither can it be used to change

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)


I didn’t get us lost in the Necropolis.

The scent of blood remained even after my prey stopped bleeding, competing only with that of
Alysska’s last meal. Dismissing that – and my worry that she reminds me too much of myself – I found a
large tomb chamber.
Hektor was thrilled, but soon whined about how someone had looted it, as though his looting was more
justified. Tobias silenced him: huddled behind a bier were children, chained and gagged.
Tobias and I went to them; I got the gags off while he went to work with lockpicks. Alysska kept her
distance – perhaps she and I had an understanding, finally – while Hektor sought solace with his relic of his
favourite saint.
I turned to Dye, but she wasn’t showing the relief I’d hoped. She asked each child whether they’d seen
Nicol, describing him over and over.
Wretched examined the locks. Tobias was about to speak, then watched dumbfounded as they levered a
lock open with a sturdy length of metal. Noting his shock, they pointed at it, their voice soft like the buzz of
tiny wings:
“Pry bar.”
It was Selena who noticed the missing churchman, who now hogged the sole doorway and held a small
boy. I grabbed Dye to stop her running for her bother.
He reached into a hidden alcove, and as he glanced at the ceiling I realised that wasn’t all I’d missed.
I don’t know if I can describe what fell from the trapdoor. Give me a moment, then I’ll try.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Hunters who wish to survive the terrors of Harrowmire in parentheses in yards. A successful Average (DV
will need weapons, armour and other equipment as they 2) Reflexes check allows a character in this radius
venture into the depths of the cursed city. As they delve to throw themselves aside at the last minute, only
deeper into the catacombs they will often find gold, sustaining half damage (rounding up). In situations
treasure and other, stranger artefacts. where an explosion is inescapable (trapped in a tiny
room for example) a Gamemaster can rule there may
SHILLINGS be no roll to halve damage. The target of the weapon
The currency of the Empire —and thus Harrowmire— cannot roll to halve damage.
is the shilling. Shilling coins come in a number of Incendiary: These weapons spread burning fuel over
denominations, from small copper 1 Shilling pieces, to their target, granting a chance to set the target on fire.
the silver 5 Shilling coins known as rooks due to the Any flammable target hit by an Incendiary weapon must
heraldic raven stamped on them, to the large gold 20 make an Average (DV 2) Reflexes check or catch fire.
Shilling piece colloquially known as the crown. In most Targets set on fire will take additional damage each
parts of the empire a common labourer would earn round (see Chapter 8 for more details).
about 8 shillings for a day’s hard work, which would be
Light: These weapons can be wielded in a character’s
enough for them to purchase their day’s food, a mug or
off hand with ease, allowing a character to wield two
two of ale, and perhaps have a shilling or two left over. A
weapons at the same time with a reduced penalty.
soldier or merchant might earn as much as 12 shillings a
Multi-shot (x): Weapons with this quality can be fired
day, with an average income of 4,000 shillings a year.
a number of times equal to the number in parentheses

WEAPONS before they need to be reloaded. Reloading a weapon is

a Secondary action (see Chapter 8 for details on actions).
In the rest of the Empire weapons are rarely carried. In Parrying: Weapons with the Parrying quality grant a 1d6
Harrowmire, they are a fact of life. bonus to a character’s defence skill check while using
the Parry action.
Weapon Attributes
Reach: These weapons allow the wielder to keep their
All weapons in When the Moon Hangs Low have the
opponent from getting too close. Characters cannot use
following attributes:
the Counterattack action when fighting an opponent
Damage: This indicates the amount of damage a hit
using a weapon with the Reach quality.
from the weapon inflicts on a target. Damage is listed in
Scatter: Weapons with the Scatter quality fire a cloud
d6 (six sided dice) which are rolled and added together.
of projectiles rather than a single bullet. In close quarters
Range: Only ranged weapons have a range attribute;
these weapons are especially deadly; when fired at close
this indicates the maximum range of the weapon in
range Scatter weapons inflict +1d6 damage.
yards. Generally weapons are much more effective at
Single-shot: A weapon with the Single-shot quality
closer ranges.
must be reloaded after making an attack before it can be
Cost: How much a new example of the weapon costs,
used again. Reloading a weapon is a Secondary action
in Shillings. Weapons may be sold for more or less than
(see Chapter 8 for details on actions).
this price, depending on the item quality and where it’s
Throwing: These weapons can be thrown with a range
being sold.
of three times the thrower’s Physique in yards. Throwing
Qualities: Any special qualities the weapon has, such
weapon attacks are resolved using the Shoot skill and
as Blast or Incendiary, are listed here. See the Weapon
count as a ranged attack.
Qualities section below for specific rules.
Two-handed: These weapons are large and heavy, and
Weapon Qualities require two hands to use properly.
Some weapons have special qualities which confer their
own rules.
Blast (x): Weapons with this quality will inflict damage
on their target and also in a radius equal to the number

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Close Combat Weapons

Weapon Damage Range Cost Qualities
Dagger or knife 1d6 -- 5s Light
Bayonet 1d6 -- 10s Special
Whip 1d6 -- 20s Light, Reach
Shortsword, club, or hatchet 2d6 -- 20s Light
Swordbreaker or dueling cane 2d6 -- 30s Light, Parrying
Axe, flail, mace, or sword 3d6 -- 30s
Spear 3d6 -- 40s Reach
Glaive or halberd 4d6 -- 50s Reach, Two-handed
Battleaxe, greatsword, or warhammer 5d6 -- 60s Two-handed

CLOSE COMBAT WEAPONS Glaive or halberd: Glaives and halberds are both
Swords, axes and other melee weapons are popular long-hafted weapons with heavy blades. They are often
with hunters, as many of them possess abilities that carried by ceremonial guards, especially in the precincts
increase their strength or martial prowess. Others prefer of the church.
melee weapons due to the cramped confines of the Battleaxe, greatsword, or warhammer: These
tunnels beneath Harrowmire which mean danger could heavy two-handed weapons are difficult to use in the
be around the next corner. cramped passages of the catacombs, but even so
Dagger or knife: Small blades are a common weapon many hunters favour them due to the tremendous
in Harrowmire, from the elegant daggers carried by damage they can inflict.
duelists, to the simple knives found in the hands of thugs
and commoners.
Black powder weapons have existed in the empire
Bayonet: A long blade that can be used as a knife
for centuries, and hunters often wield them due to the
or fitted to the end of a rifle. When mounted onto a advantage offered when confronted with a pack of
rifle, it deals 2d6 damage and gains the Reach quality. ghouls. Despite their archaic nature, crossbows also
Customisations added to a bayonet are not conferred to remain popular due to their ability to fire different types
a rifle when mounted, or vice versa. of bolts.
Whip: An uncommon weapon, but one still used by a Throwing knife: Small blades weighted for throwing.
small number of eccentric hunters. Often a weapon of surprise or last resort.
Shortsword, club, or hatchet: These short, brutal Pistol crossbow: A small crossbow. Often considered an
weapons are often repurposed tools, rather than assassin’s weapon.
dedicated weapons.
Pistol: The most common black powder weapons.
Swordbreaker or dueling cane: Swordbreakers are Some pistols are lavishly engraved, whereas others are
short, heavy-bladed daggers. Dueling canes are made functional and plain.
from stout ironwood and are popular in dueling circles.
Pepperbox pistol: Named for its multiple barrels and
Both are intended to be held in the off-hand and used to
their resemblance to a pepper shaker, these pistols have
parry incoming blows.
five barrels positioned around a central axis. As they are
Axe, flail, mace, or sword: These weapons are common fired, the user revolves the next barrel into position.
across the empire and are found in a multitude of
Double pistol: The Double Pistol is a powerful
designs and styles. All of them are equally efficient at
double-barrelled pistol, often favoured by bandits and
turning living creatures into dead meat.
other thugs who enjoy the visual impact such weapons
Spear: Keeping a ghoul as far away from oneself as often have.
possible is advisable; for that reason some hunters
Crossbow: An archaic weapon, used by hunters who
employ spears designed for hunting wild boars.
cannot afford a rifle.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Ranged Combat Weapons
Weapon Damage Range Cost Qualities
Throwing knife 1d6 Thrown 10s Light, Throwing
Pistol crossbow 2d6 25 25s Light
Pistol 2d6 50 40s Light, Single-shot
Pepperbox pistol 2d6 50 80s Multi-shot (5)
Double pistol 3d6 60 60s Multi-shot (2)
Crossbow 3d6 50 40s Single-shot, Two-handed
Blunderbuss 3d6 75 70s Scatter, Single-shot, Two-handed
Firebomb 3d6 Thrown 15s Incendiary, Throwing
Rifle 4d6 100 90s Single-shot, Two-handed
Repeating rifle 4d6 100 140s Multishot (3), Two-handed
Grenade 4d6 Thrown 20s Blast (5), Throwing

Blunderbuss: A short range, powerful rifle that fires Explosive bolts: A case of bolts tipped with a small
a cloud of shot rather than a ball. Sometimes called explosive charge. These bolts can only be fired from a
a coachman’s gun, blunderbusses are devastating at full-sized crossbow and increase its damage to 4d6 with
close range. the blast (2) quality.
Firebomb: A clay or glass bulb filled with flammable Tranquilizer bolts: Crossbow bolts coated with a
liquid and with a fuse attached. powerful sedative. These bolts inflict 1d6 less damage
Rifle: A basic black powder rifle; accurate and reliable. than normal, but a target that takes damage from a
tranquilizer bolt must make a Difficult (DV 3) Fortitude
Repeating rifle: An uncommon rifle with three barrels
skill check or be knocked unconscious for 1d6 minutes.
positioned around a central pivot, allowing them to fire
multiple times before needing to be reloaded.
Grenade: A small iron bomb filled with black powder
Hunters are known as much for the strange
and with a short fuse sticking out the top. When lit and
customisations they make to their weapons as the occult
hurled at an enemy, the grenade explodes and scatters
powers they wield. Designed to cause as much damage
deadly shrapnel in all directions.
as possible to the inhuman ghouls, these customisations

AMMUNITION turn regular weapons into arcane tools of the hunt.

Weapon customisations can be applied to melee or
A good supply of ammunition is vital, without it a ranged
ranged weapons. A single weapon can only ever have
weapon is just an expensive club.
two seperate customisations at any time.
Ammunition Quantity Cost
Customisation Cost
Powder and shot 20 10s
Vicious 30s
Bolts 20 5s
Defensive 20s
Explosive bolts 5 20s
Jagged 30s
Tranquilizer bolts 10 30s
Accurate 30s
Powder and shot: A package of paper cartridges, Piercing 40s
each containing a lead ball and measure of black
Vicious weapons leave lasting, unpleasant wounds.
powder. Although there are subtle differences between
Melee weapons with this customisation feature serrated
ammunition for pistols, rifles, and blunderbusses, the
blades or long spikes, whereas ranged weapons
cost is generally the same for all such weapons.
fire specialised ammunition. Weapons with this
Bolts: A case of steel-tipped wooden bolts for either a customisation gain an additional damage dice.
crossbow or pistol crossbow.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Defensive weapons are finely balanced and sometimes Leather dusters are popular with hunters, who enjoy
fitted with long quillons designed to catch the blades the rakish look they grant as well as the protection
of enemies. Weapons with this customisation gain the they confer.
Parrying quality. Brigandine armour combines leather and canvas with
Jagged weapons have serrated blades, wicked hooks, small steel plates sewn into the material. While it looks
or other features designed to inflict ragged wounds with a little outlandish, the protection such armour provides
every strike. Weapons with this customisation can re-roll means it is a popular choice in Harrowmire.
a single damage dice each round. Chainmail is an uncommon form of armour. Some
Accurate weapons are easier to swing or fire, and hunters wear chainmail vests under their cloaks, or add
are more likely to strike their target. Weapons with this patches of chainmail to their greatcoats.
customisation can re-roll a single attack dice each round. Steel Cuirass consists of a heavy metal breastplate
Piercing weapons have hardened points, and can with matching pauldrons, bracers, and grieves, worn
punch through armour with ease. Weapons with this over reinforced canvas. Heavy and archaic, these outfits
customisation halve armour when calculating damage. do provide an impressive degree of protection. Very few
hunters choose to wear such restricting armour.
ARMOUR Shields are relics of bygone days of the Empire. Very
few hunters carry them, and those that do are often seen
The unofficial uniform of a hunter in Harrowmire is a
as strange eccentrics. When equipped a shield takes up
cloak, duster or similar long coat, usually matched with
one of a character’s arms, meaning they cannot use any
a tricorn, top hat, or a wide-brimmed hat. While many of
weapon or equipment requiring two hands. Additionally,
these items of clothing provide a modicum of protection
a shield adds a 1d6 penalty which is added to any
thanks to the materials used in their construction, some
penalty dice conferred from armour. When equipped a
hunters seek additional defence by adding elements of
shield counts as a source of soft cover, providing a 1d6
armour to their outfits.
bonus to all defence skill checks a character makes.
Armour in When the Moon Hangs Low is typically
piecemeal and the cost and protection provided is based
on what the majority of a hunters outfit is made from. As
such a character can only wear one ‘piece’ of armour at a There are a wealth of items hunters bring with them on
time, and carry a single shield. expeditions into the city. Having an appropriate piece of
Below are the most common materials hunters make gear when performing a skill check can confer bonus
their clothing from, and the armour value they impart. dice, as determined by the Gamemaster.
Some materials add a number of penalty dice which Gear Cost
are applied to any Stealth and Athletics skill checks the
Rope and Grapnel 10s
character makes while wearing the armour.
Telescope 30s
Armour AV Penalty Cost Prybar 20s
Thick Cloth 2 0 25s Lockpicks 15s
Leather 4 0 50s Surgeon’s Tools 20s
Brigandine 6 0 150s Alchemist’s Kit 25s
Chainmail 8 1 300s Herbalist’s Pouch 10s
Steel Cuirass 10 2 600s Vial of Elixir 50s
Shield Special +1 100s Vial of Grip 50s
Thick Cloth made from thick tweed or padded canvas Bitter Sacrament 200s
grants some modicum of protection from the claws
Rope and Grapnel: 30 feet of good hemp rope attached
and teeth of ghouls. Such outfits have the benefit of not
to a sturdy iron hook.
obviously resembling armour.
Telescope: A useful tool for observing from a distance.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Prybar: A heavy metal bar with flattened points, used to change takes several days to complete, but eventually
pry open locked or stuck doors and crates. the recipient will come to look younger, feel healthier,
Lockpicks: A small leather roll containing a number of and have more energy. It also cures most mundane
metal picks used to open locks. diseases (notably not the Sorrow Plague).

Surgeon’s Tools: A canvas or leather bag containing There are also appreciable immediate effects of taking
bandages, and ointments, as well as a number of knives, a dose of Bitter Sacrament: the recipient will instantly
saws and other surgery tools. regain all of their Health and half of their Resolve, and
remove a single wound from their Wound Track.
Alchemist’s Kit: Often sold in a wooden transport box,

this kit contains a number of glass vials and beakers, as
well as metal measuring spoons, funnels and other such
items. Light is vital in darkened back alleys of the city and the
Herbalist’s Pouch: A small pouch containing herb depths of the catacombs beneath them. The duration
poultices, needle and thread, and other various sundries listed is for a single example of each item. It should be
for dressing minor injuries. noted, carrying a light source requires a free hand.
Vial of Elixir: An alchemical preparation that instantly Light Source Duration Cost
heals the imbiber. When a character uses a vial of elixir
Matches 10 seconds 1s
they can either recover half of their Health or remove one
Torches 1 hour 5s
wound from their Wound Track.
Candles 4 hours 4s
Vial of Grip: An alchemical preparation that calms the
nerves. When a character uses a vial of grip they recover Candle Lantern -- 8s
a quarter of their Resolve. Oil Lantern -- 12s
Bitter Sacrament: This incredibly expensive life- Whale Oil 3 hours 8s
enhancing drug is manufactured by the Church of the Firewood 1 hour 2s
Undergod and is only available in Harrowmire. A dose Matches: A small box of 20 sulphur-tipped matches
causes a person to regain roughly 10 years of life. The which can be struck on any rough surface.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Torches: A bundle of three wooden torches tipped with the nobles of the New City. Expensive and hard to come
pitch-soaked cloth. by in recent days, occasionally a cache of bottles will be
Candles: A pack of four tallow candles. Commonly used uncovered in an old cellar or dusty storeroom.
to illuminate poorer homes, or by hunters in a pinch. Dried Rations: A pack of dried biscuits and salted meat.
Candle Lantern: A sturdy metal lantern intended to A pack contains enough to keep one character fed for
hold candles. Often used by those who cannot afford five days.
whale oil. Tobacco: Sold in small pouches containing enough
Oil Lantern: A sturdy metal lantern with an internal for several pipes worth. Tobacco is hard to come by in
reservoir for whale oil. They have a reputation for Harrowmire, making it an expensive vice to indulge in.
exploding if dropped. Analeptic Tonic: A narcotic solution which numbs
Whale Oil: Obtained by boiling whale blubber, whale oil the mind and the body. A vial contains enough tonic
is the primary source of illumination in the empire. It gives for a dozen doses or more, each of which will leave
off a bright, clean light when burned, but is also known a character in a euphoric stupor for several hours.
for its pungent smell. Repeated use leads to addiction.

Firewood: A bundle of dry wood, suitable to build a
small campfire.
There are a wealth of strange, occult items to be
FOOD AND DRINK found in Harrowmire. Many of them are ancient relics
scavenged from the tombs of the necropolis by daring
While the downtime living expenses can be used to
adventurers. Others are of more unknown provenance.
cover food for a week, sometimes you need to know
Due to their occult nature, these items do not have a
the price of a good meal. This section also lists other
fixed value; when they appear for sale their price can
supplies that hunters may find themselves in need of
vary wildly.
while traversing the city.

