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S.Afr.J .Geol.

, 1995,98(2), 157-167 157

The fractionation of platinum-group elements in magmatic systems,

with the suggestion of a novel causal mechanism

M. Tredoux
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700 Republic of South Africa.

N.M. Lindsay and G. Davies

Schonland Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2050 Republic of South Africa.

I. McDonald
Department of Geology, University of Manchester, Manchester, Ml 3 9PL, United Kingdom.

Accepted 31 Janury 1995

Compatible behaviour has been considered as a major influence on the behaviour of the platinum-group elements (PGE) in
magmatic systems. The authors believe that current models tend to over-emphasize the crystal-chemical compatibilities of
the PGE, and that the PGE cannot be modelled as partitioning into sulphides or chromite in the conventional chemical
sense. Investigation of data from igneous rocks and ores from the Kaapvaal craton lead the authors to propose a model
which relies on the well-documented siderophile nature of the PGE: the PGE might occur in magmas as metallic clusters of
50-100 atoms, rather than as cations or any molecular species. Such clusters could be stabilized by an outside 'envelope' of
ligands (e.g. S. As, Sb, Te) and this might lead to their incorporation into a sulphide melt or chromite (if available);
however, the association between the PGE clusters and the sulphide would be a mechanical rather than chemical one.

Versoenbare gedrag word as 'n groot invloed op die gedrag van die platinumgroep elemente (PGE) in magmatiese stelsels
beskou. Die outeurs is van mening dat huidige modelle neig om die kristal-chemiese versoenbaarhede van die PGE oor te
beklemtoon, en dat die PGE nie as insluitsels in sulfiedes of chromiet in die gebruiklike chemiese sin gemodelleer kan word
nie. Navorsing van die verspreiding van PGE in stollingsgesteentes en ertse van die Kaapvaalkraton het tot die voorstelling
van 'n model, wat berus op die goed gedokumenteerde siderofiele aard van die PGE, gelei: die PGE mag as metaliese trosse
van 50-100 atome, eerder as katione of enige molekulere spesie, voorkom. Sulke trosse kan deur 'n uiterlike omhulsel van
ligande (bv. S, As, Sb, Te) gestabiliseer word en dit mag tot hulle inkorporering in 'n sulfiedsmelting of chromiet (indien
beskikbaar) lei; die assosiasie tussen die PGE trosse en die sulfied sou egter meganies eerder as chemies wees.

Introduction tive to surrounding silicates (Lee & Tredoux, 1986; De Wit &
The major platinum-group element (PGE) ores of the world Tredoux, 1988; Naldrett & Von Gruenewaldt, 1989 and refer-
span a wide range of geological settings but most frequently ences therein), especially in Os, Ir, Ru, and Rh (e.g.
the PGE are associated, at least to some extent, with Ni-Cu Agiorgitis & Wolf, 1978; Page & Talkington, 1984). In some
sulphides. This fact has led very naturally to the development of these cases too, the enrichment has been ascribed to high
of geochemical models in which the PGE are treated as bulk partition coefficients in favour of olivine and/or chromite
chalcophile elements (e.g. Naldrett et al., 1979; Campbell et (Doliv1ne1,11ica,e and Dchrnm1tc1,mca,e respectively). In recent experi-
al., 1983; Von Gruenewaldt et al., 1986). mental studies, Capobianco and co-workers (1994) interpret
Such models contain a tacit, usually unexpressed, assump- their data on PGE partitioning in spinels as having definite
tion that the PGE are chemically compatible with sulphide indications that 'large crystal-chemical compatibility' control
melt at magmatic temperatures, i.e. that, if an immiscible sul- the behaviour of Rh and Ru.
phide melt should separate from a silicate magma, the PGE Some workers (e.g. Hiemstra, 1979; Tredoux et al., 1991;
would have very large positive bulk partition coefficients Fleet & Stone, 1992) have suggested that the chalcophile
(Dsu1phictc1,rnca1e) in favour of the sulphide. Thus, the fate of the behaviour of the PGE in magmatic systems has, in fact, been
PGE (and, by implication, enhanced probability of the forma- over-emphasized, and that the well-documented (e.g. in mete-
tion of an economically viable PGE ore horizon) within any orites) siderophile tendency of the PGE might well dominate
particular magmatic system is assumed to be controlled by the even in the presence of sulphide. This idea has been reflected
same parameters as those which control the formation of in a tendency to refer to 'effective' or 'virtual' D,u1phidcJsH1ca,e
immiscible sulphide melt. These models have proved to be when discussing PGE enrichment in sulphide ores (Wilson &
successful enough to allow the first-order modelling of the Tredoux, 1990; Barnes, 1993). Similar doubts about the valid-
behaviour of Pt and Pd (see e.g. Wilson et al., 1989). How- ity of interpreting the enrichments in chromite and olivine in
ever, they are much less successful when applied to the terms of partitioning behaviour, senso stricto, have also been
behaviour of the other PGE (e.g. Wilson & Tredoux, 1990; expressed (e.g. Davies & Tredoux, 1985; Barnes & Naldrett,
Peach et al., 1990). 1987).
Sulphide-rich layers are not the only ones in magmatic sys- In this article the authors endeavour to develop an alterna-
tems which can show an enrichment in PGE. Olivine-rich tive model for the behaviour of the PGE in a magma, which is
ultramafic rocks, although never as enriched as sulphides, do less reliant on the assumption that PGE enrichment, be it in
generally have higher PGE concentrations than associated sulphides, chromitites, or olivine-rich rocks, are primarily
less mafic rocks (Davies & Tredoux, 1985; Lee & Tredoux, driven by any crystal-chemical compatibility, although it does
1986), and chromite layers are usually enriched in PGE rela- acknowledge a physical association. It is felt that such a
158 S.Afr.Tydskr.Geol., 1995,98(2)

