HND Computing Professional Prectice 2022

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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)

Programme title BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing

Assessor Internal Verifier

Unit 03: Professional Practice
Work Related Learning Report: Design and Deliver a Training
Assignment title Programme

Mohamed Sabrin/COL00143342
Student’s name
List which assessment Pass Merit Distinction
criteria the Assessor has

Do the assessment criteria awarded

match those shown in the assignment
brief? Y/N

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade

awarded justified by the assessor’s
comments on the student work?
Has the work been assessed
accurately? Y/N

Is the feedback to the student:

Give details:

• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment
criteria? Y/N

• Identifying opportunities for

improved performance?
• Agreeing actions? Y/N

Does the assessment decision need

amending? Y/N

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if
required) Date
Confirm action completed
Remedial action taken

Give details:

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier
signature Date

Programme Leader signature

(if required) Date
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID Mohamed Sabrin/COL00143342
Unit 03: Professional Practice
Unit Title

Assignment Number 1 Assessor

02/10/2022 Date Received
Submission Date 1st submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date submission
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target audience
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 M3 D2

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working
in different environments
Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M4 D3

LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the
workplace and for higher level learning
Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 P8 M5 D4

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades
decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 03: Professional Practice
Assignment 01
Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as
my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means to copy
another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my
own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
agreement between myself and Pearson, UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not
attached to the assignment.
Student’s Signature: Date: 02/10/2022
(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)
Higher National Diploma in Business
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number Mohamed Sabrin/COL00143342

Unit Number and Title Unit 3: Professional Practice

Academic Year 2021/22

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Work Related Learning Report: Design and Deliver a

Training Programme

Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission format

The submission should be in the form of an individual report written in a concise, formal business style
using single spacing (refer to the assignment guidelines for more details). You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and
referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please provide in-text citation and a list of references using
Harvard referencing system. Please note that this is an activity-based assessment and your report should
include evidences to the activities carried out individually and/or in a group.

To carry out the activities given on the brief, you are required to form groups, comprising maximum of 6

T.M..Sabrin/COL00143342 Professional Practice Assignment No. 01
Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

T.M..Sabrin/COL00143342 Professional Practice Assignment No. 01
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable
communication skills to a target audience.

P1 Demonstrate, using different communication styles and

formats, that you can effectively design and deliver a training
event for a given target audience.

P2 Demonstrate that you have used effective time

management skills in planning an event.

M1 Design a professional schedule to support the planning

of an event, to include contingencies and justifications of
time allocated.

D1 Evaluate the effectiveness and application of

interpersonal skills during the design and delivery of a
training event.

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of

problem-solving scenarios.

P3 Demonstrate the use of different problem-solving

techniques in the design and delivery of an event.

P4 Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been applied to a

given solution.

M2 Research the use of different problem-solving techniques

used in the design and delivery of an event.

M3 Justify the use and application of a range of solution


T.M..Sabrin/COL00143342 Professional Practice Assignment No. 01
D2 Critique the process of applying critical reasoning to a
given task/activity or event.
LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working
within a team and the impact of team working in different

P5 Discuss the importance of team dynamics in the success

and/or failure of group work.

P6 Work within a team to achieve a defined goal.

M4 Analyse team dynamics, in terms of the roles group

members play in a team and the effectiveness in terms of
achieving shared goals.

D3 Provide a critical evaluation of your own role and

contribution to a group scenario.
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace and
for higher-level learning.

P7 Discuss the importance of CPD and its contribution to

own learning.
P8 Produce a development plan that outlines responsibilities,
performance objectives and required skills, knowledge and
learning for own future goals.
M5 Compare and contrast different motivational theories
and the impact they can have on performance within the
D4 Evaluate a range of evidence criteria that is used as a
measure for effective CPD.


T.M..Sabrin/COL00143342 Professional Practice Assignment No. 01
First of all, I would like to thank my group members for making this event more
successful. And also, I finally thank ESOFT Metro Campus for this valuable opportunity.

Table of Contents
Assignment Brief................................................................................................................1

T.M..Sabrin/COL00143342 Professional Practice Assignment No. 01
1. LO1 Demonstrate how you are planning to effectively deliver the training event by
designing a professional project plan with the following details.......................................7
I. Roles appointed to group members and an evaluation of interpersonal skills of each
member that justifies the assigned role in the team...........................................................7
II. Goals and Objectives of the Project..............................................................................15
III. Evidence to the meetings conducted with the client and the team members and the
findings/ outcomes of the meetings...................................................................................24
IV. Challenges/ problems identified and the plan to overcome them................................22
V. A project schedule with the activities, milestones and contingencies identified..........24
2. LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios...26
3. LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of
the team working in different environments......................................................................31
I. Critical evaluation of my own role and contribution to the group for the completion of
the training event................................................................................................................31
II. Importance of having dynamic team members in a group to meet its goals by referring
to the role assigned to the group members and analysing how team dynamics among your
group members effectively helped to achieve the shared project goal..............................32
4. LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role
within the workplace and for higher-level learning...........................................................35
I. Importance of continuous professional development (CPD) in a work setting and its
contribution to own learning..............................................................................................35
a) Importance of CPD to employees..................................................................................36
b) Importance of CPD to employers..................................................................................36
c) Contribution of CPD to my personal learning...............................................................36
II. An evaluation of the range of CPD criteria that can be used to measure the
effectiveness of your employees in your organization.......................................................37
III. Continuous Development Plan for the group members...............................................39
IV. PDP (Professional Development Plan) and Skill Audit...............................................40
V. Compare and contrast different motivation theories.....................................................41
Executive Summary...........................................................................................................45

