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Platinum-Group Elements (PGE) in Basalts

of the Seaward-Dipping Reflector Sequence,
SE Greenland Coast∗




The rift-related, seaward-dipping reflector sequence (SDRS) SE of INTRODUCTION

Greenland consists of basaltic lavas that exhibit variable degrees of Seaward-dipping reflector sequences (SDRSs) are char-
magmatic differentiation, derived from a heterogeneous mantle source.
acteristic features of volcanic rifted margins. The SDRS
Platinum-group elements (PGE) are used to provide insights into
SE of Greenland formed during the initial break-up of
the petrogenetic evolution of the SDRS, and to characterize the
the North Atlantic in the late Paleocene–early Eocene
magma sources. Noble metal concentrations correlate well with
(Duncan et al., 1996) and spans the whole period from
indicators for magmatic differentiation (mg-number, MgO), ex-
continental break-up to seafloor spreading (Brooks &
hibiting two distinct trends. Concentrations of Ir, Ru and Rh tend
Nielsen, 1982; Saunders et al., 1997). Large volumes of
to decrease with progressive differentiation, indicating compatible
lava erupted in a short period of time under subaerial
behaviour of these elements during fractional crystallization processes.
or shallow water conditions along the continental margins
The variation of Pt and Pd shows segmented trends. In primitive
of Norway and Greenland. The high magma production
magmas, Pt and Pd are incompatible and become enriched in the
rates, which led to the formation of magmatic sequences
melt. The primitive magma is S undersaturated, despite derivation
up to 6 km thick, are inferred to require the presence of
from a depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt source at a moderate degree
a mantle plume (White & McKenzie, 1989).
of melting, reflecting enhanced S solubility in the melt caused by
The aims of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 152
high Fe content and elevated temperature. In the more evolved lavas,
and 163 were to investigate the origin and nature of the
Pt and Pd decrease with decreasing MgO and mg-number. This
SDRS with regard to the influence of a mantle plume
indicates that S saturation had occurred with Pt and Pd being
(Larsen et al., 1994a; Duncan et al., 1996). Nine sites were
incorporated in sulphides, which probably segregated during ascent.
drilled in two transects distal to the ancient plume track
Bulk partition coefficients for the PGE during partial melting are
at 63°N and 66°N (Fig. 1).
calculated based on data from a primitive basaltic unit with MgO
It has been shown that platinum-group element (PGE)
>20 wt %, representing a near-primary magma composition. The
determined bulk partition coefficients for an S-undersaturated melt systematics can provide important information about
are about 2 (Ir), 4 (Ru), 1·2 (Rh), 0·5 (Pt) and 0·4 (Pd). This the petrogenesis of basaltic magmas, such as magmatic
indicates that Ir, Ru and Rh are compatible during partial melting, differentiation, sulphide segregation and mantle source
whereas Pt and Pd are incompatible. characteristics (e.g. Brügmann et al., 1987; Greenough &
Owen, 1992; Barnes & Picard, 1993; Seitz & Keays,
1997; Vogel & Keays, 1997). Many aspects of the geo-
chemistry of PGE remain, however, poorly understood.
In this study, we present PGE data for the entire
compositional range of the SDRS, accompanied by
KEY WORDS: basalts; Greenland; partial melting; PGE; trace elements major, trace and rare earth element analyses to elucidate

∗Extended dataset can be found at:
†Corresponding author. Telephone: ++(49) 721-608-3326. Fax:
++(49) 721-608-7247.
E-mail:  Oxford University Press 2001

Fig. 1. Map of the North Atlantic, showing the locations of drill sites of ODP Legs 152 and 163 [modified after Larsen et al. (1994a)]. JMFZ,
Jan Mayen Fracture Zone; JMR, Jan Mayen Ridge; JMR, Jan Mayen Ridge; A6, A20, A24: selected seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies.

the petrogenesis and mantle source characteristics of the 1974; Talwani & Eldholm, 1977). The initial break-up
magmas. The compositional variation and derivation of of the North Atlantic was accompanied by the extrusion
the magmas from a heterogeneous mantle source provides of huge volumes of lava, resulting in the formation of
an opportunity to describe the PGE systematics of mag- the SDRS along the continental margins of East Green-
matic differentiation and the PGE characteristics of land and Norway (Fig. 1). Estimates by Larsen &
mantle-derived basalts. Jakobsdóttir (1988), based on geophysical data, suggest
that the volcanic productivity along the rift zone during
break-up was almost three times greater than that of
present-day Iceland. Based on plate tectonic re-
GEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND AND constructions, the Iceland plume was most probably
SAMPLE INFORMATION located beneath central Greenland at the time of plate
Detailed background information on the tectonic and separation, although there are some uncertainties about
geological setting of the SE Greenland SDRS appears in the exact position of the plume (e.g. Forsyth et al., 1986;
the Initial Reports of ODP Legs 152 and 163 (Larsen et White & McKenzie, 1989; Lawver & Müller, 1994).
al., 1994a; Duncan et al., 1996). In summary, the drilling During ODP Legs 152 and 163, a total of nine sites
transects SE of Greenland are located within an area were drilled along two transects at 63°N and 66°N distal
that was tectonically undisturbed since the early Prot- to the ancient plume track. A detailed mineralogical and
erozoic. The opening of the North Atlantic and the petrological description of the recovered igneous units
formation of ocean crust began at >56–53 Ma as in- and their stratigraphic setting has been given by Larsen
dicated by magnetic anomaly Chron 24r (Vogt & Avery, et al. (1994a), Duncan et al. (1996) and Saunders et al.


(1998). In the following discussion we briefly summarize The volcanic succession drilled at Site 918 comprises
the sites and the petrology of the rocks sampled for this one sill (Unit 1) and 18 lava flows (Units 2–8). The sill
investigation. is a plagioclase–pyroxene-phyric basalt and has a trace
Site 988 is located within the northern transect at 66°N element composition similar to that of the basalts re-
(EG 66) close to the ancient plume track (Fig. 1). Here, covered at Site 988. The other units are defined as
two igneous units were distinguished in the core recovered aphyric basalts with low trace element abundances. In
from the depth interval 10–32 m below seafloor (mbsf ). general, the lavas are moderately evolved and geo-
Unit 1 is a massive and sparsely vesicular plagioclase– chemically similar to the basalts at Sites 989 and 990.
pyroxene–olivine-phyric basalt showing moderate al- The restricted chemical composition of the lavas suggests
teration. Unit 2 is completely altered and was thus that the magmas were subjected to a uniform degree of
disregarded in our investigations. differentiation.
Site 989 is located on the southern transect at 63°N
(EG 63) closest to the Greenland coast. It was planned
to penetrate and sample the oldest parts of the SDRS.
However, recent 40Ar/39Ar determinations of the re- ANALYTICAL METHODS
covered lavas yield unexpected young ages of 57 ± A total of 98 whole-rock samples from the SDRS were
1·3 Ma (Tegner & Duncan, 1999). Two igneous units analysed for major and trace, rare earth and platinum-
were identified: aphyric basalt (Unit 1) and a plagioclase– group elements. Major elements were determined by
clinopyroxene–olivine-phyric basalt (Unit 2). Unit 1 is at wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (Sie-
least 69 m thick and is characterized by constant grain mens SRS 303 AS) on fused pellets. Accuracy of the
size, vesicularity and mesostasis content. Both units are measurement is within 2% relative for all major elements,
depleted in incompatible elements (e.g. Zr, Nb, Ti), based on analyses of the geological reference materials
presumably reflecting derivation of the magmas from a BE-N and BIR (Govindaraju, 1994). For drift-correction,
depleted mantle source. BE-N was run as a reference after every five meas-
At Site 917, a 778 m thick volcanic sequence with 92 urements. Trace elements (Ni, Zn, Ga, Cr, Rb, Sr, Y,
flow units was drilled. Based on trace element and Zr, Nb, V) were analysed by wavelength-dispersive X-
stratigraphic observations, the sequence was subdivided ray fluorescence analysis (Siemens SRS 303 AS) on
into lower (LS), middle (MS) and upper series (US). The pressed pellets. Analyses are accurate to 5% relative,
lower series consists of olivine-phyric basalts and two except for Nb, which is <10%. Analytical accuracy and
picrite flows (Units 61b and 62). Basalts of the middle precision were determined in the same way as for major
series are more evolved and exhibit a significant con- elements. The elements Cu and Ba were determined by
tamination by continental crust. The base of the middle energy-dispersive XRF (Tracor Spectrace 5000) on the
series is marked by a dacite flow, which was possibly same pressed pellets used for wavelength-dispersive XRF.
generated by melting or assimilation of pelitic sediments. Detection limits are 4·5 ppm (Cu) and 2·9 ppm (Ba) at
The middle series is separated from the lavas of the measuring times of 1000 s/spectrum (Kramar, 1997).
upper series by a sedimentary horizon, which marks a Accuracy was checked by repeated analysis of the inter-
transition in the magma composition. The upper series national standard BE-N and is within 8% for Cu and
consists of primitive Mg-rich tholeiites and picrites that 2% for Ba. The trace elements Co, Sc, Hf, Ta and
formed thin pahoehoe flows during eruption. Oscillation Th were determined by instrumental neutron activation
of Ni content implies short-term storage of the magma analysis (INAA) following the method of Kramar &
in small magma chambers. On the basis of 40Ar/39Ar Puchelt (1982). Sample and standard capsules were ir-
ages, the lavas of the lower and middle series of Site 917 radiated simultaneously in the TRIGA reactor at Heidel-
were erupted between 61 and 62 Ma (Sinton & Duncan, berg (Germany) at a thermal neutron flux of 8 × 1012
1998), and thus are significantly older than the time of n/cm2 per s for 5 h. Two detector systems were used for
initial seafloor spreading. measurement: a coaxial Ge(Li)-detector for the high-
Site 990 was positioned seawards of Site 917 to obtain energy range (150–2000 keV) and a planar high-purity
a stratigraphic overlap with the sequence drilled at Site Ge-detector for the energy range of 30–210 keV. Rare
917. Thirteen igneous units were identified on the basis earth elements (REE) were analysed by ICP-MS (Fisons
of phenocryst assemblages or by the presence of vesicular PQ2) after HClO4–HF digestion. Precision of all ICP-
and/or weathered flow tops. The flow units range from MS analyses is within 2–6% based on replicate meas-
moderately evolved aphyric basalts to olivine and urements of working standards and an international
plagioclase–olivine–clinopyroxene-phyric basalts. The reference material (BR). Platinum-group elements were
section is characterized by a systematic decrease of in- determined by ICP-MS (Fisons PQ2) after NiS fire assay
compatible element contents and increasing Ni and Cr preconcentration of the noble metals from 25–35 g of
concentrations from top to bottom. dry powder. Average method detection limits (3 above


Table 1: Results of replicate analyses of selected samples from Site 990, international
standard WPR-1 (Govindaraju, 1994) and in-house standard (Puchelt et al., 1996)