model might lead to a better understanding of some of the All the workers in this field agree that the D!!!illlfsilicatc values
inconsistencies within the current paradigms. are extremely high (105-108), thus confirming the strong
siderophile tendency of the POE. The general trend seems to
Fractionation trends of the PGE be that the Dmc,al/silicate of the different POE are all of the same
It is very well documented that there is a fractionation of the order of magnitude, but that D 1' increases much more rapidly
POE, relative to the presumed chondritic mantle, during with increasing f 02 than does DP•, an observation which has
igneous processes (for reviews see Crocket, 1981; Barnes et been implied to cause the precipitation of the IPGE with early
al., 1985; Naldrett & Von Gruenewaldt, 1989): basalts have cumulates (Amosse et al., 1990). Increase of JS 2 seems to
much higher Pt(or Pd)/Ir than the komatiites, and high- lead to a different fractionation trend, in which the light POE
temperature cumulates have low (Pt, Pd)/Ir when compared (Pd, Rh, and Ru) seems to favour the sulphide phases,
with the associated melt rocks. When the chondrite whereas the heavy POE (Pt, Ir, and Os) remain strongly parti-
normalized concentrations of all six PGE are plotted in order tioned into the metal (Fleet & Stone, 1991).
of decreasing melting point, as suggested by Naldrett (1981), Some estimates of bulk Dsu]phide/srn,a,e for the POE, calculated
smooth trends are obtained. For most igneous rocks, for co-existing sulphides and silicates in some POE-contain-
regardless of whether there is sulphide present or not, these ing horizons, are listed in Table la. The absolute values of
POE patterns have positive slopes. The gradients are variable, these calculated Ds for any one of the POE show variability
as would be suggested by the variation in (Pt,Pd)/Ir: basalts over several orders of magnitude in different deposits (see
have steep slopes, komatiites and cumulates have flatter ones. Campbell et al., 1983). There are also large variations of rela-
The exception to this general trend of positive slopes are tive Din different magmatic systems (e.g. D"1/D 1'for UG-2 is
some chromitites from ophiolite sequences, which have -1, but for MORB it is -0.2), and even for different layers in
slopes with a negative gradient (Page & Talkington, 1984; De the same system (e.g. DP1/DPd for UG-2 is -0.4, but for the
Wit & Tredoux, 1988). Merensky Reef it is -1). Stone et al. (1990) point out that
Interpretations of the observed fractionation trends are such estimations of bulk D values are 'inherently suspect'
strongly influenced by the model preferred by the author(s) because they assume that the POE values in the sulphide ores
for the igneous processes involved. For example, some represent those in a sulphide melt that separated from the sur-
authors feel that POE fractionation took place within the rounding silicates under equilibrium conditions; this remains
magma chamber (Capobianco & Drake, 1990) whilst others an untestable, but unlikely, assumption.
prefer processes at the site of melting as the source of the Experimental Dsuirhide/silica,c data are very sparse in the litera-
fractionation, with little alteration within the magma chamber ture, because the practical obstacles, some of which are listed
itself (Lee & Tredoux, 1986). In the case of the podiform by Fleet et al. (1991), are prodigious. Some available values
chromitite layers with negative trends it is relevant to the are listed in Table 1b. The experimental values for D,u,rhidc/srnca1c
interpretation whether they are seen as cumulates (Coleman, are much more equivocal than those for D!!!illlfsilica,c, but the
1977; Leblanc & Ceuleneer, 1992) or restites (Nicolas & data in Table 1b would, broadly, support most of the calcu-
Prinzhofer, 1983; De Wit & Tredoux, 1988). lated values in Table la. The major exceptions are Lac des
Currently favoured models ascribe the fractionation of the Iles, the D1'/DPd of which falls very far outside the range of the
POE to either experimental data, and the extremely high values postulated
1. differences in Dsuiphidc/siiicate between the various POE (i.e. for the UG-2 layer of the Bushveld Complex (Campbell et
D1' < DPd). A complication to this proposal is contained in al., 1983). In general it appears that the Dlill!Illlidl:/silicatc for all the
data from the Great Dyke (Wilson & Tredoux, 1990) and POE are of the same order of magnitude in any particular sys-
Munni-Munni off-set ores (Barnes, 1993 ), which show tem, although the data of Stone et al. (1990) report D"' to be
that Ir is much more strongly concentrated than Pd in the 10 times less than DPd and D1'; this would support the observa-
earliest sulphide that separates from a magmatic system. tions of Peach et al. (1990) based on the analysis of coexist-
This would seem to indicate that D'' > DPd; or ing sulphides and glass in MORB. There is also some
2. Differences in compatibility with mantle phases and/or evidence that DPd>D1', which would support the observations
early cumulates (with Ir being more compatible than Pd). of Great Dyke and Munni-Munni off-set ores mentioned ear-
Both of these models are reflected in the proposal of Barnes lier.
et al. (1985), who divided the POE into two groups which The data reported by Fleet et al. (1991) are interesting in
they termed the IPGE (Os, Ir, and Ru) and the PPGE (Pt, Pd, that they indicate that the D,uinrudc/silica,, of the PGE might be
and Rh). In the next sections some data, both experimental dependant on their concentrations in the magma: the lower
and empirical, will be examined to assess the success of these the POE concentrations, the lower the D~@ca,c· This has
models in predicting and/or explaining the observed trends. been challenged by Bezman et al. (1993) and Fleet et al.
(1993), but it should be noted that both of these latter groups
Experimenta·I evidence investigated compositions at the extremes of the range
reported by Fleet et al. (1991 ), and as such their data do not
Investigation of metal-sulphide-silicate systems reflect on the trend reported in the earlier work.
Most of the experimental work in this category has been Bezman et al. (1993) and Ballhaus et al. (1994) both inves-
concerned with metallic systems, and as such informs on tigated the effects of C-0-H-S fluids on the partitioning
Dlll<llll/silicate (e.g. Jones & Drake, 1986; Amosse et al., 1990; behaviour of the PGE. The two sets of data are somewhat
1993; Borisov et al., 1994) and Dlll<illfsulphidc (Fleet & Stone, contradictory, but unfortunately not directly comparable:
1991), rather than on D~sihca,e· Bezman et al. (] 993), on the basis of bulk analyses, report an
S.Afr.J.Geol., 1995,98(2) 159

