15 Reasons Why Clinical Psychology May Be For You

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15 Reasons Why Clinical Psychology May Be For You - What to Consider Clinical psychology is a good discipline for many to consider. There are many Masters in Clinical Psychology online programs, as well as campus programs. The following are some reasons to consider this field: 1. You Can Learn More About the Human Mind - The human mind is a fascinating field of study for many people. A variety of different types of research methods are used, allowing you to test various theories. Many of these methods involve interviewing subjects. 2. A Variety of Settings Are Available - Many graduates of schools that offer a Masters in clinical psychology program work in counseling centers or clinics. Group and individual practices are also an option. Psychologists may further specialize in different types of cases. 3. Psychologists Handle a Variety of Cases - Many specialize in handling crisis issues, such as death or family trouble. Psychologists often assist physical rehabilitation patients. Counseling people with a newly-diagnosed disability or illness is a good option. 4. Job Growth and Advancement Opportunities Are Good - New opportunities become available constantly. Psychologists can become self-employed very easily. Job growth is good, estimated at 15 percent. 5. A Good Job for Working with People - Proven conflict management skills work well in a clinical setting. People who handle stress well make good psychologists. Psychology provides ample opportunity to work with people. 6. Interesting Job Roles - Diagnosing and treating disorders, include substance abuse issues, is a major part of the job. Teaching positions in colleges and universities are often fairly lucrative positions. Testifying in court cases may also be part of your role. 7. A Variety of Approaches - The Psycho dynamic approach, using the theories of Freud, utilizes free association and other subconscious methods. The Humanistic approach, based on the works of Rogers and Maslow, encourages self-actualization. The Cognitive Behavioral approach focuses on changing behaviors. Many psychologists use a combination of these approaches. 8. Masters in Clinical Psychology Graduates Have Steady Clients - 22 percent of people in the United States suffer from psychological disorders. Nearly half of all mental patients are legally disabled and benefit from counseling. Family members of mental patients often seek counseling themselves. 9. Psychologists Often Development New Treatments - Most clinical psychology Masters schools provide solid research programs. Many design treatment programs for drug, alcohol and other addictions. Psychologists can also design behavior modification programs.

10. Psychology Provides a Framework for Social Workers - Clinical social work is a good option that does not require a lot of research. Clinical social workers may choose individual or group counseling. Social workers work in a variety of settings, including hospitals. 11. There is a Need for Psychologists in Education - School psychologists can work with staff or children. Psychologists often provide important diagnostic services for child behavior problems. Staff psychologists can provide counseling in crisis situations. 12. Psychology Offers Options for Problem-Solvers - People who are gifted at solving problems thrive as psychologists. Psychologists are able to test out theories in a practical setting. In addition to educational training, psychologists continue to learn through practice. 13. There Are Numerous Team Opportunities - Many psychologists work in group practice settings. Psychologists often collaborate on research, as well. Some may choose to work with larger groups of people, rather than individuals. 14. You Can Make a Difference - Psychologists are able to help many who feel completely hopeless. Good counseling can bring about outstanding differences in one's life. Helping others going through a crisis is personally rewarding. 15. The Job is Always Interesting - Psychologists work with a variety of people, in many settings. The opportunities available are ever-changing. Psychologists can find new positions quite easily. As you can see, clinical psychology can be a rewarding career for the right person. If you think it may be right for you, it's good to start considering which schools may be best. A combination of solid courses, research opportunities and a good practicum will make all the difference. References: http://www.midwestern.edu/programs_and_admission/clinical_psychology_as_a_career.html http://psychology.about.com/od/clinicalpsychology/f/clinical-psychology.htm http://www.iseek.org/education/fieldOfStudy?id=430200 http://users.rider.edu/~suler/gradschl.html#counseling http://www.thepsychologist.org.uk/archive/archive_home.cfm? volumeID=19&editionID=141&ArticleID=1108

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