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10/06/2023 09:41 The Go Programming Language

Build simple, secure, scalable systems with

An open-source programming language supported by Google

Easy to learn and great for teams

Built-in concurrency and a robust standard library
Large ecosystem of partners, communities, and tools

Get Started Download

Download packages for Windows 64-bit, macOS, Linux, and more

The go command by default downloads and authenticates modules using the Go module mirror and
Go checksum database run by Google. Learn more.

Companies using Go
Organizations in every industry use Go to power their software
and services View all stories uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services
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10/06/2023 09:41 The Go Programming Language

“At the time, no single team member knew Go, but within a month, everyone was writing in
Go and we were building out the endpoints. It was the flexibility, how easy it was to use, and
the really cool concept behind Go (how Go handles native concurrency, garbage collection, navigate_next
and of course safety+speed.) that helped engage us during the build. Also, who can beat that
cute mascot!”

— Jaime Enrique Garcia Lopez, Senior Software Development Manager at Capital One

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10/06/2023 09:41 The Go Programming Language

// You can edit this code!

// Click here and start typing.
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, 世界")

Hello, 世界
Program exited.

Hello, World!

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What’s possible with Go

Use Go for a variety of software development purposes

Cloud & Network Services

With a strong ecosystem of tools and APIs on major cloud providers, it is easier
than ever to build services with Go.

Popular Packages: aws/client Azure/azure-sdk-for-go

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10/06/2023 09:41 The Go Programming Language

Command-line Interfaces

With popular open source packages and a robust standard library, use Go to
create fast and elegant CLIs.

Popular Packages:

spf13/cobra spf13/viper urfave/cli delve chzyer/readline

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Web Development

With enhanced memory performance and support for several IDEs, Go powers
fast and scalable web applications.

Popular Packages:

net/http html/template flosch/pongo2 database/sql elastic/go-elasticsearch

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DevOps & Site Reliability

With fast build times, lean syntax, an automatic formatter and doc generator, Go
is built to support both DevOps and SRE.

Popular Packages:

open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go istio/istio urfave/cli uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services
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10/06/2023 09:41 The Go Programming Language

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Get started with Go

Explore a wealth of learning resources, including guided journeys, courses, books, and more.

Get Started Download Go


Guided learning journeys

Step-by-step tutorials to get your feet wet

Online learning
Browse resources and learn at your own pace

Featured books
Read through structured chapters and theories

Cloud Self-paced labs

Jump in to deploying Go apps on GCP


Ardan Labs
Offering customized on-site live training classes. uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services
Gopher Guides
and to analyze traffic. Learn more.
Customized In-person, remote, and online training classes. Training for Developers by Developers. 5/6
10/06/2023 09:41 The Go Programming Language

Boss Sauce Creative

Personalized or track-based Go training for teams.

Shiju Varghese
On-site classroom training on Go and consulting on distributed systems architectures, in India. uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services
and to analyze traffic. Learn more. 6/6

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