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CA hr fev Cds, _ fara dh. aeaaet 7 a GU gw, oe é aaegite alasanz, areaardt, Ba aT Sige, geet sae ee! ate QL AGRERMSIT To SALE. This Agreanant made and execute at Pune ay the 2nd day of Zpril in the Christian Year (ne Theusand Nine Hundred and Winty-two : Between Mr, Hirendranath Ryychwhary, Age abrat 52 years, Indian Inhabitant, Occupa tin Service, Residing at Flat Ne, 19, Building G2, built area -f the said Flat being 490 Sq.ft. or thereab-ut m the first floor at, 21/1, Wnewarie, Tahsil Haveli, District Ptne + hereinafter callad and/or refSrret tn as the * VaIDOR * (which oxpressim unless it be Pepugnant te the émtext shall be dean tr mean and inelude himself, his heirs, executers, administrators and assigns) «f the FIRST PART ; fod os ss 2. O\ cre ther) Kugiakese Chrerappadit Yarugghes, * Age abrut 50 years, Indian habitant, Occupation Priest, Residing at Asiad Cr-nperative H-using S-cisty Limited, 46, Aundh Brad, Pune 411 003 : hereinafter called and/or referred tn as the " PURCHASER * (which expresSi-n unless it be repugnant tr the etext shall be decnead tr mean and Be include hinself, his heirs, executrrs, « administraters and assims) -f the SSCOvD PART : ~ Whereas by Agreement dated and Octeber 1986 betwee Shrimati Hamabai Baburen Tadkat and eighteen thers being the land swmers and M/s, Rathi Kumar Sgharay a registered Partner- -ship fim being the develnpers and the Yonder herein, duly registered, the Vend-r is an allettee in prssessin *f the residential premises mn cwnership basis Flat N-, 19, built-up area Be whererf being 490 Si.ft. m the first flonr in Building Ne, G2 (Pleasant Park) at S.Nn. 2l, Hissa N>, 1 -f Village wWnewarie, Tehsil Mavelt, District Pune : And whereas the Vendrr herein is thus full goizei cr ctherwise well and sufficiently entitled te the said flat + ‘nd whereas on acrunt -f growing family rf the Vendor, the Vader finds the said flat mM )3CR hi 7 wc dwe Yo e Rena tee ee ras * TOME ay 2 baka) FF wh ara cite: f ie 35) being inenventent and desiring te purchase envther residential premises -f adequate area, has emneluddl tr disp-se ff by sale thesaid Flat Ne, 19 and te transfer ints righty internsty transfers c hey and assig his right, and interest therein + 4nd Whereas the Purchaser herein deisibing to have the residential premises m rwmership basis in the ace and within the vicinity -€ Village Wenevrie had knewledge -f the Vender as stated abcve and. hence the Purchaser had appreached the Vendrr and after due negrtiatins the Vend-r has agreed th sale and the Purchaser “f Seccnd Part agreci 7 to purchase Flat Ne, 19 at and for the cmsideratin rf Bs.1,80,000-00 (Rupees One lac Bighty Thrusand nly) And Uhereas necessity has been feld tr és Ted # edie, ey it ® te writing the tems and cmditins mutually ots. i agreal upm between the parties heretn ¢ New it is hereby agreei by snd betwen the parties herete as under ¢ (1) Vender hereby agrees tr sale, transfer, assign and ecnvey and the Purchaser : hereby agrees te purchase Flat Ne, 19 bulbt-up area whererf being 490 ft, a little less ~r mete m tha first flewr of building G2 in dd Pleassht Parkat S.No, 21, Hissa Nal at , Wen-warie Village, Pune and more particulerly described in the schedule hereunder writteny at and for the ensideratin f-r Rs.1,20,000-00 (Rupees (ne lac Sighty Th~usand mly). (2) That the Vendor has received from the Purchaser and duly acknowledges the payments