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KNS 1451

Code & Title KNS 1451 Civil Engineering Laboratory 1

Date of Experiment 24 October 2022
Lecturer Prof Madya Dr Mohammad Ibrahim Safawi
Group Group 1E
Group Members 1. Kenny Nolan Anak Daniel 84224
2. Allister Mancha Anak Jackson Bara 82394
3. Daniel Irvine Anak Ritchie 83585
4. Muhammad Khairin Bin Kaslan 82740
5. Sapira Lagin 85604

No. Description Page

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Sieve Analysis test 1
1.2 Specific Gravity test 1
2.0 Objective
2.1 Sieve Analysis test 1
2.2 Specific Gravity test 1
3.0 Material and Apparatus
3.1 Sieve Analysis test 1
3.2 Specific Gravity test 2
4.0 Procedures
4.1 Sieve Analysis test 2
4.2 Specific Gravity test 2
5.0 Calculation and Result
5.1 Sieve Analysis test 3-6
5.2 Specific Gravity test 7
6.0 Discussion
6.1 Sieve Analysis test 8
6.2 Specific Gravity test 8
7.0 Conclusion 9
8.0 Appendix 10-14
9.0 Reference 15

1.1 Sieve analysis

For all aggregate technicians, the sieve analysis, also referred to as the
gradation test, is a fundamentally important test. To ascertain compliance with design,
production control requirements, verification, and specifications, the sieve analysis
yields the gradation (the distribution of aggregate particles by six, within a particular
sample). To mention a few purposes, the gradation data can be used to draw gradation
curves graphically, evaluate relationships between different aggregates or aggregate
blends, assess compliance with such blends, and project production patterns. The
sieve analysis is a very effective quality control and quality acceptance tool when
used in conjunction with other tests.

1.2 Specific Gravity

One of the important tests on which the analysis of construction materials is

based is the specific gravity and water abortion test. A material's strength or quality is
said to be measured by the specific gravity of the aggregate. Low specific gravity
aggregates are typically poorer than those with higher specific gravity. An indication
of aggregate strength is provided by water absorption. In general, unsuitable
aggregates are those that absorb more water and are hence more porous, unless they
pass the necessary strength, impact, and hardness tests. The ratio of the mass of a
particular volume of material to the mass of an equivalent volume of water is known
as specific gravity. Nevertheless, depending on the substance under consideration and
the objectives for which the value of specific gravity is to be applied, a range of
modifications of this concept exist. The most typical definition of specific gravity
when referring to aggregate for Portland cement concrete is based on the bulk volume
of each individual aggregate in a saturated surface-dry (SSD) condition, which is
defined as the state in which the aggregate has been saturated with water and has
allowed water to enter its pores. The excess, free surface moisture has been
eliminated, leaving the particle's surface essentially dry while the particles are still


2.1 To determine the physical of coarse aggregates required in concrete

mix design

2.2 To determine the specific gravity and absorption of the coarse



3.1 (Sieve analysis coarse Aggregates)

1. Test Sieves (37.5, 20, 14, 10, 5, 3.35, 1.18, 0.15, 0.075)
2. Digital Weighing Scale
3. Cement Bucket
4. Sieve shaker machine

5. 2kg of Coarse Aggregates

3.2 (Specific gravity of course aggregates)

1. A wire basket of not more than 3 mm mesh
2. A stout watertight container
3. well-ventilated oven
4. Taping rod
5. An airtight container
6. A sample of aggregate soaked in water for 24 hours
7. Buoyancy scale


4.1 (Sieve analysis coarse Aggregates)

1. 2kg of course aggregates was taken
2. The sieves was weighted using the digital weighing scale and arranged from the
largest opening sieve to the finest opening sieve until pan (from 37.5mm until pan).
3. The sieves was put on the sieve shaker machine according to the arrangement.
4. The 2 kg of course aggregates was put inside the sieves
5. The sieve shaker machine was turned on for 10 minutes
6. After the machine was stopped, the sieves was weighted
7. The retained aggregate on each sieves was weighted
8. The reading was recorded

4.2 (Specific gravity of course aggregates)

1. A sample of approximately 2 kg of aggregates was obtained. The aggregate
was cleaned to eliminate the particles and put the aggregates in the wire basket
2. The wire basket was submerged in the water that is between
22⁰C and 32⁰C in temperature.
3. After immersion, the trapped air of sample was released
immediately by elevating the basket 25 mm over the bottom of
tank and letting it fall 25 times at a rate of around one drop per
4. The basket which containing the aggregates was fully submerged in water
for 24 ± 0.5 hours.
5. The material and basket was weighted while suspended in the water that
ranges in temperature from 22⁰C to 32⁰C.
6. The aggregates and basket wad dried with a dry absorbent towel after being
taken from the water.
7. The surface-dried aggregate was dried.
8. In a shallow tray, the aggregates was baked in an oven for 24 hours to a
temperature of around 110⁰C. After cooling, the aggregate was weighted.


