Predicting Permeability of Tight Carbonates Using A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach of Modified Equilibrium Optimizer and Extreme Learning Machine

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Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255 (0123456789().,-volV)


Predicting permeability of tight carbonates using a hybrid machine

learning approach of modified equilibrium optimizer and extreme
learning machine
Navid Kardani2 • Abidhan Bardhan3 • Shubham Gupta4 • Pijush Samui3 • Majidreza Nazem2 •

Yanmei Zhang1 • Annan Zhou2

Received: 9 February 2021 / Accepted: 29 May 2021 / Published online: 5 July 2021
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

It is a problematic task to perform petro-physical property prediction of carbonate reservoir rocks in most cases, specif-
ically for permeability prediction since a carbonate rock most commonly contains grains of heterogeneous size distribu-
tions. Consequently, the permeability calculation of tight rocks in laboratories is costly and very time-consuming.
Therefore, this study aims to tackle this issue by developing novel hybrid models based on combination of the modified
version of the equilibrium optimizer (EO), i.e., MEO, and two conventional machine learning algorithms, namely extreme
learning machine (ELM) and artificial neural network (ANN). The MEO employs a mutation mechanism in order to avoid
trapping in local optima of EO by increasing the search capabilities. In this study, ELM-MEO and ANN-MEO, novel
metaheuristic ELM-based and ANN-based algorithms, were constructed to predict the permeability of tight carbonates. In
addition, ANN, ELM, RF, RVM and MARS combined with particle swarm optimization and genetic programming
algorithm have a better insight into the performances for preferably predicting the permeability carbonates. The results
illustrate that the proposed ELM-MEO model with R2 = 0.9323, RMSE = 0.0612 and MAE = 0.0442 in training stage and
R2 = 0.8743, RMSE = 0.0806 and MAE = 0.0660 in testing stage, outperformed other ELM-based and ANN-based
metaheuristic models in predicting the permeability of tight carbonates at all levels.

Keywords Equilibrium optimizer  MEO  Metaheuristic optimization  Permeability  Tight carbonates

1 Introduction

The intercalated depositional texture along with post-de-

& Yanmei Zhang positional diagenetic modifications in the base rock leads to numerous carbonate rocks with high complexity and
& Annan Zhou heterogeneity in a wide range of scales. This results in rocks with variable quality of reservoir and makes evalu-
Shubham Gupta ation a challenging task, particularly for the purpose of reservoir permeability prediction [1–3]. A large number of
factors are involved in carbonate petro-physical properties,
College of Aerospace Engineering, Chongqing University,
which are crucial when constructing numerical and con-
Chongqing 400044, China
ceptual models of reservoirs [4]. It is a problematic task to
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Discipline, School of
perform petro-physical property prediction of carbonate
Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
(RMIT), Victoria 3001, Australia reservoir rocks in most cases, specifically for fluid flow and
3 permeability prediction since a carbonate rock most com-
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of
Technology, Patna 800005, India monly contains grains of heterogeneous size distributions.
4 The grain size is not only associated with the pores, pore-
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore throats and dimensions, but also pore connectivity

