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THE SCOUTThe honorable adjudicators, all the teacher, my lovely friends, ladies and

gentleman.Assalamualai!um "arahmatullahi "abara!atuh,#irst of all, lets than! god the almighty $ho
has giving us his mercy and blessing till $e canattend this meeting $ithout any obstacles in this good
%lace and time. Secondly, may shola$at andSalam al$ays be $ith our %ro%het &uhammad %eace is u
%on him, $ho has guided us from thedar!ness to the lightness in the $orld as $ell as in the ne't
$orld.Thirdly, ( $ill never forget tothan! you $ho have giving me the chance to deliver my s%eech today.
Standing in front of you all, ($ould li!e to convey some %oints.Scout is the formation of the soul and
character of the (ndonesian youth to be autonomous."e need to reali)e that %artici%ation in the scout
can add more !no$ledge and increased friendshere. After the old scout $as established, the scout is
gro$ing $ell no$. Of course, that has beendone by the scout movement is, in the $hole of (ndonesia can
%artici%ate and u%grade the character and leadershi% of the nation. "e all ho%e $ith age to *+ years,
scout movement gre$ %ros%erous and better able to increase his devotion to the nation and the
beloved country.#riends, scout movement is still im%ortant and $ill be increasingly im%ortant in the
future.Therefore, come $ith full res%onsibility, $ %romote together, $e do various efforts to truly
advancescout movement in the $hole of (ndonesia. #or that in $elcoming this *+ years scouts birthday,
letsmerry this birthday together $ith various %ositive activities li!e com%etitions and the other
activities. ot the only that, the most im%ortant thing $e notice is the character of our %ersonality.
"edont need to bra$l bet$een schools as $e sa$ on the T- or that $e see $ith our o$n eyes.ra$ling is a
bad habit. So, $e have to !ee% a$ay from it. ra$ling just can $aste our energy andmany losses are
found. y follo$ing the scout, $e dont need to thin! about things that are useless.Thats $hy, lets $e
thin! %ositively, be creative, and be as educative %erson. This can bring us to thethings that are
%roductive.Su%erior character is determined by the %ersonality, the mental, and the character of
thenation itself. (f our nation is though, strong, tenacious, not easily to give u%, have a high s%irit
tomove for$ard, so, theres no %roblem that cant finish. "e are a %luralistic nation, therefore,
$eshould be more com%act, more harmonious, more united, as a su%erior nation. The nation
thatcontinues to advance his character is loo!ing for a brea!through, innovate, be creative, $or! hard
toreach our ambition.Thats $hat ( $ant to say, dont give u%, let struggle %ersistently, !ee% s%irit,
lets $elcometogether $ith unity, $ith the leadershi% and hard $or!.(f ( have made mista!e %lease a
%ologi)e me and ( as! forgiveness to the god