Item Cost Orichalcum Shards

Simple Meal 2s Average value: 2d6 x 10 shillings

Lavish Meal 5s Orichalcum is a golden-coloured alloy used by

the ympir to make numerous artefacts found in the
Strong Drink 1s
necropolis. Broken shards of orichalcum are often found
Refined Drink 6s
in previously-raided vaults in the Necropolis. Even these
Dried Rations 5s scraps have surprising worth, as they can be melted
Tobacco 4s down to make the alloy known as Witchiron.
Analeptic Tonic 6s
Holy Relic
Simple Meal: The kind of fare most people in
Average value: 1d6 x 100 shillings
Harrowmire eat on a daily basis. Stew, soup, or
sometimes a plate of roast meat and vegetables. Pray Holy relics come in many shapes and sizes but are
the meat comes from an identifiable source. typically small gilded boxes containing a fragment of
bone from one of the many Imperial saints. A character
Lavish Meal: Hard to find anywhere but the New City
who spends several minutes contemplating a holy relic
these days, lavish meals often consist of several courses
can instantly recover 1d6 Resolve. A character can regain
of painstakingly prepared food. No more nutritious than a
Resolve using a relic once a day.
simple meal, just a lot fancier.
Strong Drink: A mug of ale or glass of spirits, enough Ympir Bone Charms
to calm the nerves after a long day. Most alcohol in Average value: 1d6 x 100 shillings
Harrowmire is locally-produced and of dubious quality Ympir bone is believed to have mystical properties, and
since the Night of Madness. some adventurers place great stock in small charms
Refined Drink: A bottle of wine or liquor, as preferred by made from a scrap of bone taken from a mummy and

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
scrimshawed with protective sigils. There are various Witchiron Weapon
versions of these charms, each with different properties. Average value: 1d6 x 50 + 200 shillings
Charm of Luck: A character carrying this charm can re- Witchiron is made by human smiths in Harrowmire from
roll a single skill check once a day. fragments of orichalcum mixed with regular iron. The
Charm of Doom: A character carrying this charm can result is a black alloy speckled with glittering gold flecks
re-roll a single damage roll once a day. that holds an edge much better than steel and also
Charm of Shadows: A character carrying this charm can continuously sheds a curious pale light.
add two extra dice to a single Stealth skill check once A weapon made from witchiron costs anywhere
per day. between 250 and 500 shillings more than usual. It
Charm of Tongues: A character carrying this charm can increases its damage by an additional dice, and also acts
add one extra dice to a single Bluff, Charm, or Intimidate as a light source, shedding low light for 15 yards.
skill check once per day.
Pale Marrow
Orichalcum Blade Average value: 1d6 x 10 + 40 shillings
Average value: 1d6 x 100 + 200 shillings A wretched mass of pale tissue occasionally found
A common grave good found alongside the mummies within the corpse of a ghoul, pickled in ether and sold
for extortionate amounts in the Beast Market. When
in the necropolis are slender, curved daggers made
consumed (a disgusting task in itself) a portion of pale
from orichalcum. Despite their extreme age, these
marrow increases a character’s Physique by one point
blades are incredibly sharp and never seem to dull no
for the next 24 hours. This also increases their Health and
matter how they are used. Some people claim these
Wound Track by the appropriate amount.
blades thirst for blood and will turn on their wielders if
However, the next time they sleep the character will
they are not careful.
experience horrifying dreams that cost them 2 Resolve
An orichalcum blade is a close combat weapon that per portion consumed. Many claim these dreams are the
does 2d6 damage and has the Light quality. In addition terrible memories of the ghoul the marrow came from.
the weapon halves armour when calculating damage.
Ghoulhide Cloak
Everburning Candle Average value: 1d6 x 20 + 80 shillings
Average value: 1d6 x 20 + 80 shillings
A ragged cloak made from the flayed hide of a ghoul.
This small candle is made from strange black tallow When worn sorrowful will ignore the wearer unless they
and burns with a blue flame. No matter how long it take hostile action against them. Ghouls and Ragged
burns, the candle never shrinks. It can be snuffed out as are not affected by the cloak. While useful, these cloaks
easily as a normal candle, and provides the same level are treated as taboo and those who wear them are often
of illumination. shunned by the people of Harrowmire due to the fact
that, however monstrous they are now, ghouls were
Shadowsilk Armour
once human.
Average value: 1d6 x 50 + 200 shillings
Shadowsilk is a rare fabric found in the Necropolis, Bone Flute
often in the form of strange garments worn by some of Average value: 1d6 x 100 + 100 shillings
the ympir mummies. Despite the unknown years these A flute carved from a single long bone and engraved
garments have adorned the dead, shadowsilk remains with strange, eye-watering runes. Once a day the flute
as supple and undamaged as the day it was spun, and can be played, sending those who hear its song into a
is stronger than steel. Clever tailors in Harrowmire have nightmare-filled sleep. When used any character within
managed to sew shadowsilk into clothing suitable 20 yards of the flute-player must make a Difficult (DV 3)
for humans to wear, although many complain of the Willpower skill check. Characters that fail instantly fall
unpleasant chill of the fabric when it touches bare skin. asleep for an hour or until they are attacked, shaken
Shadowsilk armour grants an AV of 8 and adds no awake, or similar. Playing the flute in combat counts as a
Penalty dice. Primary action.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

The hole was right above us. I pushed Dye hard, and even as I rolled away I knew that whatever
happened to her now was my fault.
The trapdoor disgorged a mass of flesh. For a moment I thought it might be just that, but nobody who
stashed kidnapped children in the Necropolis would settle for dropping meat on us.
Tobias ignored it and shot the churchman. A second bullet to the head – now without his lucky mask –
put him down. Nicol, chained and gagged, would have to fend for himself.
The thing rose, a huge amalgam of body parts – many human or human-looking – out of which it formed
what it needed: huge orifices like mouths, trunk-like legs, and long, thrashing tentacles.
Oh saints; I wish I could forget the tentacles.
It stopped us in our tracks, shaking us to the core, all except Hektor, who had hurled two bolts of
whistling power into it before anyone else could react.
Wretched lost no more time; Alysska and I formed a line with them, the children behind us. The creature
had the middle of the room, its reach easily dividing it into three: Nicol and the door, us and the children,
and Dye.
I watched as she ducked, rolled and tried to dodge the tentacles. She was doing well, concentrating on
her own troubles, until I remembered to do the same.
On our side the line held; Wretched, Alysska and now Tobias taking hits for each other, making openings
and hacking at the thing. I tried to pull my weight.
We were making no headway: there was no way to get to the door, and no way to rescue Dye.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game
When the Moon Hangs Low is a roleplaying game, and Example Situation Willpower DV/
as such the emphasis of the game is intended to be the Resolve Loss
interactions between the various characters and the
Something disturbing but rational 1
story they are telling together. But how do you tell if your
(seeing a dead body, becoming lost in
character is able to accomplish a specific task, or if they
the dark)
are able to outwit another character?
Something deeply upsetting 2
The following are the core rules by which players
(discovering multiple dead bodies,
and Gamemasters resolve events when the outcome
witnessing a strange ritual)
is uncertain. These are not expansive, and the
Something definitely supernatural 3
Gamemaster’s decisions supersede any and all rules
(coming face to face with a ghoul)
presented below.
Seeing something quantifiably unreal 4
RESOLVE (seeing a shade)
Witnessing something reality- 5
All characters have a pool of Resolve which is a
shattering (encountering a nightmare
measure of their physical, mental and spiritual fortitude.
fragment, standing in the presence of
Resolve is used to power Edges, and also to resist horror,
the Undergod)
stress and other such harrowing experiences. If a hunter
runs out of Resolve, their curse will slowly become Multitudes of Monsters
stronger until it eventually consumes them. When a character is confronted by a group of creatures
that cause Resolve loss the DV of the Willpower check
USING EDGES will increase by one. This is to simulate the horror of
When a character uses an Edge, it costs one Resolve. If being confronted with a horde of creatures.
a character runs out of Resolve, they can no longer use
For example; a group of Ragged would have a
their Edges.
Willpower DV of 3, rather than the usual 2 for confronting

HORROR AND STRESS a single creature.

Resolve is reduced by stress, horror and other No Respite from Horror

disturbing situations. When a character is confronted with Regardless of how many times a character might have
a situation which would potentially cost them Resolve, previously encountered a particular creature, they must
they must make a Willpower skill check with a DV always make a Willpower check when faced by a creature
determined by the nature of the situation. If they succeed that causes Resolve loss. No matter how jaded they might
they resist the effects and lose no Resolve. If they fail the be, a character will never become immune to horror.
skill check they lose a number of Resolve determined by
how disturbing the situation is (usually equal to the DV of Running Out of Resolve
the Willpower skill check). When a character runs out of Resolve it means two
things. Firstly then cannot use any Edges until they
regain at least one point of Resolve. Secondly, and more
importantly, the character’s curse will increase in severity
by a degree.

Increasing Curses
Every time a character runs out of Resolve their curse
increases, first to Touched, then Embraced and finally
to Consumed. If a character runs out of Resolve a fourth
time, they are Lost to their particular curse.

Mortal Stress
If a character fails a Willpower check while they have

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game

no Resolve then they lose a number of Health equal to REDUCING A CURSE’S

the Resolve loss. This represents the effects of stress and
horror on their body. If a character has run out of Health SEVERITY
and fails a Willpower check then the stress inflicts a A curse can be reduced by one degree by using the
Wound on them instead! Recuperate action in downtime.
Reducing a curse removes the penalties associated
RECOVERING RESOLVE with that degree of severity; even physical changes
Resolve can be recovered in small amounts by vanish over the next few hours as the character slowly
performing certain actions: becomes more human.


Characters can regain Resolve by resting. If a character If a character’s curse increases to the degree of Lost
spends at least 6 hours sleeping or otherwise engaging they are removed from the story as a player character.
in light activity such as reading, eating, or talking then They may still appear in games, but will be controlled
they will recover 2 points of Resolve. Resolve regained by the Gamemaster and are driven by new desires and
this way is only recovered at the end of the 6 hour period: compulsions that pit them against the characters.
if the character is disturbed or performs strenuous
The exact effect of being Lost depends on their curse,
activity before the 6 hours have elapsed then they do not
and the exact reason they are no longer playable
benefit from the rest.
varies, but generally such doomed hunters vanish into
Items the darkness before they can hurt their former allies.
Certain items can be used to restore varying amounts However, a few unfortunates may turn on their friends.
of Resolve, as listed in the Equipment chapter. A
character can use as many such items as they have COMBAT
access to per scene. Harrowmire is a place of great danger, especially once
Curse Effects the sun goes down. All hunters have some proficiency at
combat, and a good thing too.
If a character’s curse has increased to Embraced
severity, they will have a Resolve recovery option unique The following rules come into play when a scene turns
to their mark. to physical violence.


A character who takes the Reflect option during The combat sequence begins when one character
downtime fully recovers their Resolve. (player or NPC) takes action that will cause harm to
another character. At this point the normal narrative
CURSES gameplay is replaced with the combat sequence as
outlined below:
Every hunter carries with them a terrible curse as a
1. Determine surprise
result of their mark.
2. Combat continues in rounds:
INCREASING A CURSE’S a. Determine initiative

SEVERITY b. Combatants act in initiative order

Every curse has five degrees of severity. These run from c. When everyone has had a turn, steps a and b
Nascent, to Touched, to Embraced, to Consumed, and repeat again until combat ends
finally to Lost. Characters begin play with their curse as 1: Surprise
Nascent. At this stage the curse confers no penalties to
Sometimes the best way to get the drop on someone is
the character. When a character runs out of Resolve their
to catch them unawares!
curse increases to the next degree of severity.
If a character has passed a Stealth check opposed by

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game
their target’s Awareness check before combat has begun Primary Actions
then they are considered to have surprised their target.
This grants a 2d6 bonus to the attacker’s Initiative for the
The character attacks their target with the weapon
first round.
(either close combat or ranged) they are currently armed
If the victim of the ambush is particularly agile, however,
with. The character makes an attack skill check and the
sometimes they will still beat their attacker’s initiative,
defender makes a defence skill check. If the attacker is
even with the 2d6 bonus. In this case, the hunter has
successful they deal damage to their target. See below
become the hunted!
for details of making attacks.
2a: Initiative Defend
At the beginning of each combat round, all participants The character prepares themself for incoming attacks.
roll a number of dice equal to their Physique and count The character gains a 1d6 bonus to all defence skill
the number of dice resulting in a 4, 5 or 6 (as if they were checks until the beginning of their next turn. If a character
making a Trained skill check). The resulting number is has been Staggered, the Defend action removes that
their Initiative. effect in addition to providing the defence bonus.
Those with the highest initiative react fastest and strike
Create Opening
first; those with the lowest initiative react slowest.
The character uses their action to create an opening
Gamemasters may wish to roll Initiative for NPCs
in their target’s defences, rather than injuring them. This
involved in combat as a group, or in several sub groups
action deals no damage but instead Staggers the target.
(one roll for enemies, one roll for allies for example) to
A target remains Staggered until they use the Defend
speed up play.
action to recover.
2b: Actions Use an Item
Starting with the character with the highest Initiative, The character uses an item such as a potion, tool kit, rope
each character involved in the combat may take two or other piece of equipment. The exact effects of using an
actions chosen from the list of combat actions (see below). item vary, and should be discussed with the Gamemaster.
If two or more characters have the same Initiative they
act simultaneously (although the players may wish to
Secondary Actions
make their rolls sequentially to avoid confusion). Move
Once every character who is able to act has done The move action allows a character to travel at a slow
so, the round starts again with every player making a jog or brisk walk. A character may move up to their
new Initiative check. Any Surprise modifiers no longer Physique plus 10 in yards. Move may be used to move
count after the first round of combat. The sequence of into close combat, out of close combat, or anywhere else
Initiative and Actions continues until the combat ends, for suitable. If the move would involve the character vaulting
whatever reason. over obstacles then an Athletics skill check may be
required at the Gamemaster’s discretion.
There are two kinds of combat actions; primary and
The character reloads a ranged weapon and readies it
secondary. Each round a character can perform one
for use.
primary action and one secondary action, although they
can perform them in any order. Speaking or shouting Change Weapon
doesn’t cost an action, but as a combat round only lasts The character swaps their weapon for another they have
a few seconds characters are limited to brief sentences, handy. This could be sheathing a sword and pulling out a
not entire conversations. If a character cannot or does not pistol, grabbing a rifle from the floor or anything similar.
want to make a primary or secondary action, they can only
Use a Skill
take their other action (they can’t swap their secondary
action for another primary action, for example). Sometimes a character may want to use a skill in
combat. This could include making a Stealth check to

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game

hide from enemies, using the Medical skill to aid another HITTING A TARGET
character, or using Intimidate to try and scare off an To hit an enemy in combat, a character must make
attacker. Gamemasters should resolve such skill checks a successful skill check based on the type of weapon
as normal. they are using. The Fight skill is for close combat, and
Attack Variations the Shoot skill is used for ranged combat. A character
must use the appropriate skill for the weapon they are
Sometimes a character may wish to make an attack
trying to use.
that does not deal damage as normal. There are three
variations on the normal attack action: stun, grapple, and Both ranged and close combat attacks are resolved
disarm. Each of these requires the character to use a with opposed skill checks, with the defender rolling as
Primary Attack action, and in each case the attacker and below and the attacker aiming to equal or exceed their
defender make their attack and defence skill checks as result. If the defender fails to get any successes on their
normal, but in the case that the attacker succeeds the skill check then as long as the attacker gets a single
specific action result occurs. success they hit the target. If neither character gets any
successes then the attack is considered to have missed.
If the attacker hits their target, they can then deal
Rather than dealing damage, this attack is intended damage based on the weapon they are using.
to stun or knock an opponent unconscious. This attack
To attack an enemy in close combat a character must
variation can only be used in close combat. If the target
be close enough to strike them with the weapon they
has 1 or more Health remaining then a successful stun
are using (generally within a yard). To attack an enemy
attack dazes them, meaning they can only take either a
in ranged combat, a character must be within the listed
Primary or Secondary action -not both- in their next round.
range of the weapon they are using, and is able to see
If the target has 0 Health then this attack knocks them their target.
unconscious rather than inflicting a wound. The character
remains unconscious until they regain at least 1 Health. Defence Skill Checks
Grapple When a character is the target of an attack they can
choose how they wish to defend themselves. There are
This attack is intended to pin another, preventing them
three available options, depending on the nature of the
from acting. This attack variation can only be used in
close combat. A target hit by a successful grapple is held attack and the desired outcome.
immobile by their attacker and counts as Helpless for the Parry
purposes of attacks made against them. The character
The character attempts to knock aside the attack with
cannot move or take any other action apart from trying to
their own weapon. The character makes a Fight skill
escape, which requires a successful opposed Athletics
check as their defence skill check. If they exceed the
skill check.
attacker’s roll, the blow is parried and the character takes
Each round on the attacker’s turn they can choose to
no damage.
maintain the hold or release the character. While they
maintain the hold, the attacker can move and drag the Parry can only be used to defend against close
grappled character with them. combat attacks.

Disarm Dodge
This attack is intended to knock a weapon from the The character attempts to dodge the attack by ducking,
target’s hand. This attack variation can be used in either weaving or similar. The character makes a Reflexes skill
close or ranged combat. A target hit by a successful check as their defence skill check. If they exceed the
disarm has the weapon they are currently holding attacker’s roll, the blow is dodged and the character
knocked out of their hand. The weapon lands 1d6 yards takes no damage.
away from the character in a random direction. Dodge can be used to defend against ranged or close
combat attacks.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game
Counterattack Attack Modifiers
The character attempts to counterattack instead of In certain situations attacking an opponent will either
evading the blow. The character makes a Fight skill be easier (due to taking aim for example) or more
check as their defence skill check. If they exceed the difficult (due to fighting in darkness for example). In
attacker’s roll, they take half of the damage rolled these situations a character may gain a number of bonus
(rounding down) but the attacker is Staggered. or penalty dice to their attack or defence skill check.
Counterattack can only be used to defend against close Some example attack modifiers are listed below but
combat attacks. Gamemasters are encouraged to add their own attack
modifiers if they believe the situation calls for it.

