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00:31.031 --> 00:34.658

[wind blowing]

00:34.659 --> 00:36.660

[seabirds calling]

00:55.555 --> 00:58.766

Woman: X-O-T.

00:58.767 --> 01:01.101


01:01.102 --> 01:02.436

MAN: And the next set?

01:02.437 --> 01:05.814


01:05.815 --> 01:07.399


01:07.400 --> 01:09.234

Uh, Eunice.

01:09.235 --> 01:10.736

Yes, Dr. Avery?

01:10.737 --> 01:13.739

How many of those letters
can you actually see,

01:13.740 --> 01:15.741

and how many
have you memorized?

01:15.742 --> 01:17.951

l can see all of them,
Dr. Avery.

01:21.081 --> 01:22.247


01:22.248 --> 01:25.250

Okay. l memorized
the last two, Tom.

01:25.251 --> 01:27.044

Only the last two.

01:27.045 --> 01:28.796

lf l can't get
my license renewed--

01:28.797 --> 01:31.673

Eunice, you need to wear
the lenses l prescribed.
01:31.674 --> 01:34.676
Contact lenses don't work for me,
and glasses give me headaches.

01:34.677 --> 01:36.303

Then we'll change the prescription,

01:36.304 --> 01:38.472

but you know the DMV's
gonna test you again anyway.

01:38.473 --> 01:41.141

l've memorized those charts, too.

01:42.894 --> 01:44.186

WOMAN: Mrs. Conrad called

01:44.187 --> 01:46.146

and canceled her appointment
for tomorrow.

01:46.147 --> 01:50.359

Bill Warren wants to know if he can
see you before he goes in for work,

01:50.360 --> 01:52.903

which means you have
to be here at 8 A.M.

01:52.904 --> 01:53.904

- Okay.
- Okay for 8:00?

01:53.905 --> 01:55.364

- Yeah.
- Oh.

01:55.365 --> 01:57.825

Roger called while you were in
with a patient.

01:57.826 --> 02:01.120

Uh, he said if you miss the 2:00 tee time,
you pay for the beer.

02:01.121 --> 02:02.746

l pay for the beer anyway.

02:02.747 --> 02:04.373

And Daniel called

02:04.374 --> 02:06.583

and left a message here
on the voice mail last night.

02:06.584 --> 02:07.584

What'd he say?

02:07.585 --> 02:10.044

He said he'll call back,
said he's somewhere in France,

02:10.045 --> 02:11.922

and, uh, he sounded good.

02:11.923 --> 02:13.549

l mean, how do you not sound good
if you're in France, right?

02:13.550 --> 02:15.008

Did he leave a number this time?

02:15.009 --> 02:17.136


02:18.221 --> 02:21.849

Everyone on the planet
has a mobile phone except my son.

02:21.850 --> 02:23.851

The world on Daniel's terms.

02:25.019 --> 02:26.145

See you.

02:26.146 --> 02:27.604

[telephone rings]

02:27.605 --> 02:29.523

Oh, no!

02:29.524 --> 02:32.067

- [chuckles]
- Ayy!

02:32.068 --> 02:33.777

Let me show you
how a real doctor does it.

02:33.778 --> 02:35.904

Since when is Tom
not a real doctor, Rog?

02:35.905 --> 02:38.866

The eyes are the most important
organ in the body, Roger.

02:38.867 --> 02:40.325

Maybe at your age, Tom.

02:40.326 --> 02:41.785

They're the windows to the soul.

02:41.786 --> 02:43.120

Yeah? How the hell
would Roger know?

02:43.121 --> 02:44.121

He doesn't have one.

02:44.122 --> 02:45.330


02:47.709 --> 02:49.168

Oh. Ho ho ho!

02:49.169 --> 02:51.211

Looks like malpractice
to me, boys.

02:51.212 --> 02:53.338

ROGER: Don't use
your foot wedge, Phil.

02:53.339 --> 02:54.882

l got your foot wedge, Roger.

02:54.883 --> 02:56.633

All right, what have we got,
about 70?

02:56.634 --> 02:58.427

Yeah, plus 10 to the flag.

03:00.305 --> 03:02.890

That's what l'm talking about.

03:02.891 --> 03:04.224

- lt'll play.
- Yeah? That's good stuff.

03:04.225 --> 03:05.267

l'm over there.

03:05.268 --> 03:07.102

Yeah, l see.
lt's about three feet away.

03:07.103 --> 03:09.563

- You want a ride, or what?
- l'm old and tired.

03:09.564 --> 03:10.939

Heh. You're old and lazy.

03:10.940 --> 03:12.733

l don't see you
walking this course.

03:14.027 --> 03:15.777

[cell phone rings]

03:17.071 --> 03:18.155


03:18.156 --> 03:20.407

lt's mine, and it can wait.
03:20.408 --> 03:21.992

03:24.662 --> 03:26.038


03:26.039 --> 03:27.039

- Nice chip.
- Not bad.

03:27.040 --> 03:28.207

Go ahead and putt out.

03:28.208 --> 03:29.708

l'll catch up with you.

03:29.709 --> 03:31.126

Uh, hello? Hello?

03:31.127 --> 03:35.130

- Yes. Hello.
- [speaking French] ...Monsieur Tom Avery.

03:35.131 --> 03:37.007

l'm sorry.
l don't speak French.

03:37.008 --> 03:39.885

l'm Captain Henri Sebastian
of the National Gendarmerie

03:39.886 --> 03:42.304

in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port
in France.

03:42.305 --> 03:43.430

ls something wrong?

03:43.431 --> 03:46.183

Are you the father of Daniel Avery?

03:46.184 --> 03:47.851

Yes, l am.

03:47.852 --> 03:51.855

l'm sorry to inform you
that your son has been killed, sir.

03:51.856 --> 03:54.483

What do you mean?

03:54.484 --> 03:57.778

Daniel? Something
happened to Daniel?
03:57.779 --> 04:00.572
He was caught in a storm.

04:00.573 --> 04:02.950

On the Camino de Santiago,

04:02.951 --> 04:05.410

- What?
- it's in the French Pyrenees.

04:05.411 --> 04:06.411


04:07.789 --> 04:08.872


04:08.873 --> 04:10.666

PHlL: Where you going?

04:12.293 --> 04:13.377


04:38.403 --> 04:40.862

MAN: l'm sorry
for your loss, Tom.

04:40.863 --> 04:43.490

Thanks, Father.

04:43.491 --> 04:47.202

l'm going overseas
to bring Daniel home.

04:52.333 --> 04:55.002

Would you like
to pray with me, Tom?

04:58.298 --> 04:59.631

What for?

05:35.710 --> 05:39.004

All the information
for your itinerary is in here.

05:39.005 --> 05:42.174

l--l canceled all your appointments
for next week, so...

05:42.175 --> 05:44.176

He wanted to see the world.

05:47.096 --> 05:48.638

And he did.

07:05.091 --> 07:06.967

You should fly with me.
07:06.968 --> 07:08.009

07:08.010 --> 07:09.136

You should fly with me.

07:09.137 --> 07:11.138

- Yeah, right.
- Turn the car around.

07:11.139 --> 07:13.473

Pack a bag.
Grab your passport.

07:13.474 --> 07:15.267

Forget your golf clubs.

07:15.268 --> 07:17.727

Come on. A father-son trip.
lt'll be fun.

07:19.647 --> 07:21.189

When you coming back?

07:21.190 --> 07:23.108

l don't know.

07:24.152 --> 07:26.027

So you don't have a plan.

07:26.028 --> 07:28.238

We agreed that if l let you
take me to the airport,

07:28.239 --> 07:30.991

you wouldn't lecture me
about how l'm ruining my life.

07:30.992 --> 07:32.742

l lied.

07:33.870 --> 07:36.079

You know, most people
don't have the luxury

07:36.080 --> 07:38.748

ofjust picking up
and leaving it all behind, Daniel.

07:38.749 --> 07:40.250

Well, l'm not most people.

07:40.251 --> 07:42.627

lf l don't have your blessing,
that's fine,

07:42.628 --> 07:45.088

but don't judge this.
Don't judge me.
07:46.966 --> 07:49.968
My life here might not seem
like much to you,

07:49.969 --> 07:51.803

but it's the life l choose.

07:53.681 --> 07:56.475

You don't choose a life, Dad.

07:56.476 --> 07:58.185

You live one.

08:00.480 --> 08:02.481

[PA announcements in French]

08:08.196 --> 08:10.197

[announcements continue]

08:21.959 --> 08:24.044

PA: Mesdames et monsieurs...

08:24.045 --> 08:26.046

[overlapping conversations]

08:42.897 --> 08:43.938

[dispatch chatter]

08:43.940 --> 08:45.649

- Monsieur Avery?
- Yes.

08:47.944 --> 08:50.737

We spoke on the phone.
Captain Henri Sebastian.

08:50.738 --> 08:52.280

Of course.

08:53.324 --> 08:54.449

[telephone rings]

08:54.450 --> 08:56.451

[overlapping chatter]

09:06.212 --> 09:08.338

l don't know why.
l know it's odd,

09:08.339 --> 09:10.674

but l thought it would say
something else.

09:10.675 --> 09:12.676

lt's the same word back home.

09:12.677 --> 09:15.095

l guess l thought
it would be different.

09:15.096 --> 09:17.847

Mr. Avery, if you're
not ready to do this,

09:17.848 --> 09:20.183

- it can wait.
- No. lt's fine.

09:20.184 --> 09:21.351

l mean, it's not fine.

09:21.352 --> 09:22.852

l mean l'm okay.

09:22.853 --> 09:24.563

Let's get it over with.

09:24.564 --> 09:26.898

Let's just get it over with.

09:31.946 --> 09:33.947

[water dripping]

10:01.309 --> 10:03.643

[zipper zips]

10:06.606 --> 10:08.523

[bottles rattle]

10:08.524 --> 10:10.525

[police dispatch chatter]

10:13.654 --> 10:16.156

These are Daniel's belongings.

10:17.575 --> 10:19.159


10:22.538 --> 10:24.748

This is everything he had
when we found him.

10:24.749 --> 10:26.374

What happened?

10:26.375 --> 10:27.751

lt was an accident.

10:27.752 --> 10:31.171

The weather in the Pyrenees
is famous for being unpredictable,

10:31.172 --> 10:34.299

and l'm sure Daniel would have been
warned by the locals.

10:36.552 --> 10:38.553

You were not close with him?

10:40.389 --> 10:43.600

Not since his mother died,
l'm sorry to say.

10:43.601 --> 10:45.935

What was he doing out there?

10:45.936 --> 10:48.271

He was on pilgrimage
on the Camino,

10:48.272 --> 10:51.941

walking the road
to Santiago de Compostela.

10:51.942 --> 10:55.320

People from very different backgrounds,
faith and generations

10:55.321 --> 10:58.657

have walked the path
from here in the French Pyrenees

10:58.658 --> 11:00.158

to Santiago de Compostela,

11:00.159 --> 11:03.662

800 kilometers
on the northwestern coast of Spain

11:03.663 --> 11:05.997

for over a thousand years.

11:05.998 --> 11:10.001

We believers are told that the remains
of Saint James, the apostle of Jesus

11:10.002 --> 11:15.256

are interred there,
and so we make pilgrimage.

11:15.257 --> 11:18.134

This is what your son
Daniel was doing.

11:18.135 --> 11:20.428

Why was he alone?

11:20.429 --> 11:23.098

Many people choose
to make the trek alone.

11:23.099 --> 11:26.601

The Way is a very personal
journey, Mr. Avery.

11:31.190 --> 11:33.066

This is the shell,

11:33.067 --> 11:36.695

the symbol of the pilgrim
making the journey.

11:38.906 --> 11:40.281

And this,

11:40.282 --> 11:43.743

this is Daniel's passport
for the Camino.

11:44.787 --> 11:46.746

lt is to be officially stamped

11:46.747 --> 11:49.666

at every important stop
along the route through Spain.

11:51.585 --> 11:54.671

And the first stamp is here
in Saint-Jean.

11:56.006 --> 11:57.507

WOMAN: Buen camino.

11:57.508 --> 11:58.675


12:01.220 --> 12:04.431

When you arrive at the end,

12:04.432 --> 12:07.934

the passport should look like this.

12:14.859 --> 12:19.362

l have walked the Camino
to the Atlantic Ocean three times,

12:19.363 --> 12:20.905

there and back.

12:20.906 --> 12:24.409

l will do it once more
on my 70th birthday,

12:24.410 --> 12:26.911

God willing, of course.

12:31.876 --> 12:34.461

Daniel was my only child.

12:34.462 --> 12:36.755

We can also offer cremation

12:36.756 --> 12:38.548

if that is a more suitable way
12:38.549 --> 12:40.550
for you to transport
the remains back home.

12:46.056 --> 12:48.475

[overlapping conversations]

12:55.524 --> 12:56.566

MAN: Um, excusez-moi.

12:56.567 --> 12:58.359

[speaking French]

12:58.360 --> 12:59.903

l'm sorry.
l don't speak French.

12:59.904 --> 13:01.946

Oh. Do you mind if l sit here?

13:01.947 --> 13:04.240

Because there's
no other seats available.

13:04.241 --> 13:06.075

Hi. l'm Joost.
l'm from Amsterdam.

13:06.076 --> 13:08.328

- Tom.
- Hey, Tom.

13:10.915 --> 13:12.957

l saw you on the--
on the train.

13:12.958 --> 13:14.793

Uh, this morning.
We came from Paris.

13:14.794 --> 13:16.920

We were on the--
on the same train.

13:18.631 --> 13:20.632

You're not a pilgrim, are you?

13:22.051 --> 13:23.259

A pilgrim.

13:23.260 --> 13:25.178

Uh, a trekker, a peregrino, eh?

13:25.179 --> 13:28.515

You're not here to walk
the, uh, Santiago de Compostela?

13:28.516 --> 13:32.560

- No. l'm here on family business.
- Ah.

13:32.561 --> 13:34.938

Well, it's not for everyone,
you know.

13:34.939 --> 13:38.358

ln fact, um, somebody died
on the Camino this week

13:38.359 --> 13:40.819

only one day into the trek.

13:40.820 --> 13:43.238

Yeah, it's such a tragedy.

13:43.239 --> 13:45.073


13:45.074 --> 13:46.491

But it's no mystery
why l'm doing this trek.

13:46.492 --> 13:48.451

Do you see this gut?

13:48.452 --> 13:52.038

[chuckles] My older brother's getting married
in Rotterdam in December,

13:52.039 --> 13:54.040

and, uh, l want to fit
into my old suit.

13:54.041 --> 13:57.001

You could just buy a new suit.

13:57.002 --> 13:58.920

No, but it's the third time
that he's getting married.

13:58.921 --> 14:00.338

Well, but wedding or not,

14:00.339 --> 14:02.674

l mean, uh, a bit leaner,
a bit lighter

14:02.675 --> 14:06.261

would make my doctor...
and my wife,

14:06.262 --> 14:09.138

uh, a bit happier, no.