ef Rs.50,000-00 (Rupees Fifty Inrusand mily) by Cheque Nr, 009703 datel 26th March 1992 m Unim Bank Of India, Khadki Branch, Pune 411 003 and the remaining sum rf Rs.1,30,000-00 (Rupees (ne lac Thirty Thrusand nly) by Chetie 009705 dated 6th April 1992 m Uninn Bank -f India, Knadki Branch, Pune 411 003 (Subject t realisation) thus making tegether a trtal sum ~f Rs.1,80,000-00 (Rupees (ne Inc Bighty-thrusand ly) : (3) ‘That Vender hereby agrens tr deliver tr the Purchaser cr his n-minee vacant and ~mpty pessessim “f the afrresaid flat nm 16th April 1992, (4) Vender hereby assures unte and tr the Sa- Purchaser that he has gond right, full prwer and absrlute authority te deal with the said flat and nn persm ther than himself has eny right, claim cr Interest in the said flat -r any part therenf. (5) Vendor further assures that the said flat is free frem any encumberance nr charge, martguge, lease, Eien, tenantancy, agreemant, gift, maintenance, attachnmt, lis-pen@ans ete. and that it is nnt the subject matter rf family/ erurt dispute, acauisitim, requisitin or reservation and ne n-ttce in that behalf has thus far been received by the Vend-r, (6) That the Vender has net agreed pricr to this Agreement tr sale ~r transfer whether erally nr in writing the sald flat with the third party. (7) Vender hereby further assures that he has till the time ef this Agreenent paid the taxes, cesses, revenue, (Sctety maintenance charges), light and water bills ete. and any ameunt in that behalf is frund-due, hereby 2 grees tn liquidate the same and te handover tn the Purchaser cr his n-minge all the dreuments, vruchers receipts emmected with the said flat, (8) Vendnr hereby further agrees tr execute the required d-cuments f-r the valid transfer f the said flat and te swear-in affidevit,- execute bend, give undertaking % and to dn all -ther acts that may be necessary in that behalf and hereby agrees ts indamnify and keep indemnifiel end harm 6. -less the Purchaser and his heirs from and against any lfability, dispute, claim, actin, pr-ceelings, expenses ate, arising ut £ thesale and transfor nf the said Rlat. t (9) That the Vend-r and Purchaser shall bear equally the expanses trvards the transfor f the said flat, the share and Share Gertificates, and such sther incidental expenses the s~ciety charges ete. (10) Tne Vender further assures tr sign and submit the applicatiths for the transfer -f electric neter, the said flat, share and share certificate in the name ef the Purchaser or his nominee. (11) Purchaser hareby agrees tr be and becrme a member af the Srcfaty and te abide by and ermply with the directives, rules, regulations and bye-laws and alsn agrees tn pay hereafter the charges taxes, electric bills ete. Schedule abeve referred te Residential premises bearing Flat No, 19 builteup area wheresf being 490 Si.ft, a little less ormete m the firct fheer -f building 6-2 (Pleasant Park) Swnr, 21, Hissa No, 1 at wenivarie VAllage, Pune, within the Sub-Registratim District, Tahsil Haveli, within the Revenue and Registratim District- Pune and within the limits -f Pune Municipal Carp-ratin. In witness wheres? the parties heretn have t set and subscribed their respective hands hereunte as Ten at Pune the day and year heroinabeve first written. Steed, Peled and Delivered 5 by the withinnanat Mr, lirendtrenath Reych-whary, q 4 Whe he, a d 0 d in the presence ef. VB!DOR Signed Sealed and Delivered by the withinnemed b (Father)Kuctakese ” Shenrappaiil Sarueches a) PYRGZASHR e in the presence -f. Witnesses A iy 1 Je opesi! Dobie 3 pon Aes 1) e 2) Beto Ms. Sunile §. Gendkar— Sabe - Garder , flee No.3 Hedepeor Rune 22. BEFORE me d knew We Ereculat 5 y2 pe _aeeceea fran, rare oF MAUS . Cv. ABakare ) a Advocab )-27 sare Noted and Registered ‘at Serial Number kee BUA, regula Be ttey-ge & aga TT ae aay fad wy tame Brey 93 gah veneer, R24 = - 22m a ph aris tered, ga faut 5. (H8e flo-36o) No. Amnenty/Unit 2 19. Pane Dated 27 9 119 RECEIVED From Shrin@>1A\.. kyoata kote. residing at... Mo.e, prsatcient pee pow Sup a.m | 1906p E: Chine ofeemaend mi nce Dime reD $ ive Oly. Canin ad 2tR A -Tide ‘hundones Jigs, mie GERTIFIED Urds Secon of he Lonbry Stampa, hued that the proper duty of Rs ee Petwatigusone) ne o ate fessses G fan Ms fa sees fina rere ot acer Seren a wife gen ane, eget rar ane grow. «feo wer ere Ie gare, aren gate apa re eh CoH ara Sate et area a CT eT Ap TA, He own arene ere TENE Te we fre a and arate freon a eer des Gora tap TATA Log A aT ele (efter, Pear a erase yea agg) etboech TEe. INSTRUCTIONS : In case of amount being by Cheque / D. ‘D. / Money Order The same should be drawn in favour of ‘The Assessor & Collector of Tax P. M. C. Pune’ and sent to concerned ward office payable at Pune. (at par cheque). (Penalty applicable if Cheque Bounce.) Birra acs erator Great m2 TTS: WHO CUS, HM: RAR OLLR, HAA AS: EWS OWS, TM TATTE : LICL HVS arm 3RC3RO8T, BHAT: RULE Lo, MOANA: TAGE, ATT : EVAR, MTT: Auto ce Ro, EAS (BH) Puqootoe, RRTA : Whe Le Ro, HEMT | TROLL, AA: Hbeoee te, VATA: WWI GAM, He arate gre: THC one 8242, ROMER THIGON TE ATTH VEU ORGO, MATA | ELIOT ATMA: VL O99, GEATEATE : TH ORLOG Faria | 440530, MAM SHIM B44 068 OW, FETA GE: WRG WT, MA IT» AVR R RY, aA AT BWHORWOR Fie hee Faas, ge me ae waa on Oa reer sere Pee ramet ary. Pa ey on EE HT on me tte et er ee ra rear TM tee (RMT ew MVE HTT) free ar won oe ; wd afr a wk yor eau wetter Bank of Maharashtra, COSMOS, HDFC, ICICI, Janata Sahakari Bank, Pune., Indusind @rou ad erat sitonés iz gfe \ # a srrwem daizat sama a ‘arrears avo ona wera eA rer WaT oT (A) = arg afer et er ere rh 4 = goofs auton aed mM TAT 4 A kom, ¢ (B) = a salen anit gad wera eM ca, ward caer 354 (A) = ere anes aul sa ert Heh cr + wR (/w/ 20 Ro eke eres EN era 9 (B) = sre oa ate gt ret are, = Up ar rH (ae, safes tet eee eT cami / niga wr / ate efedneh wart 4A con wertia = (5)4(8) a Sf V8) Ro Fae eT TAT ae ca rena eee (3)-(3)-C4) ore ate res ere TH 4 t 0% eTAATAATTE = (4) 440) Feorrnerrar exa-nr dharga aoata @ $e sradt ara User Registration ar ateut ara pa i Sr eel ae ar aw ih | fe ar. er ene of were tol scone emer waren vo eT a PRAT CREO ROT RP TI RS ( “y S 8 uauaelyp _ampang’ b3 Bt aagopIG FP ing Sit “pooseyy oanpehg., ay? OF 2 % a Be joelgne pawou snoqv 2yt MI yo fy i COGy*te 1° eaerIOM “SES x yer f e e os } fo sepjoy pai2i0beep, ayy es / 9) Tee Paequnu gauyS dn pied Ayn} “ALD mora hoy ypoumpuanyy ayy? Anseo of 01 oD, ; 8b Ud aqwoifnses) oy 7 ) aLvOlsgiLuao JYVHS GF ‘E10 Lip - ANNd ‘avOW UNdVIOHS ‘ss “WIVN VaOHIVHE YVAN 5] fe Y o6-68/Le91 (91) OSH/(WNd) | Nd ‘ON Seu “G11 ALIIDOS DNISNOH ‘d0-09 T-ON MHWd INYSYvYo1id "ERD SOME IE PW RN OTT. Memorandum ® Tansfer of the within meiMon Shares Date of No. of Reg. No. of Reg. No. of Signature of Transfer Transfer Transfer To.whom transfer | Transferee Secretary ~ — L EROC.N. BURIAKOSE Sh, a Coreen 42.46 5 | AT [FR RT. [ight SECRETARY . 