Minions and Defence
If a character attacks a target that is Staggered,
Some Gamemasters might want to cut down on
they gain a 1d6 bonus to their attack skill check. The
rolling dice when the players are in combat with
Staggered condition lasts for an entire combat unless
large groups of minions. As such an optional rule
the affected character uses the Defend primary action.
is provided here for quickly calculating minions’
The Defend action removes the Staggered effect
defence skill checks.
immediately, in addition to providing a defence bonus for
Creatures listed as minions in the Antagonists
that round as per the action description.
chapter have an additional stat in their profile called
‘Dodge Average’. Rather than rolling to Parry, Dodge, Taking Aim
or Counterattack, Gamemasters use the dodge If a character has a chance to take aim at their target
average of a creature as a flat DV to work out if the before combat begins, they gain a 1d6 bonus to their
player has hit the creature or not. attack skill check.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game

Close Range • Holding a weapon in an off-hand but not making

If a character is using a ranged weapon at less than an attack with it confers no penalty; it is only if the
half the listed range, they gain a 1d6 bonus to their character makes attacks with both weapons that
attack skill check. This does not count if the character these rules apply.
enters (or is in) close-combat with the target.
Using Ranged Weapons in Close Combat
Cover While some firearms excel at hitting close-range
If a defender is in cover they gain a bonus to their targets, once an opponent gets too close they become
defence skill check based on the cover they are in. Soft unwieldy and ill-suited to the hurly-burly of melee
cover (wooden tables, tree trunks, thin metal) grants a combat. A character using a ranged weapon in close
1d6 bonus to the defence skill check. Hard cover (stone combat adds a 2d6 penalty to their attack skill check.
pillars, thick metal) grants a 2d6 bonus to the defence
skill check. DAMAGE
Blinded Once an attack has hit its target the attacker has to
work out how much damage they’ve done. To calculate
If a character cannot see their target (due to darkness,
damage the player rolls a number of d6 as indicated
being blinded, etc) they add a 2d6 penalty to their attack
in the weapon entry and adds the resulting numbers
skill check.
together to determine how much damage is inflicted.
Obscured Vision
If a character’s vision is obscured by conditions such as
low light, thick fog, or smoke, they add a 1d6 penalty to Whenever a character takes damage, their Health is
their attack skill check. reduced by that amount. While losing Health hurts, a
character’s abilities are not reduced or affected by their loss.
A character that is prone has been knocked off Armour
their feet. They count as Helpless until they use their If a character is wearing armour, they reduce damage
secondary action to stand back up. taken by an amount equal to the armour’s Armour Value
(AV) before reducing their Health. If a character’s armour
reduces the damage to 0 or less then the attack deals
A character that is unable to defend themselves (such no damage.
as someone who is bound, unconscious, or unaware of
an incoming attack) can only make the dodge defence Wounds
action, and must do so with a 2d6 penalty to their If an attack does more than 10 damage in a single hit
defence skill check. (after being reduced by armour) then the character takes
1 wound in addition to losing Health.
Two Weapon Fighting
If a character is reduced to 0 Health then they take 1
If a character wishes to fight with a weapon in each
wound for every subsequent attack that inflicts at least 1
hand they can do so. This allows the character to make
damage, regardless of how much damage the attack does.
an attack with each weapon each time they use the
Attack action. Two weapon fighting can be used in either Once a character fills their Wound Track they begin dying.
close combat or ranged combat. However, depending During this time they are referred to as Bleeding Out.
on the weapons they are armed with they will add one or For example: Tobias is hit by an attack that deals 12
more penalty dice to their attack skill checks: damage. He is wearing armour that gives him an AV of 4,
• If one or both of the weapons have the Light quality so he reduces the damage to 8. Tobias has a total of 24
then the character adds a 1d6 penalty to the second Health, so this attack leaves him with 16 Health. Next he
attack skill check. takes a huge 18 damage. Tobias’ armour reduces this to
14, leaving him with only 2 Health. However, as this attack
• If neither weapon is light then the character adds a
did more than 10 damage, Tobias also takes a Wound. In
1d6 penalty to both attack skill checks.
the next round Tobias takes another 8 damage which, after

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game
being reduced by his armour, leaves him on 0 Health. The Death
next hit which strikes Tobias does 10 damage: his armour There are a few ways a character can end up dead. The
reduces this to 6 but as he’s out of Health, this inflicts most common way is to fill their Wound Track and bleed
another Wound. Tobias only has 1 box left in his Wound out. Characters can also die through failing an extremely
Track: now he’s in trouble! difficult skill check (although this is uncommon) or
Wound Effects through negligent action by their player. Negligent action
is when a player insists on attempting a dangerous
Wounds are gory and unpleasant, but they do not affect
action despite Gamemaster warning, such as jumping
a character’s ability to perform until their Wound Track is
into moving machinery or standing next to a bomb that
full. Gamemasters may choose to describe exactly what
is about to detonate. In such situations is it advisable that
a certain wound entails, but in general the effects should
the Gamemaster give the player an Impossible (DV 6)
be narrative rather than mechanical.
skill check to save their character, but the player should
A table of example effects is included below.
be aware the price of failure is the loss of their character.
1d6 Wound Effect Even if the player passes the check their character
1 A huge ragged wound opens in the target’s should suffer extensive damage.
thigh, splattering the floor with blood. Another way a character can die is through conscious
2 With a crunch several bones break. The target’s sacrifice. A player may choose that their character
breath rattles in their throat. willingly goes to their death, usually to save another
character. In such situations no rolls are necessary; the
3 The blow tears open a wound in the target’s
character is dead.
shoulder. Blood mists the air.
4 One of the target’s arms is sliced to the bone. Minions
Screams fill the air. Minions (minor NPCs) only have 1 wound regardless of
5 The blow almost disembowels the target. their Physique.
Entrails hang free.
6 A huge spray of blood soaks both target and
Unarmed Damage
attacker. A character’s unarmed strikes (punches, kicks,
headbutts, or similar) inflict damage based on their
Bleeding Out Physique stat. See the table below:
A character who is Bleeding Out has a number of
Physique Unarmed Damage
rounds equal to their Physique to receive medical
1-2 1d6
attention before they die. To stop a character dying from
3-4 2d6
Bleeding Out, another character must make an Average
(DV 2) Medical skill check: success means the character 5+ 3d6
is stabilised and is no longer Bleeding Out, however it
does not remove any wounds from their Wound Track. Damage from Other Sources
While Bleeding Out a character who still has any Health There are a number of other ways a character can take
remaining can continue to act, but in this state they add a damage apart from in combat.
2d6 penalty to all skill checks they make. Fire
Characters who are Bleeding Out and with no Fire does damage to a character each round they are in
remaining Health are either unconscious or disabled to contact with it. The damage inflicted is based on the size
the point of helplessness. of the fire. When taking damage from a fire a character’s
If a character fills their Wound Track and begins armour is halved (rounding up).
Bleeding Out outside of a combat situation they have
30 seconds per point of Physique to receive medical
attention, rather than measuring the time in rounds.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game

Size of Fire Damage each Round minutes equal to their Physique. Once a character runs
out of air they will take 1d6 damage every round, which
Small fire (torch) 1d6
ignores all armour.
Medium fire (campfire) 2d6
Large fire (bonfire) 3d6 HEALING
Inferno (burning building) 4d6 If a character has lost Health or gained wounds they can
heal those injuries in a number of ways.
Characters can also be set on fire by contact with a
fire or by being hit with a weapon with the Incendiary The Medicine Skill
quality. Any flammable target that comes into contact
A character can use the Medicine skill to heal themself
with a fire must make an Average (DV 2) Reflexes check
or another character. This can be used to restore Health
or catch fire. Burning characters automatically take 2d6
or remove wounds from a character’s Wound Track.
damage each round unless they extinguish themselves
To restore Health a character must make an Easy (DV 1)
by passing an Average (DV 2) Reflexes skill check. Other
Medicine skill check. On a success the target character
characters can attempt to extinguish a burning character
regains 4 Health. A character can only be healed this way
by making an Average (DV 2) Athletics skill check.
once per scene.
Falling A character can use the Medicine skill to try and heal
Falling onto an unyielding surface inflicts 1d6 for every a wounded character. Characters cannot heal their own
10 feet fallen. Landing on a softer surface or somehow wounds this way. Healing a wound this way requires
breaking the fall (such as making a Reflexes check to at least an hour and access to surgeon’s tools. The
grab a rope, etc) may reduce the damage as determined operating character must make a Difficult (DV 3) Medicine
by the Gamemaster. skill check; success means the target character can
Suffocation remove 1 wound from their track. A character can only be
healed this way once per scene.
A character can hold their breath for a number of

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game
Items Lightsource Illumination Radius
Certain items can be used to restore varying amounts Oil Lantern Moderate 15 yards
of Health or remove wounds. The exact effect varies from
Bonfire Bright 30 yards
item to item, and is fully described in the individual item
Sunlight Bright n/a
description. A character can use as many such items as
they have access to per scene. Each level of illumination grants different bonuses and
penalties to certain skills.
Characters can regain Health by resting. If a character Illumination Example Effects
spends at least 6 hours sleeping or otherwise engaging Dark Underground Characters add a 2d6
in light activity such as reading, eating, or talking then penalty to all attack skill
they will recover 4 Health. Health regained this way is checks and Awareness
only recovered at the end of the 6 hour period: if the skill checks
character is disturbed or performs strenuous activity Low Moonlight, Characters add a 1d6
before the 6 hours have elapsed then they do not benefit candlelight penalty to all attack skill
from the rest. checks and Awareness
Rest will not remove wounds from a character’s skill checks
Wound Track. Moderate Torchlight, No effects
Bright Broad Light sensitive creatures
Health can be fully recovered during downtime by
daylight, add a 1d6 penalty to all
using the Convalesce action. This restores a character to
bonfire attack skill checks and
their full Health.
Awareness skill checks
A character who takes the Recover action during
downtime can remove up to 2 wounds from their track. Light Falloff
A light source sheds a set type of light for a set distance.
LIGHT Light degrades outside that distance to the next type
down, every 5 yards. Some light sources, such as the
Harrowmire is a place of deep darkness. Bright light
moon or sunlight, only suffer falloff when the source
hurts the eyes of the sorrowful and so they are most
of the light becomes obscured (by buildings, or being
often found lurking in darkened ruins. Ghouls have an
indoors, for example).
even greater aversion to light. While many might think
it safest to hunt these creatures during the day, most For example: a bonfire sheds bright light for 30 yards,
contracts will take hunters into places where their prey then moderate light for 5 yards, then low light for a further
congregates; places of shadow and darkness. 5 yards. This means that in total a bonfire illuminates a 40
yard radius. By comparison, a candle sheds low light for 5
It is often important to track the level of light during
yards, which then falls off to darkness.
a game. All light sources in the game are rated for the
level of illumination they cast, and the radius that they
cast it over.
Crafting a decent-quality item takes skill, time, and
Lightsource Illumination Radius
tools: this is what the crafting downtime action is for. But
Match Low 1 yard
sometimes a character may wish to create something
Candle Low 5 yards quickly, with little concern for its quality or durability. This
Candle Lantern Low 10 yards is called jury-rigging.
Moonlight Low n/a Jury-rigging is used when a character wishes to create a
Torch Moderate 10 yards trap, weapon, or piece of equipment while on a contract
Campfire Moderate 20 yards (or anywhere outside of downtime). The items created
this way rarely last for long, but can be useful in a pinch.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game

Jury-rigging an item consists of three stages, as DOWNTIME

outlined below:
Downtime is a phase of gameplay which occurs when
1: Gather Resources the characters return from a contract and have some
To create an item a character must have some basic time to rest and recover before looking for more work.
resources to craft the item (scrap metal, old wood, Each downtime period simulates roughly a week of time.
alchemical dregs). These resources should be agreed
with the Gamemaster. These resources can be gathered LIVING EXPENSES
from the surrounding area or be items a character At the start of the downtime period each player decides
already has on their person. Sometimes an item what living standard their character is enjoying for the
will require specific resources as determined by the next week. This determines how much money they must
Gamemaster which might incur a cost in shillings. spend on food, lodgings and other expenses. This has
no mechanical effect on the downtime period, but it may
2: Agree Design affect how other groups perceive the character. Living in
What does the item do? Is it a weapon, a trap, or a piece squalor will not ingratiate one to the church, for example,
of equipment? The intention of the creation should be whereas high living may make criminals suspicious.
agreed with the Gamemaster. The DV of the skill check to
A character can choose to live in destitution during a
create the item is set by the Gamemaster based on the
downtime period, spending nothing on living expenses,
intended function.
but if they do so they cannot take downtime actions
Some examples are listed below, which Gamemasters as they are more occupied with finding food and
should use as a guide. somewhere to sleep for the next week.
Item Craft DV Living Standard Cost per Downtime
A trap that injures a single target 1 Wretched 15s
A trap that injures multiple targets 2 Comfortable 30s
A simple one-handed weapon 1 Lavish 60s
A two-handed weapon 3
Adding a quality to a weapon +1 DOWNTIME ACTIONS
A basic tool 1 By default each character can take three actions from
the following list each downtime period. They can
A sophisticated tool 2
choose to perform the same action multiple times if
3: Make Skill Check they so wish, in which case the results for each action
The character makes their skill check. Most times this will are cumulative.
be the Craft skill, but depending on the item a character is Some Gamemasters may wish to limit the number of
trying to construct other skills may be appropriate. actions characters can take if they wish to make the
game harder, or to illustrate a change in character’s
Functions of an Item circumstances or the city’s amenities. Be aware that
Once created, a jury-rigged item should have an reducing the number of downtime actions can have
appreciable effect on a situation, usually a 1d6 bonus to a serious consequences on characters, hastening their
skill check, or enabling a character to do something they decline to becoming Lost or dying.
otherwise wouldn’t be capable of.
A weapon or trap will only ever do 2d6 damage at the
most, and have no intrinsic qualities unless any were The character regains all of their Health.
added by increasing the DV of the craft check. During this downtime action the character spends some
All jury-rigged items break or are otherwise rendered of their time resting, letting cuts heal and bruises fade.
useless at the end of the scene, if they don’t break after Some might take curatives to aid the process, but simply
their initial use. taking things easy is usually enough.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Playing the Game
Reflect head to the tavern and gamble to earn an income.
The character regains all of their Resolve. A character who takes this action will earn themselves
During this downtime action the character spends 40 shillings.
some of their time relaxing and recovering their spiritual
strength. Some do this in quiet contemplation or religious
reflection, whereas others do so by drinking, numbing Each downtime section ends with a period of free time
themselves with narcotics, or similar activities. which can be roleplayed. This is intended for players and
Gamemasters to build interactions with NPCs, drop hints
Recover for future plotlines, or anything similar.
The character removes up to two wounds from their track. During this time the characters can also buy new
During this downtime the character visits a trained equipment and otherwise spend their income.
physik who stitches their wounds, sets broken bones, and
treats them with leeches. EXPERIENCE POINTS
Recuperate At the end of a contract the Gamemaster should award
The character reduces their curse by one degree. every character with a number of Experience Points
based on their performance. Experience Points are used
The character spends time recuperating. Some spend
to improve primary statistics, skills, and buy new Edges.
this time praying to the Imperial saints or even the
Undergod, whereas others find other ways of renewing A guide to how to determine Experience Points
their humanity. However they do it, this action helps a awarded is shown below. As always, Gamemasters are
character lessen the effects of their curse. encouraged to adapt these rules and award more or less
experience if they see fit.
Condition Experience Points
The character creates items from raw materials.
Completed the contract 1
This gives the character the chance to use skills such as
Completed the contract with style +1
alchemy and craft to produce items. Manufacturing items
is not a guaranteed process, but it is sometimes cheaper Roleplayed their character well +1
than purchasing them yourself. It also allows a character Defeated a major adversary +1
to create bespoke items. Solved a difficult puzzle/ dilemma +1
Crafting an item requires a skill check with the Learned something new +1
appropriate skill, access to a work space and raw
Note that these awards suggestions are per contract.
materials (which must be purchased). Raw materials cost
Experience Points could be awarded at the end of each
one third of the normal price of the item (rounding up).
gaming session, but the Gamemaster should ensure that
Crafting a basic item requires a successful Easy (DV 1)
the points are reduced accordingly.
skill check. For every additional success, the character
Experience Points can be spent on primary statistics
crafting the item can add an additional feature or quality,
and skills in the exact same way as Character Points are
which should be discussed with the Gamemaster. A
during character generation. Experience Points can be
failed skill check means the materials are wasted, and
spent at the end of the contract, during the downtime
the item is not crafted.
phase. The costs are exactly the same as during
For custom items an overall cost and function should be
character generation and 1 experience point is equal to 1
discussed between the player and the Gamemaster.
Character Point.
Trade Edges can be bought with Experience Points at the cost
The character earns extra money. of 5 Experience Points per new Edge.

The character spends time during downtime earning

money. Some do this by carrying out odd jobs, others use
their other skills to earn some coin. Some lucky hunters

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

I first met her at the Wall of Woe.