1240 Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255

represented as the cementation exponent m. The grain size characterization is a multi-variable problem that is difficult
can vary in the depth and sideward directions at large to approach. Xue et al. [16] found that the use of GA and
scales. They also most commonly undergo considerable backpropagation neural networks (BPNNs) in combination
changes in a small distance [5]. could make fracture zone predictions via shallow and deep
Permeability (k) is an essential variable to characterize electrical logs in the form of inputs. The determination of
and manage reservoirs. Although permeability can be facies and petro-physical properties is an evident advantage
measured on samples of cores in laboratory settings, it of ML techniques. BPNNs and convolutional neural net-
cannot be directly obtained by measuring the downhole. As works have been employed for the improvement of total
it is costly to measure core samples and such samples cover organic carbon estimates and both volatile and remaining
merely a small portion of reservoir intervals, it is required hydrocarbon calculations within a shale oil reservoir [17].
to adopt other techniques. As a result, many empirical They have higher performance than conventional tech-
models were developed to obtain permeability through niques in such estimates. Lim and Kim [18] introduced
numerous proxy measurements that can commonly be neural network and fuzzy logic methods for reservoir
performed down the hole. Even so, these problems are permeability and porosity prediction. They demonstrated
extremely complex because of the highly nonlinear stress– that the methods had further development potential. Tang
strain relationships, as well as elastoplastic performance [19] and Tang et al. [20] adopted probabilistic neural net-
under loading and unloading conditions. Therefore, tradi- works for the purpose of carbonate reservoir facies clas-
tional empirical equations are insufficient to adequately sification and succeeded to some extent. Zhou et al. [21]
describe the mapping relation between rock properties and integrated diagenesis and a deep autoencoder random for-
permeability (k). The primary aim of this research is to est algorithm in order to explore how various diagenesis
develop an easier, cheaper, and more effective way to states were related to the electrical variables (e.g., m and n)
assess the permeability of extremely tight, heterogeneous of tight gas sandstone reservoirs. Zhu et al. [22, 23]
reservoir rocks that would help characterize these reser- employed a complicated combination of ML and NMR
voirs as efficient and reliable technical tools. inputs to reasonably predict tight gas sandstone reservoir
Researchers have employed machine learning (ML) for permeability. Their results were found to be comparable to
prediction purposes. The present study does not aim to those of Rashid et al. [3], who adopted conventional pre-
review machine learning algorithms (MLAs) and the use of diction methods of permeability.
such algorithms in geophysical problems. MLAs have a Many studies attempted to improve conventional ML
rich literature, and proper reviews of their applications are performance, e.g., extreme learning machines (ELMs) and
available [6–10]. This work incorporates several recent ML ANN. Despite their higher outcomes than statistical
applications for geo/petro-physical purposes. Although ML approaches, traditional MLAs are more prone to local
can be employed for many possible purposes, advance- minima trapping rather than capturing the exact global
ments have recently included every petro-physical aspect, minima. This yields undesired outcomes. Hence, to tackle
such as logging via facies determination, rock characteri- this problem, studies are employing optimization algo-
zation, and key variable determination for the permeability rithms for the purpose of updating classical ML parame-
and volumetrics calculations of reservoirs. Studies ters, reporting significant findings. This work employs the
employed integrated deep learning models (DLMs) [11] Equilibrium Optimizer [24] as a novel metaheuristic opti-
and integrated hybrid neural networks (IHNNs) [12] to mization algorithm that was recently introduced. The
substantially enhance total organic carbon (TOC) estimates combination of ELM and EO (ELM-EO) and a combina-
and improve shale gas reservoir characterization. Onalo tion of ANN and EO (ANN-EO) are introduced in this
et al. [13, 14] adopted a nonlinear autoregressive neural study. As a new metaheuristic optimization algorithm, EO
network with exogenous input (NARX) for the estimation is rapid and powerful and has a high population-based
of shear and compressional sonic travel times within well performance. According to experimental EO results, it has
logs. They predicted actual sonic well logs at adequately higher performance than other well-known approaches
high efficiency. They obtain sonic properties, such as [24], yielding significantly comparable results. Thus, the
Poisson’s ratio and sonic porosity. Also, ML was exploited present study adopts EO to predict permeability in tight
to find optimal reservoir parameters. For example, Zhu carbonates.
et al. [15] recently studied the saturation of water within Like other metaheuristic algorithms, however, EO
organic shale reservoirs. They calculated shale petro- encounters a number of limitations. Therefore, the present
physical parameters via the genetic algorithm (GA) opti- work aims to enhance the standard EO. To this end, a
mization approach. This method requires no electrical combination of mutation-based searching and EO algo-
measurements in the form of inputs. Thus, it perfectly suits rithm is employed for the performance enhancement of
organic shale reservoirs. Reservoir fracture standard EO. Then, a modified EO (MEO) is utilized to

Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255 1241

build the ELM-based modified EO (ELM-MEO) and ANN- 2.2 Artificial neural network (ANN)
based modified EO (ANN-MEO) to estimate tight car-
bonate permeability. Furthermore, the potential of ELM- Structurally inspired by the human brain, ANNs comprises
MEO, ELM-EO, ANN-MEO, and ANN-EO for general- of simple and small processing units or the so-called arti-
ization is compared to the hybridization of particle swarm ficial neurons or nodes to be used in computational meth-
optimization (PSO) with ELM and ANN, i.e., ELM-PSO ods. This structure has turned ANNs into effective
and ANN-PSO. In addition, to have a better insight of mathematical tools for different objectives [27, 28],
performances of the hybrid models, four typical ML including function estimation and pattern recognition. An
models including random forest (RF), genetic program- ANN comprises of three main layers where neurons lie.
ming (GP), multivariate adaptive regression spline Neurons in the input layer are equal input variables in
(MARS), and relevance vector machine (RVM) approaches number and those in the output layer equal output vari-
are also employed on the dataset. ables. At least one hidden layer lies between these two
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 layers. Signal is transmitted through the input layer, hidden
covers the methodology of this study including the detailed layers function as the computational engine of the network
description of the applied models and the hybridization and the output layer makes predictions based on the input
process. The data processing and analysis as well as per- variables. As the main parameters in an ANN, bias and
formance indices are presented in Sect. 3, while Sect. 4 weights, respectively, determine the degree of freedom of
illustrates and compares the obtained results of the applied the network and relationships between interconnected
models in every possible way. Finally, a summary and neurons of a layer [29–31]. Except for the input nodes,
conclusion are provided in Sect. 5. every node utilizes a nonlinear activation transfer function
to determine its output while providing a set of inputs. The
output determined is then employed as an input for the next
2 Methodology node, and this process continues until a reliable solution to
the original problem is found.
2.1 Extreme learning machine (ELM)
2.3 Metaheuristic optimization algorithms
An ELM refers to a neural network that serves as an
innovative data-driven instrument. It makes use of a 2.3.1 Equilibrium optimizer (EO)
modern single-layer feed-forward network (SLFN) to
produce a closed-form solution to the output weights once EO algorithm which is inspired from dynamic mass bal-
the weights and biases of the hidden layer have been fixed. ance was first introduced by Faramarzi et al. [24].
To use an ELM for data modelling, a straightforward three- According to EO approach, an equation of a mass balance
stage process is utilized. The stages involve (1) randomly employs various source and sink mechanisms of a non-
(and not iteratively) building the biases and weights of the reactive component in a control volume in order to define
hidden layer, (2) proceeding the inputs via the parameters its concentration. The equation of mass balance offers the
of the hidden layer to generate the output matrix of the fundamental mechanics for the preservation of the entering,
hidden layer, and (3) making output weight estimates leaving and producing mass. Basically, mathematical
through the inversion of the output matrix of the hidden model of the EO algorithm is comprised of three main steps
layer, in which the generalized Moore–Penrose inverse as follows:
matrix is applied, before calculating the response variable 1. Initialization
(that is, the solving of some linear equations). To this end, EO employs a set of particles in this step, in which each
it is required to randomize the hidden neurons after iden- particle reflects the vector of concentration that includes
tifying their nodes. Typically, trial-and-error is applied to a the solution for the optimization problem. The preliminary
cross-validation dataset to identify the hidden neurons. For vector concentrations are developed at random in the
real-time executions, ELMs provide a prominent advantage search space as below:
over other techniques with low rates of convergence, lower
generalizability, local minima problems, iterative tuning, vi ¼ cmin þ ðcmax  cmin Þ  r
~ i ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .; n ð1Þ
and data over-fitting [25, 26]. As a result, the quick and where the particle i concentration vector is shown by ~ vi ,
enhanced ELM performance is beneficial in real-time while lower and upper bound of dimensions are determined
applications. by cmin and cmax , respectively. Parameter n indicates the
number of particles and r is a randomly assigned number in
the range of [0, 1].