1, CO-G?. HSE, SOC. LTB, as ™ume Dated2) Feb. 1996 To Mr. Roy Choudhary Sub: Payment of stampduty for the Apreement executed between builder/transfero and you on 7-2.499n repiatered Mocument No. 840 with sub, recistrar, Haveli Mo. 3. Dear Sir, Please fin? enclosed herewith the orieinal notice received fron the concerned ahority on the above snbdect. The matter 4s concerned with your >roperty, T have pen totds and/eStsent with the fInt hearine 0-2 flnt 40. 1°, pleasant Park. Pune 13 T have already paid the stamnduty under Amesty scheme of Covernment of Maharashtra vide erse Ro.76M7 of 21075, for the agreenent executed between us on mA Apr§? 19M, Your onre therefore recueshed to handle the matter at vour end. Sfnserly yours “Yartavosoy PUZ/FQ/96 Maharashtra State Electricity Board PUNE URBAN ZONE, RASTA PETH, PUNE - 411 011 ee FIRM QUOTATION Ne, 06149 pivision [ses et DATE 5 sub. ply, St (New 4 ll iid bsg Valid upto PA ESKIES ‘CUSTOMER NUMBER _| NCINo SOn = a © DATE \ETALGG [Length of | Vilage Sr. No cp [rc servis > [9 [oy |e [ole] ]o[4 en No. DATE Met. | [3 B74 +I! 29 a To, Us . ‘Application for New connection/Additional load ShriSmt c uriakos Single phaserThree phase Slot Alo LBIEG- Cr Type of connection | Extra Bourd/Service/U-G-Cable Weasanf- Pes 4 Name of Business| © — 3S? 77 Salo = 8Ys slanawWwad, Velephone No (if any) C= Ly //o lo | Load in KW New/Exsting rs 4/1040 60° {oad sanction order No. Lstimate sanction No. With reference to above please arrange to pay following amount Particulars “Amount in Rs. Fixed Service Connection charges CRA |}. Additional Service Connection Charges | _CRA. Distribution Board Charges CRA Service Line Strengthening Charges (SLS) 71516 Security Deposit SAIL Agreemenyies: fi +A] | Other wofre“specified) 4 otal Rs. (in words) = Y 2. Us =, Total e Nearest consumer number med byme ce Vo Cashier] PUZ Qo CPesyono For Chief Engineer PUZ ——— Dis For OFFICE USE B.No. & Date : ao SERVICE CONNECTION REPORT ttstallation No. Date of connection Meter Number Initial Reading, Manufcturer’s No. | f Meter Belongto | Board / Consumer janufac Ga SinglesThree Phase Wice Capacity AMPS rn CT Ratio ‘AMPS K\VH MF Cingekinz of MER NUSIBER Route meee ee we ata - Reon FIERA] Ie GA Vly Fa BHT, aie qitas aT ° ines aa Say Teva ae a e 1 deh TET =ar eked arn tee ae AIC. Hisendsneth & Chowdhary = aiare Psa esee a Rais Qolelee — anit att ff. / Ae OTe OT Gt SOT ii - 5 ara 3. SET STAT THOR aN, awrite Rea eae ae tor art A et ra Re. afar en ‘FoSd citer Tae seat set Prat aracare A ae aTOTT ren ate ret. = i LG fis 9 CLEICE, ) x , owe red Pace : y oe To, | The Collector of S&IMPS, D Pune 411 053. ( 8 \ _ Detailed address of property : SAD 2( H4/s5AWo/ “1? Form of Appffeation ae Ke wee ae TY SCHEME re cv (Cuapleest = Rupe C-L a Prue toh a 7 pues 5) 15 fy OM % oe! 5 Sub : Regularisation of Document, Sit, original Agreement dated baw “oF the One Part and myself / ourselves of tt jarisation of the 1 [Ve herewith produce the Shay GA He wef he Other Part made bebween ment also for the purpose of rel ant the xerox copy of the said original Agree said) Docun vat, alter payment of Deficit Stamp Duty and Penalty vf Rs 25U/- as pst AMNESTY SCHEME 2 The Details of my / our Flat are as under + (1) Date of execution wot LE arate? (2) Year of Construction , (98S Sgr (3) Built up area of Flat : Ago a CSS se) vay No.of floor of Building 5 Gre tie TH Name of the Road nearby : biota in powres & Vil he (sh 7 Mode of purchase of Fla: Ay Cage Amenities proviled, if any —_ 3 Plone tegularise the above document and do the needful. Tnanking you hw * Yours Jyithtully a é La y, . of vin of Su> in LHD verta of OE PS 1h alt " OO & : cage to, SEOVZ™ PUNE BIC Writ No. 5 Dated ola -0 9-44 ~ ‘to The Joint District Registrar and Collector of Stamps, Pune 411 053, Sub : Stamp Duty paid under Amnesty Scheme, x we Sir, Please find onclosed herewith the original Challans es mentioned below for the Stamp duty paid in Stato Benk of India, Pune 1 @ Sr.No, | Paxticulare fhalian No.