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Use of English


Unit 13: At work

Unit 13: At work

1. Present perfect:
Contrast with other tenses

2.vocabulary: words
associated with the topic
of work
We use the present perfect simple to talk
about experiences or things that happened
at an unspecified time in the past.


 I’ve been to the office. (and now I’m back)

 He’s gone to the office for the meeting.

(He’s still there.)

The verb go has two past participle
forms: been and gone. We use been to
say someone went to a place and
came back. We use gone to say the
person is still in the place.
Present perfect simple and past simple.

When we use the present perfect simple, we often don’t say when the action happened (the time is
not specified).
We use the past simple to describe a finished action at a specific time in the past. We often say when
the action or event happened.

Observe these pairs of sentences:

1a. I’ve worked in the finance area for a long time. (the time is not specified) present perfect simple
1b. I worked in that enterprise in 2015. (the time is specified) past simple

2a. We’ve seen that job ad before. (the time is not specified) present perfect simple
2b. We saw that job ad last week. (the time is specified) past simple

3a. The employees have gone to the meeting. (the time is not specified) present perfect simple
3b. The employees went to the meeting one hour ago. (the time is specified) past simple
Present perfect simple and past simple

We often use the past simple after a present perfect question to give more information about the


1. A:Have you ever been to NewYork?

B:Yes, I have. I went there in 2016.

2.A: How many times have you seen that movie?

B:Twice. I saw it for the first time 2 years ago.

3. A: Have you had a job interview before?

B:Yes, that was last year. It was a hard interview but I got the job.

4. A: How long have you lived here?

B: For 5 years now. I moved here because it is closer to my job.

5.A: How many books have you read this year?

B: 3. I read the first one in January.
Time markers and adverbs used in present
perfect: Remember:

 before Present perfect:

 ever We don’t say when exactly the action
 lately happened.
 recently
 already Past simple:
 yet We say when the action happened.The
 just action is finished.
 for / since
 this week / today

Time markers used in past simple:

 … days ago, …months ago, …years ago

 last month, last week, last month, last year
 in 2001, in May, on Monday, etc.
 yesterday, the day before yesterday. etc.
Exercise I. Complete the conversation. Use the verbs in brackets in present perfect simple form .

A: So, I _ _ _ 1 (look) at your CV. _ _ _ 2 (you / get) any experience of working with social
networking sites before?

B: Some. I _ __ 3 (manage) a few sites – Instagram and Twitter– and I _ _ _4 (also / help) my
friends with their fan pages in the last few years. But I _ __ 5 (not / work) formally in that.

A:What kind of fan pages do your friends have?

B: My friend has a rock band and he _ _ _ 6 (always / need) someone who can help promote his new
albums. He _ 7 (sell) more albums since I have been helping him

A: And working with fan pages: what __ 8 (you /learn) from that experience?

B: Designing webpages _ __ _ me 9 (teach) to work collaboratively, use resources effectively and to

know what users really wants on a fan page. It _ _ _ 10 (also / help) me gain more experience in
community management.
Check your answers.

A: So, I’ve looked 1 (look) at your CV. Have you got 2 (you / get) any experience of working with social
networking sites before?

B: Some. I’ve managed 3 (manage) a few sites – Instagram and Twitter– and I’ve also helped 4 (also / help)
my friends with their fan pages in the last few years; but I haven’t had 5 (not / have) a steady job.

A:What kind of fan pages do your friends have?

B: My friend has a rock band and he has always needed 6 (always / need) someone who can help him
promote his new albums. He has sold 7 (sell) more albums since I have been helping him.

A: Regarding working with fan pages, what have you learned 8 (you /learn) from that experience?

B: Designing webpages has taught me 9 (teach) to work collaboratively, use resources effectively and to
know what users really wants on a fan page. It has also helped 10 (also / help) me gain more experience in
community management.
Exercise II. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Hi. I don’t think we met / we’ve met before. My name’s Annie.

2. The bus has left / left the bus stop at 3 a.m.
3. James Duncan is a well-known journalist. He interviewed / has interviewed many famous
4. I gained/ I’ve gained quite a lot of community management experience.
5. My roommate didn’t see / hasn’t seen me when I waved at her.
6. Usain Bolt broke / has broken the world record in 2010.
7. Did you text / Have you texted me last night?
8. I’m sure I’ve seen / saw him yesterday.
9. Did you greet / Have you greeted when you arrived?
Check your answers.

