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 Pulmonary circuit- blood from heart become  Tunica interna- inner layer/endothelium

oxygenated (from lungs)  Tunica media- mostly skeletal muscle,

 Systemic circuit- heart pumps oxygenated blood sympathetic nervous system
throughout the body  Tunica externa- outer/fibrous connective tissue
 Epicardium- visceral/connective tissue  Artery- Smaller lumen since it transports blood
 Myocardium- middle/mostly cardiac muscle from the heart
 Endocardium- inner/endothelium  Vein- Larger lumen
 Atria- Receiving chambers)  Capillary- Exchange of materials/one cell layer
o Right atrium (deoxy)  Vascular shunt – directly connects an arteriole
o Left atrium (Oxy) to a venule
 Ventricles- Discharging chambers)  True capillaries – exchange vessel
o Right ventricle (PA)  Pulse- Pressure wave of blood/ Monitored at
o Left ventricle (aorta) “pressure points”
 Heart Valves- No complications/ allowing one  Hypotension- Low systolic (below 110 mm
direction of blood HG)/Often associated with illness
 Atrioventricular valves- between atria &  Hypertension- High systolic (above 140 mm
ventricles valves HG)/Can be dangerous if it is chronic
 Semilunar valves- between ventricle & artery
 Chordae tendineae (heartstring)- closes to
prevent backflow
 Coronary Circulation- Heart supplies blood on
its own
 Coronary sinus- Blood empties into the right
atrium via the
 Sinoatrial node (right atrium)- Pacemaker
 Electrodes- detects electrical signal
 P wave: Atrial depolarization ,blood flows to the
 QRS complex/waves- ventricular depolarization
 T wave: end of electrical activity in
ventricles/ventricular repolarization
 Defibrillation- sends electrical signal to correct
heart beat
 Cardiac Cycle- Atria contract simultaneously/
Atria relax, then ventricles contract
 Systole = contraction
 Diastole = relaxation
 Ventricular filling- Blood from atria will flow to
the ventricles (atria contracts), if the ventricle are
full, next is isovolumetric contraction
 Isovolumetric contraction- Both ventricles
 Isovolumetric ejection- Ventricles eject to the
PA and aorta (systole)
 Isovolumetric relaxation- Ventricles relax (early
 Cardiac Output- Amount of blood pumped by
each side of the heart in one minute
 Stroke volume- Volume of blood pumped by
each ventricle in one contraction

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