Capstone 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Municipality of Abuyog
Capstone Project
Proposed Titles

Group No: __5__ Date: ___________

1. Balagasay Joseph____________________
2. Campos Nemmar_____________________
3. Closa Jerone_________________________


Mark Semborio____________________________________________________

Note: Include at least 3 titles, if more than 3 is proposed, you can copy the table below.

Title No.1 School Face Mask Detection

Statement of the Problem(s) School Face Mask detection for attendance System Statement of the

The problem statement is to develop a system that can accurately

detect the faces of students in a classroom and use that information to
take attendance automatically. The system must be able to work in
real-time and handle varying lighting conditions, camera angles, and
student positions. It should also be able to differentiate between
students with similar appearances, such as identical twins. The
system should be easy to use for both teachers and students, and it
should be secure to prevent unauthorized access or tampering of
attendance data. The goal is to streamline the attendance-taking
process and reduce the workload for teachers while increasing the
accuracy of attendance records.
Objectives of the Study The objective of a School Face Mask detection for attendance System
study can be:

1.To develop a more efficient and accurate attendance tracking

system in schools using face detection technology.
2.To reduce the time and effort required for traditional attendance
taking methods such as roll call or manual sign-in sheets.
3.To increase the security of the school environment by ensuring that
only authorized individuals are present on campus.
4.To minimize the risk of attendance fraud and errors by using a
reliable and automated system.
5.To provide teachers and school administrators with real-time
attendance information for students, allowing for better tracking of
attendance patterns and timely interventions for students who may be
6.To improve the overall efficiency of school operations by reducing

Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of Abuyog
administrative tasks and increasing instructional time.
7.To provide an easy and convenient way for parents to monitor their
child's attendance and ensure their safety.
8.To promote the use of technology in schools and prepare students
for the use of modern tools and systems in the workplace
Scope and Limitations Scope:

The scope of a school face mask detection for attendance system is

to automate the attendance-taking process using facial recognition
technology. The system can be used to track the attendance of
students and staff members, and eliminate the need for manual
attendance registers. It can also help to reduce the time and effort
required to take attendance, and increase the accuracy of the data

The system can be integrated with the school's existing database,

allowing for real-time updates and easy access to attendance records.
It can also generate reports and alerts for absentees, and provide
insights into attendance patterns over time.


However, there are several limitations to a school face detection for

attendance system that must be taken into consideration. Some of
these limitations include:

1.Privacy concerns: The use of facial recognition technology raises

concerns around privacy and data protection. There is a risk that
personal data could be misused or accessed by unauthorized

2.Accuracy: While facial recognition technology has improved in

recent years, it is not 100% accurate. There is a risk of false positives
and false negatives, which could lead to incorrect attendance records.

3.Technical issues: The system may require a stable internet

connection and adequate hardware to function properly. Technical
issues such as power outages or system failures could disrupt the
attendance-taking process.

4.Cost: Implementing a facial recognition system can be costly, and

may require significant investment in hardware, software, and training.

5.Ethical considerations: The use of facial recognition technology in

schools raises ethical questions around the potential for
discrimination, bias, and profiling. It is important to ensure that the
system is implemented in a fair and transparent manner, and that
appropriate safeguards are in place to prevent misuse
Significance of the Study The development of a school face detection for attendance system
can have significant benefits for both students and teachers, and can
ultimately lead to improved academic outcomes. Some of the key

Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of Abuyog
significance of the study are:

1.Improved Attendance Tracking: The system can automate the

attendance tracking process by identifying and verifying the faces of
students as they enter the classroom. This can reduce errors and
inaccuracies in manual attendance taking and save valuable
instructional time.

2.Increased Accountability: The system can increase accountability of

students, as they will no longer be able to falsely mark themselves
present. This can encourage better attendance habits and reduce the
number of absences.

3.Enhanced Security: The system can help to ensure that only

authorized individuals are allowed into the classroom, enhancing
overall security measures for the school.