Table 1a Values of apparent bulk Dsulphide/silicate for Pd, Pt, and Ir, calculated on the
grounds of the observed differences in concentration between massive sulphides and
their silicate hosts
UG-2 UG-2 Merensky Talnakh Pipe Lac des Iles MORB
Pd 310 000 6 375 1500 12 120 000 >23 400
Pt 490 000 120 000 6 450 978 11 >2400
Ir 460 000 160 -14 250
Refs 2 2 2 2 3
References: (I) Campbell et al., 1983; (2) Campbell & Barnes 1984; and (3) Peach et al., 1990.

Table 1b Dsulphide/silicate for Pd, Pt, and Ir from

experimental work
Low PGE High PGE
Pd 88 000 2 000 20 000 55 000
Pt 9 100 2 000 20 000
Ir 130 000 3 000 30 000 310 000
Refs 4 5 5 6
References: (4) Stone et al., 1990; (5) Fleet et al., 1991; (6) Bezmen
et al., 1994

elevation of two orders of magnitude in DlilJ.lrlllilk/smcaic for Pd and as suggested by Ballhaus et al. (1994) and Tredoux
Ir in the presence of the fluid phase, while Ballhaus et al. et al. (1991).
(1994), who analysed Pt in individual fluid inclusions, find
that the Pt concentrations in the fluid inclusions are extremely Investigation of oxide-silicate systems
inhomogeneous, and appear to reflect solubility only under
Most recent investigation in this direction has been done by
very restricted conditions (Ballhaus etal., 1994).
Capobianco and co-workers ( 1990, 1994) and focuses on Ru,
Peach et al. (1990) stated that as a sulfide model cannot
Rh, and Pd. The main thrust of their work is to elucidate the
account adequately for the Ir abundances, they needed to pos-
fractionation of the IPGE from the PPGE, especially in some
tulate that 'a phase(s) other than sulfide influences Ir fraction-
chromite-rich lithologies (as discussed earlier). Their data
ation'. Similar sentiments are expressed by the majority of
indicate that both Ru and Rh have positive D,rinel/me1t of the
workers, for the PGE as a group: the experimental data is
order of 102-103, while Pd appears to be incompatible with
never completely able to reproduce the fractionation trends
chromite. On the strength of this data, the IPGE enrichment in
seen in nature. This difficulty is most noticeable for Os, Ir,
chromite is modelled as a result of processes within the
Ru, and Rh (Fleet et al., 1993 ). It is tempting to use the data
magma chamber. Capobianco et al. (1994) disagree with
from the low concentration runs of Fleet et al. (1991), which
Amosse et al. (1990), who postulate that Ir is passivated in
lead to Dsu1rhi<letsmcate of -103, as an indication that the calculated
silicate melts by 0 2 , mainly on the basis that the stabilization
D,u1rhi<letsilica1e in the literature tends to be overestimated, espe-