1242 Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255

2. Equilibrium pool and candidates   ! 

! 1  
t 0 ¼ ! ln a1 sign !r  0:5 1  e k t þt ð5Þ
(Ceq ). There is a goal for each of the meta-heuristic k
algorithms that attempt to accomplish it based on its
where a1 is the counterpart of a2 for exploration process,
design. For instance, the objective in artificial bee colony
higher a1 =a2 results in better exploration/ exploitation and
(ABC) algorithm is to find the food source and in whale
as a consequence lower exploitation/ exploration. Param-
optimization algorithm (WOA) is to find the prey. Within
eter ! r is a random vector in the range of [0, 1] and
the same concept, the objective of the EO algorithm is to  
find the equilibrium state of the system. EO could be sign ! r  0:5 impacts the exploitation and exploration
heading to the near-optimal solution of the optimization directions. Another term used in the EO algorithm to
problem as it enters the equilibrium state. EO is not aware enhance the exploitation process is the generation rate (G).
of the concentration level in which the equilibrium state For example, a multipurpose model which describes gen-
will be achieved. Therefore, the best four particles con- eration rates as a process of exponential decay in the first
tained in the population as well as the other particle that order is described as:
includes the average of the best four particles, are specified ! ! !
by the EO as candidates. EO is supported by these five G ¼ G 0 e k ðtt0 Þ ð6Þ
candidates in exploitation and exploration processes. where decay constant and initial value of G are shown by k
Diversity potential of the EO is increased by first four and G0 . In this study, it is assumed that k is equal to k, in
candidates and 5th candidate enhances the exploitation of order to reduce the number of random variables and also
the EO. Such five candidates, namely equilibrium pool, are have a more symmetric and structured pattern of searching.
stored in a vector: This study also uses previously derived exponential term.
n o
~eq:pool ¼ C
C ~eqð1Þ ; C
~eqð2Þ ; C
~eqð3Þ ; C
~eqð4Þ ; C
~eqðaveÞ ð2Þ Hence, following is the final set of equations for G:
! ! ! !!
Concentration of each particle in each iteration is G ¼ G 0 e k ðtt0 Þ ¼ G 0 F ð7Þ
updated using randomly selected candidates with equal ! ! ! ! !

probability. To give an example, concentration of the first G 0 ¼ GCP C eq  k C ð8Þ

