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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Semester: (Spring, Year:2023), B.Sc. in CSE (Day)

Course Title: Information System And Design
Course Code: CSE 403 Section: 201 D4
 Requirements Specification of Healthcare Application project
 Test Cases of Healthcare Application project

Student Details
Name ID
1. Rahad Hasan Chyon 201002301

Submission Date : : 15/06/2023

Course Teacher’s Name : Maisha Muntaha
Department of CSE
Green University of Bangladesh
Requirements Determination Of Healthcare App
The requirements determination phase of a healthcare application project involves identifying and
documenting the specific needs, features, and functionalities that the application should possess to meet
the goals of the project and satisfy the stakeholders. This phase lays the foundation for the development
and design of the healthcare application.

Key Steps in Requirements Determination:

Identify Stakeholders:
Identify the key stakeholders involved in the healthcare application project, such as healthcare
professionals, administrators, patients, IT staff, and regulatory bodies.Understand their roles,
responsibilities, and needs in relation to the application.Conduct stakeholder interviews or workshops to
gather their input and expectations.

Conduct a Needs Assessment:

Perform a comprehensive assessment of the healthcare organization's needs, challenges, and goals.
Identify the pain points and areas that require improvement or automation through the application.
Analyze existing workflows, processes, and systems to understand the requirements in the context of the
organization's operations.

Gather Functional Requirements:

Document the specific functionalities that the healthcare application should provide.Identify core features
such as patient registration, appointment scheduling, electronic health records (EHR) management, billing
and payments, medication management, and reporting capabilities.Define functional requirements for
each feature, including detailed use cases, user interactions, and system behaviors.

Define Non-Functional Requirements:

Identify non-functional requirements that specify the quality attributes and constraints of the healthcare
application.Include aspects such as performance, scalability, security, usability, accessibility, regulatory
compliance, interoperability, and data privacy.Establish measurable criteria for each non-functional
requirement to enable objective evaluation.

Consider Integration Requirements:

Determine the integration needs of the healthcare application with existing systems, such as laboratory
information systems (LIS), picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), and electronic
prescribing systems.Identify data exchange requirements, interoperability standards, and integration
points to ensure seamless information flow and system connectivity.

Ensure Regulatory Compliance:

Identify the applicable regulatory requirements and standards that the healthcare application must comply
with.Consider regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and local healthcare regulations.Define the necessary
security, privacy, and consent mechanisms to comply with these regulations.
Prioritize and Validate Requirements:
Prioritize the requirements based on their importance and impact on achieving project goals.Validate the
requirements with stakeholders to ensure accuracy, completeness, and alignment with their
expectations.Conduct review meetings or workshops to gather feedback and address any gaps or conflicts
in the requirements.

Document and Maintain Requirements:

Document the requirements in a clear, concise, and unambiguous manner using appropriate templates or
tools.Use techniques such as use cases, user stories, process flows, and data models to represent the
requirements effectively.Establish a process for managing and maintaining the requirements throughout
the project lifecycle, including change control and versioning.

Requirements determination is a crucial phase in the development of a healthcare application. By
identifying and documenting the needs and expectations of stakeholders, both functional and non-
functional requirements can be defined to guide the development process. Thorough requirements
determination ensures that the healthcare application aligns with the goals and objectives of the
organization while addressing the specific challenges and regulatory requirements of the healthcare
Some Test Case Of Healthcare App Project
1)This is a unit test case for healthcare application. This test case covers the registration functionality
of the healthcare application.

 Test Case: User Registration

 Test Case Id:HC-UNIT-01

 Objective: To verify that a user can successfully register in the healthcare application.

 Preconditions:
The healthcare application is installed and running.
The user is on the registration page.

 Test setup:
Healthcare application version: 2.0
Operating System: Windows 10
Web browser: Google Chrome 91.0

 Test Steps:
1.Enter valid user details in the registration form.
Name: Rahad
Password: Password123
2.Click on the "Register" button.
3.Check if a confirmation message is displayed indicating successful registration.
4.Verify that the user is redirected to the login page.
5.Attempt to log in using the registered credentials.
6.Check if the login is successful and the user is directed to the dashboard.

 Expected Results:
-A confirmation message should be displayed, indicating successful registration.
-The user should be redirected to the login page.
-The login should be successful.
-The user should be directed to the dashboard.