cially for Os, Ir, and Ru, but the authors caution against this that this would require is 'implausibly large'. Further to this
extrapolation on the basis that the experimental systems lack discrepancy, it should be noted that there is growing evidence
the complexity of real silicate melts. that the experiments of Amosse et al. (1990) probably did not
reach equilibrium (C. Ballhaus, pers. comm., 1994) and as
This caution is undoubtedly applicable to all the experi-
such cannot be used to deduce relative compatibilities of the
mental work reported here. The PGE are commonly added to
PGE with the phases involved.
the charges as metals, and the run temperatures are always
much lower than the melting points of the PGE. Thus the This does not mean, however, that the model of Capobianco
PGE must enter the melts, be it silicate, sulphide, or metal, in and co-workers is the only means with which to explain the
some speciated form. There is virtually no data with which to data: their results can as easily be interpreted to reflect the
model such processes. It is interesting to note that all the physical collection of unreacted (high temperature) Ru and
experiments mentioned above have PGE-rich alloys in the run Rh phases in spine!, rather than true structural incorporation.
products. Although this is reported generally, only Ballhaus et As is the case in the sulphide-metal-silicate experiments,
al. (1994) made use of this observation in their interpretation. metallic particles are common run products in the experi-
This point will be taken up again in a later section. It will suf- ments of the silicate-oxide systems and a fraction of these
fice to note here that the trends reported in Table 1 (DP<l>DP• might represent the alloys originally added to the charges.
and DP<l>D 11 ) are not unique to sulphide-silicate systems, but Capobianco et al. (1994) concede that it is possible that sub-
are also consistent with the results of metal-silicate microscopic metallic clusters might be involved in the
partitioning mentioned at the start of this section. It is thus observed reactions, and that this would undermine the inter-
possible that many of the experiments that set out to investi- pretation of their data in terms of simple crystal-chemical
gate Dsu1rhi<lc1,;u,a,, might suffer from underlying influences of behaviour.
160 S.Afr.Tydskr.Geol., 1995,98(2)

Table 2 List of samples and data used in Figure 2. PGE data in ppb, and MgO in per
cent. Very approximate sample locations can be deduced from Figure 1, by bearing in
mind the following: the Pongolo volcanics occur near the southeastern edge of the
Kaapvaal craton; the Ventersdo'rp lavas occur within the Witwatersrand Basin to the
south of the Bushveld Complex; the Losberg Complex is situated between the southern
tips of the two lobes of the Bushveld Complex; the Hekpoort and Dullstoom lavas occur
in the floor rocks of the eastern and western lobes of the Bushveld Complex,
respectively. Exact sample positions can be obtained from the authors
Sample Description Ir Pt Pd MgO
SARM-7 Merensky Reef equivalent (Bushveld) 63 3735 1530 20.1
WITS-I Spinifex textured komatiite (Barberton) 1.4 10 7 28.5
PBT-4 Komatiite (Barberton) 0.8 7 6 27.5
PP0-1 Chilled basalt (Pongola) 0.01 8.2
PVN-1 Chilled Mg-rich basalt (Ventersdorp) 0.9 8 IO 16.4
PLS-1 Chilled basalt (Losberg) 0.1 17 15 8.6
PLS-2 Chilled basalt (Losberg) 0.1 16 15 8.9
PWH-1 Tholeiite (Hekpoort) 0.02 6 7 5.3
PWH-2 Tholeiite (Hekpoort) 0.03 7 7 5.6
PEH-1 Tholeiite (Hekpoort) 0.01 7 8 5.1
PEH-2 Tholeiite (Hekpoort) 0.04 IO II 5.1
PED-I Tholeiite (Dullstroom) 0.03 6 2.7
PED-2 Tholeiite (Dullstroom) 0.02 5 2.7
PED-3 Tholeiite (Dullstroom) 0.02 11 3.7
PWP-1 Basalt (pre-Bushveld) 0.1 7 6 7.8
PWP-2 Basalt (pre-Bushveld) 0.09 14 15 5.9
PEP-2 Basalt (pre-Bushveld) 0.2 13 8 16.1
PWM-5 Basalt (Bushveld margin) 0.4 8 7.7
BICMGBAS Mg-rich basalt (Bushveld) 0.4 17 12 12.1
(ave of 9 samples)
BICTHOL Tholeiite (Bushveld) 0.09 II 6 6.7
(ave of 5 samples)
BI CULT Olivine cumulate sills 2.1 22 IO 33.4
(ave of 3 samples)
SID-2 Coarse-grained dunite (Barberton) 6.9 21 <10 37
PBT-3 Peridotite (Barberton) 2.8 IO 4 30.1

