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Practical Day Game: Where Sunshine Meets Beauty

Before The Approach ..................................................................................................................................... 3

The Openers and Stack ................................................................................................................................. 5

Indirect Opening Lines ................................................................................................................................... 8

Indirect Opening Lines Continued ................................................................................................................ 9

Structure Of A Direct Stack ........................................................................................................................... 9

Direct Openers .............................................................................................................................................. 10

Approach Exercises ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Step 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 12

Step 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 12

Step 3: ........................................................................................................................................................ 13

Step 4 ......................................................................................................................................................... 14

Opener Exercises ......................................................................................................................................... 14

The Actual Approach .................................................................................................................................... 16

Moving Set ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

Using Social Space ...................................................................................................................................... 20

Proper Moving Set ........................................................................................................................................ 21

Storytelling Exercises ................................................................................................................................... 22

Humor Exercises .......................................................................................................................................... 24

Lifestyle Exercises ........................................................................................................................................ 28

FAQ ................................................................................................................................................................ 30

Further Training Opportunities ........................................................................................................................... 34

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Practical Day Game: Where Sunshine Meets Beauty

Before The Approach

The beauty of Day Game is that it can happen anywhere! You can be at your local grocery store

buying some eggs and milk or on your 20 minute break grabbing a cup of coffee at the corner coffee

shop. Wherever you are at during the day, one thing must always be a constant—when you see that

beautiful woman, you must approach and approach well.

In order to approach well, keep these things in mind:

1. Body Language: Always look relaxed and confident. Avoid bad body language, since up to

90% of communication is non-verbal.

a. Stand up straight, make sure you are not slouched over, roll your shoulders back and

maintain a straight spine. Keep your chin up with your head centered over the


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Practical Day Game: Where Sunshine Meets Beauty

2. Facial Expression: Also a form of non-verbal communication, it conveys your emotional state.

It is a means of conveying social information. Avoid having the typical poker face when


a. Smile: By smiling we can increase our attractiveness and likeability almost immediately.

Smiling lets the other person know that we are trustworthy and kind.

b. Eye Contact: The eyes create the most obvious and immediate cues that lead to the

formation of impressions. Eye contact also regulates conversational turn taking,

communicates involvement and interest, manifests warmth, and establishes

connections with others.

3. Tonality: Speak in a relaxed and slow manner, make sure you enunciate properly. You voice

should have a positive tone, while projecting across to the other person.

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Practical Day Game: Where Sunshine Meets Beauty

The Openers and Stack

As in most things in pick up, there are no hard rules, but simply guidelines that are designed to give

you a sense of structure, game plan, and end goal in mind.

If you are past the hook point, feel free to drop the stack. You can always go back to it if you feel her

interest and attraction is waning.


1. Opener – This can be any indirect Verbal Opener, Natural Canned, or Direct Opener. All good

openers have a Disarming Line and are catchy.

2. Input – At each step, you audience will give you some type of input ranging from highly

enthusiastic to bored.

3. Acknowledge – Always acknowledge what they say in order to avoid the appearance of simply

reciting and/or rehearsing some made up, canned story.

4. BT Spike – These are typically the Cocky Funny lines, banter lines, playful touch, mini games,

and mini cold reads. It‘s the most helpful when you can be funny and playful in order to get her

into a receptive mood.

5. Background Story – A background story is simply there to both ground your opener within the

surrounding social context and guide the initial conversation down the pre-determined path the

will inject an intended emotional response, namely laughter or intrigue. You are simply

attempting to start and hold a conversation on an interesting subject matter.

6. Keyword Linking – Genuine, spontaneous conversations is like surfing through Wikipedia, You

click one link, then another, then another, until you find yourself on some random, but

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interesting webpage that you had no intention of going to. Every Opener/Background has an

array of open topics and possible subject threads to continue the story, while making it more

natural, congruent, and avoiding the sensation of a random and weird conversation. So simply

link one of the many possible Keyword Links from the Opener/background to one of the

Attraction DHV Stories listed below.

