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Lecture 20

M. Siddikov

January 10, 2020

Where we are Plan for today
Hamiltonian formulation of classical

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Symon→Marion→Fetter, Walecka, Landau

For any function f = f (p, q, t)
Hamiltonian approach
df ∂f
= + [H, f ] ,
dt ∂t
Generalized momentum
Poisson bracket [H, f ]
pa =
X  ∂H ∂f ∂H ∂f

[H, f ] = −
∂pa ∂qa ∂qa ∂pa
Legendre’s transform a

Relation of Hamiltonian H by to Lagrangian

L: Simplectic notations
H(p, q) ≡ pa q̇a − L q̇a = [H, qa ] , ṗa = [H, pa ]
a=1  
q1 η̇ = [H, η] (1)
 ... 
[ηa , ηb ] = Jab
Hamilton’s (Canonical) equations
 
 qN 
 p1 
, . .. .. .
X X  
 ...  J = IN
dH = − ṗa dqa + q̇a dpa (1) −IN
a a
 The structure of (1) hints that
∂H (p, q) ∂H (p, q) (p, q) enter on the same footing and
ṗa = − , q̇a = . (1) might even admit transforma-
∂qa ∂pa
tions which mixes p, q.
Canonical transformations of coordinates
 Necessary & sufficient conditions
for time-independent canonical trans-
Canonical transformation
Transformation (q, p, t) → (Q, P, t) is
canonical if it preserves the form of q = q (Q, P) , p = p (Q, P)
canonical (Hamilton) equations
∂H ∂H ∂qb ∂Qa
q̇a = , ṗa = − =− , (1)
∂pa ∂qa ∂Pa Q,P ∂pb q,p
∂Qa ∂pb
∂H ∂H = (2)
Q̇a = , Ṗa = − ∂qb p,q ∂Pa Q,P
∂Pa ∂Qa

The identity transformaiton is canonical

∂Pb ∂qa
If the transformation is canonical, then the = , (3)
∂pa q,p ∂Qb Q,P
inverse is also canonical    
Superposition of two canonical transfor- ∂Pa ∂pb
=− (4)
mations is also canonical ∂qb p,q ∂Qa Q,P
Point transformations of coordinates q →
 The last 2 equations are equivalent
q(Q) are canonical
to the first: in terms of matrices

(1) = (4)−1 , (2) = (3)−1

Properties of canonical transformations
Poisson bracket does not change under Case F = F (q, Q, t):
canonical transformations X X
dF = pa dqa − Pa dQa +H̃ dt−H dt
[f , g ]p,q = [f , g ]P, Q
∂F (q, Q) ∂F (q, Q)
⇒ pa = , Pa = −
∂qa ∂Qa
[Qa , Qb ]p, q = 0, [Pa , Pb ]p,q = 0, ∂F
H̃ = H +
[Pa , Qb ]p,q = δab , ∂t

Jacobian of canonical transformation Other possibilities:

J=1 ∂F2 (q, P) ∂F2 (q, P)
There is a function F (called generating pa = , Qa =
function) such that ∂qa ∂Pa

pa q̇a − H (p, q, t) = ∂F3 (p, Q) ∂F3 (p, Q)
qa = − , Pa = −
a ∂pa ∂Qa
X dF
Pa Q̇a − H̃ (P, Q, t) +
dt ∂F3 (p, P) ∂F4 (p, P)
qa = − , Qa =
∂pa ∂Pa
F is a function of 1 “old” and one new co-
ordinate or momentum
Evolution as canonical transformation ´
Assume evaluate actionS along classi- The integral d Ω over a finite vol-
cal trajectory. Consider extremes as free ume does not change during evolution

dS = (pf dqf − H (pf , qf ) dt) −

− (pi dqi − H (pi , qi ) dt)

⇒Can interpret S (qf , qi , t) as generat-

ing function of a canonical transformation
(q1 , p1 , t1 ) → (q2 , p2 , t2 ) (evolution of
the system)