14:09.139 --> 14:10.473

Ah! Merci beaucoup.

14:12.601 --> 14:14.102


14:22.570 --> 14:23.695

lt's for energy.

14:25.823 --> 14:28.157

[crickets chirping]

14:30.786 --> 14:32.579

[zipper zips]

15:16.707 --> 15:18.291


15:19.668 --> 15:22.211

My doctorate...

15:22.212 --> 15:24.005

l'm not gonna finish it.

15:24.006 --> 15:25.965

You mean this year.

15:25.966 --> 15:28.176

l mean ever.

15:28.177 --> 15:32.305

Margaret Mead didn't become
a great cultural anthropologist

15:32.306 --> 15:35.308

by staying in school.

15:35.309 --> 15:38.269

And when was the last time
you traveled abroad?

15:38.270 --> 15:40.229

And l'm not talking
about for business.

15:40.230 --> 15:42.482

l mean before Mom got sick.

15:44.443 --> 15:49.322

Nepal, Morocco, lndia,
Papua New Guinea, Europe.

15:49.323 --> 15:50.657

l gotta go to these places.

15:50.658 --> 15:52.033

l--l gotta go.
l gotta go.

15:57.957 --> 16:00.583

[knocks on door]

16:05.881 --> 16:07.298


16:07.299 --> 16:08.841

Mr. Avery.

16:08.842 --> 16:11.177

l want to cremate the body.

17:06.858 --> 17:10.278

Capitaine, monsieur,

17:10.279 --> 17:11.529

bonne nuit.

17:14.616 --> 17:17.242

l'm gonna walk
the Camino de Santiago.

17:21.205 --> 17:23.207

Mr. Avery,
if you pardon me, please,

17:23.208 --> 17:24.834

you're not prepared
to go on this trek.

17:24.835 --> 17:26.377

You have no equipment or--

17:26.377 --> 17:28.463

l've got Danny's backpack
and all his stuff.

17:28.464 --> 17:30.256

But you haven't trained
for this walk.

17:30.257 --> 17:33.426

And no disrespect.
You're more than 60 years old.

17:33.427 --> 17:36.304

So it'll take me
a bit longer than most.

17:36.305 --> 17:38.181

You'll be lucky
if you finish in two months.

17:38.182 --> 17:40.141

Then l better get started.

17:41.685 --> 17:43.561

We're leaving in the morning.

17:45.898 --> 17:46.898


17:48.567 --> 17:50.485

Both of us.

18:13.092 --> 18:14.759

[objects clatter]

18:16.095 --> 18:17.261


18:26.855 --> 18:28.898


18:28.899 --> 18:30.108

Here we go.

18:34.113 --> 18:36.114

[overlapping conversations]

18:50.045 --> 18:51.838

[car horn honks]

18:51.839 --> 18:55.007

Came to give me
another pep talk, captain?

18:55.008 --> 18:58.219

l came to wish you
buen camino, Mr. Avery,

18:58.220 --> 19:00.513

and to give you this.

19:02.975 --> 19:06.102

- ls this a good-luck charm?
- Something like that.

19:06.103 --> 19:09.105

You'll know what to do with it
when you get there.

19:09.106 --> 19:10.314

Get where?

19:10.315 --> 19:11.941

Cruz de Ferro.
lt's on the Camino.

19:11.942 --> 19:13.651

You'll be there a month from now.

19:13.652 --> 19:16.112

You can read about it in the guide.

19:16.113 --> 19:20.700

lt's a place of much significance.

19:20.701 --> 19:24.871

Monsieur Avery, do you know
why you're walking the Way?
19:24.872 --> 19:28.207
l suppose l'm doing it for Daniel.

19:28.208 --> 19:30.960

You walk the Way for yourself,
only for yourself.

19:30.961 --> 19:33.796

Well, then l guess
l don't have a clue, Captain.

19:33.797 --> 19:35.423

Monsieur Avery...

19:36.550 --> 19:38.551

l have also lost a child.

19:40.470 --> 19:42.513

l wish you a buen camino.

19:42.514 --> 19:45.016

Enjoy your pilgrimage, both of you.

19:46.768 --> 19:48.060

Thank you.

19:50.898 --> 19:51.981


19:53.567 --> 19:55.693

This is the way.

21:09.601 --> 21:14.522

[music covers dialogue]

21:20.320 --> 21:22.321

[sheep bells clanging]

22:22.132 --> 22:23.132


22:49.493 --> 22:51.577

[sheep bleating]

23:03.298 --> 23:05.299


23:23.026 --> 23:24.693

[music playing]

23:30.117 --> 23:32.118

[walking stick echoing]

23:36.415 --> 23:39.708

[dog barks]

23:45.090 --> 23:48.092

[bell ringing]
23:48.093 --> 23:50.511
Enough. Shh.

23:50.512 --> 23:51.929


23:51.930 --> 23:53.931

- Are you American?
- Yes.

23:53.932 --> 23:56.142

Americans are always late.

23:56.143 --> 23:58.853

Well--You speak English.

23:58.854 --> 24:01.105

- So do you.
- Huh.

24:01.106 --> 24:03.107

lt's my first time in Spain.

24:03.108 --> 24:06.444

You're not only in Spain.
You're in the Basque country.

24:06.445 --> 24:08.112

We are in Navarre.

24:08.113 --> 24:12.533

Well, is there a room
in the Basque country in Navarre?

24:12.534 --> 24:14.201

A room?
You mean a bed.

24:14.202 --> 24:16.579

A bed, a room,
it's all the same.

24:16.580 --> 24:17.580

l'm very tired.

24:17.581 --> 24:19.707

15 euros for a bed and food,

24:19.708 --> 24:21.709

but it's late, so no food,

24:21.710 --> 24:23.043

- no more cooking.
- Ah.

24:23.044 --> 24:25.880

No food, but still 15 euros?

24:25.881 --> 24:28.007

- Yes.
- [laughs] Okay.

24:28.008 --> 24:29.008


24:29.009 --> 24:30.301

Shoes here.

24:30.302 --> 24:31.844

[man coughs]

24:31.845 --> 24:33.429

Bathroom there.

24:33.430 --> 24:35.055

[woman coughs]

24:35.056 --> 24:36.474

You're here.

24:36.475 --> 24:37.475

[pats bed]

24:39.186 --> 24:42.771

Welcome to Roncesvalles.
Buenas noches.

24:44.816 --> 24:46.817

[snoring and coughing]

24:59.498 --> 25:00.498

[pack clatters]

25:00.499 --> 25:03.501

- Shh!
- Shh!

25:06.796 --> 25:10.007

[guests snoring]

25:10.008 --> 25:11.342


25:17.015 --> 25:19.433


25:19.434 --> 25:21.435

[heavy coughing]

25:34.282 --> 25:36.283

[food crunching]

25:45.627 --> 25:48.921

Pardon me, sir.
Do you have any Grey Poupon?

25:50.632 --> 25:53.092

l followed the same route as you
to a point,

25:53.093 --> 25:55.052

Um, but then l detoured
at Vall Carlos,

25:55.053 --> 25:57.096

and that's why l got here
a couple of hours before you.

25:57.097 --> 26:00.057

My guidebook didn't say anything
about any detours.

26:00.058 --> 26:01.976

Yeah, but that's because
you haven't got the Dutch guidebook.

26:01.977 --> 26:04.770

-The Dutch guidebook?
- Yep.

26:04.771 --> 26:06.438

You know, because we Dutch,
we're always

26:06.439 --> 26:08.732

trying to find the quickest way
to get to the next party.

26:08.733 --> 26:11.151

Heh. Because you know
what they say.

26:11.152 --> 26:12.945

lf it ain't Dutch, it ain't much.

26:14.531 --> 26:16.532

Did the old woman feed you?

26:16.533 --> 26:17.866

- No.
- Well, you're lucky.

26:17.867 --> 26:20.744

The meal was as grim as the beds.

26:20.745 --> 26:21.870

Here. Have this.

26:21.871 --> 26:24.873

- No. l can't take your food.
- Yeah, you can.

26:24.874 --> 26:27.585

- All right. Thanks.
- You're welcome.

26:33.592 --> 26:35.634

Pamplona in a couple of days.

26:35.635 --> 26:38.220

running of the bulls, all that.

26:38.221 --> 26:39.680

l think l might stay there
for a couple--

26:39.681 --> 26:41.724

No drugs here.

26:41.725 --> 26:43.058

l know what l smell.

26:43.059 --> 26:44.602

l will call the Guardia Civil.

26:44.603 --> 26:46.520

- Ja. Ja.
- l will call the police!

26:46.521 --> 26:48.480

- Ja.
- So--

26:48.481 --> 26:49.481

- Ja, ja.
- Ja.

26:52.277 --> 26:53.944

What does she mean, drugs?

26:53.945 --> 26:55.321

Oh, nothing.

26:57.824 --> 27:00.701

Well, well, nothing
by Dutch standards.

27:00.702 --> 27:03.120

Just a little
tobacco booster, yeah,

27:03.121 --> 27:04.455

to help us sleep.

27:04.456 --> 27:06.457


27:06.458 --> 27:08.751

- You want some, too?
- No. Thank you.

27:08.752 --> 27:10.419

27:10.420 --> 27:12.212
l'm sure.

27:12.213 --> 27:13.213


27:14.758 --> 27:16.675

l also have these options.

27:18.303 --> 27:20.054

Ambien, earplugs.

27:25.977 --> 27:27.978


27:30.899 --> 27:32.900

[overlapping conversations]

27:57.050 --> 27:59.927

l know you got a thing
for Dutchmen, señora.

27:59.928 --> 28:01.929

En tus sueños, perro.

28:08.520 --> 28:10.646

[stamp clatters]

28:10.647 --> 28:12.648

Have you ever walked
the Camino, señora?

28:12.649 --> 28:13.857


28:13.858 --> 28:16.652

When l was young,
l was too busy,

28:16.653 --> 28:19.571

and now that l'm older,

28:19.572 --> 28:20.864

l'm too tired.

28:28.665 --> 28:30.165

Buen camino.

28:34.546 --> 28:37.548

Hey, Tom, we should get
a coffee here before we go,

28:37.549 --> 28:39.717

just to, uh--to get
our motor running, no?

28:43.680 --> 28:46.640

Yeah, we'll--we'll have
a quick coffee.
29:13.418 --> 29:14.793
[goats bleating]

29:16.296 --> 29:18.297

Ah, look,
a cheese maker, Tom.

29:18.298 --> 29:21.300

Ho ho ho. Fresh--
fresh goat cheese, my man.

29:23.595 --> 29:25.721

Come on, Tom.
You haven't lived

29:25.722 --> 29:28.390

until you have goat cheese
from these mountains.

29:30.935 --> 29:32.186


29:32.187 --> 29:33.187

[raps on door]

29:34.773 --> 29:36.273

[girl laughs]

29:43.448 --> 29:46.283

Are you gonna make it, fat man?

29:46.284 --> 29:48.243

Don't you worry about me, old man.

30:28.701 --> 30:30.118


30:43.716 --> 30:44.925

JOOST: Hey, Tom.

30:44.926 --> 30:46.593

When we met in Saint-Jean,

30:46.594 --> 30:49.304

you--you said nothing
about going on pilgrimage.

30:49.305 --> 30:51.223

l wasn't going on pilgrimage.

30:53.226 --> 30:54.893

Yet here we are.

30:54.894 --> 30:56.562


30:59.274 --> 31:01.900

Y-You said you were
on family business.

31:01.901 --> 31:03.485

l am.

31:07.073 --> 31:09.074

But you--you have
all the equipment

31:09.075 --> 31:11.410

for the, uh--
for the walk to Santiago.

31:11.411 --> 31:12.536


31:15.623 --> 31:18.542

Tom, that--that box
with the ashes...

31:18.543 --> 31:21.211

My son.

31:39.230 --> 31:41.315

l'm done for the day, Joost.

31:41.316 --> 31:42.649

l'm staying here tonight.

31:42.650 --> 31:44.776

- Here? ln this village?
- Yeah.

31:44.777 --> 31:46.278

But Pamplona's
a stone throw away.

31:46.279 --> 31:48.780

My feet are killing me.
l gotta get out of these shoes.

31:48.781 --> 31:50.782

l'm sorry, but not me, man.

31:50.783 --> 31:53.952

- Pamplona beckons.
- Okay.

31:55.705 --> 31:56.997

lt's been a pleasure, Tom.

32:01.044 --> 32:02.586

Hey, uh, buen camino.

32:12.138 --> 32:14.765

[overlapping conversations in Spanish]

32:27.695 --> 32:28.737

32:30.740 --> 32:32.157
Buenas tardes, peregrino.

32:32.158 --> 32:33.909

l don't speak Spanish.

32:33.910 --> 32:35.410

We were expecting you.

32:35.411 --> 32:36.954

Expecting me?

32:36.955 --> 32:40.123

- You're a pilgrim, ¿sí?
- Yes.

32:40.124 --> 32:41.792

We're always expecting pilgrims.

32:41.793 --> 32:45.337

Come. We have plenty of beds,
and your food is still warm.

32:45.338 --> 32:47.422

Hey, the Americans are here.

32:47.423 --> 32:48.548

[playful booing]

32:48.549 --> 32:51.593

- Bueno, bueno, bueno.
- [laughter]

32:51.594 --> 32:53.637

Vamos. Come on.

32:53.638 --> 32:55.639

The Star-Spangled Banner]

32:59.644 --> 33:02.437

MAN: The truth of the matter
is confusing.

33:02.438 --> 33:07.693

HOST: No. Charlemagne had other ideas,
to extend his empire.

33:07.694 --> 33:09.319

He crossed the Pyrenees,

33:09.320 --> 33:11.655

but nothing worked out
as he intended.

33:11.656 --> 33:13.073

This is Spain.
33:13.074 --> 33:15.033
This is Basque Spain.

33:15.034 --> 33:18.120

He tortured the Basques of Pamplona

33:18.121 --> 33:20.622

and allowed his men to have

33:20.623 --> 33:23.792

a little too much rest and relaxation
with our women.

33:23.793 --> 33:26.920

When the Basque shepherds
who lived around here

33:26.921 --> 33:28.755

heard what happened
in Pamplona,

33:28.756 --> 33:30.298

they slipped into the woods.

33:30.299 --> 33:33.468

Then we, we Basques,
killed them.

33:33.469 --> 33:37.347

[FRENCH ACCENT] Sorry, monsieur,
but based on what l have read here,

33:37.348 --> 33:40.017

that is complete crap,

33:40.018 --> 33:42.602

Ah, you won't find much truth
in this book.

33:43.688 --> 33:45.480

Charlemagne, Ro-land--

33:45.481 --> 33:47.065

not Rrroland, Roland--

33:47.066 --> 33:50.193

this is part of French history, okay,
no, not Basque.