THE SCOUTThe honorable adjudicators, all the teacher, my lovely friends, ladies and
gentleman.Assalamualai!um "arahmatullahi "abara!atuh,#irst of all, lets than! god the almighty $ho
has giving us his mercy and blessing till $e canattend this meeting $ithout any obstacles in this good
%lace and time. Secondly, may shola$at andSalam al$ays be $ith our %ro%het &uhammad %eace is u
%on him, $ho has guided us from thedar!ness to the lightness in the $orld as $ell as in the ne't
$orld.Thirdly, ( $ill never forget tothan! you $ho have giving me the chance to deliver my s%eech today.
Standing in front of you all, ($ould li!e to convey some %oints.Scout is the formation of the soul and
character of the (ndonesian youth to be autonomous."e need to reali)e that %artici%ation in the scout
can add more !no$ledge and increased friendshere. After the old scout $as established, the scout is
gro$ing $ell no$. Of course, that has beendone by the scout movement is, in the $hole of (ndonesia can
%artici%ate and u%grade the character and leadershi% of the nation. "e all ho%e $ith age to *+ years,
scout movement gre$ %ros%erous and better able to increase his devotion to the nation and the
beloved country.#riends, scout movement is still im%ortant and $ill be increasingly im%ortant in the
future.Therefore, come $ith full res%onsibility, $ %romote together, $e do various efforts to truly
advancescout movement in the $hole of (ndonesia. #or that in $elcoming this *+ years scouts birthday,
letsmerry this birthday together $ith various %ositive activities li!e com%etitions and the other
activities. ot the only that, the most im%ortant thing $e notice is the character of our %ersonality.
"edont need to bra$l bet$een schools as $e sa$ on the T- or that $e see $ith our o$n eyes.ra$ling is a
bad habit. So, $e have to !ee% a$ay from it. ra$ling just can $aste our energy andmany losses are
found. y follo$ing the scout, $e dont need to thin! about things that are useless.Thats $hy, lets $e
thin! %ositively, be creative, and be as educative %erson. This can bring us to thethings that are
%roductive.Su%erior character is determined by the %ersonality, the mental, and the character of
thenation itself. (f our nation is though, strong, tenacious, not easily to give u%, have a high s%irit
tomove for$ard, so, theres no %roblem that cant finish. "e are a %luralistic nation, therefore,
$eshould be more com%act, more harmonious, more united, as a su%erior nation. The nation
thatcontinues to advance his character is loo!ing for a brea!through, innovate, be creative, $or! hard
toreach our ambition.Thats $hat ( $ant to say, dont give u%, let struggle %ersistently, !ee% s%irit,
lets $elcometogether $ith unity, $ith the leadershi% and hard $or!.(f ( have made mista!e %lease a
%ologi)e me and ( as! forgiveness to the god

THE SCOUTThe honorable adjudicators, all the teacher, my lovely friends, ladies and
gentleman.Assalamualai!um "arahmatullahi "abara!atuh,#irst of all, lets than! god the almighty $ho
has giving us his mercy and blessing till $e canattend this meeting $ithout any obstacles in this good
%lace and time. Secondly, may shola$at andSalam al$ays be $ith our %ro%het &uhammad %eace is u
%on him, $ho has guided us from thedar!ness to the lightness in the $orld as $ell as in the ne't
$orld.Thirdly, ( $ill never forget tothan! you $ho have giving me the chance to deliver my s%eech today.
Standing in front of you all, ($ould li!e to convey some %oints.Scout is the formation of the soul and
character of the (ndonesian youth to be autonomous."e need to reali)e that %artici%ation in the scout
can add more !no$ledge and increased friendshere. After the old scout $as established, the scout is
gro$ing $ell no$. Of course, that has beendone by the scout movement is, in the $hole of (ndonesia can
%artici%ate and u%grade the character and leadershi% of the nation. "e all ho%e $ith age to *+ years,
scout movement gre$ %ros%erous and better able to increase his devotion to the nation and the
beloved country.#riends, scout movement is still im%ortant and $ill be increasingly im%ortant in the
future.Therefore, come $ith full res%onsibility, $ %romote together, $e do various efforts to truly
advancescout movement in the $hole of (ndonesia. #or that in $elcoming this *+ years scouts birthday,
letsmerry this birthday together $ith various %ositive activities li!e com%etitions and the other
activities. ot the only that, the most im%ortant thing $e notice is the character of our %ersonality.
"edont need to bra$l bet$een schools as $e sa$ on the T- or that $e see $ith our o$n eyes.ra$ling is a
bad habit. So, $e have to !ee% a$ay from it. ra$ling just can $aste our energy andmany losses are
found. y follo$ing the scout, $e dont need to thin! about things that are useless.Thats $hy, lets $e
thin! %ositively, be creative, and be as educative %erson. This can bring us to thethings that are
%roductive.Su%erior character is determined by the %ersonality, the mental, and the character of
thenation itself. (f our nation is though, strong, tenacious, not easily to give u%, have a high s%irit
tomove for$ard, so, theres no %roblem that cant finish. "e are a %luralistic nation, therefore,
$eshould be more com%act, more harmonious, more united, as a su%erior nation. The nation
thatcontinues to advance his character is loo!ing for a brea!through, innovate, be creative, $or! hard
toreach our ambition.Thats $hat ( $ant to say, dont give u%, let struggle %ersistently, !ee% s%irit,
lets $elcometogether $ith unity, $ith the leadershi% and hard $or!.(f ( have made mista!e %lease a
%ologi)e me and ( as! forgiveness to the god

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