Evolution≡ Canonical transformation Case of distributions of parti-
cles: phase space distribution function
Liouville’s theorem ρ (p, q) remains constant along the tra-
The evolution of the system does not jectories of the system, i.e.
change the phase volume element
dρ ∂ρ
= + [H, ρ] = 0
d Ω ≡ dp1 ...dpN dq1 ...dqN dt ∂t

(since canonical transformations have ja-

cobian J = 1)
Action as a function of endpoint coordinates
Up to now we analyzed variations which
vanish at the endpoints. X X
ˆ q ,t2 ⇒ dS = pa(f ) dqa(f ) − pa(i ) dqa(i ) (1)
S≡ dt L (qa , q̇ a ) −H (f )
dt + H (i )
qi ,t1
ˆ q ,t2
f Derivatives of action:
= dt (pa q̇a − H (qa , pa ))
qi ,t1 ∂S ∂S
(f )
= pa(f ) , (i )
= −pa(i ) (2)
Action S is a functional of possible tra- ∂qa ∂qa
jectories, but is a function of endpoint val- ∂S ∂S
(i ) (f )
ues qa (t1 ), qa (t2 ) ⇒ = −H (f ) , = H (i ) (3)
∂t (f ) ∂t (i )
(we use superscript (f ) for final coordi-
nates in the moment t2 and (i) for initial
coordinates in the moment t1 )
Assume that q(t) is a solution of Euler-
Lagrange equation with given initial and
final conditions.
⇒ S = S qa(f ) t2 , qa(i ) , t2
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism

Now we’ll focus on variations of final Let’s consider

(f )
coordinates qa ≡ qa and time t2 ≡ t f (q1 , ..., qN ; α1 , ..., αN , t) as a
generating function F (q, P, t) which
Hamilton-Jacobi equation relates old and new coordinates
  ∂f ∂f
∂S ∂S pa = , Qa ≡ βa =
+H pa = , qa , t = 0 ∂qa ∂αa
∂t ∂qa
A single equation in partial first-order H̃ = H + = 0 (!!!)
derivatives. ⇒ α̇a = 0, β̇a = 0,
Expect that S =
f (q1 , ..., qN ; α1 , ..., αN , t) + A where
αi , , A = const ⇒ αa = const, βa = const,
Case of conservative systems: S =
f (q1 , ..., qN ; α1 , ..., αN ) − E t
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism
Now we’ll focus on variations of final Let’s consider
(f )
coordinates qa ≡ qa and time t2 ≡ t f (q1 , ..., qN ; α1 , ..., αN , t) as a
generating function F (q, P, t) which
Hamilton-Jacobi equation relates old and new coordinates
  ∂f ∂f
∂S ∂S pa = , Qa ≡ βa =
+H pa = , qa , t = 0 ∂qa ∂αa
∂t ∂qa
A single equation in partial first-order H̃ = H + = 0 (!!!)
derivatives. ⇒ α̇a = 0, β̇a = 0,
Expect that S =
f (q1 , ..., qN ; α1 , ..., αN , t) + A where
αi , , A = const ⇒ αa = const, βa = const,
Case of conservative systems: S =
f (q1 , ..., qN ; α1 , ..., αN ) − E t Write out explicitly the
Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the
harmonic oscillator and solve it.
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism

Hamilton-Jacobi equation
r !
m q k
=E arctan
2E − k q 2
∂S ∂S qp
+ H pa = , qa , t = 0 + m (2E − k q 2 ) + S0
∂t ∂qa 2
 
