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4164 Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Observer Feedback Form

Units 2 requires a candidate to teach a lesson which is observed by their mentor. This form is designed
to support the observation process.

To meet this evidence requirement we will accept a combination of completed sections of this form,
audio, images and video as long as the evidence meets the requirements stated on this form. Please
see the Help & Support page on Artefacts for guidance on how to submit different types of evidence.

Mahira Ali Pre- 16th May 2023

Candidate name observation
Mentor name Job title of
Rupal Principal

1. Pre-observation discussion*

Pre – observation
discussion date

Intended outcomes of 1) Make sure the students clearly understand the lesson objectives and
the observation aims and that it follows a coherent structure.
2) Adapt active learning activities throughout the lesson to establish a
What the candidate
student-centric classroom.
wants to develop in their
pratice as a result of
3) Ensure prior knowledge is tapped by the students and connect it to the
new learning.
teaching this lesson- a
minimum of three and a 4) Use various materials and resources to ensure students are consistently
engaged and motivated.
maximum of five
outcomes should be 5) Employ formative assessments across the course of the lesson while
agreed between the emphasizing on conclusion of the lesson by recapping what was learned
and self-evaluation stamps to give feedback to the teacher about student
candidate and their

Agreed focus for the 1) The whiteboard is used to write the lesson objectives and aims. This makes it
possible to inform, communicate and enable the students to understand what the
observation – must be
expectation from them is. It will also allow the students to bridge the lesson's
based on learning activities with the lesson objective. The lesson objectives will be orally
outcomes E, F, and G communicated before the activities begin to ensure the learning outcomes are
from the syllabus.
2) Activities such as “Let’s play Action Verb- Dumb Charades” and "Let's classify
Action Verbs and Nouns” are planned to encourage active, group learning. For
example, the "Let's complete sentences!” activity helps in the individual judgment
of Action verbs. In addition, students can deepen their understanding by
correcting and discussing their peers ' errors while collaboratively assessing their
peers' work in groups and in pairs (such as in Let’s complete sentences and
'Let's Classify Action Verbs and Nouns').
3) Beginning the lesson by planning and playing “name, place, animal, and thing,"
the students will be tapping into their prior knowledge, by which the student will
be able to build a “bridge” by linking what they already know with the new
learning content. By doing this, the students with low ability will be able to
unblock the cognitive thinking walls that the English Language is difficult to learn

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4164 Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning

and pointless in the real world. As the lesson progresses, the students can
expand their understanding from earlier learning activities.
4) Using teaching resources such as video, flashcards, interactive worksheets, and
playing group activities encourages motivation and engagement while benefiting
students with a deep understanding of the lesson content.
5) As the student play ‘Let's play Action Verb- Dumb Charades’ and 'Let's classify
Action verbs and Nouns’, eavesdropping on student discussion will enable
students to progress smoothly when working on individual interactive
worksheets. Additionally, this will ensure that the student's prior knowledge is
accurate and precise when they apply it to their new learning.

* Section 1 will be completed jointly by the candidate and their mentor. The mentor should not be the Programme
Leader for the professional development programme.

4164 Unit 2Observer Feedback Form for assessment 2018 - 2023 v4

4164 Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning

2. Observation Record*

Date of lesson 17Th May 2023 Lesson topic Action Verbs

Location of lesson Singapore Age of learners 7-8 Years old

Number in class 12 Support assistants? Yes / No

Teaching Learning

The feedback must be analytical, not descriptive. The The feedback must be analytical, not descriptive. The
teaching methods used should be identified and mentor needs to determine the effectiveness of the
evaluated. The mentor should focus on the areas noted learning taking place. The mentor should focus on the
in the pre-observation discussion. areas noted in the pre-observation discussion.