This girl – young woman, I suppose – looking over her shoulder like a hen among foxes. Watched for
maybe half an hour before she had the nerve to approach the wall, let alone post her contract.
I read it over her shoulder. The pay was laughable, but saving a missing boy appealed, somehow.
“Will you take it?”
I hadn’t expected her to talk to me. I may not be as far gone as Wretched, but I’m not the friendliest-looking,
even in the Bastion. My smile didn’t come easily; I hope it was of some comfort.
“I’d like to. I wouldn’t last long on that money though, and I’d have to split it with some folks.”
“You couldn’t do it on your own?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Most hunters don’t.”
“I can’t afford any more.”
“I understand. You’ve done well to make it here, all the way from…?”
“Old Town.”
I don’t know why it mattered; why I was so concerned about yet another stranger who might assume they
were safe here, when at best the Bastion is “slightly safer”. I guess it was some instinct for what was to come.
Stupid tainted senses.
She still had those prey-animal eyes on me. “My name is Dye. If you change your mind, I’m at the flophouse
behind the Slaughtered Lamb. I can only stay a day or two.”
Someone was going to take advantage; eat her alive. Perhaps literally.
“I’m Mishka. Let me see what I can do.”
As I left, I noticed Aldia watching. Another bad sign.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Running the Game
This section contains some background on how to run a In this absence of leadership, people turn to anyone
game of When the Moon Hangs Low as a Gamemaster. strong, cunning or persuasive to protect them from the
horrors of the city. By and large, this means the hunters.
CONTRACTS Contracts are the accepted form of hiring a band of
Contracts are the most common way of sending a band hunters; anyone who can raise the money and make the
of player characters on an adventure. A contract is a journey to the Bastion can hang a contract on the Wall
mission outlined by a group within Harrowmire offering of Woe.
a reward in exchange for the completion of a task. While
Gamemasters can create any kind of story with their
Remit of a Contract
players, contracts offer a quick and easy way to engage As anyone can raise a contract and there is no official
them with the game world. guidance on how to write one. As such, the remit of
contracts can vary wildly.
Taking a Contract Some may involve clearing an area of dangerous
A group of hunters seeking employment generally creatures such as sorrowful or giant rats. Others may be
find their way to the Bastion; a small island of safety to hunt down and kill a single dangerous creature such
on the outskirts of Harrowmire. Once an abbey as a ghoul that has been terrorising a particular area, or
dedicated to St. Heracleona, the Bastion is now the perhaps even a former hunter who has succumbed to
unofficial headquarters of many groups seeking to save their curse and become a marauding killer.
Harrowmire from its fate. Inside the abbey walls, in what
Sometimes a contract will be issued to request the aid
were once the cloisters, is the Wall of Woe on which
of hunters in investigating crimes against the people of
hang countless paper contracts; hunters can browse and
Harrowmire. Usually these contracts are issued by the
select them as they wish (although particularly lucrative
militia, but occasionally they may be issued by a specific
or interesting contracts are often sorely contested by
faction when the crime has been committed against them.
different bands).
Other contracts may involve retrieving lost artefacts,
To accept a contract a group of hunters simply needs to
helping reclaim lost parts of the city, or even mapping
take the contract down and seek out the issuer. In some
the mysterious necropolis.
cases they don’t even need to take this step; simply
taking the contract, carrying it out and finding the issuer Rewards
once it is resolved is enough. Most contracts offer a reward in an amount of shillings.
A contract will usually contain all the information However, some contracts will offer alternative awards in
required to carry it out; where to go, what to do, and who the form of goods, services, or rare items of equipment.
to find for payment once it’s complete. However, more If a contract is issued by a political faction such as the
than one band of hunters has discovered only too late Hand, the Church of the Undergod, or the Order of St.
that the issuer has omitted some vital details. Sometimes Claudine, then a common reward is gaining reputation
the issuer will also paste up multiple copies of the same and influence with the issuing faction in addition to more
contract, resulting in fierce competition between bands physical rewards.
of hunters. A typical contract offers between 50 and 100 shillings
per hunter as a reward. More difficult contracts will offer
Where do Contracts Come From?
increasing amounts. A particularly dangerous contract,
Since the Night of Madness Harrowmire lacks any
for example one that requires the hunters to venture
official leadership. The Church of the Undergod have
deep into the necropolis and slay a powerful creature,
retreated to their cathedral at the heart of the city,
may offer as much as 500 shillings. Provided the hunters
seldom venturing out except to administer the Bitter
survive to claim such a reward, of course.
Sacrament to those who can afford it. The merchants
who once organised the secular side of the city spend Influence
their days drinking and their nights terrified. The wider Sometimes a contract will be issued by one of the
empire has never had much influence within Harrowmire, influential factions within Harrowmire such as the Militia,
and now they have even less. the Church of the Undergod, the Hand, or the Order

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Running the Game

of Saint Claudine. In these cases a common reward, in Moon Hangs Low should most commonly feature on a
addition to the regular payment of shillings, is Influence. regular basis. There are three intended themes in this
Influence is tracked against each faction separately, game: Horror, Mystery and Struggle.
and a character will usually earn only a single point of Horror
influence per contract, if at all.
Horror can be included in games in a number of ways.
When a character makes a Bluff, Charm, Intimidate, or Visceral horror can come from discovering mutilated
Perform skill check against a member of a faction they bodies and pools of blood, either left by mundane killers
gain a number of bonus dice equal to the number of or more monstrous culprits.
points of influence they have with that particular faction.
A more existential horror can be found in the struggle
For example: Selena has three points of influence with the of a hunter against the dark impulses of their curse.
Church thanks to a number of contracts she has completed Other hunters have fallen to their curses, and featuring
in the past. While sneaking around the Cathedral district such lost souls as antagonists can help explore this
she encounters a churchwarden who demands to know brand of horror.
what she’s doing. Selena’s player Sam makes a Bluff check
There is also an aspect of religious horror which could
to convince the churchwarden she has legitimate business
be incorporated by featuring the Church of the Undergod
in the area. Because of Selena’s influence, Sam adds an
and the strange rituals they perform in their echoing
additional 3d6 to the dice roll.
cathedral. Does the church willfully engage in these dark
Influence can also be used to purchase certain special practices, knowing full well what they entail? Or are they
favours from the faction in question. When a character deluded into thinking they are somehow helping?
uses their influence with a faction in this way, they
When introducing any kind of horror, it is often far more
permanently reduce their influence by a number of
effective for Gamemasters to be evasive with the details
points equal to the favour they have called in. See the
of what the players are facing; keeping the exact source
individual faction descriptions in chapter 10 for details of
of a strange sound or unpleasant odour unknown for a
the favours a character can request.
sustained time often lets the players’ imaginations fill in

RUNNING THE GAME the blanks better than any description can.
With any inclusion of horror, the Gamemaster should
Below are some tips for the Gamemaster when running
be mindful of their player’s comforts and limits: if a player
When the Moon Hangs Low.
has an out-of-character issue with any of the aspects
Tone and Themes listed above, the Gamemaster should remove those
This game is intended to evoke the gothic horror aspects immediately. This is a game, after all.
and dark fantasy genres. Being mindful of tone and Mystery
featuring the themes of the game can help to convey
Mystery is perhaps one of the easier themes to include.
this to the players.
Most games will involve a mystery of one sort or another;
Tone can be thought of “what do the characters whether the characters are trying to solve a crime,
experience and why?”: it is what the characters see, explore a ruin, or hunt down a dangerous creature there
smell, hear, and feel as they make their way through is always an element of the unknown.
Harrowmire. Harrowmire is a dark, disturbing place, a
Mystery can also be included in a wider sense by
once-great city that is now decaying and crumbling
exploring the questions behind some aspects of the
because of its own hubris. It is a place of darkness, rain,
setting. What is the Bitter Sacrament, and where does
rot, tears, cries, echoes and suffering. Weather can be a
it come from? Who were the ympir, and what was the
great way to add to the tone, as does lighting. Light can
Undergod? What caused the sorrow plague, and why
be the difference between life and death in Harrowmire,
do some victims degenerate into ghouls? The answers
so Gamemasters should always try to remember how a
to these questions have been left intentionally vague:
scene is being lit, and how that might change what the
Gamemasters can decide to answer them during their
characters experience.
games, or leave them unanswered as well.
Themes are the story points that games in When the
Remember: not every question has to have a concrete

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Running the Game
answer. Some mysteries are better left unsolved. exact length of time a scene encompasses is mutable;
a scene encompasses a number of events in the same
location that occur within a short time of each other.
Struggle is a theme that can be explored in a number of
Think of it from the point of view of a movie; a scene
ways during games. Physical struggle, such as combat,
encompasses the events that take place between a
is easy to include. Similarly social conflict, such as might
fade-in and a fade-out.
occur between the various political factions within
Generally speaking a scene is quite short; lasting a few
Harrowmire, can be just as deadly when the characters
hours of in-game time at the most. For example, a scene
are swept up in it.
could begin when the characters arrive at a mysterious
A more spiritual struggle can be explored in the
ruin, include their search for clues and conclude when
individual character’s struggles against their fates. Each
they discover a hidden trapdoor and descend into the
hunter’s curse can be seen as something to struggle
vaults below. The next scene would begin as they enter
against, and Gamemasters could use this as the basis for
the vaults.
game sessions.
A scene can cover a much longer period of narrative
On a grander scale, the fate of Harrowmire could be
time when the Gamemaster and players want to skip
explored using this theme. How do the characters aid in
over mundane and boring events as the characters move
the struggle to save Harrowmire? Or do they work against
from one key event to another.
it, seeking to hasten the destruction of the cursed city?

A scene is a common measure of time in When the
Moon Hangs Low. Many Edges and items have a number
of uses per scene, or durations that last for a scene. The

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Days later we had a bit of a service. There was nothing to bury, but I persuaded the others – even
Alysska – to join Nicol and me as we threw pansies into the sea. They were Dye’s favourite flowers, and this
abandoned churchyard had been her favourite place in Old Town; I pretended I’d known both those facts,
but really I hadn’t known her at all.
Some pack mother I’d been.
Words were said; I had trouble listening. Nicol was very kind, asking if I wanted to add anything, but I
couldn’t. I don’t know what my problem was; he was the child, the one who’d lost a sister.
He asked for passage to the Bastion; something about a new contract. I wanted him to go home, but
apparently there wasn’t one. It ended up being the least we could do, avoiding Cullen’s thugs on the Old
Road for a fairly uneventful trip.
I checked our contract again. We’d lost the issuer and her pay; I wouldn’t have taken her money anyway.
There remained the matter of the additional award, and I would have left it well alone but I owed the others
their shares.
The market stall was selling meat. The first trader had no idea what I was talking about, but his friend
overheard and took me aside. Yes, he represented those who had added the extra reward; yes, they’d
heard about Nicol and the others. No, it didn’t matter to them that Dye hadn’t come back. They were
pleased, and we were paid handsomely.
If anything it made me feel worse.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
For over one hundred years the name Harrowmire these treasures were the mummified corpses of the
conjured images of wealth and prosperity in every mind strange chiropteran creatures that obviously created
in the Sarpedean Empire. A city where one could find the necropolis in some unknown bygone age. These
eternal youth thanks to the miraculous Bitter Sacrament, creatures were given the name ympir, after the creatures
or make one’s fortune by plumbing the depths of the of myth that supposedly left gifts for those most in need.
treasure-filled necropolis below its streets. A place where At the center of the necropolis the stunned explorers
one could make their life anew, or lose everything, it was found a titanic example of the builders; a huge corpse
said. At its height Harrowmire’s wealth and influence wrapped in miles of ancient linen and hung with golden
even eclipsed that of Achromantos, the capital of the charms. They came to call this creature the Undergod,
empire, earning the city no small measure of ire from the and many people began to attribute both their luck
empress herself. and ill-fortune in the underground city to the will of the
Now, though, Harrowmire is a byword for darkness huge corpse. A nascent religion sprang up around the
and suffering. The entire Bittershore peninsula has been Undergod, led by the adventurers who first discovered
placed under quarantine, the mountain passes into the its tomb.
region are guarded by imperial soldiers, and news from The sudden influx of gold from the necropolis caused
inside the city is grim indeed. Harrowmire to flourish overnight. People flocked to the
But how did Harrowmire rise so high, and fall so low? town to find their fortune in the catacombs. The town
Many imperial scholars have studied the history of the began to expand, with new buildings hung with ornate
so-called Cursed City for answers. gargoyles modelled on the chiropteran inhabitants of
the necropolis being extremely popular. When the city
THE HISTORY limits met the surrounding marshlands, Harrowmire
began to extend upwards, with great spires and turrets
OF HARROWMIRE becoming popular features, towering over the buildings
of the old town.
Harrowmire sits on the Bittershore peninsula at the
eastern extremes of the Empire, overlooking the cold Amid the prosperity brought by the gold carried up
waters of the eastern ocean. Reachable only by three from the necropolis a new wonder appeared: the Bitter
Sacrament. Created by the new Church of the Undergod,
narrow passes that wind through the foreboding
the Bitter Sacrament was an alchemical drug the
Ironreach Mountains, for centuries Harrowmire was
origins of which were a closely guarded secret. Many
nothing more than a remote whaling town, of note to
whispered that the drug was produced by grinding
almost no one. Much of the history of the small town was
down the bones of the ympir mummies. Others claimed
unremarkable, until the whale stocks of the Forcantor it was a substance mined from the great ossified body
Abyssal, the cold sea that laps at the eastern coast of the of the Undergod itself. Whatever its origins, the Bitter
empire, collapsed due to over-hunting. Sacrament had incredible powers; a single draft would
Harrowmire had never been wealthy: the meagre income cause the imbiber to miraculously grow younger, and
from the whale oil, ivory, and baleen was all that had been even cure diseases.
keeping the town afloat for years. With that gone, the town Stories of the Bitter Sacrament caused even more people
was plunged into absolute poverty. Those who could to flock to the city from across the empire. The Church of
leave did so, and those that could not suffered. the Undergod exercised strict controls on sale of the Bitter
Sacrament, forbidding it to be shipped out of the city. The
The Necropolis Discovered church became incredibly powerful and wealthy.
In desperation the townsfolk dug into the hills For almost a century Harrowmire was bathed in wealth,
overlooking the town in the hopes of finding tin or coal; but also crushing poverty. Many who came to the city to
instead, they broke into sprawling catacombs that wound seek their fortune quickly found themselves destitute
deep into the earth. Clearly ancient, the tunnels were part and reduced to living in the sprawling hovels known
of a huge necropolis. To the amazement of the townsfolk as the Shambles that surrounded the city limits. Crime
the tunnels were filled with ancient grave goods of gold and disease were rampant in the Shambles, while in
the city above the wealthy and eternally-young lived in
and silver, encrusted with precious gems. Alongside
decadent excess.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

The Sorrow Plague mountain passes were guarded, with no one allowed to
No one knows where the plague originated or how it leave the peninsula on pain of death. Ironclad warships
was spread, but it struck both rich and poor alike, and it were stationed in the bay, within cannon shot of the city
quickly became evident it was both incurable and fatal. should anyone seek to escape by sea.
Those afflicted shared the same symptoms: headache,
Harrowmire Now
fever, red eyes, and a sensitivity to light. As the plague
It has been almost a year since the events of the Night
progressed the symptoms grew worse, especially the
of Madness. Parts of the city are now almost entirely
light sensitivity and reddening eyes. Most victims bled
abandoned, while other districts are flooded by the
profusely from their tear ducts, giving the plague its
marshes, or haunted by sorrowful and ghouls. A few
name as they appeared to weep blood. In almost every
pockets of civilisation remain, where militia patrols or
case the victims died less than three days after the initial
mobs of armed citizens have managed to keep the
symptoms appeared.
dangers at bay. No matter where in the city they live,
Within a week the plague had spread across the
come nightfall everyone bars their doors and prays for
city. The church officials and the merchant leaders of
sunrise. Some people spend their nights in drug-fuelled
Harrowmire tried to curb its spread by rounding up as
ignorance, whereas others huddle with their loved ones,
many of the infected as possible and sending them to
waiting for salvation.
three sanatoriums around the city. Most victims quickly
The necropolis still lies below the city, but many
expired, making the sanatoriums little more than charnel
entrances have been lost during the Night of Madness,
houses. However, in a small percentage of the population
or buried as buildings collapsed in the subsequent fires.
the disease entered a new and horrifying phase.
The Church still has access to the Tomb of the Undergod,
These victims became irrationally violent, filled with
but much of the surrounding catacombs are now home
a psychotic bloodlust. They felt compelled to attack,
to ghouls and even worse monstrosities.
kill and consume the flesh and blood of other living
Despite the quarantine many people still venture to
creatures. Tragically, many appeared to retain fragments
Harrowmire seeking the Bitter Sacrament in order to
of their intelligence: wielding weapons, muttering
prolong their lives: those who feel they have no other
incomprehensible sentences, and occasionally sobbing
option or who do not care that they will become trapped
in apparent anguish at their condition. These sorrowful
inside the blockade.
wretches were rounded up and kept secured in cells
beneath the sanitariums. However, for every dozen Others come seeking their fortune in the necropolis
found, more were left to run rampant in the city. below the city, even knowing that they can never leave
Harrowmire once they enter.
The Night of Madness Lastly there are those drawn to the city by the strange
Discontent and panic grew. Bodies of the plague-dead threads of fate: the hunters. These people, having had
lay rotting in the streets, the cost of the Bitter Sacrament a brush with the strange forces of darkness elsewhere
was exorbitant, and many people were unhappy with in the empire, feel compelled to make the journey to
the treatment of the victims of the plague. Riots of Harrowmire, perhaps not even knowing where their
protest began and, during the largest such protest, travels will take them.
the patients locked in the various asylums broke free.
In what became known as the ‘Night of Madness’ fires AREAS OF THE CITY
started by the rioting raged out of control in parts of
Harrowmire. The patients, far from being thankful for Harrowmire is a dense and labyrinthine city, expanding
their liberation, were bloodthirsty maniacs who attacked across the hills that contain the necropolis and down to
everyone indiscriminately. Worse still, some of them had the coast where the old town used to stand. To the north
degenerated into abhuman monsters dubbed ‘ghouls’. of the city lie the expansive Bonerot Marshes through
which winds the Coldwine River. To the south of the city
The militia finally got the city back under control,
is the Bastion, the former abbey now used as a staging
but the harm was done. The empress decreed that
post for hunters.
Harrowmire must be placed under quarantine. The

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
The Bonerot Marshes


The Spill
e Riv

Th eH


The Farmlands

4 The High Park

New City 5

Pilgrim’s Way
2 Old Town

Coldrack Docks

The Shambles

Old Ro

Buildings of Note
1 1. The Bastion
2. The Cathedral
3. The Dispensary
4. Skolovok University
5. Whalebone House
The Forcantor Abyssal 6. Bishopsgate Sanitarium
7. The Old Scythe Inn

© 2022 Isolation Games

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

The Bastion Purdita Kaldus: Mother Superior of the Order of St.