particle may be updated on the basis of ~
C eqð2Þ and ~
C eqðaveÞ where
in the first and second iteration. Once the optimization
process is completed, each particle must undergo the ! 0:5r1 r2  GP
GCP ¼ f ð xÞ ¼ ð9Þ
updating cycle, with all candidate solutions receiving 0 r2 \GP
nearly the same number of updates for each particle. where r1 and r2 denote the random numbers in the range of
3. Updating the concentration using exponential rate [0,1], GCP. Vector is developed by repeating that very
(F) and generation rate (G).The term of exponential rate same value resulting from Eq. 9. In this equation, GCP is
(F) allows EO to combine intensification and diversifica- identified as the Control Parameter of the Generation Rate,
tion in a realistic manner. As the turnover rate in a real which involves the possibility to contribute to the updating
control volume will differ over time, k should be a random process by generation term. While the generation proba-
vector in the range of [0, 1], bility (GP) is another term to determine the probability of
! ! the contribution which indicates the number of particles
F ¼ e k ðtt0 Þ ð3Þ use generation term to update their states. Following
equation illustrates the updating rule of EO:
where t is the time which is the function of iteration (IterÞ
and can be formulated as below:
C ~eq þ ~ ~eq  ~
CC Fþ 1~
F ð10Þ
 ða2 MaxIter iterÞ ~
t ¼ 1 ð4Þ where F is defined in Eq. 13, and V is considered as unit.
Max iter
where maximum number of iterations and current iteration 2.3.2 Modified equilibrium optimizer (MEO)
are shown as Max iter and Iter, respectively, and a2 stands
for a constant value for managing the exploitation poten- The MEO algorithm proposed by Gupta et al. [32] per-
tial. To ensure convergence through decreasing the search forms the division of the population and further recon-
speed coupled with enhancing the algorithm’s ability to struction differently to continue the process of search based
explore and exploit, below formulation is also considered: on two different strategies incorporated with the concept of
population division and its reconstruction. In MEO, the

Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255 1243

candidate solution population that was derived after the EO best position of an individual particle is viewed to be the
procedure update undergoes sorting based on the fitness of personal best location. The position updating of a particle
the solutions. Then, the population is divided into three is performed based on the personal best position and the
equal parts. The first part of candidate solution having global best position direction. At the same time, the
better fitness is preserved for next search process. The velocity updating of a particle is grounded on the differ-
remaining portion of the new population involves the ence between personal and global best locations. The
candidates that are produced via mutation applied to the particles obtain convergence in the vicinity of the optimal
top N3 candidates and those that are produced below applied solution by an exploitation–exploration mixture.
to the top N3 population candidates. The theoretical details of other employed soft computing
0 techniques, i.e., RF, RVM, MARS, and GP can be referred
C i ¼ C i :ð1 þ GaussianðhÞÞ ð11Þ from the literature; [35–38] for RF, [39–41] for RVM,
!itþ1 !it !it ! !
[42–46] for MARS, and [47–49] for GP.
C i ¼ C eqð1Þ  C m  r 3 ½ C min þ r 4 C max  C min 
2.4 Hybridization process

~it 1X N
~ it This work adopted EO as a newly developed metaheuristic
Cm ¼ C ð13Þ algorithm for ANN and ELM learning parameter opti-
N i¼1 i
mization to perform tight carbonate permeability predic-
where r 3 and r 4 are random variables ranging from 0 to 1. tion. The learning parameters of an ANN include input
A movement length of (which refers to the difference weights, hidden neuron biases, output weights, and output
between Cmax and Cmin ) with random scaling (r 4 ) is added bias, whereas those of an ELM involve input weights,
to Cmin . GaussianðhÞ represents the Gaussian distributed hidden biases, and output weights. Once the ANN and
random vector. It is assumed that the Gaussian mutation- ELM have been initialized, EO is employed for the opti-
produced candidate performs solution space exploration in mization of learning parameters—that is, the biases and
the vicinity of the top one-third of the population candi- weights. In this respect, the EO algorithm is set up prior to
dates in terms of fitness. Hence, such a mutation procedure ML learning parameter optimization. This includes the
helps explore search areas in the vicinity of the elite optimization of the population size, maximum iteration
solution space regions. Mutation also helps to deal with count, lower and upper bounds, and the hidden layer neu-
sub-optimal search traps. Likewise, exploration in the ron count of the ELM and ANN. Then, EO optimizes the
vicinity of the elite candidates that have been derived by ANN and ELM biases and weights. The same process as
Eq. (12) is helpful in the formation of the one-third of the that of ANN-EO and ELM-EO models is performed in
population. Such exploration is also helpful in convergence ANN-MEO and ELM-MEO. The optimized learning
rate enhancement and enables searching in the elite areas. parameter values are found by the smallest root mean
As a result, the proposed approach utilizes these concepts square error (RMSE). Even though the parameters, such as
for exploring a large area within the search space while the hidden neuron count, population size, maximum itera-
enhancing candidate solution diversity in the search. Fur- tion count and lower and upper bounds, remain unchanged,
ther details can be referred from the studies of Gupta et al. the optimized learning parameter values change in EO and
[32]. Other optimization such as Bayesian type can be MEO. Furthermore, it is worth noting that these parameters
referred to Zhang et al. [33]. have a significant impact on optimization. Thus, it is nec-
essary to appropriately tune such parameters in the
2.3.3 Particle swarm optimization (PSO) hybridization procedure. Fig. 1 depicts the hybridization
procedure of ELM-based and ANN-based models. As can
Kennedy and Eberhart [34] proposed PSO as a swarm- be seen, the ELM-based and ANN-based models devel-
grounded metaheuristic approach. Bird and fish schooling opment steps are represented.
and flocking patterns mainly inspired PSO, and the primary
objective is to identify solutions of global optimality within
a multidimensional space. At the beginning of PSO, ran- 3 Data processing and performance metrics
dom particle positions and velocities are initialized. Then,
each of the particles undergoes location updating to find the The present work proposes ELM-PSO, ELM-EO, and
best position within the multidimensional space on the ELM-MEO as ELM-based hybrid metaheuristic approa-
ground of the velocity, personal best position, and global ches and ANN-PSO, ANN-EO, and ANN-MEO as ANN-
best position. Nonetheless, the best position of all the base hybrid metaheuristic approaches. The min–max
particles is treated to be the global best position, while the method is applied to normalize the entire dataset. In soft