Data from the Kaapvaal craton slightly less readily mobilized into the melt than Pd, but Ir
To gain some further information about processes which will only do so in appreciable quantities during very high
affect the evolution of the PGE during partial melting and temperature events such as the extraction of komatiites. The
fractional crystallization, 30 fine-grained basalts (assumed to data from this study is supported by data on volcanic rocks
represent the original magmas) from the Kaapvaal craton in from Australia (Keays, 1982) and Russia (Briigmann et al.,
South Africa, were analysed for Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, and Pd. Also 1993), also plotted on Figure 2. Although not presented in
included, for the purpose of comparison, were various Figure 2, the data for Rh follow trends very similar to that of
cumulate rocks from the Bushveld Complex and coarse- Pt, while the Ru data follow Ir. It would therefore appear that
grained dunites from the Barberton region. These data, with the degree of partial melting (and by implication, the temper-
brief descriptions of the samples, are listed in Table 2. ature) at which magmatic processes happen, might exercise a
Approximate regional positions can be deduced in Figure 1, primary control over the behaviour of the PGE. A similar con-
and more information about the exact localities can be clusion was reached by Fryer & Greenough, (1992) who com-
obtained from the authors. pared the behaviour of Ir and Pd in ocean island basalt,
When the PGE data are plotted against MgO (as an indica- MORB, and komatiites.
tion of the degree of partial melting at the time of magma Chondrite-normalized plots of the Kaapvaal PGE, a sub-set
extraction), as shown in Figure 2, some interesting trends are of which is shown in Figure 3, show the expected trends: all
observed. Pd seems to enter the melt quite readily at the the samples have patterns that are positively sloped. The
degrees of melting attained by tholeiitic magmas. Pt is slopes of the lower temperature tholeiites and basalts are con-
S.Afr.J.Geol., 1995,98(2) 161

terns than basalts, komatiite-hosted ores have flatter patterns

than basalt-hosted ones.
NAMIBIA These observations place constraints on models that look to
differences in D, and processes within the magma chamber, to
explain the observed trends: for this to hold true, all mantle
derived melts would have to have flat, chondritic POE pat-
terns. It is believed that, though there might be some fraction-

• Cape Town
• •
illlll!II Bushveld Igneous Complex
[2J Kaapvaal Craton
• Barberton Greenstone Belt .c
Q. 10
• • • •

Figure 1 A schematic map of southern Africa, indicating the

Q. •• • 0

approximate outline of the Kaapvaal craton. The locations of the two •• •
most important regions mentioned in Table 2, namely, the -3.5 Ga
Barberton greenstone belt and the -2 Ga Bushveld Complex, are
also shown.
0 +----,----.---,--.-----..-,---r---~
0 10 20 30
sistently steeper than those of the komatiites, which are the MgO %
products of much higher temperature melting events. When
comparing the trends of high-temperature cumulate rocks and
restites with associated volcanic rocks (e.g. the olivine-rich
sills of the Bushveld with the tholeiites and basalts; and the 30 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
coarse-grained dunites in Barberton with the komatiites) the
cumulates and restites always display a relative enrichment in
the PGE with the highest melting points, namely, Os, Ir, and
20 -
Barnes et al. (1985) had interpreted these trends as result- Q.

ing from differences in the solubility of the PGE in silicates,

but Fleet & Stone ( 1991) found that the PGE solubilities are
not proportional to melting point. It has been mooted by
Tredoux et al. (1986) that the smooth trends that result when
the PGE are plotted in order of decreasing melting point
might not be coincidence. Our interpretation of the PGE
trends in Figure 3, and the PGE versus MgO plots in Figure 2, 0
is that PGE behaviour might be correlated to melt tempera-
ture. This has led us to sub-divide the PGE into two groups,
namely, high-temperature (HTPGE: Ir and Ru) and low-tem-
perature (LTPGE: Pt, Pd, and Rh). These groups are equiva- 3 -r--------------------,
lent to the IPGE and PPGE of Barnes et al. (1985), except
that there is practical significance to the temperature division 0
on the x-axis of the chondrite normalized plots, as an active
mechanism which influences the fractionation of the POE. 2 -
Another interesting observation contained in this data .c
appears to show that only minimal fractionation happens
Q. 0

within the magma chamber, that is, that an ore has a very sim-
ilar PGE trend to its associated magma - see Figure 4a for a
comparison of basalts and tholeiites of the Bushveld Com-
• •
plex, and their associated Merensky and U0-2 Reef ores; data • •
from the J-M Reef of the Stillwater Complex is also plotted,
although no direct data about its associated magma is availa-
ble, and it is consistent with the Bushveld data. There are no
·- ----· I