Sample n Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd

989B-4R-3/0-5/1A 3 0·19 0·13 0·11 10·1 12·3

SD (%) 14·1 6·5 1·7 9·4 6·5
990A-8R-5/51-57/1E 3 0·24 0·34 0·11 8·29 8·87
SD (%) 9·0 17·6 12·5 7·2 8·4
990A-22R-5/67-73/4 3 0·31 0·43 0·51 7·48 8·48
SD (%) 4·3 7·5 3·7 9·0 7·4
Measured 8 13 21 12 231 212
SD (%) 1·6 1·7 3·4 5·5 3·6
Certified 13·5 22 13·4 285 235
Recovery (%) 94 94 90 81 90
Measured 8 1·7 3·4 0·7 3·8 4·1
SD (%) 4·5 10·8 13·7 6·6 6·1
Certified 1·6 4·3 <1 4·0 4·3
Recovery 106 79 — 96 96

background), calculated for 30 g of rock powder are 0·08 Figure 2 illustrates the variation of selected major
ppb Ir, 0·09 ppb Ru, 0·04 ppb Rh, 0·40 ppb Pt and elements with MgO; SiO2, TiO2, Na2O and K2O con-
0·43 ppb Pd. Replicate analyses of the international centrations increase with decreasing MgO. Samples from
reference material WPR-1 (Govindaraju, 1994), in-house Sites 988, 989, 918 and 990 exhibit a narrow range of
standard ‘147-898D-10W’ (Puchelt et al., 1996) and se- compositions and always show lower concentrations than
lected samples are reported in Table 1. samples from Site 917 at corresponding MgO values.
Fe2O3(total) contents (not shown) range between 10 and
15 wt % and display no systematic change with MgO.
However, in samples from Site 917, Fe2O3(total) contents
decrease from primitive to evolved lavas. Al2O3 contents
RESULTS are >15 wt %, decreasing towards higher MgO con-
Major elements centrations in samples from the upper series of Site 917.
Whole-rock chemical compositions, recalculated on vol- The content of CaO gradually increases with decreasing
atile-free basis, are listed in the Appendix (Table A1). MgO, but decreases below >7 wt % MgO. Below
The reported values represent the average composition this MgO content, CaO concentrations decrease with
for each of the investigated igneous units. The complete decreasing MgO. Samples from Sites 988, 989, 918 and
dataset can be accessed as an Excel spreadsheet on the 990 lie on the maximum of the MgO–CaO trend, defined
Journal of Petrology Web site at http://www.petrology. by Site 917 samples.
The samples are classified as tholeiitic basalts on the
basis of their SiO2–(Na2O + K2O) variations. The lavas
exhibit different degrees of differentiation as illustrated Trace elements
by the mg-number [defined as mg-number = 100MgO/ Trace element concentrations are listed in the Appendix
(MgO + FeO); molecular oxide proportions and Fe2O3/ (Table A2). Compatible element concentrations (Ni, Cr
FeO = 0·15]. Samples from Site 917 show a wide range and Co) show a strong correlation with MgO (Fig. 3a).
in mg-number, from 34 in the most evolved lava to >80 Concentrations range from 1030 ppm (Ni) and 1440
in some picritic units. In contrast, samples from Sites ppm (Cr) in a picritic unit of the upper series of Site
988, 989, 918 and 990 span a narrow range in mg- 917, to 33 ppm for Ni and 23 ppm for Cr in the most
number (46–65). evolved samples. The Site 917 basalts feature highly


Fig. 2. Selected major elements vs MgO. Data are given in the Appendix (Table A1).

variable compatible trace element abundances, whereas derivation from a heterogeneous mantle source. The
basalts from Sites 918, 988, 989 and 990 are characterized variation of Sc with MgO displays enrichment of Sc with
by a much narrower range in concentrations. In- decreasing MgO content, whereas below 7–9 wt % MgO,
compatible element concentrations show a systematic Sc contents decrease with decreasing MgO. Lavas from
increase with decreasing MgO. Different trends for in- Sites 989 and 918 and some lava flows from Site 990
compatible elements are apparent for Site 917 basalts exhibit particularly high Sc concentrations (>45–50
and the basalts from Sites 918, 989 and 990, as illustrated ppm) similar to some basalts from the Vøring Plateau
in Fig. 3b. For example, Zr shows a much stronger (Viereck et al., 1989) and the Rockall Plateau ( Joron et
enrichment in Site 917 samples compared with the other al., 1984).
sites. In contrast, the Nb data display an enrichment Multi-element diagrams, normalized to normal mid-
trend that is defined by samples from Sites 918, 989 and ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB) (Sun & McDonough,
990. Only few samples from the lower series of Site 917, 1989) emphasize the distinct chemical compositions of
Site 918 (Unit 1) and Site 988 show a stronger enrichment the basalts from the various sites. Samples from Sites 988
of Nb. The scatter of Zr and Nb concentrations at MgO and 918 (Unit 1) show a clear enrichment in incompatible
contents between 12 and 15 wt % probably reflects either elements with high Nb contents (17·2–29·0 ppm) and
variable degrees of partial melting of a single source or low Zr/Nb ratios (>6–8), similar to ocean island basalts


Fig. 3. Variations of (a) Ni and Cr and (b) Zr, Nb, Rb and Sc with MgO. Data are given in the Appendix (Table A2).

(OIB) with average Zr/Nb >5·8 (Sun & McDonough, (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE). Ad-
1989; Fig. 4a). In contrast, samples of Sites 918 (Units ditionally, samples from Site 917 (middle series) are
8b, 11b, 12b, 14), 989 and 990 have a signature similar characterized by a pronounced negative Nb–Ta anomaly.
to N-MORB with Zr/Nb >12–22. However, the samples Within the lower series of Site 917, five units (Units 60,
from Sites 989 and 990 show a remarkable enrichment 61b, 62, 68, 70) are distinct with regard to their Zr/Nb
of Rb, Ba and K (Fig. 4a). Multi-element diagrams ratio, which is <15, although unit 70 (Zr/Nb >15) seems
characterize and summarize the average incompatible to be similar to the high Zr/Nb subgroup, i.e. showing
element distribution for the three igneous series of Site high La and Ce abundances and an Nb–Ta depletion.
917 (Fig. 4b and c). Samples from the upper series of
Site 917 display element abundances close to N-MORB,
except for Rb, Ba and K, which show enrichment up to
>10 × N-MORB (Fig. 4b). In contrast, all lavas from Rare earth elements
the middle and lower series of Site 917 are characterized The REE abundances in the investigated igneous units are
by a strong enrichment in the large ion lithophile elements listed in the Appendix (Table A3). Chondrite-normalized


989 and 990 are similar to those of N-MORB with low

LREE abundances and relatively unfractionated patterns
between middle REE (MREE) and HREE ([Sm/Yb]C1
>0·8 ± 0·12). Figure 5b shows the REE patterns of
Site 917 samples, grouped into middle and upper series.
The primitive lavas of the upper series of Site 917 cover
a wide range of chondrite-normalized REE contents
(e.g. La 5·7–25·7; Eu 8·9–31·2; Yb 5·0–18·1) but are
characterized by similar La/Yb ratios ([La/Yb]C1 >1·1
± 0·2). In contrast, lava flows from the middle series
from Site 917 exhibit much higher chondrite-normalized
LREE abundances (La >42–110) and a strong LREE
enrichment ([La/Yb]C1 >3·5–14·2).
Figure 5c shows the chondrite-normalized REE pat-
terns for samples from the lower series from Site 917,
distinguished by their Zr/Nb ratio. The REE abundances
for lava flows with Zr/Nb >22 cover a wide range, e.g.
(18–253) × C1 for La, accompanied by strong LREE
enrichment ([La/Yb]C1 >3·2 ± 1·1). By contrast, lava
flows (units 60, 61b, 62 and 68) with Zr/Nb >10·6–13·5
are characterized by lower LREE contents and slight
LREE enrichment ([La/Yb]C1 >2·7 ± 0·8). The lava
sample from unit 70 (Zr/Nb >15) exhibits more sim-
ilarity to the high Zr/Nb sub-group with La >184 ×
C1 and [La/Yb]C1 >9·7. All samples from Site 917 are
characterized by a negative slope between the MREE
and the HREE ([Sm/Yb]C1 >1·81 ± 0·44).

Platinum-group elements
The average PGE concentrations and Pd/Ir, Pt/Ir and
Pt/Pd ratios of the igneous units are listed in Table 2.
In comparison with previously reported values of MORB
(Crocket & Teruta, 1977; Hamlyn et al., 1985; Plessen
& Erzinger, 1997) and OIB (Fryer & Greenough, 1992)
from other locations, the basalts of this SDRS have
higher noble metal abundances (e.g. Ir Ζ2·73 ppb; Pt
Ζ14·3 ppb; Pd Ζ16·5 ppb). These contents are, how-
ever, similar to PGE abundances reported for tholeiites
and picrites from the Skaergaard intrusion (Nielson &
Brooks, 1995). The picritic units of the upper series of
Fig. 4. N-MORB normalized trace element patterns for samples of Site 917 have the highest Ir, Ru and Rh concentrations,
(a) Sites 918, 988, 989 and 990, (b) Site 917 (Middle and Upper Series) whereas the middle and lower series of Site 917 display
and (c) Site 917 (Lower Series), with normalization values after Sun & significantly lower abundances. The elements Ir, Ru and
McDonough (1989).
Rh show a systematic decrease in concentrations with
progressive magmatic differentiation (Ir 2·73–0·10 ppb;
(Boynton, 1984) REE patterns also emphasize the distinct Ru 1·73–0·10 ppb; Rh 0·89–0·05 ppb) indicating com-
geochemical composition of basalts from Sites 918, 989 patible behaviour of these elements during magma evolu-
and 990 and those from Sites 988 and 918 (Unit 1; tion (Fig. 6).
Fig. 5a). Samples from Sites 988 and 918 (Unit 1) are Bivariate plots of MgO vs Pt and Pd (Fig. 7) illustrate
characterized by high LREE contents (La 52 × C1 and the geochemical behaviour of these elements. In the
68 × C1), LREE enrichment ([La/Yb]C1 >3·2) and primitive picritic and olivine-phyric basalts from the
high heavy rare earth element (HREE) abundances (Yb upper series of Site 917, Pt and Pd behave incompatibly
>17 × C1). REE patterns of samples from Sites 918, as the magma evolved. Pt and Pd contents increase to


significantly lower Pt/Pd values, whereas samples from

Sites 988 and 918 (Unit 1), and some samples from the
lower series of Site 917 display higher values (Fig. 8).
The samples are characterized by distinct primitive
mantle-normalized siderophile element patterns (Barnes
et al., 1988). Samples from Site 988 and Unit 1 from Site
918 have parallel patterns with nearly unfractionated
Ir/Ru (>0·9) and Pt/Pd (>0·8) ratios and a strong
enrichment in copper (Fig. 9a). Samples from Sites 918
(Units 8b, 11b, 12b, 14) and 989 show a remarkable
similarity and plot within the field defined by samples
from Site 990 (Fig. 9b). Samples from these three Sites
(918, 989, 990) are characterized by a slight Ru anomaly
and a marked fractionation between Ir, Ru and Rh on
the one hand and Pt and Pd on the other. Primitive
mantle normalized patterns for samples from Site 917
are illustrated in Fig. 9c. Site 917 (upper series) samples
display flat patterns with a slight fractionation between
Ir, Ru, Rh and Pt, Pd. Additionally, the lavas from the
upper series of Site 917 feature only minor fractionation
between Ni and Ir ([Ni/Ir]PM >0·9), Ni and Ru ([Ni/
Ru]PM >1·1) and between Cu and Pd ([Cu/Pd]PM >1·2).
The patterns for the upper series of Site 917 are similar
to patterns for komatiites from Gorgona Island, Colombia
(Brügmann et al., 1987) and Kambalda, West Australia
(Keays, 1982). In contrast, samples from the middle series
from Site 917 are characterized by lower PGE and Ni
abundances, except for Cu, which is close to primitive
mantle values. Figure 9d illustrates the primitive mantle-
normalized siderophile element patterns for Site 917
(lower series) samples, distinguished by their Zr/Nb ratios.
Platinum-group elements, Ni and Cu show nearly the
same abundances as in samples from the middle and
upper series of Site 917, whereas samples with low Zr/
Nb ratios are characterized by a negative Ru anomaly.
These samples show a wide range in Rh and Pt abund-
ances, whereas Pd abundances are rather similar in these

