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Safira Assajida Rahma



A. Facts about forest

2. As much as a third of the total tree cover has been lost since agriculture began some 10,000 years
3. The remaining forests are home to more species than any other biome , making them the Earth's
chief resource for the biodiversity of species .

B. Tropical rain forests

2. Oil prospecting , road building , or cattle grazing and for growing crops such as coffee ,
cocoa , 10 and bananas
3. Less than half of the Earth's original rain forests remain , and more than 50 million acres a
year are lost .

C. Forest outsides the tropics

1. Are being cleared for fuel and mining operations
2. Temperate forests are the Earth's largest land - based source of carbon .

D. Pollution
1. In Europe and North America , pollution is an even bigger threat than clearing
2. China : 90 percent of Sichuan province's forests have died . The cause appears to be a
combination of pollutants , including acid rain .

E. Results of the clearing forest

1. Rainfall in those areas diminishes
2. Causing the 25 climate to become hotter and drier .
3. The soil also becomes dry and hard ,
4. Making it less able to absorb rain ;
5. Its fertility decreases along with its moisture .
6. Eventually , if no restoration is attempted , the forest is transformed into desert .

II. Under threat of extinction : causes

A. Catasthropic Event
B. Habitat loss
1. clearence of land
2. coastal ecosystems are cleared for development
a. Cota Doñana in southern Spain
b. The Everglades in Florida

C. Species
1. Specialiezed habitat
2. Specialiezed die
3. Species with low rates of reproduction
4. Large species
5. Alien species

D. Human
1. Tourists endanger the balance of natural systems
2. Human (tourist) disturbing endangered animals.

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