Table of Figures

T.M..Sabrin/COL00143342 Professional Practice Assignment No. 01
Figure 1 Belbin’s Roles......................................................................................................9
Figure 2 SMART GOALS.................................................................................................16
Figure 3 WhatsApp Chat 1(EVIDENCE)..........................................................................18
Figure 4 WhatsApp Chat 2 (EVIDENCE).........................................................................19
Figure 5 WhatsApp Chat 3 (EVIDENCE).........................................................................19
Figure 6 WhatsApp Chat 4 (EVIDENCE).........................................................................20
Figure 7 Microsoft TEAMS Meeting (EVIDENCE).........................................................20
Figure 8 event registration (EVIDENCE) .........................................................................21
Figure 9 event feedback form (EVIDENCE) ....................................................................21
Figure 10 Challenges and Problems...................................................................................22
Figure 11 GANTT CHART SCHEDULE..........................................................................24
Figure 12 GANTT CHART...............................................................................................24
Figure 13 Presenting Agenda.............................................................................................25
Figure 14 The 5 Whys........................................................................................................29
Figure 15 SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................30
Figure 16 Team Dynamics.................................................................................................32
Figure 17 CPD CYCLE.....................................................................................................35
Figure 18 Checklist............................................................................................................38

List of Tables
Table 1 Assigned Roles.....................................................................................................13
Table 2 Contingency Backup Plan....................................................................................25
Table 3 SWOT Analysis....................................................................................................31
Table 4 Continuous Development plan..............................................................................40
Table 5 Professional Development Plan............................................................................41
Table 6 Difference Between Maslow’s and Hertzberg’s Theory.......................................42
Table 7 Difference Between McGregor’s theory X and Y................................................43

T.M..Sabrin/COL00143342 Professional Practice Assignment No. 01
1. LO1 Demonstrate how you are planning to effectively deliver the training
event by designing a professional project plan with the following details
Arraigning a successful training event for Professional Practice. The groups were divided
into 7 members for each team. After that, we set to start planning the event. When
planning the event we identified the different interpersonal skills of each member. Then
we discussed the topic to conduct the training event which IT and Soft Skills Training
Programme Via Microsoft Team.

Sabrin (Author), Shanadi,savini,nishantha,sukri,lakmal and shaheen

I. Roles appointed to group members and an evaluation of the interpersonal skills of each
member that justifies the assigned role in the team.

What are Interpersonal Skills?

Interpersonal skills are the social skills we use in our day-to-day life when
communicating and interacting with people both individuals and groups.

Interpersonal Skills;

• Communication Skills

➢ Verbal Communication Skills

➢ Non-Verbal Communication Skills (Body Language)

➢ Listening Skills

• Empathy

• Conflict Management

• Team Work

• Leadership

• Negotiation

T.M..Sabrin/COL00143342 Professional Practice Assignment No. 01
Interpersonal skills are necessary for communicating and working with groups and
individuals in both your personal and professional lives. People with strong interpersonal
skills are more likely to form positive relationships and collaborate

effectively with others. They have a good understanding of family, friends, coworkers,
and clients. People frequently enjoy working with coworkers who have strong
interpersonal skills.

Some Important Interpersonal Skills at Work

• Active Listening - When someone speaks, active listening is the ability to give
full attention to them and genuinely understand what they are saying. You're paying
attention to the speaker and expressing it through vocal and nonverbal responses (Facial
Expressions, Gestures). Finally, ask some questions to keep asking questions to show you
are interested in it. It reduces misunderstanding and it makes you understand your
coworkers and others.

• Conflict Resolution – when someone at the workplace met with an issue or

disagreement in this type of situation you can your interpersonal communication to solve
the argument. Negotiation, persuasion, and understanding both sides of an argument may
be required. Listen carefully to everyone involved and try to come up with a solution that
benefits everyone. This skill makes your working environment more positive and

• Verbal Communication – This is a most important skill you must consider when
you are communicating with coworkers or Mangers at the workplace. When
communicating with others you must speak clearly and appropriately by considering the
situation. For example, in meetings speak formally. When explaining something avoid
complex words.

• Teamwork - Employee groups that can communicate and collaborate effectively

have a better chance of success and achieving common goals. Being a team player can
assist you in avoiding conflict and increase productivity. Offer to assist your coworkers
when needed and solicit feedback and ideas from them. When team members offer their
thoughts or advice, listen carefully and respond positively. When working on projects or
attending meetings, be upbeat and optimistic.

T.M..Sabrin/COL00143342 Professional Practice Assignment No. 01
Appointed Roles to Team Members


What are Belbin Team Roles?