S = f (q1 , ..., qN ; α1 , ..., αN , t) + A
where αi , , A = const Free constants: |{z}
E , S0 
Case of conservative systems: S = α
f (q1 , ..., qN ; α1 , ..., αN ) − E t p !
k q2
∂S m
∂S ⇒ = arctan p −t = 0
E =H=− ⇒ f (q) − E t ∂α k 2E − k q 2
∂t | {z }
p2 k q2 1 k q2 k q2

df = tan (ωt)
H= + = + =E 2E − k q 2
2m 2 2m dq 2

ˆ 1 1
1+tan2 z = ⇒ cos2 z =
k q2 cos2 z 1 + tan2 z
⇒f = dq 2m E − =
2 r
2E − k q 2 2E
= cos2 ωt ⇒ q(t) = sin ωt
2E k
ˆ p
Harmonic oscillator S= 2m(E − kq 2 /2)dq −Et (3)
Earlier we have seen that there is some | {z }
generating function given by s(q, E )

mωq 2 Define P ≡ E /ω to be a cyclic variable

F (q, Q) = cot Q (1) If we used S as generating function,
H̃ = 0 according to HJ formalism
which leads to transformation We’ll use only s(q, ωP) as generating
r function, so
⇒q= sin Q, (2)
mω H̃ = H + ∂t s = H 6= 0

p = 2mωP cos Q
We can check that transformation
which reduces hamiltonian of harmonic os- ∂s ∂s
cillator to p= , Q= ,
∂q ∂P
H = ωP
Now we’ll discuss it fromthe point of yields a transformation identical to (2)
view of HJ formalism: [actually we recall relations between
ˆ generating functions F (q, Q) = F2 +
S = (pdq − H dt) P · Q = s(q, P) + P · Q to get (1)]
Formally can repeat this approach for
On real trajectories H = E = const any potential U(q), though output of
(2) can be solved analytically only for a
few simple potentials.
Action-angle variables
Let’s consider conservative system; Canonical equations:
and analyze its abbreviated action
˛ q ˛ İ = 0, ẇ = = const
p dq dI
S0 (q, E ) = p dq, I (E ) =

⇒w = t + const
if the trajectory is closed and integral dI
is taken over the full period, then I = -in action-angle variables time
I (E ) dependence is always linear.
Let’s treat S0 (q, E ) = S0 (q, I )as
a generating function of a canonical  Thus we can see that the transfor-
transformation mation we applied to Harmonic os-
∂S0 ∂S0 cillator corresponds to action-angle
p= , Q≡w = variables
∂q ∂I

variable I is called action, w is angle

Hamilton-Jacobi formalism
Now we’ll focus on variations of final
(f )
coordinates qa ≡ qa and time t2 ≡ t p2 k q2
H= + =E
2m 2
Hamilton-Jacobi equation r
q(t) = sin ωt
∂S ∂S We obtained correct result
+H pa = , qa , t = 0
∂t ∂qa Derivation is much more complicated
than direct solution of canonical equa-
A single equation in partial first-order
tions or Euler-Lagrange equations
Nevertheless this method allows to in-
Expect that S =
tegrate some systems which are difficult
f (q1 , ..., qN ; α1 , ..., αN , t) + A where
to analyze directly, e.g.:
αi , , A = const
∂f The charged particle of mass m moves
Qa ≡ βa = = const in the field of electric dipole, so the
potential of interaction in spherical
Case of conservative systems: S = coordiates is given by
f (q1 , ..., qN ; α1 , ..., αN ) − E t
cos θ
U(r , θ) = U0 .
Integrate the equations of motion and
find the trajectory of the particle
Analysis in Lagrange formalism
M ⊥ 6= const, so in general trajectory
does not lie in a plane, since we can’t
The charged particle of mass m moves in apply this theorem:
the field of electric dipole, so the Theorem from Lecture 4: If M ~ =
potential of interaction in spherical const, then:
coordiates is given by . Particle always moves
cos θ in a plane ortogonal to
U(r , θ) = U0 .
r2 ~ i.e. if in the moment
Integrate the equations of motion and t0 vectors (~r , ~v ) lie in a
find the trajectories of the system plane orthogonal to M, ~
then in central field they remain in this
Lagrangian in spherical coordinates: plane for ∀t:
m 2  cos θ
L= ṙ + r 2 θ̇2 + r 2 sin2 θ φ̇2 −U0 2 ~r (t0 + ∆t) ≈ ~r (t0 ) + ∆t ~v , ~ =0
~r (t0 ) · M
2 r
~v (t + ∆t) ≈ ~v (t ) + ∆t ~a,
0 0 0
~ =0
~v (t ) · M
Integrals of motion:
m 2
  cos θ ∆t ~v · M = ∆t ~v · m (~r × ~v ) = 0,
E = ṙ + r 2 θ̇2 + r 2 sin2 θ φ̇2 +U0 2
2 r ~ ~ ~
~ = ∆t F · M = ∆t ~r · M dU = 0
∆t ~a · M
 projection of angular momentum to axis m m r dr
of dipole
Mz = m r 2 sin2 θφ̇ ⇒ ~r (t0 + ∆t), ~v (t0 + ∆t) will be also
ortogonal to M~
Analysis in Lagrange formalism
 Full Euler-Lagrange equations of mo-
tion (Lecture 4):
The charged particle of mass m moves in
the field of electric dipole, so the
potential of interaction in spherical d 2r 2U0
mr̈ ≡ m = 3 cos θ + (1)
coordiates is given by dt