20 30
MgO %
POE ores associated with the komatiites in Barberton, but a
similar trend to that of the Bushveld data is seen when the Figure 2 Plots of Pd, Pt, and Ir versus MgO. The solid diamonds
POE data from komatiite-associated ores in Australia and represent the data from Table 2, the open circles are komatiite data
Canada are compared with the komatiite data from Barberton from Australia (Keays, 1982) and the open triangles are basalts from
(see Figure 4b), that is, as komatiites have flatter POE pat- the Siberian traps (Briigmann et al., 1993).
162 S.Afr.Tydskr.Geol.,1995,98(2)

10 - 1

10-2 .,



ai ';-
~ 10-3

10 -4

Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd

10 -.-------------,


Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd

Figure 3 Chondrite normalized plots of the PGE in magmas and

cumulates/restites. The x-axis shows the PGE in order of decreasing
melting point, as suggested by Naldrett (1981 ). The chondrite values
used are given in Tredoux et al. (1989). The symbols are: solid II)
circles = MgO-rich basalts of the Bushveld Complex; solid triangles Cl
= tholeiites of the Bushveld Complex, solid squares = olivine-rich
sills of the Bushveld Complex, open triangels = a komatiite from the .,
'Cl .1

Barberton region (Davies & Tredoux, 1985), and open squares = a ..


very coarse-grained dunite from the Stolzburg Complex, Barberton

(Tredouxetal., 1989).

ation of the PGE within a magma chamber [e.g. the
modification of Pd/Ir if the Bushveld ores as commented on
by Naldrett & Von Gruenewaldt (1989)], these result, at best,
only in alteration of an primary trend which is 'inherited'
from the dynamics of the melting process. In terms of this
.001 +--,---,--~--,---.----,---,
model, the negative trends of some ophiolitic chromitites is
seen as indicators that these rocks are indeed restites, as has
Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd
been suggested by De Wit & Tredoux (1988), rather than
magma chamber cumulates. Figure 4 Chondrite normalized plots of the PGE in magmas and
associated sulphides: (a) basalts, and (b) komatiites. The x-axis
shows the PGE in order of decreasing melting point, as suggested by
Physical state of the PGE in a magma Naldrett (1981). The chondrite values used are given in Tredoux et
It would seem that the behaviour of the PGE in a silicate al. (1989). The symbols are: (a) solid circles = MgO-rich basalts of
magma may be strongly influenced in the first instance by the the Bushveld Complex (Davies & Tredoux, 1985); solid triangles =
way in which their phases in the protolith respond to the tholeiites of the Bush veld Complex (Davies & Tredoux, 1985), solid
squares= the PGE standard SARM-7 (or PT0-1, Steele et al., 1975),
melting event that causes the magma. Experimental data with
solid diamonds = the UG-2 reef of the Bushveld Complex, crosses =
which to evaluate this process, namely, information about the
sulphide ore from Noril'sk-Talnakh, Russia, plus signs= the JM reef
thermal stabilities and melting behaviour of the common PGE of the Stillwater Complex, U.S.A. (Naldrett, 1981); and (b) open
minerals, are very sparse, and exist in practical terms only for diamonds = ore from the Kambalda region, Australia, and open
Pt, Pd, and Rh (very few) (Toma & Murphy, 1977; Cabri & triangles= ore from the Langmuir deposit, Canada (Naldrett, 1981),
Laflamme, 1981; Westland, 1981; Berlincourt et al., 1981; solid circles= WITS-I (see Table 2), solid triangles= PBT (Table 2).
S.Afr.J.Geol., 1995,98(2) 163

Lindsay, 1989). The experimental data presented in the

previous section is not necessarily applicable because of Os, To = 30452 C
uncertainty about how well the PGE metals used can 3000
-- --- ---- -----------------------------------------·-----
represent the actual mantle phases.
In terms of our proposed model of primary temperature
control on the behaviour of the PGE, the HTPGE mantle
phases (typically alloys) are more refractory than those of the
LTPGE (also possibly alloys), and they might not be melted at
all during magma extraction. These elements might, conse-
quently, be present in the silicate melt in the form in which Ru, To= 2130RC
they most commonly occur in the mantle, i.e. as inter-PGE Rh, To = 19f56GC
alloys (osmiridium, ruthosmiriduim, etc.) and it may be rele-
vant to see them as micro-xenocrysts, rather like diamonds in 6
a kimberlite (McDonald, 1993 ).
It is well known to all PGE analysts and mineralogists that
:I Pd, To = 1554!!C
the PGE are very heterogeneously distributed in rocks at a HIOO

microscopic level. There now is a growing body of evidence •Q.

that this is also true at a sub-microscopic level, both in metal- ~
lurgical systems (Lindsay, 1989; Amosse et al., 1990), and Au, To = 106411C
with respect to the 'invisible' PGE in naturally occurring sys- 1000
---· --- --- -------------- ---- -----------------·
tems (Chryssoulis et al., 1991; Ballhaus et al., 1994). The
nature of the discrete PGE phase(s) is not known, but it is
possible that they may occur in nature as bona fide 'metal
clusters' (Schmid, 1985), as has been suggested by Tredoux • Calculated Tm
et al. ( 1991 ), Ballhaus et al. (l 994) and Capobianco et al. o Experimental Tm
(1994). If this is the case, it would be possible to model PGE (Au only)
behaviour in terms of cluster chemistry.
lO 20