They are divided into three main categories: thought-oriented, action-oriented, and
people-oriented roles, with each position having its own definition. You may be able to
operate more efficiently as a team if you know what each member's role

Figure 1 Belbin’s Roles

Thought Oriented Roles:

Plant - When it comes to coming up with new ideas and ways, the Plant is the creative
innovator. Gratitude is inspirational for them, but criticism is extremely difficult for them

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to take. Plants are generally reserved and prefer to work alone. Because of the novelty of
their concepts, they might be deemed unrealistic at times. They may also be bad
communicators and have a tendency to disregard limitations and constraints that have
been set for them.

Specialists - Specialists are persons who have specialized knowledge that is required to
complete a task. They are proud of their talents and abilities, and they work hard to keep
their professional standing. Their role in the team is to be an expert in the field, and they
devote themselves completely to it.

Monitor Evaluator - Monitor-Evaluators specialize at analyzing and evaluating ideas

generated by others (typically Plants). These individuals are smart and objective,
thoroughly considering the advantages and disadvantages of all available choices before
making a decision.

Monitor-Evaluators are critical thinkers with a strategic perspective. They are frequently
viewed as cold or emotionless. They can sometimes be poor motivators who react to
events rather than initiating them.

Action Oriented Role:

Sharper -Shapers are those who push the team to be better. They are dynamic and
typically outgoing individuals who love exciting others, challenging norms, and
determining the best ways to issue solutions. The Shaper changes things up to ensure that
all options are examined and that the team does not get bored.

Shapers frequently perceive barriers as interesting challenges, and they have the guts to
persevere when others might give up.

Their possible weaknesses include being argumentative and perhaps offending people's

Completer Finisher - Completer-Finishers are those who ensure that tasks are finished
completely. They verify that no errors or mistakes have occurred and pay close attention

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to the smallest of details. They are highly concerned with deadlines and will put pressure
on the team to ensure that the task is finished on time. They are regarded as perfectionists
who are diligent, organized, and nervous.

A Completer-Finisher, on the other hand, may worry unnecessarily and find it difficult to

Implementer - Implementers are the individuals who see something through to

completion. They translate the team's ideas and thoughts into actionable steps and
strategies. They are usually conservative, disciplined individuals that operate consistently
and effectively and are extremely well organized. These are the individuals you can rely
on to do the task.

On the negative side, implementers can be inflexible and resistant to change.

People Oriented Roles:

Coordinator - Coordinators, sometimes known as supervisors, are the people who take
on the usual team-leader position. They direct the team toward the goals that they believe
to be the most important. They are generally great listeners who are able to appreciate the
value that each team member brings to the table. They are calm and good- natured, and
they allocate duties extremely well.

Team Worker - Team workers are responsible for providing assistance and ensuring that
the members of the team are able to collaborate successfully. These team members play
the role of negotiators, and they are adaptable, diplomatic, and well-versed in the
situation. These people are usually well-liked and talented on their own, but they put the
well-being of the team ahead of their personal interests.

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Indecisiveness and holding uncommitted views throughout debates and decision-making
may be their weaknesses.

Resource Investigator - Resource investigators are creative and observant. They look
into the possibilities, make connections, and bargain for resources on behalf of the group.
They are dedicated team members that identify and collaborate with external stakeholders
in order to assist the team in achieving its goal. They have a tendency to be talkative and
energetic, which makes it easier for them to get their thoughts forward.

On the other hand, they can get dissatisfied easily and are frequently too hopeful.

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All 07 members of the group have their own role and some members are assigned to
multiple roles

Name  Role  Responsibilities 

Shandi Group Leader   Handling attendees
Sathsarani   Final meeting with event committee
 Ensure everything is on track
 Review registration list and identify
important attendees
 Send QR Code for confirmed attendees
 Arrange Payment for the Guest Speaker
 Handling the team game.
 Create & Submit Proposal for Approval
Savini  Financial/  Making Weekly Team Meeting Agenda.
Administration   Taking Meeting Minutes
 Create an event budget
Nishantha  Production   Determine printed and/or digital materials
 Event website to include schedule, speaker
Print/mail/email invitation /Thank you email
 Draft scripts and run of show (Event Agenda)
 Create all event slides and graphics
 Work on presentation/speech topics
Shukri  Sponsors   Create a list of prospective sponsors and community
 Request logos from corporate sponsors and partners for
online and printed materials
 Sponsorship and partner finalization
 Follow up to confirm sponsorships and underwriting
Confirm sponsors.
 Ask sponsors/partners to share event on their social
media channels
Yashodha  Marketing &  Brand the event
Advertising   Create event invitation
 Create promotional plan (newsletter articles, ads,
social media)
 Social media handles
Sabri  Volunteers   Call for volunteers
 Create, Present Feedback sheet
 Set up and enable online registration
Shaheen  Event  Technical needs/support
coordinator &  Speaker rehearsals
Speakers   In charge of Event Schedule
 In charge of Guest refreshment
Table 1 Assigned Roles

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We would not be able to fulfill our goals and objectives without these 7 members and
their unique interpersonal talents. Finally, without interpersonal skills, we will be unable
to carry out this training program properly. I was able to see numerous interpersonal skills
such as teamwork, leadership, and communication, among others.