Fig. 5. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for (a) Sites 918, 988, 989
and 990, (b) Site 917 (Middle and Upper Series) and (c) Site 917 DISCUSSION
(Lower Series) with normalizing values after Boynton (1984). Major and trace elements
The volcanic succession drilled at the southern transect
EG 63 represents the transition from continental flood
>15 ppb in the lavas from the upper series of Site 917, basalt volcanism to oceanic volcanism (Fitton et al., 1998b;
whereas in lower and middle series samples from Site Fram et al.,1998). Figure 10 shows the variation of MgO
917, Pt and Pd concentrations generally do not exceed content with stratigraphic position. The earliest lavas
5 ppb. In samples from Sites 918, 988, 989 and 990, Pt (Site 917, Lower and Middle Series) comprise a pre-
and Pd contents exhibit a strong decline within a narrow break-up continental succession (Fitton et al., 1998b)
range of MgO contents. Pd and Pt concentrations de- ranging from high-Mg basalts (MgO >15 wt %) to
crease from >10–15 ppb at >9 wt % MgO to >5 ppb evolved basalts with MgO >5–6 wt %. Fitton et al.
at >6 wt % MgO. Most samples are characterized by (1998b) have attributed this feature to magma evolution
a uniform Pt/Pd ratio of >0·89. It should be noted in crustal magma chambers with decreasing supply of
that most samples from Site 917 (middle series) show primitive melts, attended by an increasing influence of


Table 2: Average PGE concentrations of igneous units of Sites 917, 918, 988, 989 and 990

Sample: Site 988 Site 989 Site 990

Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3a Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9
n: 4 10 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 3

Ir 0·25 0·21 0·29 0·10 0·23 0·14 0·10 0·11 0·17 0·16 0·11 0·41
Ru 0·32 0·11 0·19 0·08 0·37 0·21 0·18 0·19 0·20 0·23 0·29 0·32
Rh 0·30 0·12 0·18 0·07 0·14 0·21 0·15 0·18 0·16 0·22 0·18 0·29
Pt 7·18 9·33 14·0 3·69 8·23 5·38 3·96 4·76 9·87 5·84 5·87 9·09
Pd 4·63 13·1 16·2 5·15 8·24 6·02 5·07 4·69 10·5 6·93 5·93 12·9
Pt/Pd 1·58 0·72 0·87 0·72 1·00 0·89 0·78 1·02 0·95 0·84 1·00 0·71
Pd/Ir 18·6 62·0 55·0 48·5 36·3 41·6 52·7 41·1 63·1 42·8 53·1 32·8
Pt/Ir 29·4 44·3 47·8 35·0 36·4 37·2 41·1 41·8 59·7 35·9 53·0 23·3

Site 990 Site 917 Upper Series

Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 10 Unit 16 Unit 21 Unit 24 Unit 25 Unit 27 Unit 29
n: 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1

Ir 0·22 0·34 0·39 0·63 2·19 1·10 1·52 1·68 0·52 0·75 0·74 0·76
Ru 0·34 0·27 0·36 1·03 2·52 0·85 1·89 1·83 0·55 0·90 0·75 0·88
Rh 0·28 0·20 0·15 0·36 0·76 0·44 0·83 0·90 0·25 0·40 0·37 0·54
Pt 8·84 4·79 8·11 13·0 10·3 13·0 10·4 9·23 13·3 13·3 14·3 13·0
Pd 9·02 5·20 8·67 14·4 10·5 14·0 11·4 9·87 14·3 15·0 15·8 13·5
Pt/Pd 0·98 0·91 0·93 0·91 0·98 0·93 0·91 0·94 0·93 0·89 0·90 0·97
Pd/Ir 49·0 15·3 22·0 22·9 4·8 12·8 7·5 5·9 27·4 20·3 21·4 17·7
Pt/Ir 48·5 13·9 20·6 20·7 4·7 11·9 6·8 5·5 25·4 17·9 19·3 17·1

Site 917 Upper Series Site 917 Middle Series Site 917 Lower Series

Unit 31a Unit 32b Unit 33 Unit 34b Unit 36 Unit 38 Unit 41 Unit 43 Unit 49 Unit 52 Unit 58 Unit 60
n: 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

Ir 1·46 2·42 0·62 0·10 0·10 0·11 0·14 0·13 0·15 0·12 0·24 0·55
Ru 0·98 1·93 0·36 0·04 0·12 0·11 0·10 0·08 0·14 0·07 0·33 0·42
Rh 0·52 0·82 0·15 0·05 0·05 0·03 0·19 0·06 0·03 0·03 0·10 0·22
Pt 13·3 9·35 7·13 0·39 0·42 0·74 1·99 0·95 0·94 0·66 1·93 5·55
Pd 14·1 8·98 7·67 0·52 0·98 1·38 2·40 1·76 1·33 0·59 1·33 4·53
Pt/Pd 0·95 1·04 0·93 0·75 0·42 0·53 0·83 0·54 0·71 1·11 1·46 1·24
Pd/Ir 9·8 3·8 12·3 5·4 9·6 12·2 16·8 14·0 9·0 4·8 5·4 8·3
Pt/Ir 9·2 4·0 11·4 4·1 4·0 6·5 13·9 7·6 6·4 5·4 7·9 10·3

Site 917 Lower Series

Unit 61b Unit 62 Unit 64 Unit 68 Unit 69 Unit 70 Unit 71 Unit 73b Unit 75a Unit 78 Unit 82 Unit 84
n: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

Ir 0·34 0·41 0·22 0·18 0·23 0·18 0·47 0·18 0·16 0·60 0·42 0·41
Ru 0·33 0·84 0·25 0·12 0·05 0·13 0·14 0·07 0·11 0·77 0·28 0·45
Rh 0·40 0·57 0·27 0·08 0·02 0·05 0·22 0·14 0·04 0·33 0·17 0·31
Pt 4·15 6·39 1·52 2·91 0·22 0·97 0·85 0·27 0·50 4·04 3·17 4·17
Pd 2·30 4·68 1·77 2·47 1·31 1·50 0·71 0·95 1·99 5·91 3·23 3·32
Pt/Pd 1·81 1·37 0·86 1·18 0·17 0·65 1·20 0·28 0·25 0·68 0·98 1·21
Pd/Ir 6·8 11·4 7·9 13·6 5·8 8·5 1·5 5·1 12·3 9·9 7·6 8·3
Pt/Ir 12·2 15·6 6·8 16·0 1·0 5·5 1·8 1·5 3·1 6·8 7·5 9·9

Site 917 Lower Series Site 918

Unit 87 Unit 89 Unit 91 Unit 92 Unit 1 Unit 8b Unit 11b Unit 12b Unit 14
n: 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1

Ir 0·31 0·53 0·21 0·19 0·15 0·23 0·25 0·18 0·22

Ru 0·44 0·24 0·11 0·23 0·21 0·09 0·11 0·16 0·14
Rh 0·14 0·19 0·36 0·34 0·16 0·11 0·16 0·12 0·14
Pt 2·28 3·49 1·83 1·09 2·98 8·55 6·97 8·44 8·32
Pd 4·21 3·13 1·14 1·05 1·96 11·6 7·14 11·8 10·6
Pt/Pd 0·54 1·12 1·60 0·90 1·52 0·74 1·02 0·72 0·79
Pd/Ir 13·6 6·0 5·3 5·1 13·5 49·9 32·6 63·8 47·2
Pt/Ir 7·4 6·6 8·5 5·1 20·7 36·8 31·7 45·8 37·1

All values in ppb; n, number of analysed samples within each group.


Fig. 7. Variations of Pt and Pd with MgO. Data are given in Table


Fig. 6. Variations of Ir, Ru and Rh with MgO. Data are given in

Table 2. Fig. 8. Pd vs Pt diagram; the regression line reflects average Pt/Pd
ratio for all samples.

crustal contamination. By contrast, the lava units from

the upper series of Site 917 are thought to represent (Larsen et al., 1994a; Fitton et al., 1998b). Lavas cored at
break-up related magmatism (Larsen et al., 1994b) and Site 990 are geochemically similar to the igneous units
are characterized by high-Mg basalts and the absence of 8b, 11b, 12b and 14 recovered at Site 918, which are
evolved basalts. The rapid oscillation in Ni content with interpreted as an oceanic succession (Larsen et al., 1994b;
stratigraphic height in the upper series implies short-term Fitton et al., 1998b). These lavas are of restricted geo-
storage in smaller reservoirs accompanied by crys- chemical composition (MgO >7–9 wt %), suggesting that
tallization and accumulation of olivine phenocrysts the magmas were derived from re-established permanent


Fig. 9. Mantle-normalized (PM) pattern for PGE, Ni, and Cu. (a) Sites 988 and 918 (Unit 1); (b) Sites 989, 990 and 918 (Units 8b, 11b, 12b,
14); (c) Site 917 (Middle and Upper Series); (d) Site 917 (Lower Series). Normalization values after Barnes et al. (1988) are 2000 ppm Ni, 4·4
ppb Ir, 5·6 ppb Ru, 1·6 ppb Rh, 8·3 ppb Pt, 4·4 ppb Pd and 28 ppm Cu.

magma reservoirs associated with a spreading axis, which and suggests that many compositional variations within
prevented the eruption of primary magmas (Larsen et the lavas from the SDRS are due to crystal fractionation
al., 1994b). The inferred stratigraphic position of the processes. Fractionation of olivine decreases MgO at
uppermost units recovered at Site 917 and the depth of constant CaO/Al2O3 ratio, whereas plagioclase frac-
penetration at Site 990 (342 mbsf ) define the transition tionation increases both MgO and CaO/Al2O3. By con-
from continental to oceanic succession to less than trast, removal of clinopyroxene from the melt results in
>100 m thickness (Duncan et al., 1996). According to decreasing MgO and CaO/Al2O3 ratio. Samples from
seismic data (Duncan et al., 1996), the lavas drilled at the upper series from Site 917 with MgO >10 wt %
Site 989 should be located stratigraphically below the display uniform CaO/Al2O3 (0·65 ± 0·06) implying
lower series from Site 917 and should have been erupted that fractionation–accumulation of olivine has occurred.
before the 61–60 Ma old lower and middle series lavas Liquid lines of descent (LLD), defined by the results of
from Site 917. However, the geochemical composition low-pressure melting experiments on two samples from
of the samples from Site 989 compares more closely with the lower series (86R7) and upper series (11R4) from
the oceanic volcanism, represented by the lavas from Site 917 show two different trends (Thy et al., 1998).
Sites 918 and 990. This is in agreement with the 40Ar/ Plagioclase crystallization is documented by the increase
Ar age of 57·1 ± 1·3 Ma reported by Tegner & Duncan of the CaO/Al2O3 ratio at MgO >9 wt %. When augite
(1999) for lavas from Site 989. appears in the fractionation assemblage at >7 wt %
The variation of CaO/Al2O3 ratio with MgO for the MgO, the slopes change. The LLD for sample 87R7
lavas from the SDRS (Fig. 11) is particularly useful in shows a strong decline, reflecting crystallization of augite
revealing the fractionation assemblage because of the with high CaO/Al2O3 ratio (7·7–9·6; Thy et al., 1998),
sensitivity of CaO/Al2O3 to the proportions of olivine, whereas the trend for sample 11R4 evolves towards
clinopyroxene and plagioclase (Fram & Lesher, 1997) moderate increase of CaO/Al2O3 and implies