33:50.194 --> 33:52.821

- [speaking French]
- The French?

33:52.822 --> 33:55.657

The French don't want to admit
that the death of Roland

33:55.658 --> 33:59.453

was because of Charlemagne's
un-Christian intentions.

33:59.454 --> 34:00.454

Come on. Allez.

34:00.455 --> 34:02.372

Bon nuit tout le monde.

34:02.373 --> 34:04.416

W-Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

34:04.417 --> 34:06.376

- Night.
- Wait a minute. Señor.

34:06.377 --> 34:09.295

Señor, l thought it was the Arabs
that killed Roland.

34:09.297 --> 34:11.380

- [groans]
- Bueno, bueno, bueno.

34:11.382 --> 34:13.842

Otra vez. Otra vez.

34:13.842 --> 34:16.303

[overlapping conversations in Spanish]

34:35.322 --> 34:37.908

One of the guys said
you're Canadian.

34:37.909 --> 34:40.243

Don't spread it around, eh?

34:44.206 --> 34:46.917

So how's it going for you
out there on the road, Boomer?

34:46.918 --> 34:48.460

l'm Tom.

34:48.460 --> 34:51.045

You know, as in baby boomer.

34:51.047 --> 34:52.880

You got all those horrible signs

34:52.882 --> 34:54.882

of that desperate generation
taking its final breath,

34:54.884 --> 34:57.636

trying to screw the rest of us over
one last time.
34:57.637 --> 34:59.679
Only thing missing from you,

34:59.680 --> 35:01.264

is one of those
stupid-looking ponytails

35:01.265 --> 35:03.683

and a collection of James Taylor
songs on your iPod.

35:03.684 --> 35:05.936

l like James Taylor,

35:05.937 --> 35:07.938

but l don't have an iPod.

35:07.939 --> 35:09.272

Well, that's pretty amazing.

35:09.273 --> 35:10.732

What, no iPod?

35:10.733 --> 35:13.151

No cell phone or computer
to keep you connected?

35:13.152 --> 35:15.946

lsn't it written somewhere
in the baby boomer code book

35:15.947 --> 35:17.864

that you must own
a certain percentage

35:17.865 --> 35:20.242

of anything Steve Jobs makes?

35:22.203 --> 35:25.831

So, what is it, on pilgrimage
to change your life?

35:25.832 --> 35:27.749

Something like that.

35:27.750 --> 35:29.876

Wait. Don't tell me.
Just getting over a nasty divorce,

35:29.877 --> 35:31.628

and she took it all.

35:31.629 --> 35:33.922

Or maybe you're out to meet
some young chicks

35:33.923 --> 35:35.465

and relive your college glory days.
35:35.466 --> 35:38.009
Believe me, l've seen
plenty of that nonsense.

35:39.512 --> 35:41.388

Oh, l got it.

35:41.389 --> 35:44.391

You're seeking penance for screwing over
your company retirees

35:44.392 --> 35:46.351

in some stock market scandal.

35:46.352 --> 35:48.019

You sound really angry.

35:48.020 --> 35:51.356

Yeah, sure. l'm angry.

35:51.357 --> 35:53.191

l gotta quit these.

35:54.527 --> 35:57.612

And l'm really,
really angry about that.

35:57.613 --> 36:00.323

And when we get
to Santiago de Compostela,

36:00.324 --> 36:02.993

it's all over for you,
my little friend.

36:02.994 --> 36:03.994

You're a goner.

36:05.204 --> 36:08.623

The end of the Camino
is the end of my addiction.

36:08.624 --> 36:10.750

Spoken like a true addict.

36:10.751 --> 36:14.212

Spoken like someone
who took 10 days to get this far.

36:14.213 --> 36:15.672

Well, at that pace,

36:15.673 --> 36:18.383

you should get to Santiago
by the end of the year.

36:18.384 --> 36:20.093

He's onto our plan.
36:20.094 --> 36:22.846
[men singing inside]

36:22.847 --> 36:25.307

But, you know--

36:33.065 --> 36:34.774

[rooster crows]

36:38.529 --> 36:40.530

[dog barking]

36:58.466 --> 37:02.385

MAN: Hey. Ah hah.

37:02.386 --> 37:04.971

Ah hah.

37:04.972 --> 37:06.973

Hey, hey.

37:08.267 --> 37:10.685

Ah hah.

37:10.686 --> 37:12.938

Hah. Yah.

37:12.939 --> 37:14.606


37:17.944 --> 37:20.070

Gracias. Gracias.

37:22.907 --> 37:23.907

[embarrassed chuckle]

37:25.201 --> 37:27.369

l wanted to be a bullfighter.

37:27.370 --> 37:31.581

My father wanted me to be a lawyer.

37:34.377 --> 37:36.628

Coffee is in the common area.

37:54.063 --> 37:55.605

Bonjour, americano.

38:07.285 --> 38:11.246

Thought you might be staying
at least a few more days here, eh?

38:11.247 --> 38:14.124

Funny. These European guys
are starting to get a little familiar.

38:14.125 --> 38:18.211

l want to get out of here while they're
still sleeping off their hangover.

38:18.212 --> 38:22.590

Besides, l got all the friends l need.
Don't want any tag-alongs, so...

38:22.591 --> 38:24.259

Well, be safe out there.

38:25.678 --> 38:27.721

You, too, Boomer.

38:27.722 --> 38:31.558

- Good luck with the quitting.
- [laughs] Yeah.

38:31.559 --> 38:34.311

Good luck with whatever it is
you're doing out here.

38:34.312 --> 38:37.772

Oh. l do have a cell phone.

38:37.773 --> 38:41.484

Yeah, well, me, too.

38:43.112 --> 38:44.112

And an iPod.

38:45.823 --> 38:48.116

Sorry for being such an ass
last night.

38:48.117 --> 38:51.536

l-l'm out here to get away
from everything, and you just, uh--

38:51.537 --> 38:54.539

Reminded you of it.
Yeah, l get it.

39:00.546 --> 39:02.297


39:02.298 --> 39:05.759

You're all right, Boomer,

39:05.760 --> 39:08.928

even if you do like James Taylor.

39:08.929 --> 39:11.306

[Country Road
by James Taylor playing]

39:23.194 --> 39:25.362

♪ Take to the highway ♪

39:25.363 --> 39:28.656

♪ Won't you lend me your name? ♪
39:29.867 --> 39:31.993
♪ Your way and my way ♪

39:31.994 --> 39:35.038

♪ They seem to be one and the same ♪

39:36.457 --> 39:39.501

♪ Mama don't understand it ♪

39:39.502 --> 39:42.712

♪ She wants to know
where the boy's been ♪

39:42.713 --> 39:45.215

♪ l'd have to be some kind
of natural-born fool... ♪

39:45.216 --> 39:47.509

l'm gonna need you
to cancel all my appointments

39:47.510 --> 39:49.552

for the rest of the month, Doreen.

39:54.850 --> 39:56.810

♪ On a country road ♪

40:03.025 --> 40:05.193

♪ Sail on home to Jesus ♪

40:05.194 --> 40:08.321

♪ Won't you, good girls and boys? ♪

40:09.740 --> 40:11.533

♪ l'm all in pieces ♪

40:11.534 --> 40:15.662

♪ You can have your own choice ♪

40:15.663 --> 40:18.998

♪ 'Cause l can see a heavenly band
full of angels ♪

40:18.999 --> 40:21.543

♪ Coming to set me free ♪

40:21.544 --> 40:24.629

♪ Said l don't know nothin'
about the why or when ♪

40:24.630 --> 40:27.882

♪ But l can tell you
that it's bound to be ♪

40:27.883 --> 40:30.260

♪ Because l could feel it now ♪

40:34.056 --> 40:36.349

♪ On a country road ♪

40:42.565 --> 40:50.071

♪ l guess my feet know
where they want me to go ♪

40:50.072 --> 40:52.157

♪ Walking on a country road, oh ♪

40:53.868 --> 40:56.077

Oh, no!

40:56.078 --> 40:57.787


42:13.697 --> 42:15.573

[water trickling]

42:27.211 --> 42:29.212


42:35.886 --> 42:38.888

[footsteps approaching]

42:38.889 --> 42:41.724

[voices nearby]

42:42.726 --> 42:44.727

- Buen camino.
- Buenos dias.

42:58.409 --> 43:00.285

[overlapping conversations]

43:23.892 --> 43:24.976


43:26.604 --> 43:28.855

Tom, it's me!

43:28.856 --> 43:31.065

Tom, it's--it's Joost
from Amsterdam!

43:33.152 --> 43:34.611

lt's cordero.

43:34.612 --> 43:36.946

Spain is famous for its roast lamb.

43:36.947 --> 43:37.947


43:37.948 --> 43:39.324

Here. You should try some.

43:39.325 --> 43:41.117

No. Thank you.
43:41.118 --> 43:42.368
Much to my dismay,

43:42.369 --> 43:44.370

Pamplona is just
an ordinary Spanish city

43:44.371 --> 43:45.580

when the bulls are not running.

43:45.581 --> 43:48.625

So much for being a party town.

43:48.626 --> 43:51.628

But l made reservations
to return here in July

43:51.629 --> 43:53.963

during their week of fiestas,

43:53.964 --> 43:56.633

uh, the Sanfermines.

43:56.634 --> 43:58.968

l would like
to propose a toast,

43:58.969 --> 44:01.346

'cause we Dutch
love to propose toasts.

44:01.347 --> 44:04.599

That we agree
to meet here in July

44:04.600 --> 44:07.268

and run with the bulls,
like real men.

44:07.269 --> 44:08.978

Like real crazy men.

44:08.979 --> 44:10.647

Well, l'm gonna come back.

44:12.608 --> 44:14.108

Wine shots, huh?

44:14.109 --> 44:16.027

[coughs] Yeah.

44:16.028 --> 44:18.738

What are your plans?

44:18.739 --> 44:20.657

To move through Pamplona quickly.

44:20.658 --> 44:22.575

As long as l'm sitting here,
44:22.576 --> 44:24.827
l might just order some tapas.

44:24.828 --> 44:26.204

Th-They're called pinchos.

44:26.205 --> 44:28.456

l beg your pardon, Joost.

44:28.457 --> 44:30.333

ln Pamplona,
they're called tapas.

44:30.334 --> 44:32.794

See, here in Pamplona, it's tapas.
l just read that.

44:32.795 --> 44:35.171

You see, unlike
the Dutch guidebook,

44:35.172 --> 44:38.049

which may be directing you
to the nearest party,

44:38.050 --> 44:40.301

the American guidebook
is designed so that you

44:40.302 --> 44:42.011

don't look like a clown
if you order pinchos

44:42.012 --> 44:43.680

when you really mean tapas.

44:43.681 --> 44:45.390


44:45.391 --> 44:46.766

No, Tom--

44:48.352 --> 44:49.602

Señor, ¿algo más?

44:49.603 --> 44:51.604

Uh, tapas, por favor.

44:51.605 --> 44:53.398

Tapas. Aquí, no hay tapas.

44:53.399 --> 44:54.857

¿No tapas?

44:54.858 --> 44:59.445

No, no, no. Tapas es más de Madrid,
del sur, eh?
44:59.446 --> 45:00.530
Aquí estamos en Navarra.

45:00.531 --> 45:03.866

En Navarra,
son los pinchos, eh?

45:03.867 --> 45:06.744

Las tapas y los pinchos
pasan lo mismo, pero--pero no lo es.

45:06.745 --> 45:09.414

Porque la--la tapa viene
como en un plato grande, eh?

45:09.415 --> 45:11.874

Los pinchos vayan
como en platos separados

45:11.875 --> 45:13.084

más pequeñitos,

45:13.085 --> 45:15.253

más trabajados
en una presentación.

45:15.254 --> 45:17.505

Vamos, se ha convertido
en una tradición.

45:17.506 --> 45:20.049

- ¿Quiere pinchos?
- Eh, no.

45:46.493 --> 45:47.744

Well, look,

45:47.745 --> 45:50.329

it's Tom Quixote
and Sancho Panza.

45:50.330 --> 45:52.665

And that would make you Dulcinea.

45:52.666 --> 45:54.417

Buen camino, fellow pilgrim.

45:54.418 --> 45:57.462

Hey, buen camino. My name is Joost.
l'm from Amsterdam.

45:57.463 --> 45:59.422

Dutch, huh? Got any drugs?

45:59.423 --> 46:01.090

Oh ho ho. l love this girl.
46:01.091 --> 46:03.593
Wears off quick, l promise.

46:03.594 --> 46:05.803

You know each other?

46:05.804 --> 46:07.388

Sort of.

46:07.389 --> 46:08.431

What are you looking to score?

46:08.432 --> 46:09.766

Oh, something for sleep.

46:09.767 --> 46:13.144

l've had trouble sleeping for the past--
l don't know, couple of years.

46:13.145 --> 46:15.354

You folks mind doing this drug deal
while we walk?

46:15.355 --> 46:16.814

l got some Ambien.

46:16.815 --> 46:19.150

Or something stronger
if that's your pleasure.

46:19.151 --> 46:21.319

Ha. l love this guy.

46:21.320 --> 46:23.404

lt wears off quick, l promise.

46:23.405 --> 46:26.365

- Come. Come with us.
- Oh.

46:26.366 --> 46:28.409

Tom, wait!

46:38.837 --> 46:40.713

JOOST: l tried to quit once,

46:40.714 --> 46:42.924

but then l thought why?

46:42.925 --> 46:46.469

My grandmother, she drank,
and she smoked her entire life,

46:46.470 --> 46:48.638

and she lived to be 103 years old.

46:48.639 --> 46:50.348

Now, what does that tell you?
46:50.349 --> 46:52.350
Tells me that everyone
that's trying to quit something

46:52.351 --> 46:53.935

always has
an ancient relative they use

46:53.936 --> 46:55.812

as an example
of why not to quit.

46:55.813 --> 46:57.271

Suppose that makes me
a cliché, then.

46:57.272 --> 46:58.648

You said it.

46:58.649 --> 47:02.193

But l'm not the one
trying to quit anything.

47:02.194 --> 47:05.238

Yeah, well, we keep
walking at this pace,

47:05.239 --> 47:07.824

quitting isn't gonna be the problem.

47:07.825 --> 47:09.784

Surviving will be.

47:09.785 --> 47:11.828


47:11.829 --> 47:14.914

Doesn't this guy ever stop
to smell the flowers?

47:16.542 --> 47:19.544


47:19.545 --> 47:21.128

This isn't a race.

47:21.129 --> 47:22.296

No, it isn't.

47:22.297 --> 47:23.506

Then why does it
piss me off so much

47:23.507 --> 47:25.716

that l haven't seen him
stop to take a break?

47:25.717 --> 47:27.802

l mean, why does something
that should be inspirational

47:27.803 --> 47:30.805

make me so... angry?