This demonstrates the significance of interpersonal skills

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II. Goals and Objectives of the Project
It and the Soft Skill Training program was organized to achieve specific goals. These
goals were beneficial for two parties

They are

1. Organizing party – People who conducted the event

 Train the attendees for effective communication with one another and within the
workplace by developing their Communication Skills ex. Active listening,
Expressing themselves more clearly.
 Helps to Improve Teamwork skills that help to promote their company goals,
target and KPI.(key performance indicator)
 Guide to Improving time management skills that help to achieve their working
goals more efficiently.
 Helps to Improve Problem-solving abilities and blend the use of analytical and
creative thinking to find solutions for the challenges

2. Attendees – people who attend to the training event

 They will be able to communicate more effectively with each other and with their
colleagues, clients, or customers.
 They will be able to delegate, supply feedback, accept feedback, take
responsibility, and motivate themselves and others to reach their targets by
improving their communication skills.
 They will be able to be active when it comes to identify the problems and
potential barriers to projects, tasks, and goals.

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What are “Smart Goals”?

Goals are essential in all aspects of business and life because they give us a path to
motivate and accomplish a specific task. By setting goals in your life, you give yourself a
target to move forward and achieve the goal.
A SMART goal is used to guide the setting the objectives to your goal. SMART is an
acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound. All
these will help you to focus and achieve your goal.
It was much easier to set our goals and objectives when we used the SMART method. As
a result, we were successful in our goals and objectives.

(Figure 2 SMART GOALS)

❖ S – Specific
Specific goals have a much better chance of being achieved.

The main goal of this training program is to share a greater understanding of IT and soft
skills with the audience.
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❖ M – Measurable

A SMART objective must include criteria for evaluating progress toward the goal's
accomplishment. It is impossible to measure your progress and decide if you are on the
right path to reaching your goal without a clear set of criteria.
Since the deadline was one and a half months away, the goal was measurable. And we
were sure it can be accomplished

❖ A – Attainable

A SMART goal must be realistic and achievable

The goal we set for ourselves is attainable with the materials we created. There is nothing
impossible to achieve in it

❖ R – Relevant

The SMART goal must be to ensure that your goal is relevant to the specific task

The goal we set is very relevant to the training program because it’s a major part of a
training program for an employee working in an IT company. This could be more helpful
to them.

❖ T - Time–Bound

A SMART goal must be time-bound, with a start and end date.

The goal of us has a dead line to finish and present it to an audience. (which was two

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III. Evidence of the meetings conducted with the client and the team members and the
findings/ outcomes of the meetings.

we did tall the planning, and discussions through Microsoft Team and WhatsApp Group.
And we had to conduct the training program through Microsoft Teams.


Figure 3 WhatsApp Chat 1(EVIDENCE)

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Figure 4 WhatsApp Chat 2 (EVIDENCE)

Figure 5 WhatsApp Chat 3 (EVIDENCE)

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Figure 6 WhatsApp Chat 4 (EVIDENCE)

Figure 7 Microsoft teams Meeting (EVIDENCE)

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Figure 8 event registration (EVIDENCE)

Figure 9 event feedback form (EVIDENCE)

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IV. Challenges/ problems identified and the plan to overcome them

Figure 10 Challenges and Problems

When it comes to working as a team, we had to face lots of problems and challenges. And
this is how we face those problems and challenges and how we managed to solve them.

• The members of the group did not make up for the meeting.
Some of the group members had jobs and were unable to attend the meeting because of
their work schedules. Because of this, we had to schedule a time for a group meeting.
Because of this, we polled the entire group through WhatsApp and decided to meet after
dinner, when everyone is more rested.

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• Choosing a topic and assigning sub-topics to the group members

For selecting a topic for the training program to be conducted on. Since we are studying
our Higher Nationals in Computing, we had to choose a topic that fell within the category
of information technology (IT). All the members of the group were really creative and
came up with some great ideas for the theme, which we then debated and came to a
decision on IT and soft skills.

This was followed by dividing the main topics into sub-topics so that each group member
could be assigned to a certain topic. When the subtopics are listed, each group member
selects a topic, and some members select multiple topics in order to complete the program
material within the deadline set by the leader.

• Selecting presenters to lead the training session

A few members had difficulty speaking effectively when it came time to pick the
presenter. This means they understand but cannot describe it in detail. Only a handful of
the team's members agreed to accept as presenters during the training program.

• Assigning roles to group members.

Members were first concerned as to which role they should select from the list of possible
roles. Belbin's Theory is the best answer to this situation.

We allowed group members to select their own roles based on the ideas presented in the

These are some of the major issues we have to deal with when creating this training
course. In addition, everyone in this group has contributed everything their side in order
to make this program a great success.

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V. A project schedule with the activities, milestones, and contingencies identified.

A project schedule outlines what needs to be done, what resources should be used, and
when the project should be completed. On the timetable are the start and end dates as well
as milestones needed to accomplish the project on schedule.



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Name  Role  Contingency Plan 
Shandi  Group Leader  Sabri 
Savini  Financial/ Administration  Yashoda 
Nishantha  Production  Shaheen 
Shukri  Sponsors  Yashoda 
Yashodha  Marketing & Advertising  Savini 
Sabri  Volunteers  Shanadi 
Shaheen  Event coordinator & Nishantha  
Table 2 Contingency Backup Plan

The following table is a backup plan that is utilized as a safety measure.

Figure 13 Presenting Agenda

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This is the agenda that will be utilized on the training program's day. This displays the
name of the presenter as well as the period of time allocated to each topic.

2. LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving


A problem or condition that is seen to be negative or detrimental and must be solved or

overcome. When you operate as a team, you are more likely to experience issues.

Fortunately, there are several problem-solving strategies available to help us quickly

solve complicated issues.

This is how we solved our major problems by utilizing various problem-solving

techniques and methodologies.

• Dividing the main topic into sub topics

The topic we selected was IT and soft skills. We had to divide our major topic into
smaller sections in order to prepare a presentation for our training program. This was the
difficulty we had because we had a smaller concept about that topic, and Group
Brainstorming was the best approach we came up with to overcome it.

Group Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a group problem-solving technique that entails

the free presentation of innovative ideas and solutions. These things are made a lengthy,
open conversation in which each member of the group is encouraged to think openly and
propose as many ideas as possible based on their different knowledge. Some of these
ideas may be developed into unique, unique solutions to problems, while others might
bring new things.

We execute the Group Brainstorming session online. We submitted the topic to the group
members for study and suggestions, and we received numerous concepts regarding this
issue from the group members, making it easier to select sub-topics from the supplied
concepts. This method helped pave the way for us to resolve our problem.

A group of 40 employees had been brainstorming for 5 days to create the new Coca-Cola
marketing manifesto. They were divided into several groups and each team was
responsible for its field of marketing.

The process was led by Jonathan Mildenhall, Coca-Cola Vice President, Global
Advertising Strategy and Creative. For 5 days, his task was to develop the theses for each
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group and ask as many questions as possible. The next step was one sleepless night of
writing the text and structure of the manifesto. (Coca Cola)

• The members of the group did not make up for the meeting.

Because the group talks and gatherings are held on an internet platform, there were a
number of issues that arose during the session, such as power outages, network issues,
and so on, which reduced the presence of the group members at the meeting and caused a
slew of problems. So, we had to discover the ideal answer for this, and we employed the
root cause analysis approach to do so.

Root Cause Analysis: Root cause analysis (RCA) is a problem-solving technique that
identifies the underlying causes of errors or issues. The RCA method's major aim is to
evaluate issues in order to determine what happened and how it happened, as well as to
develop measures to prevent recurrence.

The underlying cause of our difficulty was not having any other option to join the
meeting, and the answer is to keep the devices charged when you receive a power outage
warning and to have some mobile data reserved to attend the meeting when your Wi-Fi is
producing problems. This approach is utilized to determine the root source of our
problem, after which we can simply devise several remedies.

When the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was introduced, there was a problem: the phone
caught fire. After doing a root cause analysis, they discovered that the battery's design
resulted in an internal short circuit. They discovered the underlying source of the problem
using this technique, and then came up with a variety of solutions before finally settling
on the best one. (Samsung, 2017)

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• Assigning roles to group members

To function effectively as a team, the members of any group must each perform a defined
role. Members were first anxious about the part they should play and which was best for
them. We had to assign the appropriate position to each member so that they could
operate more efficiently. The 5 Whys approach was utilized as a solution.

The 5 Whys: The 5 whys technique is an attempt to analyze the technique used to
investigate the cause-and-effect connections underlying a specific situation. The
technique's primary objective is to discover the root cause of a problem by repeatedly
asking the question "Why?", this method is comparable to root cause analysis.

As the first phase of this approach, I questioned my group member why this problem
exists, and then the process of breaking down the problem begins, which leads to the root
of this problem. When I got the response to the first why, I had to ask another four whys,
each with a different answer. Finally, we discovered the source of the difficulty, which
was determining each member's interpersonal skills. When we've identified those skills,
we'll be able to allocate them to the specific role. This approach broke down the problem
into smaller pieces, allowing us to identify the source of the problem.

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Figure 14 The 5 whys

Sakichi Toyoda invented the technique, which was used by Toyota Motor Corporation
during the growth of their production techniques. When an issue occurs in production,
they utilize the 5 Whys technique, which involves asking 5 why questions to determine
the underlying cause of the problem, and they continue to use this strategy.


What is SWOT analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a strategy for determining and defining your SWOT (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). SWOT analysis may be used to assess the
overall sustainability of a firm or organization, as well as specific initiatives inside a
single department. SWOT analyses are most commonly used at the organizational level to
determine how closely a business is aligned with its growth trajectories and success
benchmarks, but they can also be used to determine how well a specific project, such as
an online advertising campaign, is performing in comparison to initial projections.

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Figure 15 Swot analysis

❖ Knowledge On G–Suit Application ❖ First Leader Leaving Esoft
❖ Supportive Group Members ❖ Weak attendance to the Meetings
❖ Creative thinking
❖ Problem solving
❖ Got an experience in how to ❖ Covid – 19 Pandemic
conduct a training event ❖ Online Presentation
❖ Improvement on interpersonal
❖ Making presentation for a training
Table 3 SWOT Analysis

We were able to overcome a major problem at this event by utilizing problem-solving

techniques such as Group Brainstorming, Root Cause Analysis, and The 5 Whys. By

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using this method we can overcome any type of problematic situation by following
simple steps

3. LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the
impact of the team working in different environments.

I. Critical evaluation of my own role and contribution to the group for the
completion of the training event.

I, Mohamed Sabrin (Author), had a shared role in the group. My task was to Call for
volunteers, Create, Present Feedback sheet and setup and enable online registration. And
my group's leader placed a lot of trust in me because I was studying and producing the
presentation on my own.