1244 Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255

Fig. 1. Flow chart showing the methodological steps of the hybridization process

computing, data normalization as a pre-processing stage of used as input variables, while permeability k (mD) is used
solving problems is viewed as the most essential stage. In as a dependent variable to accomplish this goal. Because of
general, data are normalized for the dimensional effect the physical nature of the tight carbonates, the helium
nullification of variables. Therefore, during pre-processing, porosity method was chosen to calculate Ø instead of the
the data undergo normalization in an upper limit (1) and water saturation porosity method. Additionally, for each
lower limit (0)-defined range by the ‘min-max’ method. case, the fluid permeability method and mercury injection
Next, the main dataset which is collected from experiments capillary pressure measurements were used to assess the
[50, 51] is classified into a training subset and a testing related variable. Table 1 lists the summary of the dataset
subset. To this end, 75% (98 observations) of the data are
randomly used as the training data, whereas the remaining
25% (32 observations) of the data is employed as the Table 1 Statistical summary of the input and output variables
testing data. Then, the training data is utilized for model Particulars Ø (-) F (-) Dpt (m) k (mD)
training, whereas the testing data are utilized for model
Mean 0.1790 62.2692 2.8844e-08 0.005244
validation. According to [50], the Portland Formation,
Standard deviation 0.0370 29.5644 4.0637e-08 0.020163
located at 50°330 1000 N 02°260 2500 W in southern England,
Minimum 0.1070 17.0000 3.9200e-10 0.000002
provided the core plugs. The aim of this research is to
25% 0.1512 40.0000 6.5800e-09 0.000032
estimate the permeability of tight carbonates using a small
number of independent parameters that can be obtained 50% 0.1730 55.0000 1.3650e-08 0.000213
inexpensively and conveniently from standard core plug 75% 0.2150 74.7500 3.2500e-08 0.001227
measurements. Three properties, porosity Ø, formation Maximum 0.2650 200.0000 2.2800e-07 0.185000
resistivity factor F, and pore throat diameter Dpt (m), are

Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255 1245

used in this study, while Fig. 2 presents the correlation 1 Xn
between the input variables and permeability of tight RMSE ¼ i¼1 i
ðy  ybi Þ2 ð30Þ
Pn yi by i
To perform model performance evaluation, the perfor- i¼1 yi  yi
mance indexes of Adj:R2 , R2 ,PI, MAE, RMSE and WMAPE ¼ Pn ð31Þ
i¼1 yi
WMAPE are measured and compared in all possible
aspects. These indexes are mathematically shown as: where n stands for the observation count, p is the number of
input parameters, yi and yˆi are the real and modelled value
ðn  1Þ
Adj:R2 ¼ 1  ð1  R2 Þ ð26Þ i of permeability (i.e., the output), and ymean represents the
ðn  p  1Þ
mean input. To obtain a desirable prediction model, it is
Pn 2 Pn
2 i¼1 ðyi  ymean Þ  bi Þ2
i¼1 ðyi  y
required that these indexes should be set to the desirable
R ¼ Pn 2
ð27Þ value, as shown in Table 2.
i¼1 ðyi  ymean Þ

PI ¼ adj:R2 þ 0:01VAF  RMSE ð28Þ

1 Xn
MAE ¼ jð ybi  yi Þj ð29Þ
n i¼1

Fig. 2. a Correlation matrix and b relationships between input variables and the output variable