7. Story 1 (sense of humor) – Following the path of all possible Keyword Links, you want to aim

for an upbeat, interesting, funny, and/or energetic story that is somewhat related to the

Opener/ Background but not entirely. After all, you are trying to move beyond the opener.

8. Story 2 – Use keywords from your story to continue onto another story with newly opened

threads, you now have an open playground to come up with another linked story, that‘s is at

least 2 degrees separate.

9. Comfort Leading Question – At the end of the stack, you want to give her the opportunity to

explore the conversation and relationship with you further. She may be intensely interested

and attracted to you, but you simply haven‘t given her room to talk. So know you ask a semi-

related open-ended question and leading question to see if she hooks.

Closed ended questions can be answered with a single one or two word response. They are often
a yes or no question and don‘t leave much room for elaboration, interpretation or opinion.

Open-ended questions, on the other hand, are questions that cannot be answered with one word
responses. They require some thought and some details to reasonably answer the question.

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Indirect Opening Lines


―Hey Girls , quick question, what do you think it means when a girl will only say….‖

[Pause for emphasis]


―But, ONLY over text message???‖

[emphasize ―only‖ with tonality and a playful roll of the eyes.]

Wait for Input:

―I know…‖

[Mild Pause With An Emphasis on Playful, Exasperated Tonality]

―It‘s crazy, right? But the truly weird part…‖

[Pause For Suspense And Tension]

―Is she has been sending it to my friend AND they‘ve ONLY…‖


―Been dating for a couple of weeks. I told him he shouldn‘t …Freak Out Yet…YET.‖

―Unless she pops out the bushes at night with his name tattooed on her butt trying to get him to go on
Maury (Povich).‖

Keyword Links:

1. Texting

2. Relationships

3. Dating

4. T. V Shows

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Indirect Opening Lines Continued


―Hey, quick question, I am meeting up with a buddy in a bit and was wondering if it is ok to wear jeans

to a wedding?‖

Wait for Input:

―You see he just flew in from out of town and according to the airline they ‗MISPLACED‘ his luggage.‖
[emphasize ―misplaced‖ with tonality and a playful roll of the eyes.] ―He has a nice sports coat and
really nice jeans.‖

[Emphasis On Playful Teasing Tonality]

―I told him worst case scenario, I still got my tux from prom. It still has the fluffy ripple front, but I‘m
sure he can fit into it.‖

Keyword Links:

1. Fashion
2. Wedding
3. Travel
4. Shopping
5. High School

Structure Of A Direct Stack

Purpose: Direct Game (i.e., Direct Openers) Requires higher levels of Inner Game, Emotional

Intelligence as well as being at least competent in other non-verbal attributes like Tonality, Body

Language, Fashion, etc.

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1. Requires Higher level of Passive Value.

2. Little to no Approach Anxiety

3. Rejection is more common

4. Will not work on ADD girls, Attention Whores, Party Girls.

5. You must ACTUALLY be interested in and attracted to her.

6. Light to moderate use of C&F quips, etc.

7. Lower Energy. Think James Bond.

8. Direct Game is FASTER and will get you into C – Comfort significantly faster than indirect.

9. Background Positive Qualifier – Let her know that while you are interested in her, you still want

to get to know her and have her live up to certain positive qualities. Select a single quality

about her (other than her looks) and qualify her in a positive manner.

10. Introduce Yourself!

Direct Openers

 ―I was walking by and saw you, I had to come by and say ‗Hi I‘m curious about you.‘‖

 ―I was on my way to X and totally love your style. I had to find out a little bit more about you.‖

 ―I was just coming back from Y and you have such a warm charming energy. I‘d love to get to

know you better.‖

 ―I know this is random, but you look adorable. I had to meet you.‖

 ―I saw you from across the way, Hey, you‘re cute. Wanted to find out if you‘re the friendly type.‖

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Pre-Frame the interaction with a statement that shows you are doing something, just did something, or

is random. This way she knows you have things to do and are not just bumming around.