Fig. 11. Plot of MgO vs CaO/Al2O3 ratio. (Note that samples with
LOI >6 wt % have been omitted.) Liquid lines of descent (LLD) are
after Thy et al. (1998)

fractionation–accumulation of olivine (± plagioclase),

whereas the decline at MgO >7 wt % is attributed to
the fractionation of clinopyroxene together with olivine
(± plagioclase). Unusually high Sc concentrations in the
samples from Sites 918, 989 and 990 cannot be due to
only the fractionation of olivine and plagioclase. Larsen
et al. (1998) have proposed a two-stage mantle melting
process to explain the petrogenesis of the magma. First,
a high-pressure melt fraction has to be removed, with
Sc remaining in garnet (D = 2·27; Ulmer, 1989) in the
residue. Second, this residue, enriched in Sc, melts at
lower pressure in the spinel stability field, followed by
fractionation of 20–40% of olivine + plagioclase (Fitton
et al., 1998b).
Fig. 10. Stratigraphic variation of MgO in the basaltic sequences of On the basis of the Zr/Y vs Nb/Y variation diagram
the SDRS SE of Greenland. (Note that the vertical axis reflects relative
stratigraphic position and is not a continuous depth profile.) (Fig. 12) introduced by Fitton et al. (1997), different
magma sources can be distinguished, which have been
involved in the formation of the SDRS: an N-MORB
crystallization of augite with significant lower CaO/ source and the heterogeneous Iceland plume, comprising
Al2O3 ratio (5·1–5·8; Thy et al., 1998). The crystallization both a depleted and an enriched component (Hemond
sequence of olivine, plagioclase and augite for a primitive et al., 1993; Thirlwall et al., 1994). Fitton et al. (1997)
aphyric lava (9·1 wt % MgO) from the lower series of have shown that samples from the Iceland neovolcanic
Site 917 (87R7) was defined by the low-pressure melting zone plot within the field defined by
experiments of Thy et al. (1998). For sample 11R4 with log (Nb/Y) = 1·92 log (Zr/Y) − 1·176 (upper boundary)
10·7 wt % MgO they obtained a crystallization order
with olivine and plagioclase appearing together at 1228 and
± 5°C, followed by augite at 1182 ± 5°C (Thy et
log (Nb/Y) = 1·92 log (Zr/Y) − 1·740 (lower boundary)
al., 1998). The same conclusion on the fractionation
assemblage can be drawn by the variation of Sc with whereas N-MORB data (Hofmann, 1988; Sun & McDon-
MgO (Fig. 3b). The concentration of Sc during magma ough, 1989) plot below the lower boundary. The earliest
differentiation is sensitive to the fractionation assemblage, lavas of the SDRS (Site 917 lower and middle series)
because Sc is moderately incompatible in olivine (D = also plot below the lower boundary and are therefore
0·1–0·3; Beattie et al., 1991), highly incompatible in assumed be derived from an N-MORB source (Fitton et
plagioclase (D = 0·02; Sun & Nesbitt, 1979) and com- al., 1997, 1998b). Samples from the middle series and
patible in clinopyroxene (D = 2–5; Gallahan & Nielsen, some samples from the lower series from Site 917 plot
1992). The gradual increase of Sc with decreasing MgO on a trend towards the composition of Archaean gneiss
between >25 and 7 wt % can be ascribed to the (Blichert-Toft et al., 1995; Fitton et al., 1998b) implying


assimilation of continental crust. Fitton et al. (1998a) have

recognized two distinct crustal contaminants: (1) lower-
crustal basic granulite affected the earliest lavas, rep-
resented by the lower series from Site 917; (2) upper-
crustal amphibolite-facies gneiss contaminated the middle
series lavas from Site 917. They attributed this feature
to storage of magmas at progressively shallower levels in
the crust associated with progressive lithospheric ex-
tension. It is remarkable that some samples from the
lower series of Site 917 (Units 60, 61b, 62 and 68; Zr/
Nb = 10·6–13·5) plot within the enriched array of the
Iceland neovolcanic field. This implies that they were
derived either from an enriched plume source, or from
a depleted plume source by lower degree of partial
melting as suggested by Larsen & Saunders (1998). In
Fig. 12 samples from the break-up related upper series
Fig. 12. Nb/Y vs Zr/Y discrimination diagram highlights the different
of Site 917 cluster around the N-MORB field and exhibit magma sources of basalts from the SDRS SE of Greenland. References
REE patterns typical for N-MORB. Based on unusually for N-MORB, Archaean gneiss and Iceland neovolcanic zone are given
high Zr/Nb ratios (>24–60) in the lavas from Site 917 in the text.
(upper series), Larsen et al. (1998) concluded that these
melts must have been produced from a mantle that was
more depleted than normal MORB mantle. Samples which phase is responsible for concentrating Ir, Ru and
from the post-break-up lavas from Sites 918 and 990 Rh. Barnes et al. (1985) rejected substitution of Ir and
and samples from Site 989 plot in the depleted part of Ru in olivine and chromite during crystal fractionation
the Iceland array and are thus inferred to be derived as a mechanism for fractionating the PGE. On the other
from the depleted Iceland plume source, despite being hand, on the basis of their investigations of komatiite suites
LREE depleted and otherwise similar to N-MORB. from Alexo (Ontario) and Gorgona Island (Colombia),
Samples from Sites 988 and the sill from Site 918 (Unit Brügmann et al. (1987) suggested that olivine dominantly
1) plot in the enriched array of the field defined by the incorporates Ir and Ru with a partition coefficient (oli-
Iceland neovolcanic zone and are characterized by LREE vine/liquid) of 1·8 ± 0·6 for Ir and 1·6 ± 0·6 for Ru.
enrichment. Alternatively, Keays (1982) suggested that Ir is pre-
cipitated in an early stage of magma evolution as an
Ir–Os alloy, possibly acting as a nucleus for olivine
crystallization. This is in accordance with the ex-
Platinum-group elements perimental results of Amossé & Alibert (1993) and Amossé
Element mobility during alteration and hydrothermal et al. (1997) on the solubility of Ir in silicate melts. In
processes can cause problems for petrogenetic studies, contrast, O’Neill et al. (1995) have suggested that Ir–Os
especially when trace element ratios are used to determine alloys cannot precipitate from silicate melts, as a result
fractionation trends and source characteristics. Crocket of the high solubility of Ir at oxygen fugacities ( f O2)
& Teruta (1977), Barnes et al. (1985) and Crocket (1990) appropriate for terrestrial basalts. Additionally, they con-
have shown that PGE can be mobilized under meta- cluded that the presence of Ir as Ir2+ in silicate melts at
somatic and hydrothermal conditions. The PGE con- geologically relevant temperatures and oxygen fugacity
centrations of the SDRS samples, when plotted against raises the possibility for substitution of Ir for Mg in
indicators of alteration (e.g. LOI, H2O+), however, show ferromagnesian silicates. In their work on the partitioning
no changes in PGE concentrations as a result of alteration of Ru, Rh and Pd between spinel and silicate melt,
processes. Capobianco & Drake (1990) and Capobianco et al. (1994)
have shown that Ru and Rh are highly compatible in
Crystal fractionation spinel, with spinel–melt partition coefficients of 20–4000
The compatible behaviour of the elements Ir and Ru (Ru) and 90–370 (Rh). In contrast, Pd appears to be
during crystal fractionation is well documented (e.g. incompatible in spinel, with Dspinel/liquid = 0·02–0·7. This
Barnes et al., 1985; Brügmann et al., 1987; Barnes & observation contrasts sharply with the general clas-
Picard, 1993; Zhou, 1994; Wyman et al., 1995), whereas sification given by Barnes et al. (1985), who assigned Rh
investigations describing the compatible behaviour of Rh to the Pd subgroup (PPGE, consisting of Rh, Pd and Pt)
are extremely rare in the literature (Wyman et al., 1995; of the PGE. Although the experiments were carried out
Momme et al., 1999). It remains a subject of debate at high oxygen fugacity, Capobianco & Drake (1990)


