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Research Topic: Teaching Method of Holy Prophet (PBUH) Companions and its

Impacts on Humanity: A Comprehensive Study

Research Design Matrix:

Research Objective:
To analyze and understand the teaching methods employed by the companions of the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) and assess their impacts on humanity.

Research Questions:

What were the teaching methods used by the companions of the Holy Prophet
How did these teaching methods impact the understanding and practice of Islam
among the companions?
What were the broader impacts of the teaching methods employed by the companions
on the development of Islamic civilization and its contributions to humanity?
Research Design Components:

Research Methodology:

Historical research: Analyzing primary and secondary sources, including biographies

of the companions and early Islamic texts, to gather information about their teaching
Qualitative research: Conducting interviews with scholars and experts in Islamic
studies to gain insights and interpretations of the teaching methods and their impacts.
Data Collection Methods:

Literature Review: Reviewing books, articles, and academic papers related to the
teaching methods of the companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and their impacts
on humanity.
Primary Source Analysis: Examining primary sources such as Hadith collections,
biographies, and letters written by the companions to understand their teaching
Interviews: Conducting interviews with Islamic scholars, historians, and experts to
obtain their perspectives on the teaching methods of the companions and their effects
on humanity.
Sample Selection:

Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH): Selecting a representative sample of

companions to study their teaching methods. The selection can include prominent
figures like Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib,
Aisha bint Abu Bakr, and others.
Islamic Scholars: Choosing a diverse group of contemporary Islamic scholars who
specialize in the study of the companions and their teachings.
Historians and Experts: Including historians and experts in Islamic history and
civilization who have researched and written about the companions and their impacts.
Data Analysis:
Content Analysis: Analyzing the collected data from primary and secondary sources,
interviews, and literature review to identify recurring themes, teaching methods, and
their impacts.
Comparative Analysis: Comparing the teaching methods employed by the
companions with modern educational theories and practices to evaluate their
effectiveness and relevance.
Interpretation: Interpreting the data and findings in light of the research questions
and existing knowledge in Islamic studies and educational theories.
Ethical Considerations:

Ensuring respect for religious sensitivities and cultural perspectives when discussing
the teachings of the companions and their impacts.
Obtaining informed consent from participants before conducting interviews and
ensuring their anonymity and confidentiality.

Availability and reliability of primary sources may vary, as the research focuses on
historical records from centuries ago.
Bias and subjective interpretations may arise due to the religious and cultural
perspectives of both researchers and participants.
Time and resource constraints may limit the scope and depth of the research.
Expected Outcomes:

A comprehensive understanding of the teaching methods employed by the

companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and their impacts on the understanding and
practice of Islam among the companions.
Identification of the broader impacts of these teaching methods on the development of
Islamic civilization and its contributions to humanity.
Insights into the relevance and applicability of these teaching methods in the
contemporary educational context.

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