1246 Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255

Table 2 Performance indices and their ideal values. Table 3 Parameter configuration of the hybrid models
Trend indices Ideal value Error indices Ideal value Parameters ELM- ELM- ELM- ANN- ANN- ANN-
Adj:R2 1 MAE 0
2 1 RMSE 0 No. of hidden 10 10 10 10 10 10
neuron (N)
No. of hidden 1 1 1 1 1 1
layer (Nh)
Population size 30 30 30 30 30 30
4 Results and discussion Max. no. of 500 500 500 500 500 500
iterations (itr)
Inertia weights – – 0.9, – – 0.9,
This study carried out a detailed evaluation of parameters
(wmax ; wmin ) 0.4 0.4
to identify the best prediction model. All the data were
Acceleration – – 1,2 – – 1, 2
classified into training data (with 98 observations) and coefficient
testing data (with 32 observations). The former was (c1 ; c2 Þ
employed to build ANN- and ELM-based metaheuristic Random – – 0–1 – – 0–1
models, while the latter was utilized for model validation. parameters
(r 1 ; r 2 )
The above-mentioned indexes were assessed for predictive
performance estimation. The proposed models were com- Upper and lower ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1
bound (ub; lbÞ
pared in terms of prediction performance below. Moreover,
No. of learning 40 40 40 51 51 51
the ANN- and ELM-grounded models are comparatively parameters
assessed in terms of metaheuristic parametric configura- Generation 0.50 0.50 – 0.50 0.50 –
tions, introducing the best prediction model. probability
4.1 Implementation of models Exploration 2 2 – 2 2 –
constant (a1 )
Once the experimental data have been arranged, the EO,
MEO, and PSO approaches are utilized for the bias and
weight optimization of the ANN- and ELM-based algo-
rithms. As metaheuristic algorithms are of a random nature,
it is essential to find the parametric configuration (that is,
the parameters that can be adjusted) in all optimization
models. Hence, it is required to tune the adjustable param-
eters during process execution. The optimal hidden layer
neuron count is found to be 10 by using trial-and-error in
the ANN. Here, deterministic parameters undergo robust
analyses, as shown in Table 3. MEO is observed to have
effective performance (within the test stage based on the R2
and RMSE results) within the ELM and ANN. Figures 3
and 4 show iterative performance of ELM-based and ANN-
based models, respectively.

4.2 Results of the employed models

ELM-PSO, ANN-EO, ANN-MEO, ELM-EO, and ELM- Fig. 3. Convergence curves of ELM-based hybrid models
MEO are developed as optimized metaheuristic ANN- and
ELM-based techniques for tight carbonate permeability error is applied to determine the hidden neuron count as
estimation. Once the data have been classified, the training they have a random nature. Furthermore, the linear
data are utilized to train the Ann and ELM by using EO, (trainlm) and tangent sigmoid (tansig) functions are
MEO, and PSO prior to retrieving the optimized biases and applied as the training and transfer functions, respectively.
weights. It is required to incorporate a hidden layer con- ELM-EO, ELM-MEO, ELM-PSO, ANN-EO, ANN-MEO,
taining 10 hidden neurons for the ANN models. Trial-and- and ANN-MEO are developed based on Table 3.

Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255 1247

Table 5 Details of performance indices for the testing dataset

Indices ELM- ELM- ELM- ANN- ANN-

Adj.R2 0.8501 0.8609 0.8335 0.8276 0.8165

R 0.8646 0.8743 0.8496 0.8443 0.8343
PI 1.6312 1.6538 1.5942 1.5800 1.5557
MAE 0.0685 0.0660 0.0743 0.0709 0.0766
RMSE 0.0836 0.0806 0.0889 0.0902 0.0931
WMAPE 0.1601 0.1541 0.1737 0.1656 0.1789

Adj.R2 0.7674 0.8257 0.8432 0.7433 0.8495

R2 0.7899 0.8426 0.8583 0.7682 0.8641
PI 1.4485 1.5408 1.6136 1.3781 1.6300
Fig. 4. Convergence curves of ANN-based hybrid models
MAE 0.0794 0.0738 0.0685 0.0748 0.0681
RMSE 0.1051 0.0980 0.0859 0.1164 0.0836
Subsequently, the test data are used for generalizability
WMAPE 0.1854 0.1725 0.1599 0.1747 0.1592
assessment. The performance indexes were separately
measured for the training and testing data, as shown in
Tables 4 and 5, respectively. The models were completely
compared and the ELM-MEO was found to be the best
model. Tables 4 and 5 provide measured performance proposed models in the training and testing stages,
indexes. Figs. 5a–j and 6a–j illustrate the regression plots respectively. As can be seen, the entire models were cor-
of the hybrid prediction models and conventional MLAs in related in the permeability estimates. ELM-MEO showed
training and testing, respectively. the best predictive performance, with R2 = 0.9323,
RMSE = 0.0612 and MAE = 0.0442 in the training stage.
4.3 Statistical analysis of the results For the testing stage, on the other hand, the indexes were
obtained as R2 = 0.8743, RMSE = 0.0806 and MAE =
This subsection discusses the performance parameter 0.0660. Also, PI, MAE, and WMAPE suggest no uncer-
results (i.e.,Adj:R2 , R2 , PI, MAE, RMSE and WMAPE). tainties in the outcomes as the entire parameters followed
Tables 4 and 5 list the output parameters of the six the pre-defined trends.