2 r 
cos θ + mr θ̇2 + sin2 θ φ̇2
U(r , θ) = U0 .
Integrate the equations of motion and m r 2 sin 2θ φ̇2 U0
m r 2 θ̈+2mr ṙ θ̇− = 3 sin θ (2)
find the trajectories of the system 2 r

Lagrangian in spherical coordinates: d (m r 2 sin2 θφ̇)

= m r 2 sin2 θφ̈+
m 2  cos θ
L= ṙ + r 2 θ̇2 + r 2 sin2 θ φ̇2 −U0 2 +m r 2 sin 2θ θ̇φ̇+2m r ṙ φ̇ sin2 θ = 0 (3)
2 r
Integrals of motion:  After substitution
m 2  cos θ Mz
E = ṙ + r 2 θ̇2 + r 2 sin2 θ φ̇2 +U0 2 φ̇ →
2 r m r 2 sin2 θ
 projection of angular momentum to axis end up with coupled 2nd order ODEs
of dipole (1, 2) for r (t), θ(t), which can be
Mz = m r 2 sin2 θφ̇
solved only numerically.
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism: separation of variables
Now we will learn a method of separa-  
tion of variables which allows to solve PDE ∂S
φ q1 , = α1 = const,
which appears in HJ formalism and later ∂q1
apply it to the problem of a particle in a
Φ α1 , , qs , t = 0
field of electric dipole. ∂qs

Hamilton-Jacobi equation If q1 is cyclic variable, situation simplifies

∂S ∂S
+H pa = , qa , t = 0 (1) S = α1 q1 + S (qs , αs )
∂t ∂qa
If we can successively separate all the
Assume that the equation was reduced variables, integration becomes trivial
to the form
    Don’t confuse
∂S ∂S
0 = Φ φ q1 , , , qs , t , s > 1For linear ODEs (e.g. Laplace’s equation)
∂q1 ∂qs
separation of variables usually implies
The solution in this case has a form search of solutions in the form
S = f1 (q1 ) · ... · fN (qN ); here we can see
S = f (qs ; αs ) + S1 (q1 ) that such ansatz doesn’t work (though
idea is similar, we try to reduce equation
to a sum of contributions which depend
on independent variables)
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism: separation of variables
Hamilton-Jacobi equation
φ q1 , = α1 = const,
∂S ∂S ∂S
+H pa = , qa , t = 0 (1) Φ α1 , , qs , t = 0
∂t ∂qa ∂qs

