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SUBJECT NAME – NITTT - Module 8 - Institutional Management and Administrative


S.No. Question Options

All of the following are the objectives of 1) Achievement of institutional objectives
institutional management EXCEPT one, 2) Improvement in planning, organising and
which is that: implementation of institutional programmes and
1. activities
3) Enhancing productivity of industry
4) Enhance employees’ job satisfaction
2. Institutional Administration is the 1) Utilizing appropriate resources for development of
process of: Human qualities
2) Managing activities of educational institutions
3) Planning, organizing, directing and controlling
human resources in educational setting
4) None of the above.
3. The three types of plans in an educational 1) Top, middle and bottom
institution are: 2) Operational, occupational and strategic
3) Strategic, tactical and operational
4) Corporate, divisional and local
4. The curriculum drift means: 1) Identifying obsolete content
2) Identifying missing content in the curriculum
3) Identifying inappropriate content
4) All of these
5. Which of the following represents heart 1) Communication
of the institutional management process? 2) Leadership
3) Organisation
4) Control
6. In institutional management, the 1) Preparing for future for desired goals
function of planning is ____? 2) Financial planning
3) To appoint staff
4) None of these
7. The level of managers, responsible for 1) First level managers
establishing a vision for the institution, 2) Middle managers
developing broad plans and strategies, 3) Top level managers
and directing subordinate staff, is:
4) Second level managers
8. Regulatory requirements, Economic 1) Internal factors
uncertainty, technological innovations, 2) Intra-personal factors
and new competitors are examples of 3) External factors
what type of factors that affect 4) Inter-personal factors
institutional management?

9. Thinking in term of phases in planning 1) Reduce the plan to a simple series of actions
helps to: 2) Keep the planned efforts on schedule
3) Co-ordinate the separate activities within the plan
4) All of these
10. Which of the following skills is equally 1) Technical skill
important at all levels of management? 2) Human relation skill
3) Conceptual skill
SUBJECT NAME – NITTT - Module 8 - Institutional Management and Administrative

4) All of the above

11. All are the advantages of institutional 1) Helps in channelizing the energies of teachers
planning, except: towards goal achievement
2) Helps in preserving uniqueness of an educational
3) Enhances emphasis on the direction of expenditure
4) Provides ample opportunities to individuals to
experiment and innovate

12. All of the following are true about 1) It is a top down approach of planning
strategic planning in an institution 2) Enhances an institution’s capability to proactively
Except: anticipate change
3) It realizes more on identifying and resolving issues
4) Emphasizes on assessment of the environment inside
and outside the institution
13. Strategic planning is _______ in 1) Descriptive
nature. 2) Theoretical
3) Creative
4) Analytical

14. The major value creating skills, 1) Strengths

capabilities and resources that determine 2) Opportunities
an institution’s competitive weapons are: 3) Core competencies
4) Strategies
15. Which one of the following is not a 1) It is inter-disciplinary
characteristic of strategic planning that 2) It concerns the present direction of the institution
makes it different from other types of 3) It has an external focus
4) It has an internal focus
16. Strategic mission 1) Is an internally focused affirmations of an
institution’s societal and ethical goals
2) Is developed by an institution before it develops its
strategic intent
3) Do not limit the institution in specifying the
environment in which it intends to compete
4) Is a statement of institution’s unique purpose and
scope of operations
17. The following is/are associated with 1) Creating superior value to customers
successful strategies: 2) Exploitation of key success factors
3) Creating and maintaining strategic fit
4) All of the above
18. One of the following is not an element of 1) Judgement of what strategic changes to make
strategic thinking, which is that? 2) Realisation of what needs to change
3) Understanding of current strategic positions
4) Management of institutional resources and
SUBJECT NAME – NITTT - Module 8 - Institutional Management and Administrative

19. The managerial function of organizing is 1) Review and adjust plan in the light of changing
to: conditions
2) Establish a program for the accomplishment of
3) Create a structure of functions and duties to be
performed by a group of people
4) Get things done through and with the help of people
20. According to "Scalar Principle of 1) A manager can directly supervise a limited number
Organization" of people
2) The line of authority must be clearly defined
3) Exceptionally complex problems are referred to
higher levels of management
4) Each subordinate should have one superior
21. ‘No one on the organisation should have 1) Specialisation
more than one boss’ is a statement of 2) Authority
principle of: 3) Unity of command
4) Span of control
22. The descriptive word most clearly 1) Static
associated with the organic approach to 2) Rigid
structure is : 3) Bureaucratic
4) Dynamic.

23. With reference to power and authority, 1) Authority is only one source of influence among
we may conclude all but which one of many
the following: 2) Supervisor should never have to rely on coercive
power to obtain results
3) Constant reliance on authority indicates a potential
supervisory problem
4) Group acceptance of authority is necessary for it to
become useful influence
24. Matrix organizations are really a 1) Product and process bases
combination of the: 2) Process and geographic bases
3) Customer and functional bases
4) Functional and product bases
25. Line function are concerned with those 1) Accomplishing the subsidiary objectives of the
activities which are connected with the institution
discharge of direct responsibility for: 2) Accomplishing the main objectives of the institution
3) Taking and implementing all decisions
4) None of these
26. Which of the following is not a 1) A belief in shared aims and objectives.
characteristic of an effective work 2) The resolution of conflict by members themselves.
group? 3) A sense of commitment by individual member’s to
their own goals and objectives.
4) The open expression of feelings and disagreements.
27. In the Tuckman model, groups at the 1) Adjourning
___________________ stage develop 2) Norming
guidelines and standards of acceptable 3) Forming
4) Storming
SUBJECT NAME – NITTT - Module 8 - Institutional Management and Administrative