1. Hi. I don’t think we met / we’ve met before. My name’s Annie.

2. The bus has left / left the bus stop at 3 a.m.
3. James Duncan is a well-known journalist. He interviewed / has interviewed many famous
4. I gained/ I’ve gained quite a lot of community management experience.
5. My roommate didn’t see / hasn’t seen me when I waved at her.
6. Usain Bolt broke / has broken the world record in 2010.
7. Did you text / Have you texted me last night?
8. I’m sure I’ve seen / saw him yesterday.
9. Did you greet / Have you greeted them when you arrived?
Exercise III. Complete the conversations using the verbs in parenthesis in present perfect simple
or past simple.

Conversation 1:
A:What’s the matter?
B: I 1 (lose) my wallet.
A:Where _ _ 2 (you / lose) it?
B: I think I _ __ 3 (leave) it on the bus this morning. It’s really annoying. I _4 (never / do)
that before.

Conversation 2:
A:Where’s Richard?
B:You _ _ _ 5 (just / miss) him. He _ _ 6 (leave) to meet a new client five minutes ago.
A: _ _ 7 (he / tell) you if he was coming back?
B: No, but I hope he will. He _ _ 8 (not / finish) the report I asked him to do yet.

Conversation 3:
A: How’s your leg?
B: It’s a bit painful but I _ 9 (make) an appointment to see the doctor.
A: Oh good. When for?
A: Monday 24th.They _ 10 (be) the earliest appointment I could get.
Check your answers.

Conversation 1:
A:What’s the matter?
B: I’ve lost 1 (lose) my wallet.
A:Where did you lose 2 (you / lose) it?
B: I think I left 3 (leave) it on the bus this morning. It’s really annoying. I’ve never done 4 (never / do) that before.

Conversation 2:
A:Where’s Richard?
B:You’ve just missed 5 (just / miss) him. He left 6 (leave) to meet a new client five minutes ago.
A: Did he tell 7 (he / tell) you if he was coming back?
B: No, but I hope he will. He hasn’t finished 8 (not / finish) the report I asked him to do yet.

Conversation 3:
A: How’s your leg?
B: It’s a bit painful, but I ‘ve made 9 (make) an appointment to see the doctor.
A: Oh good. When for?
A: Monday 24th.That was 10 (be) the earliest appointment I could get.
• advertising agency
• application
• client
• contract
• experience
• field
• income tax
• planning meeting
• promotion
• raise
• resume
• temporary position
Exercise IV. Complete the conversations with the correct word.
1. A: Are you going to work here for a long time?
B: I don’t think so.This is just a _ _.
• advertising agency
2. A: I am applying to work at an _ _ .
• application
B:That’s great.You’ve always been very creative.
• client
3. A:When you want to apply for a job you have to submit an _ letter.
• contract
B:Yes, I know.That goes attached to my CV.
• experience
4. A: She’s a very good project manager.
B:Yeah. She’s an expert in that . • field
• income tax
5. A: I’ve worked here for 5 years. I feel I deserve a _ .
B: I’ve heard Mr. Ferguson is being moved to a different area.You could take his • planning meeting
place. • promotion

6. A: Congratulations!You’ve been hired! • raise

B: Oh thanks! When can I sign my _ _ ? • resume

7. A: Oh no! __ is really high. • temporary position

B: I know. It seems to increase every year.Then the money that you earn reduces a lot.
Exercise IV. Complete the conversations with the correct word.

• advertising agency
8. A: Have you had any in publicity before?
B: Well, I’ve got some experience. I have worked in an advertising agency for six months. • application
• client
9. A:Where’s Joshua?
B: He’s in the meeting room with a new __. • contract

10.A: I heard we will get a in our salaries next year. • experience

B: Oh!That’s awesome! • field

11.A: Can you help me make a good __ for a new job I want to apply for? • income tax
B: Of course. First, let’s start with your photo. • planning meeting

12. A:When is our next _ _ _? • promotion

B: It’s on Friday at 4:00 pm.We’ll talk about our new branch. • raise
• resume
• temporary position
Check your answers.

1. temporary position
2. advertising agency
3. application
4. field
5. promotion
6. contract
7. income tax
8. experience
9. client
10. raise
11. resume
12. planning meeting
Sources & Credits

● Exercises: Guisella Villavicencio Vargas


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