Special properties of metal clusters Particle Diameter (nm)

Cluster chemistry is a relatively new field of study, and is Figure 5 Plot of experimentally determined depression of the melt-
concerned with the transition in behaviour between the ing point of Au as a function of cluster size (Buffat & Borel, 1976).
atomic (or simple molecular) state and solid state of a Also plotted are theoretical curves of values for Au and the PGE,
metallic element (Schmid, 1985; Stace, 1988; Cohen & calcula~ed using the following equation (Allen et al., 1986): Tmffo =
Knight, 1990). Research in the field initially centred mainly I - (3(e/ps - e/p1)/(1 r) where: Tm= bulk melting temperature; To=

on low-temperature gaseous clusters, but, more recently, work particle melting temperature; es, e1 = specific surface temperature of
at higher temperatures has been tremendously active because solid and liquid resp.; Ps, p1 = density of solid and liquid resp.; lo=
of indications that cluster behaviour might underlie the ill- latent heat per mass unit; and r = particle radius in nm.; the close cor-
understood processes of catalysis. Although cluster chemistry respondense between the experimental and calculated values for Au
still is in its scientific infancy, the following trends are already is taken as an indication that the curves for the PGE are realistic.
quite clear: those in the first series, and the third series elements
1. Clusters are defined as any structure of 3-1000 atoms, in should form the most stable clusters. The PGE will be
which all atoms are connected to at least two other atoms more inclined towards cluster behaviour than the base
by metal-metal bonds (Schmid, 1985). The popular way to metals, and Os, Ir and, Pt will form more stable clusters
describe clusters is the 'jellium' model (Cohen & Knight, than Ru, Rh, and Pd.
1990), in which the cluster is seen as having a central core 4. The behaviour of clusters cannot be predicted by
of atoms, surrounded by a cloud of electrons. Each atom 'classical' chemical principles: various studies on such
in the cluster contributes one electron to a cloud, and the diverse properties as ionization potentials and nearest
structure as a whole is uncharged. neighbour distance has shown that the values for clusters
2. Mass spectrometric studies has shown that certain 'magic of an element is intermediate between that obtained for its
number' structures are favoured and are exceptionally individual atoms and the bulk metal (Stace, 1988). An
stable (Schmid, 1985). Explanation for these magic example of how the melting point of Au is affected by
numbers is contained in the jellium model for clusters cluster size (Buffat & Borel, 1976) is shown in Figure 5,
(Cohen & Knight, 1990). In discussions of heavy with equivalent calculations for the PGE. It is clear that
transition metal clusters, a size of 10-100 atoms is most clusters are more reactive than bulk metals, and that the
commonly assumed (Schmid, 1985; Stace, 1988). values of many physical properties (e.g. melting point) are
3. The heavy transition elements form more stable clusters depressed in clusters relative to the bulk values.
than the light transition elements (Vargas & Nicholls, 5. Clusters are stabilized by the presence of appropriate
1986). This is due to the much more extensive overlap of ligands (Schmid, 1985; Pruchnik, 1990). Most of the
the d-orbitals of the more massive atoms. Thus, elements pioneering experimental work has been done using
in the second series will form more stable clusters than complex organic reagents (see Schmid, 1985, for some
164 S.Afr.Tydskr.Geol., 1995,98(2)

