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Teenage Pregnancy: A problem that needs a serious awareness

Teenage pregnancy is a problem that affects a lot of teenager. However, it becomes

widely topic of world. Moreover, teenage pregnancy is a problem that needs a serious attention
for the reason of if it is left without attention a lot of teenager would be affected.
Teenage aged 12-20 years old are the most commonly affected. However, there is a lot of
factors also that could cause teenage pregnancy, including peer influence, lack of guidance, lack
of awareness, and poverty.
One of the reasons of teenage pregnancy is peer influence it has been widely influencing
among teenager now a days. It has great influence that derives the teenager to do things that
could cause teenage pregnancy.
Likewise, another reason that can cause teenage pregnancy is lack of guidance. Teenage
pregnancy is often associated with parent who is no knowledge about sex. This particular reason
has a crucial role in regulation teenage pregnancy awareness.
Lack of awareness is another major factor that could cause teenage pregnancy.

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