28. A virtual team is a collection of people 1) Temporally, work

who are _________________ separated 2) Geographically, work
but still __________________ together 3) Geographically, decide
4) Physically, think

29. Which of the following is NOT a 1) Lack of management support

roadblock to team progress in an 2) Project objectives are significant
institution? 3) No time to do improvement
4) Project scope too large
30. Members of a _______team have been 1) Functional
cross trained so that each person is 2) Cross functional
able to perform the duties of all other 3) Multi-functional
4) Self directed

31. The team gathers for the monthly 1) Only a few team members seem to be concerned
progress and problem report about about the impact of their presentation; they attempt to
reaching individual and departmental build allies within the team
objectives. Which of the following 2) There is an open and realistic sharing of both progress
statements reflect effective team and problems
meeting? 3) Some team members seem to be playing the political
game, while others do not
4) One clique exists within this team and their
presentations sound about the same-politically safe
32. Which of the following is NOT the part 1) Team’s purpose
of the forming stage of team development 2) Hostilities and personal needs
in an institution? 3) Members roles
4) Acceptance of roles
33. Identifying the --------- candidates and -- 1) Available, insisting
-- them to apply for the job is called 2) Available, making
recruitment. 3) Potential, insisting
4) Potential, attracting
34. -------- is a selection test, which evaluate 1) Intelligence test
the emotional ability which will help to 2) Personality test
judge an individual’s working in group 3) Mental ability test
4) Aptitude test
35. A systematic and planned introduction of 1) Job evaluation
employees to their jobs, their co-workers 2) Investiture orientation
and the institution is called: 3) Orientation
4) Placement
36. Process of collecting and analysing 1) Job analysis
information about the duties, 2) Job evaluation
responsibilities and conditions of a 3) Activity analysis
4) Occupation analysis
specific work assignment is:
SUBJECT NAME – NITTT - Module 8 - Institutional Management and Administrative

37. Training refers to the process of 1) General

imparting _________ skills 2) Important
3) Specific
4) Overall
38. Which of the following is an on the job 1) Vestibule training
training method? 2) Position rotation or job rotation
3) Conference and seminars
4) Lecture method
39. _____ involves the perceived fairness of 1) Individual equity
pay differentials. 2) External equity
3) Internal equity
4) All of these

40. Match the following components of 1) I-D, II-B, III-A, IV-C

remuneration with their inclusions - 2) I-B, II-A, III-C, IV-D
I. Fringe Benefits ------- A. Stock 3) I-A, II-C, III-D, IV-B
option 4) I-C, II-B, III-D, IV-A
II. Job Context------B. Challenging job
III. Perquisites --------- C. Group Plans
IV. Incentives ----------- D. Medical Care
41. Which of these is an internal factor 1) Cost of living
influencing remuneration? 2) Legislations
3) Institutional Business strategy
4) Society
42. Assignment of a higher level job to an 1) Diagonal promotion
individual without increase in salary is 2) Horizontal promotion
called: 3) Vertical Promotion
4) Dry promotion
43. The test of the adequacy of any wage 1) Real wages
level is in the: 2) Time wages
3) Money wages
4) None of these
44. CCS Conduct Rules came into force on 1) 1956
2) 1964
3) 1966
4) 1971
45. As per CCS conduct rules the following Codes
omissions of a Government servant 1) Only (i), (ii) & (iii)
amount to misconduct :- 2) Only (ii), (iii) & (iv)
(i) Wilful insubordination or
3) Only (i), (iii) & (iv)
disobedience, whether alone or in
combination with others, to any lawful 4) All (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)
and reasonable order of a superior
(ii) Habitual late attendance
(iii) Habitual absence without permission
and overstaying leave
SUBJECT NAME – NITTT - Module 8 - Institutional Management and Administrative

(iv) Conviction by a criminal court

46. Which of the following is INCORRECT? 1) Outstanding expenses -current asset

2) Good will- intangible asset
3) Sundry debtors -current asset
4) Loose tools -tangible fixed asset
47. A material shall generally be considered 1) One year
surplus if it remains in stock for 2) Two years
over______ unless adequate reasons to 3) Three years
treat it otherwise exist.
4) Four years
48. Fixed assets should be verified at least 1) Six months
once in: 2) One year
3) Two years
4) Three years
49. Diwali advance given to an employee is: 1) Revenue Expenditure
2) Capital Expenditure
3) Not an Expenditure
4) Deferred Revenue Expenditure
50. Pick the incorrect one 1) Sample physical verification at intervals of not more
than five years should be done in case of libraries
having more than 50000 volumes. In case such
verification reveals unusual or unreasonable
shortages, complete verification shall be done
2) Loss of five volumes per 1000 volumes of books
issued/consulted in a year may be taken as reasonable
provided such losses are not attributable to dishonesty
or negligence. However, loss of a book of a value
exceeding Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only)
and rare books irrespective of value shall invariably
be investigated and appropriate action taken.
3) For libraries having more than 20000 volumes and up
to 50000 volumes, such verification should be done
at least once in three years.
4) Complete physical verification of books should be
done every year in case of libraries having not more
than 20000 volumes

Answer Key
Question Correct
Number Answer
1 3
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 1
SUBJECT NAME – NITTT - Module 8 - Institutional Management and Administrative

Question Correct
Number Answer
6 1
7 3
8 3
9 4
10 2
11 3
12 1
13 4
14 3
15 3
16 4
17 4
18 4
19 3
20 2
21 3
22 4
23 2
24 4
25 2
26 3
27 2
28 2
29 2
30 3
31 2
32 2
33 4
34 2
35 3
36 2
37 3
38 1
39 3
40 1
41 3
42 4
43 1
44 2
45 4
46 1
47 1
48 2
49 3
50 1

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