Phed 1-Final Performance Output 1-1

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Course Code PO39

Student’s Full JAZZ P. SOLIS
Student’s ID No. 20213967


Directions: Provide answers to the following questions with your own

understanding. Your answers may not be accompanied via internet. This
encourages you to state your own ideas based on our discussion.

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Use yellow color to highlight the letter and phrase/statement of the
best answer.

1. What was the name of the movie Bruce Lee was working on when he died?
a. Game of Death
b. The Way of the Dragon
c. Fist of Fury
d. The Big Boss

2. Who is considered the ‘Father of American Taekwondo’ and is believed to be the

first Korean master to teach the art in the United States?
a. Ueshiba Morihei
b. Jhoon Rhee
c. Bruce Lee
d. Masutatsu Oyama

3. Who was the founder of the Japanese art of self defense called Aikido?
a. Ueshiba Morihei
b. Jhoon Rhee
c. Choi Hong Hi
d. Masutatsu Oyama

4. Which of the following arts is prominently known for the absence of weapons?
a. Karate
b. Kung Fu
c. Tae Kwon Do
d. Ninjitsu

5. Which of the following weapons is derived from a Filipino art?

a. Meteor Hammer
b. Bonbori
c. Escrima Sticks
d. Ashuko Claws

6. Which rank is usually considered the highest?

a. Hanshi
b. Sempai

c. Sensi
d. Kohei

7. Which of these is a martial art?

a. WWE
b. Bare knuckle cage fighting
c. Raw
d. Aikido

8. In the sport of Sumo, which of the following is considered an illegal technique?

a. Grabbing hair
b. Rotating the opponent’s wrist
c. Open handed strikes
d. Pulling down the opponent’s hands to force him down

9. Aikido is a Japanese martial arts which has been in existence for around 100
years. What is the sitting position called in Aikido?
a. Seiza
b. Uke
c. Rei
d. Sensei

10. Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle uses the bo(long stick) as his weapon?
a. Leonardo
b. Raphael
c. Michaelangelo
d. Donatello

11. Which martial art is on display during UFC fights?

a. Mixed martial arts
b. Karate
c. Wrestling
d. Kickboxing

12. During a sumo wrestling match, what is the goal of the combatants?
a. Take the opponent down
b. Push the opponent out of the ring
c. Be larger than your opponent
d. Beat your opponent until they submit

13. Which martial art uses thin swords to touch opponents and score points?
a. Fencing
b. Wing chun
c. Wing chun
d. Greco-Roman wrestling

14. This Russian man is often considered the greatest Greco-Roman wrestler of all
time, who is he?
a. John Smith
b. Aleksandr Karelin
c. Cael Sanderson
d. Jordan Burroughs

15. What is it called when two martial artists practice moves on one another without
going too hard or injuring each other?
a. Fauxing

b. Doing a run-through
c. Sparring
d. Play battlings

16. Bruce Lee is arguably the most recognizable martial artist in history. Which style of
martial arts was he the founder of?
a. Tae kwon do
b. Jeet kune do
c. Tai chi
d. Wushu

17. Which Israeli martial art is common in self-defense classes?

a. Muay Thai
b. Judo
c. Krav maga
d. Karate

18. Chun kuk do is a martial art founded by which actor?

a. Chuck Norris
b. Jackie Chan
c. Jet Li
d. Bruce Lee

19. What is capoeira?

a. A brutal hand-to-hand fighting style
b. The outfit a karate fighter will wear
c. A mix of dance, acrobatics, music and martial arts
d. A long and thin weapon

20. Who was Krav Maga originally developed for?

a. Celebrities
b. Civilians
c. Israeli defense and security forces
d. Royalty in the area

21. What concept is BJJ founded on?

a. Beating your opponent
b. Helping a smaller or weaker person defend themselves against someone larger
c. Helping a smaller or weaker person defend themselves against someone larger
d. Striking those who are being disrespectful

22. There is one part of your martial arts uniform that you are traditionally not
supposed to wash, what is it?
a. Gi
b. Trousers
c. Belt
d. Shirt

23. Which martial art is known as "the art of eight limbs"?

a. Muay Thai
b. Wrestling
c. Kickboxing
d. Sambo

24. Ip Man was a legendary Wing Chun teacher, who was his most famous student?

a. Royce Gracie
b. Bruce Lee
c. Conor McGregor
d. Chuck Norris

25. What does tae kwon do stand for?

a. Battle of the champions
b. Battle of the champions
c. The way of the foot and fist
d. Fair fighting

26. When was tai chi created?

a. About 30 years ago
b. About 150 years ago
c. About 75 years ago
d. Anywhere from 700-1,500 years ago

27. What is a bo?

a. Where people practice karate
b. A name for the outfit people where when they compete in karate
c. A high-ranking judoka
d. A wooden staff weapon

28. Where did sambo originate?

a. Soviet Union
b. Japan
c. USA
d. China

29. Morihei Ueshiba is the founder of which martial art?

a. Aikido
b. Karate
c. Wushu
d. Muay Thai

30. Which of the following martial arts is not Japanese?

a. Judo
b. Karate
c. Tae kwon do
d. Sumo wrestling

II. Identification Type

Directions: Type/Write your answer on the space before each number.

__japanese martial arts__1. Judo is from what style?

_fighting arts or fighting system__2. What is the foundation of all martial arts?
__master yip man__3. What was the name of Bruce Lee’s teacher?
__empty hand__4. What was the original meaning of the word ‘karate’?
__dobok__5. What was the name of the uniform worn in Tae Kwon Do?
___general choi_6. Who created Tae Kwon Do?
___kata_7. The set patterns of movements learned in Karate are called what?

___kenwa mabuni_8. Who was the Korean that moved to Japan and founded one of the
most popular
styles of Karate?
__kempo karate__9. What was the first style of Karate taught in the United States by an
__the gracie family of brazil__10. What family was involved at the start of the popular
fight series the UFC?
_code of conduct___11. Aikido has strict codes of what?
__balisong__12. What is the proper name for a Butterfly Knive (not to be confused with
__developing cinfidence__13. How can martial arts benefits a person’s day to day
___jeet kune do_14. What is the style Bruce Lee invented?
__bubishi__15. What ancient book is considered the bible of Karate?

Note: You have until Friday (02/21/2022) at 5:00AM to complete this quiz by yourself. Your
paper must be sent to UCU Ikonek3, addressing to me as your Instructor. Late output will be
penalized 10% per day. Thank you!

Prepared by:


PHED 1 - Instructor

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