47:30.806 --> 47:33.015

Totally irrational.

47:33.016 --> 47:35.393

Same could be said
for this entire journey.

47:35.394 --> 47:37.728

Wonder how old he is.

47:37.729 --> 47:39.105

Older than us.

47:42.651 --> 47:44.652

[windmills whirring]

48:02.087 --> 48:03.796

JOOST: Hey, Tom!

48:03.797 --> 48:07.758

You think l will look like this
by the time l get to Santiago?

48:07.759 --> 48:09.135

Yeah, sure, Joost.

48:09.136 --> 48:11.888

Just keep eating that cordero.

48:11.889 --> 48:15.558

Nothing like a few pounds of lamb
to help shed the excess weight.

48:15.559 --> 48:17.935

But it's part of
the Camino experience, no?

48:17.936 --> 48:21.105

l mean, you can't come to Spain
without having their roast lamb.

48:24.359 --> 48:26.527

"Donde se cruza--"

48:26.528 --> 48:28.112

"Donde se..."

48:28.113 --> 48:32.325

"Where the path of the wind
crosses that of the stars."

48:32.326 --> 48:34.577

what do you think the waist is
on this guy?
48:34.578 --> 48:36.787

48:36.788 --> 48:39.540

More like a 25 or 26.

48:39.541 --> 48:41.959

[chuckles] Well, a man can dream.

48:41.960 --> 48:43.210


48:43.211 --> 48:45.212

[bicycle bell ringing]

48:47.257 --> 48:50.051

What, you can do this on a bike?

48:50.052 --> 48:52.053

Why the hell are we walking?

48:54.389 --> 48:56.140

Ah, that's ridiculous, man.

49:00.270 --> 49:02.271

[overlapping conversations]

49:06.526 --> 49:08.277

Just try it, man.
lt's superstrong.

49:08.278 --> 49:10.613

l brought it from Amsterdam.
lt's really good.

49:10.614 --> 49:11.948

Y-You do smoke, no?

49:16.286 --> 49:18.454

Yeah? Do you like it?

49:18.455 --> 49:20.581

- [laughs]
- These are the--

49:23.585 --> 49:26.337

H-Hey. l'm Frank, New York.

49:26.338 --> 49:28.255

Tom, California.

49:28.256 --> 49:30.216

Nice to meet you, Rabbi.

49:30.217 --> 49:32.969

Oh, actually l'm a priest.

49:32.970 --> 49:34.762

You can understand my confusion.

49:34.763 --> 49:37.598

Yeah, a lot of people
make that mistake.

49:37.599 --> 49:38.933

Brain cancer.

49:38.934 --> 49:41.519

Surgery left me
with a terrible scar.

49:41.520 --> 49:44.188

l wear this yarmulke to cover it up.

49:44.189 --> 49:47.733

They didn't get it all,
you know, cancer.

49:47.734 --> 49:51.237

Said it'll probably come back.

49:51.238 --> 49:53.906

Who knows about
these kind of things?

49:53.907 --> 49:54.949

Only God.

49:54.950 --> 49:57.326

Anyway, they say that miracles

49:57.327 --> 50:00.955

happen out here
on the Camino de Santiago.

50:00.956 --> 50:02.623

You believe in miracles, Father?

50:02.624 --> 50:05.418

l'm a priest.
lt's kind of my job.

50:06.878 --> 50:10.089

- You a Catholic?
- l don't practice anymore.

50:10.090 --> 50:13.092

You know, mass at Christmas, Easter.
That's about it.

50:13.093 --> 50:14.343

Here. Take this.

50:14.344 --> 50:16.637

No, l can't take your rosary, Father.

50:16.638 --> 50:18.139

No, please, take it.

50:18.140 --> 50:22.518

Lot of lapsed Catholics
out here on the Camino, kid.

50:22.519 --> 50:23.853


50:23.854 --> 50:25.062


50:25.063 --> 50:28.149

Oh. Well, thank you.

50:28.150 --> 50:32.361

THE SHlNS: ♪ Dawn breaks
like a bull through the hall ♪

50:32.362 --> 50:35.072

♪ Never should have called ♪

50:35.073 --> 50:38.367

♪ But my head's to the wall,
and l'm lonely... ♪

50:38.368 --> 50:39.493

[bells ringing]

50:39.494 --> 50:42.705

Vengan, peregrinos.

50:42.706 --> 50:47.293

Vengan, vengan.

50:49.171 --> 50:50.504

♪ l'd have jumped ♪

50:50.505 --> 50:52.715

♪ From my tree ♪

50:52.716 --> 50:56.427

♪ And l'd have danced
like the king of the eyesores ♪

50:56.428 --> 51:00.097

♪ And the rest of our lives
would have fared well ♪

51:00.098 --> 51:02.183

♪ And if you took... ♪

51:02.184 --> 51:05.186

MAN: Wanderer, there is no road.

51:05.187 --> 51:07.104

Only the wakes on the seas.
51:07.105 --> 51:08.481
Viva Carlo.

51:08.482 --> 51:11.442

[all cheer]

51:11.443 --> 51:12.860

Viva, buy us a round!

51:12.861 --> 51:15.488

- [all cheer]
- Viva.

51:30.462 --> 51:32.296

[man coughs]

51:32.297 --> 51:34.590

[bell tolling]

51:34.591 --> 51:36.634

Mi espalda.

51:36.635 --> 51:38.636

[overlapping chatter]

51:51.233 --> 51:53.025

[dog barks]

52:17.342 --> 52:18.342

[bird squawking]

52:28.979 --> 52:30.104


52:32.774 --> 52:36.318

MAN: Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my goodness. Oh!

52:36.319 --> 52:38.988

l'm sorry! Sorry!

52:38.989 --> 52:41.657

l didn't, uh--
l didn't mean that.

52:41.658 --> 52:43.284

Threw that--oh.
Oh, my God.

52:43.285 --> 52:44.451

Oh, my God.

52:44.452 --> 52:47.079

l thought l was out here all alone.

52:47.080 --> 52:48.247

You thought wrong.
52:48.248 --> 52:49.373
Oh, yes.

52:49.374 --> 52:52.001

Hello. l'm Jack from lreland.

52:52.002 --> 52:54.086

l'm Jack from lreland.

52:54.087 --> 52:57.214

How long you been out here,
Jack from lreland?

52:57.215 --> 52:59.633

Jeez. Uhh.
lt's hard to say.

52:59.634 --> 53:02.511

This spot, well, um,

53:02.512 --> 53:05.055

it's hard to say that, too.

53:05.056 --> 53:07.183

But l think this place
means something.

53:07.184 --> 53:09.018

This place means--

53:09.019 --> 53:10.811

This place is brimming
with significance!

53:10.812 --> 53:13.147

That's the problem
with this whole damn road.

53:13.148 --> 53:14.773

- Problem?
- Metaphor, man.

53:14.774 --> 53:16.692

You're out walking all alone,

53:16.693 --> 53:18.360

and suddenly
in the middle of nowhere,

53:18.361 --> 53:20.279

you see a dogfight
near a cheese farm.

53:20.280 --> 53:22.656

What does that dogfight mean?

53:22.657 --> 53:24.366

And despite its literalness,
53:24.367 --> 53:29.121
the idea of a pilgrim's journey on this road
is a metaphor bonanza.

53:29.122 --> 53:32.958

Friends, the road itself
is amongst our oldest tropes.

53:32.959 --> 53:34.376

The high road and the low,

53:34.377 --> 53:36.337

the long and winding,
the lonesome,

53:36.338 --> 53:38.464

the royal, the open road
and the private.

53:38.465 --> 53:40.841

You have the road to hell,
the Tobacco Road,

53:40.842 --> 53:42.676

the crooked,
the straight and the narrow.

53:42.677 --> 53:45.012

There's the road
stretching into infinity,

53:45.013 --> 53:48.307

bordered with lacy mists
favored by sentimental poets.

53:48.308 --> 53:50.976

There's the more dignified road
of Mr. Frost,

53:50.977 --> 53:52.978

and for Yanks,
every four years,

53:52.979 --> 53:55.314

there's the road
to the White House.

53:55.315 --> 54:00.653

[sighs] Then you have the road
which most concerns me today,

54:00.654 --> 54:02.571

the wrong road,

54:02.572 --> 54:06.742

which l fear
l must surely have taken.

54:06.743 --> 54:09.912

Well, Jack, maybe a dogfight
near a cheese farm

54:09.913 --> 54:12.581

is simply
a dogfight near a cheese farm.

54:14.125 --> 54:15.292


54:15.293 --> 54:16.961


54:19.005 --> 54:20.881

That's good.

54:20.882 --> 54:25.052

That is very good.

54:25.053 --> 54:28.514

Maybe l should adopt
a more conservative attitude

54:28.515 --> 54:33.143

instead of trying to trickle meaning
out of every curve in the road.

54:33.144 --> 54:36.188

Oh, Christ.

54:36.189 --> 54:38.983

l haven't had an original thought
in months.

54:38.984 --> 54:40.567

[Jack sighs]

54:40.568 --> 54:41.694

Writer's block.

54:43.196 --> 54:45.489

You know what that is?
Any of you?

54:45.490 --> 54:47.157

Okay, so--

54:47.158 --> 54:49.243

The reason l'm out here
walking the Camino,

54:49.244 --> 54:50.703

writer's block.
l figure the sooner

54:50.704 --> 54:53.664

we get the small talk
out of the way, the better.
54:53.665 --> 54:54.665

54:54.666 --> 54:56.000

[cell phone rings]

54:56.001 --> 54:58.335

Wait a second. Hmm.

54:58.336 --> 55:00.129

[recording] Mailbox full.

55:00.130 --> 55:01.213


55:01.214 --> 55:03.507

You have 35 unheard messages.

55:03.508 --> 55:04.842

All from my editors,

55:04.843 --> 55:06.844

who probably think l'm drinking again,

55:06.845 --> 55:08.554

which isn't a bad idea.

55:09.931 --> 55:12.725

Ooh. Can l, uh, bum
one of those, please?

55:12.726 --> 55:14.768

Uh, uh, yes.

55:14.769 --> 55:15.811

Sure, sure.

55:15.812 --> 55:18.188

Thanking you.

55:18.189 --> 55:24.236

So, uh, what's your book about, Jack?

55:24.237 --> 55:25.529

The Camino, of course.

55:25.530 --> 55:26.780

Of course.

55:26.781 --> 55:30.075

- What about all you?
- What about all of us, what?

55:30.076 --> 55:31.493

Oh, why are you
doing the Camino?

55:31.494 --> 55:34.913

Must of the pilgrims l've polled
say their walk to Santiago

55:34.914 --> 55:36.999

is for religious, cultural
or historical reasons.

55:37.000 --> 55:39.668

- You're taking a poll?
- Ah, informally,

55:39.669 --> 55:41.670

though l have been keeping track

55:41.671 --> 55:44.423

of most of the pilgrims
l've met along the way.

55:45.467 --> 55:48.344

So far, less than 15%¤

55:48.345 --> 55:50.679

say they were doing it for health.

55:50.680 --> 55:53.724

Fewer than 5%¤ say they're out here
looking for a miracle.

55:53.725 --> 55:56.435

Miracles are in short supply
these days, Jack.

55:56.436 --> 55:59.313

Well, if you don't mind,
l'd like to include you in my book.

55:59.314 --> 56:02.191

l do mind.
Very much so.

56:09.532 --> 56:10.866

JACK: Oh, uh...

56:13.495 --> 56:17.414

Would it be all right
if l walk with you for a bit?

56:19.542 --> 56:22.127

Well, l--l don't know about them.

56:22.128 --> 56:23.962

Uh, okay.

56:23.963 --> 56:26.965

Yeah, but--but it's okay--
it's cool with me, man.

56:26.966 --> 56:28.384

- Really?
- Yeah, sure.

56:28.385 --> 56:30.386

l'm--l'm Joost.
l'm from Amsterdam.

56:30.387 --> 56:32.471

Joost. Right. Hey.

56:32.472 --> 56:35.766

l mean, l'm--l'm not here
for God or miracles

56:35.767 --> 56:37.434

or any of that stuff.

56:37.435 --> 56:41.647

l'm--l'm just a fat Dutchman
trying to, uh, lose a few pounds.

56:41.648 --> 56:44.024

So you're doing it
for health reasons?

56:44.025 --> 56:45.692

Yeah, yeah, you could--

56:45.693 --> 56:47.319

Yeah, you could
more or less say that.

56:47.320 --> 56:49.655

Well, um,
would it be all right

56:49.656 --> 56:54.660

if l put you under the category
of doing it for health for my poll?

56:54.661 --> 56:56.161

Yeah, man, sure.

56:56.162 --> 56:57.246

- Really?
- Yeah.

56:57.247 --> 57:00.124

Joost. Dutch.

57:00.125 --> 57:01.834


57:01.835 --> 57:04.670

Ah. Thanks.

57:07.674 --> 57:10.759

Mmm. Would you like
to try some of this?

57:10.760 --> 57:12.302

lt's, uh--
it's Turkish.

57:12.303 --> 57:14.847

l--l hear it's good
for writer's block.

57:14.848 --> 57:17.808

[Lost by Coldplay playing]

57:17.809 --> 57:20.644

[chuckles] You may be right, Joost.

57:20.645 --> 57:23.230

Yeah, l'm right. Tom!

57:23.231 --> 57:26.358

- ♪ Just because l'm losing ♪
- Hey, Tom!

57:26.359 --> 57:29.862

♪ Doesn't mean l'm lost ♪

57:32.115 --> 57:35.325

♪ Doesn't mean l'll stop ♪

57:37.579 --> 57:41.039

♪ Doesn't mean l'm across ♪

57:44.836 --> 57:48.797

♪ Just because l'm hurting ♪

57:48.798 --> 57:51.842

♪ Doesn't mean l'm hurt... ♪

57:53.386 --> 57:54.761

Everything all right?

57:54.762 --> 57:56.305

Yeah, sure.

57:56.306 --> 57:58.891

JACK: So what's her story?

57:58.892 --> 58:01.226

JOOST: Tom met her in a refugio.

58:01.227 --> 58:03.228

Walking the Camino
to quit smoking.

58:03.229 --> 58:05.814

That's all l know about her.

58:05.815 --> 58:09.151

She's sexy, but complicated.
58:10.695 --> 58:12.946
He seems like quite a stiff.

58:12.947 --> 58:15.365


58:15.366 --> 58:17.117

l met him in Saint-Jean.

58:17.118 --> 58:18.702

He's a--he's an opth--

58:18.703 --> 58:22.247

an, uh--an eye doctor
from California.

58:22.248 --> 58:24.583

- An ophthalmologist?
- Ah.

58:24.584 --> 58:27.085

Didn't come here
on pilgrimage.

58:27.086 --> 58:30.339

Seems like it was more a--
like an accident.

