Penyakit Terbanyak Rajal 22

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penyakit tersering di rawat jalan berdasaarkan poli tahun 2022





Penyakita Dalam


Rehab Medik


kan poli tahun 2022
Diagnosa Jumlah
Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified 137
Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] 83
Acute pharyngitis, unspecified 63
Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by sputum microscopy with or
without culture
Fever, unspecified 58
Bronchopneumonia, unspecified 57
Acute tonsillitis, unspecified 52
Dengue haemorrhagic fever 45
Observation for suspected tuberculosis 44
Gastroenteritis and colitis of unspecified origin 35
Impacted cerumen 339
Otitis externa, unspecified 195
Otitis media, unspecified 157
Acute suppurative otitis media 144
Other chronic suppurative otitis media 97
Suppurative otitis media, unspecified 81
Tinnitus 78
Vasomotor rhinitis 63
Emergency use of U07.2 53
Foreign body in ear 51
Bsc 283
Mioma uteri 83
Kista ovarium 79
Aub 75
Oligohidramnion 68
Anemia dalam kehamilan 52
Abortus inkomplit 48
Amenorea 46
Blighted ovum 38
Hipertensi dalam kehamilan 38
Gangraen Pulpa 390
Hiperemia Pulpa 131
Gangraen Radix 6
Calculus 37
Gingivitis 54
Pulpitis 163
Abses 114
Periodontitis 22
Impaksi 18
Persistensi 26
Essential (primary) hypertension 418
Hyperlipidaemia, unspecified 331
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complications 324
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with renal complication 218
Functional dyspepsia 202
Hypertensive renal disease with renal failure 190
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with unspecified compl 154
Hypertensive heart disease with (congestive) heart failure 107
Congestive heart failure 68
Hypertensive heart disease without (congestive) heart failure 67
Observation for suspected tuberculosis 253
Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by sputum microscopy with or
without culture
Pneumonia, unspecified 93
Sequelae of respiratory and unspecified tuberculosis 74
Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic 73
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified 60
Asthma, unspecified 39
Functional dyspepsia 29
Haemoptysis 29
Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically 25
Low back pain 211
Gonarthrosis, unspecified 177
Myalgia 168
Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder 143
Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified 131
Rotator cuff syndrome 117
Radiculopathy 82
Sciatica 74
Trigger finger 70
Other specified intervertebral disc displacement 59
Low back pain 354
Essential (primary) hypertension 267
Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified 246
Other specified intervertebral disc displacement 254
Gonarthrosis, unspecified 246
Cerebral infarction, unspecified 175
Lumbar and other intervertebral disc disorders with
myelopathy (G99.2*)
Polyneuropathy, unspecified 124
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological
Carpal tunnel syndrome 105
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of head,
face and neck
Benign neoplasm of breast 83
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue,
Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of lower
limb, including hip
Other and unspecified abdominal pain 58
Malignant neoplasm, breast, unspecified 57
Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, without obstruction
or gangrene 52

Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of upper 45

limb, including shoul

Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of thorax 44

Internal haemorrhoids without complication 35

TB Sensitif Obat 107

TB resisten Obat 32

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