&| Date 1. Penalty 2, bass 4 hb ened mn | Registration fee i 7 BUS ' stump Duty 65 |Fos—a Baio ql ; _tetan LISS (Bupees_Tuw Matured Cn baste Fethiye Prd It ia requested to return one copy of the agroevent cubmitted duly stampod 2 an evideace of the above paynent at your earliest. ° ® Thankirg you,‘ ( ) Address _fa Cov Ktyinksre § Poor !9 Ader Cad ~Pléerowr Dace ? Wize Fatima ca , Wanwotr— Pune~ Y1reyes é h ‘nies lila bey ERA My ‘enon mu ua, evp pial pipribe/tanep 222 pik 2 . eee Eh : Mee blsbt Wiz lbs bind Bb ikingehe/pD binge Lak ie “St hie iene . Liab ebb 'e3' eee ‘e/¥> aa/oao)-pp asa any ek Doky gen ae “Row atreR ey RS bte(omoton'er) teins sia a iy gan a cca cavum net i ~ See EEE ead ° eee ay fed Ypbllnde are EEE om 4 CAFS wa] wee uae 7 af BEF oy * Bae C56. ene TAQ tetnads ta ‘ettnbee tung sy Lane hynny ‘poms pues uae. "eh pee ap Indgue ur pbanene Taping mean 0,5 Saas Gua 2233 PMCP. 216 (700 pads of 100 pp.) 1-95 TATIF 14 PUNE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ASSESSOR & COLLECTOR OF TAXES No. 6/101 ofiii ; T.A.T.No. 7 1995 -199F- Date :f- %- SE @... Re. CY. KUREAKAS ez hi Shri Sint. OF: Soc WANALDL fume — A013 Sub. : Change intitle and name. 63 «9 79 a7 farn Soe. Lat Ref, : Property No. Clee f19 a After having considered your notice dt. 224-2 Sand the documents produced by you, following name/nayhes has/have been duly recorded in our record and registers. oY no . For Assessor & Collector of Taxes e Municipal Corporation. TAY. 29¢ (900 WH woo Hey) 9-94 TASTIF 14 Gel Herereaeat RoTereht ¢ aia Haier TIE Hh. amet Rt 1988) at tae gd artes war S88 gua fear fer eres ward / Tate aie areas watt ear adh sie. eS “aft. | atett ee THAN (Lari too gerk) taey sow Facer bad oo, atoms fran stale oe i No 1410 eee (xt stirs egrrecifene afisfram, 1¥4 WHR aGR(t) aad) aime Curt) 9. | Sat GN Seated eet vem tet /97c ar eae, Gv eval ye att — arte xk wifere merrrearforer afafaam ARYS WAR 4a / WK TH IE. EA, alae sah V4) 64 aT GF aS inact a ate amas ie | baled 29 G5 /p eats wie, land uls 1of-uce ) ett wn ot / woe woke re fie | oH, weed ahora wOUTE geaTat tet ari * weds dudes / sieqic afefete wart ad / srg erry ere gt erage weet aa ede Car ae weddnra sera dat fravareres forts Q2) 4 | CC ant ad Bearer atemin axe sifes erercafiont safer (9x8 wer 2Q3 (t) SAT Kafeona ae a, wrote AAR Rarer welat gdte wiaTAT earedter wrt gaara atersarer dneh Beate da and. waders sree KieRATe avi ToT soya “a aOR oS “Te So RAT OD a WR, a a ec AI) AAC acres afi, atosta Prize. Yt Breer. r | “ | TTA: 38 0 o/ for 88/ (seen gromsa, gH - 3.) m 3. fi. / as Ey age We freer Pieters a yates Rremfteart, BOOK POST 3 ata erate, 2 wo, Migef, Shit wentes gana, ~ 3 ¢ or Aare, Sarat age arf, ee TH - vee 4g, 0. 1. 