2) This is a system test case for healthcare application.This test case covers the record management
functionality of the healthcare application.

 Test Case: Health Records Management

 Test Case Id: HC-TC-001

 Test Objective:
To verify that the healthcare application accurately manages and stores patient health records.

 Preconditions:
The healthcare application is installed and functional.
Test data for patient health records is available.

 Test setup:
Healthcare application version: 2.0
Operating System: Windows 10
Web browser: Google Chrome 91.0

 Test Steps:
1.Launch the healthcare application.
2.Log in using valid credentials.
3.Navigate to the "Patient Records" section.
4.Verify that the application displays a list of existing patient records.
5.Select a patient record from the list.
6.Verify that the application displays the patient's information, including their name, date of birth,
gender, and contact details.
7.Verify that the application provides options to view, add, or edit different sections of the
patient's health record, such as medical history, allergies, medications, and lab results.
8.Select the "Medical History" section.
9.Verify that the application displays the patient's medical history, including previous illnesses,
surgeries, and treatments.
10.Attempt to add a new medical history entry for the patient.
11.Verify that the application allows the user to add relevant details, such as the type of illness,
date of diagnosis, and treatment received.
12.Save the new medical history entry and verify that it is successfully added to the patient's
13.Select the "Allergies" section.
14.Verify that the application displays the patient's known allergies.
15.Attempt to add a new allergy entry for the patient.
16.Verify that the application allows the user to add the details of the allergy, such as the
allergen, severity, and reaction.
17.Save the new allergy entry and verify that it is successfully added to the patient's record.
18.Repeat steps 13-17 for the "Medications" and "Lab Results" sections, ensuring that new entries
can be added and saved successfully.
19.Select the "Patient Summary" option to view a summary of the patient's health record.
20.Verify that the summary accurately reflects the patient's information, medical history,
allergies, medications, and lab results.
21.Log out of the application.
22.Log in again using the same credentials.
23.Navigate to the "Patient Records" section.
24.Verify that the previously added patient record and associated data are still available and
accurately displayed.

 Expected Results:
-The healthcare application should accurately display patient information and provide options to
view, add, or edit different sections of the health record.
-New entries for medical history, allergies, medications, and lab results should be saved
successfully and accurately reflected in the patient's record.
-The patient summary should provide an accurate overview of the patient's health record.
-Patient records and associated data should persist even after logging out and logging back in.

3)This is a integration Test Case for Healthcare Application Project.

 Test Case: Integration Test Case for Healthcare Application Project.

 Test Case ID: HCAPP-INT-001

 Test Case Description: To verify the integration and functionality of key components in the
healthcare application.

 Preconditions:
The healthcare application is installed and functional.

 Test setup:
Healthcare application version: 2.0
Operating System: Windows 10
Web browser: Google Chrome 91.0

 Test Steps:
1. Launch the healthcare application.
2. Log in using valid credentials.
3. Navigate to the patient registration module.
4. Enter valid patient information such as name, age, gender, and contact details.
5. Click on the "Save" button.
6. Verify that the patient information is saved successfully in the database.
7. Navigate to the appointment scheduling module.
8. Select a valid patient from the list.
9. Choose a date and time for the appointment.
10. Click on the "Schedule Appointment" button.
11. Verify that the appointment is successfully scheduled and saved in the database.
12. Navigate to the billing module.
13. Select a patient from the list.
14. Enter the services provided and their corresponding charges.
15. Click on the "Generate Bill" button.
16. Verify that the bill is generated correctly with the accurate charges and patient details.
17. Navigate to the lab test module.
18. Select a patient from the list.
19. Choose a specific lab test to be conducted.
20. Enter the test results.
21. Click on the "Save Test Results" button.
22. Verify that the test results are saved accurately for the selected patient.
23. Navigate to the prescription module.
24. Select a patient from the list.
25. Enter the details of the prescribed medication, including name, dosage, and frequency.
26. Click on the "Save Prescription" button.
27. Verify that the prescription is saved correctly for the selected patient.
28. Navigate to the reporting module.
29. Select a specific report to generate.
30. Choose the necessary parameters for the report.
31. Click on the "Generate Report" button.
32. Verify that the report is generated accurately with the desired parameters.
33. Navigate to the communication module.
34. Compose a message and enter a valid recipient.
35. Click on the "Send Message" button.
36. Verify that the message is sent successfully to the intended recipient.
37. Log out from the application.
38. Verify that the user is successfully logged out.

