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Aprenderemos sobre la cantidad de residuos que genera
una persona, y cómo se debería gestionar los residuos HOW MUCH WASTE
sólidos aplicando las 3R’s e identificando los verbos en la PRODUCED PEOPLE?
01 Read the text “How many waste 04
generated a person” Protecting our world
On average, a person generates about 4.4 pounds of waste per day, It is important to look after our environment. When people do things
132 pounds per month, and 1,584 pounds per year. This waste that harm the environment, they cause environment destruction. Below
includes a variety of materials, such as food waste, paper, plastic, are some of the things that can harm the environment
and electronic waste. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of this
waste is recycled, with the majority ending up in landfills or
The consequences of generating this much waste can be severe.
Landfills can contribute to environmental problems like greenhouse Habitats pollute rubbish wild harm
gas emissions and pollution, and can also pose health risks if not
properly managed. Additionally, the extraction of natural resources Sometimes people can cause ______________ to animals without
needed to produce goods and packaging materials can lead to meaning to. Clearing forest to make land or develop a city causes
habitat destruction and other environmental problems. To address destroyed ____________ Smoke from cars and factories can also
this issue, individuals can take steps like reducing their consumption ___________ the air that we breathe. Dropping ___________ can be
of single-use products, recycling dangerous because animals might think its food. Touching ________
and composting as much as animals can also hurt them because humans can pass on germs
possible, and supporting sustainable
We can help protect our world by
businesses. By doing so, individuals 05 doing the following
can help reduce their environmental
impact and create a more sustainable buy plastic water
use refillable bottles
future. bottles
02 Answer the questions from the text
read _______________________________
1. How many pounds generate a person by a day, month and year?
__________________________________________________________ _
2. What kind of waste generates?
__________________________________________________________ pick up litter litter all our waste
3. What happened to the garbage?
4. Why is garbage a problem?
5. What can people do to help reduce their environmental impact? _______________________________
__________________________________________________________ _

03 Look at the figure and explain

en ¿Cómo sé
Lo proceso que lo estoy
Criterios de evaluación para mis
Verbs Sentences logr de logrando?
é lograrlo

Leí el texto e inferí el tema principal y

1.can I can protect the environment buying less cloth secundaria de la lectura.
3 Entendí y respondí preguntas de la lectura
sobre “Cuánta basura genera una persona
4 por día”
Identifiqué los verbos en la lectura, busqué
en el diccionario el significado y escribí

Reflexioné sobre la importancia de las 3R’s


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