Staging post and command center, the Bastion is where Claudine, Purdita is the nominal leader of the Bastion.
many hunters come to find contracts. Once an abbey She is adored by many of the citizens of Harrowmire for
dedicated to St. Heracleona, the Bastion lies outside the efforts of her order to help the needy. Purdita is a
the limits of Harrowmire proper, and as such escaped tough woman, her heart hardened by the terrible sights
the heretical purge the worshippers of the Undergod she has been witness to since the Night of Madness.
performed during the heyday of Harrowmire. Factions
Now the abbey has been turned into a small fortress by The Hand, Militia and the Order all have influence in
Imperial loyalists and is home to both countless hunters the Bastion. There are a few agents of the Church, but
and those who make their living off them. Whores, they do not tend to advertise their presence.
traders, and thieves: all flock to the abbey and the
relative safety its walls bring. However, despite the lack The Shambles
of ghouls and sorrowful, the streets around the Bastion The Shambles are a huge swathe of slums that surround
can still harbour dangers in the form of footpads and Harrowmire; ramshackle housing built to accommodate
blood-crazed hunters. the droves of poorer travellers who flocked to the city
At the center of the Bastion are the former cloisters, during its golden age. The Shambles lie between the
now home to an expansive marketplace where hunters Bastion and the New City, meaning any hunters who wish
come to buy equipment, supplies other, more obscure to reach the main precincts of Harrowmire proper must
items for their hunts. traverse the unlit cobbled streets.
Most houses in the Shambles are only two- or three-
Notable Locations
story buildings, made from crumbling brick and
The Wall of Woe: The Wall of Woe surrounds the Beast
untreated timber. In places entire rows of houses have
Market. It used to be the wall that enclosed the cloisters
collapsed since the Night of Madness, either because of
when the Bastion was still an abbey; now it is hung with
the fires or the encroaching flooding. Many people still
hundreds of layered paper contracts.
live in the Shambles, especially those areas adjacent
The Beast Market: Situated in the middle of the Bastion, to the Old Road, near the Bastion, and at the limits of
the Beast Market is a bustling, raucous marketplace the Old Town. Other areas are now abandoned ruins
where almost anything can be bought or sold. haunted by sorrowful, giant rats, and gutter boars. In the
The Slaughtered Lamb: An inn and tavern located just northernmost areas of the Shambles waters from the
outside the Bastion, famous for being one of the busiest marshlands have inundated much of the area, flooding
watering holes remaining in Harrowmire. It is a good the streets and bringing their own set of hazards.
place to seek out information and allies, as well as a
Notable Locations
strong drink.
The Old Road: The main highway that runs from the
Notable People western mountains all the way to the New City. During
Aldia Cortano: Lead agent of the Hand in Harrowmire. Harrowmire’s golden age the Old Road was brightly lit
Aldia is a quiet, dangerous woman who seems to know and filled with travellers, now it sees a fraction of the
a lot about everything that occurs within the city. She traffic it used to. The road is still patrolled by members
maintains a network of informants and agents across the of the militia, and some of the street lamps are still lit
city, and is constantly locked in a duel of wits with the come night, making it one of the safer ways to reach the
Church of the Undergod. New City.
Captain Tristan DuCard: Leader of the Harrowmire Bishopsgate Sanitarium: The sole remaining
militia, Tristan took the post after the previous captain sanitarium of the three used to house sorrowful before
met their end during the Night of Madness. Tristan is the Night of Madness. While abandoned, the structure
an honest, noble leader who is quickly coming to the is largely intact and inside are rumoured caches of
realisation he will have to make hard choices if he is to medical supplies. There are all manner of fell rumours
save his home. surrounding the place.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Notable People marshes. The militia are suspicious of Bregas’ continued
Zofia Cullen: A tenacious member of the militia, Zofia trips into the marshes, not believing his claims that he is
is in charge of maintaining the safety of the Old Road. a simple fisherman.
While her intent is good, Zofia enforces the peace with Factions
draconian diligence, and has a fearsome reputation
No Factions have any influence in the Marshes.
because of it.
Old Gabe: A wily and seasoned coachman, Old Gabe The Farmlands
ferries travellers from the Bastion to the New City for Surrounding Harrowmire are miles of farmlands which
extortionate fees. He is remarkably good at avoiding used to feed the city in its heyday. Even before the
trouble, however, so claims his fees are well-deserved. Night of Madness, the farmlands had begun to collapse
Factions thanks to lack of labour and seasonal flooding from the
nearby marshlands.
The Militia and the Order both have influence in the
Shambles. Now the majority of the farmlands are abandoned;
miles of rotting fields studded here and there with
The Bonerot Marshes abandoned barns and farmhouses, and the occasional
The sprawling marshes that surround the northern ruined windmill.
limits of Harrowmire, following the banks of the Coldwine Notable Locations
River as it makes its way to the sea. In bygone days the
Wheterwhil: A small hamlet to the north of Harrowmire,
residents of the town used to hunt the marshes for eels
on the banks of the Coldwine River, Wheterwhil was a
and birds, but in recent years there are rumours of huge
community of farmers and millers. Some time before the
bloodthirsty crocodiles, strange red-eyed herons, and
Night of Madness agents of the Church of the Undergod
even worse monsters deeper in the swamps.
led by Morningstar raided the village and burned every
Smugglers sometimes use the marshlands as a way inhabitant at the stake for heresy. Exactly what that
into and out of the city, and it is not uncommon for heresy was remains unknown; perhaps it had to do with
contracts to be issued to stop them. the strange wooden idols that can still be found in the
The Imperial commanders are increasingly concerned surrounding fields.
by the lack of control they can exercise over the The Old Scythe Inn: One of the few inhabited buildings
marshes, and the potential avenue out of Harrowmire in the farmlands, the inn lies on the High Road leading
they represent. towards the mountain passes. Often the first sign of
Notable Locations civilisation after passing through the mountains, the Old
Kamil’s Pond: Deep in the marshes, Kamil’s Pond is Scythe is an island of respite in the bleak surroundings
a wide, mirror-flat pool once famed for its eels. Locals for many travellers.
still risk the occasional trip to the pond in the hopes of Notable People
catching fish, but recently such trips have either failed to Henstrom Morl: A former hunter twisted by the
return or come back with horrifying tales of something bloodshed and intrigue of Harrowmire, Henstrom now
monstrous living in the depths. leads a group of bandits that prowl the farmlands.
The Spill: The name given to the area where the Preying on the few inhabited hamlets, Henstrom is cruel,
Coldwine River burst its banks and flooded the malicious, and extremely dangerous.
Shambles. The whole area is now waist-deep or worse,
and the houses that once stood here are mud-filled
shapes in the murk. More than one band of smugglers The Order has marginal influence in the Farmlands.
has made camp in the abandoned buildings. Old Town
Notable People Old Town is the remains of the oldest parts of
Bregas Agore: Quiet and grim, Bregas can usually be Harrowmire; buildings that date back over a century
found at his shack at the edge of the Shambles and is to before the discovery of the necropolis. Old Town
known to act as a guide to hunters venturing into the sits at the base of the hills, alongside the Coldrack

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Docks. When money and fame came to Harrowmire, to cater to ships bringing travellers from overseas, rather
new buildings quickly surrounded Old Town and then than hauling in whale carcasses. Since the Night of
overshadowed it with towering structures, criss-crossing Madness the docks are quiet and still, due to the ironclad
bridges and huge cathedrals. Nowadays the buildings warships now patrolling the bay.
of the New City stand high over those of Old Town, At the southern edge of the docks, overlooking the
eclipsing the megre light during the day, and casting the ocean, lie the old whale yards. Abandoned well over a
winding streets into impenetrable shadow at night. century ago when the whaling industry collapsed, the
It is home to the poorest and most impoverished yards are a warren of rotting wooden buildings, ancient
inhabitants of Harrowmire, and is a regular hunting whale bones, and muck-filled slipways.
ground of both ghouls and hunters. The people who
Notable Locations
continue to live here are suspicious and dour, hostile to
The Whale Yards: Long abandoned, the whale yards
outsiders and known to burn ‘heretics’ at the stake.
are a dangerous place for multiple reasons. The rickety
Notable Locations buildings are known to crumble underfoot, gangs of
The Mayor’s Plaza: Once the heart of Harrowmire, smugglers hide out in the warehouses, and there are
the Mayor’s Plaza is now a dusty and shadow-filled rumours that horrific Nightmare Fragments haunt the
square of cracked paving and faded grandeur. Since the old ruins.
Night of Madness, the people of Old Town occasionally
Notable People
congregate here to burn those they suspect of having
Captain Anna Belgarrat: A smuggler of ill repute,
the sorrow plague on great pyres.
Captain Belgarrat and her crew hideout in the docks in
Whalebone House: A crumbling manor that was once
the hopes that they can sneak past the navy blockade.
home to the wealthy Harker family, owners of many of
the whaling ships in old Harrowmire. Abandoned for Factions
decades, the house is now host to dozens of stories of The Militia have marginal influence in the Docks.
ghouls, ghosts, and ancient treasures.
The New City
Notable People Although called ‘New City’, this district is nearly a
Ludmilla Frisk: The so-called ‘Mayor of Old Town’, hundred years old, dating back to the first boom of
Ludmilla has been consumed by paranoia and hatred. wealth experienced by Harrowmire with the discovery
A passionate public speaker, she whips the people of of the necropolis and the Bitter Sacrament. Built around
her town into murderous frenzies, which usually result in and atop the hills containing the necropolis, the New City
torch-lit hunts for outsiders. towers over the rest of Harrowmire and is resplendent
Sibling Theo: A member of the Order of St. Claudine, with great spires, basilicas and towers, all decorated with
sibling Theo valiantly tries to curb the darker impulses gargoyles and buttresses.
of the inhabitants of Old Town, as well as tend to the Ringed by an impressive wall isolating it from the rest
sick and needy. They repeatedly clash with Ludmilla of Harrowmire, the New City is home to the wealthiest
Frisk, and it is only due to their honest reputation and citizens; those who can afford regular doses of the Bitter
connections to the Order that they have survived so far. Sacrament and as a result have remained young and
Factions healthy for decades. Even though the chaos of the Night
of Madness was only marginally felt in the New City many
The Militia have some influence in Old Town, due to
residents fled in the days after, leaving a great many of
occasionally sending patrols into the area. However, their
the grand houses empty and dark. Those who remain
sway is fading fast due to Ludmilla’s efforts.
spend their days in desperate abandon, trying to numb
Coldrack Docks themselves to the horrors unfolding around them. Come
The old docks that once formed the sole source of nightfall the doors are barricaded, the windows barred
income for Harrowmire in its previous existence as a and shuttered, with many people holding lavish parties in
whaling town have declined in recent years. With the an attempt to ignore the screams echoing outside.
discovery of the necropolis the docks were repurposed

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
The militia and churchwardens often patrol the streets Factions
of the New City at night, but even so it is not uncommon Due to its proximity to the Cathedral, the Church has
for dawn to fall on a house with shattered doors and the significant influence over the New City. While the Militia
floors inside awash with blood. regularly patrols the district, they have very little control
Four huge archways allow access to the New City from over the area.
the rest of Harrowmire, each guarded by numerous
The Cathedral
churchwardens who stringently vet those seeking to
enter. Each gate has a particular name: the Iron Arch to The huge cathedral of the Undergod dominates the
the south, Pilgrim’s Gate in the west, Bishopsgate to the heart of the New City, large enough that many people
north, and the Old Gate to the east. consider it to be a district in its own right. Guarded by
the masked and armoured churchwardens, and with
Notable Locations countless winding passages and spires, the cathedral
The High Park: A glorious plaza created to honour is more like a citadel than a place of worship. While its
the creation of the New City, the High Park is filled with entrance ways lie in the New City, the foundations of the
beautiful marble statues, impressive fountains and cathedral plunge deep into the earth, into the necropolis
small gardens. Once a fashionable place for wealthy itself, allowing the priests and guards access to the Tomb
citizens to promenade, now the area is cold and empty, of the Undergod.
filled with shadows and menace. The trees and shrubs, The district also encompasses the associated church
once tended by an army of gardeners, are now either buildings that huddle inside the precincts of the
overgrown or dead. cathedral: libraries, cloisters, dormitories for the priests,
Skolovok University: For years considered one of the reliquaries, and the mysterious alchemical laboratories
most eminent institutions of learning in the whole empire, where the Bitter Sacrament is prepared.
now it’s lecture halls stand empty and dark. Some It is unknown how many priests reside within the
scholars still travel to Harrowmire to peruse the extensive cathedral these days, few venture far from the safety of
libraries, but by and large the place is abandoned. its walls unless they have to.
The Dispensary: The Dispensary is an impressive
Notable Locations
building at the heart of the New City where vials of the
Bitter Sacrament are sold to citizens. Guarded by masked The Ivory Nave: The only part of the cathedral open
and armoured churchwardens, the building is one of the to the citizens of Harrowmire, the Ivory Nave takes its
most secure areas of the district. name from the huge amounts of whale ivory used in its
construction. Before the Night of Madness the nave saw
Notable People almost continuous use, as citizens attended services in
Lord Colem Borgo: The mayor of the New City, Lord the honour of the Undergod, and also came to purchase
Borgo is nominally one of the most important people the Bitter Sacrament from the priests. Now the nave is
in Harrowmire. In practice he is little more than a much quieter, but still hosts dozens of visitors a day.
mouthpiece for Cardinal Falken and the Church of the The Grand Spire: Rising above the nave, casting a long
Undergod. shadow over all of Harrowmire, is the Grand Spire. A work
Cardinal Nemista Falken: Emissary of the Church of the of architectural wonder, the spire took years to complete
Undergod in the New City, Cardinal Falken oversees the and is covered in strange and fantastic carvings and
Dispensary and as a result she wields incredible power gargoyles. The spire houses the upper echelons of the
in the district. The Cardinal is a cunning and dangerous clergy, including the Arch Prelate himself.
opponent for anyone who would risk crossing her. The Holy Steps: Deep in the heart of the cathedral
Sergeant Carlo Selinski: The militia representative are the Holy Steps, a winding staircase that descends
to the New City, Sergeant Selinski is responsible for deep into the bowels of the necropolis. Guarded
organising patrols and solving crimes in the district. at regular intervals by the most devout of the
Frequently overruled by the churchwardens, Sergeant churchwardens, the Holy Steps may only be walked by
Selinski is not above issuing contracts to investigate priests of a certain rank.
crimes he has been forbidden to look into himself.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Notable People the city beneath the city have vanished; it is certain that
Arch Prelate Xavier Morn: The leader of the Church unspeakable things make their home down there.
of the Undergod and the effective ruler of Harrowmire, There are entrances to the Necropolis all across
Arch Prelate Morn is a rarely-seen figure whose orders Harrowmire, from the grand gated staircases found
are carried out by legions of loyal priests. It is known that in the New City, to rotten bolt-holes found in the
the Arch Prelate was once one of the original adventurers Shambles. Because of the multitude of access points,
who discovered the corpse of the Undergod, meaning countless Sorrowful and Ghouls make their homes in the
that he must be well over a century old by now, sustained Necropolis when the sun rises each day.
by countless doses of the Bitter Sacrament.
Notable Locations
Morningstar: Never seen without their face-obscuring
Tomb of the Undergod: At the heart of the necropolis
cowl and helm, Morningstar is the commander of the
lies the huge vault containing the corpse of the
churchwardens and one of the most feared people
Undergod. Guarded by members of the Church, access
in Harrowmire. Known for their inflexible and brutal
to the tomb is carefully controlled and almost impossible
enforcement of church edicts, Morningstar has overseen
for outsiders to reach. Few have seen inside, but rumours
countless executions and burnings, both before and after
talk of the vast corpse, strange carvings, and the untold
the Night of Madness.
riches that lie within.
Cardinal Chia Vesper: A bright and friendly member
Kellen’s Crypt: Kellen was an explorer from the early
of the clergy who is in charge of the day-to-day running
days of the discovery of the necropolis, and they tried
of the cathedral. Many people whisper that her cheerful
repeatedly to chart the tunnels with little success. The
persona is a mask for something dark and cruel within.
crypt that bears their name is one of the easier to locate
Factions mausoleums in the upper levels of the necropolis, and
The Church has an unshakable influence over the has been used by various groups of adventurers as a
Cathedral. The Hand in particular constantly strives to staging ground and campsite over the years.
sneak spies and agents into the district, with no success The Nexus: Several of the larger tunnels and stairwells
to date. meet at the Nexus, which seems to have been some
kind of gathering place or temple for the ympir. Any
The Necropolis
treasures that might have been here were looted years
The ancient corpse-city of the ympir, the lightless ago, but the Nexus is a useful landmark for those
tunnels of the necropolis wind for unknown miles exploring the necropolis.
beneath Harrowmire. No one knows how long ago
the necropolis was constructed, or anything concrete Factions
about the society that deemed it so important. Certainly The Church has nominal influence over the necropolis,
nothing existed aboveground to mark the location, apart mostly in the tunnels around the Tomb of the Undergod.
from a few scattered obelisks in the marshes. The further out, or the deeper down one travels, the
The corridors of the necropolis are built to dimensions darker and less explored the tunnels become. No one
slightly larger than human, and adhere to geometries has influence there. Nothing human, that is.
that most explorers find unsettling. At irregular intervals
stone doorways open into chambers and halls that
contain mumfied ympir, troves of strange treasure, or Everyone in Harrowmire fears the night, and with good
weird relics of unknown purpose. reason. As the sun sets behind the mountains people
hurry home, barring their doors and praying to either
Anyone who has visited the necropolis and returned
the imperial saints or the Undergod that they might see
talks of the awful, pregnant atmosphere of dread that
the next dawn. As the moon rises the sorrowful, ghouls,
settled on them as soon as they entered the tunnels;
and other, stranger creatures creep from the sewers and
a feeling of being lost in the veins of a vast, ancient
tunnels to roam the streets in search of prey.
creature that resented their presence.
While some areas of the city are moderately safe
Countless dozens of adventurers who have entered
to travel during the day, come nightfall even the

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
oversee. Occasionally they will ask hunters to help
investigate murders and other crimes that are too bizarre
or dangerous for them to deal with.