and Capobianco et al. (1994) concluded that spinel has and Pd during magma differentiation. In S-under-
the ability to fractionate Ru and Rh from Pd. This was saturated melts Pd and Pt behave as incompatible ele-
confirmed by Zhou et al. (1998), who have shown that ments, becoming enriched during magma evolution. In
high-Cr and high-Al chromitites from orogenic peri- S-saturated melts, Pd and Pt are preferentially partitioned
dotites are enriched in Ir, Ru and Rh relative to Pt and into sulphides as a result of their high partition coefficients
Pd. Amossé et al. (1997) suggested the influence of oxygen (D[Pt,Pd]sulphide-silicate >104; Campbell et al., 1983; Peach
fugacity on the geochemical behaviour of Rh. They have et al., 1990, 1994). Gravity settling of the sulphides thus
shown that at f O2 <10−7 bar, Rh is stable as Rh2+ and results in a depletion of Pt and Pd in the residual silicate
behaves like Pd, whereas at f O2 >10−7 bar Rh becomes magma. Figure 7 demonstrates that Pd and Pt behave
trivalent and thus can be incorporated in the spinel incompatibly in samples from the upper series of Site
lattice. 917, indicating that this magma was S undersaturated.
Our data show that Ir, Ru and Rh display compatible In Site 918, 988, 989 and 990 samples, Pt and Pd
behaviour during magma evolution, exhibiting good cor- correlate positively with MgO and exhibit considerably
relations with MgO, Ni and Cr (Fig. 13). The conclusion high Pt and Pd contents, whereas samples from the lower
that these three elements are compatible in olivine, and middle series of Site 917 display no systematic
however, is inconsistent with a number of petrological MgO–Pd and MgO–Pt variation, accompanied by lower
and geochemical studies showing that olivine did not Pt and Pd abundances. Barnes & Picard (1988) and Vogel
contain significant amounts of Ir, Ru and Rh and is & Keays (1997) have shown that the Cu/Pd ratio is an
therefore not responsible for the fractionation of these useful tool to test the S saturation of a magma. In S-
three elements (e.g. Mitchell & Keays, 1981; Gueddari undersaturated melts, the Cu/Pd ratio remains relatively
et al., 1996; Lorand et al., 1999). Therefore it is suggested constant during crystal fractionation, because Cu and Pd
that olivine fractionation is not responsible for the com- both behave as incompatible elements in S-under-
patible behaviour of Ir, Ru and Rh in the lavas from saturated systems (Barnes & Picard, 1993). In S-saturated
the SDRS. The good correlation of Ir, Ru and Rh with melts, the Cu/Pd ratio tends to greater values because
of the significantly higher sulphide–silicate partition co-
Cr further indicates that spinel could also be responsible
efficient for Pd (D >104; Campbell et al., 1983; Peach et
for the compatibility of these three elements. However,
al., 1990, 1994) relative to Cu (D >245–1383; Rajamani
Demant (1998) has shown that the chemical composition
& Naldrett, 1978; Peach et al., 1990). Samples from the
of the spinels from Site 917 is in the range of MORB,
upper series of Site 917 are characterized by uniform
crystallizing at temperature of 1200°C and an oxygen
Cu/Pd ratios (>8·2 × 103) showing minor variation of
fugacity below the nickel–nickel oxide oxygen buffer.
Cu/Pd over the entire range of MgO. Only the most
This indicates that the oxygen fugacity was too low to
evolved basalt sample (unit 33; MgO >8·3 wt %) shows
form Rh3+, such that the compatible behaviour of Rh a higher Cu/Pd ratio (13 × 103), implying that S
according to Amossé et al. (1997) cannot be attributed to saturation has occurred. Samples from Sites 918, 988,
the fractionation of spinel. 989 and 990 exhibit a systematic variation of Cu/Pd
A number of investigations have shown that Ir, Ru ratio with decreasing MgO content (Fig. 14). At an MgO
and Rh are not incorporated in the lattice of spinel, but content of >8 wt %, Cu/Pd ratios increase, indicating
are concentrated in trace inclusions such as sulphides or that in these lavas S saturation had occurred, leading to
alloys (e.g. Stockmann & Hlava, 1984; Walker et al., sulphide liquid unmixing and thus a decrease in the Pd
1996), implying that spinel itself has no bearing on the and Pt concentrations. In contrast, samples from the
fractionation of these three elements. For example, Barnes lower and middle series of Site 917 are, in general,
et al. (1985) and Peck & Keays (1990a) suggested that Ir characterized by significantly higher Cu/Pd ratios, im-
and Ru were partitioned into early formed alloys during plying that in these lavas S saturation and thus segregation
magma fractionation (evolution). The positive correlation of sulphides had occurred.
of Ir with Ru and Rh over the entire compositional range Our data show that Pt is less enriched than Pd in
indicates that all three elements are probably hosted by samples from the upper series of Site 917, indicating that
the same phase. On the basis of these results, it seems Pt is less incompatible during magma evolution. This
probable that Ir, Ru and Rh in the SDRS lavas were suggests that Pt is slightly compatible in silicate or oxide
fractionated through crystallization of Rh-bearing Ir–Ru phases during differentiation of S-undersaturated
alloys. magmas. Another aspect might be the fractionation of
The geochemical behaviour of Pd and Pt during Fe–Pt alloys, coprecipitating with Ir–Ru–Os alloys, as
magma differentiation is controlled by their abilities to shown by experiments of Fleet et al. (1991) and Borisov
dissolve in silicate, oxide, metallic and sulphide phases. & Palme (1997). These observations agree with data for
Keays (1995) pointed out the importance of the sulphur chromites separated from cumulates from the Heazle-
(S) content of a melt for the partitioning behaviour of Pt wood River ultramafic complex, Tasmania (Australia;


Fig. 13. Variation diagram of Ir, Ru and Rh vs Ni and Cr.

Fig. 14. Plot of Cu/Pd vs MgO, showing the variation of Cu and Pd as a result of sulphide precipitation.


Peck & Keays, 1990b), in which Pt abundances were investigate the geochemical behaviour of PGE during
found to be enhanced relative to Pd within the chromite- partial melting and the production of S-undersaturated
bearing cumulates. magmas. Because partition coefficients of PGE for in-
dividual minerals are still missing, we calculate the bulk
distribution coefficients using the measured or most prob-
Partial melting and magma source characteristics able values for the parameters as discussed in the following
The incompatible behaviour of Pt and Pd indicates that paragraph. In consequence, our calculated D values are
the magmas from Site 917 (upper series) saturated at the correct only under these conditions and neglect partition
time of separation from their source. Two mechanisms of PGE into different minerals. Bulk distribution co-
are proposed by which S-undersaturated melts can be efficients for the PGE are calculated using the modal
produced. Hamlyn et al. (1985) and Hamlyn & Keays batch melting equation
(1986) proposed that magmas generated by low to mod-
erate degrees of partial melting of undepleted mantle are Di = [(Cs,i /Cl,i ) − F]/(1 − F)
S saturated, leaving PGE-rich sulphides behind in the where Di is the bulk partition coefficient of element i,
residue. Further melting of this depleted source leads Cs,i is the concentration of element i in the source, Cl,i is
to dissolution of PGE-rich sulphide components and the concentration of element i in the melt and F is the
produces melts that are enriched in Pt and Pd, but degree of partial melting. The concentrations of the PGE
impoverished in S, certain incompatible lithophile in the melt were calculated from our data, assuming that
elements (e.g. Ti, HREE) and moderately compatible unit 16 from Site 917 represents a primary magma
chalcophile elements (e.g. Cu). Alternatively, S-under- composition. In the absence of any direct data for PGE
saturated melts can also be produced by high degrees in the MORB source, we used in a first approach an
(>25%) of partial melting of peridotite as shown for initial source concentration for PGE based on the least
komatiitic and picritic magmas (Keays, 1995). In contrast, depleted Pyrenean orogenic spinel lherzolites (TUR 7,
for the postulated degree of partial melting for the gen- DES 7; Pattou et al., 1996) and slightly depleted spinel
eration of primary MORB magmas (>8–20%; Klein & lherzolites from Kilbourne Hole, New Mexico (Morgan,
Langmuir, 1987), the S content in the upper mantle 1986). The degree of partial melting is assumed to be
(>200 ppm; Morgan, 1986) and the S solubility in >15% (Fitton et al., 1998b).
basaltic melts (>800 ppm at >9 wt % FeO; Haughton The calculated partition coefficients (Table 3) are in
et al., 1974), it is probable that primary MORB melts accordance with the results of Barnes & Picard (1993) in
are S saturated (Peach et al., 1990). that they emphasize the distinct geochemical character
The S-undersaturated lavas from the upper series of of Ir and Ru on the one hand and Pt and Pd on the
Site 917 are inferred to be derived from a MORB mantle other. Ir and Ru show bulk partition coefficients of
at degrees of partial melting between 12 and 15% (Fitton >1·7–2·3 and >3·8–4·3, respectively. Furthermore, Rh
et al., 1998b; Fram et al., 1998). Haughton et al. (1974) shows compatible behaviour with a calculated partition
have shown that the S solubility of a silicate melt is coefficient of D >1·2. The partition coefficient calculated
strongly dependent on its FeO content. The S capacity for Pt (>0·47) is slightly higher than the D value for Pd
of a silicate melt increases from >800 ppm at >9 wt % (0·38). This implies that Pt is more compatible than Pd
FeO to >1100–1200 ppm at FeO >11–12 wt % at during partial melting processes and must therefore, in
1200°C. Further, there is a strong increase in the S the absence of sulphides, be slightly incorporated in
solubility with rising temperature of the melt (Wendlandt, silicate and/or oxide phases.
1982). Thy et al. (1998) have calculated primary melt In contrast, samples from Sites 989, 990 and 918 are
compositions for upper series lavas from Site 917 with thought to be derived from a depleted plume source,
FeOtotal >11 wt % and estimated 1-atm liquidus tem- despite being LREE depleted and otherwise resembling
peratures of >1380°C. Although these temperatures are typical N-MORB. The depletion of trace elements is
not direct estimates of mantle temperature, they suggest explained by the segregation of small amounts of melt,
potential mantle temperatures >100–150°C above those enriched in incompatible elements and LREE (Elliott et
of the MORB source (Fram et al., 1998). Therefore we al., 1991). Thus, partial melting of the remaining residue
suggest that the S solubility in the magmas from Site 917 results in the generation of an incompatible element
(upper series) was significantly enhanced to produce S- depleted magma. This is supported by the lower TiO2
undersaturated magmas even at moderate degrees of concentrations (Ζ0·98 wt %) and low abundances of
partial melting. incompatible trace elements (Zr Ζ61 ppm) relative to
Demant (1998) reported olivine compositions of Fo90–91 average OIB (Sun & McDonough, 1989). This implies
in lavas from units 14 and 16 (Site 917, upper series), that the residue became successively enriched in Pd and
suggesting that these lavas represent unfractionated Pt if the degree of partial melting was insufficient to
mantle melts. These samples, therefore, allow us to dissolve all sulphides and completely deplete the residue


Table 3: Calculated bulk partition coefficients for different PGE concentrations from different spinel
lherzolites at 15% partial melting

Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd

Concentration (ppb)
TUR 7∗ 2·62 5·0 0·96 5·6 5·3
DES 7∗ 2·80 7·3 0·93 5·8 5·4
Kilbourne Hole† 3·4 ± 1·7 5·5 ± 1·5
Unit 16‡ 1·52 ± 0·07 1·89 ± 0·16 0·83 ± 0·11 10·4 ± 1 11·4 ± 0·7

Calculated D at F = 15% for basalts from Unit 16, based on different magma source concentrations
TUR 7 1·73 ± 0·08 3·76 ± 0·35 1·20 ± 0·15 0·46 ± 0·05 0·37 ± 0·03
DES 7 1·77 ± 0·04 4·31 ± 0·52 1·19 ± 0·17 0·47 ± 0·04 0·38 ± 0·02
Kilbourne Hole 2·29 ± 0·96 0·39 ± 0·12

∗Pattou et al. (1996). †Morgan (1986). ‡Data from Table 2.

in sulphur (Hamlyn et al., 1985; Keays, 1995). This gives S saturation during ascent, resulting in sulphide
rise to partial melts that are S undersaturated at even segregation.
lower degrees of partial melting. The variation of Pt and The lava sample from unit 16 (Site 917 upper series) is
Pd with MgO implies that the magma was S saturated thought to represent a near-primary magma composition
at the time of crystallization. However, we suggest that and was used to determine the behaviour of the PGE
the parental magma that formed the lavas at Sites 918, during partial melting. The incompatible behaviour of
989 and 990 was initially S undersaturated because of Pt and Pd in this basalt implies that the primary melt was
the moderate to high Pt and Pd contents, accompanied S undersaturated. Therefore, we calculate bulk partition
by low Cu/Pd ratios [(8·4–10·4) × 103] in the most coefficients for the PGE for the system ‘silicate solid–
primitive samples. Thus, the most primitive lavas in this silicate melt’. For Ir, Ru and Rh, we calculate bulk
oceanic succession represent the onset of S saturation. partition coefficients of >1·2–4·3, whereas our data
suggest D values <1 for Pd and Pt. It is shown that Pt
is less incompatible than Pd during partial melting, and
is probably incorporated in silicate and/or oxide phases.
Basalts from different units of the SDRS are assumed
to be derived from heterogeneous mantle sources, as
illustrated by distinct incompatible trace element ratios ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(e.g. Zr/Nb, Zr/Y, Nb/Y) and REE patterns and the H.P. would like to thank all persons involved in the
absence of a parallel differentiation trend. Compositional Ocean Drilling Program, specially the ODP marine
variations within individual cogenetic basaltic suites are technicians and the crew of the JOIDES Resolution for
best accounted for by crystal fractionation. providing a successful cruise despite the bad weather
The elements Ir, Ru and Rh display overall compatible conditions encountered during Leg 163, and for per-
behaviour during crystal fractionation, with the highest mitting a safe return. H.P. also thanks the Leg 163
concentrations in the primitive basalts. The geochemical scientific shipboard party for helpful discussions. We are
behaviour of Pt and Pd is bimodal. In the lavas from indebted to M. Reichow and G. Preuss for assistance
Site 917 (upper series) they behave as incompatible with REE and PGE analyses, and to Z. Berner, who
elements during crystal fractionation, suggesting that the carried out the ICP-MS measurements. We also thank
magma was S undersaturated. The basalts from Sites Z. Berner and H.-G. Stosch for helpful comments and
918, 988, 989 and 990 are characterized by low Cu/Pd discussions. The manuscript was much improved fol-
in the most primitive lavas, moderate to high Pt and Pd lowing the very useful comments and thorough reviews
concentrations and compatible behaviour of Pt and Pd by P. Clift, R. R. Keays and M. Rehkaemper. The work
during magma differentiation. This suggests that the was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,
primary magmas were S undersaturated and reached grants Pu 15/46 and EC 166/1-1.