4.4 Visualization of the results

Table 4 Details of performance indices for the training dataset.
Indices ELM- ELM- ELM- ANN- ANN- Modelled outcome visualization is an essential phase in
EO MEO PSO EO MEO soft computing. The graphical description of raw findings
typically makes it easy for spectators to identify the results
Adj.R2 0.9231 0.9302 0.9247 0.9096 0.9087
and suggest a genuine insight. Thus, the visual interpreta-
R2 0.9255 0.9323 0.9270 0.9124 0.9115
tion of findings (in the form of the Taylor Diagrams and
PI 1.7843 1.8013 1.7881 1.7523 1.7501
Regression Error Characteristic Graphs) is addressed
MAE 0.0477 0.0442 0.0480 0.0550 0.0560
below. Furthermore, an uncertainty analysis is conducted
RMSE 0.0643 0.0612 0.0636 0.0697 0.0701
to ascertain the reliability of the developed models.
WMAPE 0.1144 0.1067 0.1156 0.1305 0.1330
Taylor diagram [52, 53] is a two-dimensional mathe-
Indices ANN-PSO RF RVM MARS GP matical representation with the aim of demonstrating the
Adj.R2 0.8971 0.8186 0.9054 0.9233 0.9158
accuracy of models in a very suitable and compact manner.
These diagrams are a summarized description of statistical
R2 0.9003 0.8242 0.9083 0.9257 0.9184
investigations and indicate the fitness of the results con-
PI 1.7227 1.5156 1.7422 1.7849 1.7670
cerning the real and proposed techniques. In a Taylor
MAE 0.0598 0.0862 0.0558 0.0506 0.0516
diagram, a single point represents the association, root-
RMSE 0.0745 0.1049 0.0713 0.0642 0.0672
mean-square-deviation (RMSD), and the standard devia-
WMAPE 0.1428 0.2038 0.1320 0.1212 0.1233
tion ratio of two parameters. A closer position to the ref-
erence point stands for higher predictive performance. On

1248 Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255

Fig. 5. a–j Regression plots between measured and predicted values at the training stage

the other hand, regression error characteristic (REC) curve MEO is seemingly in a shorter distance from the reference
[54–56] represents the error tolerance on the x-axis and point, while, Figs. 9 and 10 illustrate the REC curves of the
regression accuracy on the y-axes, respectively. The error proposed models in the training and testing stages,
on the x-axis is typically discussed based on the absolute respectively. It is also seen that the AUC quantities of the
deviation (AD) or squared error (SE). However, the entire metaheuristic prediction models are seemingly high;
obtained curve is a measure of the cumulative distribution ELM-MEO exhibited the largest AUC quantities of 0.9636
function of the error. Typically, a lower distance of the and 0.9446 in the training and testing phases, respectively,
curve from the top-left corner represents higher accuracy. turned out to be the best predictive model.
The area under the curve (AUC) is calculated to obtain the
overall accuracy of a predictive model.
The Taylor graphs of the training and testing data are
plotted in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The position of ELM-

Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255 1249

Fig. 6. a–j Regression plots between measured and predicted values at the testing stage

4.5 Uncertainty analysis (UA) absolute error between the observed data (yi ) and predicted
quantities (b
y i ) as:
The proposed models and typical MLAs are subjected to ei ¼ jyi  ybi j ð34Þ
quantitative evaluation (i.e., they are analyzed for uncer-
tainty) in terms of tight carbonate permeability prediction. Additionally, one can obtain the mean of error (MOE)
To this end, the results of the training and test data were and standard deviation (SD) for a given prediction as:
combined. The datasets involved 130 real-time observation PN
data points. Therefore, it may be beneficial to subject MOE ¼ i¼1 ð35Þ
predictive results to logical comparison to perform the
reliability evaluation of the models. Furthermore, one can
adopt the UA index to examine other comparative evalu-
ation parameters. In this respect, it is possible to obtain the

1250 Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255

Fig. 7. Taylor diagram of the developed models: a ELM-based models; b ANN-based models; c other models for the training dataset

Fig. 8. Taylor diagram of the developed models: a ELM-based models; b ANN-based models; c other models for the testing dataset

PN 2 and is capable of prediction at higher accuracy. According
i¼1 ðei  MOEÞ to the UA results, ELM-MEO yielded the smallest WCB
SD ¼ ð36Þ
N1 and ME values of 0.0334 and 0.0167, respectively. Thus,
in which ei denotes the absolute error, N stands for the ELM-MEO is found to have the highest predictive accu-
observation count. After calculation of the MOE and SD of racy. Furthermore, smaller SE, SD, and MOE quantities
the training and test data, this study calculated the margin suggest higher reliability for ELM-MEO than the other
of error (ME) at a confidence interval of 95% to obtain the proposed models. As a result, the proposed ELM-based
width of confidence bound (WCB). Then, the standard approaches, specifically ELM-MEO, are observed to have
error (SE), lower bound (LB) and upper bound (UB) were the lowest uncertainty and highest confidence. Fig. 11
computed as: illustrates the UA results in horizontal bar chart, demon-
strating the MOE, SD, SE, ME, LB, UB, and WCB values
SD for the purpose of a better comparison.
SE ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; UB ¼ MOE þ ME; LB
¼ MOE  ME; WCB ¼ UB  LB ð37Þ 4.6 Discussion on results
WCB stands for a range of errors where nearly 95% of
the data rest. Table 6 provides a detailed description of UA. Previous subsections provided a detailed result description
As can be seen, the number of observations (N), SD, MOE, of the proposed ELM and ANN-based metaheuristic
ME, SE, UB, WCB, and LB are provided. According to models. This subsection will present a summarized dis-
Table 6, it is possible to perform the performance evalua- cussion based on the results obtained in this study. At the
tion of the models. It should be noted that a smaller WCB beginning of developing ELM and ANN-based meta-
represents higher certainty. In other words, a smaller WCB heuristic approaches, training data were employed to
implies that the model undergoes a smaller level of error examine the goodness of fitness (GOF). Also, test data

Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255 1251

Fig. 10. REC plots of a ELM-based models, b ANN-based models,

and c conventional models for the testing stage

The evaluation was initially carried out by a number of

Fig. 9. REC plots of a ELM-based models, b ANN-based models, performance indexes. It was found that the entire devel-
and c conventional models for the training stage oped models were related in tight carbonates permeability
measurement. The findings revealed that developed models
were utilized for prediction evaluation. Then, the proposed had the ability to mimic the relationships between tight
metaheuristic hybrid approaches were compared to GP, carbonate permeability and the influential parameters.
MARS, RVM, and RF as typical ML approaches. Next, the During training, the coefficient of determination was cal-
results were estimated, providing a detailed assessment. culated to be higher than 0.90 for the models (including

1252 Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255

Table 6 Results of uncertainty analysis


ELM-EO 32 0.0685 0.0478 0.0084 0.0172 0.0513 0.0858 0.0345

ELM-MEO 32 0.0660 0.0463 0.0082 0.0167 0.0493 0.0827 0.0334
ELM-PSO 32 0.0743 0.0487 0.0086 0.0175 0.0568 0.0919 0.0351
ANN-EO 32 0.0709 0.0557 0.0098 0.0201 0.0508 0.0910 0.0402
ANN-MEO 32 0.0766 0.0529 0.0094 0.0191 0.0575 0.0957 0.0382
ANN-PSO 32 0.0794 0.0689 0.0122 0.0248 0.0545 0.1042 0.0497
RF 32 0.0738 0.0645 0.0114 0.0233 0.0506 0.0971 0.0465
RVM 32 0.0685 0.0520 0.0092 0.0187 0.0497 0.0872 0.0375
MARS 32 0.0748 0.0893 0.0158 0.0322 0.0426 0.1070 0.0644
GP 32 0.0681 0.0484 0.0086 0.0174 0.0507 0.0856 0.0349

Fig. 11. Bar plots of uncertainty analysis

ELM-EO, ELM-MEO, ELM-PSO, ANN-EO, ANN-MEO diagrams, convergence curves, REC curves, and accuracy
and ANN-PSO). Among common ML approaches, how- matrices to indicate the strengths of the proposed models.
ever, R2 was obtained to be below 0.90 for RF The Taylor diagrams mathematically described the models
(R2 = 0.8242). Nonetheless, ELM-MEO exhibited the based on RMSE,R2 and variance ratios. Similarly, an
highest predictive performance, with R2 = 0.9323, accuracy matric reveals the accuracy degree of a given
RMSE = 0.0612 and MAE = 0.0442, upon the training model for a given performance index. The results of ELM-
data. Concerning the testing data, ELM-MEO outper- MEO model were compared to the results of [50] which
formed the other algorithms in terms of prediction. How- used the same dataset and influential variables as this study
ever, the remaining four models did not follow the same with feedforward multilayer perceptron network (FFMLP)
descending order on the testing data as that of the training and genetic algorithm (GA) as ML models. R2 values for
data. In other words, the prediction performance ranks FFMLP and GA in [50] are 0.908 and 0.888 in training
were found to be in the order of ELM-MEO [ ELM- stage and 0.886 and 0.858 in testing stage, respectively. It
EO [ GP [ RVM [ ELM-PSO [ ANN-EO [ RF [ exhibits the superiority of the proposed ELM-MEO with R2
ANN-MEO [ ANN-PSO [ MARS. In addition, graphical
result demonstrations were provided in the forms of Taylor

Acta Geotechnica (2022) 17:1239–1255 1253

values of 0.9323 and 8843 in training and testing stages, Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by the
respectively. High-end Foreign Expert Introduction program (No. G20200022005)
and Science and Technology Research Program of Chongqing
Municipal Education Commission (No. KJCXZD2020002).

5 Conclusions Author’s contribution NK contributed to conceptualization,

methodological development, development of AI models, overall
analysis, and manuscript finalization; AB contributed to conceptual-
It is believed that reliably and accurately estimating the ization, development of AI models, methodological development,
permeability of tight rocks helps save both cost and time. detailing, overall analysis, and manuscript finalization; SG con-
This work proposed metaheuristic hybrid prediction mod- tributed to development of Improved EO algorithm and method-
els, including the novel ELM-MEO, to predict permeability ological development; PS was involved in reviewing and editing; MN
contributed to reviewing and editing; YMZ contributed to guidance,
(k). The models were grounded on PSO, EO, MEO, PSO, reviewing, editing, and manuscript finalization; and AZ contributed to
ANN, and ELM approaches. The present study adopted guidance, reviewing, editing, and manuscript finalization.
ELM and ANN to build a mapping function inferring the
k value through input variables, whereas the metaheuristic Declarations
approaches were utilized for the bias and weight opti-
mization of the connecting ELM and ANN neurons. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
According to the experimental findings, ELM-MEO had interest statement.
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