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Department of Computer Engineering

01CE0104 – OOP Assignment

1. Introduction to Java
A) What are the features of Java?
B) Explain the concepts of OOPs.
C) Explain the architecture of JVM and importance of Byte code.
D) Explain type casting with example.
E) What is JVM, JDK, JRE, JAR and JIT?
2. Selection, Iteration and Array
A) What are the different types of operators in Java? Explain with examples.
B) Write the difference between continue and break statements.
C) What is an array? Explain with example.
3. Objects and Classes
A) What is class and object? Explain with suitable example.
B) What is constructor? How can we overload the constructor?
C) Explain this keyword.
D) What is garbage collection? Explain finalize() method.
E) Explain static variables and methods.
4. Inheritance, Interface and Packages
A) What is inheritance? Write its advantages.
B) Explain different types of inheritance.
C) Give the difference between method overloading and method overriding.
D) What do you mean by package in java? Explain in detail.
E) Differentiate between abstract class and interface.
5. Exception Handling
A) What is exception handling? Explain with example.
B) Explain try, catch & finally with example.
C) Explain throw and throws with example.
6. Multithreading
A) Draw and explain thread life cycle.
B) Explain two ways of creating thread with example.
C) What is synchronization? Give example for inter thread communication.
7. Input / Output
A) What is file class? Explain 5 methods of it.
B) Differentiate between byte stream and character stream classes.
8. Language and Utility Framework
A) Explain string methods (any five) with example.
B) Explain array list, stack class and its operations with example.
C) Explain maps and its operations with example.

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