Approach Exercises

The Key here is to start off small and work your way up. Day game can be a challenge to some and a

greater mental obstacle to others.

Keep in mind that this is a learning process; you are in the process of understanding, applying/taking

action and becoming proficient through repetition.

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During the day you might encounter certain limiting beliefs that might turn into excuses and prevent

you from approaching the girl of your dreams…

Here is a list of some of those common beliefs…

1. She is busy. I don‘t want to bother her.

2. She is eating. I don‘t want to be rude.
3. There are other people watching me.
4. Other People might hear what I am going to say.
5. She is out of my league.
6. I am not her type.
7. She is white/black/Latina; she doesn‘t date my race.

As you can see the list goes on.

We are going to take on this challenge by moving up step by step.

Step 1

If you are completely new and are not used to talking to strangers or find it difficult to talk to women

during they day, start off with this step.

 Begin by asking random people for:

o Time
o Directions

This will get you comfortable in interacting with random strangers/women.

Step 2

Once you are comfortable talking to random strangers/women, it‘s time to get over the fear of actually

having a small conversation with people.

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 Ask them if they know where there is xyz food place or any other place similar to it.

Now wait for them to answer your question. They will usually give you a place that is similar. Or

they will give you their opinion on a place that is similar or just as good. Either way, after this

you will launch into a brief story about eating/food/restaurants/being lost. Pick one and deliver

it and thank the person and move on.

For example:

You: Know a good Italian place around here where I can get some good pasta?

Her: Well there is this one place around the corner, their pasta is ok. It‘s up the street at the

corner, make a left and you should see it.

You: Have you tried it? What‘s your honest opinion of it?

Her: I have and it‘s ok; the prices are ok also. The spaghetti and meatballs are good.

You: Thanks, I tried ordering my food thru the internet for the first time today and after

spending a while registering, I placed my order and it said ―thank you, your order will be

ready in 2 days.” I figured I would try my luck and walk around.

Step 3:

Start to talk to everyone! Begin to incorporate conversations with everyone you encounter. If you are

pumping gas greet the clerk and ask him how it‘s going. If you are at the grocery store r egister, ask

the cashier if it‘s been busy today. Begin to incorporate small chit chat with everyone you run into.

This will begin to internalize talking into your identity.

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Step 4

Begin to Approach and Interact with beautiful women.

Opener Exercises

Indirect Openers

It is important to note that every time you approach a set, your opener must include a disarming

phrase such as, ―Hey, random question…‖ or ―Hi, this is a …‖

This allows you to comfortably transition to your opener in a socially acceptable manner during the


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Step #1:

Choose 2 of the listed common conversation topics that women are interested in below:

1.) Fashion
2.) Celebrity Gossip
3.) Relationships
4.) Fitness
5.) Food
6.) Travel
7.) Social Etiquette

Step #2:

Take the topic that you chose and make a list of specific and relevant sub-topics and write them


Example: Fashion – Dresses, Scarves, Skinny Jeans, Eveningwear, Sportswear, Sunglasses,

Accessories, etc.





Step #3:

Choose one of your sub-topics and create a question that is relevant to the topic you chose. An

example of a good question is shown below:

Example: Fashion – Skinny Jeans – “Hey, this is a bit random… but do you think that skinny jeans
make a man less masculine?”

Keep in mind that you should come up with something that stimulates thought. Avoid questions that

are too logical during the day time because it will telegraph that you are not interested in getting to

know the girl. An example of a bad question is shown below:

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Example: Fashion – Skinny Jeans – “Hey, this is a bit random…but how much do skinny jeans cost?”

Step #4:

Establish a reason for why you are asking the question in 2-4 sentences. An example is provided


Example: Fashion – Skinny Jeans – “Hey, this is a bit random…but do you think that wearing skinny
jeans make a man less masculine?”