5.1 (Sieve analysis coarse Aggregates)

(mm) Empty sieve Sieve Sample Sample Percentage of Percentage of

(g) retained (g) retained(g) Retained (%) passing (%)

37.5 1006.0 1006.0 0.0 0.00 100.00

20 1042.5 1204.0 161.5 8.075 91.925
14 1142.0 1617.5 475.5 23.775 68.15
10 879.5 1382.0 502.5 25.125 43.025
5 959.0 1645.0 686.0 34.3 8.725
3.35 950.5 1039.0 88.5 4.425 4.30
1.18 847.5 877.5 30.0 1.5 2.80
0.15 770.0 813.0 43.0 2.15 0.65
0.075 768.5 779.5 11.0 0.55 0.10
Pan 762.5 764.5 2.0 0.1 0.00
Sum 9128 11128 2000 100 -

Sample weight before sieve = 2000 g

(2000-2000)/ 2000 x 100= 0% ˂10% (accepted)

Sieve size = 37.5 mm Sieve size = 20 mm

Empty sieve = 1006 g Empty sieve = 1042.5 g
Sieve + sample retained = 1006 g Sieve + sample retained = 1204.0 g
Sample retained = 0g Sample retained = 161.5 g
Retained = 0% Retained = 8.075%
Passing = 0% Passing = 91.025%

Sieve size = 14 mm Sieve size = 10 mm

Empty sieve = 1142.0 g Empty sieve = 879.5 g
Sieve + sample retained = 1617.5 g Sieve + sample retained = 1382.9 g
Sample retained = 475.5 g Sample retained = 502.5 g
Retained = 23.775% Retained = 25.125%
Passing = 68.15% Passing = 43.025%

Sieve size = 5 mm Sieve size = 3.35 mm

Empty sieve = 959.0 g Empty sieve = 950.5 g
Sieve + sample retained = 1645.0 g Sieve + sample retained = 1039.0 g
Sample retained = 686.0 g Sample retained = 88.5 g
Retained = 34.3% Retained = 4.425%
Passing = 8.725% Passing = 4.30%

Sieve size = 1.18 mm Sieve size = 0.15 mm

Empty sieve = 847.5 g Empty sieve = 770.0 g
Sieve + sample retained = 877.5 g Sieve + sample retained = 813.0 g
Sample retained = 30.0 g Sample retained = 43 g
Retained = 1.5% Retained = 2.15%
Passing = 2.80% Passing = 0.65%

Sieve size = 0.075 mm Sieve size = Pan

Empty sieve = 768.5 g Empty sieve = 762.5 g
Sieve + sample retained = 779.5 g Sieve + sample retained = 764.5 g
Sample retained = 11.0 g Sample retained = 2.0 g
Retained = 0.55% Retained = 0.1%
Passing = 0.10% Passing = 0.00%

Graph: Grading Curve

Fineness Modulus

Sieve Size Weight (g) Cumulative Cumulative %

(mm) Empty Sieve + Sample weight retained (%)
Sieve sample retained retained (g)
37.5 1006.0 1006.0 0.0 0 0
20 1042.5 1204.0 161.5 161.5 8.075
14 1142.0 1617.5 475.5 637.0 31.85
10 879.5 1382.0 502.5 1139.5 56.975
5 959.0 1645.0 686.0 1825.5 91.275
3.35 950.5 1039.0 88.5 1914.0 95.7
1.18 847.5 877.5 30.0 1944.0 97.2
0.15 770.0 813.0 43.0 1987.0 99.35
0.075 768.5 779.5 11.0 1998.0 99.9
Pan 762.5 764.5 2.0 2000.0 100.0
Sum 9128 11128 2000 13676.5 680.325

Fineness Modulus of Coarse Aggregate

∑ (cumulative % retained)
(0+ 8.075+31.85+56.975+91.275+99.2+ 97.2+ 99.35+99.9+100)

= 6.80

Fineness modulus of 6.84 means average size is in between 1st and 2nd sieve , that
is between 37.5 mm and 20 mm