Using Influence
The Militia isn’t wealthy, but it has access to rumours
and the good will of the common citizens. Hunters
with influence in the Militia can call in favours for aid in
these forms.
Rumour (one influence): The militia gives the character
a piece of information; often a rumour of a hidden supply
cache, potential treasure, or other useful tidbit.
Resupply (two influence): The character is allowed to
resupply from a militia armoury: they can take a number of
pieces of mundane gear or items worth up to 200 shillings.
Deputy (three influence): The militia provides the
character with a badge of office, making them a deputy.
This may give them access to secure areas, and authority
over loyal citizens.
Backup (four influence): The militia will provide two
torch-lit boulevards of the New City are prowled by guards that will accompany the character for a short
bloodthirsty monsters. while (usually the span of the next contract the character
FACTIONS The Church of the Undergod
There are several powerful factions that operate in The Church of the Undergod is still powerful and
Harrowmire, each with its own goals and plans for the wealthy despite the fall of Harrowmire. Secure in their
city. Hunters often find themselves dragged into the cathedral, the priests of the church want nothing more
machinations of these factions, whether they plan to than to see the city returned to its glory days and the
or not. money of those seeking the Bitter Sacrament flowing
once more. With close ties to the nobles that remain in
The Militia
the New City, coffers filled with gold, and a small army of
The remains of the city militia still try to bring order to
zealous wardens, the church is not to be trifled with.
Harrowmire, despite being hopelessly under qualified.
While a rare sight in the lower parts of Harrowmire,
Before the plague and the fire, the militia’s only duties
agents of the church exercise impressive control over
were to keep nerdowells out of the church precincts,
the New City, the Cathedral, and the Necropolis. In
and guard the houses of rich merchants. Now, in the
those areas it is not uncommon to see patrols of white-
absence of any other real leadership the common
robed, armoured churchwardens in their intimidating
people of Harrowmire have turned to the militia for
masks. These warriors are much better trained than the
leadership and protection.
militia, but rarely place themselves in danger if they
Dressed in faded and tattered uniforms, the militia can
can send a hunter instead. As such, the church often
be found patrolling the Shambles, Old Town, and the
contracts hunters to clear lost shrines and chapels of
Docks in an attempt to keep the citizens who live there
monsters, or recover artefacts ‘misplaced’ during the
safe from the monsters and criminals that now haunt
Night of Madness.
the streets. Few are trained soldiers, however, and their
chances when faced by a horde of sorrowful or a ghoul Using Influence
are slim. As such, the militia often contract hunters to The Church’s power lies in its incredible wealth, the
cull dangerous creatures that threaten the areas they fervor with which the citizens view it, and its control of the

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Bitter Sacrament. Typically it is these resources that the character a useful secret. This could be the location of
church offers to hunters allied with it. a hidden supply cache, but could also be warden patrol
Financial Aid (one influence): The church will give the routes, or even the name of a reliable underworld fence.
character 200 shillings, no questions asked. Blackmail Material (three influence): The Hand gives
Bitter Sacrament (two influence): The church gifts the the character a useful piece of blackmail material on a
character a single vial of Bitter Sacrament. citizen. This can be used to leverage money, other favours,
or a wealth of other possibilities.
Holy Seal (three influence): The church gives the
character a holy seal, marking them as an agent of the Assassination (four influence): The Hand can arrange
church. This may make interactions with religious citizens to have a citizen assassinated, within reason. Such a job
easier, and allow the character access to restricted areas. might take a few days to complete, but eventually the
target will turn up dead, or vanish altogether.
Holy Artefact (four influence): The church will give a
Holy Relic to the character (see chapter 7 for details). The Order of Saint Claudine
The Hand The Order of St. Claudine are a monastic order who
cared for the poor and downtrodden during the glory
The Hand began as a group of imperial agents sent
days of Harrowmire. Since the fall they find themselves
to Harrowmire some time before the Night of Madness
stretched to breaking point, trying to care for the sick
to investigate the Church of the Undergod and its
and injured that now overflow their small hospitals. The
influence over the city. When the plague and fire
grey-robed monks and nuns of the Order are highly
ravaged the city, members of the Hand stepped out
respected by the citizens of the city for their compassion
of the shadows to help reestablish order and restore
and medical skills.
imperial leadership.
The Order wishes nothing more than to care for the
It is the Hand’s ultimate goal to see Harrowmire
bulk of the population of Harrowmire; those who have
returned to the empire rather than remain in the control
witnessed their loved ones die of plague or transform
of the Church of the Undergod, with an unspoken
into hideous monsters. They have no political concerns,
implication that this would also include the dissolution
and try to stay out of the conflict between the Hand and
of the church once and for all. Both these goals have
the Church.
earned the Hand considerable ire from the church and
the citizens of Harrowmire still loyal to it. The hospitals of the Order are often surprisingly well
stocked with medical supplies considering how dire the
The Hand’s power lies in the many secrets they know,
situation in Harrowmire is. The hospitals also maintain
rather than strength in numbers. There is very little that
small cloisters and gardens that are a balm to the minds
occurs in Harrowmire the Hand are not aware of, with the
of those who have witnessed strange and terrible things.
exception of some areas closely controlled by the church.
The Order often contracts hunters to cull monsters
The Hand often contracts hunters to investigate parts
threatening the citizens of Harrowmire, or sometimes to
of the city in the hopes of discovering the cause of
retrieve caches of medicine or supplies lost in the city.
the plague, or sometimes to recover church artefacts
Other times they might ask for hunters to escort one of
for analysis. Occasionally they may ask hunters to
their members to a remote part of the Shambles so they
investigate seemingly mundane crimes which have links
can tend to the inhabitants.
back to the church.

Using Influence Using Influence

The Order’s strengths lie in the devotion of the poor, its
The Hand trades in secrets, manipulation and the
access to medical equipment, and its hospitals.
occasional special-issue piece of equipment. They are
happy to extend such services to hunters they favour. A Little Pick-me-up (one influence): The Order gives
the character two Bottles of Elixir.
Tinkering (one influence): The Hand will add a free
weapon upgrade of the character’s choice to one of Surgery (two influence): The Order will remove a single
their weapons. wound from the character’s Wound Track (this does not
require a downtime action).
A Little Secret (two influence): The Hand gives the

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Peace of Mind (three influence): The Order helps the called Watchers, and have a reputation for being hardy
character regain all of their Resolve (this does not require and aloof but with an intense sense of loyalty to their
a downtime action). friends. A lot of coal and metal ore is mined from the
A Moment of Calm (four influence): The Order helps mountains of Northwatch, meaning landowners from the
the character reduce their curse -or the curse of another region are incredibly wealthy compared to those who
character- by one degree (this does not require a work for them in the mines.
downtime action). The Bittershore region, home to Harrowmire, is well
named. Separated from the rest of the empire by the
THE WIDER EMPIRE forbidding Ironreach Mountains, the region is cold and
While most games in When the Moon Hangs Low focus remote; it is not without reason the people who live here
on Harrowmire, some Gamemasters might wish to start are known as Bitterfolk. For a little under a century, during
their stories before the characters arrive in the cursed the golden age of Harrowmire, the Bittershore briefly
city, or even set their games elsewhere in the empire. eclipsed Midland as the wealthiest territory in the empire,
The empire, referred to by some as the Sarpedean something that did not endear it to the Midlanders. Now,
Empire, has existed for centuries and encompasses however, it is a cursed and shunned region.
dozens of countries, territories, and colonies. Its influence Southreach, which lies to the south of Midland,
spreads even further than its borders, affecting trade, encompasses huge prairies of rolling grasslands, fertile
technology and society across the rest of the world, even coastal estuaries, and numerous small islands located
to countries that consider it a rival. Few nations escape in the Starfall Sea. It is often said that Southreach is the
the empire’s reach: none approach its political power or most idyllic territory of the empire. The region produces
technological advancement, leaving it unmatched. much of the empire’s food; with the introduction of new
The Empire is a diverse and wealthy nation and is technology such as threshing machines, many farmers
currently in the middle of an age of industrial revolution have been left without jobs and even without homes.
and discovery. New developments such as the steam The West Bounds of the empire are known for the cold
engine, gas lighting, and factories have revolutionised steppe lands that make up much of its terrain and the
the world, and the economy is driven by advancement nomadic people that make their home there. Considered
and capitalism. backward by the rest of the empire, these people (often
The current ruler of the empire is her August Majesty referred to as Bounders) herd flocks of great steppe
Empress Vulphelmina Sarpedos the Third, Queen goats famed for their horns and thick coats. The shamans
of Midland. The empress has ruled for almost thirty of the steppe tribes put great stock in their tattoos, the
years and has a reputation as a dedicated and strong- inks for which are mixed from ground sky iron and rare
minded leader, but also for her ruthlessness towards the herbs, which are reputed to imbue their bearer with
quarantine of Harrowmire and the Bittershore region. powerful charms.

Areas of the Empire Other Places of Darkness

Geographically and politically the empire is divided into There are places across the empire where the forces
five broad areas: of darkness have cast a shadow deep enough to affect
the real world, but none as large and concentrated as
The heartland of the empire is called Midland, and
Harrowmire. Whispers of these places persist across the
the folk who live here are referred to as Midlanders. The
empire, and some hunters might even find themselves
imperial capital Achromantos is located in Midland, and
drawn to them rather than the cursed city. Each site will
because of that the region is politically and economically
be centered around a focus of darkness, such as the
powerful even compared to the rest of the empire. Due
Undergod beneath Harrowmire, which affects everything
to the level of burgeoning industry located in Midland,
around it in subtle -or not so subtle- ways.
the region is both incredibly wealthy and also rife with
crime and suffering. Gamemasters who wish to explore such places are
encouraged to use their imagination when creating these
Northwatch is a land of tall mountains and beautiful
convergences of darkness.
alpine pastures. The people who live here are often

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

I later met survivors of fights with similar things. They say it’s the city’s fear, anguish and anger made
manifest, no doubt focused by the otherworldly design of the Necropolis.
Those who know them say that they’re not the same; something is missing. I can sympathise.
At the time, I just wanted to survive. Wretched was hurt; the tentacles just smashed through all that
armour and the resilience of being infested. The others made themselves harder targets, but soon nobody
was unharmed.
I felt for Alysska, healing us at every chance. Those tricks take it out of you, wear you down and make it
easier for curses to take hold, and for the first time I wondered whether I could really blame her for what I
disliked in her.
Nicol was struggling with his bonds, trying to uncover his mouth despite his hands chained together. I
remembered Dye, but could not see her for tentacles and the devastation they wrought.
A noise tore through me; a familiar sinking in my gut. It was Hektor’s word, but louder, angrier and more
shrill, from Nicol’s now-clear mouth. The flesh-beast roared, attacks abating as it reared in pain and
thrashed at the walls and ceiling.
We ran. I stopped near the door; I could barely make out Dye as stone fell around her, one piece pinning
her leg. Nicol’s next word was lost in the noise, and the tentacle response would have crushed him if
Wretched hadn’t pulled him aside.
Dye’s eyes were set, all strength and no fear.
“Go! Save Nicol.”

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Hunters will come into contest with all manner of their Physique. Additionally, they will only ever take the
people and creatures in the course of fulfilling a contract. dodge defence action in combat.
This chapter lists the profiles of some of these creatures.
CITIZEN The hooded and armoured churchwardens are
An average citizen of Harrowmire. This profile can also a common sight in the New City, if not the rest of
be used to represent bandits and other criminals hunters Harrowmire. Grim and fanatical, the wardens are sworn to
may encounter. protect the priests and the cathedral above all else.

Physique 2 Health 16 Physique 3 Health 24

Intellect 2 Wound Track 1 Intellect 2 Wound Track 1
Presence 2 Armour Value 0 Presence 2 Armour Value 8
Dodge Average 1 Dodge Average 2

Trained Skills Trained Skills

None Fight, Reflexes, Willpower

Equipment Equipment
Knife (roll 2d6, success on 5+, 1d6 damage) Halberd (roll 3d6, success on 4+, 4d6 damage, reach,
two-handed) or Blunderbuss (roll 3d6, success on 5+, 3d6
Special Rules
damage, range 75, scatter, single-shot, two-handed)
Minion: Average citizens only have 1 wound regardless
Shortsword (roll 3d6, success on 4+, 2d6 damage, light)
of their Physique. Additionally, they will only ever take the
dodge defence action in combat. Plate armour, robes, and holy scriptures

Special Rules
Minion: Churchwardens only have 1 wound regardless
A typical member of the city militia. Underpaid,
of their Physique. Additionally, they will only ever take the
overworked, and having seen far too much horror,
dodge defence action in combat.
these valiant men and women often try to do their
best but are hopelessly ill equipped to face the CHURCH MINISTER
monsters of Harrowmire.
The priests of the Church of the Undergod. Wearing
Physique 3 Health 24 silver masks and obscuring white robes, these ministers
Intellect 2 Wound Track 1 seem sinister to those who do not share their faith. It is
the priests who are charged with administering the Bitter
Presence 2 Armour Value 6
Sacrament to their flock, a task they undertake with
Dodge Average 1
fanatical devotion.
Trained Skills Physique 2 Health 16
Fight, Intimidate Intellect 3 Wound Track 2
Equipment Presence 3 Armour Value 6
Truncheon (roll 3d6, success on 4+, 2d6 damage, light)
Trained Skills
Pistol (roll 3d6, success on 5+, 2d6 damage, range 50,
Charm, Intimidate, Willpower
Brigandine hauberk and steel helmet
Heavy Crosier (roll 2d6, success on 5+, 3d6 damage,
Candle lantern, flask of strong drink
reach, two-handed)
Special Rules
Silver mask, brigandine armour, priestly robes, and holy
Minion: Militia guards only have 1 wound regardless of scriptures

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Leather pouch (roll 1d6, on a roll of 1 to 3 the pouch is Physique 2 Health 16

empty, on a 4 or 5 the pouch contains a vial of Elixir, on a
Intellect 2 Wound Track 1
6 the pouch contains a vial of Bitter Sacrament)
Presence 1 Armour Value 0
Special Rules Dodge Average 1
Undergod’s Blessing: Church ministers have a single
Edge, chosen by the Gamemaster. Rather than Resolve, Trained Skills
ministers use their own Health to power their Edges. None
Each use of an Edge reduces their Health by one.
SORROWFUL Rusty axe (roll 2d6, success on 5+, 2d6 damage)

One in ten people who contract the sorrow plague Special Rules
do not die, but instead become what are known as Light Sensitive: Sorrowful find light painful and shy
sorrowful. Driven by an inhuman rage, these poor away from it. They add a 1d6 penalty to any attack skill
wretches weep blood and shy away from bright light, checks and Awareness skill checks in the presence of
only to emerge at night in packs and prowl the streets Bright Light.
of Harrowmire. While they initially look human, as the
Minion: Sorrowful only have 1 wound regardless of their
disease progresses sorrowful begin to degenerate into
Physique. Additionally, they will only ever take the dodge
ghouls; their arms lengthen, their features turn gaunt and
defence action in combat.
their skin begins to lose its pigmentation.
‘Hiveling’ is the common name for a dead body
animated into a semblance of life by an adult corpse
louse that has taken up residence within it. Found in
the bonerot marshes but also in the spill and anywhere
corpses are left unburied, corpse lice are large
segmented insects about the size of a house cat with a
mottled brown carapace and a head bristling with fine
tentacles. By burrowing into a cadaver, the louse can use
its tentacles to drive the corpse’s dead limbs, allowing it
to seek out living prey.
In the early days of the plague huge numbers of dead
were buried in mass graves, the locations of which are
now lost. Because of this the militia often contracts
hunters to locate and burn such mass graves in an
attempt to curtail mass uprisings of hivelings.