4.Time Saving: The system can save valuable instructional time by

eliminating the need for teachers to take attendance manually,
allowing them to focus more on teaching and learning.

5.Data Collection: The system can provide valuable data on student

attendance patterns, which can be used to identify potential issues
and inform interventions to improve attendance.

6.Contact Tracing: In times of pandemic, the system can be used as a

tool for contact tracing, allowing schools to quickly identify and notify
individuals who may have been exposed to infectious diseases.

Overall, a school face detection for attendance system can provide

numerous benefits for both students and teachers, and can ultimately
lead to improved academic outcomes.

Title No. 2 Face Recognition attendance with SMS notification

Statement of the Problem(s) The problem statement is as follows:

Design a system for face recognition attendance with SMS

notification. he system should be able to recognize students or
employees using facial recognition technology and mark their
attendance automatically. The attendance data should be stored in a
database for record-keeping and analysis purposes. Additionally, the
system should be able to send SMS notifications to students or
employees who are absent from the class or office, informing them
about their absence and the consequences of it. The system should
be user-friendly and easily accessible to all users, including
administrators, teachers, and students or employees. The system
should be reliable, secure, and scalable to accommodate an
increasing number of users and data
Objectives of the Study General Objective – the main purpose of this capstone project is to

Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of Abuyog
provide a database system that will automatically record the
attendance of the student through the proposed facial recognition

Specifically, the capstone project aims the following:

The system is capable of checking and monitoring the attendance of

the students through face recognition.
The proposed capstone project will have an SMS feature to notify the
The system will serve as a record keeper for the attendance of the
The output of the capstone project can provide an accurate present
attendance of the students.
The efficiency, accuracy, reliability and other factors that contribute to
the overall performance of the system will be tested by the IT expert
using the McCalls Software Quality Model.
End-user will also test the functionality of the system and will rate the
output based on the criteria of the ISO 25010 Quality Model in Use.
Scope and Limitations Scope:
The scope of face recognition attendance with SMS notification is to
create a system that can capture the image of a person's face and
use that image to confirm their attendance in a particular location. The
system should also be able to send an SMS notification to the
person's registered phone number to confirm their attendance.

The system can be used in a variety of settings, such as schools,

offices, and events. It can help streamline the attendance process and
reduce the risk of errors associated with traditional manual methods.


Accuracy: The accuracy of face recognition technology can be

affected by various factors such as lighting, angle, and facial
expressions. The system may not be 100% accurate in recognizing a
person's face, which could result in errors in attendance tracking.

Security: The security of the system is paramount, and appropriate

measures should be taken to ensure that the facial recognition data is
stored securely and not misused.

Privacy: The use of facial recognition technology raises concerns

about privacy. Adequate measures should be taken to ensure that the
system complies with all relevant privacy laws and regulations.

Cost: The cost of implementing a face recognition attendance

system can be high, depending on the size of the organization and the
complexity of the system.

Maintenance: The system will require regular maintenance to

ensure that it continues to function accurately and reliably. This may

Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of Abuyog
involve hardware and software updates, as well as regular testing and
Significance of the Study The following are the beneficiaries of this project:
Academic Institutions. This will help them eradicate the conventional
method of checking the attendance. By using the system, they will
have an accurate list of student’s attendance.

Teacher/Instructor. The system will lessen their work in checking and

monitoring the attendance of the students.

Students. This will help secure that their attendance was recorded.

Researchers. The challenge of developing an information system will

contribute to the knowledge and experience of the researchers.

Future Researchers. The future researchers may integrate the

attendance system into a fully function classroom management

Title No.3

Description of the Study

Statement of the Problem(s)

Objectives of the Study

Scope and Limitations

Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of Abuyog
Significance of the Study

Approved Title:

Approved by:

Mark Semborio

Noted by:

Elizabeth M. Sebios

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