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On reflection

Epigenetics for dummies fur instead of brown. In another much

quoted experiment, researchers claimed to
show that mice bred from fathers who
John Launer had been trained to become afraid of a
particular smell also showed avoidance of
the same smell – although it is hard to
In the last few years, epigenetics has mechanisms themselves are very common understand how such a specific outcome
seized the public imagination. Magazines in nature, quite aside from environmental could be achieved through known
like New Scientist are publishing articles influences, and they govern gene expres- molecular mechanisms.9
with titles such as “How to change your sion in all kinds of ways, including As far as human beings are concerned,
genes by changing your lifestyle”.1 A turning a stem cell into a liver or a skin everyone has known for a long time that
book called “The Epigenetic Revolution” cell, or a bee larva into a worker or a maternal behaviour during pregnancy
has become a bestseller.2 The popular queen bee. One hypomethylating agent, affects the growing fetus, with lifelong
press regularly reports epigenetic research, decitabine, is an established treatment for effects. The most familiar example is
including a recent study purporting to myelodysplastic disorders. probably foetal alcohol syndrome, where
show that severe psychological trauma can The question then arises: do environ- a mother’s addiction can lead to irrepar-
be passed down through one’s genes.3 mental effects have to happen anew in able damage to her infant. Although this
Overall, it would be easy for anyone now- each generation, or could they ever be probably happens through epigenetic
adays to form the impression that the passed down from one generation to the mechanisms, there is no evidence that
genetic destiny of future generations is next? The French biologist Larmarck effects like these are transmitted to a
entirely in our own hands, DNA is highly argued a long time ago that acquired further generation without repeated envir-
malleable, and Darwin and Mendel have characteristics could be transmitted. onmental influences as well. For a while,
been thoroughly discredited. In this Indeed, he believed quite wrongly that it was believed that prolonged maternal
article, I want to try and bring epigenetics this was the sole basis of inheritance. starvation could lead to long term transge-
back down to earth, with a simple More surprisingly, Darwin also thought it nerational effects, but this has now been
account of what it is and is not, and what could sometimes happen. As well as his called into question.10
epigenetic research has and has not shown theory of evolution, based on random One epidemiological study has shown
so far. genetic variation followed by natural that fathers who smoked before adoles-
Epigenetics is best defined as the study selection, he also suggested that lifetime cence were more likely to have sons with
of changes in organisms brought about by experiences could create “gemmules” a higher body mass index.11 However, no
modification of gene expression, rather which attached themselves to eggs and similar result has been shown in daugh-
than by alteration of the genetic code in sperm, and affected offspring as a direct ters, there is no molecular evidence to
the form of DNA. The term “epigenetic” result.4 It seemed an interesting idea at support the finding, and social effects may
was originally coined in the 1950s, and the time, but after Mendel’s discovery of also have played a part. There are a few
used to denote the way that genes interact the principal laws of inheritance, biolo- very rare inheritable conditions, where
with the environment, in order to gists lost interest in this possibility. the underlying defect in some individuals
produce each individual phenotype. To may lie with methylation rather than
describe this process at its simplest: you TRANSGENERATIONAL EPIGENETICS DNA, but these are highly exceptional
may be born with a capacity to be tall and The first hints that acquired characteristics and hard to interpret.12 The more spec-
confident, but if you are undernourished might be transmissible after all were tacular findings that reach the headlines
and abused as a child, you are likely to rather prosaic. In the 1950s, a plant gen- often appear to confuse correlation with
turn into a stunted and fearful adult eticist named RA Brink showed that cross- causation, make claims that bear little rela-
instead. There is nothing very remarkable ing a dark form of maize with a mottled tion to the evidence, are based on samples
about the way genes interact with the form appeared to render the dark alleles too small to reach statistical significance,
environment in this way. Concepts like permanently inactive.5 This alteration per- or report results selectively.13 There may
gene expression and plasticity have been sisted for hundreds of generations – a still be some exciting findings ahead of us
commonplace in biology for a long time, process aptly called “paramutation”. We in the epigenetics, beyond what happens
and indeed form the basis of all modern now know that this and similar forms of to laboratory mice in extremely unusual
biological thinking. non-Mendelian inheritance are brought tests, but we aren’t there yet.
Since genes alone do not determine about by substances that pass down in the
phenotypes, mechanisms have to exist at gametes, alongside DNA. These are EPIGENETIC HYPE
the molecular level in order to mediate mainly RNA proteins, but also include Given this state of affairs, it is worth
gene-environment interactions. As soon as prions and histones.6 Similar effects have asking why epigenetics is having such an
some of these mechanisms were discov- been shown in animal experiments, impact on people’s imagination. Part of
ered, the term “epigenetics” came to be although they are not nearly as frequent the answer is that Darwin’s theory of
applied to them as well. The best known or dramatic as you might believe, and natural selection, with its vast time scale,
of these is methylation, where a methyl their significance in natural conditions is immensely slow progress, and seemingly
group binds to cytosine on a stretch of far from clear.7 For example, when preg- improbable consequences like the human
DNA, and renders it less active. The nant mice are fed with Bisphenol A, a eye, is still too challenging for many
toxic ingredient of plastics, the resulting people to grasp. It is far easier to seize on
adverse effects appear not only in their an idea like the rapid alteration of genetic
Correspondence to Dr John Launer, Faculty
Development, Health Education England, Stewart
offspring but also in the following gener- material, than a theory that feels counter-
House, 32 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DN, UK; ation.8 These include obesity, diabetes, an intuitive if you only expect to be alive for
john.launer@nwl.hee.nhs.uk increased frequency of cancer, and yellow around 80 years, rather than a few
Launer J. Postgrad Med J March 2016 Vol 92 No 1085 183
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On reflection

million. There is also a common misap- Twitter Follow John Launer at @JohnLauner 7 Morgan DK, Whitelaw E. The case for
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destiny”, however much real biologists do Epigenetic inheritance at the agouti locus in the
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184 Launer J. Postgrad Med J March 2016 Vol 92 No 1085

Downloaded from http://pmj.bmj.com/ on June 3, 2017 - Published by group.bmj.com

Epigenetics for dummies

John Launer

Postgrad Med J 2016 92: 183-184

doi: 10.1136/postgradmedj-2016-133993

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