At this point, you will hear a response from the girl. You should listen to what she says and

acknowledge her input in one sentence and proceed to continue with your back-story or reason for

asking the question.

Example Cont‘d: (Acknowledgement of her comment). “Well, the reason why I ask is because I like

the way they look, but I understand that appearance is important and I don’t want to give anyone the

wrong idea.”

The Actual Approach

There are certain situations that you will encounter while you are out and about during the day. Two

very common situations will be:

1. She will be stationary and not moving. Depending on where you choose to have your

interactions with women, you may encounter these:

a. She is Stationary and Standing.

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This might occur if you are walking around a grocery store and she is standing looking

at an item. Also, it can occur if you are at your local coffee shop and she is waiting for

her order.

b. She will be stationary and sitting.

This situation can occur if you choose to have an interaction with a beautiful woman

after she has got her order from the coffee shop and she has sat down. If you choose

to look for women on a college campus, you commonly find that most are sitting while

studying for the next class.

If she is sitting, it is very important to sit as soon as possible in order to avoid that awkward situation

where the conversation is going well but she is looking up at you.

2. She is moving from point A to point B and you must stop her momentum. This can be towards

you or away.

a. She is moving away from you: Here you will catch up and pass her, turn your head and

open over your shoulder as you walk roughly 1 to 2 feet ahead of her.

b. She is moving towards you: Here you will open her from the appropriate social space.

This will allow her to stop in front or next to you.

If you start you interaction too late when she is walking towards you, her momentum will carry her past

you, creating enough space where she won‘t feel socially obligated to stop and engage you.

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Moving Set

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Using Social Space

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Proper Moving Set

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Storytelling Exercises

The art of storytelling has been shared by every culture. It is has been used as a means of

entertainment, education or to instill moral values. For the purpose of Day Game we are going to use

storytelling to get across traits about ourselves and to move the conversation forward while we find out

if we both are compatible.

Keep in mind that your storytelling should convey positive traits. Always avoid talking about:

 Politics
 Death
 Problems at work
 Religion
 Money
 Too many details i.e., Numbers and fancy terms.

Take some time to write down some positive qualities that you have






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Take some time to write down some interesting things that happened to you. These stories can

include situation that you encountered, places you have been with friends, or favorite memories with







If you are having trouble, here are some attractive qualities that you might have.

1. Passion: You are passionate about something like helping others.

2. Future Ambitions: You have big plans for your future that you are working on.
3. Protector: You physically take care of yourself so you can protect others or have.
4. Action: You are able to lead groups of people or are a natural leader.
5. Sense of Humor: Women love a man with a sense of humor.

Now take some time and write down your stories.

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Humor Exercises

It is important to have a sense of humor when interacting with women during the day time. It is the

most socially acceptable way of raising a woman‘s buying temperature so that she will be more

attracted to you. Humor comes from observation and honesty. Being honest and light hearted will give

a true insight into your personality that women want to know more about.

Step #1:

You have to be able to make fun of yourself to lower the guard of those around you. It shows that you

are comfortable with yourself and not judgmental towards other people who may feel insecure in the

presence of others. Make a list of 4-5 of your noticeable insecurities. Try to keep them superficial. An

example will be provided below:

Example: I’m short, I think I’m a bad driver, I tend to make bad jokes, etc.






Step #2:

Make one observation for each of your listed insecurities. An example is provided below:

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I’m short - I’m so short that I have to tippy-toe to reach high cabinets.

I think I’m a bad driver – People never ask me to drive on long road trips because they tell me they

want to live.

I tend to make bad jokes – People tend to look at me funny after I make a joke.






Step #3:

Make a list of 4-5 attributes of yourself that you are proud of. An example is provided below:

Example: I have a great job, I’m an amazing piano player, I dance well, etc.




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Step #4:

Make one observation for each of the things you are proud of. An example is provided below:


I have a great job – I find myself in a better mood knowing that I do something I love.