1) Marking of attendance took place. As the lesson 1) The students listened attentively and made an
began, the topic ‘ Action verbs' was introduced effort to make connections between the learning
to the students orally. The lesson's objectives points.
were written on the whiteboard as a spider web
2) The students gave examples promptly by
to signal that the lesson had begun. The
drawing on prior knowledge. Then, they dug
learning points were jotted down under each
deep into their prior knowledge to create their
lesson objective
understanding of the topic to make meaning of
2) to provide students with a clear picture of the what they learned next. As the students
lesson. provided their responses, the other students
eventually followed their peers ( who were
3) For the students to make meaning of the topic,
giving examples) by providing examples and
the teacher asks the students, 'What are
following their peers.
nouns?’ The teacher tapped into the
existing/prior knowledge of the students as it 3) The rewards motivated the students, creating a
would help them move from one learning point feeling of pride and achievement. The students
to the next. The teacher then informed the in the losing group also seemed encouraged to
students that they will play the game – Name, earn a reward in the following activities.
Place, Animal, things and divided the students
into two groups of six. The groups' responses to
each Name, Place, Animal, and Thing category
were written down by the teacher on the
whiteboard. She observed the students who had
their ‘class passports’ up in the air to indicate to
her that they were ready for the game to begin.
The game encouraged the students to review
and recapitulate the learning points.
4) As the game ended, the students and the
teacher counted the points for each group. The
winning group won extra points on Dojo.

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4164 Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning

5) A YouTube video was played on ‘Action verbs’ 4) The students who preferred the aural and visual
that explained to the students 'What Action learning modes were fully engaged. The
verbs were?’ The cognitive learners were wholly students attentively listened to the teacher’s
engaged with the content of the video. The explanation and participated in thinking of Action
concepts and Action Verb words were further Verbs for the Noun shown in the video.
explained, and connections were made with Therefore, the chosen video was suitable for the
nouns by the students. students as it refreshed prior knowledge of
Nouns and built new knowledge (Action Verbs).
6) Once the video was stopped at the intended
time, the teacher reinforced the definition of 5) Repetition of the definition of Action Verbs will
Action Verbs. Then, the students collectively enable the students to recall what they have
repeated the definition of Action Verbs. learned as the lesson progresses. This
encouraged reinforcement whereby the students
7) ‘Let’s play Action Verb- Dumb Charades’
will remember better and for a longer time.
involved grouping the students. Each student
from the group would come up in front of the
class and act out a verb, and the student from 6) The participation by the students is increased as
the other group will have to guess the Action the ‘extra time during play time’ encourages
verb acted. The teacher informs the students them to make an extra effort to respond and
before the game begins that the winning group guess the Action Verb. In addition, collaborative
gets extra 10 minutes during playtime. learning is enhanced as students could be
heard discussing the Action verb among
8) The class progressed to the activity ‘ Let’s
themselves; for example, one student could be
classify Action verbs and Nouns!’. Instructions
heard saying, "Yes, he is a swimmer...swimmer
are given to the students to classify Action verbs
is a noun, BUT he is swimming... he is doing the
and Nouns in two separate baskets per the
doing! So, therefore, swimming is
basket's label. The teacher informs the students
that classification is ‘grouping the picture based 7) the verb."
on what it is.’ She questions again, 'What are
nouns and Action verbs?’
9) The teacher checked the continuous
9) In the Individual activity: ‘Let's complete
assessment of understanding. The students
sentences!’ continuous facilitation was observed
could recall what was learned in the previous
as the teacher provided differentiated support to
lesson and what was introduced to the students
students with red and yellow cups on their
at the beginning of the current lesson related to
the definition of Action Verbs. By clarifying what
10) In Individual activity, the teacher asked the ‘classify’ meant, the students knew what was
students to exchange their worksheets with the expected from them.
peer sitting next to them to assess. There was a
discussion of their answers.
10) By the end of the activity, students who had
11) Pair activity 1: Let’s develop sentence using Action previously had difficulty completing the
verbs and Nouns! was an activity that served as a worksheet could do so. In addition, based on the
formative evaluation to gauge the student's ongoing support and direction, the students
comprehension. The pair of students had to develop were able to deepen their understanding.
a sentence that linked noun and Action verbs to give
a precise meaning to a sentence. The activity gave
the teacher insight into whether or not the students 11) Students were able to check for errors. It helped
could synthesize and use their past knowledge in this the students to reflect on their peers' responses
pair activity. The students could state the developed which enabled them to clear their
sentence and justify why a particular word is a noun
misconceptions. Students talked and explained
or Action verb in the sentence.
to one another, thereby deepening their

12) As the students came up with the sentences

themselves, collaboration was evident.