Ridge, ODP-Leg 37, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Canadian Journal of

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Table A1: Average major element oxides content (wt %) of investigated units, recalculated on a
volatile-free basis

Sample n SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3(t) MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 LOI mg-no.∗

Site 988
Site 988 (Unit 1) 4 47·3 2·47 14·2 14·3 0·22 6·60 11·1 2·71 0·31 0·26 0·67 51·2

Site 989
Site 989 (Unit 1) 10 49·7 1·07 13·8 13·8 0·22 7·53 11·5 1·87 0·25 0·10 0·68 55·4
Site 989 (Unit 2) 2 50·1 0·89 14·1 12·2 0·21 8·69 12·5 1·96 0·26 0·08 −0·04 61·8

Site 990
Site 990 (Unit 1) 3 50·4 1·24 13·7 14·3 0·22 6·32 10·6 2·45 0·35 0·11 0·16 50·1
Site 990 (Unit 2) 2 50·6 0·96 15·2 11·6 0·19 6·91 11·8 2·23 0·26 0·09 0·32 57·5
Site 990 (Unit 3a) 1 50·0 0·91 14·8 12·0 0·21 7·21 12·0 2·11 0·23 0·08 0·14 57·8
Site 990 (Unit 4) 1 50·7 0·98 14·7 12·5 0·20 7·09 11·1 2·11 0·25 0·09 1·00 56·3
Site 990 (Unit 5) 1 50·3 0·93 14·6 12·4 0·23 7·23 11·7 2·13 0·20 0·08 0·40 57·1
Site 990 (Unit 6) 2 50·3 0·92 14·1 11·5 0·20 8·28 11·9 2·04 0·20 0·09 0·65 62·2
Site 990 (Unit 7) 2 49·9 0·93 14·2 12·5 0·21 8·21 11·5 1·91 0·24 0·08 0·81 60·0
Site 990 (Unit 8) 4 50·5 0·75 15·7 11·8 0·19 7·98 11·7 2·00 0·22 0·07 1·65 60·5
Site 990 (Unit 9) 3 50·6 0·89 14·4 11·0 0·23 9·12 10·8 2·04 0·18 0·08 2·40 65·2
Site 990 (Unit 11) 6 50·6 0·86 14·5 12·4 0·21 8·30 11·2 1·97 0·24 0·08 1·96 60·3
Site 990 (Unit 12) 3 50·5 0·83 15·3 11·7 0·19 7·00 12·3 2·04 0·15 0·07 1·48 57·8
Site 990 (Unit 13) 1 50·3 0·83 14·2 13·0 0·20 7·85 12·0 1·93 0·30 0·06 1·48 57·9

Site 917 Upper Series

Site 917 (Unit 1) 1 45·6 1·12 16·4 12·1 0·16 11·0 9·65 2·42 0·44 0·08 4·10 67·4
Site 917 (Unit 2) 1 45·5 0·79 11·5 12·6 0·16 20·5 6·20 1·53 0·18 0·04 5·91 78·8
Site 917 (Unit 10) 1 45·8 1·21 15·3 12·1 0·20 13·0 8·35 2·42 0·26 0·08 4·93 71·0
Site 917 (Unit 16) 1 45·5 0·85 12·9 11·5 0·18 19·1 8·23 1·34 0·13 0·06 5·28 79·2
Site 917 (Unit 21) 2 45·4 1·25 11·6 12·9 0·20 21·6 5·83 1·74 0·08 0·11 6·79 79·0
Site 917 (Unit 24) 1 46·5 1·43 15·3 12·3 0·19 9·7 11·4 2·36 0·18 0·09 2·21 64·3
Site 917 (Unit 25) 2 46·8 1·81 13·7 13·4 0·21 13·8 7·98 2·60 0·23 0·14 4·80 70·0
Site 917 (Unit 27) 1 47·4 1·80 13·6 13·1 0·24 11·6 9·21 2·15 0·19 0·15 3·61 66·9
Site 917 (Unit 29) 1 44·8 1·85 13·2 14·4 0·29 14·3 8·87 2·07 0·17 0·11 3·20 69·3
Site 917 (Unit 31a) 2 45·5 1·82 13·3 14·5 0·26 14·2 9·33 2·51 0·22 0·13 5·63 69·1
Site 917 (Unit 32b) 2 45·1 0·80 11·3 12·2 0·24 23·9 4·41 0·94 0·11 0·06 7·89 81·7
Site 917 (Unit 33) 1 49·1 1·57 13·2 13·6 0·23 8·31 9·87 1·99 0·82 0·10 3·71 58·2

Site 917 Middle Series

Site 917 (Unit 34b) 1 48·4 2·67 14·1 14·3 0·24 5·78 8·76 3·59 1·02 0·23 2·08 47·9
Site 917 (Unit 36) 1 52·1 1·23 15·0 11·9 0·18 5·64 8·18 3·33 1·17 0·15 0·94 51·9
Site 917 (Unit 38) 1 51·7 1·30 15·7 11·6 0·14 6·69 7·33 3·62 0·78 0·21 1·41 56·8
Site 917 (Unit 41) 1 52·6 1·24 15·5 11·3 0·09 5·74 7·57 3·32 0·63 0·17 1·38 53·6
Site 917 (Unit 43) 1 51·4 1·30 14·4 13·8 0·12 6·48 7·81 2·71 0·75 0·06 1·80 51·7
Site 917 (Unit 49) 1 53·9 1·36 16·2 10·5 0·18 5·11 6·80 3·79 0·62 0·28 7·23 52·6
Site 917 (Unit 52) 1 50·7 1·42 14·4 13·0 0·24 6·82 9·08 3·07 0·77 0·16 2·33 54·4

Site 917 Lower Series

Site 917 (Unit 58) 1 49·6 1·09 16·0 10·4 0·09 7·42 11·4 2·68 0·18 0·09 0·30 61·9
Site 917 (Unit 60) 2 47·8 1·39 13·9 12·4 0·19 9·10 12·0 2·50 0·15 0·12 1·51 62·5
Site 917 (Unit 61b) 1 45·7 1·36 13·3 11·2 0·19 17·0 9·49 2·18 0·26 0·14 2·22 77·6
Site 917 (Unit 62) 1 45·7 1·10 15·2 11·3 0·14 13·2 10·2 1·66 0·30 0·12 8·02 72·5


Table A1: continued

Sample n SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3(t) MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 LOI mg-no.∗

Site 917 (Unit 64) 1 49·8 1·18 16·4 11·7 0·19 8·87 9·88 2·47 0·10 0·10 6·97 63·3
Site 917 (Unit 68) 1 50·8 1·39 15·5 11·1 0·16 8·62 11·0 2·32 0·70 0·15 2·57 64·0
Site 917 (Unit 69) 1 51·2 1·21 15·3 11·8 0·17 7·17 9·20 2·81 0·83 0·11 2·55 58·0
Site 917 (Unit 70) 1 55·9 1·31 15·4 9·29 0·10 4·57 9·96 3·50 0·53 0·24 2·04 52·8
Site 917 (Unit 71) 1 51·7 1·23 16·3 8·63 0·15 7·45 10·9 2·89 0·51 0·12 2·52 66·3
Site 917 (Unit 73b) 1 48·6 1·39 14·6 10·5 0·18 11·1 12·3 1·99 0·34 0·11 1·36 70·5
Site 917 (Unit 75a) 1 52·4 2·24 14·6 15·5 0·10 3·50 7·03 3·42 0·61 0·39 7·65 34·0
Site 917 (Unit 78) 1 47·2 0·75 15·0 10·9 0·17 12·9 9·17 1·83 0·16 0·11 3·50 72·9
Site 917 (Unit 82) 1 48·7 1·06 15·9 11·1 0·14 8·54 10·2 2·58 0·30 0·13 4·61 63·8
Site 917 (Unit 84) 2 49·3 1·02 16·0 10·4 0·13 9·31 11·2 2·60 0·31 0·13 1·92 67·0
Site 917 (Unit 87) 1 48·3 1·88 13·0 14·6 0·22 6·65 10·8 2·65 0·56 0·36 2·00 50·9
Site 917 (Unit 89) 1 47·9 1·20 15·8 11·7 0·13 7·92 11·5 2·33 0·22 0·16 0·06 60·6
Site 917 (Unit 91) 1 49·2 1·10 16·6 10·7 0·11 7·63 12·1 2·81 0·17 0·14 3·87 62·0
Site 917 (Unit 92) 2 49·1 1·14 14·4 10·4 0·26 7·67 11·1 1·99 0·10 0·14 6·25 62·2

Site 918
Site 918 (Unit 1) 2 47·9 3·12 14·1 14·1 0·16 5·44 10·8 2·84 0·62 0·36 1·69 46·8
Site 918 (Unit 8b) 1 50·2 1·23 13·0 14·6 0·26 7·11 10·3 2·22 0·11 0·09 0·35 52·7
Site 918 (Unit 11b) 3 49·8 1·25 13·9 15·6 0·21 7·38 9·42 2·34 0·11 0·09 4·56 51·8
Site 918 (Unit 12b) 1 50·7 0·98 13·7 13·2 0·24 8·97 11·9 1·89 0·08 0·06 0·40 60·7
Site 918 (Unit 14) 1 49·0 1·18 13·9 14·2 0·17 7·43 11·8 2·02 0·17 0·08 1·63 54·4

n, number of samples within each unit.

∗mg-number = 100MgO/(MgO + FeO) molecular oxide amount, Fe2O3/FeO = 0·15.