I’m an amazing piano player – I can play most contemporary songs by ear.

I dance well – I feel the rhythm when I dance so well that I never have a problem finding a dance


Step #5:

Take your observations and re-word them by using the literary technique of metaphors. Metaphor is

the concept of understanding one thing in terms of another. A metaphor is a figure of speech that

constructs an analogy between two things or ideas; the analogy is conveyed by the use of a

metaphorical word in place of some other word. An example is provided below:


I’m short – I’m so short that I feel like a child reaching for a box of cereal above the refrigerator.

I’m an amazing piano player – I’m such an amazing piano player that I could play a song back to you

by ear as if it were recorded on a computer.

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Another literary technique you can use is exaggeration. Exaggeration is a representation of something

in an excessive manner. When you exaggerate, it is meant to infer your original observation, not

blatantly express. An example is provided below:


I think I’m a bad driver – My friends think my driving is so bad that they stage an intervention for me

every time I offer to drive on a long road trip.

I dance well – Michael Jackson learned the moonwalk from me.


Make a list of 4-5 observations from people in your daily life that you know. From that list, start

rewording those observations using metaphors and exaggeration.






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Lifestyle Exercises

Your lifestyle determines what women you will attract and include into your life. Here are some ways

to improve the quality of your lifestyle and to maximize the compatibility of the women you meet during

the day time.

Step #1:

List and organize your priorities from most important to least important. An example is provided below:


1.) Personal Relationships

2.) Health and Fitness
3.) Work
4.) Leisure
5.) Spirituality






Step #2:

Assign a time limit for each of the activities you listed using 24 hours as the maximum amount of time

used in a day. Additionally, assign which overall priority group that activity falls under (This is not

limited to one priority group). An example is provided below:

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Health and Fitness - Sleep – 8 hours

Health and Fitness – Personal grooming – 1 Hour

Leisure/Personal Relationships –Take my brother out to lunch– 2 hours

Work – Meeting with clients – 6 hours

Health and Fitness/Spirituality - Meditating – 1 hour

Leisure/Health and Fitness - Working out – 2 hours

Leisure – Watching my favorite TV show – 1 hour

Leisure/Personal Relationships – Talk to beautiful women on the street – 1 hours

Personal Relationships/Leisure – Wine tasting with a girl I met during a daytime approach – 2 hours

Total: 24 hours

Use the space below to list your activities. Keep in mind, the list you create must align with your


Step #3:

Make a list of activities which you have not tried and would like to do in the future. Make one for each

priority group. An example is provided below


Personal Relationships – Take my friends and family on a trip to Disneyland.

Health and Fitness – Take a kickboxing class.

Work – Organize my work by hiring an assistant.

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Leisure – Ride in a hot air balloon.

Spirituality – Go to church.

Use the space below to create your list:

Step #4:

Do those activities listed in step #3 and make a SPECIFIC time for when you will do them. Keep in
mind, your priorities are not dictated by the time you spend. Your priorities dictate how your time will
be spent when those activities coincide.


 How do I get started?

o Fix yourself 1st: This is one of the techniques we teach—always be attractive 1st then

approach. It is one of the easiest ways to improve yourself before you go out and

approach women. Some of the ways you can go about this:

 Grooming
 Fashion
 Hobbies
o Set Goals: Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It

focuses your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to organize your time and your

resources so that you can make the very most of your life. This will allow you to

measure your achievement and see forward progress.

Start Small: Everyone has to crawl before they walk. If you have trouble talking to

random strangers, then finding a conversation starter that works might not be the best

step to start at. Take some time and greet random strangers and women during your

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 Do I go Direct or Indirect during the Day?

It depends on the situation. Keep in mind how you are going to make her feel when you

approach with your surroundings/environment being a factor. For example, it is one thing to

start a conversation with a beautiful girl in line at a busy grocery store and another on a

beautiful girl alone on a grassy lawn on a college campus. If you go direct on the girl who is in

line, always be aware of the social pressure that you are bringing to her when she notices

other people‘s reactions to you and her.

o Direct: States your romantic interest to the women.

