Week 3

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Activity 1

1. D. White

2. B. Flower and Leaf patterns

3. D. Malaysia

4. D. Sky Lantern

5. A. Ambatik

6. C. Wayang Kulit

7. B. Gamelan

8. C. Dhalang

9. B. Kite

10. Wat Pho

Activity 2

1. Indonesian Batik only recognizes two kinds of traditional batik processes, stamp and write using
canting and wax as the medium, while Malaysian Batik usually prefers painting techniques on cloth, or
what we know as chopping with a brush medium.

2. It is unique

3. Wau or Kite in Malay is a uniquely designed Malaysian kite that has flown since times past. It is called
'Wau' because the shape of its wing is similar to an Arabic letter (pronounced "wow"). It is a marvelous
tradition inherent to the culture of the people, especially in the Eastern States of the Malayan Peninsula.

4. Loy Krathong takes place on the evening of the full moon of the 12th month in the traditional Thai
lunar calendar, thus the exact date of the festival changes every year.

5. Thailand, because I find them fun to do and the designs are creative and beautiful in the eye.

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