Table A2: Average trace element date for each unit

Sample n Ni Cr Zn Cu Ga Rb Sr Y Zr Nb V Sc Co Ba Hf Ta Th Zr/Nb Zr/Y Nb/Y

Site 988
Site 988 (Unit 1) 4 75·6 115 103 237 26·1 3·8 223 34·0 142 17·7 372 40·6 45·6 108 4·83 1·10 1·34 8·0 4·18 0·52

Site 989
Site 989 (Unit 1) 10 77·9 42·4 95·5 166 16·3 3·3 75·0 24·3 58·4 3·3 388 53·2 49·0 43·0 1·78 0·20 0·26 18·0 2·40 0·13
Site 989 (Unit 2) 2 97·7 233 84·9 163 17·6 3·0 83·1 22·6 47·1 2·7 314 54·6 54·9 51·2 1·41 0·16 0·14 17·8 2·09 0·12

Site 990
Site 990 (Unit 1) 3 59·9 29·5 99·7 144 19·8 5·1 107 31·7 70·2 3·9 392 32·9 42·3 144 2·15 0·23 0·49 18·0 2·21 0·12
PHILIPP et al.

Site 990 (Unit 2) 2 77·2 138 83·3 106 18·0 3·3 115 24·5 61·1 3·4 305 41·3 44·4 106 1·69 0·19 0·29 18·2 2·50 0·14
Site 990 (Unit 3a) 1 80·2 144 84·4 118 15·7 3·4 81·5 21·9 53·0 2·9 291 38·6 44·4 118 1·56 0·18 0·34 18·3 2·42 0·13
Site 990 (Unit 4) 1 82·7 170 87·7 92·5 14·3 3·9 84·2 22·7 56·7 2·7 293 39·1 47·7 92·5 1·66 0·15 0·33 21·0 2·50 0·12
Site 990 (Unit 5) 1 84·3 169 85·8 118 14·2 3·7 93·8 23·4 56·1 3·3 302 38·6 45·8 118 1·73 0·18 0·34 17·0 2·40 0·14
Site 990 (Unit 6) 2 95·5 213 81·9 95·2 16·3 2·4 95·9 20·5 49·8 2·6 295 50·8 51·9 95·2 1·29 0·15 0·26 19·5 2·43 0·12
Site 990 (Unit 7) 2 95·4 226 86·6 116 14·6 3·0 81·3 22·2 52·1 2·8 335 41·0 56·6 116 1·20 0·14 0·20 19·1 2·35 0·13

Site 990 (Unit 8) 4 109 243 67·9 88·3 16·0 3·3 88·7 17·4 42·8 2·6 240 41·2 52·9 88·3 1·14 0·14 0·30 17·2 2·45 0·15
Site 990 (Unit 9) 3 136 236 79·3 123 16·2 2·3 72·4 20·9 43·7 2·7 285 47·6 57·3 123 1·39 0·09 0·21 16·4 2·11 0·13
Site 990 (Unit 11) 6 101 239 78·9 78·7 17·0 4·1 80·2 20·7 46·4 2·7 269 44·4 55·8 78·7 1·32 0·15 0·23 17·8 2·25 0·13
Site 990 (Unit 12) 3 97·4 227 76·8 63·7 16·7 2·3 90·2 19·4 46·5 2·8 270 45·6 46·8 71·8 1·37 0·17 0·35 16·6 2·40 0·14
Site 990 (Unit 13) 1 95·2 219 87·3 73·1 16·3 3·4 67·4 18·3 41·8 3·0 299 49·1 47·3 50·7 1·15 0·17 0·34 13·9 2·28 0·16

Site 917 Upper Series

Site 917 (Unit 1) 1 361 777 81·5 106 18·3 4·2 174 21·7 49·8 1·2 291 35·5 69·2 34·7 1·60 0·07 0·20 41·5 2·29 0·06
Site 917 (Unit 2) 1 946 1440 71·0 83·6 9·41 1·9 61·8 13·1 31·8 <1 204 28·4 86·7 8·21 1·07 0·05 0·11 — 2·43 —
Site 917 (Unit 10) 1 218 476 72·6 102 14·0 6·5 103 19·4 47·7 <1 266 38·3 55·4 20·5 1·41 <0·05 0·20 — 2·46 —

Site 917 (Unit 16) 1 690 1160 69·9 83·0 12·6 1·5 86·8 16·2 41·2 2·3 199 35·8 69·9 31·7 0·97 0·05 0·24 17·9 2·54 0·14
Site 917 (Unit 21) 2 824 1200 74·7 110 11·5 0·8 51·7 18·6 58·6 1·8 236 28·5 77·0 4·59 2·01 0·11 0·16 32·8 3·16 0·10
Site 917 (Unit 24) 1 130 274 78·0 108 14·3 2·5 164 20·2 64·7 1·3 340 43·0 50·1 31·5 1·93 0·09 0·11 49·8 3·20 0·06
Site 917 (Unit 25) 2 412 602 88·0 122 17·8 4·0 117 25·3 76·7 3·0 326 35·8 58·8 22·5 2·39 0·20 0·36 25·3 3·03 0·12
Site 917 (Unit 27) 1 359 546 88·1 77·5 16·2 4·9 138 26·3 77·9 2·9 352 36·7 60·4 31·5 2·56 0·15 0·22 26·9 2·96 0·11
Site 917 (Unit 29) 1 251 450 91·4 80·8 18·3 2·4 163 29·8 88·6 4·2 442 42·4 51·8 57·5 3·32 0·23 0·44 21·2 2·97 0·14
Site 917 (Unit 31a) 2 348 656 89·4 152 20·4 4·8 77·4 26·7 81·1 2·6 369 36·5 63·4 39·1 2·51 0·18 0·36 31·3 3·05 0·10
Site 917 (Unit 32b) 2 1030 1365 63·5 73·5 9·60 2·6 32·6 10·9 33·6 1·1 183 25·2 88·6 26·6 1·10 0·06 0·13 32·1 3·08 0·10
Site 917 (Unit 33) 1 123 302 77·1 99·2 15·5 7·5 202 19·9 56·9 1·8 344 43·6 51·3 50·9 2·14 0·10 0·20 31·6 2·86 0·09
Table A2: continued

Sample n Ni Cr Zn Cu Ga Rb Sr Y Zr Nb V Sc Co Ba Hf Ta Th Zr/Nb Zr/Y Nb/Y

Site 917 Middle Series

Site 917 (Unit 34b) 1 36·3 40·4 122 43·4 23·9 14·7 322 31·6 128 5·5 611 45·8 45·0 355 3·61 0·39 3·08 23·3 4·05 0·17
Site 917 (Unit 36) 1 39·5 32·6 96·5 47·7 19·4 19·5 464 18·7 121 3·7 312 32·1 43·5 442 3·72 0·22 2·54 32·7 6·47 0·20
Site 917 (Unit 38) 1 49·5 45·2 98·8 49·5 21·1 10·9 446 20·9 118 3·2 304 33·3 44·4 530 3·25 0·24 2·42 36·8 5·64 0·15
Site 917 (Unit 41) 1 46·9 49·7 75·3 49·6 18·4 7·9 490 18·5 124 3·6 286 30·4 40·7 509 3·89 0·19 2·29 34·4 6·70 0·19
Site 917 (Unit 43) 1 55·5 38·3 89·3 108 17·5 14·1 329 18·1 110 5·0 222 33·1 46·9 358 3·70 0·32 2·44 22·3 6·10 0·27
Site 917 (Unit 49) 1 25·4 29·9 95·1 42·1 26·0 6·7 602 20·1 185 4·6 303 26·5 35·8 662 3·89 0·27 2·80 40·2 9·20 0·23
Site 917 (Unit 52) 1 52·6 37·9 93·7 87·1 19·7 14·2 362 22·6 104 2·8 337 39·4 49·1 288 3·03 0·17 0·69 37·2 4·61 0·12

Site 917 Lower Series

Site 917 (Unit 58) 1 139 253 74·7 111 14·8 1·4 289 16·1 58·7 1·6 284 38·0 49·1 142 1·91 0·11 0·13 36·7 3·65 0·10
Site 917 (Unit 60) 2 204 345 72·1 102 15·5 1·4 196 22·7 77·0 5·7 331 39·0 51·0 64·2 2·35 0·39 0·61 13·5 3·40 0·25

Site 917 (Unit 61b) 1 792 1161 71·9 91·5 8·52 3·3 97·7 8·8 28·1 2·5 136 22·4 94·0 54·1 2·78 0·08 0·12 11·2 3·19 0·28
Site 917 (Unit 62) 1 330 427 66·3 110 14·3 4·6 186 14·3 47·6 4·5 184 29·3 59·7 758 1·44 0·30 0·31 10·6 3·32 0·31
Site 917 (Unit 64) 1 148 240 84·2 104 17·7 0·9 247 19·9 62·8 1·9 279 40·6 52·7 83·2 2·22 0·14 0·12 33·1 3·16 0·10
Site 917 (Unit 68) 1 109 284 74·4 85·4 16·8 6·6 215 19·6 90·5 7·8 258 39·8 47·6 257 3·05 0·48 1·31 11·6 4·62 0·40

Site 917 (Unit 69) 1 74·9 34·5 77·8 83·6 20·5 12·3 267 21·0 106 2·9 264 35·7 46·0 257 2·83 0·18 0·33 36·6 5·05 0·14
Site 917 (Unit 70) 1 69·2 76·4 90·7 52·0 22·8 2·7 387 29·6 217 14·7 233 26·5 34·3 514 6·95 0·86 1·65 14·8 7·33 0·50

Site 917 (Unit 71) 1 110 76·2 72·5 122 19·3 3·7 289 19·9 94·7 2·3 261 38·8 49·6 256 3·04 0·16 0·30 41·2 4·76 0·12
Site 917 (Unit 73b) 1 359 679 68·4 104 22·5 7·3 151 18·6 60·8 1·9 242 37·0 56·4 1100 2·11 0·13 0·11 32·6 3·27 0·10
Site 917 (Unit 75a) 1 33·3 23·5 133 40·6 22·7 2·5 367 37·8 200 9·3 346 30·1 43·6 553 6·93 0·49 0·94 21·5 5·29 0·25
Site 917 (Unit 78) 1 294 598 70·6 96·3 15·7 1·7 352 14·9 48·4 2·2 187 32·5 56·6 125 1·32 0·13 0·18 22·0 3·25 0·15
Site 917 (Unit 82) 1 175 142 76·6 103 17·8 1·2 298 19·4 65·2 2·6 253 35·6 48·7 216 1·95 0·13 0·10 25·1 3·36 0·13

Site 917 (Unit 84) 2 199 304 73·7 105 17·7 2·2 344 18·7 62·3 1·2 254 36·7 47·7 219 2·04 0·09 0·22 53·2 3·33 0·06
Site 917 (Unit 87) 1 148 379 78·4 91·0 17·6 4·5 302 20·1 68·1 2·1 237 35·3 52·3 245 1·95 0·15 0·48 32·4 3·39 0·10
Site 917 (Unit 89) 1 132 256 75·6 86·2 12·9 3·0 436 19·6 68·3 2·2 214 37·4 50·5 441 1·97 0·12 0·17 31·0 3·48 0·11
Site 917 (Unit 91) 1 150 284 74·2 128 16·6 3·3 370 19·9 63·7 1·6 250 36·1 47·8 144 1·92 0·09 0·12 39·8 3·20 0·08
Site 917 (Unit 92) 2 222 394 65·5 88·5 12·8 0·7 329 17·8 56·8 1·6 239 35·9 57·1 125 1·52 0·11 0·21 36·9 3·21 0·09

Site 918

Site 918 (Unit 1) 2 70·7 86·4 117 262 25·9 11·7 254 41·7 170 27·2 434 44·9 47·4 206 5·17 1·82 1·88 6·2 4·08 0·65
Site 918 (Unit 8b) 1 62·6 86·6 102 196 19·8 0·6 85·9 24·3 47·5 2·9 395 51·2 55·0 21·4 1·63 0·19 0·23 16·4 1·95 0·12
Site 918 (Unit 11b) 3 63·2 101 99·7 157 17·6 0·7 82·2 26·6 44·8 3·4 405 51·8 57·9 17·6 1·74 0·23 0·19 13·2 1·62 0·12
Site 918 (Unit 12b) 1 81·5 87·0 89·9 170 17·4 0·6 79·1 20·7 33·9 2·8 347 53·5 57·0 8·62 1·43 0·20 0·11 12·1 1·64 0·14
Site 918 (Unit 14) 1 76·8 122 92·9 179 14·9 2·0 85·2 25·2 45·4 3·4 370 52·7 49·1 15·1 1·81 0·24 0·25 13·4 1·80 0·13

All data in ppm; n, number of analysed samples within each unit.