 Lets you know rather quickly if she is interested. This can cut to the chase and

save you time.

 Can great social pressure on her if other people are around.

o Indirect: Starting a conversation without conveying your true intent.

 This can start an interaction most of the time and creates very little social


 Can be time consuming and might not be effective due to time constraints.

 What‘s the best place to day game?

This all depends on what you plan on accomplishing and how much time you have. If you are a

busy person with limited time and a busy schedule, get your game in where you can. If you are

a college student, a great time to meet Beautiful women would be during your lunch break

since there usually is a nice gap between classes. If you have some time on your hands I

would pick a place that can offer some good foot traffic, such as a mall. This gives you the

option to walk around, meet someone and the possibility of incorporating an insta date in your

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approach. Just make sure you go to one of the higher end malls with fancy stores like

Channel, Gucci, and Prada. Chances are there will be less jail bait and hotter well-established


 When Should I not Approach?

There are some key points to remember here. There are a couple of situations where you

might want to avoid making the approach due to your level of game or certain time or social

constraints transpiring.

o Level Game: Here are some situations where you might want to level up your game

before making these approaches.

 Bus stops: Here your game will have to rapidly adapt to the unknown time

constraints that you have. You ability to judge her attraction and improve come

into play.

 Classroom transitions: If you are on a college campus you might see a beautiful

girl going from one class to another. Here you have another situation where you

will have to work in minutes.

o Social Constrains: Any time you have people dealing with money or other important

personal security.

 Cash registers: Avoid Approaching Women while they are in a cash transaction

at cash register. It is better to just wait and approach a couple of minutes later

after they are done.

 ATM: Once again here it is best to approach when the transactions are done.

The need for personal safety is going to put her in a defensive mode.

 What do I do if people are watching me?

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o Just carry on. Do not worry about people watching or judging you. It is very common

for someone who is not comfortable making approaches during the day to come up with

excuses to not approach. A key to remember is to become emotionally detached from

the outcome. Keep in mind the goal that you are trying to accomplish. Focus on

accomplishing the steps that you have decided to practice for that day, instead of

wondering what people are going to think about you. Most people are to involved in

their little world to even notice what is going on around them, so chances are nobody is

even aware that you are there.

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Further Training Opportunities

Text to Sex (Training Videos) - $297

 Do women still flake on you after you get their number?
 Do you still fumble on the phone?
 Are you confused texting, text flirting and sexting?
 Are you still taking her out to the old boring dinners?

Then Text to Sex has your answer. Gareth Jones, Certified Instructor for the ABCs and
world recognized expert on all phone, text, and Facebook seduction, takes you step-by-step on how to go from
getting her number, setting up 100% flake-proof dates, and sexually escalating both over phone and text. Then
get your dating game on with JT Tran (the Asian Playboy) and Sarah Ann on how to get results on the date.
With four (4) hours of lecture, one (1) hour of bonus video, powerpoint slides, ebook, and workbook with
transcripts, Text to Sex answers every question you’ve ever had about phone game. In the world of smart
phones, shouldn’t you be playing smart game?

“I Did It My Way: The Modern Asian Man’s Guide to Complete Social Success” (ebook) - $77
 Are you Asian?
 Have you downloaded gigabytes of pickup material?
 Are you confused by information overload and analysis paralysis?
 Do you feel like you have all that you need, you just lack a gameplan?

Then consider “I Did It My Way: The Modern Asian Man’s Guide to Complete
Social Success.” After seven years in the community, JT Tran “the Asian Playboy”
who’s been invited to speak at prestigious Ivy League universities like Harvard and
Yale as well as appearing on TV like NBC and ABC, finally brings his first book to you. Clocking in at
over 200 pages, it covers everything you need from A to F. From how to approach, to bantering, to
body language, dealing with racism, fighting limiting beliefs, and fashion, this ebook gives you the
complete foundation and gameplan to make sense of all the information that you’ve learned. It’s a plug
and play system so start making sense of how Pickup Version 2.0 is REALLY supposed to work.