Physique 2 Health 16
Intellect 1 Wound Track 1
Presence 1 Armour Value 4
Dodge Average 1

Trained Skills

Claw (roll 2d6, success on 5+, 1d6 damage)
Spit larvae (roll 2d6, success on 4+, 2d6 damage, range 10)

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Special Rules Physique 4 Health 32
Minion: Hivelings only have 1 wound regardless of their
Intellect 2 Wound Track 4
Physique. Additionally, they will only ever take the dodge
Presence 1 Armour Value 6
defence action in combat.
Horrifying: Hivelings are disgusting and unsettling; Trained Skills
characters confronted by one must make a DV 1 Awareness, Fight, Stealth
Willpower check or lose 1 Resolve.
Mastered Skills
Dead Nature: Hivelings cannot be poisoned, knocked
unconscious or be subject to any other effects that would
require living biology. Equipment
Corpse Louse: When encountered outside of a rotting Claws (roll 4d6, success on 4+, 2d6 damage)
body a corpse louse is weak and easy to kill. The stats Bite (roll 5d6, success on 4+, 3d6 damage, special attack)
above represent a corpse louse when it is inside a
Special Rules
human corpse.
Claw and Bite: If a ghoul hits a target with its claw
GHOUL attack, it can pull the character in for a bite attack in the
No longer recognisable as previously human, ghouls next round.
are pallid-skinned, long-limbed monsters. Taller than a Rending Attacks: A ghoul’s attacks are incredibly
human, covered in rangy muscle and lean leathery hide, powerful; both their claw and bite attacks halve the
these creatures skulk in the darkness of alleyways and armour of their target when calculating damage.
sewers, waiting for night to fall before they emerge. Natural Cimbers: Ghouls are adept at climbing, able
There is something disturbingly to scramble up walls and across ceilings with
batlike to the features of most incredible dexterity. Ghouls do not need
ghouls; something many hunters to make skill checks related to climbing,
have commented on, drawing and can cling to almost any surface.
similarities to the mummified Horrifying: Ghouls are deeply
ympir in the necropolis below. unsettling creatures;

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

characters confronted by one must make a DV 3 ANCIENT GHOUL

Willpower check or lose 3 Resolve. Some ghouls encountered deep in the necropolis
Light Sensitive: Ghouls hate light and try to avoid it. are far larger and more dangerous than those seen in
They add a 1d6 penalty to any attack skill checks and the upper levels. Some hunters whisper that, based on
Awareness skill checks in the presence of Moderate or their size, these ghouls somehow predate the Night of
Bright Light. Madness. Surely this is impossible; that would suggest
the plague has been abroad for far longer than thought.
Physique 6 Health 48
Not all sorrowful degenerate into ghouls. In some cases
something goes wrong with the transformation; their skin Intellect 3 Wound Track 6
does not grow to accommodate their new lanky forms Presence 1 Armour Value 8
and instead tears open, hanging in rotten tatters.
Trained Skills
These wretched creatures are known as ragged, and are
Awareness, Fortitude, Stealth
found in filthy, damp places such as sewers and the canals
around the docks. Their rotting hides are surprisingly thick, Mastered Skills
granting them an increased degree of protection. Fight, Reflexes
Physique 3 Health 24 Equipment
Intellect 1 Wound Track 3 Claws (roll 6d6, success on 3+, 3d6 damage)
Presence 1 Armour Value 8 Bite (roll 7d6, success on 3+, 4d6 damage, special attack)

Trained Skills Special Rules

Stealth Claw and Bite: If an ancient ghoul hits a target with its
claw attack, it can pull the character in for a bite attack in
the next round.
Claws (roll 3d6, success on 5+, 2d6 damage, special)
Rending Attacks: An ancient ghoul’s attacks are
Special Rules incredibly powerful; both their claw and bite attacks halve
Rending Attacks: A ragged’s attacks are incredibly the armour of their target when calculating damage.
powerful; their claw attacks halve the armour of their Natural Cimbers: Ancient ghouls are adept at climbing,
target when calculating damage. able to scramble up walls and across ceilings with
Horrifying: Ragged are vile creatures; characters incredible dexterity. Ancient ghouls do not need to make
confronted by one must make a DV 2 Willpower check or skill checks related to climbing, and can cling to almost
lose 2 Resolve. any surface.
Light Sensitive: Ragged hate light and try to avoid it. Horrifying: Ancient ghouls are monstrous creatures;
They add a 1d6 penalty to any attack skill checks and characters confronted by one must make a DV 4
Awareness skill checks in the presence of Moderate or Willpower check or lose 4 Resolve.
Bright Light. Light Sensitive: Ancient ghouls hate light and try to
avoid it. They add a 1d6 penalty to any attack skill checks
and Awareness skill checks in the presence of Moderate
or Bright Light.

The dead have never rested easily in Harrowmire, as far
back as anyone can remember. Since the discovery of
the necropolis the number of ghosts seen in the city has
increased dramatically. The spirit of someone who died a
particularly tragic or violent death will sometimes return

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
as a shade; an insubstantial silhouette that saps the will SCARLET BAT
of the living and feeds on suffering. These large red-furred bats have always inhabited
Physique 3 Health 24 the marshes around Harrowmire, feeding on the blood
of animals. Since the Night of Madness the bats have
Intellect 2 Wound Track 3
moved into the limits of the city, where they prey on the
Presence 2 Armour Value 2
wretched citizens, and have become large and twisted,
Trained Skills due no doubt to the Bitter Sacrament they sup from the
veins of their victims.

Equipment Physique 1 Health 8

Touch (roll 3d6, success on 5+, 3d6 damage, special) Intellect 1 Wound Track 1
Presence 1 Armour Value 0
Special Rules
Dodge Average 2
Spectral Touch: The touch of a shade chills flesh and
saps life. As well as inflicting damage, a successful Trained Skills
attack by a shade causes a character to lose 1d6 resolve. Reflexes, Stealth
Additionally the attacks of a shade ignore a target’s
armour when calculating damage. Equipment
Insubstantial: Shades can pass through solid matter, Bite (roll 1d6, success on 5+, 1d6 damage)
although attacks still strike them as normal. Special Rules
Horrifying: Shades are grim and unsettling spectres of Minion: Scarlet bats only have 1 wound regardless of
death; characters confronted by one must make a DV 4 their Physique. Additionally, they will only ever take the
Willpower check or lose 4 Resolve. dodge defence action in combat.
Flight: Scarlet bats are fast and nimble in the air, but
GIANT RAT clumsy on the ground. When taking the Move action to
The rotting bodies of countless citizens lie in forgotten fly, a scarlet bat can move up to 22 yards per round. If
alleyways and disused sewers across Harrowmire. forced to the ground, they can only move 5 yards per
The vermin that feed on those corpses grow huge and round.
bloated; twisted by the dregs of Bitter Sacrament left in
Blood Drain: If a scarlet bat hits a target with their bite
the veins of the dead.
attack, they latch on and begin to drain their victim’s
Physique 1 Health 8 blood. Unless knocked away using a standard attack, the
Intellect 1 Wound Track 1 bat will automatically inflict 1d6 damage on their target
Presence 1 Armour Value 0 each round. This damage ignores a target’s armour, but
may be reduced by Edges.
Dodge Average 1

Trained Skills GUTTER BOAR

Descended from common pigs that broke loose during
Awareness, Stealth
the Night of Madness, these creatures have grown to
Equipment impressive size. Living wild in the Shambles, they feed
Bite (roll 1d6, success on 5+, 1d6 damage) on anything they can find, including corpses or even
hapless civilians.
Special Rules
Minion: Giant Rats only have 1 wound regardless of their Physique 3 Health 24
Physique. Additionally, they will only ever take the dodge Intellect 1 Wound Track 3
defence action in combat. Presence 1 Armour Value 2

Trained Skills
Fight, Fortitude

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)


Bite (roll 3d6, success on 4+, 2d6 damage) Sometimes hunters fall to the various curses which
Special Rules plague them, becoming dangerous monsters. Many
hunters see it as their solemn duty to track down and
Charge: Gutter boars prefer to begin combat by
neutralise such tragic individuals before they do too
charging towards their opponent, aiming to gore them
much harm to the remaining citizens of Harrowmire.
with their fearsome tusks. If a gutter boar takes the Move
action before attacking and moves at least 10 yards then
they add an additional 2d6 to their bite damage (for a
total of 4d6 damage).

These giant herons have always been common in the
marshes north of Harrowmire, but since the Night of
Madness they have become a more ominous threat.
Fattened on corpses dumped in the marshes, Marsh
Stalkers have acquired a taste for human flesh. They are
excellent ambush predators.

Physique 3 Health 24
Intellect 1 Wound Track 1
Presence 1 Armour Value 0

Trained Skills

Mastered Skills
Stealth Physique 4 Health 32
Intellect 3 Wound Track 4
Presence 2 Armour Value 6
Peck (roll 3d6, success on 4+, 3d6 damage)

Special Rules Trained Skills

Patient Hunter: Marsh stalkers can remain still for hours Athletics, Fortitude, Reflexes, Stealth, Willpower
on end, and with their grey plumage they can blend into Mastered Skills
shadows very well. If a marsh stalker remains in an unlit Fight, Shoot
area, it gains a 2d6 bonus to any Stealth skill checks.
Flight: Marsh stalkers can fly, albeit slowly and clumsily.
When taking the Move action to fly, a marsh stalker can Sword (roll 4d6, success on 3+, 3d6 damage)
move up to 13 yards per round and can fly over obstacles. Pistol (roll 4d6, success on 3+, 2d6 damage, range 50,
Various pieces of hunter equipment

Special Rules
Edges: A consumed hunter will have three Edges,
chosen by the Gamemaster. Due to the depth of their
curse, they use their own Health to power their Edges,
rather than Resolve. Each use of an Edge reduces their
Health by one.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Consumed by Darkness: Each such hunter is fully YMPIR REVENANT
consumed by their particular curse. Due to this they Not all the ympir rest easily in their tombs; some of
vary wildly in appearance and behaviour: some might the ancient mummies have become animate and now
be emaciated killers, others have turned into wraith- prowl the darkened halls of the Necropolis, clad in thick
like creatures. orichalcum plate and wielding fearsome hooked swords.
No one knows what drives these ancient guardians; is
NIGHTMARE FRAGMENT it their own will that rouses them? Or the dark magic
These horrific creatures are thankfully rare, but those of some other entity? Regardless, they suffer none to
who face them are often haunted by the experience, if trespass in their ancient tombs.
they survive such an encounter. Nightmare fragments are Physique 4 Health 32
towering conglomerations of human flesh, animated by
Intellect 3 Wound Track 4
the combined fear of the people in the city. Seething and
Presence 1 Armour Value 12
surging, fragments screech and gabble in a chorus of
maddened voices as they hunt for victims. Trained Skills
Physique 5 Health 40 Awareness, Reflexes
Intellect 1 Wound Track 5 Mastered Skills
Presence 1 Armour Value 8 Fight, Willpower

Trained Skills Equipment

Fortitude, Reflexes Orichalcum Sword (roll 4d6, success on 3+, 3d6
damage, special) or Orichalcum Lance (roll 4d6, success
Mastered Skills
on 3+, 4d6 damage, two-handed, reach, special)
Ancient armour, bandages, and charms
Special Rules
Fanged Tentacle (roll 5d6, success on 3+, 4d6 damage)
Orichalcum Weapons: The hooked swords and
Special Rules elegant lances carried by revenants are made from
Churning Chaos: A nightmare fragment can attack up orichalcum and halve the armour of their target when
to four separate targets each round, although it can only calculating damage.
attack each target once. Worth their Weight in Gold: Due to the orichalcum
Rending Attacks: A nightmare fragment’s attacks are weapons they carry, and the charms and gems they
incredibly powerful; their tentacle attacks halve the wear, a revenant is worth an incredible amount of money
armour of their target when calculating damage. if destroyed. The remains of a revenant and its gear are
Horrifying: Nightmare fragments are terrifying; worth 1d6 x 200 shillings.
characters confronted by one must make a DV 5 Horrifying: Revenants are implacable and ominous
Willpower check or lose 5 Resolve. opponents; characters confronted by one must make a
DV 4 Willpower check or lose 4 Resolve.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

We took a few more days before I went back to the Wall of Woe. We could afford it, with those extra
shillings, not that I’ve any idea how the others spent them.
I was there when Nicol went back. I should have stayed away – it’s not like there aren’t dozens of yards of
wall, crammed with contracts – but I couldn’t help but stand over his shoulder.
Before long, he noticed me. “Want to read it?”
“I will, eventually.”
“Don’t force yourself. It’s just a little investigation into what was going on back there.”
“What do you know so far?”
His lips turned up a little, half a smile. “Not much. They were testing something on us, although I might be
the only one it didn’t kill. And now I’m… I don’t know what. A hunter, I guess; a hunter without a mark. I know
what you’ll say: marks make hunters.”
I shook my head. “Curses make hunters.”
“Well, I doubt I’ll have to look far for one of those.”
I let that lie, hoping he wouldn’t continue. Glancing around, I noticed Aldia, watching us from across the
market; I gave her a nod, hoping some pleasantry might mask my suspicion.
“What does the contract pay?”
I couldn’t live on satisfaction, but I couldn’t help what I said next:
“Let me see what I can do.”
NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Random Tables
The following are some random tables to help Gamemasters quickly generate ideas for contracts, loot and other
useful details during a game.

Roll 1d6 and and then again to quickly generate a contract found hanging on the Wall of Woe in the Bastion.

1d6 1d6 Contract

1-3 1 Deal with an infestation of dangerous animals (giant rats, scarlet bats).
2 Hunt down a group of Sorrowful.
3 Locate and burn a mass grave containing a number of hivelings.
4 Slay a dangerous creature (a ghoul, ragged, or gutter boar) that has been hunting citizens.
5 People report a shade has been haunting an area. Exorcise it or destroy it.
6 Investigate a curious theft.
4-6 1 Investigate a strange murder.
2 Retrieve a lost relic for one of the factions (the Church, the Hand, the Militia, the Order).
3 Locate vital documents lost along with the courier.
4 Explore and map an area of the Shambles for the Militia.
5 Explore the Docks and ensure smugglers are not using the old warehouses.
6 Roll two more times: the contract is a combination of the two (ignore further rolls of this result).

Contracts rarely go without a hitch. Roll 1d6 and and then again to see what makes a contract more difficult than
expected. Gamemasters should note that not every contract needs a complication.

1d6 1d6 Complication

1-3 1 Difficult terrain (flooding, rubble, collapsed buildings) makes travelling through the area hard going.
2 A group (churchwardens, criminals, rival hunters) have taken over the area, and they don’t like
3 The contract issuer wants to accompany the hunters, requiring protection.
4 An unexpected creature has made its nest in the area.
5 The job is a trap set by locals who plan to feed the hunters to their ‘pets’.
6 The issuer has no intention of paying upon completion.
4-6 1 The contract vastly underestimated the number of creatures. Double the number of targets.
2 The hunters become the hunted as a creature begins stalking them without their realising.
3 The contract takes place in the New City, requiring the hunters to be mindful of their appearance and
4 The contract was issued by the Church, a priest will accompany them to ensure they carry it out
5 The contract is out of date, and either the target or the employer is nowhere to be found.
6 The area is located above a sinkhole, plunging the hunters into the depths of the necropolis!

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Random Tables

All manner of loot lies scattered in the ruins of Harrowmire. Roll 1d6 and and then again to see what items of worth
are uncovered.

1d6 1d6 Loot

1-3 1 A purse of coins (1d6 x 10 shillings).
2 A large bag of coins (1d6 x 50 shillings).
3 A heavy chest of coins (1d6 x 100 shillings).
4 A small, mostly worthless antique (worth 1d6 x 10 shillings).
5 An uncommon antique, worth a reasonable amount (worth 1d6 x 15 shillings).
6 A rare antique, worth a great amount (worth 1d6 x 50 shillings).
4-6 1 An item of equipment (a weapon, piece of gear, or light source) worth 20 shillings or less.
2 A few pieces of equipment worth a total of 80 shillings.
3 A pile of equipment worth a total of 150 shillings.
4 A pouch containing a single vial of Bitter Sacrament.
5 A handful of Orichalcum Shards (worth 2d6 x 10 shillings).
6 An occult artefact (Holy Relic, Ympir Bone Charm, Everburning Candle).

There are dozens of saints in the Imperial religion. Roll 1d6 and and then again to see who a particular shrine or
artefact is dedicated to.

1d6 1d6 Saint

1-2 1 Anastasia the Soldier, patron of the courageous.
2 Baalius the Anchorite, patron of the faithful.
3 Heracleona the Vigilant, patron of guards.
4 Constantine the Enucleated, patron of the blind.
5 Ysabella the Flayed, patron of thieves.
6 Leonidas the Whaler, patron of the crafty.
3-4 1 Claudine the Kind, patron of the downtrodden.
2 Himerius the Farmer, patron of the ernest.
3 Maria the Humble, patron of travellers.
4 Sophitia the Sybarite, patron of gamblers.
5 Valorous the Confessor, patron of the truthful.
6 Demetrios the Broken, patron of lost causes.
5-6 1 Zephira the Inquisitor, patron of the lawful.
2 Agatha the Beggar, patron of the worthless.
3 Euthymius the Herbalist, patron of the caring.
4 Diana the Teacher, patron of the learned.
5 Arcadius the Shackled, patron of the hopeless.
6 Joannina the Thrice-Impaled, patron of the outspoken.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Random Tables
Sometimes strange things happen in Harrowmire. Roll 1d6 and and then again to see what disturbs the city tonight.

1d6 1d6 Event

1-3 1 A thick fog fills the streets and screams echo from within.
2 Mirrors in parts of the city show strange shadows and reflections.
3 Whispers can be heard coming from wells across the city.
4 Strange shapes flit across the roofs, people talk of the scrabble of claws on tiles.
5 All the bells in the city strike thirteen tonight.
6 Statues of a particular saint weep tears of blood. What omen is this?
4-6 1 As night falls, the stars are missing. The night sky is dark and ominous.
2 Come dawn the streets of the Shambles are strewn with bloody bones.
3 The carcass of something that is certainly not a whale washes ashore in the docks.
4 Rats fill the streets as the vermin flee a particular quarter of the city.
5 An eclipse turns day into night, bringing all manner of creatures to the surface.
6 The moon is red tonight. Ghouls are especially hungry.

What dark secrets does a particular NPC know? Roll 1d6 and and then again to see what awful truths lurk in the
heart of a particular character.