58:30.340 --> 58:33.842

l started my pilgrimage
in Paris, Joost,

58:33.843 --> 58:35.844

three months ago.

58:35.845 --> 58:39.681

And if l know one certainty
about the Way of Saint James,

58:39.682 --> 58:42.434

it is that no one walks
this Camino by accident.

58:42.435 --> 58:43.435

No one.

58:44.604 --> 58:49.066

He, um, carries the cremated remains
of his son--

58:49.067 --> 58:53.737

got caught in a bad storm
over the Pyrenees first day out.

58:53.738 --> 58:56.949

- Oh, you're kidding me.
- No.
58:56.950 --> 59:00.327
He carries the--that box
in his backpack.

59:00.328 --> 59:04.873

He leaves little--little piles of ash
all along the Camino.

59:04.874 --> 59:07.709

That's brilliant.
l mean tragic, of course,

59:07.710 --> 59:09.586

but brilliant.

59:16.469 --> 59:21.890

Um, do you think he'd, uh...
want to talk to me about it?

59:21.891 --> 59:26.061

l think he'd sooner shove
that walking stick down your throat.

59:26.062 --> 59:29.982

♪ l'm just waiting
till the shine goes off ♪

59:29.983 --> 59:32.484

- You're sick.
- Eh?

59:32.485 --> 59:34.194

The reason you're out here.

59:34.195 --> 59:37.072

- You're ill and dying.
- Not even close.

59:37.073 --> 59:40.242

That's good.
But l will get it.

59:40.243 --> 59:42.244

No, you probably won't.

59:42.245 --> 59:44.621

Next town is Torres del Río.

59:44.622 --> 59:47.291

Towers on the river.

59:48.710 --> 59:50.377

Your Spanish is pretty good.

59:50.378 --> 59:52.045

Yeah, well,
the guidebooks stress

59:52.046 --> 59:54.423

learn as much
of the language as possible

59:54.424 --> 59:56.091

before you start the walk, so...

59:59.554 --> 01:00:02.973

l thought you said something
about not wanting any tag-alongs.

01:00:02.974 --> 01:00:04.349

l did.

01:00:04.350 --> 01:00:07.144

lf the last 15 kilometers
are any indication,

01:00:07.145 --> 01:00:10.814

walking the Camino with you
is kind of like being alone, so--

01:00:10.815 --> 01:00:13.108

But, hey, you want me
to buzz off, that's cool.

01:00:13.109 --> 01:00:15.068

Next town,
l'll go my separate way.

01:00:15.069 --> 01:00:17.988

lt's not like there's
a thousand routes to get to Santiago,

01:00:17.989 --> 01:00:22.576

so you might have to suffer
bumping into one of us from time to time.

01:00:22.577 --> 01:00:24.494

l'll take my chances.

01:00:24.495 --> 01:00:25.829

Torres del Río, then.

01:00:32.211 --> 01:00:33.837

He's in a bad mood.

01:00:33.838 --> 01:00:37.299

He's been in a bad mood
ever since l met him.

01:00:37.300 --> 01:00:40.385

Well, death has a way
of doing that to you.

01:00:40.386 --> 01:00:42.054

What do you mean, death?

01:00:44.641 --> 01:00:45.974

She doesn't know?
01:00:47.477 --> 01:00:59.821
She doesn't know what?

01:01:01.449 --> 01:01:03.158

What doesn't she know?

01:01:04.494 --> 01:01:07.496

[dog barking]

01:01:07.497 --> 01:01:09.998

JOOST: This town is so short of water
that the locals

01:01:09.999 --> 01:01:11.875

store it up in winter
for use in summer.

01:01:11.876 --> 01:01:13.585

l don't see anything about bars.

01:01:13.586 --> 01:01:16.213

There's an albergue called
the Casa Santa Barbara.

01:01:16.214 --> 01:01:19.466

Oh, yeah. lt's the only one,
but it has five stars.

01:01:19.467 --> 01:01:22.719

JACK: l don't care how many stars it has,
as long as it's got a toilet.

01:01:22.720 --> 01:01:25.138

[bell rings]

01:01:25.139 --> 01:01:27.432

- ¿Sí?
- Hola.

01:01:27.433 --> 01:01:28.558


01:01:28.559 --> 01:01:29.559

- Sí.
- Sí.

01:01:30.603 --> 01:01:32.562

Hey, welcome.

01:01:32.563 --> 01:01:35.273

- Bienvenido. Ah.
- Hola.

01:01:35.274 --> 01:01:37.984

- Ah hah.
- Hola.

01:01:37.985 --> 01:01:39.695

l am el Ramón, eh?

01:01:39.696 --> 01:01:41.738

Ah. l'm--l'm Joost from Amsterdam.

01:01:41.739 --> 01:01:43.407

Ah, nice, nice. Good, good.

01:01:43.408 --> 01:01:45.075

Come, come. Come with me.

01:01:45.076 --> 01:01:46.076

Come along. Heh.

01:01:46.077 --> 01:01:48.370

Come along, please.

01:01:48.371 --> 01:01:50.080

Uh, passports, please.

01:01:50.081 --> 01:01:51.123

- Passports.
- Now?

01:01:51.124 --> 01:01:52.416

l need passports.

01:01:52.417 --> 01:01:54.000

Passports, everyone. Yes.

01:01:54.001 --> 01:01:55.585

Thank you. Passports.

01:01:55.586 --> 01:01:58.004

Passports, please.
l need passports.

01:01:58.005 --> 01:01:59.923

- ls there a--
- This is my very own

01:01:59.924 --> 01:02:03.427

and very special
el Ramón stamp.

01:02:03.428 --> 01:02:07.973

You won't find a stamp like this
anywhere else on the Camino.

01:02:07.974 --> 01:02:10.183

Uh, could l, um, use your--

01:02:10.184 --> 01:02:12.018

This is the Ramón stamp,

01:02:12.019 --> 01:02:15.689

and l will stamp your passports
with el Ramón.
01:02:15.690 --> 01:02:19.192
Stamp. The Ramón stamp.

01:02:19.193 --> 01:02:20.944

The Ramón stamp.

01:02:22.697 --> 01:02:24.156


01:02:24.157 --> 01:02:27.492

This is the proof
you have been with el Ramón.

01:02:29.245 --> 01:02:30.620

JACK: Yes, as l was saying--

01:02:30.621 --> 01:02:32.372

Ah, you must be hungry, yes?

01:02:32.373 --> 01:02:34.374

Yes? Ah, yes. You're tired.

01:02:34.375 --> 01:02:38.879

Of course. Well, but you have come
to the best refugio in all of Spain.

01:02:38.880 --> 01:02:41.339

ls there a baño
l could use, please?

01:02:41.340 --> 01:02:43.049

Oh, yes. Yes, yes.
Of course.

01:02:43.050 --> 01:02:45.051

[chuckles] Yes.

01:02:48.556 --> 01:02:50.140

Aha. ls there.

01:02:52.643 --> 01:02:56.897

Uh, it's a bit more serious,
let's say.

01:02:56.898 --> 01:02:59.274

Uh, one moment.

01:03:03.154 --> 01:03:04.529

Good? Good?

01:03:04.530 --> 01:03:07.115

- Yeah. Good.
- Good. [chuckles]

01:03:10.161 --> 01:03:12.788

[rooster crowing]

01:03:15.374 --> 01:03:17.542

l think we're the only pilgrims here.
01:03:17.543 --> 01:03:19.669
The only ones alive.

01:03:19.670 --> 01:03:22.464

Tom, should we stay?

01:03:24.258 --> 01:03:27.260

lt's a bed and a meal,
few hours sleep.

01:03:27.261 --> 01:03:28.428

[woman laughing,

01:03:30.306 --> 01:03:31.223

[man speaking foreign language]

01:03:31.224 --> 01:03:33.433

Obviously we've interrupted

01:03:33.434 --> 01:03:37.145

Well, that was, uh, interesting.

01:03:37.146 --> 01:03:39.856

Bit cold out there.
Who's next?

01:03:39.857 --> 01:03:42.734

[laughter upstairs]

01:03:42.735 --> 01:03:44.861

Maybe we should stay, no?

01:03:44.862 --> 01:03:46.863

Did anyone ask how much
he's charging for the night?

01:03:46.864 --> 01:03:48.448

'cause if it's more than
a couple of Euros, it's too much.

01:03:48.449 --> 01:03:50.075

Yeah, l second that.

01:03:50.076 --> 01:03:51.326

- l...
- All right.

01:03:51.327 --> 01:03:54.621

When he comes back down,
l'll ask him about the fee,

01:03:54.622 --> 01:03:57.916

but l don't think we're gonna get
a straight answer from el Ramón.

01:03:57.917 --> 01:03:59.835

[laughter and thumping]

01:04:01.128 --> 01:04:02.838

Well, it could be a while.

01:04:04.257 --> 01:04:05.841


01:04:05.842 --> 01:04:08.009

l'll go up and ask him.

01:04:08.010 --> 01:04:09.344


01:04:09.345 --> 01:04:10.804

l'll go with you.

01:04:10.805 --> 01:04:12.597

- Yeah, me, too.
- Let's all go.

01:04:12.598 --> 01:04:15.308

What, are you all, five?

01:04:15.309 --> 01:04:17.102

No, just scared.

01:04:17.103 --> 01:04:18.728


01:04:18.729 --> 01:04:20.730

[whooping and laughter]

01:04:23.776 --> 01:04:25.777

[broadcast playing]

01:04:45.923 --> 01:04:47.215

Un poco de vino.

01:04:47.216 --> 01:04:50.635

Es un poco de vino
del Ramón, sagrado.

01:04:50.636 --> 01:04:53.138

Eh, el vino de El Ramón.

01:04:53.139 --> 01:04:54.306


01:04:54.307 --> 01:04:56.099

[high voice] Gracias.

01:05:02.982 --> 01:05:05.692

Ah, man, it's 4 1/2 hours

01:05:05.693 --> 01:05:07.319

- to the next albergue.
- Really?
01:05:08.321 --> 01:05:10.947
Right, well, we gotta think about
setting up camp for the night.

01:05:10.948 --> 01:05:13.658

- No way.
- lt's getting dark.

01:05:13.659 --> 01:05:17.871

Hey, Boomer, Tom,
we gotta camp out.

01:05:26.505 --> 01:05:30.759

Now, this, this is
a true pilgrim experience.

01:05:30.760 --> 01:05:33.678

JOOST: Cheers to that,

01:05:33.679 --> 01:05:35.513

even though l hated
camping as a boy.

01:05:35.514 --> 01:05:38.975

SARAH: "True pilgrim experience"?
What do you mean by that?

01:05:38.976 --> 01:05:42.062

Ah, well, l'm talking about tradition
in the purest sense.

01:05:42.063 --> 01:05:44.940

A true pilgrim walks the Camino
with nothing.

01:05:44.941 --> 01:05:47.817

He has to live off the land,

01:05:47.818 --> 01:05:49.694

he has to accept the kindness
presented to him,

01:05:49.695 --> 01:05:52.781

and he has to carry his goods
on his back.

01:05:52.782 --> 01:05:56.409

Pilgrim is poor and must suffer.

01:05:56.410 --> 01:05:58.244

SARAH: That strikes me as extreme

01:05:58.245 --> 01:06:00.997

to say the only way
to be a true pilgrim

01:06:00.998 --> 01:06:03.625

is to imitate what we like to think
a true pilgrim is.
01:06:03.626 --> 01:06:07.796
Should a pilgrim dress himself
as a beggar even if he isn't?

01:06:07.797 --> 01:06:09.839

Do we honor the poor
by imitating them?

01:06:09.840 --> 01:06:12.926

l don't think that pilgrims
500 years ago

01:06:12.927 --> 01:06:15.470

ignored the creature comforts
of the road

01:06:15.471 --> 01:06:16.805

any more than we should now.

01:06:16.806 --> 01:06:19.766

JOOST: Yeah, and what about
pilgrims on bikes

01:06:19.767 --> 01:06:22.936

or--or pilgrims that do the Camino
on horseback?

01:06:22.937 --> 01:06:25.355

No, tradition would
dismiss bikers at least.

01:06:25.356 --> 01:06:28.483

Biking or riding requires
less suffering and less work.

01:06:28.484 --> 01:06:30.819

But l don't think
we have to artificially

01:06:30.820 --> 01:06:33.363

add more hardship
than is already there.

01:06:33.364 --> 01:06:36.449

That, in my opinion, is being
a false pilgrim, not a true one.

01:06:36.450 --> 01:06:39.452

lf you were a man, l would challenge you
to pistols at dawn.

01:06:39.453 --> 01:06:41.579


01:06:41.580 --> 01:06:42.664

What do you think, Boomer?

01:06:44.875 --> 01:06:48.211

Finally, an American
without an opinion.

01:06:48.212 --> 01:06:49.796

Take a picture.

01:06:49.797 --> 01:06:51.131


01:07:24.457 --> 01:07:26.708

- Good morning, sunshine.
- Oh!

01:07:28.794 --> 01:07:30.545


01:07:30.546 --> 01:07:32.130

Where are the guys?

01:07:32.131 --> 01:07:36.009

Out gathering some provisions
from the local farms.

01:07:36.010 --> 01:07:39.345

- Like true pilgrims?
- Yeah.

01:07:39.346 --> 01:07:42.015

So you weren't even
gonna say goodbye, Boomer?

01:07:42.016 --> 01:07:44.225

Yeah, well...

01:07:46.604 --> 01:07:51.191

What are you doing out here, Tom,
besides taking a really long walk?

01:07:52.234 --> 01:07:53.443

Why do you care?

01:07:57.448 --> 01:08:00.533

Joost told me
you were a--a doctor.

01:08:00.534 --> 01:08:02.452

- Yeah.
- What do you practice?

01:08:02.453 --> 01:08:03.953

l'm an ophthalmologist.

01:08:03.954 --> 01:08:06.081

- An eye doctor.
- Yeah.

01:08:06.082 --> 01:08:10.752

Ah. So you, uh, you help people
see the world a little better, huh?
01:08:10.753 --> 01:08:12.796
Yeah, that's one way to put it.

01:08:12.797 --> 01:08:14.130

[box clatters]

01:08:14.131 --> 01:08:16.341

- l got it.
- No, no. No, no.

01:08:16.341 --> 01:08:17.466


01:08:26.060 --> 01:08:27.560


01:08:39.156 --> 01:08:40.490

l'm sorry.

01:08:44.870 --> 01:08:45.870


01:08:45.871 --> 01:08:46.996


01:08:46.997 --> 01:08:49.040

Three cheers
for the true pilgrims.

01:08:49.041 --> 01:08:51.084

Hot bread and coffee
for everyone.

01:08:51.085 --> 01:08:53.419

Oranges, apples. See?
We're living off the land.

01:08:53.420 --> 01:08:55.546

This is the way
it's supposed to be.

01:08:57.049 --> 01:08:58.049

Hey, Tom.

