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Basic Stuff:
Weight Class: Heavy weight between Kazuya and Pirahna Plant
Run speed: 74 between Ike and Dedede
Jumps: 2
Can Crawl

Idle: Sam stands with both hands in his pocket while Max stands next to him smiling
aimlessly Max can either spin his gun arround his figure or look arround Sam can
take a lick out of his popsicle or take off his hat and scratch his head
Off stage Idle: Sam falls down the same way he does at the start of the season 3
intro while Maxhands on his shoulders
Walk: Sam and Max do their hit road walk cycles
Run: Both of them run through with their fists clenched and holding their guns
Ledge animation Sam grabs on the ledge with both hands and trys to get up he almost
gets there but his weight stops him and he looks exsausted while Max Laughs
In water: Sam trys to paddle up while Max is wrapped around his head while seeming
like he's screaming ABANDON SHIP!
Sleeping: Sam is completly laying doanw with his tounge going out of his mouth
while Max sleeps on top of him
Dizzy: sam put his whole weight on max while both are Dizzy spinning there heads
Burning: A special thing happens after Sam and Max gets burned Max's head stays on
fire after they take the fire no damage is applied and the fire looks the same as
the loading screen from the teletale games
Sheild: Sam's hat goes down while he touches one side of the sheild while Max
looks confused while holding both sides of the sheild

Down Taunt: Sam and Max does an exact recreation of the flip comic page where Sam
bonks Max on the head Max then goes in Sams mouth gets spit bakc out and they do a
bow while Max gets slapped into the foreground
Up taunt: Max puts an apple on his head and sam shoots it off with the big kill as
a reference to the start of s1 e1 of Save the World
Side taunt: Sam and max point directly at the screen and starts laughing at you

Basic Attacks:
Jab: Basic slap to backhand slap to sam pulling out the big kill and bashing it on
the head to having a diddy kong like jab end where sam kicks the enemys ass in a
cartoon dust cloud
F-tilt: uses the Big Kill handle and whacks it on the enemy
Up tilt: same thing as up tilt where he does a steve like move where he whacks it
upward over his head
Down tilt: sam grabs max and pokes him forward facing the ground like a spear sends
enemies upward

F-Smash: Sam throws the commisioners telephone as max lunges for it the phone
connects max will do a double kick at the enemy (can be used as an item offstage
but max won't go for it)
F-Smash(alt): sam uses max like a baseball bat
Up Smash: Sam throws max into the air like he does in the games to get him out of
his way
Down Smash: Sam shoots his gun in the ground and fires then a cartoon onamoniapia
explosion while he holds down his hat
F-Air: Max swats with a Flyswatter with a Bashing motion (can spike very well on a
sweet spot but can also be used for really good combo starters)
Back Air: Sam bashes down on the enemy holding the big kill barrel (can spike but
has a much tinier sweet spot)
Down Air: Max holds on to Sams legs for his life and does a sweeping under motion
with a baseball bat (good move to use for coverage offstage or covering when
jumping oversomeone)
Up Air: Sam punches upward with the boxing glove doing a mario parody like move
(Max looks disgruntled)

Grab animation: Sam grabs the opponent with both hands while and pins them to the
Pummel: while the enemy is pinned to the ground Max starts stomping on them like
how he did to the criminal in the cancelled sam and max trailer
Down Throw: Sam and Max beat the enemy up in a cartoon style cloud with multible
funny cartoon sound effects when done launches opponent upwards
Back throw: Sam goes so fast he turns into a spinnign tornado and throws the
Opponent backwards while Max looks as the enemy goes
Forward Throw: Max uses his Hammer while sam holds him out to whack the enemy
Up Throw: Sam chucks the opponent up like he does to Max in the teletale games

Get up Attack (ledge): Sam uses Max as a beating weapon and slams him into the
Get up Attack: Max jumps all the way up very fast as Sam is also trying to and
falls the 2 combined they hit from both sides

Netureal B: Inventory a permently cycling item that will change everytime you use
it through 20 different options everyone with different mechanics (the cycle has a
fixed order to avoid rng) has a cooldown for 5 or 10 seconds so
Items can't just be spammed repeatedly

-Lou: basically the same thing as villager but bad just drops the bowling ball in
front of him can do damage but is very specific
-Rat Cannon: placeable item that fires rats at random times rats basically act most
similar k rool cannon balls
-Popsicle: heal for like 20%
-Banang!: throw at opponent to make them dizzy for a second like mewtwo
-Extendo Claw: command grab that goes pretty far
-Satan's shopping list: throw on the ground and if your opponent steps on it
effects burn damage
-Boxing Glove: Donkey kongs giant punch but less but sam has a ton of start up lag
puting it on
-Coat Hanger: throw across the map like a boomerang until it leaves the screen
-Mr Featherly: pretty much just a cucoo skin but mr featherly
-Jesse James Severed Hand: it moves arround along the battlefield and grabs someone
strangling the opponent while sam and max laugh until they break out
-BoscoTech Tear Gas Grenade Launcher: single fire gun that if hit inverts opponents
-Tar:creates puddle on the ground can jump out pretty easily but if done fast
enough can lead to big punishes
-Car Bomb: Max grabs the bomb and runs arround it for a while next time B is
pressed it would be detonated before the 5 second countdown ends
-Cheese: heal for 40%
-Jack In The Box: wind up for 5 seconds for a smaller level kamakazie explosion
-Hypno Bear: Litteraly does nothing just place it down and it'll play a song
-Zombie Abraham Lincoln's Brain: slam it into the ground and it'll bounce along the
stage hitting enemies that connect with it
-Forbidden Fruit Cider: Drink to become faster and stronger while taking damage
overtime for 7 seconds
-Pillow: Place down and can jump on it to go very high!

Side B: Bunny Bowling: Sam takes Max and rolls him across on the stage when on hit
Max and the opponent go upwards which could lead to combos when offstage max rolls
down through and could lead to some mixups and edgegaurding
When Sam does roll Max offstage he just comes back from the sky next to him

Down B: Car Crash: Sam and Max summon their Police Car and rev it all the way up
and do a fixed ammount of movement when connected the opponent gets crushed by the
car as it moves along and gets launched fairly far has start and end lag
While doing the same animation from hit the road with animations for getting in the
car and jumping out after when offstage the car goes downward and can spike but at
the end of the movement they will auto jump out.

Up B: Lagocopter: Sam grabs Maxs legs and Max uses his ears to make a propeller
with a shot up once the animation is done Max turns into a parachute and both of
them look pretty
sad the movement on the parachute can be cancelled out of

Final Smash: The presidents stand falls down from the stage and then connected A
cinematic plays where the opponent gets transported outside the white house then it
cuts to Max pushes a big red button then 30 missles all
fire directly at the enemy while Sam and Max watch while apsulutely lose it from
the window

Lose Animation: Sam is clapping while actually looking content while Max bashes his
head with his fist

Win Animations:
1. the only thing you can see is a door then Sam kicks down a door while the two of
them hold out their guns looking around
2. Sam and Max jump into the car and Drive off while fire and tire marks are all
you can see by the end
3. Sam is holding Max by the neck while awnsering the phone

Thank you for reading all the way through this was really fun to put together :D

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