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What is the ABCs of Attraction?

ABCs of Attraction is all about you. With nearly a decade of experience, we are “fun up” artists with a
holistic approach to dating. Our motto is simple: “We strive to see you be more successful with women
by helping you become better men.” Other PUA companies may give you the runaround, telling you to
feed cheesy openers, bad one-liners and overdone peacocking to bored club-girls. We firmly believe
that a man’s opener should be his confidence, his one-liners should be his charisma, and his peacocking
should be his self-esteem. After all, these skills don’t end in the club – they apply to all aspects of life,
be it school, work, or play. If you want to be the man of her dreams, take charge of your life and be the
man of your destiny!

Why should I take this bootcamp?

Are you getting little results with women, no matter how hard you try? How about no results with
women? Maybe you can’t get out of the friend zone, or can’t keep them interested in your initial
conversation. Maybe you can’t even find the courage to approach them. In any case, you understand
that it’s time for a change. Perhaps you’ve tried some self-help books or studied online, but you know
that can only take you so far. At ABCs of Attraction, you receive something no amount of self-help can
give you – specialized knowledge and training in dating, play-mating and fun-making. If you’re sick
and tired of your current love-life (or lack thereof), it’s time for a complete overhaul of your game from
the professionals!

What can this bootcamp do for my game?

We at ABCs of Attraction hate beating around the bush – our primary focus is YOU. We don’t just
target signs and symptoms of your problem areas; we isolate the sources and causes and give you the
tools to correct them. We give you assignments on the spot and get you into the action FAST! By doing
so, we utterly destroy two problem areas – getting you into the fray and helping you overcome
approach anxiety. We don’t just tell you to “be yourself” and “not be creepy” because advice like that
doesn’t work. Instead, we get down and dirty with you. We teach you what to do in our critically-
acclaimed lectures and then practice what you’ve learned with you in the field. This way, we pinpoint
your strengths and weaknesses and tell you exactly what you need to do next to improve your game.

What do I get if I act now?

Unlike other bootcamps that poke holes at your self-esteem and focus mainly on your faults so they can
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keep marketing more products to you, ABCs of Attraction makes you take inventory on what you have
NOW so you can build a solid foundation upon those strengths. It designed to get you into positive
action immediately – after all, if you wait and don’t put any work into changing yourself, who will
change you? Just like the saying “give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he
eats for life,” we realize it is crucial that you put the effort into changing yourself. We also realize that
you cannot do it alone. We strive to help you at every step of the way and take pride in your success.
The only thing we can’t do is get you started – that we leave up to you!

What sets ABCs of Attraction apart from other bootcamps?

We understand that change is not immediate, so we don’t feed you false-advertising and empty
promises. Instead, we offer the best pre-student and alumni support programs around. Before the
bootcamp, we send you a pre-bootcamp package full of homework and assignments for you to
complete upon arrival. We continue to support you even after you graduate with our alumni programs,
since we know the real action happens for months and years afterwards. We don’t just take your money
and promise change over a weekend – we promise a lifestyle change that an entire community of
investigators, students, and graduates will support you in creating. Because, as you know, a change that
lasts a lifetime takes more than a weekend to make!

Do I have to be Asian to take this bootcamp?

Our industry faces a lot of challenges in the public’s eye. Pick-up artists of the past have seriously
damaged our image today. Asian-Americans also face a lot of stigma as well – we’re consistently the
least likely racial group of all men to marry outside their race, we’re constantly underrepresented in the
media, and we’ve all heard enough “small penis” jokes to last us a lifetime. As we are a company run
by Asian-Americans with Asian-American interests in heart, we have tailored a good portion of our
programs to be sympathetic toward Asian male issues. That does not mean, however, that a non-Asian
man can’t benefit from our programs. Due to our holistic approach to dating, both Asian and non-Asian
men alike find success in our programs – do not let race be a deterrent in signing up!


