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There is little doubt that increasing employee engagement in retail eventually enhances the customer

experience. Your frontline employees will feel empowered to represent the brand and serve as the
company's voice if you provide them with the tools they need to succeed. Your staff will be able to grasp
their part in completing the current mission's bigger goals thanks to effective communication tools that
provide context. We are all aware that when we see how our professional activities, even the most
routine ones, fit into a larger scheme, we are motivated to go above and beyond and give it our all. A
platform that links the dots for your employees to foster a sense of purpose and promotes dialogue and
feedback will enhance the customer experience, which will eventually have a positive impact on the
financial performance of your business. (Zipline,2022)

In any field, a company's success is only as good as its workforce. The rules of leadership are the same
whether you're the boss in an office, a physical store, or an internet company. Even the most
exceptional individuals require guidance and support to flourish. Maintaining a positive work
environment is essential for increasing productivity, which in turn depends on guidance. You must set a
good example for others to follow and play to each person's abilities if you want to foster an
environment where workers go above and beyond to accomplish corporate goals. (Sean,2023)

Employee engagement improves performance in a variety of ways. Although every company wishes for
more productive workers, productivity is not everything. Some businesses use mandatory overtime,
severe targets, and restrictive procedures to drain employees' productivity. Even though this might
momentarily increase output, it will have a negative impact on workers and the company over the long
term and most likely result in a net decrease in output. Employee engagement and productivity are
strongly correlated, along with improved performance. Less resources are required to achieve that
better level of performance the more engaged the workforce is. (Paul, 2020)

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