Assume that the equation was reduced If q1 is cyclic variable, situation sim-
to the form plifies significantly:
∂S ∂S S = α1 q1 + S (qs , αs )
0 = Φ φ q1 , , , qs , t , s > 1
∂q1 ∂qs
If we can successively separate all the
The solution in this case has a form variables, integration becomes trivial

S = f (qs ; αs ) + S1 (q1 ) Apply the method of Hamilton-Jacobi

for the particle of mass m moving in
the field
b(θ) c(φ)
U(r , θ, φ) = a(r ) + + 2 2
r2 r sin θ
where a, b, c are arbitrary functions
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables
Apply the method of Hamilton-Jacobi for 2m (E − U) = p 2 =
the particle of mass m moving in the field ∂r
"   2 #
b(θ) c(φ) 1 ∂f 1 ∂f
U(r , θ, φ) = a(r ) + + 2 2 +
r2 r sin θ r2 ∂θ sin2 θ ∂φ
where a, b, c are arbitrary functions Look for solution in separable form:
f (r , θ, φ) = f3 (φ) + f2 (θ) + f1 (r )
System is conservative, H = E = const
2 !

⇒ S = f (r , θ, φ) − E t df1
E − a(r ) − +
2m dr
p2 2 !
H= +U 1 1

2m df2
+ 2 b(θ) − +
In spherical coordinates: r 2m d θ
 
∂f 1 ∂f 1 ∂f
p = ∇S = , , 1 1
 2 
df3 
∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ

+ c(φ) − =0

r 2 sin2 θ  2m d φ 

| {z }
d φ 2m (c(φ) − α3 )
⇒ f3 (φ) =
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables
2 !
Apply the method of Hamilton-Jacobi for 1

E − a(r ) − +
the particle of mass m moving in the field 2m dr
 
b(θ) c(φ)
U(r , θ, φ) = a(r ) + + 2 2
r sin θ
r2 1  1

df2 α3 
 
+ b(θ) − + 2  = 0
where a, b, c are arbitrary functions
r  2m dθ sin θ 
| {z }
System is conservative, H = E = const
ˆ r  α3 
⇒ S = f (r , θ, φ) − E t ⇒ f2 (θ) = 2m b(θ) +
dθ − α2
sin2 θ
f (r , θ, φ) = f3 (φ) + f2 (θ) + f1 (r ) 1

ˆ ⇒ E − a(r ) − + 2 =0
2m dr r
⇒ f3 (φ) = d φ 2m (c(φ) + α3 )
ˆ r  α2 
⇒ f1 (r ) = dr 2m E − a(r ) + 2
Free constants: (E , α2 , α3 )
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables
Free constants: (E , α2 , α3 )

Apply the method of Hamilton-Jacobi for ∂f1 (r , E )

− t = const = −t0 ,
the particle of mass m moving in the field ∂E
b(θ) c(φ) dr
U(r , θ, φ) = a(r ) + + 2 2 ⇒ 2m q  = t−t0
r2 r sin θ 2m E − a(r ) − αr 22
where a, b, c are arbitrary functions ⇒ r = r (t)- dependence. Compare
with equation which we had in central
Separation of variables is possible only
potential U(r )
for certain potentials
∂S (r , E )
⇒ S = f (r , θ, φ) − E t = β2 = const,
f (r , θ, φ) = f3 (φ) + f2 (θ) + f1 (r ) ˆ r dr
ˆ q −
2m E − a(r ) + α2
⇒ f3 (φ) = d φ 2m (c(φ) + α3 )
ˆ θ

ˆ r − q  = β2
2m b(θ) + sinα23 θ − α2
⇒ f2 (θ) = d θ 2m b(θ) + − α2
sin θ

ˆ r
⇒ θ = θ( r (t) ) = θ(t)
⇒ f1 (r ) = dr 2m E − a(r ) + 2 Similarly, ∂S (r , E ) /∂α3 = β1 =
const ⇒ φ = φ(θ( r (t) )) = φ(t)
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables

Note that full separation of variables in

a given system of coordinates is possible
only for a certain class of potentials, which
we may “guess” from structure of (∇S)2 .

