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Lesson plan in Entrepreneurship

Senior High

I. Objectives
At the end of 60 minutes, the students should be able to:
a. Define what is Entrepreneurship and what it means to be an Entrepreneur.
b. Compare the pros and cons of being an Entrepreneur
c. Explain the value of learning about Entrepreneurship
d. Present and discuss why should an Entrepreneur must possess the discussed
characteristics and its contribution to the success of the business.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
i. Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
B. Reference:
C. Materials:
Power point presentation, Visual Aids (for activity & assessment)

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Developmental Activities

Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

A. Motivation

(The teacher will paste the word “Entrepreneurship”

on the blackboard and will let the students write
one word that will best describe it based on their
knowledge or idea.)

Alright, before we begin, I want you to think of a (The students will write their answers on the
word that best describes what “Entrepreneurship” board one by one)
means based on your own idea.

Xa good! All of your answers were correct !
you have quite a lot of prior knowledge with regards
to Entrepreneurship.

B. Presentation of the Lesson

The students will watch the video presentation
entitled “Story of an Entrepreneur”
Alright class, it seems that you enjoyed the video.
So now, let’s answer the following questions to (The students will answer the questions provided)
determine what have you learned.

1. What was the story all about? It is about the story of how does an Entrepreneur
manages her business to success.
2. What characteristics have you noticed on the
female featured in the video? Risk taker, Innovative, Customer-oriented

3. How did she compete with the boy who offered

the same service as hers? She lower down her service price and added service.

4. Why do you think it is important to have that Because having the right attitude towards things
kind of mindset in achieving success? as an entrepreneur will definitely change how

things will get easier and manageable.

Great ! That’s correct, you guys really amazed me

with your answers and it seems that you have now
a good understanding of our topic for today.
So we will now proceed to our proper lesson.

C. Discussion
(The teacher will present a powerpoint presentation
of the lesson)

Entrepreneurship is a process of creating, launching,

& managing the business operation.

WHAT do they CREATE?

- New Business
- New Ideas
- New Goods / Service
- New Procedures

WHAT do they LAUNCH?

- New Business that they have created
- New Ideas that they have formulated
- New Goods / Services that they have produced
- New Procedures that they have created

WHAT do they MANAGE?

- All of those 4 components they have created and

Comes from a french word “entreprendre” means
”to undertake”.

An Individual that develops new creation & assume

the risks of setting up a business to produce a
product / services that will satisfy the customers’
needs and wants.

In layman’s term, Someone who creates and

runs a business.
What are the Pros and Cons of being an

Making Your Own Rules. When you own a business,
you get to be your own boss.

Doing Work You Enjoy. Since the majority of most

peoples’ lives is spent working, why not spend that
time doing something you enjoy?

Creating Greater Wealth. There’s no limit to what an

entrepreneur can make.

Helping Your Community. Being an entrepreneur lets

you make your community and world a better place.

The biggest reward of becoming an entrepreneur is

the personal satisfaction that comes from having the
freedom to make your own business decisions and
then act on them.

Potential Business Failure. Being fully responsible
means the success or failure of your business rests
on you.
Unexpected Obstacles. Problems can happen that
you don’t expect.

Financial Insecurity. Many new businesses don’t

make much money in the beginning, so you may not
always be able to pay yourself.

Long Hours and Hard Work. It’s not unusual for

entrepreneurs to work a lot of extra hours to make
their businesses successful. This is especially true
during the initial start-up process.

Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

Personal Characterisitics Skills

Courage Risk-taker A skill is an ability that’slearned
Creativity Optimistic through training and practice.
Curiosity Innovative
Determination Leader Business Skill
Disciplined Communication Skill
Empathy Computer Skill
Enthusiasm Decision-Making and Problem-
Flexibility Solving Skills
Honesty Mathematical Skill
Patience Organizational Skill
Responsibility People Skills

(The teacher will show some of the well-known

1. Mark Zuckerberg 1. Henry Sy (SM)
(Co-founder of META) 2. Tony Tan Caktiong
2. Jack Ma (Alibaba) (Jollibee Food Corp.)
3. Bill Gates (Co- 3. Socorro Ramos
founder of Microsoft) (National Bookstore)
4. Jeff Bezos (Founder 4. Edgar Sia (Mang
& CEO of Amazon) Inasal)
Importance of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship drives the growth and diversification
of the economy and contributes to the creation of
wealth. Entrepreneurship’s importance lies in the ff:

 Drives economic growth and creates new job

 Encourages innovation by bringing new ideas,

products, and services to the market

 Contributes to social change by developing

products or services that reduce people’s
dependence on outdated technologies

 Addresses social and economic problems by

creating solutions that meet the needs of society

 Enables competition which improves business

efficiency and lowers prices for consumers

Why Study Entrepreneurship?

There are two primary reasons why studying

entrepreneurship makes sense:

A. You learn to think like an entrepreneur

B. You develop a vision for your life.

D. Application
The teacher will group the students into 4. (The students will then do the groupwork and
The students will be given a task of putting into rank will present it to class by the given time.)
the lists of Entrepreneurial characteristics and shall
be given enough time to brainstorm, prepare and
present to class their final output. ( 5 minutes )

(Each group will be given number cards wherein

they will paste it onto the lists of characteristics
that was on the board)
[5 minutes per group to present it to class]

Group Cooperation - 30 %
Clarity of Content - 50 %
Creativity - 20 %
TOTAL = 100 %
E. Generalization
(The teacher will then review the topic to make sure
all topics have been discussed) (The students will answer according to their
1. What is an Entrepreneurship?
2. Who is an Entrepreneur and what are the charac-
teristics they should posses?
3. What are the pros and cons of being an Entrepreneur?
4. Why do you think it is important for an Entrepre-
neur to have those characteristics in the success of
their business?
5. How do you think this lesson will help you as a
student to achieve success?

IV. Evaluation (10-15 minutes)

A. Answer the following question (The students will answer the short assesment
within the time preriod)
1. What is Entrepreneurship?
(2-6) Give atleast 5 Characteristics of an
7. What is an Entrepreneur?
8. What is the french word that means “to undertake”?
(9-12) Give atleast 4 importance of
(13-16) PROS of being an Entrepreneur
(17-20) CONS of being an Entrepreneur

V. Assignment

A. Interview a successful entrepreneur in your

community and write a reflection paper on the
insights that you have gained from the interview.

Prepared by:

Maribel B. Esguerra

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