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GED0102-Sec 16-Group 4

Balana, Eunisse Aprlyll Raine M.
Calderon, Jireh Eunice G.
Lumanog, Mikaela Marie E.
Magbanua, Ma. Delmar A.
Salvador, Jessa Van Caira A.
Sugpatan, Andrei L.

Footprints of Rizal: A Gear to Nationalism and Patriotism

Rizal was the one who showed his people that they could be something else. The
nationalist hero of the Philippines, Jose Rizal, was a true martyr that spoke out against injustice
when others remained silent. His ideas contributed to the Filipinos national identity. Contrary to
the intentions of the Spanish, Filipinos fought for independence after discovering Rizal's passing,
and the outrage over Rizal's death significantly strengthened the revolutionary movement. The
context of the 19th-century Philippines highlights major economic, political, cultural, and
religious events that shaped and influenced Rizal as a nationalist including his ideologies and
principles. However, in the context of 19th century Philippines, by studying Rizal and his
nationalist ideas alone, one cannot fully understand the origins and evolution of Filipino
nationalism. Likewise, it cannot be fully understood without giving Rizal a central focus.

Rizal had caught so many things that happened way back in the 19th century in the
Philippines. When it comes to economic development, the Philippines was colonized for more
than 300 years by corrupt Spaniards but some changes happened positively and this was the
economic system that changed the strengths of the country by unifying and increasing because of
the strict government that regulates the trading monopolies. However, the Mercantilist economy
was a threat to colonists but not to the motherland. In Political Development, there was a
political situation in Spain such as the weaknesses between the conservatives and liberals that led
to the most loss of its colonies in Latin America. With that said, the Philippines are affected
because of the repetition of changing Governor Generals from the middle until the almost 19th
century. Moreover, the unlucky of sitting the seats by an incompetent unelected government
official with a mix of improper policies and unstable politics. Other developments are mentioned
from Rizal's context and these are cultural and religious developments. (ProfJJAB, 2020)
The world is still collectively experiencing an issue of inequality and the Philippines is no
excuse. This crisis is nothing new to the country that is still happening now. In the past, the
country faced rampant discrimination and inequality, from the law, corruption, and how Filipinos
were treated by the Spaniards. Filipinos were deemed as Indios or the lowest class in the
hierarchical society they lived in, which is vaguely similar to what is happening to the country in
this century. Although, the Philippines is not under Spanish control and the term Indios is not
used. Inequality can still be felt. Nowadays, there is still a stereotype that women are weaker
than men which results in fewer opportunities for women. Income inequality is where the taxes
are based on how much a person purchases things regardless of their income. People with
disabilities, LGBTQA+, and social minorities have fewer opportunities and are rather looked
down upon. When this issue is not addressed, this will be the norm for the next generations. It
would be accepted by society and seen as okay to look down on people or give them the rights
they deserve which is a society that would be depressing to live in and that the future generations
should never experience again.

In the next incoming years, we think that the culture that Filipinos embrace would both
have a positive and negative impact as we cannot guarantee that everyone will be able to change
and improve the culture we have today. This may still depend upon how the things are still being
exercised. People after a hundred years may learn and perceive how those societal issues such as
inequalities and discrimination affects others. It could serve as an eye opener to them and thus,
everyone will be treated equally and fairly. With that, it can attain healthier communities without
any violence and discrimination. This will also serve as the foundation of a society, which values
diversity, celebrating and embracing differences. However, if some people will still adopt the
cultures that should not be practiced, this can affect others and as a result, there will be people
that will still be able to experience the hardships that people undergo before. This will not
promote and improve the social and economic growth of our country, it will only deteriorate
people’s opportunities and well-being.

Furthermore, in order to make our nation, the Philippines, stronger, more successful,
greater, and well-governed, we must begin with ourselves as Filipinos. Dr. Jose Rizal, our
national hero, famously remarked that the young people are the nation's future, with which I
wholeheartedly agree. The change to something bigger and better starts with us, the Filipino
people.We play an important part in the development of our country in order to provide a better
future for future generations. One of the things we can do as individuals in order to uphold our
freedom and sovereignty is to exercise our rights. We have the right to vote, to live, to be free
and to voice our voice. We deserve a government that listens to its people's voices, ensuring that
injustices are corrected and justice is given fairly, swiftly, and equally to everyone. As a free
Filipino citizen, it is crucial to exercise these rights to preserve our freedom and independence.
(7 Ways on How to Make the Philippines a Better Place, 2017)
We were of the conclusion that as citizens of one's country and particularly of your
beloved country, it will continuously start with oneself. Positive results can be accomplished
with self-awareness, the application of learned values, and having a vision of change. But
moreover, being a good citizen goes beyond dark and white of politics. It doesn't matter which
side of the political range you’re on. What matters is how you make your country a better place
to live in. We have achieved our independence way back ago, we should be properly wise of it.
We don't want to go back and repeat the same mistakes all over again. So we believe that having
a sense of patriotism is having love for your own country, you don’t want it to be harmed thus
you want it to be improved and be the best that it can be. We should also know how to give back
to our community, as citizens, we are morally obliged to look out for one another in times of
need. It is what makes us a society. If you have the chance to donate, go do it. Volunteer to a
non-profit organization, help if you can. Whatever it is, as long as you have offered help and
made people’s lives better then it feels good that you have done a good job of being a citizen.
Additionally, being a student we believe that you should also enhance your skills and talent and
be the best in whatever field you are in. You will always bring honor to your country thus you
can both have benefits in exchange. And most especially, you should always know how to treat
others with respect. Being a good citizen is having respect for one another no matter who they
are, what they are, or where they came from. Material things can be destroyed but values are
meant to last forever, we believe that those are examples of some values that can be applied on
as free citizens and as well passed on to the future generations.


7 Ways on How to Make the Philippines a Better Place. (2017, August 25). Paramount

Direct. Retrieved May 12, 2023, from


ProfJJAB (Director). (2020). [Motion Picture].

Cruz, E. (2019, December 29). Jose Rizal, the first Filipino Nationalist. Philstar Global.

Retrieved from.


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