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Pastors Letter...
Return to me, and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts. Mal. 3:6
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Greetings to each of you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! This double issue of Temple Tidings (August/September) has a lot of information to help you prepare for the beginning of a new school year in Church! On September 11th, we will celebrate Homecoming Sunday. This is an opportunity for all members, friends and former members to return to Tremont Temple and celebrate the unity that we have in Christ! The Bible very often speaks of returning. Listen to some of the Scripture verses: We will return with you to your people. (Ruth 1:10) Return, every man to his home (I Kings 12:24) If you return in peace. (I Kings 22:28) Return, O my soul, to your rest. (Psalm 116:7) Come, let us return to the Lord. (Hosea 6:1). It is good to return to a place where we have experienced Gods love, and friendship of its people. The ship of Tremont Temple Baptist Church has gone through rough waters and stormy seas. But, the good news is that through it all, God has blessed us and we are now in calm and peaceful waters. Come, celebrate with us what God is doing in our midst! After Church on Homecoming Sunday, there will be an International Banquet. Members from around the world will bring specialties from their home countries. There will be tables set up in Chipman Hall with foods from around the world. Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish from whatever country. Please let your Deacon or the Church Office know what you will be bringing. Thanks!

August/September 2011

ALL CHURCH HOMECOMING LUNCHEON Sunday, Sept. 4th (Following Worship) Narthex (Lobby) FALL FESTIVAL Friday, Sept. 9th Boston Commons 4pm - 7pm BAPTISM SERVICE Sunday, Sept. 11th 11am Converse Hall 10 DAYS BOSTON
City - Wide Cross Cultural Prayer Gathering

Make a date and plan to attend.and bring a friend! Call former members and let
them know that we miss them and want everyone to return for this wonderful time of celebration and joy! There are many things for which we are grateful this summer: 1. Baptismal and New Members Class: The Lord is growing his flock, one by one! We are pleased that on Sunday, September 11th , there will be a baptism of six new people who have indicated their faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ and have expressed their desire to follow Him in baptism. Isnt it wonderful that God is adding to our numbers every Sunday!? 2. Wednesday Prayer Meeting: The Wednesday evening fellowship hour has turned into a feast of Gods blessings upon us! This summer we have had attendance at Prayer Meetings of about forty. Also, an equal number come to our fellowship time beforehand. We are grateful that Tony Murrell who is our church cook has been providing such excellent meals. But, the feast of prayer time is really most rewarding. It is a time to express concerns and also to experience Gods love in prayer. The last Wednesday of every month is a Contemporary Service that is led by our youth. We thank God for the growth of our students and young professionals!

Friday, Sept. 30th Lorimer Hall 7pm - 9pm

PAGE 2 3.Sunday School and Bible Study time: Read your Bible, pray every day and youll grow, grow, grow! Sunday morning is a time for children and adults to dig deeper into the Word. If we really love the Bible as we proclaim , then shouldnt we be studying it even more? Every Sunday, you have an opportunity to be involved in a Bible Study class. In a large church very often the Sunday School class becomes the small group experience that brings you closer to friends and the Lord. Dont miss the opportunity to grow in faith! Sunday, September 4th, is an All Class quarterly gathering in Myers Hall, 6th floor, 9:30 am, preceeded by a continental breakfast. Janice Lotz will be leading the lesson at that time.



4 . Missionary Visit: We are pleased that on Sunday,

September 4th, one of the missionary couples we support will be visiting us. Gordon and Caryl Saunders will bring greetings. Following the Sunday morning worship, there will be an opportunity to hear Gordon and Caryl give a report on their missionary work in Europe. We will meet in the Hospitality Room, immediately following the mornings service. Thanks be to God for all His gifts to us. Scripture reminds us not to neglect the assembling together of the faithful. Come worship with us and celebrate the Good News of Christs redemptive love! Yours in Christ,

Denton Lotz , Pastor

Pa s to r a l C a r e & C o u n s e l i n g. . .
It is that time of year when we appeal to our members and those who are friends of the Church, for our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner and the clothing drive, as we seek to meet the needs of those who can use the collected items. Donations of any amount are always welcome and gratefully accepted. You may send in your donations made out to : Tremont Temple Baptist Church or the Boston Christian Counseling Center. We need (X) large T-shirts, caps, mittens, socks and large over coats. On Thanksgiving day, we meet the needs of 400 to 500 people - primarily those who are homeless and/or live in shelters. Thank you for your help!