01:08:58.050 --> 01:08:59.591

Hey. Have a look.

01:08:59.593 --> 01:09:01.010

- Sleep well?
- Yep.

01:09:01.011 --> 01:09:03.345

- No. Gracias.
- Do we have knives?

01:09:03.346 --> 01:09:05.765

We don't need knives.
Just rip it apart.
01:09:05.765 --> 01:09:07.725
Orange, Tom? Eh? Orange?

01:09:07.725 --> 01:09:08.725

No, thank you.

01:09:11.354 --> 01:09:13.148


01:09:13.149 --> 01:09:15.316

Let's get this coffee on the go.

01:09:15.317 --> 01:09:17.026

You okay, Tom?

01:09:17.027 --> 01:09:18.528

Yeah. Why?

01:09:56.358 --> 01:09:58.359

[woman singing in Spanish]

01:10:13.500 --> 01:10:14.959


01:10:16.420 --> 01:10:18.421

l'm sure the last thing
in the world

01:10:18.422 --> 01:10:21.299

you want to do is have
a conversation with me.

01:10:21.300 --> 01:10:22.800

You'd be right about that.

01:10:24.345 --> 01:10:26.763

Tom, your son--

01:10:26.764 --> 01:10:29.098

Joost told me. l--

01:10:29.099 --> 01:10:32.101

l'm so sorry.
l had no idea.

01:10:32.102 --> 01:10:34.270

Joost told you, huh?
That figures.

01:10:38.025 --> 01:10:40.818

l don't know what to say, but...

01:10:40.819 --> 01:10:43.112

the way you touched me,
grabbed my arm,

01:10:43.113 --> 01:10:45.949

just--l mean, in my other life,
01:10:45.950 --> 01:10:48.451
my life before the Camino,
l was married.

01:10:48.452 --> 01:10:53.498

l was married, and l was pregnant,
my first, my only.

01:10:56.085 --> 01:11:00.713

But my husband
was not a kind man,

01:11:00.714 --> 01:11:02.674

so l terminated.

01:11:02.675 --> 01:11:05.301

l got rid of my baby girl, Tom.

01:11:05.302 --> 01:11:09.222

Didn't want the son of a bitch
to have two of us to beat up on.

01:11:15.896 --> 01:11:19.357

Sometimes l hear her voice,
my baby.

01:11:21.443 --> 01:11:25.363

l know it sounds crazy 'cause
she never got to take her first breath,

01:11:25.364 --> 01:11:31.286

but l imagine what
she would have sounded like.

01:11:35.165 --> 01:11:37.500

And sometimes l hear her, Tom.

01:11:40.421 --> 01:11:43.256

Sometimes l swear
l can hear her.

01:11:46.343 --> 01:11:48.344

l'm sorry about your baby.

01:11:49.555 --> 01:11:51.597

Sorry about yours.

01:11:52.891 --> 01:11:54.642

My son was almost 40.

01:11:54.643 --> 01:11:56.978

Yeah, but he'll always be your baby.

01:12:01.442 --> 01:12:03.026


01:12:53.577 --> 01:12:55.286

Pilgrims, we have arrived.
01:12:55.287 --> 01:12:57.789
l'm gonna get us a bottle.
Or three.

01:12:57.790 --> 01:13:00.458

Oh, hey, you'll need
an extra hand for that.

01:13:00.459 --> 01:13:02.460

[overlapping conversations]

01:13:04.671 --> 01:13:06.005

JACK: iHola!

01:13:09.551 --> 01:13:11.677

Look, Tom, l--
l want to apologize again.

01:13:11.678 --> 01:13:12.970

l'm really sorry--

01:13:12.971 --> 01:13:15.473

Can we talk about
something else, please?

01:13:15.474 --> 01:13:18.017

But l hit you with everything l had,
and you took it.

01:13:18.018 --> 01:13:20.978

My mother taught me
that only a coward hits a woman.

01:13:20.979 --> 01:13:23.439

How'd she do that?

01:13:23.440 --> 01:13:26.776

She whupped the hell out of me
every time l hit my little sister

01:13:26.777 --> 01:13:29.445

till l finally got the message.

01:13:30.572 --> 01:13:34.200

My ex could have learned something
from your mother.

01:13:34.201 --> 01:13:36.869

Smoke 'em if you got 'em, eh?

01:13:36.870 --> 01:13:40.331

l'd smoke across
this whole damn country, Boomer.

01:13:42.835 --> 01:13:46.337

There's a whole world out there
to beat you up plenty.
01:13:46.338 --> 01:13:48.589
You don't need to go
looking for people to pile on.

01:13:49.716 --> 01:13:53.177

Glad you became an eye doc
instead of a headshrinker.

01:13:53.178 --> 01:13:55.680

The first consultation is free.

01:13:55.681 --> 01:13:57.723

Let there be wine!

01:13:57.724 --> 01:13:59.267

Let the drinking commence.

01:14:03.355 --> 01:14:06.691

JACK: ...whereas Paulo Coelho
examined the spiritual in the Camino,

01:14:06.692 --> 01:14:09.360

was inspired to write
his first book afterwards.

01:14:09.361 --> 01:14:12.530

So l said to them...

01:14:12.531 --> 01:14:15.741

the last thing in the world
you need to publish

01:14:15.742 --> 01:14:18.327

and the last thing
l am willing to write

01:14:18.328 --> 01:14:20.746

is another bloody guidebook
on the Camino.

01:14:20.747 --> 01:14:24.792

l mean, how does one follow
the Codex Calixtinus anyway?

01:14:24.793 --> 01:14:28.129

- The what?
- Codex Calixtinus,

01:14:28.130 --> 01:14:30.339

Liber Sancti Jacobi.

01:14:30.340 --> 01:14:33.634

SARAH: Devotees of the Way
regard it as the first tourist guide.

01:14:33.635 --> 01:14:35.178

That's right. lt is the source,

01:14:35.179 --> 01:14:39.724

attributed to the writings
of Pope Callixtus ll,

01:14:39.725 --> 01:14:40.808

the twelfth century.

01:14:40.809 --> 01:14:44.103

lt is a work of wonder
divided into five folios.

01:14:44.104 --> 01:14:47.398

Book one,
Anthologia Liturgica.

01:14:47.399 --> 01:14:50.067

Book two, De Miraculis
Sancti Jacobi.

01:14:50.068 --> 01:14:52.195

Book three translates
the writings of Saint James.

01:14:52.196 --> 01:14:53.446

[distant thunder]
Book four, the lesser known,

01:14:53.447 --> 01:14:55.281

banned by the Church of Rome,

01:14:55.282 --> 01:14:57.783

details Charlemagne's vision
of Saint James

01:14:57.784 --> 01:15:00.453

instructing him
to destroy the Moors.

01:15:00.454 --> 01:15:04.790

But it is book five, folio five,
which most concerns us.

01:15:04.791 --> 01:15:09.712

Historians believe it is the first book
ever written on the pilgrimage.

01:15:09.713 --> 01:15:11.839

[echoing, distorting]
So the dilemma for me

01:15:11.840 --> 01:15:15.635

is to come up with
something contemporary,

01:15:15.636 --> 01:15:19.180

but also pays homage
to the ancient tradition

01:15:19.181 --> 01:15:22.225

of what it means to be
a true pilgrim in a modern age.

01:15:22.226 --> 01:15:23.809

Christ, you're a bore.

01:15:25.020 --> 01:15:26.479

l beg your pardon.

01:15:27.523 --> 01:15:29.565

An arrogant bore.

01:15:29.566 --> 01:15:31.067

[stifles laughter]

01:15:31.068 --> 01:15:35.821

Oh, dear, l think this pack's
getting ready to eat one of its own.

01:15:35.822 --> 01:15:38.908

That's just it,
Jack from lreland.

01:15:38.909 --> 01:15:40.910

You're not one of us.

01:15:40.911 --> 01:15:44.247

You think you're better than us
'cause you're writing a book.

01:15:44.248 --> 01:15:45.414

[scoffs] True pilgrim.

01:15:45.415 --> 01:15:46.582

All right, all right, Tom.

01:15:46.583 --> 01:15:48.668

True pilgrim,
like you would know.

01:15:48.669 --> 01:15:51.546

What did you use to pay
for this wine here, huh?

01:15:51.547 --> 01:15:54.215

How many credit cards
do you have in your wallet,

01:15:54.216 --> 01:15:55.800

Jack from lreland?

01:15:55.801 --> 01:15:57.635

How many true pilgrims

01:15:57.636 --> 01:16:02.515

used their credit cards to get out
of a true jam along the Camino

01:16:02.516 --> 01:16:06.602

back in the Middle Ages,
you jackass from lreland?

01:16:06.603 --> 01:16:07.645


01:16:07.646 --> 01:16:09.480

You are a true fraud.

01:16:09.481 --> 01:16:11.232

That's what l think you are.

01:16:11.233 --> 01:16:12.900


01:16:12.901 --> 01:16:15.820

Over here, everybody!
This man is a fraud!

01:16:15.821 --> 01:16:17.989

Police! Hey, hey!

01:16:17.990 --> 01:16:19.615

Over here, gentlemen!

01:16:19.616 --> 01:16:21.742

Arrest this man for being a fraud!

01:16:21.743 --> 01:16:23.703

Hey, Tom,
we're just talking, man.

01:16:23.704 --> 01:16:26.122

Yeah, only talking.
You're good at that, Dutchman.

01:16:26.123 --> 01:16:27.456

Let me ask you something.

01:16:27.457 --> 01:16:30.084

ls there anything
in that Dutch guidebook

01:16:30.085 --> 01:16:32.670

about having
some common courtesy,

01:16:32.671 --> 01:16:35.673

keeping your mouth shut about
other people's private matters?

01:16:35.674 --> 01:16:37.383

What the hell
are you talking about?

01:16:37.384 --> 01:16:39.385

You know what the hell
l'm talking about,

01:16:39.386 --> 01:16:41.220

Joost from Amsterdam.

01:16:41.221 --> 01:16:43.723

Or maybe you smoked
so much hash

01:16:43.724 --> 01:16:45.641

and popped so many pills,
you can't remember

01:16:45.642 --> 01:16:49.103

anything you say or do anymore.

01:16:49.104 --> 01:16:52.940

Hey, what do you think
of the Boomer now, eh, Sarah?

01:16:52.941 --> 01:16:55.484

Whoever the hell you are.

01:16:55.485 --> 01:16:57.069


01:16:57.070 --> 01:16:58.696


01:16:58.697 --> 01:17:00.406

the question is...

01:17:01.575 --> 01:17:03.993

What does it take for someone

01:17:03.994 --> 01:17:06.871

to become a true pilgrim
on the Camino?

01:17:06.872 --> 01:17:08.080

ls that right, Jack?

01:17:09.625 --> 01:17:11.000

How 'bout death?

01:17:12.502 --> 01:17:14.420

How about dying on the Camino?

01:17:14.421 --> 01:17:18.007

Would that rate?
Would that make someone a true pilgrim?

01:17:18.008 --> 01:17:20.926

Would that qualify
for your damn book?

01:17:29.394 --> 01:17:31.604

Hey, uh, Tom,
that's my pack. My--

01:17:31.605 --> 01:17:33.856

That's my--Tom.
Tom! Let's--

01:17:33.857 --> 01:17:35.733

[overlapping chatter]

01:17:37.319 --> 01:17:38.653

Get out of here!

01:17:38.654 --> 01:17:40.446

No, Tom, that's my pack.

01:17:40.447 --> 01:17:43.115

For Christ's sake.
Get your hands off me!

01:17:43.116 --> 01:17:45.451

JOOST: Ohh! Tom!
Officers, officers--

01:17:45.452 --> 01:17:46.869

[indistinct yelling]

01:17:46.870 --> 01:17:49.246

l'm an American!
l speak American!

01:17:49.247 --> 01:17:51.916

Tell them l'm being kidnapped!

01:17:51.917 --> 01:17:54.794

Camino de Compostela!

01:17:54.795 --> 01:17:57.129

God bless America!

01:17:57.130 --> 01:17:58.172


01:17:58.173 --> 01:18:01.467

♪ God bless America ♪

01:18:01.468 --> 01:18:05.096

♪ Land that l love ♪

01:18:05.097 --> 01:18:08.432

♪ Stand beside her ♪

01:18:08.433 --> 01:18:11.143

♪ And guide her ♪

01:18:11.144 --> 01:18:12.687

[telephone ringing]

01:18:12.688 --> 01:18:14.689

[overlapping chatter]

01:18:46.221 --> 01:18:48.305

How do you say, "l'm sorry," in Spanish?
01:18:48.306 --> 01:18:50.683
Uh, lo siento.

01:18:50.684 --> 01:18:52.351

- Lo siento, señor.
- Buen camino.

01:18:53.603 --> 01:18:56.147


01:18:56.148 --> 01:18:57.148


01:19:13.206 --> 01:19:15.624

l don't really remember very much.

01:19:15.625 --> 01:19:17.251

That might be a good thing.

01:19:20.797 --> 01:19:22.798

Thank you for bailing me out.

01:19:25.719 --> 01:19:28.637

You can thank my credit card.

01:19:31.850 --> 01:19:34.685

[Pink Moon
by Nick Drake playing]

01:19:43.862 --> 01:19:46.572

♪ l saw it written,
and l saw it say ♪

01:19:49.743 --> 01:19:53.370

♪ Pink moon is on its way ♪

01:19:55.624 --> 01:19:59.794

♪ And none of you
stand so tall ♪

01:20:01.546 --> 01:20:05.382

♪ Pink moon gonna get you all ♪

01:20:05.383 --> 01:20:07.802

♪ lt's a pink moon ♪

01:20:07.803 --> 01:20:10.638

♪ Yes, a pink moon ♪

01:20:12.516 --> 01:20:15.017

♪ Pink, pink, pink, pink ♪

01:20:16.853 --> 01:20:18.729

♪ Pink moon ♪

01:20:24.277 --> 01:20:26.654

♪ A pink, pink, pink, pink ♪
01:20:28.156 --> 01:20:29.740
♪ Pink moon ♪

01:20:54.349 --> 01:20:57.059

♪ lt's a pink ♪

01:20:57.060 --> 01:20:59.770

♪ Yes, a pink moon ♪

01:21:02.649 --> 01:21:04.316

l intend to reimburse you.

01:21:08.655 --> 01:21:12.366

You agree to letting me use the story
in my book, we can call it even.

01:21:12.367 --> 01:21:13.534

Not a chance.

01:21:13.535 --> 01:21:16.829

Well, l can still include it anyway,
change the names.

01:21:16.830 --> 01:21:18.747

You wouldn't.

01:21:18.748 --> 01:21:21.000

Ha! l would.
As far as anecdotes go,

01:21:21.001 --> 01:21:23.002

it's one of the best
from my journey so far.