Sieve size = 37.5 mm Sieve size = 20 mm

Empty sieve = 1006 g Empty sieve = 1042.5 g
Sieve + sample retained = 1006 g Sieve + sample retained = 1204.0 g
Sample retained = 0 g Sample retained = 161.5 g
Cumulative weight retained = 0 g Cumulative weight retained = 161.5 + 0 =
Cumulative % retained = 0% 161.5 g
Cumulative % retained = (161.5/2000) 100
= 8.075%

Sieve size = 14 mm Sieve size = 10 mm

Empty sieve = 1142.0 g Empty sieve = 879.5 g
Sieve + sample retained = 1617.5 g Sieve + sample retained = 1382.0 g
Sample retained = 475.5 g Sample retained = 502.5 g
Cumulative weight retained = 161.5 + Cumulative weight retained = 637.0 +
475.5 = 637.0 g 502.5 = 1139.5 g
Cumulative % retained = (637.0/2000) Cumulative % retained = (1139.5/2000) 100
100 = 31.85% = 56.975%

Sieve size = 5 mm Sieve size = 3.35 mm
Empty sieve = 959.0 g Empty sieve = 950.5 g
Sieve + sample retained = 1645.0g Sieve + sample retained = 1039.0g
Sample retained = 686.0 g Sample retained = 88.5 g
Cumulative weight retained = 1139.5 + Cumulative weight retained = 1825.5 +
686.0 = 1825.5 g 88.5 = 1914.0 g
Cumulative % retained = (1825.5/2000) Cumulative % retained = (1914.0/2000) 100
100 = 91.275% = 95.7%

Sieve size = 1.18 mm Sieve size = 0.15 mm

Empty sieve = 847.5 g Empty sieve = 770.0 g
Sieve + sample retained = 877.5 g Sieve + sample retained = 813.0 g
Sample retained = 30.0 g Sample retained = 43.0 g
Cumulative weight retained = 1914.0 + Cumulative weight retained = 1944.0 +
30 = 1944.0 g 43.0 = 1987.0 g
Cumulative % retained = (1944.0/2000) Cumulative % retained = (1987.0/2000) 100
100 = 97.2% = 99.35%

Sieve size = 0.075 mm Sieve size = Pan

Empty sieve = 768.5 g Empty sieve = 762.5 g
Sieve + sample retained = 779.5 g Sieve + sample retained = 764.5 g
Sample retained = 11.0 g Sample retained = 2.0 g
Cumulative weight retained = 1987.0 + Cumulative weight retained = 1988.0 + 2 =
11 = 1998.0 g 2000.0 g
Cumulative % retained = (1988.0/2000) Cumulative % retained = (2000.0/2000) 100
100 = 99.9% = 100%

Graph 2:

5.2 (Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregates)

Item Weight (g)

Empty tray weight (g) (W0) 853.0
Weight of Saturated aggregate and basket 1812.1
in water (W1) g
Weight of basket in water (W2) g 637.6
Weight of Saturated aggregate in air (W3) 2000.0
Weight of oven dry aggregate in air (W4) 2806.5

Characteristics Value
Bulk Specific Gravity (OD) 2.37
Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD) 2.42
Apparent Specific Gravity 2.51
Water Absorption 2.38

Formula for specific gravity and water absorption of coarse aggregate
W 4 −W 0
Bulk Specific Gravity (OD) = W −(W −W )
3 1 2
2806.5 −853.0
= 2000.0−(1812.1 −637.6)
= 2.37
Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD) = W −(W −W )
3 1 2
= 2000.0−(1812.1 −637.6)
= 2.42
W 4− W 0
Apparent Specific Gravity = (W ¿ 4 −W )−(W − W )¿
¿ 0 1 2
2806.5− 853.0
= (2806.5 −853.0) −( 1812.1−637.6)
= 2.51

W 3 −(W 4 −W 0 )
Water Absorption = (W ¿ 4 −W ) ¿ x 100%
¿ 0
2000.0−(2806.5 − 853.0)
= (2806.5 −853.0)
x 100%
= 2.38%