 Expected Results:
o Patient information should be saved correctly in the database.
o Appointments should be successfully scheduled and saved.
o Billing should generate accurate bills with the correct charges.
o Lab test results should be saved accurately for each patient.
o Prescriptions should be saved correctly for each patient.
o Reports should be generated accurately with the desired parameters.
o Messages should be sent successfully to the intended recipients.
o User should be able to log in and log out without any issues.

4)This is a UI Test Case for Healthcare Application Project.

 Test Case : User Interface Testing for Healthcare Application Project

 Test Case ID: HC-UI-01

 Objective: To verify the user interface elements and their functionality of the healthcare
application project.
To verify that the user interface is working as expected

 Preconditions:
The healthcare application is installed and accessible.
Test data and valid credentials are available for logging into the system.

 Test Setup:Require Android Studio to run the project.

 Test Steps:
1.Launch the healthcare application.
2.Verify that the login screen is displayed.
3.Enter valid credentials (username and password).
4.Click on the "Login" button.
5.Verify that the home screen is displayed.
6.Check the availability and functionality of the following user interface elements on the
home screen:
a. Navigation menu: Ensure that all menu items (Dashboard, Appointments, Patients,
Doctors, Reports) are present and clickable.
b. Search bar: Check that the search bar is visible and functional, allowing the user to
search for specific information.
c. Notifications: Validate that the notification area is displayed, showing any relevant
notifications or alerts.
d. User profile: Ensure that the user's profile information (name, profile picture) is visible
and accurate.
e. Quick actions: Verify the presence and functionality of any quick action buttons (Add
Appointment, Add Patient, Add Doctor) on the home screen.
f. Data overview: Check that relevant data summaries (total appointments, total
patients, upcoming appointments) are displayed and accurate.
7.Click on the "Appointments" menu item.
8.Verify that the appointments screen is displayed.
9.Check the availability and functionality of the following user interface elements on the
appointments screen:
a. Appointment list: Ensure that the list of appointments is visible and displays relevant
information (patient name, appointment date and time).
b. Filters: Verify the availability of filters (date range, doctor) to refine the appointment
c. Sorting: Validate that the appointment list can be sorted based on different criteria
(date, patient name).
d. Appointment details: Click on an appointment and verify that the appointment details
screen is displayed, showing detailed information about the selected appointment.

10.Return to the home screen.

11.Click on the "Patients" menu item.
12.Verify that the patients screen is displayed.
13.Check the availability and functionality of the following user interface elements on the
patients screen:
a. Patient list: Ensure that the list of patients is visible and displays relevant information
(patient name, contact details).
b. Search and filters: Validate that the search bar and filters are available to help find
specific patients.
c. Patient details: Click on a patient and verify that the patient details screen is
displayed, showing detailed information about the selected patient.
14.Return to the home screen.
15.Click on the "Doctors" menu item.
16.Verify that the doctors screen is displayed.
17.Check the availability and functionality of the following user interface elements on the
doctors screen:
a. Doctor list: Ensure that the list of doctors is visible and displays relevant information
(doctor name, specialization).
b. Search and filters: Validate that the search bar and filters are available to help find
specific doctors.
c. Doctor details: Click on a doctor and verify that the doctor details screen is displayed,
showing detailed information about the selected doctor.
18.Return to the home screen.
19.Click on the "Reports" menu item.
20.Verify that the reports screen is displayed.
21.Check the availability and functionality of the user interface elements on the reports

 Expected Results:
1)Log in Screen:
-The login screen should be displayed.
-User should be able to enter valid credentials.
-Clicking on the "Login" button should proceed to the home screen.
2)Home Screen:
-The home screen should be displayed after successful login.
-Navigation menu items should be visible and clickable.
-User's profile information should be visible and accurate.
3)Appointments Screen:
-The appointments screen should be displayed when clicking on the "Appointments"
menu item.
-The appointment list should be visible and show relevant information (patient name,
appointment date and time).
4)Patients Screen:
-The patients screen should be displayed when clicking on the "Patients" menu item.
-The patient list should be visible and display relevant information ( patient name, contact
5)Doctors Screen:
-The doctors screen should be displayed when clicking on the "Doctors" menu item.
-The doctor list should be visible and display relevant information (doctor name,
6)Report Screen:
-The reports screen should be displayed when clicking on the "Reports" menu

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