01:21:27.757 --> 01:21:30.301

My friends,
you know, my patients,

01:21:30.302 --> 01:21:33.971

they're gonna read your book,
get the wrong impression of me.

01:21:33.972 --> 01:21:35.764


01:21:35.765 --> 01:21:39.226

Do you honestly believe
that your mates from the country club

01:21:39.227 --> 01:21:41.562

would waste their time
reading my book?

01:21:43.148 --> 01:21:44.565

Good point.

01:21:45.942 --> 01:21:47.610

What was your son like?
01:21:49.696 --> 01:21:52.448
Daniel's story's got nothing to do
with any deal.

01:21:52.449 --> 01:21:54.491

l have to explain why
you're out on the Camino, Tom.

01:21:54.492 --> 01:21:57.036

Can't just introduce
some crazy, drunk American

01:21:57.037 --> 01:21:59.163

into the art
without giving him purpose.

01:21:59.164 --> 01:22:00.873

"Crazy, drunk American."

01:22:00.874 --> 01:22:04.501

l can read his obituary
at any lnternet cafe along the way.

01:22:04.502 --> 01:22:07.755

But l can't imagine
it would shed any light

01:22:07.756 --> 01:22:11.258

on--on who he was
or what he meant to you.

01:22:11.259 --> 01:22:14.511

He was my son. What do you think
he meant to me?

01:22:20.518 --> 01:22:22.603

Daniel was a lot like you...

01:22:24.648 --> 01:22:27.024

smart, confident,

01:22:27.025 --> 01:22:29.026


01:22:29.027 --> 01:22:30.903

pissed me off a lot.

01:22:43.416 --> 01:22:44.541

May l?

01:22:48.588 --> 01:22:49.630

Thank you.

01:23:21.705 --> 01:23:23.998

MAN: Sarah!
Hey, ça va.

01:23:23.999 --> 01:23:26.083

Hola. Ça va.

01:23:26.084 --> 01:23:27.918

[speaking French]

01:23:27.919 --> 01:23:30.045


01:23:30.046 --> 01:23:32.047

- Hey, Carlo.
- Hey. Ciao, bella.

01:23:32.048 --> 01:23:33.841

- Hello.
- Jack.

01:23:33.842 --> 01:23:34.925

¿Cómo estás?

01:23:34.926 --> 01:23:36.969

[overlapping conversations]

01:23:36.970 --> 01:23:39.096

- iHola!
- iHola!

01:23:39.097 --> 01:23:41.098

[speaking French]

01:23:41.099 --> 01:23:42.516

Oh, man!

01:23:43.560 --> 01:23:44.601

- Tom!
- Father Frank.

01:23:44.602 --> 01:23:47.021

- Are you just getting to Burgos?
- This very moment.

01:23:47.022 --> 01:23:50.357

Then listen. You've gotta stay
at least a day. Tour the cathedral.

01:23:50.358 --> 01:23:52.526

El Cid is buried there.

01:23:52.527 --> 01:23:54.987

- The Chuck Heston film.
- Ah.

01:23:54.988 --> 01:23:56.905

Let me buy a weary traveler a drink.

01:23:56.906 --> 01:23:58.824

Café con leche, por favor.

01:24:02.620 --> 01:24:05.956

- They've come in handy.
- They usually do.

01:24:05.957 --> 01:24:07.791

Maybe a couple of tapas,
too, here.

01:24:07.792 --> 01:24:09.710

l don't have to tell you,

01:24:09.711 --> 01:24:12.880

but this Spanish coffee
is really strong.

01:24:12.881 --> 01:24:14.089

- Yeah, l know.
- You know,

01:24:14.090 --> 01:24:15.424

l can't drink it in the afternoon.

01:24:15.425 --> 01:24:19.762

Otherwise, l don't sleep a wink,
no matter how far l've walked.

01:24:19.763 --> 01:24:21.847

ls this weather beautiful?

01:24:21.848 --> 01:24:23.640

He plays the, uh--
he plays the banjo.

01:24:24.642 --> 01:24:26.643

Hey, that kid took my bag.

01:24:26.644 --> 01:24:28.103

That kid stole my bag!

01:24:28.104 --> 01:24:30.689

Hey! Hey!

01:24:52.462 --> 01:24:53.462

Hey, you little bollocks!

01:25:21.866 --> 01:25:23.158

[door closes]

01:25:25.120 --> 01:25:27.329

l'll go door to door if l have to.

01:25:27.330 --> 01:25:28.997

- No, no, no. No, Tom, not here.
- Why not?

01:25:28.998 --> 01:25:30.457

- lt's Gypsies, Tom.
- So what?

01:25:30.458 --> 01:25:32.251

- lt's all Gypsy here.
- So what?!

01:25:32.252 --> 01:25:33.961

Listen, you start knocking
on the doors here,

01:25:33.962 --> 01:25:36.338

you might not be happy
with what you find behind it.

01:25:36.339 --> 01:25:38.674

Having your backpack stolen'll
be the least of your worries.

01:25:40.927 --> 01:25:43.637

Then we have to file
a police report or something.

01:25:43.638 --> 01:25:46.849

No, cops hate Gypsies,
don't want anything to do with it.

01:25:46.850 --> 01:25:49.184

Not in Amsterdam, not here,
not anywhere in Europe.

01:25:49.185 --> 01:25:50.185

SARAH: Sorry, Boomer.

01:25:58.778 --> 01:26:01.697

Can you hear me, son?
l know you're here!

01:26:01.698 --> 01:26:03.323

- Just give me the box!
- Tom.

01:26:03.324 --> 01:26:04.950

Just give me the little box!

01:26:04.951 --> 01:26:07.369

- You can keep the pack!
- Tom. Come on.

01:26:07.370 --> 01:26:08.871

Just give me the box!

01:26:32.187 --> 01:26:35.564

SARAH: You can't give up now, Tom.

01:26:35.565 --> 01:26:40.152

lt's a big city. We can--
can get you new gear.

01:26:40.153 --> 01:26:42.696

l'll take a bus to Madrid
and fly home tomorrow.

01:26:42.697 --> 01:26:44.281

SARAH: Come on, Tom.

01:26:44.282 --> 01:26:46.617

This whole thing was stupid.

01:26:46.618 --> 01:26:48.285

Bloody, thieving Gypsies.

01:26:50.580 --> 01:26:52.247

l understand your anger, señor.

01:26:54.959 --> 01:26:57.628

My name is lshmael Villalobos.

01:26:57.629 --> 01:27:01.548

My son stole your property.

01:27:01.549 --> 01:27:03.884

He wishes to return it
and apologize.

01:27:03.885 --> 01:27:04.885

Lo siento mucho.

01:27:06.846 --> 01:27:09.556

lt is as you left it.

01:27:09.557 --> 01:27:10.933

Everything's there.

01:27:10.934 --> 01:27:12.768


01:27:27.075 --> 01:27:30.160

My son has dishonored himself,

01:27:30.161 --> 01:27:34.206

his family and yours as well.

01:27:34.207 --> 01:27:38.252

This is the problem with how
Europeans see the Gypsy people,

01:27:38.253 --> 01:27:41.630

as thieves and beggars.

01:27:41.631 --> 01:27:44.883

Well, your son
is not helping your cause.

01:27:44.884 --> 01:27:45.884

A ver.

01:27:46.928 --> 01:27:48.512

A very dark day for me.

01:27:50.139 --> 01:27:52.182

l wish to extend
an invitation to you
01:27:52.183 --> 01:27:56.520
and your friends to be my guests
at my home this evening.

01:27:56.521 --> 01:27:58.063

l insist.

01:27:58.064 --> 01:28:00.649

lt will be an intimate gathering.

01:28:00.650 --> 01:28:03.235

You will not be disappointed
by the food or the company.

01:28:05.738 --> 01:28:07.781

[flamenco music playing]

01:28:07.782 --> 01:28:10.742

[shouting in Spanish]

01:28:10.743 --> 01:28:12.119

iAnda! iAnda!

01:28:13.621 --> 01:28:15.372

iBaile! iBaile!

01:28:15.373 --> 01:28:17.374

[singing in Spanish]

01:28:44.610 --> 01:28:48.655

This is what you call
an intimate gathering?

01:28:48.656 --> 01:28:51.658

By gitano standards.

01:28:51.659 --> 01:28:56.038

A Gypsy wedding
will sometimes have 2,000 guests.

01:28:56.039 --> 01:28:57.998

All close, personal friends?

01:28:57.999 --> 01:29:00.250

Actually, yes.

01:29:18.895 --> 01:29:22.356

Of course you are taking
your son's remains to Muxia.

01:29:22.357 --> 01:29:25.025

No, to Santiago de Compostela.

01:29:25.026 --> 01:29:27.027

You go the cathedral in Santiago

01:29:27.028 --> 01:29:29.321

for the pilgrims' mass
and the blessing.

01:29:29.322 --> 01:29:34.659

You must continue across Galicia
to the sea.

01:29:34.660 --> 01:29:37.704

There is a shrine in Muxia,

01:29:37.705 --> 01:29:39.373

la Virgen de la barca.

01:29:41.250 --> 01:29:43.543

Go there.

01:29:43.544 --> 01:29:47.506

Place the remains
of your son in the water.

01:29:49.258 --> 01:29:52.427

lt is for him and--
and for you.

01:29:55.014 --> 01:29:59.184

lshmael, l'm not
a very religious man.

01:29:59.185 --> 01:30:01.645

Religion has nothing
to do with this.

01:30:03.523 --> 01:30:05.273

Nothing at all.

01:30:09.278 --> 01:30:11.196

[singing continues]

01:30:22.250 --> 01:30:23.708

[singing fades]

01:30:29.465 --> 01:30:30.882


01:30:30.883 --> 01:30:33.260

lshmael, please,
l can take it from him now.

01:30:33.261 --> 01:30:37.305

He will carry it to the very edge
of town, not one step less.

01:30:37.306 --> 01:30:40.642

But he couldn't have known
what was in the bag.

01:30:40.643 --> 01:30:43.603

Don't you think you should
cut him some slack?
01:30:43.604 --> 01:30:45.272
And what if it were your son?

01:30:46.816 --> 01:30:50.944

Stealing is bad enough
and wrong.

01:30:50.945 --> 01:30:53.655

But what my son did
could have brought

01:30:53.656 --> 01:30:55.907

more than shame
to our community.

01:30:55.908 --> 01:30:57.909

Ah, yes. You mean like a curse.

01:30:57.910 --> 01:31:01.163

Please. The simple mention of it.

01:31:01.164 --> 01:31:03.290


01:31:04.333 --> 01:31:06.168


01:31:08.504 --> 01:31:11.923

Oiga, dale al payo su cosa.

01:31:12.925 --> 01:31:14.968

Le mira a los ojos y le pide perdón.

01:31:16.721 --> 01:31:17.721


01:31:17.722 --> 01:31:19.848

lSHMAEL: Mira.

01:31:26.606 --> 01:31:27.606

Lo siento.

01:31:38.743 --> 01:31:40.577

Our children,

01:31:40.578 --> 01:31:43.872

they are the very best
and the very worst of us.

01:31:46.542 --> 01:31:47.542


01:31:52.048 --> 01:31:54.382

Adiós y gracias.

01:31:54.383 --> 01:31:55.884

Buen camino.

01:32:05.144 --> 01:32:08.146

[Thank U
by Alanis Morissette playing]

01:32:15.696 --> 01:32:21.618

♪ How 'bout getting off
of these antibiotics? ♪

01:32:26.332 --> 01:32:31.461

♪ How 'bout stopping eating
when l'm full up? ♪

01:32:36.717 --> 01:32:42.389

♪ How 'bout them
transparent dangling carrots? ♪

01:32:47.061 --> 01:32:53.525

♪ How 'bout that ever elusive kudo? ♪

01:32:55.861 --> 01:32:58.363

♪ Thank you, lndia ♪

01:32:58.364 --> 01:33:00.949

♪ Thank you, terror ♪

01:33:00.950 --> 01:33:05.954

♪ Thank you, disillusionment ♪

01:33:05.955 --> 01:33:08.748

♪ Thank you, frailty ♪

01:33:08.749 --> 01:33:11.543

♪ Thank you, consequence ♪

01:33:11.544 --> 01:33:16.172

♪ Thank you,
thank you, silence ♪

01:33:18.134 --> 01:33:24.222

♪ How 'bout me not blaming you
for everything? ♪

01:33:28.728 --> 01:33:35.025

♪ How 'bout me enjoying
the moment for once? ♪

01:33:39.113 --> 01:33:45.160

♪ How 'bout how good it feels
to finally forgive you? ♪

01:33:49.624 --> 01:33:54.961

♪ How 'bout grieving it all
one at a time? ♪

01:33:58.382 --> 01:34:00.925

♪ Thank you, lndia ♪

01:34:00.926 --> 01:34:03.803

♪ Thank you, Providence ♪
01:34:03.804 --> 01:34:08.558
♪ Thank you, disillusionment ♪

01:34:08.559 --> 01:34:11.186

♪ Thank you, nothingness ♪

01:34:11.187 --> 01:34:14.272

♪ Thank you, clarity ♪

01:34:14.273 --> 01:34:18.360

♪ Thank you,
thank you, silence ♪

01:34:18.361 --> 01:34:21.237

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

01:34:21.238 --> 01:34:23.239


01:34:46.430 --> 01:34:47.430

[song fades]

01:34:49.642 --> 01:34:52.060

JACK: Nah. No self-respecting pilgrim
in the Camino

01:34:52.061 --> 01:34:53.687

would ever stay in a parador.

01:34:53.688 --> 01:34:56.856

The decadence of it
is absolutely appalling.

01:34:56.857 --> 01:34:58.650

TOM: My treat.

01:34:58.651 --> 01:35:00.819


01:35:00.820 --> 01:35:02.821

For all of us?

01:35:13.457 --> 01:35:14.749


01:35:14.750 --> 01:35:15.750

[knock on door]

01:35:17.002 --> 01:35:18.169

- Ah. Hola.
- Hola.

01:35:18.170 --> 01:35:20.422

lf you could, uh,
just put it here.

01:35:21.924 --> 01:35:24.551

Uh, yes. Um...
01:35:24.552 --> 01:35:26.886
l need to have
some laundry picked up.

01:35:26.887 --> 01:35:29.639

Some, uh, clothing
needs to be washed.

01:35:29.640 --> 01:35:31.099

Such a glorious morning here,

01:35:31.100 --> 01:35:33.059

which just heightens my sense
of acute loneliness.

01:35:33.060 --> 01:35:34.477

There's traffic
on the Camino today,

01:35:34.478 --> 01:35:36.229

pilgrims queuing up
to bear witness

01:35:36.230 --> 01:35:39.691

to the anxious state of a writer
who's forgotten how to--

01:35:39.692 --> 01:35:42.444

a writer who has...

01:35:42.445 --> 01:35:43.945

lost his way.

01:36:00.254 --> 01:36:02.213

JACK: A child.

