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Definition gives a concise but
exact meaning/s to unfamiliar
words and special meanings
to familiar words.
It is a brief, explicit, precise, and objective dictionary
meaning of the term, consisting of the following:
a.the term (word or phrase) to be defined;
b.the class of object or concept to which the term
belongs; and
c.the differentiating characteristics that distinguish
it from all others.
Family is a group of
individuals living under
one roof.
Family is a group of
individuals living under
one roof.
Family is a group of
individuals living under
one roof. characteristics)
Happiness is a state of well-
being characterized by
emotions ranging from
contentment to intense joy.
Happiness is a state of well-
being characterized by
emotions ranging from
contentment to intense joy.
Happiness is a state of well-
being characterized by
emotions ranging from
contentment to intense joy.
Happiness is a state of well-
being characterized by (differentiating
emotions ranging from characteristic/s)
contentment to intense joy.
Water is a liquid made up of
molecules of hydrogen and
oxygen in ratio of 2 to 1.
Water is a liquid made up of
molecules of hydrogen and
oxygen in ratio of 2 to 1.
Water is a liquid made up of
molecules of hydrogen and
oxygen in ratio of 2 to 1.

Water is a liquid made up of

molecules of hydrogen and
oxygen in ratio of 2 to 1.
Astronomy is a branch of
scientific study primarily
concerned with celestial objects
inside and outside of the earth’s
Astronomy is a branch of
scientific study primarily
concerned with celestial objects
inside and outside of the earth’s
Astronomy is a branch of
scientific study primarily
concerned with celestial objects
inside and outside of the earth’s
Astronomy is a branch of
scientific study primarily
concerned with celestial objects
inside and outside of the earth’s
This type of definition uses known words or
examples to explain an unknown term. These
definitions may be synonyms or antonyms
introduced by or, in other words, or like. It
could also be an analogy or illustration.
Happiness is like a butterfly: the
more you chase it, the more it will
elude you, but if you turn your
attention to other things, it will
come and sit softly on your
Freedom, also referred to as
liberty or independence, is a state
people reach when they are free
to think and do whatever they
It is one or more words, phrases, sentences,
or paragraphs that attempt to explain a
complex term. It can also be personal but
limited to the facts only. It explains what the
words mean to the writer and may allow a
reader to see the words differently.
The first and most convenient thing to do
when giving an expanded definition is to
compose the formal sentence definition of the
term one is writing about. Then, the term
should be placed at the beginning because
this helps one establish the focus for the rest
of the discussion.
However, a writer may make use of informal
definition to help readers understand the
words’ denotation (literal) meaning as well as
connotation (associated) meaning.
Measles is an acute, highly infectious disease caused by a
virus. The illness is characterized by cough, fever, and
maculopapular (raised red) rash. It had worldwide
endemicity--- that is (people around the world are
vulnerable to the disease). It will infect monkeys easily
and chick embryos with difficulty. In tissue cultures (those
involving living cells or tissues from other living
organisms), the virus may produce giant cells containing
many nuclei and acidophilic inclusion bodies (red-stained
areas in the nucleus which are laboratory sign for certain
viral infections.
Measles is an acute, highly infectious disease caused by a
virus. The illness is characterized by cough, fever, and
maculopapular (raised red) rash. It had worldwide
endemicity--- that is (people around the world are
vulnerable to the disease). It will infect monkeys easily
and chick embryos with difficulty. In tissue cultures (those
involving living cells or tissues from other living
organisms), the virus may produce giant cells containing
many nuclei and acidophilic inclusion bodies (red-stained
areas in the nucleus which are laboratory sign for certain
viral infections.
Measles is an acute, highly infectious disease caused by a
virus. The illness is characterized by cough, fever, and
maculopapular (raised red) rash. It had worldwide
endemicity--- that is (people around the world are
vulnerable to the disease). It will infect monkeys easily
and chick embryos with difficulty. In tissue cultures (those
involving living cells or tissues from other living
organisms), the virus may produce giant cells containing
many nuclei and acidophilic inclusion bodies (red-stained
areas in the nucleus which are laboratory sign for certain
viral infections.
End of Presentation

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