It was difficult to prepare a presentation for a training event that I had never done before.
The presentation should be professional and easily understood by the audience. I had to
do a lot of research and was able to discover a list of subjects that I should utilize in the
presentation, but it was a difficult challenge to select the most relevant one that the
audience could understand. And I am confident that I made the finest contribution to the
training event by volunteering to help produce the slides with another group member who
had to make the slides for the training session. Even though I couldn't interact vocally, I
kept the WhatsApp group alive by periodically talking to the group members and
inquiring about their progress on their assigned tasks.

Even though I gave my all, there are certain areas where I need to develop my abilities,
which may have helped me do better. For example, I could have spoken with my group
members orally and provided some ideas for the training program, in addition, I lack the
capacity to think imaginatively, and I must be strategic. Overall, I need to work on my
interpersonal skills so that I may be even more successful in the future.

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II. Importance of having dynamic team members in a group to meet its goals by
referring to the role assigned to the group members and analyse how team dynamics
among your group members effectively helped to achieve the shared project goal.

What is Team Dynamics?

Team dynamics refers to the connections, interactions, communication, and collaboration

among members of a group. If the team's dynamics are good, its members will be able to
collaborate more effectively, generate better, more original ideas, and have a higher
probability of accomplishing their specific common goal.

Figure 16 Team Dynamics

Positive team dynamics may provide several benefits to your business, not the least of
which is that they are the most certain means of maximizing the full potential of your
workers' abilities and expertise.

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Advantages of Team Dynamics

• Improved Results - A team that is working to its maximum capacity will

automatically produce greater outcomes. They are more focused, have clearer goals, and
work better together.

• Greater Collaboration - When teams operate in a more casual and friendly

environment, they can achieve higher levels of cooperation and collaboration.

• Faster Decision Making - Team members are more inclined to listen to one
another and so make decisions more quickly.

• Greater Commitment - Individual group members have a higher sense of worth.

Workers will be more committed and loyal as a result.

Strategies to Improve Team Dynamics

• Feedbacks - When you notice improper behavior, respond immediately to correct

it through feedback.

• Roles and Responsibilities - When you create a team structure that defines the
group's goal and individual duties, you may obtain a clear direction that will help you
manage team dynamics.

• Break Down Barriers - Team building exercises may be used to increase unity
and enhance connections between the group members.

• Communication - Keep everyone informed, and when changes are made, spread
the word as soon as possible.

• Trust – By being more pleasant and flexible with group members, trust can be
built, resulting in a strong relationship between the members of the group.

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Team dynamics in an organization or a workplace are essential because they influence
creativity, productivity, and effectiveness. Because group work is so important in
organizations, changing group dynamics may lead to better work results and customer
satisfaction. Without good team dynamics, the organization or workplace may become a

In this situation, our group had positive team chemistry, which allowed us to work well
together. Because we had the same goal and objective, we shared it with our group
members, which ultimately led to an effective result because now it is not only one person
working to achieve the goal and objective, but a group with a variety of creative people
who have different ideas toward the objective, which was made easier by the positive
team dynamic among us. We would have failed if we had had negative team dynamics.

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4. LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its
role within the workplace and for higher-level learning.

I. Importance of continuous professional development (CPD) in a work setting and

its contribution to own learning

The concept of continuing professional development (acronym CPD) refers to the types
of learning activities that professionals engage in in order to further enhance their skills
and abilities. CPD helps to learn to become aware and proactive, rather than passive and
reactive - this is facilitated by incorporating vocational and practical skills with academic
degrees. It is a major part of continuing to better oneself after completing formal

As the world's businesses continue to grow, it becomes increasingly difficult to

overestimate the necessity of continuing professional development. CPD enables people
to develop and improve their existing abilities while eliminating any knowledge gaps,
providing a competitive advantage in situations when one is necessary - such as a job
interview. CPD can also help people stand out in the job market, as many candidates
competing for certain roles often have comparable core talents. (,2021)

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Figure 17 CPD CYCYLE

a) Importance of CPD to employees (DeltaNet,2019)

• Qualifications are kept up to date, allowing learners to develop relevant skills

on the job
• Fills knowledge gaps and enables people to adapt to a fast-paced world.
• Aids in increased workplace productivity and the capacity to learn and
• Employees are able to exhibit their desire, aptitude, and readiness to learn
new abilities.
• Keeps people focused on the road to professional advancement, which leads
to job stability and success at work.

b) Importance of CPD to employers (DeltaNet,2019)

• Maintains excellent standards across the organization.

• Contributes to the growth and prosperity of an organization in a good way.
• Encourages a learning culture and fosters a positive working connection with
• Increases employee productivity and aids in the development of a more
productive and motivated workforce.
• Employee retention is improved because employees feel appreciated and
loyal to the firm.
• Allows employers to accept change and respond to changes in their sector.

c) Contribution of CPD for my personal learning

When it comes to CPD's impact on my own development, the first time we employed it
was to execute our training program. Because there were no specialists relating to this
issue and training events, it was a huge success to utilize CPD to execute the training

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Because the training event's theme was new to me and the group, it was novel and will be
beneficial when we work in a cooperative firm. It also encouraged me to contribute to all
of the group members, gain new skills and information required to execute a training
program, and comprehend what it means to be a professional. It also gave me experience
that I would be able to utilize in the future. I can enhance my abilities and knowledge for
a better future job by enrolling in CPD.