6. Se - Rate AC) U / ney pa - : fara: Gaim yrs ater. tet: STM Sa Fg Tet fe on. Aeea amd ante ata agees sma wafioas 33 at, amar aa ase STAG HTS BUTR BT LOY /- gah arin Yow srayae ay, te Bra 2o0/— We Ber aT rafesrara Aga da ora @ Tea Re das, FET TET, Be aa are feaare ana waa a darn dad UTStewATA aeUe srorrcia. DAS a st PLEASANT PARK No. 1 €0-OP. HOUSING SOCIETY LTD. Reg. No. PNA / (PNA) /HSG ( TC ) 1637/89-90 NEAR BHAIROBA NALA, OFF. SHOLAPUR ROAD, PUNE-411 013 ia Pe aemeliaas- lik 1995 Jo a, Assornor and Coll eetar Qune Muni & Corporal Sa, Pune. wie ‘voprenea. be Te Tessa wn FRC A, Kuriakose Vide Bis Yellin dated AY-2:45) We tak FR. C-V. Kuriakose is te Aone Lida amnarr7 01 4 tis facil mg owne 4 Flat me 7 . vo © Buildieg OCR in our rele go 0 larnrhel BACAETARY fon mirage seer ee tor me wes SC, TD APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP To, Tho Chiet Promoter / Chairman, —~——P]e€nsantt 2arK Co-operative Housing Soclety Ltd. /(Proposod)# Addess + Reg NO. DNACP NADH SG(T2) Lb 37] 87-90. —Neae._Bha imcaba Nala off. Shalapun Read, Prune — 1%. ‘Sir | Madam, Iu the undersigned Shri / Sea,¥ Fe C.t-KuRiAKOSE hhoreby request you to admit me a Co-pariner}-Go-owner—Tenant ‘Member of your Socioty. My Particulars are given below : (1) Age__S by ___years, , (2) Occuption :, Pacieshhoock (3) Office address : 12 (4) Residential Addr > about - (15) Monthly incoms of mine and of any other perton on whom! am dependent it Rs. deent Ihave gomtthrough the proposed / registered Bye-laws of your Society and the Rules and the Regulations thereunder and | undertake to abide by the same and with any modification that the Registvar may make In them. Lem remitting herewith Rs. 260/-towards the value of five fully paid up Shares of Rs. \60/= each and Rs 10/- as entrance 1am prepared to contribute_n}a__ percent of the total cost of the land and construction of building horeor. | except to obtain the balance amount ae loan sither from Government or any other Financing ‘Agony from which the Society may obtain loan, Inthe event of the Society being unable to obtain loan {0 tho extent ofits expectation, | am prepared to contribute such further emounte towards the cost of land and construction as the Society may require. neck. towards the cost of my fet | have paid Rs # Sirike out which Is not applicable, 185 j (P.T.0) | further furnish my particulars in form £ “ inder schedule attached to the Bye-lews as under: Particulars regarding residential building / ng site owned. by Reasons why St. | Name ot the person | him (in whole or part or] Piace where situation | itis necessary to No. by thet ar erat have @ house, plot te {rom the Society 1 2 3 4 5 Altested by : Yours tathtuly Fr C-V- A umakore ‘The Chief, Promoter / Chaitman Piacot__Pmts ly" for purpose of Section 6 and Section 8 of the Maharastra husband, wife, son having no independent source of income, unmarried daughter and the person dependent on the member. Pune District Co. Operative Housing Federation Ltd. 208, Somwat Peth, Pune-11. & Phone : 20719 eengacosae (HI a » hes Bete te inte age ey sctamgan nea cel ." aaa TT. mari Seal in wEasso [par am arerett at [seit SF i ecaot | ‘ = = ocits fos = fe 88 a a ge HE] SPREE | toe | ones | iets, ae ae, fer aR Ut Ser te at Tee gern RRO TET | sevey.So> ) aaa | Annem ame of te exceung pay erin case ofa] Name of ET | pe | ete | ses acto Prion ene |r Cr fC Cat of Dea Dare eng rary ormease ts | ere ois, aeers | gie ne | ete se ee. od aoa, dann cout of PIT | econ f 8H Serial No, Vole andstamp Duty pido Registration Fee ese ees tage tt Vane | pusca Mart Tsiieieawet | irae Sep en vans % ‘ x = ai 7 sh es o |Lé ‘ 1 w

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