6.1 Sieve Analysis of coarse aggregates.

Based on our results and data, the fineness modulus of coarse aggregates
obtained are 6.84. Which we can see that the average size is on between sieve
37.5mm and 20mm, the 1st and 2nd sieve. Fineness modulus of coarse aggregate varies
from 5.5 to 8.0. Safe to say our fineness modulus are in the theoretical range. From
table 5.1, the most sample retained for the coarse aggregates is at sieve 5mm size. The
weight retained (g) at 5mm sieve size is 686.0 g. With that we can say that from our
experiment, most of the course aggregates has the size of more than 5mm. Based on
the graph of grading curve, the coarse aggregates differs at sieve sizes of 37.5mm,
20mm, 14mm, 10mm, 5mm, 3.35mm and 1.18mm.
For the error part, the main source of error could be the presence of both
course and fine aggregates as they are mixed together. Apart from that, from what we
observed and find, the course aggregates and fine aggregates inside the concrete
laboratory are not really well separated. From the course aggregates, we can still take
a bit of the fine aggregates, this may also cause some error in our data and findings.
Other than that, the sieves used in this experiment are not cleaned well, this is because
we share the apparatus together with the other groups. This caused some aggregates to
be trapped in between the wire of the sieves and cause the weight retained are not
very accurate.
To help minimize the error, close and detail precautions needed to be taken to
improve the result. The zero error needed to be avoided before taking the result of this
experiment. For example, the sieves must be cleaned after it is used by the group
before us. Apart from that, the coarse and fine aggregates must be well separated to
minimize the error in reading.

6.2 Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregates

Based on the result obtained for the experiment specific gravity of course
aggregates, the bulk specific gravity obtained in saturated surface dry condition (SSD)
obtained is 2.42 meanwhile the bulk specific gravity obtained in oven dried condition
(OD) is 2.37 which is 0.05 less than the SSD obtained in this experiment. The
apparent specific gravity obtained is 2.51 and the theoretical range of specific gravity
of coarse aggregate are between 2.5 to 3. The water absorption is 2.38%.
For the errors in this experiment, it may be from the coarse aggregates are
mixed with the fine aggregates thus causing some error in the data and result. The
course aggregates must also be well cleaned to eliminate any particles. The
temperature of the water used must be within range of 22°c and 32°c. The towel used
must be a dry and absorbent towel to dry the aggregates after it is being taken from
The precautionary actions needed to be taken is the mesh wired bucket used
need to be cleaned thoroughly before it is being used. Make sure weighing scale need

to be cleaned to avoid any particles that can affect the readings. The coarse aggregates
used must be the one that had been submerged in water for 24 hours because the water
absorption of aggregates are different between dry and wet aggregates. The zero
errors must be avoided before taking the reading in this experiment.


In conclusion there is 2 experiment that involves to identify physical coarse of

aggregate in concrete mix. The first is sieve analysis where this experiment is about
finding the most fineness course aggregate for the mixture of concrete mixture. In this
experiment 2KG of course aggregate has been taken and been put into 9 different type
of sieve, and then the sieve is been shake for five minutes, then all the sieve is been
weight. Result of the fineness modulus of aggregate obtained in this experiment is
6.80 which is between third and forth sieve.

The second experiment is about specific gravity by absorption, where this

experiment need 2 KG of course aggregate was been submerge into a water and then
the weight is been taken, next the course aggregate has been dried for 24 hours and
then the weight is been taken. From this experiment the specific gravity in dry
condition is 2.42 while the specific gravity of sample in oven dried condition is 2.37
which have the difference of 0.05. The apparent specific gravity of course aggregate
is 2.51 and the percentage of water absorption is 2.38%.

For the sieve analysis the precaution that need in this experiment is to make
sure that the aggregate is to make sure that the aggregate is not spill from the sieve
during vibration process to make sure that the reading taken was accurate with the
procedure provided. Next for the specific gravity make sure that the aggregate is been
washed before the experiment started, at least 24 hour before the event occur, to make
sure all the impurities is been remove from the aggregate, for more accurate weight of
the aggregate. Other than that, make sure that before washing the aggregate make sure
to take more aggregate then the one we needed, this is because after the washing
process the weight of aggregate usually will be decrease due to the removal of the
impurities. Means that if we need 2 Kg of aggregate we need to washed at least 3 Kg
of aggregate so that the weight needed after the washing process is enough.





Singh, K. (2008). Sieve Analysis Of Aggregates. Thapar University, Patiala.

Chandra, S. (2003). Lightweight aggregate concrete: Science, Technology and

Applications. (Satish) Norwich, NJ: Noyes Publications

Sivakugan, Nagaratnam. (2016). Civil Engineering Materials. Mason, OH:

Cengage Learning

Grantham, M. (2016). Concrete Solutions: Proceedings of Concrete Solutions,

International Conference on Concrete Repair, Thessaloniki, Greece. (1st Edition).
London: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group

Patel, H. (2019). Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregates: Its Importance & Test
Procedure. GharPedia.

Theoretical of fineness modulus of coarse aggregates.

Theoretical range of specific gravity of coarse aggregate


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