II. An evaluation on the range of CPD criteria that can be used to measure the
effectiveness of your employees in your organization.

CPD evaluation is critical since it indicates which CPD technique will allow for
significant improvement in your workers' performance.

Evidence Criteria:

Production Data – This is the information that is often used in companies, and it is
handled with by specialists to complete the day-to-day job.

Personnel Data – This is information on an organization's workers. Biographical

information, academic credentials, and so forth.

Judgmental Data – The information is gathered using a numerical rating scale and is
completed by the supervisor of the employee being assessed.

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Rating Methods:

Ranking - Ranking is a tool for performance evaluation in which a specified proportion

of employees are classified into various categories depending on how well they perform
in comparison to their colleagues.

Paired Comparison - Paired Comparison is a method of evaluating a limited number of

options by comparing them to one another. It is a simple and effective method for
evaluating and ranking options when the assessment criteria are highly subjective.

Check List - Another simple way for evaluating an employee's performance is the
checklist method. The Manager creates a checklist and sends it to the assessor using this
approach. The checklist may comprise a series of questions (depicting an employee's
conduct and work performance), to which the assessor must respond with a simple 'YES'
or 'NO'.

Figure 18 Checklist

Management by objectives - Can be characterized as a procedure in which each

subordinate, in cooperation with his superior, establishes performance goals and
objectives before the outset of the assessment period.

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These techniques may be used to assess an employee's effectiveness in a company, and
the person's performance can be enhanced in order for him to meet his goals. The best
technique among these tactics is paired comparison since it allows employers to quickly
identify the most successful people in the group and allows them to focus on the low
performers and assist them improve their performance via ongoing professional
development. Despite the fact that the ranking method is the same, combined comparison
does not distinguish low-performing representatives in the same way that the ranking
method does, which has a negative impact on the representative.

III. Continuous Development Plan for the group members

Name Role Responsibility Required Skill Performance Start End

Objectives Date Date
Mohamed Volunteers Call for volunteers, Strong work Ensuring 21/07/2022 28/08/2022
Sabrin manager Create a Present ethic, adequate
(Author) Feedback sheet Teamwork, attendance of
and Time volunteers for
Set up and enable management, the event
online registration Positive attitude
Willingness to
Shanadi Team Inspiring and Effective Being an 10/7/2022 28/08/2022
Sathsarani Leader leading the team to Communication effective
archive our goals , Ability to communicator
delegate ensures that
all members
are working
towards the
same goal
Yashodha Marketing Plans and executes Social media Announce the 14/07/2022 21/08/2022
Lakmal & all email, social handle, event to
Advertising media, and creativity, and targeted
Manager advertising basic design people
campaigns skills
Nishantha Production Preparing the Awareness of To provide an 10/7/2022 20/08/2022
Mendis Manager items needed to current trends attractive
fulfill the event among the production
day plan target audience output
& tech skills

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Shaheen Stage Controls on stageTechnical Verifies the 15/07/2022 28/08/2022
Thajudeen Manager activities and literacy, event runs
assistance to communication without any
stage crew and and hindrances.
production management
Savini Secretary Taking meeting Organization Ensure 10/07/2022 28/08/2022
Sachintha minutes, prepare and time meetings are
weekly team management , effectively
meeting agenda, Teamworking organized and
Maintain skill, Attention minuted,
documents needed to detail, Good Maintaining
by the team. communication effective
Mohamed Sponsorship Seek potential Professional Ensure 15/07/2022
Shukri enrollments organizations for communication required
manager sponsorship and and convincing budget is
Managing skills. Planning achived and
enrollments to meet and sponsors given
the financial needs documentation. benifits based
of the program. Teamwork and on their
flexibility. contrinution

Table 4 Continuous Development plan

Our group's goal was to provide "IT and soft skills" to the Final Year University students
of ESoft Metro Campus as a training program. Our ability to express it effectively
improved as a result of the CPD. It also had an impact on our ability to improve our
interpersonal skills and our ability to run a training program.

The tasks of our group members included completing research on the topic, designing
presentations, conducting practice sessions, and organizing online meetings, among other

IV. PDP (Professional Development Plan) and Skill Audit

Professional Development Plan

Name Mohamed Sabrin
Current Level in HND in Computing
Started In 2022
Ambition To become an IT engineer
Goal 1 Complete HND in computing Target 2023
Goal 2 Join in software company to gain Target 2024

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Goal 3 Complete Top-Up Degree in one year Target 2025
Goal 4 Go abroad and join in a IT company Target 2026
Skill Audit
Present 3 months 6 months
Fluent English C B A
Fear in C B A
Communication B A
Problem Solving B A
Use of Ms Products B A
Decision Making B A
Practice Web B A
Time Management C B A
Good at typing in B A
Develop the C# C B A
Logical Thinking C B A
Table 5 Professional Development Plan

V. Compare and contrast different motivation theories

What is Motivation Theory?

