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Jennee C.

Batch 151

Type of Goals
1.Short term
 Specific: I want to have a National Certificate for caregiving.
 Measurable: I need to learn and understand the 18 weeks modules.
 Attainable: I am going to undergo assessment and need to pass.
 Realistic: This is my stepping stone towards my dream going to Canada.
 Time-bound: It is an 8 months training and I already finish the module 1.
 Specific: I want to go to Canada as a Caregiver and get a permanent
 Measurable : After finishing my caregiving training, I also need to take the
 Attainable : I need to finish all the requirements before I can process the
 Realistic: Upon the submissions of the requirements, and while waiting for
the reply of the embassy I want to apply for a job related to caregiving,like
nursing assistant.
 Time-bound : It may take 2 years process for Canada Application, and
another 2 years for the Permanent Residency.
3. Long term
 Specific: I want to build a dream house for my familly.
 Measurable: If given the chance to go to canada and get a permanent
residency , I could start earning for our dream house.
 Attainable: I will give my best in my work and be sure to have my passion
and love for work, and to be more inspired in achieving my goal of
building our dream house.
 Realistic: I want a simple house for my family.
 Time-bound: It may take 6 years onwards to settle all things up for our
dream house.

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