Analyze the most general form of

potential which allows a full separation of
variables in Hamilton-Jacobi method in
cylindrical coordinates
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables
Note that full separation of variables in
a given system of coordinates is possible
only for a certain class of potentials, which
we may “guess” from structure of (∇S)2 .

Analyze the most general form of

potential which allows a full separation of
variables in Hamilton-Jacobi method in
cylindrical coordinates

ρ = x 2 + y 2 , tan φ = y /x
2 2  2
1 ∂S
∂S ∂S
+ 2 + = 2m (E − U)
∂ρ ρ ∂φ ∂z
S = f1 (ρ) + f2 (φ) + f3 (z)
U = a(ρ) + + c(z)
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables
The particle moves in the field
U=− +F z
(a combination of the Coulomb and
homogeneous external field) . Integrate
the equations of motion and find the
trajectories of the particle

Help: You may find useful parabolic coor-

dinate system
ξ−η p p
z= , ρ = ξη = x 2 + y 2 ,
r = ρ2 + z 2

ξ = r + z, η =r −z
ξ−η ξ+η
z= , r=
2 2

ξη cos φ, ξη sin φ
p p
x= y=
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables
The particle moves in the field mξ+η ˙ mξ+η
pξ = ξ, pη = η̇,
4 ξ 4 η
U=− +F z pφ = mξη φ̇
(a combination of the Coulomb and 2
2 ξpξ + ηpη
homogeneous external field) . Integrate H= + +U (1)
m ξ+η 2mξη
the equations of motion and find the Our case corresponds to
trajectories of the particle
a(ξ) + b(η)
Help: You may find useful parabolic coor- U=
dinate system
with a(ξ) = α− 21 F ξ 2 , b(η) = α+ 12 F η 2
ξ−η p
Now we’ll consider the general case of
z= , ρ= ξη
2 arbitrary a, b first
m 2 
L= ρ̇ + ρ2 φ̇2 + ż 2 − U = Write out the Hamilton-Jacobi
equation for hamiltonian (1) and make
m(ξ + η) ξ˙2 η̇ 2 m ξη φ̇2
= + + −U separation of variables
8 ξ η 2
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables
The particle moves in the field mξ+η ˙ mξ+η
pξ = ξ, pη = η̇,
4 ξ 4 η
U=− +F z pφ = mξη φ̇
(a combination of the Coulomb and 2
2 ξpξ + ηpη
homogeneous external field) . Integrate H= + +U
m ξ+η 2mξη
the equations of motion and find the Our case corresponds to
trajectories of the particle
a(ξ) + b(η)
Help: You may find useful parabolic coor- U=
dinate system
with a(ξ) = α− 21 βξ 2 , b(η) = α+ 21 βη 2
ξ−η p
Now we’ll consider the general case of
z= , ρ= ξη
2 arbitrary a, b first
m 2 
S = f1 (ξ) + f2 (η) + f3 (φ) − E t
L= ρ̇ + ρ2 φ̇2 + ż 2 − U =
m(ξ + η) ξ˙2 η̇ 2 m ξη φ̇2 pφ = const since φ is cyclic variable
= + + −U ⇒ f3 = pφ φ
8 ξ η 2
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables
2 2
The particle moves in the field 2 ξpξ + ηpη pφ2
H= + +U
α m ξ+η 2mξη
U=− +F z
r S = f1 (ξ) + f2 (η) + f3 (φ) − E t
(a combination of the Coulomb and pφ = const since φ is cyclic variable
homogeneous external field) . Integrate ⇒ f3 = pφ φ
the equations of motion and find the
trajectories of the particle 2 2
2 ξ (f10 (ξ)) + η (f20 (η)) pφ2
H= + +
Help: You may find useful parabolic coor- m ξ+η 2mξη
dinate system a(ξ) + b(η)
+ =E
ξ−η p
z= , ρ= ξη
2 After multiplication by ξ + η we end up
with (F1,2 are some functions)
m 2 
L= ρ̇ + ρ2 φ̇2 + ż 2 − U =
h 2 i h 2 i
ξ f10 (ξ) + F1 (ξ) + η f20 (η) + F2 (η) = 0
m(ξ + η) ξ˙2 η̇ 2 m ξη φ̇2
= + + −U
8 ξ η 2 The first term depends only on ξ, sec-
ond only on η, so sum=0 only if each
of them is constant (= ±α1 )
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables
2 2
The particle moves in the field 2 ξpξ + ηpη pφ2
H= + +U
α m ξ+η 2mξη
U=− +F z
r S = f1 (ξ) + f2 (η) + f3 (φ) − E t
(a combination of the Coulomb and pφ = const since φ is cyclic variable
homogeneous external field) . Integrate ⇒ f3 = pφ φ
the equations of motion and find the
trajectories of the particle 2 2
2 ξ (f10 (ξ)) + η (f20 (η)) pφ2
H= + +
Help: You may find useful parabolic coor- m ξ+η 2mξη
dinate system a(ξ) + b(η)
+ =E
ξ−η p
z= , ρ= ξη
2 2 pφ2
2ξ f10 (ξ) + − m (E ξ − a(ξ)) = α1
m 2  2ξ
L= ρ̇ + ρ2 φ̇2 + ż 2 − U =
m(ξ + η) ξ˙2