Table A3: Average REE date for each investigated unit

Sample n La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Site 988
Site 988 (Unit 1) 4 16·0 38·8 5·22 24·2 6·30 2·11 7·45 1·20 7·32 1·46 4·19 0·54 3·66 0·53

Site 989
Site 989 (Unit 1) 10 2·28 6·57 1·08 6·26 2·37 0·93 3·66 0·66 4·79 1·02 3·19 0·47 3·20 0·49
Site 989 (Unit 2) 2 2·25 6·17 0·99 5·53 2·03 0·83 3·16 0·57 4·02 0·85 2·72 0·38 2·59 0·39

Site 990
Site 990 (Unit 1) 3 4·30 10·9 1·62 8·28 2·82 1·11 4·00 0·75 5·22 1·14 3·44 0·51 3·43 0·54
PHILIPP et al.

Site 990 (Unit 2) 2 3·93 10·0 1·47 7·35 2·39 0·91 3·24 0·58 4·03 0·87 2·64 0·38 2·57 0·41
Site 990 (Unit 3a) 1 2·96 7·61 1·15 5·97 2·14 0·86 3·02 0·57 4·14 0·90 2·72 0·39 2·65 0·40
Site 990 (Unit 4) 1 3·95 9·85 1·46 7·12 2·36 0·89 3·30 0·62 4·19 0·91 2·82 0·41 2·75 0·42
Site 990 (Unit 5) 1 3·99 9·67 1·43 7·05 2·24 0·90 3·23 0·59 4·10 0·89 2·75 0·41 2·67 0·39
Site 990 (Unit 6) 2 3·25 8·20 1·22 6·31 2·07 0·86 2·95 0·56 3·83 0·84 2·55 0·35 2·47 0·38
Site 990 (Unit 7) 2 2·22 6·04 0·97 5·23 1·96 0·81 2·96 0·57 4·05 0·88 2·69 0·39 2·72 0·41

Site 990 (Unit 8) 4 2·93 7·39 1·10 5·64 1·95 0·79 2·77 0·53 3·56 0·80 2·39 0·36 2·35 0·37
Site 990 (Unit 9) 3 2·50 6·35 0·96 4·97 1·71 0·70 2·36 0·45 3·06 0·68 2·09 0·30 2·01 0·32
Site 990 (Unit 11) 6 3·02 7·74 1·18 6·09 2·10 0·82 2·81 0·52 3·67 0·77 2·45 0·34 2·40 0·36
Site 990 (Unit 12) 3 2·86 7·25 1·11 5·61 1·95 0·78 2·71 0·50 3·51 0·73 2·32 0·32 2·29 0·33
Site 990 (Unit 13) 1 1·68 4·71 0·78 4·26 1·67 0·69 2·27 0·46 3·31 0·68 2·24 0·32 2·22 0·32

Site 917 Upper Series

Site 917 (Unit 1) 1 3·32 8·09 1·39 7·57 2·59 1·06 3·60 0·62 4·16 0·83 2·49 0·31 2·14 0·30
Site 917 (Unit 2) 1 1·84 5·19 0·89 4·72 1·70 0·68 2·30 0·39 2·55 0·53 1·54 0·20 1·33 0·18
Site 917 (Unit 10) 1 2·41 5·79 1·09 6·33 2·45 1·02 3·29 0·60 3·89 0·78 2·24 0·30 2·06 0·31

Site 917 (Unit 16) 1 2·28 6·76 1·02 5·53 1·88 0·71 2·67 0·44 2·94 0·60 1·77 0·23 1·59 0·22
Site 917 (Unit 21) 2 2·56 7·23 1·26 6·97 2·23 0·79 2·83 0·46 2·99 0·61 1·76 0·22 1·52 0·21
Site 917 (Unit 24) 1 3·32 9·14 1·62 8·91 3·09 1·17 3·84 0·65 4·18 0·82 2·36 0·31 2·09 0·30
Site 917 (Unit 25) 2 7·98 22·9 3·71 19·9 6·19 2·28 7·56 1·28 8·30 1·70 4·74 0·61 4·21 0·58
Site 917 (Unit 27) 1 5·22 15·9 2·60 13·6 4·39 1·56 5·49 0·92 5·88 1·15 3·19 0·43 2·86 0·40
Site 917 (Unit 29) 1 6·54 19·6 3·24 17·2 5·17 1·95 6·86 1·14 7·02 1·41 3·99 0·50 3·51 0·52
Site 917 (Unit 31a) 2 5·12 13·9 2·28 12·4 3·95 1·41 5·00 0·81 5·22 0·99 2·96 0·38 2·74 0·37
Site 917 (Unit 32b) 2 1·76 5·31 0·94 5·11 1·69 0·65 2·28 0·37 2·31 0·48 1·36 0·18 1·20 0·16
Site 917 (Unit 33) 1 3·58 11·0 1·90 10·5 3·32 1·35 4·32 0·71 4·73 0·94 2·68 0·35 2·34 0·36
Table A3: continued

Sample n La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Site 917 Middle Series

Site 917 (Unit 34b) 1 18·4 41·9 5·36 23·7 5·66 2·07 6·71 1·04 6·63 1·28 3·81 0·49 3·56 0·49
Site 917 (Unit 36) 1 22·6 48·4 5·75 23·1 4·41 1·45 4·78 0·62 3·73 0·70 2·03 0·26 1·93 0·26
Site 917 (Unit 38) 1 26·2 54·4 6·29 24·7 4·75 1·53 5·21 0·66 3·97 0·73 2·20 0·27 1·79 0·24
Site 917 (Unit 41) 1 34·2 72·3 8·39 32·2 5·88 1·89 6·04 0·84 4·86 0·93 2·58 0·35 2·44 0·33
Site 917 (Unit 43) 1 23·3 49·2 5·70 21·9 4·00 1·28 4·09 0·57 3·32 0·63 1·76 0·24 1·65 0·22
Site 917 (Unit 49) 1 40·8 87·6 9·76 37·3 6·30 1·92 6·35 0·76 4·17 0·76 2·20 0·30 1·93 0·30
Site 917 (Unit 52) 1 13·2 30·0 3·92 17·4 4·28 1·42 4·90 0·73 4·69 0·89 2·68 0·34 2·35 0·32

Site 917 Lower Series

Site 917 (Unit 58) 1 8·99 22·7 3·27 15·9 4·34 1·64 5·20 0·83 5·35 1·13 3·12 0·40 2·76 0·42
Site 917 (Unit 60) 2 11·2 27·6 4·09 20·7 6·18 2·32 6·99 1·28 7·91 1·54 4·45 0·57 3·87 0·56

Site 917 (Unit 61b) 2 8·33 19·0 2·48 10·6 2·45 0·77 2·72 0·43 2·87 0·53 1·58 0·22 1·47 0·19
Site 917 (Unit 62) 1 7·50 19·1 2·83 13·8 3·80 1·42 4·69 0·72 4·80 0·94 2·86 0·35 2·49 0·34
Site 917 (Unit 64) 1 5·60 14·3 2·12 10·3 2·84 1·06 3·50 0·54 3·59 0·70 2·14 0·26 1·86 0·26
Site 917 (Unit 68) 1 8·44 19·9 2·76 12·7 3·36 1·28 3·94 0·61 3·87 0·74 2·17 0·27 1·92 0·26

Site 917 (Unit 69) 1 11·8 27·1 3·39 14·8 3·48 1·23 4·18 0·61 3·84 0·74 2·20 0·28 1·98 0·28
Site 917 (Unit 70) 1 57·1 111 12·7 50·6 9·52 2·90 9·67 1·39 8·03 1·62 4·56 0·56 3·97 0·59

Site 917 (Unit 71) 1 22·7 52·6 7·09 31·2 7·84 2·84 8·50 1·50 9·09 1·75 4·94 0·65 4·72 0·75
Site 917 (Unit 73b) 1 12·3 28·2 3·53 15·4 3·63 1·28 4·35 0·63 3·99 0·77 2·29 0·29 2·07 0·29
Site 917 (Unit 75a) 1 78·5 172 21·9 89·8 18·0 5·42 18·7 2·73 16·3 3·33 9·24 1·25 8·20 1·14
Site 917 (Unit 78) 1 10·0 21·9 3·07 13·3 3·19 1·17 3·88 0·61 3·91 0·81 2·27 0·27 2·04 0·32
Site 917 (Unit 82) 2 9·44 22·1 3·13 14·5 3·59 1·41 4·32 0·71 4·52 0·94 2·74 0·36 2·39 0·36

Site 917 (Unit 84) 1 8·85 20·7 2·91 13·3 3·33 1·31 4·06 0·69 4·21 0·84 2·51 0·33 2·21 0·33
Site 917 (Unit 87) 1 11·0 26·3 3·67 16·7 3·88 1·44 4·28 0·71 4·51 0·92 2·64 0·35 2·29 0·34
Site 917 (Unit 89) 1 10·1 26·1 3·81 18·3 4·48 1·65 4·97 0·88 5·30 1·01 3·05 0·38 2·65 0·40
Site 917 (Unit 91) 1 8·66 22·1 3·28 16·2 3·86 1·49 4·75 0·72 4·54 0·89 2·59 0·35 2·25 0·35
Site 917 (Unit 92) 2 7·50 17·9 2·73 13·2 3·57 1·30 3·85 0·65 4·07 0·80 2·36 0·29 2·06 0·31

Site 918

Site 918 (Unit 1) 2 21·2 50·0 6·50 28·7 6·99 2·22 8·00 1·18 7·51 1·48 4·38 0·58 3·97 0·55
Site 918 (Unit 8b) 1 2·97 7·98 1·33 7·56 2·74 1·09 3·94 0·76 5·04 1·09 3·35 0·46 3·45 0·49
Site 918 (Unit 11b) 3 3·17 8·60 1·34 7·72 3·00 1·16 3·97 0·77 4·94 1·12 3·29 0·46 3·34 0·50
Site 918 (Unit 12b) 1 1·76 4·99 0·86 4·83 1·94 0·75 2·78 0·51 3·60 0·77 2·43 0·33 2·36 0·35
Site 918 (Unit 14) 1 2·11 5·75 0·96 5·47 2·08 0·81 3·08 0·59 4·02 0·91 2·59 0·39 2·68 0·38

All data in ppm; n, number of analysed samples within each unit.

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