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M. Fieschi et al. (Eds)

Amsterdam: IOS Press
© 2004 IMIA. All rights reserved

The Hong Kong Hospital Authority’s Information Architecture

Ngai-Tseung Cheung, Vicky Fung, James HB Kong

Health Informatics Section, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong SAR

Ngai-Tseung Cheung, Vicky Fung, James HB Kong

Abstract together all the information from the various clinical modules
and hospitals into one corporate-wide, longitudinal, integrated
Since 1994, the Hospital Authority has been developing and de-
record. The ePR has been built as a massive clinical repository
ploying clinical applications at its constituent 39 hospitals and
accessed by an intuitive web-based front end (figure 1). Perfor-
clinics. The Clinical Management System (CMS) is now used by
mance requirements were that data had to be available in near
over 4000 doctors and 20000 other clinicians to document and
real-time, with sub-second response times.
review care. Since 1999, the territory-wide integrated Electron-
ic Patient Record (ePR) has given clinicians a longitudinal view
of the data collected through the CMS and its adjunct systems.
The ePR currently has nearly 3TB of data covering 44 million
episodes for 6.4 million patients.
This paper describes the Hospital Authority’s Information Ar-
chitecture, which allows the ePR to accept and integrate any
clinical information from any internal or external system. The
ePR operates in a high volume and high performance environ-
ment, yet only requires low maintenance, while still retaining the
information structure and semantics required for advanced ap-
Electronic Patient Record, Clinical Data, Medical Concept Rep-
resentation Figure 1 - The ePR patient summary screen
Naturally, building the ePR involved more than simply copying
Introduction all the CMS data into one large database. HA’s Information Ar-
In 1994 the Hospital Authority began developing the Clinical chitecture was developed to ensure that all current and future
Management System (CMS), an integrated clinical workstation data in the CMS could be quickly incorporated into the ePR
giving clinicians access to all available electronic clinical infor- while retaining maximum utility and context, without compro-
mation as well as providing direct entry of orders and care or pa- mising the performance requirements.
tient documentation [1]. The CMS has also been the platform for
The Information Architecture
development of all subsequent clinical modules, including mod-
ules for different clinical specialties, the allied health disciplines Before embarking on development of the ePR’s Information Ar-
and different care settings. chitecture (IA), other efforts in this area were reviewed, includ-
ing the HL7’s Clinical Document Architecture [2], ASTM’s
The CMS has been implemented at all HA facilities (including
standard for the patient record (E1384) [3], the Good Electronic
39 hospitals and numerous outpatient clinics) since 1999 for
Health Record [4] and the NHS Clinical Headings project [5].
some 29000 users. It now contains the records for 6.4 million pa-
Most of these are still in the development stage without large-
tients and supports an annual workload of over 1 million dis-
scale reference implementations, and focus on the problem of in-
charges, over 2 million emergency department visits and over 8
teroperability and sharing of clinical information between differ-
million outpatient attendances.
ent systems. However the ePR needed to be built quickly in a
The Electronic Patient Record (ePR) high volume environment where the need for interoperability
was secondary to the need for performance, quick deployment
One of the shortcomings of the early CMS was that the many
and integration into the existing CMS environment.
CMS modules were implemented on multiple hospital servers
for performance reasons, and reviewing an entire patient’s histo- The IA is conceptually quite simple yet generic, built upon the
ry often meant hunting through a variety of screens. The CMS five concepts of Section, View, Entity, Data and Documents.
Electronic Patient Record (ePR), developed since 1999, brings This simplicity and genericity allowed us to meet our require-
ments. A description of the five concepts follows

N-T. Cheung et al.