Long-Term Training ($5000 for a Six Month Apprenticeship):

The student will learn the holistic structure of the ABC method, be drilled in specific areas and have in-
field practice each night of the three days giving a rock-solid foundation from which to grow as

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thoroughly as possible during his self-betterment journey. In addition (and progress-dependent), the
client will be taught more advanced techniques specifically geared towards shortening the time
between the meeting and the mating, building stronger connections with women and establishing
quality social circles. Topics like internet, text and phone game will be covered as well as various
missions given to keep the student on-task, motivated and growing. In essence, if time and motivation
allows, the student will learn everything the instructor and coach have to teach. The follow-up in-field
training will allow both the head instructor and coach(es) to personally analyze the client's strengths
and weaknesses, as well as his progress, and to deliver on-the-spot suggestions and methods for

One-on-One Exclusive Mentorships ($1800-$3500 Depending Upon Instructor):

While a bootcamp is sufficient in assisting you in improving your game, there’s nothing quite like
personal one-on-one training from our certified instructors. Our already critically-acclaimed programs
and workshops are directed solely on you, the only student, so the program is custom-made, private,
and INTENSE. This is for anyone that wants to isolate their problem areas instantaneously while
getting direct, uninterrupted attention from the personal trainer of their choice.

Premium Bootcamps ($1450):

Our Premium and Special bootcamps are held around the world and provide 3 days as well as 3 nights
of in-field pick-up training by the legendary Asian Playboy himself. This amounts to 30 hours of
training, an unheard of value and bang for your buck that you simply won't find ANYWHERE ELSE.
This intense weekend training is with one of the most extraordinary Dating & Pick-Up Coaches in the
industry. This is for the best of the best and those who are seriously committed to transforming their
lives and mastering their dating & sex life.

Certified Bootcamps ($975):

Gareth Jones, voted Best New Master Pick-Up Artist of 2010, travels the nation with our certified
bootcamps. Assisted by William and others depending upon the location, Gareth teaches three days of
four-hour lectures. The in-field portion, or the part of the bootcamp dedicated to practicing what has
been learned in the clubs and venues, happens on the first two nights only. It’s a must-have deal for
anyone needing to get back to work on Monday morning.

Day Game Workshops ($600):

We understand that not all women are created equal. Some girls like to party all night at the club while
others can be found in bookstores, coffee shops and college campuses. Ozzie, Mike, and other certified
instructors can help you hone your day game (2 days), critique your existing game (1 day) or do one-
on-one sessions in their local area (3 days). These day game instructors assist at any bootcamps they
can and have been trained by the Asian Playboy for over 500 hours to ensure they are capable enough
to teach the ABCs brand material.

Date Critique ($200):

Women can be very confusing. It seems they never know what they want, they give plenty of mixed-
signals and sometimes they say one thing but mean another. A common exclamation from men

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everywhere is as such: “I wish I could understand women!” This is where our wing-girl, Sarah Ann,
really gets to shine. She will take you out on a pseudo-date and teach you just what to do when it
comes to wining and dining women. If you have any questions about what women want, how they
think and how to decipher it all, she can do just that. Essentially, she will be giving you the “How-to
Guide to Women”. She’s helped hundreds of men find a way to be more successful with women and
she can most certainly help you!

Now you can learn the A-F secrets of how to meet beautiful women and begin your own journey of
personal improvement.

Don't you think it's time?


Our ABCs Support Desk Representatives are available to assist you by phone:
Monday through Friday
10am-8pm PST
Toll-Free Customer Support: +1 (888) 689-GAME (4263)
International Customer Support: +1 (323) 732-6525
Or send us a message at
Go to to learn more!

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