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Install PHP on Windows manually

You have to download zipped binary version of PHP from

Extract the downloaded file to php folder which must be created at the root of any
of your windows drives (e.g. c:\php or d:\php).

Enter php folder and rename the file php.ini-recommonded to php.ini.

Open the file php.ini with any text editor and find extension_dir within the file.

Change the extension directory, i.e. if you have installed php in php folder of D
drive, setting will be extension_dir=D:\php.

Now you open Environment Variables (MyComputer -> System Properties -> Environment
Variables), under system variables, select Path and click Edit,
in the Variable value, go to the end of the list and put a semicolon, then add
D:\php;D:\php\ext assuming D:\php is the location of your php installation.

Then Click on New under system variable and add PHPRC against Variable name and D:\
php against Variable value.

Restart your system.

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