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4164 Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning

12) Throughout the lesson, formative assessment 13) The teacher interacted with the students during
was evident. The teacher eavesdropped on pair and group activities which gave the
student conversations during all the activities students a chance to clear up any
and asked questions that promoted thinking misconceptions.
related to their topic of discussion.
14) Student engagement increased as passive and
13) At the correct times, the teacher paused to allow teacher-centric teaching transitioned to a
students to construct their learning points as constructivist teaching strategy.
they progressed from the hook to the final
15) Students could reflect on their learning, which
provided feedback to the teacher regarding
14) At the conclusion, the teacher referred to the where the students think they stand in their
spider-web with lesson objectives written; the learning. Reinforcement of the definition of
students were asked to clap if they understood Action verbs at the end of the lesson gave a
the lesson objective and vice versa. The smooth conclusion to the lesson.
students also read out loud the lesson. Finally,
16) Students could reflect on their learning and how
the teacher repeated the definition of Action
confident they felt about the topic at the end of
Verbs, which the students followed.
the lesson. This also gave the teacher further
15) The lesson concluded with students sticking a insight into planning the next lesson.
self-evaluation stamp next to their name on the
17) The students were seen to be happy for the
learning board.
winning group. In addition, healthy competition
16) The students were rewarded as a ‘group’ after between the groups was seen, resulting in
group activities 1 and 2, with the former reward active classroom participation.
being extra points on Dojo and the latter being
additional 10 minutes during playtime. These
positive reinforcements motivated the students
to be engaged throughout the lesson.

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4164 Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Key strengths 1) The execution of the lesson was effectively done. The objectives and
expectations were presented clearly to the students. In addition, the activities
Of the candidates'
were well-planned for different styles of learning.
teaching and the
students learning. 2) The lesson was conducted at a pace that adjusted to the needs of the students.
The key concepts and examples provided by the teacher supported student
learning. Pausing at different times of the lesson offered effective as the
students were not stressed or in a rush to connect their learning points.
3) The resources and materials were ready by the teacher before the lesson
began, which led to a seamless transition between activities. In addition,
different use of materials such as video (selection was appropriate), flashcards,
and interactive worksheet kept the student engaged.
4) The teacher provided Additional support, which increased student engagement
and confidence resulting in an inclusive classroom.
5) Throughout the whole lesson, the teacher facilitated formative assessments. The
questions asked by the teacher, “ Is the ‘animal’ moving?’, ‘Is ‘person’ moving?’
or ‘ Can you see the ‘house’ moving?’ helped the students to think whether it is a
noun or a verb. The teacher took the opportunity of scaffolding and gave
students extra information if and when required.
6) The repetition of the definition of Action Verbs at various times during the lesson
was effective, as by the end of the lesson, the students could define Action
verbs by themselves. In addition, repetition helped them remember and recall

Key areas for 1) Additional material could have been for higher-ability students, as two finished
improvement their interactive before the allotted time OR you could provide the same
worksheet ‘without’ the Action verbs. The higher ability students could think of
Of the candidates
the appropriate words themselves.
teaching and the
students learning. 2) Differentiated worksheet for lower-ability readers as they struggled to read
sentences. For example, images of nouns on the worksheet doing the action
which could support their learning.
3) The borders of flashcards could be removed as the students could observe a
pattern, i.e., green border flash cards are things.

Signature of mentor RUPAL.

* Section 2 is to be completed by the mentor. It can be written by hand and scanned into this document.