1d 1d6 Secret
1-3 1 The meat sold by a certain butcher in the Shambles isn’t pork, or dog, or even rat. It arrives at night, in
crates brought in from the Bonerot Marshes.
2 A particular door in the Necropolis can only be opened when the lock is smeared with fresh blood.
Behind the door is a vault filled with ancient treasures.
3 In a hidden plaza in the Shambles, a sewer grate leads down into the Necropolis, directly outside a
lost vault filled with the bones of vanquished hunters.
4 A cabal of nobles in the New City seeks to curry favor with the Church by arranging the assassination
of a prominent member of the Hand.
5 A broker in the Beast Market is in possession of a particular holy relic which the Church would do
anything to get back.
6 Some citizens of Old Town hold nightly meetings in dark basements, where they commune with
something strange and terrible.
4-6 1 Sweet old Mrs. Vitermahk keeps her son-turned-ghoul locked in her basement.
2 A hooded and masked priest stays in the Slaughtered Lamb, waiting for someone to arrive.
3 Every night a merchant in Old Town carries a paper-wrapped parcel to a certain sewer grate and drops
it in. Something within mumbles thanks.
4 A hunter uncovered the secret of the Bitter Sacrament, and the church had them burned at the stake
for heresy.
5 A criminal gang posts phoney contracts then murders the hunters that answer them.
6 Bishopsgate Sanitarium is home to a murderous fallen hunter that uses the former inmates as the
subjects for their awful experiments.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

Lost and Found is an introductory adventure for When the Moon Hangs Low. It is an example of a
(somewhat) typical contract with a few twists and turns. After all, nothing is ever simple in Harrowmire.
In this adventure the player characters are hired to find a missing militia courier and the important
documents he was carrying. In looking for him, they will face a criminal gang, a nest of sorrowful, and
discover rumours of an untouched vault of treasure in the necropolis.

This is an overview for Gamemasters, so they understand the full extent of what is going on in the contract. Players
should not read this section unless they want to spoil the adventure for themselves.
A militia courier, Johan Vex, has gone missing on his route from a watch outpost to the Bastion. Vex was transporting
a set of maps compiled by a group of hunters, that show the location of a curiously-untouched vault in the upper
levels of the Necropolis. These maps are of particular interest to the militia, and also the Imperial agents of the Hand.
Unfortunately for Vex, rumours about the maps were leaked and picked up by a criminal gang called the
Greencaps. The gang, assuming the vault would contain treasure, ambushed Vex on his way through the Shambles.
Beating the poor courier unconscious, the gang dragged him back to their hideout, found the maps, and ventured
into the Necropolis.
The criminals made it to the vault, but before they could open it they accidentally alerted a group of sorrowful that
had been using the tunnels nearby as a nest. The infected citizens slaughtered the gang to a person, and the vital
maps now lie scattered amid their mutilated corpses.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Lost and Found
THE CONTRACT Characters who want to get more information from
Tanner could make an Easy (DV 1) Bluff, Charm, or
The contract is hung on the Wall of Woe, just like the Intimidate skill check. If successful Tanner will reveal Vex
countless others. Of note is the seal stamped in one was actually carrying maps recently compiled by a team
corner, indicating it was raised by the militia, rather than a of hunters. The maps were of previously unexplored
private citizen. parts of the upper Necropolis, highly valuable to the right
The contract reads: people and vital for the militia to work out where ghoul
“Hunters needed to locate Johan Vex, militia courier, who and sorrowful nests might be found.
went missing travelling from the Pilgrim’s Way outpost
to the Bastion two days ago. 50 shillings reward for
each hunter upon the return of the documents Vex was After the characters have spoken to Tanner it might
transporting. Bonus payable if Vex is also returned alive. be a good time for Gamemasters to remind them they
Speak to corporal Tanner in the Beast Market for details could quickly buy some supplies from the Beast Market.
and payment.” Almost any item of equipment from chapter 7 can be
found here in the various stalls and tents.
It appears the contract has only recently been hung on
the wall, and there are no duplicates that the characters
can see (if they look for them).
It is now down to the players how they wish to proceed.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Listed below are the significant locations the investigation
The players may choose to seek out corporal Tanner should lead the players to, and some suggested
for more information, in fact it is encouraged if they do. scenes that might unfold at those locations. However,
The corporal can be found patrolling the Beast Market, Gamemasters should encourage the players to unravel
and is happy to answer some basic questions about the the contract as they see fit, and use the information below
contract. Below are the salient points he will cover. to accommodate the story as it unfolds.
• The Pilgrim’s Way outpost is a small guard tower
in the Shambles, overlooking the road that is its PILGRIM’S WAY OUTPOST
namesake. Pilgrim’s Way outpost is a small watchtower overlooking
• Johan Vex was a courier who often transported the Pilgrim’s Way road, this was the last place Vex was
important messages and documents between seen by the militia. The outpost is staffed by ten militia
outposts. The corporal will be evasive about what guards at any one time.
exactly Vex was carrying in this case, apart from
It takes about an hour to travel to the outpost from
telling the characters they were “Vital documents”.
the Bastion, along the echoing cobbled streets of the
• Johan was expected to arrive two days ago and
Shambles. As long as the characters travel during the
failed to report in, something quite unlike him.
day the route is safe enough, with only the occasional
When the next squad arrived from the outpost, they
citizen hurrying about their own business crossing their
said Vex had left on time. It seems like he vanished
after leaving the outpost, and is now missing. Tanner path. If the characters chose to travel at night they
assumes something bad happened to him, but he’s might encounter anything from giant rats to sorrowful
not sure what. out hunting.
• While returning Vex would be nice, the documents The Gamemaster should read or paraphrase the
he was carrying are the real focus of the contract. following when the characters arrive:
The corporal will pay the player characters 50 “Pilgrim’s Way outpost is a three-story tower constructed
shillings each if they return with the missing from rough timber and brick, standing at the side of the
documents. If they find Vex alive and bring him
wide thoroughfare that is the Pilgrim’s Way. Stretching off
back, they will each receive a bonus 20 shillings.
towards the distant Ironreach Mountains in the west, the
• The corporal can give a description of Vex, and flagstoned road was once packed with pilgrims heading
directions to where he was last seen: the Pilgrim’s
for the cathedral. Now it is quieter; only a handful of
Way outpost.
dishevelled travellers can be seen walking cautiously

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Lost and Found

towards the New City. Several militia guards patrol the and moving quickly and quietly. If the characters knock
outpost, keeping wary eyes on the travellers and the on doors, they will need to make an Average (DV 2)
surrounding slums.” Charm or Intimidate skill check to convince the resident
When asked about Johan Vex the guards who staff the to talk to them, otherwise they will get nothing but a
outpost give much the same report as Corporal Tanner: mixture of hurled insults and paranoid questioning from
behind locked doors.
• Johan left the outpost two days ago.
If successful the characters will uncover the following
• He had taken possession of a leather satchel
information from the locals:
dropped off a few days earlier by a team of
hunters. One guard mentions he thought the • Johan Vex often travels down Blanchet Street and is
satchel contained maps before being shushed by known to some of the people who live here.
his superior. • Several heard a loud commotion two days ago and
• The guards will tell the party that Johan would have saw Vex, unconscious, being dragged away by the
taken Blanchet Street, the quickest route to the Greencaps.
Bastion. The guards recommend searching the area • The Greencaps are a band of scavengers and
for clues. robbers who operate in the area. They’ve been
• One of the militia members mentions she heard skulking around the street a lot recently, as if
a gang of criminals had been seen near Blanchet waiting for someone.
Street recently. The guard suggests that they could • Several locals mention the Greencap hideout
be responsible for Vex’s disappearance and maybe is nearby, in an abandoned tavern named the
the residents of Blanchet Street might know more. Dog’s Head.
There’s not much more the characters can learn at
Other Clues
the outpost. The guards don’t know any more than they
There are several clues the characters can uncover
have already revealed, and there are no clues in the
using other skills, or even with certain Edges.
immediate area. Unless they come up with some very
clever ideas, Gamemasters should try to lead the players • There are a wealth of footprints, bloodstains, and
to Blanchet Street next. other tracks that could be followed by a character
with a successful Average (DV 2) Awareness or
BLANCHET STREET Investigation skill check. If successful a character
Blanchet Street is where Vex was ambushed by the can determine Vex was attacked by four or five
Greencaps. There are several witnesses here who can assailants, injured and dragged away in the
help the characters, and also some clues they can locate direction of the Dog’s Head tavern.
on their own. • Characters with boons such as Heightened Senses
The Gamemaster should read or paraphrase the or Ghost Sight, or the Edge Vermintongue could
following when the characters arrive: use their abilities uncover these clues. In each case
the DV of skill checks to find the clues is lowered to
“Blanchet street is a typical part of the Shambles. A poorly
Easy (DV 1).
cobbled street running with filth, littered with trash, and
bordered on each side by shabby, crumbling tenement Keeping Things Moving
houses. Apparently some people still live here, but other
If the players keep failing skill checks to uncover clues,
houses are either boarded up, or obviously abandoned
or seem to be struggling to work out what to do next,
with shattered windows and gaping doorways. As you walk
Gamemasters could have a helpful citizen nervously
down the street, you are aware of suspicious eyes watching
approach them and tell them she saw Vex dragged off to
you from the narrow dust-streaked windows.”
the Dog’s Head tavern by the Greencaps.
Questioning the Locals
The people that live in Blanchet Street, like elsewhere in
The Dog’s Head Tavern is an abandoned tavern in the
the Shambles, are fearful and suspicious. When outside
Shambles, not far from Blanchet Street. The Greencaps
they hurry about their business, eyes darting for threats

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Lost and Found

Ground Floor
Back Door

Back Room

Kitchen Front Door

Upper Floor
Main Bar Lookout

Johan Vex


use it as their hideout, and it is here that Johan Vex can trying to get into their hideout.
be found. Use the statistics for citizens from chapter 11 for the
Normally there would be almost a dozen thugs here, thugs. As well as knives, two of them are armed with
guarding the area. However, currently there are only four clubs (roll 2d6, success on 5+, 2d6 damage), one of
gang members left as the others have ventured into the them is armed with a sword (roll 2d6, success on 5+, 3d6
Necropolis in search of the treasure vault. Vex is held damage), and one of them has a pistol (roll 2d6, success
prisoner in an upstairs room, injured but alive. on 5+, 2d6 damage, range 50, single-shot).
The Gamemaster should read or paraphrase the One of the thugs is keeping watch from the front
following when the characters arrive: window of the tavern. If the characters attempt to get
“The Dog’s Head was probably a nice enough tavern, close without being seen they will need to make Stealth
before the Night of Madness. Now it is a miserable ruin: skill checks, opposed by the thug’s Awareness skill check
the roof slumping, the plaster of the walls flaking and (roll 2d6, success on 5+). If the thug spots the characters
rotting, and the windows covered in mould-streaked coming, they will raise the alarm and the others will
boards. Curiously, for an apparently abandoned building charge out into the street, while one shoots from inside.
the front door looks sturdy and a curl of smoke rises from The front door to the tavern is quite strong, and bolted
the chimney.” from inside. It can be broken down with a successful
There are several routes the characters could take to Average (DV 2) Fortitude skill check, or the lock picked
get what they need from this scene: with an Easy (DV 1) Larceny skill check.
The gang members will fight to defend their hideout,
Combat but as soon as two of them are killed the other two will
This is possibly the easiest route, depending on the attempt to surrender unless it looks like the characters
character’s abilities. There are four gang members inside won’t be merciful.
the tavern and their natural inclination is to fight anyone

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Lost and Found

Negotiation WHAT NOW?

This is a more difficult route. The gang members will At this point it’s entirely possible the characters might
initially not want to negotiate with the characters. They consider their contract fulfilled and return to the Bastion
are dangerous, spiteful opportunists and feel safe with Johan to collect their reward. This is entirely
inside their hideout. However, if the characters make a acceptable, and they should each be paid the 50 shillings
successful Difficult (DV 3) Charm, Bluff, or Intimidate skill they are owed (as long as they actually return the map)
check they can convince the gang to comply. and the bonus 20 shillings each if Johan survived.
The four gang members are actually worried about However, many players will not want to leave the
their missing friends. They know something must have Necropolis unexplored, especially with the rumours of
happened to them in the Necropolis, but are too scared treasure. If so, proceed to the Upper Necropolis location.
to go looking. If the characters manage to negotiate with
them, the thugs will hand over Vex and also a copy of THE UPPER NECROPOLIS
the map they made, asking if the characters might go The characters can enter the Necropolis via a collapsed
looking for their missing comrades. sewer located near to the Dog’s Head tavern. This leads
them down into the ancient catacombs not far from the
hidden vault.
Sneaking into the hideout is another route the players
As long as the characters are using the copy of the
might come up with. While a thug is watching the front of
map taken from the Greencaps, they can navigate the
the tavern, the back door can be accessed by sneaking
necropolis with reasonable ease. Even so, Gamemasters
through the nearby alleyways.
should try to impress on the players the feeling of disquiet
Each character attempting to sneak into the tavern and unnatural dread that the tunnels of the Necropolis
should make an Average (DV 2) Stealth skill checks, but exude. It is also pitch black down in the tunnels; if the
with a bonus 1d6 to their skill check for using the back players neglected to bring any light sources they will
alley. Rather than being opposed by the thug on watch quickly get lost and also begin to lose Resolve.
at the front, this represents avoiding being heard by the
After a little while of traipsing through winding, oddly-
gang members inside the tavern.
angled corridors, the characters will come to a large
The back door is locked, but can be picked with an Easy hallway. The double doors to the vault lay at one end,
(DV 1) Larceny skill check. but occupying the room between the characters and the
Various Edges such as Catlike Tread, Mantle of doors are a group of six sorrowful, currently feasting on
Darkness, or Shadowstep could be used when the remains of the Greencaps.
infiltrating the tavern. The Gamemaster should read or paraphrase the
Inside the Tavern following when the characters arrive:

Once the characters have gained access to the tavern “The tunnel opens out into a large hallway with high
via any of the routes above, they will discover Johan Vex arched ceilings and numerous alcoves containing ancient,
tied up in an upstairs room, as well as a copy of the map inhuman statues. At the far end of the hall stands a
he was transporting. While not the original, it’s good set of huge double doors which must lead to the vault
enough to take back for the reward. described on the map. However, between you and the
doors lies a macabre scene. The remains of six people
There are also plans of the Shambles laid out on a
are strewn bloodily across the oddly tessellated floor tiles,
table, with an entrance into the Necropolis highlighted:
gore sprayed across the primaeval statues. Hunched over
it’s clear the rest of the gang went to find the vault on the
the bodies, chewing and worrying at the dead flesh, is a
map. Johan and the thugs (if any survived) will also tell
pack of six sorrowful; victims of the terrible plague that
the characters that the rest of the gang (six individuals)
ravaged Harrowmire.”
went to find the vault two days ago and never returned.
This scene is disturbing, to say the least. Every character
should make a DV 2 Willpower skill check. Any character
who fails instantly loses 2 points of Resolve.

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)
Lost and Found
entirely unlike the statues that can be found elsewhere
in the Necropolis. Whatever it is, it is deeply upsetting to
look upon and something you will not be able to forget in
a hurry.”
Any character entering the vault should make a DV 3
Willpower skill check due to the alien horror the statue
exudes. Any character who fails instantly loses 3 points
of Resolve. Exactly what the statue is, and why this vault
has lain untouched for so long is a mystery best left
unanswered. Gamemasters are encouraged to come up
with their own answers, but not to share too much with
their players. Leave them guessing.
As a consolation for opening the vault, there are a
number of orichalcum ornaments on the altar that are
worth a total of 120 shillings.

The sorrowful will quickly become aware of the

characters (due to the lights they are presumably
carrying) and instantly attack. Whether the characters ventured into the Necropolis
The fight with the sorrowful shouldn’t be too difficult, or not, if they find either of the maps (the original or
but Gamemasters should be aware of the light rules. the copy) and return it to Corporal Tanner, they have
Depending on what light sources the characters are completed the contract.
using, they may need to add Penalty Dice to their rolls. After being paid, the Gamemaster can run the players
Similarly, the sorrowful may add penalty dice to their rolls through a downtime session, allowing them to heal up,
if the characters light sources are bright enough. recover Resolve, or similar actions.
Once the sorrowful are dead the characters can Each character should be awarded experience points,
find the original map in the possessions of one of the using the table on page 57 as a guide. Most characters
dead Greencaps. They can also uncover a few items of should earn between one and three experience points
undamaged gear amid the gore: the Gamemaster should for this contract.
roll twice on the Loot table in chapter 12 to see what the If the characters decided to venture into the Vault,
characters find. they may have attracted the attention of the Hand. The

THE VAULT Imperial agents are keenly interested in the strange

statue for their own reasons; if the characters spend any
The vault doors are closed, but not locked. In fact this of their Interactions period asking about the vault or the
whole hallway seems strangely untouched (apart from strange statue, they may find themselves visited by Aldia
the mutilated bodies, of course). How did this part of the Cortano, who may have her own jobs for them, in time...
Necropolis avoid being looted for so long?
The Gamemaster should read or paraphrase the
following if the characters open the vault:
“The great doors swing open to reveal the interior of the
vault. A surprisingly small room stands before you, sealed
for unknown centuries since the ympir last walked these
halls. Confusingly it is largely empty. A stone altar stands
at the apex of the semicircular room, behind which rears
a tall statue of disturbing and alien design. Is it a ympir
the statue shows? Or something else? There is certainly
an unsettling chiropteran design to the thing, but it is

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)


Primary Statistics: Health Physique x 8

Equal to
Physique Intellect Presence Wound Track Physique

5 + Intellect +
Resolve Presence

Armour Value

Skills: Untrained: success on 5+; Trained: success on 4+; Mastered: success on 3+; Knack: additional 2d6 on skill check






Physique Intellect Presence
Athletics Awareness Animal Handling

Fight Craft Bluff

Fortitude Drive Charm

Larceny Education Intimidate

Shoot Investigation Insight

Reflexes Medical Perform

Stealth Occult Willpower

Edges Boon


Touched Embraced Consumed Lost

Weapon Damage Range Qualities

NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)



Faction Current Influence


NÉMETH ELŐD ARTÚR (Order #39808475)

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