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Antonio Luis Dominguez Espana, 23873463, Short Essay

Plastic Bags Dilemma

The key aspect discussed is the need for creating strategies to help humans coexist

without negatively impacting the environment. (Queensland Government, 2016) have

identified plastic bags as one the most common polluters. They are hard to recycle

and harmful to flora and fauna. This essay evaluates two measures that reduce the

impact of plastic bags on the ecosystem. Firstly, the implementation of an economic

fee that customers must pay when using plastic bags. Secondly, the government

should implement laws that require environmentally friendly alternatives for

merchandise handling. As a result, these methods would benefit the community and


People should be incentivised to think of a better way for carrying their groceries. One

such way to do this would be to place a fee on plastic bags, whereby customers would

have to purchase the bags if they wish to continue using them. Paying these bag fees

time and again would act as a deterrent and guide people towards alternatives. In

support of this, Wang (2014) suggests that ‘Once shoppers establish a green habit of

not buying plastic bags, they tend to maintain it even when a plastic bag fee is no

longer in effect’. Having said that, this economic incentive should not be designed as

a permanent method to stop shoppers from using plastic bags, but rather to promote

a culture of using environmentally friendly alternatives to reduce pollution. Singha, &

Cooperb (2017) also describe a system called “take-back”, which involves users,

retailers, and recycling companies’ self-awareness sustainability usage of plastic.

Subsequently, teaching customers and corporation about green marketing by

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Antonio Luis Dominguez Espana, 23873463, Short Essay

implementing a temporary symbolic fee for shopping bags would gradually make a

positive impact in their lifestyle.

The Government and people play and immeasurable role on maintaining the

environment by becoming green by reducing plastic load of plastic to the earth. In

contrast, (Wagner 2017) mention that some local managements such as USA federal

governments has played a nearly unsignificant participation on waste management.

Local districts have limited authority on waste handling, which leave each local

dependency which a lack of operational capability. Even though, few local councils

have the power to restrict products involved on public health as (Wagner 2017) said,

it is ineffective for environmental damages. If they work on developing a legal platform

which offer politics support to councils, this would provide capabilities to manage

waste more efficiently.

It is clear that developing strategies that balance Government role and customer rights

and obligations on this matter. Firstly, it can be argued the promotion of a ban and

economic fee to using plastic bag help to the environment by reducing the load of

plastic. Additionally, deploying laws and regulation so local legislation can operate in

more accurate way approaching plastic bags littering. As result of combining these

two methods, the contribution on reducing the negative impact of plastic bags.

To summarise, plastic bags are a proven hazard for the environment. More important

is work on a plan for helping the planet and its cohabitants. Basically, one of the more

effective would be integrating and economic incentive paid by costumer along with

legislate on plastic bags problem. Certainly, the repercussion of applying this ideas

would positively impact the ecosystem.

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Antonio Luis Dominguez Espana, 23873463, Short Essay


Singh, J & Cooper, T 2017 `Towards a sustainable business model for plastic shopping bag
management in Sweden’, Procedia CIRP, vol. 61, N/A, pp. 679-84, viewed 5 September 2021,
<https://doi: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.11.268>.

Queensland Goverment, Department of Eviroment and Heritage Protection 2016,

Implementing a lightweight plastic soppin ba ban in Queensland, Queensland, viewed 5
September 2021,

Wagner, T P, 2017, 'Reducing single-use plastic shopping bags in the USA', Waste
Management, vol. 70, (N/A), pp. 3-12, viewed 5 September 2021, < https://doi:

Wang, W, 2014, `Green Lifestyle Adoption: Shopping without Plastic Bags`, The Hong Kong
University of Science and Tecnologgy, viewed 5 September 2021,

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