4164 Unit 2Observer Feedback Form for assessment 2018 - 2023 v4

4164 Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning

3. Post-observation discussion*
Post-observation Location of
19.05.2023 Meeting room
discussion date discussion

Key outcomes from The lesson's structure was implemented successfully and led to the intended learning
outcomes. It was easily comprehend-able how the five learning objectives had been
the discussion
supported by the planning and design of the learning activities. A spider web made at the
There must be clear beginning of the lesson allowed the students to understand the learning points—the links
between the objectives made it more accessible for the students to comprehend the
links to the pre lesson. The lesson began by asking the students about ‘whats are nouns?’ which
observation discussion allowed them to connect their previous lesson in the English Language to what they
in section 1 and to the were going to learn today, i.e., Action Verbs. The definition of Action Verbs was precise
and straightforward, which the students could easily recall. I liked the way you organized
lesson feedback in the lesson activities. There was an introduction, well-organized activities that
section 2 encouraged collaboration, individual judgment, and a conclusion. I think the highlight of
the lesson plan was ‘Let's play Action Verb- Dumb charades!’ as I could see the students
thoroughly enjoying and guessing the actions of their peers. There was laughter,
excitement, and engagement while the students enjoyed play-based learning.
The selection of learning tools was an excellent choice. The video, the flashcards, and
the interactive worksheet all held the students' attention. The choice of the video was
great since it recapped what nouns were and then provided a concise definition of what
Action Verbs were, followed by examples and interactive pictures where the students
had to ‘think’ what the Action Verb was. The video helped you avoid putting too much
pressure on yourself and avoid a teacher-passive lesson. The students could relate to
the authentic life images of the nouns in the video. Thus, it got the attention of auditory
and visual learning students. Following the video, you planned activities that allowed the
students to explain and apply their understanding. There is no doubt that the activities
met the lesson objectives. Continuous reiteration of ‘Actions verbs are words that tell us
what nouns do’ was an excellent way to help students remember and recall the definition
in the future.
The adaption of social constructivist theory and active learning was evident in your
teaching. Collaborative learning in all the activities was demonstrated. The fact that
students assessed each other individual work in ‘pairs’ and as a ‘group’ encouraged
perspectives to be exchanged. It also encouraged students to evaluate their
understanding by verifying their peers'/other groups learning, resulting in maximizing
their learning through critical thinking. The active participation by the students
demonstrated that they were engaged as distracted students could not be observed,
which led to a smooth transition between activities.
Your provided constant facilitation and conducted formative assessment during the
lesson. At the end of the lesson, students were asked to clap after each lesson objective
if they understood it. Walking around the groups while they classified Action Verbs and
Nouns and while they worked on their worksheet supported the students learning and
made sure they were achieving their learning points. Traffic light cups made it easy for
shy students to ask for support. It also gave time for the students to think of questions.
The use of two popsicles to assess student learning at the end of ‘Let’s complete
sentences!’ was seen as an unbiased selection by the students and gave the students
an equal opportunity to participate.
Lastly, the time allotted for the activity was on point, as the students did not have to rush
through the activities. It gave them enough time to think and discuss with their peers,
and you were also able to give time to students who were having difficulty completing
their worksheet. However, consider preparing additional material for higher-ability
students as they could complete the individual worksheet before the rest. For example, a
differentiated worksheet for lower ability could have been designed with images to
support their learning. The flashcards could have the borders removed as the students
could find a pattern, i.e., green border flash cards are things. You could also include the
words under the flashcards as it could integrate reading skills with grammar skills (Action
verbs and nouns) being in class.

Signature of mentor Rupal Date 19.05.2023

4164 Unit 2Observer Feedback Form for assessment 2018 - 2023 v4

4164 Cambridge International Certificate in Teaching and Learning

Signature of candidate Mahira Date 19.05.2023

* Section 3 is to be completed jointly by the candidate and the mentor

4164 Unit 2Observer Feedback Form for assessment 2018 - 2023 v4

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