examples), but theoretically most of the 'soft' ligands sent PGE clusters which coalesced in the molten silicate prior
(such as S, As, Sb, Te, CO) should be suitable to effect to quenching. Ballhaus et al. (1994) specifically interpret
such stabilization (Lindsay, 1989; McDonald, 1993). The their results for Pt in fluid inclusions in terms of clusters, and
ligands do not form 'formal' chemical bonds with the Capobianco et al. (1994) concede that clusters may be present
cluster core, but rather arrange themselves as symmetrical in the products of their experiments.
(usually nearly spherical) envelopes around the cluster in SIMS investigation of metallurgical NiCuS mattes has
such a way that repulsion is minimized (Schmid, 1985). shown that all the PGE except Pd.are distributed inhomogene-
The atoms in the ligand layer are highly mobile, so that ously, and tend to occur as discrete sub-microscopic inclu-
the structure as a whole develops a solid-like core with a sions within the base metal sulphides (Lindsay, 1989). These
liquid-like surface (Schmid, 1985). This feature would inclusions could be the solidified equivalents of PGE clusters,
further enhance the reactivity of the clusters. which in the molten state were surrounded and stabilized by a
ligand envelope of S (± As, Sb,Te, etc.) anions. Analysis of
Evidence for the existence of PGE clusters the Noril'sk sulphide ores by high resolution ion beam tech-
PGE clusters are easily formed under laboratory conditions niques (Chryssoulis et al., 1991) showed a distribution of the
(Schmid, 1985); compounds such as Os,z(C0h 6 and PGE which is exactly analogous to that of the synthetic
Os 20(C0) 40 are remarkably stable (Lewis & Moss, 1993; Si.iss- mattes.
Fink, 1991 ), and stable clusters containing 55 atoms have Other results of natural systems include the micro-PIXE
been synthesized with Au, Pt, and Ru (Schmid, 1985). To analyses by Hattori et al. (1992) of sulphides in peridotite
date, however, there is no direct evidence for the presence of xenoliths from Japan, Alaska, and South Africa, which show
PGE clusters in natural materials. Nevertheless it is believed that the PGE are extremely inhomogeneous. Those authors
that strong indications of cluster-like behaviour can be suggest that the PGE in the mantle are probably present as
deduced from the following: 'discrete fine metal alloys' which are sub-microscopic in size.
In the experimental systems discussed earlier, there are Peach et al. who analysed co-existing sulphide and glass in
many features which could be modelled as being underpinned MORB, state that
by cluster behaviour, for example the fractionation of the light 'failure of the [sulphide] model to account for the
PGE relative to the heavy PGE observed by Fleet & Stone observed Ir abundances suggests that a phase(s) other
(1991), and the 'very small spherules' of an Fe-PGE alloy than sulfide influences Ir fractionation' (1990: 3388).
reported by Amosse et al. (1990) within the quenched glass The authors of this article believe that it is reasonable to
products of their runs. It is possible that these spherules repre- suggest that this phase might be metallic Ir-rich clusters.


~ COLLECTION ~ o r pathway

/.nch pafuway


~ Fe

O As

Figure 6 Schematic diagram of the behaviour of PGE clusters in a magmatic system, taken from Lindsay ( 1989).
S.Afr.J.Geol., 1995,98(2) 165

Cluster based model for PGE crystallization sary to postulate excessively high apparent D values for the
The authors would like to propose the following model (see PGE, as has been suggested, for example, for some sulphide
Figure 6): deposits. The high apparent D values of these deposits can be
1. The PGE are present in a melt initially as metallic clusters modelled as a Dmeta1/,ilica,e component (in which the 'metal' is
(-50-100 atoms per cluster) and not as single atoms nor the metallic clusters) that is overprinted by the presence of
as individual PGE molecules (e.g. PGE-S or PGE-0,). sulphide melt. This would bring the estimates based on geo-
The depression of melting point which appears to be a logical observations in closer agreement with the experimen-
function of cluster-based behaviour (see Figure 5) would tal data, as in both cases very high values would refer to
offer an explanation for the apparently high reactivity of metal-silicate, and not sulphide-silicate, partitioning.
the PGE at magmatic temperatures, in environments This does not mean to imply that the PGE have no chal-
which are essentially super-cooled with respect to most cophile tendencies, but rather that the presently inferred chal-
PGE phases in the mantle; cophility as often deduced in the literature for those systems
2. The clusters are stabilized by surface adsorption of chal- which lead to S-poor, extremely PGE-rich ores (such as the
cogenides (S, As, Sb, Te; Lindsay, 1989) or other 'soft' Merensky, UG-2 and J-M reefs) might be misleading, and
ligands (e.g. CO) (Schmid, 1985; McDonald, 1993). The that such systems perhaps should not be subjected to rigour-
ligands are not bonded to the clusters in the classical ous applications of sulphide models. It is suggested that the
sense, but are merely adsorbed on the cluster surfaces: in possible contribution from an underlying siderophile control
such systems, the application of formal concepts such as should be kept in mind at all times. This might be especially
partitioning and distribution coefficients would not be true for the HTPGE (Os, Ir, and Ru) and perhaps even Rh, and
appropriate; might explain why the behaviour of these elements cannot be
3. In S-rich environments the PGE clusters, activated ('wet- predicted on the basis of the conventional sulphide models.
ted') by their chalcogenide envelopes, become primed for
inclusion in the sulphide melt. The PGE clusters remain Acknowledgements
associated with the sulphide melt until they coalesce and MT would like to thank the Foundation for Research Founda-
precipitate out (at the appropriate temperature) to form tion of South Africa, and the UCT Research Grant Committee
PGE arsenides, tellurides, alloys, and complex sulphides. for financial support. The bulk of this work was done while
That proportion of the PGE clusters which is not removed we were all at the Schonland Research Centre of the Univer-
by this mechanism, will later precipitate with the base sity of the Witwatersrand, which is retrospectively thanked
metal sulphides (BMS) as sub-microscopic inclusions. for generous support. Petrus le Roux is thanked for help with
Lower temperature lattice reorganization of the BMS can preparing Figure 1. The thoughtful reviews of Chris Ballhaus
lead to the expulsion of the PGE clusters along the grain and Maryse Ohnenstetter are acknowledged with gratitude.
boundaries, where they will precipitate as PGM.
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