01:36:02.214 --> 01:36:04.507

A youth, not yet a man,

01:36:04.508 --> 01:36:06.426

no longer a child,

01:36:06.427 --> 01:36:11.347

could not have known
that of all the bags at his disposal,

01:36:11.348 --> 01:36:13.516

the one he artfully
made his own

01:36:13.517 --> 01:36:16.227

contained the most
precious cargo of all,

01:36:16.228 --> 01:36:19.898

the remains of Tom's
only son, Daniel.

01:36:28.949 --> 01:36:31.034

We all have a quest.
Sarah's is clear.

01:36:31.035 --> 01:36:33.536

Tom's is becoming clear,
but Joost,

01:36:33.537 --> 01:36:36.956

for whom kindness
is an instinct,

01:36:36.957 --> 01:36:38.625

is further away than ever.

01:36:39.710 --> 01:36:40.960


01:36:54.016 --> 01:36:56.226

[programming in Spanish]

01:37:00.815 --> 01:37:01.815

[knock on door]

01:37:05.069 --> 01:37:07.070


01:37:10.407 --> 01:37:14.369


01:37:15.663 --> 01:37:17.330

You gonna invite me in?

01:37:17.331 --> 01:37:19.123

Uh, sure.

01:37:20.709 --> 01:37:22.043

l couldn't sleep.

01:37:22.044 --> 01:37:24.462

Me, neither.

01:37:24.463 --> 01:37:26.214

Where's Joost
when you need him, eh?

01:37:26.215 --> 01:37:27.841


01:37:27.842 --> 01:37:29.676

Make yourself comfortable.

01:37:36.100 --> 01:37:40.520

[knock on door]

01:37:40.521 --> 01:37:42.856

Didn't know you were
expecting company.

01:37:43.899 --> 01:37:45.191

l'm not.

01:37:47.653 --> 01:37:51.364

Uh, hi. Could you direct me
to the nearest albergue?

01:37:52.908 --> 01:37:54.659


01:37:54.660 --> 01:37:56.911

l seem to have
interrupted something.

01:37:56.912 --> 01:37:58.079

Please, come in.

01:37:59.081 --> 01:38:00.373

Speak of the devil.

01:38:00.374 --> 01:38:02.375

Et voilá.

01:38:02.376 --> 01:38:05.712

l bought some licor de orujo.
lt's from, uh, Galicia.

01:38:05.713 --> 01:38:08.256

lt's made of 18 different herbs,

01:38:08.257 --> 01:38:09.632

and they're so secret,

01:38:09.633 --> 01:38:13.052

that they have to be squeezed
by blind monks.

01:38:14.930 --> 01:38:15.930


01:38:15.931 --> 01:38:16.973

Thank you.

01:38:16.974 --> 01:38:19.726

God save the queen
and her fascist regime.

01:38:22.897 --> 01:38:23.897

[knock on door]

01:38:30.779 --> 01:38:33.823

- ls there any room at the inn?
- You're kidding me.

01:38:33.824 --> 01:38:35.074

[both laugh]

01:38:35.075 --> 01:38:36.409

Oh, hello.
01:38:36.410 --> 01:38:40.246
Oh, lovely. This is
so similar to my room.

01:38:40.247 --> 01:38:41.581

[Joost laughs]

01:38:41.582 --> 01:38:42.832


01:38:42.833 --> 01:38:44.500

- Voilá.
- Thank you.

01:38:44.501 --> 01:38:46.586

Ah, you're welcome.

01:38:48.213 --> 01:38:50.924

[coughs] Dear God.

01:38:50.925 --> 01:38:52.675


01:38:52.676 --> 01:38:54.677

[music playing]

01:38:59.975 --> 01:39:02.477


01:39:32.758 --> 01:39:36.302

- WOMAN: iBuen camino!
- MAN: iBuen camino!

01:40:25.310 --> 01:40:29.022

"Dear Lord, may this stone,

01:40:29.023 --> 01:40:32.650

a symbol of my efforts
on the pilgrimage..."

01:40:37.156 --> 01:40:38.865

"a symbol of my efforts..."

01:41:02.389 --> 01:41:03.765

"Dear Lord,

01:41:03.766 --> 01:41:05.558

"may this stone,

01:41:05.559 --> 01:41:08.436

"a symbol of my efforts
on the pilgrimage

01:41:08.437 --> 01:41:11.147

"that l lay at the feet
of the cross of the Savior

01:41:11.148 --> 01:41:15.318

"weigh the balance in favor
of my good deeds that day

01:41:15.319 --> 01:41:17.820

"when the deeds
of all my life are judged.

01:41:17.821 --> 01:41:22.283

Let it be so." Amen.

01:42:02.866 --> 01:42:04.700

lt's a beautiful church, Jack.
Have a look.

01:42:05.744 --> 01:42:09.205

Where l come from,
the Church has a lot to answer for.

01:42:09.206 --> 01:42:11.249

Temples of tears, Tom.

01:42:11.250 --> 01:42:13.292

Don't go in them anymore.

01:42:13.293 --> 01:42:18.047

[bell tolls]

01:42:25.180 --> 01:42:27.849

You've been taking
an awful lot of notes.

01:42:27.850 --> 01:42:29.058

That's right.

01:42:29.059 --> 01:42:31.769

End of your writer's block?

01:42:33.689 --> 01:42:36.732

- Thank you.
- Glad to be of service.

01:42:36.733 --> 01:42:39.068

l trust you'll treat us all kindly

01:42:39.069 --> 01:42:40.945

when the book
goes to the publisher.

01:42:40.946 --> 01:42:43.739

Oh, you know, the darker it is,
the bigger the sales.

01:42:43.740 --> 01:42:46.701

That's what my editors
will surely be asking for.

01:42:46.702 --> 01:42:47.702

l understand.

01:42:50.664 --> 01:42:53.332

You know,
when l was an undergraduate

01:42:53.333 --> 01:42:55.084

at Trinity College, Dublin,

01:42:55.085 --> 01:42:59.338

l wanted to be W.B. Yeats
or James Joyce.

01:42:59.339 --> 01:43:02.133

But good writers usually die broke,

01:43:02.134 --> 01:43:05.970

so after l left college,
l wrote for travel mags.

01:43:05.971 --> 01:43:07.805

Thought l'd do that for a while,

01:43:07.806 --> 01:43:11.726

put some money away
and then get down to the novel.

01:43:13.187 --> 01:43:15.688

20 years later, here l am,

01:43:15.689 --> 01:43:18.232

still writing for travel magazines.

01:43:21.528 --> 01:43:24.280

l'm not feeling sorry for myself.

01:43:24.281 --> 01:43:26.574

lt's the life l chose.

01:43:30.829 --> 01:43:35.249

Jack, you write whatever
you want about all this,

01:43:35.250 --> 01:43:37.752

what you saw, how you felt.

01:43:37.753 --> 01:43:40.129

You write it like it happened.

01:43:40.130 --> 01:43:42.006

You write the truth.

01:43:45.510 --> 01:43:46.844

l'll do my best.

01:43:50.307 --> 01:43:52.558

JACK: And after Santiago? Home?

01:43:52.559 --> 01:43:55.686

Back to the real world?

01:43:55.687 --> 01:43:58.272

TOM: lf you want to call it that.

01:43:58.273 --> 01:44:00.566

You know, lshmael said
that after Santiago,

01:44:00.567 --> 01:44:02.818

l should take Daniel's ashes to Muxia.

01:44:02.819 --> 01:44:04.820

SARAH: What do you think
about that, Boomer?

01:44:04.821 --> 01:44:07.907

l don't know, but he seemed to think
it was very important that l go.

01:44:07.908 --> 01:44:11.327

JOOST: Oh, it's all
Gypsy hocus-pocus, man.

01:44:11.328 --> 01:44:13.204

Ah, you're on your own, Tom.

01:44:13.205 --> 01:44:16.499

Santiago is as far
as this Dutchman is going.

01:44:16.500 --> 01:44:18.000

Me, too, mate.

01:44:18.001 --> 01:44:21.254

l been away for three months.
l gotta get back.

01:44:21.255 --> 01:44:23.256

Santiago de Compostela
for me, Tom,

01:44:23.257 --> 01:44:26.259

it's the end of the Camino
for me, too.

01:44:26.260 --> 01:44:28.302

And at the foot of Saint James,

01:44:28.303 --> 01:44:30.972

l shall put these down
once and for all.

01:44:30.973 --> 01:44:32.765

[sputters, laughing]

01:44:32.766 --> 01:44:34.642

Uh, l'm sorry?

01:44:34.643 --> 01:44:35.851

l swear.
01:44:35.852 --> 01:44:37.436
Well, good luck with that.
Yeah, yeah.

01:44:37.437 --> 01:44:40.022

[Joost laughs]

01:45:30.657 --> 01:45:33.242

Have to go in here
and get our diplomas.

01:45:33.243 --> 01:45:34.368


01:45:34.369 --> 01:45:35.870

Ah, it's called a Compostela.

01:45:35.871 --> 01:45:39.248

We sign our name to the rolls,
get our passport stamped as proof,

01:45:39.249 --> 01:45:40.750

and then we receive confirmation.

01:45:44.504 --> 01:45:45.880

- Hola.
- ¿Hablas español?

01:45:45.881 --> 01:45:46.881


01:45:46.882 --> 01:45:48.174

- Hola.
- Hola.

01:45:48.175 --> 01:45:49.675

- English.
- English.

01:45:49.676 --> 01:45:52.011


01:45:52.012 --> 01:45:53.346

WOMAN: Can l have your pass,
pilgrim's pass?

01:45:53.347 --> 01:45:55.806

- Yeah, sure, sure, sure. Sure.
- Oh, it's beautiful.

01:45:55.807 --> 01:45:56.807

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

01:45:56.808 --> 01:45:58.934

- Very green.
- Your name is Joost...

01:45:58.935 --> 01:46:00.853

- Joost Michiel DeWitt.
- Joost. Okay.

01:46:00.854 --> 01:46:02.813

Sarah Marie Sinclair.

01:46:02.814 --> 01:46:04.106

Jack Emerson Stanton.

01:46:04.107 --> 01:46:05.566

Thomas Avery.

01:46:05.567 --> 01:46:07.234

Where did you start the Camino?

01:46:07.235 --> 01:46:08.235

ln Saint-Jean.

01:46:08.236 --> 01:46:10.196

ln Saint-Jean-Pied--

01:46:10.197 --> 01:46:11.197


01:46:11.198 --> 01:46:12.365

ln Paris, Notre Dame.

01:46:12.366 --> 01:46:13.366

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

01:46:13.367 --> 01:46:15.242


01:46:15.243 --> 01:46:16.744

Have you walked the whole way?

01:46:16.745 --> 01:46:19.205

Yes, we did.
Uh, l did.

01:46:19.206 --> 01:46:21.290

Unfortunately, yes.

01:46:21.291 --> 01:46:23.209

So what is your reason
for walking the Way?

01:46:24.252 --> 01:46:27.588

WOMAN: What are your reasons
for having done this pilgrimage?

01:46:27.589 --> 01:46:30.216

Um, l mean,
do you have some kind

01:46:30.217 --> 01:46:33.344

of religious or spiritual
motivation or...

01:46:33.345 --> 01:46:34.637

Religious, yes.

01:46:35.680 --> 01:46:37.139

l mean, uh...

01:46:40.435 --> 01:46:41.435


01:46:41.436 --> 01:46:44.480

l was, uh, looking for leprechauns
at the end of the road.

01:46:44.481 --> 01:46:46.899

l, um, l needed to lose weight.

01:46:46.900 --> 01:46:49.443

Um, well, uh...

01:46:49.444 --> 01:46:52.196

lt's also because my--my wife

01:46:52.197 --> 01:46:54.073

didn't want to sleep
with me anymore,

01:46:54.074 --> 01:46:55.741

but it's because
l'm--l'm too fat.

01:46:55.742 --> 01:46:58.119


01:46:58.120 --> 01:47:00.830

thought that l--

01:47:00.831 --> 01:47:03.624

l should probably travel more.

01:47:05.836 --> 01:47:07.294

l was a writer,

01:47:07.295 --> 01:47:08.754

l stopped writing,

01:47:08.755 --> 01:47:10.840

and now l'm writing again.

01:47:10.841 --> 01:47:15.845

lt's passport with the official stamp
of the cathedral,

01:47:15.846 --> 01:47:18.097

and this is your Compostela.

01:47:19.307 --> 01:47:20.349

lt's in Latin.
01:47:20.350 --> 01:47:21.851
lt's all written in Latin

01:47:21.852 --> 01:47:24.019

because this document
dates from the Middle Ages.

01:47:24.020 --> 01:47:28.274

Uh, l'm terribly sorry.

01:47:28.275 --> 01:47:31.235

Um, l gave you the wrong name.

01:47:31.236 --> 01:47:35.823

Yeah, but l've already
entered it, you know.

01:47:35.824 --> 01:47:39.702

l see that, but, um,
could you please change it?

01:47:43.582 --> 01:47:45.124

Okay, as you wish.

01:47:48.211 --> 01:47:51.297

- Name, please?
- Daniel Avery.

01:47:56.470 --> 01:47:58.095

Okay. Here you are.

01:48:03.059 --> 01:48:04.852

All right.

01:48:04.853 --> 01:48:06.187

Thank you very much.

01:48:41.264 --> 01:48:43.265

Ah, well, l'm here, ain't l?

01:48:51.233 --> 01:48:53.317

lt's the Portico of Glory.

01:48:53.318 --> 01:48:56.779

[gasps] lt's him, Saint James.

01:48:57.948 --> 01:48:59.907

Um, tradition commands

01:48:59.908 --> 01:49:03.827

that pilgrims approach the statue
on their knees.

01:49:03.828 --> 01:49:06.038

El Cid, Saint Francis,

01:49:06.039 --> 01:49:08.040

Von Eyck,
01:49:08.041 --> 01:49:11.877
kings, queens,
millions of pilgrims,

01:49:11.878 --> 01:49:16.423

they all collapsed to their knees
out of gratitude.

01:51:02.364 --> 01:51:04.365

[woman vocalizing]

01:53:51.533 --> 01:53:54.034

[music fades]

01:54:08.842 --> 01:54:10.968

[new instrumental begins]

01:54:15.098 --> 01:54:17.057


01:54:17.058 --> 01:54:22.479


01:54:59.434 --> 01:55:00.475

[music ends]

01:55:00.476 --> 01:55:02.477

[waves crashing]

01:55:11.362 --> 01:55:12.946


01:55:12.947 --> 01:55:15.824

they always want
the last word.

01:55:15.825 --> 01:55:17.409

But this...

01:55:39.307 --> 01:55:42.267

This was never about
quitting these things.

01:55:43.853 --> 01:55:46.104

But you knew that.

01:55:53.488 --> 01:55:55.989

l needed a new suit anyway.

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