Section Apart from the data contents of the data, standard fields include
Sections provide the macroscopic structure of the ePR and are the patient to whom the data belongs and the particular episode
quite similar in nature and granularity to the NHS Clinical Head- of care, the date and time of entry, the entering clinician and hos-
ings. A standard set of sections that are familiar to clinicians pital and the source system. Usually some meta data (such as the
makes the navigation of the ePR much more intuitive and gives unit of measurement) is already embodied in the entity definition
clinicians a sense that they are flipping through a medical record. so this does not need to be explicitly stored with the entity data.
Major sections include problems/diagnoses, procedures, sum- Documents
maries, laboratory, radiology, notes and observations Documents are a special class of data. In the simplest sense doc-
Views uments are human readable representations of complex data.
Currently documents include scanned images, and PDFs gener-
Different circumstances require different presentation of data.
ated by various CMS modules. Why use PDF’s to store images
Views are the mechanism by which these presentations are pro-
of computer generated documents is when we are also able to
vided. Standard views include views by section, by source sys-
store the data contained therein as entities? There are several
tem, by time and flowsheets (figure 2). Other views can be easily
good reasons.
set up to support specific clinical scenarios.
Firstly one of the primary goals of the ePR is to share clinical in-
formation between clinicians. PDF’s are very good for sharing
information in a very attractive and readable manner which is
much more difficult to quickly generate from data.
Secondly printouts are still being generated from CMS for oper-
ational and legal reasons. As the system evolves, it may be im-
possible to regenerate the exact printout at a later date. The
storage of a PDF snapshot ensures the preservation of this infor-
mation (figure 3).

Figure 2 - A sample flowsheet view

Entities refer to any clinical data that need to shared through the
ePR. The IA allows any type of entity to be stored in the ePR, but
requires that entities with the same semantics to be assigned the
same unique entity ID. The original intent was to use LOINC –
the most widely adopted clinical concept representation standard
– as that entity ID. However, although LOINC has good cover-
age in laboratory results representation [6], it is less complete in
Figure 3 - A sample PDF Document generated by the CMS
other areas [7], and the relative complexity of LOINC meant that
adopting it wholesale would introduce a bottleneck to incorpora- Thirdly, PDF has become a defacto standard for formatted doc-
tion of new entities. uments, and can be readily viewed in a browser on any PC with
Instead of just relying on LOINC, we are using LOINC as the the addition of a free reader application.
reference standard where possible. We have introduced our own Lastly, since printouts are already being generated as the final
unique internal identifier for entities, the entityID. Central con- version of most data, capturing these printouts as PDFs instead
trol of entity ID’s ensures that the semantics of the data being is technically easy and allows us to quickly include data outputs
captured are preserved, and where possible mapping to LOINC from almost all CMS modules.
is performed. Over time we will create new LOINC codes for en- As another class of Data, Documents also have an entityID and
tities which cannot be mapped and submit to the LOINC com- can be viewed from the ePR navigation hierarchy.
mittee. In a sense the set of entity IDs represents the data
dictionary of the ePR. Implementation and technical details
Data The ePR is housed in an 8-way CPU IBM RS6000 running AIX
Most entities will contain some data, which is either a value (e.g. and Informix. The total data volume is about 2.8TB, including
a sodium value), a simple code (e.g. diagnosis) or a structured 213 million laboratory results, 21 million radiology reports, 120
value (e.g. a prescription item). million prescription items, discharge summary data from 44 mil-
lion episodes (including 14 million diagnosis codes and 6 mil-

N-T. Cheung et al.