Motivation theory is the process of what motivates an employee to work toward a specific
objective or achievement. It is vital in many aspects of society, but it is especially
important in business and management. This is due to the fact that a motivated employee
is more productive, and a productive employee is more advantageous. (
2022 )

Some of the popular motivation theories:

• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

• Herzberg’s two-factor theory

• McClelland’s theory of needs

• Vroom’s theory of expectancy

• McGregor’s theory X and Y

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BASIS Maslow’s hierarchy Herzberg’s two
of needs factor theory
Order of Needs The arranging of needs in a There is no such
hierarchical order hierarchical system.
according to the need
The essence of the theory Unsatisfied needs motivate Delightful needs result
behavior, which leads to towards performance.
Motivator If a need is mostly Higher level needs are the
unsatisfied, it might serve
only ones that operate as
as a motivator. motivators.
Applicability Takes a wider
Takes a small
perspective of all
perspective and handles
workers' motivating
issues. employees' work-related
motivational issues.
Based On Needs and Satisfaction Achievement, recognition,
and growth are all factors
to consider to motivation
Nature of the theory It is descriptive It is prescriptive
The difference between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s two factor theory
shown in the below table

Table 6 Difference Between Maslow’s and Hertzberg’s Theory

The similarities between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s two-factor theory

• All Maslow and Herzberg underlined the importance of employee


• Both theories influence employee psychology and acting appropriately,

resulting in increased employee motivation.

• Maslow's physiological, safety, and social requirements are comparable to

Herzberg's hygiene or maintenance factors.

• Maslow's theory's esteem and self-actualization needs are comparable to

Herzberg's motivating factors.

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The main difference is that Maslow's theory is focused on individual needs and their
fulfillment. In contrast, Herzberg's theory is focused on employee recognition. According
to McClelland's theory of needs, every employee has one of three primary driving
motivators, such as the desire for accomplishment, affiliation, or power. There is also a
contrast between these three theories in that Maslow's Theory focuses on common human
requirements, but Herzberg's Theory and McClelland's Theory do not since they simply
rely on work content elements.

The differences between McGregor’s theory X and Y shown in the below table

Basis McGregor’s theory X McGregor’s theory Y

Meaning It entails severe monitoring Employees are self-directed
over coworkers and self-motivated in order to
advance and improve.
Work / Responsibility Work is something Work is natural, and
they dislike, and they try to they accept responsibility.
avoid taking on
Leadership Their management style is Their management style is
autocratic democratic
Motivators They are motivated They are mostly motivated
Financially by non-financial rewards.
Focused On Psychological needs and Social needs, esteem needs
Security needs and self-actualization needs.
Ambition They aren't really ambitious. They are highly ambitious

Control Tight Lenient

Authority Centralized Decentralized
Direction Constant direction is Little to no direction is
necessary. required.
Table 7 Difference Between McGregor’s theory X and Y

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Maslow's motivation theory, in my opinion, focuses on all elements of individual needs,
whereas other theories concentrate exclusively on work specific parts of demands and
fulfillment. This is a major benefit for nearly any firm since employees do not have to be
specialists to implement this approach. Maslow's hierarchy of needs covers all of an
individual's needs in a hierarchy that all humans act in a way that will address basic needs
before moving on to satisfy other, so-called higher-level needs like esteem needs to self-
actualization needs, ensuring that every employee can be provided with a motivating
factor that can lead to achieving their goal. Everyone can comprehend this idea since we
all go through all of the stages in our lives that are represented in the hierarchical triangle.

It is critical for businesses to use appropriate motivational components to advance the

career advancement of representatives in their human asset sector, because it drives
employee performance, which may be a key figure in the continued advancement of the
undertaking, thus giving it a competitive advantage. Because representatives operate in an
unusual manner in the workplace, the company's strategy may be used to encourage them.
Motivational speaking is likely to create leaps in job contentment and therefore aids in the
advancement of their work execution. As a result, inspiration is one of the most difficult
and important aspects of mechanical and organizational psychology (Smither , 1997).

Making workers effectively take part in CPD when they are motivated will bring huge
benefits to the organization since they learn

or develop modern professional skills and knowledge, which makes a difference to move
forward the organization's productivity and viability, demonstrating that applications of
motivational theories are vital to the organization's victory.

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In conclusion, the creator has secured all of the ranges which is vital for a victory of an
organization or a group to work on objectives effectively and efficiently. This creator has
picked up a lot of experience through organizing a training event since this was his to
begin with time organizing it. In any case, this was a huge raise in his future career.

This report is critical for an inexperienced reader who is looking to begin his or her
profession. Working ethics, techniques, equipment, and, most importantly, interpersonal
skills will have a significant impact on the readers. However, the author has brilliantly
explained so many areas of professional practice that every reader may learn some
information and take a step toward becoming a future industry professional.

Executive Summary

The creator has displayed an investigation and assessment of the preparing event that he
and his group conducted in this task. This task will give the reader a great sense of the
interpersonal and professional abilities required to appropriately display for group work
and handle challenges that will rise all through this process. Besides, the reader will get
more prominent information on the impact of amazing cooperation and the conclusion
results it gives, the significance of Continuous Professional Development, and the effect
of motivational theories. At long last, the reader will get the majority of the abilities
essential to development in his future work.

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