Rev. Eleftheria Sidiropoulou

Minister of Counseling

Wo m e n s Ro u n d - ta b l e R e p o rt M i s s i o n a ry L e t t e r s
As a result of the meetings of the Womens Roundtable, women were challenged to get involved in Tremont Temple Baptist Church.. Nine (9) women agreed to take a name or two of our missionaries, as listed on the back of our weekly Sunday bulletin, and write to them. For your information, these women are: Amy Doherty, Pearl Gayle, Like Lisangola, Janice Lotz, Judy MacLaren, Brenda Marston, Pam Winstead, Jean Rogers and Stefanie Wong. Letters have been written and soon we hopefully will receive responses from our missionaries (prayerfully and financially) - thereby enriching both their lives and ours. Weve had one answer from our nearest missionary and herewith is a capsule report from Peter An,
Letters have been written and soon we hopefully will receive responses from our missionaries..




whose ministry is Cambodian Fellowship in Lynn, MA. Peter reports Gods blessings with much spiritual growth resulting in three young adults being baptized in the Lord. The church is blessed to have a few Gordon-Conwell students join them. Plans are in place for Vacation Bible School. Pray for Peter An and the people of his congregation. Report by : Lois Crosby

N e w s f ro m t h e m u s i c m i n i s t ry
Dear Sisters and Brothers of Tremont Temple, We have had an exciting summer, being able to welcome Chelsa Bailey back from Louisiana and being blessed with the beautiful singing of our Praise Band Ensemble of Chelsa, Sara and Clevette. The Lord has used this group in a mighty way to offer rich praises to our God and King. The Contemporary Music Worship Team has also done a great job on the last Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Study time each month in Lorimer Hall. The Gospel Choir sang on the steps of Tremont Temple during July and will also do so in August, ministering to tourists and other passersby. The Filipino Ensemble and Chancel Choir have both been off for the summer months, but will start again in September. We have also been blessed to have Clara Kebabian play violin for us, as well as Elizabeth England playing the oboe, in addition to other vocal soloists, the Praise Band and guests. Please pray for our Gospel Choir, as we have been given a gift of red Choir robes, to enhance our musical presentation, in order to glorify the Lord. We are always looking for more singers in our Choirs. If you are interested in singing in one of our Choirs, please schedule and audition through the Church Office: or (617) 523 - 7320 . Blessings, Rev Geoff Hicks, Music Minister

A No t e o f Th a n k s
To All the Members of Tremont Temple ~ Thank you all for being such a blessing to my mother (Olga) and myself with all of your thoughts and prayers ~ Praise the Lord she is still with usgoing towards 99 years. Every day, in every way , we walk with Jesus !! We both love you but Jesus loves you more we are waiting for this blessed hope.. Olga & Dagny DiiBona 1 Cor. 2 : 9



Presented by:

August birt hdays S ept ember birt hdays

August 2nd - Sara Rice August 2nd - Brenda Vikre August 3rd - Rev. Victor Rosario August 8th - Orpheo Lyder August 10th - Geoffrey Forrest Hicks August 11th - Jane Crump August 12th - Noah Japhet August 15th - H. Elmore Blanton August 18th - Donald harris August 18th - Steven Williams August 20th - Peter DeArruda August 22nd - Roslyn Wood August 24th - Alice Misoi Sept. 1 - Cindy Shaughnessy Sept 1 - Lino Costa Sept 1 - Robin Adams Sept 1 - Joonsik (Peter) Chang Sept 6 - Dorothy Beard Sept 7 - Daryl Henry Sept 9 - Sue Cole Sept 15 - Tony Murrell Sept 17 - Dorothy Vikre Sept 18 - Joan Ventre Sept 19 - Adolfo Ruiz Sept 20 - Emril Stockwell Sept 27 - Arthur Davis Sept. 29 - Jean Rogers

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