η̇ 2

m ξη φ̇2 2 pφ2
= + + −U 2η f20 (η) + −m (E η − b(η)) = −α1
8 ξ η 2 2η
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism-separation of variables
The particle moves in the field 2 pφ2
2ξ f10 (ξ) + − m (E ξ − a(ξ)) = α1
α 2ξ
U=− +F z
(a combination of the Coulomb and 2 pφ2
2η f20 (η) + −m (E η − b(η)) = −α1
homogeneous external field) . Integrate 2η
the equations of motion and find the
trajectories of the particle ξ dξ

f1 (ξ) = √ α1 − + m (E ξ − a(ξ))
2ξ 2ξ
ξ 2

2 ξpξ2+ ηpη2 pφ2 f2 (η) = √ −α1 − + m (E η − b(η))
H= + +U 2η 2η
m ξ+η 2mξη
Free constants: αk = (α1 , E , pφ ).
S = f1 (ξ) + f2 (η) + f3 (φ) − E t Request ∂S/∂αk = βk = const.
Our case corresponds to
pφ = const since φ is cyclic variable
a(ξ) + b(η)
⇒ f3 = pφ φ U=

with a(ξ) = α − 12 F ξ 2 , b(η) = α +

F η 2 . Analyze it in detail.
Conditions for separation of variables in HJ formalism
Staeckel conditions Demonstarte that the Staeckel
The separation is possible if the following conditions are satisfied for the particle
conditions are satisfied: in the potential
dH/dt = 0
Hamiltonian is quadratic form b(θ) c(φ)
U(r , θ, φ) = a(r ) + + 2 2
r2 r sin θ
(pi − ai ) T −1 ij pj − aj + V (q)
m 2 
Vectors ai depend only on respective L= ṙ + r 2 θ̇2 + r 2 sin2 θ φ̇2 −U(r , θ, φ)
coordinate, ai = ai (qi )
The potential might be written as !
m p2 pφ2
X Vi (qi ) H= pr2 + 2θ + 2 2
V (q) = 2 r r sin θ
b(θ) c(φ)
Assume there is a matrix φ such that + a(r ) + + 2 2
r2 r sin θ
1 ∂S
δij φ−1
ij = , − ai = 2δik φkj γj
Tii ∂qi

where γj is
 a constant vector. Then φii
and φ−1 ii depend only on variable qi

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