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Researcher's Note
I am researching about the benefits and risks of the vaccines. Here I also talked
about that how the vaccines work in our body and about the covid vaccines. I
hope that you would find it meaningful.

The benefits and the risk of vaccines?

=> Many vaccines have been studied to figure out their benefits, risks, and costs. These studies show
that the benefits of many vaccines such as polio, whooping cough, measles, mumps, and rubella
outweigh the risks and costs. The use of these vaccines therefore supplies a net savings to society.
Other vaccines, such as influenza and pneumococcal vaccines, are inexpensive compared to other
medical costs. Benefit-Risk, Benefit-Cost, and Cost-Benefit Analysis The value of a benefit-risk
analysis is not in supplying a definitive basis for decisions about vaccine use or evaluation. Rather,
these analytical techniques supply a structured framework that allows decision makers to consider all
relevant components of decision-making in terms of their relative contributions and later impacts.
Clarify key assumptions and find areas of poor data. The results of such analyses can help plan
vaccination program justification (polio), program dissemination (measles), public health policy
changes (smallpox), and vaccine use (hepatitis B). increase. An analysis of immunization costs may
suggest the value of immunization programs, but the programs may not be widespread (influenza and
pneumococcal vaccines). The reasons for this gap between research conclusions and applications are
Discrepancies between estimates and assumptions used in the analysis. Scepticism about the method
itself. Or a subjective view of a vaccine or disease that resists the exercise of analysis.

=> Vaccine is a mild form of disease that is put into a person or an animal’s blood to trains the
body’s immune system to fight against the disease it has not come to contact before. The first
vaccine was created by Dr Edward Jenner in May 1796, it was a vaccine of smallpox. He found
that people infected with cowpox were immune to smallpox. He expands on this discovery and
inoculates 8-year-old James Phipps with matter collected from a cowpox sore. Phipps suffered a
local reaction that left him unwell for several days but made a full recovery. In July 1796, Jenner
inoculates Phipps with a matter from a human smallpox sore to test Phipps’ resistance. Phipps
stayed in a perfect health and became the first one to being vaccinated.
The term ‘vaccine’ is taken from the Latin word for cow, ‘Vacca.’
1. Vaccine have prevented countless cases of diseases and disability and have saved millions of
2. When we get vaccinated, we are not only protecting ourselves, but we are also protecting our
family and our society from spreading contagious and dangerous diseases.
3. Where vaccines are so effective at preventing diseases, at this place no medication is 100%
effective. So, the person who is vaccinated does get a full protection against disease.
4. The person who is immune to a disease because he is vaccinated cannot get that diseases or cannot
spread those diseases to others.
5. Vaccine help us from preventing from getting infected or getting sick.

1. You can have redness or soreness where the shot is given.
2. You can have fever, headache and tiredness after the vaccine is taken.
3. You can faint sometimes or feel dizzy after the shot is taken.
4. You can sometimes feel sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, vomiting after the vaccination.
5. There is a very remote chance that vaccine can cause severe allergic reaction or other serious
reactions or death.

How do vaccines work in our body?

=> Vaccines helps us to protect us from harmful germs and to immune us. When the unwanted
harmful germs enter our body, at that moment our immune system starts to make antibodies. When
the antibodies fight with the germs our B cells or T cells remembers the information of these
unwanted germs, because it takes time to rebuild the antibodies. So, at that time when the unwanted
germs again attack our body in the future this information of the germs helps our body to rebuild the
antibodies more quickly. So, our body is ready to fight the germs more quickly. At this process this
immune our body and protect our body from many harmful diseases. When after a long time our
body’s antibodies stop working, at that moment we must take vaccines which is contains of weakened
and inactivated of germs which is called antigens so, that our body can again activate our immune
DEFINATION- Vaccines trains our body to fight against the dangerous diseases causing pathogens.

How do covid vaccines work?

=> Covid vaccines helps us and our body to develop immunity against the virus that cause the illness.
Different type of covid vaccines works in diverse ways to offer protection. But all types of covid
vaccines left a supply of “memory” in our body to the T-cells and B-cells which will remember how
to fight the virus. Currently there are main three types of vaccines: mRNA, viral vector, and protein
mRNA: Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines. These types of vaccines use genetically engineered
mRNA to send the message to your cells to build the S protein found on the surface of the covid 19
virus. After vaccination, your muscle cells begin making the S protein pieces and displaying then on
cells surface. This causes your body to create antibodies. Then when at the future the Covid- 19 virus
will attack you, these antibodies will help your bodies to fight the virus.

Viral Vector: In this type of vaccines known as vector vaccines, genetic materials of Covid-19 virus
has been placed in a modified version of another virus known as viral vector. When the viral vector
enters in our cells it delivers the genetic material collected from Covid-19 virus, which suddenly gives
an instruction to our cells to make copies of the S protein. When our cells display the S protein on
their surfaces. Our body start making antibodies and defensive WBC. So, that if you get infected in
the future then the antibodies and the defensive WBC will fight the virus.

Protein subunit vaccines: In these types of vaccines known as Subunit vaccine includes only some
parts of virus which will best simulate our immune system. This type of vaccines contains harmless S
protein. Once our immune system starts identifying the S protein, it starts making the antibodies and
defensive WBC. So, that if you get infected in the future, these antibodies and the defensive WBC
will fight the virus.
CDC= Center for Diseases control and Prevention-
WHO= World Health Organisation-
NLM= National Library of Medicine-
Mayo Clinic=

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