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Hard to - During the American colonization on the Philippines, only few notable people
Imagine knew how to read and understand Rizal’s works, particularly the Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo. This is because Americans taught the Filipinos
about their English alphabet and language, in which it allowed the Filipinos the
grasp the new learnings and set aside the Spanish erudition. Thus, Rizal’s novels
need to be translated to English language, only few known translators were
relevant that time, which is Leon Ma. Guerrero on which he translated Rizal’s
both novels and it is the only translated work that people read. However, it is later
revealed that Guerrero’s translations were inaccurate, and people misinterpret the
idea about Rizal’s novels on how they were translated

How does this develop and/or promote nationalism to you?

- It allowed me to become competent and brave for my country, because we were

colonized by the tyrannical government of Spaniards. Also being colonized by the
Americans, and been deceived by our own fellow Filipino by translating Rizal’s
novels inaccurately. Rizal had experienced a lot of struggles and challenges in his
life, even though he fought for our freedom and independence, his works were
still difficult to deliver to the Filipinos. I cannot believe the fact that there are so
many times that Rizal’s works and writing were being neglected and hidden
among the Filipinos. I believe that we deserve to know the truth and history of our

Did Rizal demonstrate popular nationalism through his works? Justify your answer.

- Rizal had gone through a lot of hardships and difficulties during the Spanish
colonization, and with that, he used his intelligence and writing skills to fight the
Spaniards with his words, he has his own technique for battling his enemies.
Without Rizal, we would not know our history and identity as Filipinos, we
would still be under the government of Spaniards or Americans. We should
recognize the dedication and hard work of our heroes, because without them we
would not be here, and we would not know what being a Filipino is.

How will the study of our national history affect your actions in the present?

- It made me aware as a Filipino. Understanding and expanding my knowledge

about our history, allowing me to become more interested in learning more
valuable facts about our past. In which, I can see myself informing people what I
have learned and understand regarding our history. Someday, I believe that this
may happen again, and by knowing our history, we can fight for ourselves and
our country, because we Filipinos are the only one who will help each other, we
should treat our fellow Filipinos as our comrades and be united as one.

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