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WordPress Heading Tags
– How to Use Them the
By Built for WordPress
Tom Robak
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Updated on:
January 13, 2021
Right Way
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Some users
Facebook don’t know what
Instagram is the purpose of Headings in WordPress… actually
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Group(the code of your website – big thing).
in the whole HTML structure
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Understanding WordPress heading tags and how to use them correctly makes a
huge difference in content quality.

By using Heading tags, we differentiate our web page content. Heading tags
should be not used solely for making text large or bold! When used correctly,
they adds semantic meaning, help with accessibility and can boost your search
engine rankings. However, when used incorrectly, they can give trouble to your
users and your search engine ranking.

What are Heading Tags?

<h1> to <h6> tags are used to define Heading on a web document.  According to
W3Schools – <h1> </h1> is the first heading which is critical for any web
document and <h6></h6> is the least important heading that holds very less
importance in a web document as compared to other heading tags.

h1 tag should be the main heading, which is followed by h2, h3 and so on. The
<h1> is usually the boldest one, whereas <h6> font size is the smallest.

To insert a heading, simply add a Heading block in WordPress editor, when you
edit a blog post or page. You can also convert existing blocks into heading
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So, what’s the big deal?

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SometimesInstagram  can
little things Userturn into big things. Lately when I was optimizing
Log in  some of your websites, I’ve seen some funny things. You guys were making
simple mistakes; here they are:

Using the heading tags because it matches the font size. Yup, that’s the number
one reason. A common mistake for newbies to WordPress and CSS. People who
don’t understand properly their theme and CSS, will sometimes avoid using a
particular heading because it doesn’t match the appearance that they’re looking
for in their design. Quite often this will be because an h1 is too big for what they
want so they might use an h2 or h3.

Using Multiple h1’s on the same page. The <h1> tag should be used to markup
your title for the current page and should come at the top of your content. If you
have a page which contains information about Wedding photography in London
then it would make sense to use your h1 with that text within the element:

<h1>Wedding Photography in London</h1>

But if you have another piece of content which went into details about Wedding
photography in Liverpool then you should have a separate document with that
text as the <h1>. In a situation where you’re only briefly touching on each
subject and there wouldn’t be enough content to justify breaking it into separate
pages then it would make more sense to have a document structure like this:
<h1>Wedding Photography in UK</h1>
<h2>Wedding Photography in London</h2>
Our Product <p>Content about wedding photography in London</p>
<h2>Wedding Photography in Liverpool</h2>
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Not using heading tags at all. I’ve also seen the opposite happen on websites,
Support whereby instead of misusing the heading tags, people simply don’t use any at
My Account all. This is quite often the case when the user doesn’t understand the purpose of
the heading
element –  but
this is an easy problem to fix. All content should be

headed up with an h1 tagGroup
so adding that to the beginning of the content is a
Log in  great start.

Heading Tags Provide SEO Value

Visitors of the website aren’t the only ones that benefit from headings. Search
engines also scan your site for headings. Using H1-H6 tags shows them how
different blocks of content are connected and stand in relation to one another.
That’s also the reason why headings are usually configured to get consecutively
smaller with higher numbers. Apart from that, Google will try to use the content
Our Product of your headings to understand the topic of your writing better. That’s why SEO
plugins such as Yoast WordPress SEO routinely check whether your keyword or
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phrase appears inside heading tags. The reason is simple: Search engines want
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Resources you to create content that is pleasant to consume for site visitors they are
Showcasesending your way. When you provide a scannable and logical structure, Google
Support and their competitors will reward you for it.
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on Using Headings
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DO use only one H1 tag per page

DO keep a logical heading structure

DO include keywords in your headings

DO NOT use heading tags for styling

DO NOT apply heading tags to entire paragraphs

Learning to use WordPress heading tags correctly is essential for every blogger
or website owner. It’s part of the basics for content creation, providing both
readability for human visitors and important information for search spiders.

Using header tags will display your posts and pages in a structured and
organized manner and show Google and other search engines that they are
dealing with high-quality content. Always think about your readers first and
Google second

How do you use headings inside your content? Thoughts on the above? Please
share in the comments!  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask in our
SEO related Facebook group.
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October 20, 2016 by Tom Robak Group October 20, 2016 by Nata Leto

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