lion procedure codes) and 2TB of document images. Most of the major advance in medical record structure occurred 2500 years
PDF documents are generated rather than scanned, resulting in later when Lawrence Weed developed the Problem Oriented
relatively small file sizes – on average each page requires around Medical Record [9] in 1968. Happily the pace of progress has
13Kb; however there are some scanned PDF’s which have inflat- quickened somewhat and this paper has already mentioned some
ed storage requirements. About 500,000 updates a day occur in of the standards efforts in this arena. As far as real implementa-
the ePR. tions are concerned perhaps the most notable large scale inte-
Access to the ePR is through a web browser, either through a grated electronic record to date is the Veteran’s Health
standalone portal or embedded into the CMS client application. Administration’s Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS).
The rollout of the ePR to the entire Hospital Authority took place The CPRS provides an index of available data across multiple
over 3 months from January 2003, with a minimum of training. facilities for a given patient, and then can retrieve that data for
As of August 2003 there were 800,000 ePR sessions occurring viewing [10]. Our ePR goes one step further, integrating all the
per month (each session involved access to multiple data items). data into a single repository, providing fast longitudinal views of
Average response time is under half a second. a patient’s medical record. The fact that there are 800,000 ePR
sessions occurring per month indicates clinicians are using it in
The Information Architecture in use
their daily work.
One of the major reasons for developing an integrated, struc-
Entities and Documents are the key concepts of the IA. The pro-
tured electronic patient record is to support advanced functional-
vision of standardized, codified Data is a key for advanced func-
ity such as clinical decision support. The ability of Entities to
tionality such as clinical decision support and clinical data
provide data for clinical decision support was recently con-
analysis. However we also wholeheartedly support the view that
firmed by a successful trial of a diabetes mellitus guideline re-
the primary requirement of the electronic medical record is faith-
minder system at a medical outpatients clinic. In this system the
fulness to the clinical history and care of the patient [11] and to
CMS needed to search the ePR for diagnoses, laboratory results
this end added Documents as a faithful reproduction of clinical
and outpatient appointments to establish whether a doctor need-
ed to be reminded of certain rules in a diabetes mellitus manage-
ment guideline. The ability to support new Entities was also Increasingly we are turning to entities and the ePR to support
useful in quickly establishing a SARS follow-up program for new requirements of our clinicians. Integrating a new data item
victims of the 2003 SARS epidemic (figure 4). into the ePR is simply a matter of assigning an entity ID to that
item, and adding the item to an ePR view.
Future directions include the inclusion of key radiological imag-
es, the use of XML and the move to a standard vocabulary. The
inclusion of reference grade images (as opposed to diagnostic
grade studies) as Documents will give clinicians some of the
clinical information of a PACS system, without the massive stor-
age requirements and technical complexity of an enterprise-wide
PACS. There has been much interest in the use of XML and re-
lated technologies for representing medical information
[12],[13] (and indeed the HL7’s Clinical Architecture is XML-
based) and we will be investigating the use of XML for handling
more complicated or molecular Data. The Hospital Authority
has developed its own clinical vocabulary and structured disease
documentation system, the Clinical Data Framework [14], based
on ICD9-CM. However the weakness of ICD for clinical coding
are well known [15],[16] and the use of a standardized vocabu-
Figure 4 - SARS Follow-up Entities in the ePR lary such as SNOMED is being investigated.
Security and privacy issues
In a database of this size security and privacy are major con-
cerns. The whole HA network is secured by a double firewall, In its seminal report in 1991 the Institute of Medicine empha-
ensuring that no unauthorized access to patient data can be sized the importance of the longitudinal patient record providing
gained from the Internet. Within the HA network, doctors and a massive flexible database in a complex hospital environment
certain other users authorized are only given access to patients that provides clinicians with an accessible, intelligible assembly
under their care, within certain time limits of attendance at the of clinical data [17]. More recently the IOM has reaffirmed the
hospital or clinic. primacy of the electronic record, by placing the availability of
clinical information, accessible through a friendly interface, and
Discussion and future work evolvable over time, as the first of their Core Functionalities for
Attempts to structure the medical record are certainly nothing an Electronic Health Record System [18].
new. Hippocrates used a chronological record structure very With our Information Architecture, the Hospital Authority has
similar to the “traditional medical record” [8]. Arguably the next built a comprehensive Electronic Patient Record to high perfor-

N-T. Cheung et al.

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nal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 1996:
We would like to thank the members of the ePR Task Force who helped
[16]Surjan G, Questions on validity of International Classifica-
steer the development of the ePR, and the Information Technology De-
partment for their work in the development of the ePR. tion of Diseases-coded diagnoses. Int J Med Inf, 1999
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