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BA232/MAR - AUG 2022



1. Students will work in pair for this assignment. Choose a company (local or
international) and analyze how the company plans its marketing mix. The information
can be collected through online platforms such as company websites, social media
pages, search engines, etc.

2. The report should comprehensively include the following:

a) Cover page
b) Introduction
 The purpose of the study, company background, vision/mission
statement, company objectives.
c) Body (Marketing Mix Elements)
 Product – This section should provide a description of the product/service
and specify its features and benefits, the categories of consumer and
organizational products, product line and product mix decisions, branding
strategy (brand awareness, brand loyalty), packaging products.
 Price – This section should include the pricing strategies, price adjustment
strategies, etc. used by the company. Please give pricing information
(including any special discounts or rates for market segment), and justify
based on your research.
 Place – This section should outline information about where and how
consumers can purchase the product (e.g.: specific retail outlets, online,
etc.), channels used to distribute products, transportation, etc.
 Promotion – This section should contain the advertising and sales
promotion strategies used by the company, public relation, personal
selling, etc. (if any).
d) Conclusions and Recommendations
 Recommend how the company can improve its marketing mix elements.
 Product – E.g.: recommendations for branding strategy and packaging
product/service environment elements that should be incorporated.
 Price – E.g.: suggestions for pricing strategies etc.
 Place – E.g.: incorporate potential partnerships here, if applicable.
 Promotion – E.g.: propose other choices related to promoting the
 Summarize the key ideas.
e) References (APA Style) – at least five recent references (2017 onwards)

3. Format of report:
No. of pages: 2 – 3 pages Header: Full Name
Font type & size: Arial 11 Footer: Word Count & Page X of Y
Spacing: 1.5 spacing (Justify)

4. Students need to produce Similarity Report and it should be less than 30%
(Ouriginal) - Attach together with the assignment. Copy and paste from the
internet/other sources are extremely prohibited and may jeopardize the student’s
grade for this code.

Week 10 (13th – 17th June, 2022)
*Subject to changes

@Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

BA232/MAR - AUG 2022
SUBMISSION: Any online platform (UFUTURE, Google Classroom, email, WhatsApp,
Telegram etc.) or postal submission (Hardcopy/CD/DVD).

@Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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