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1.0 Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................

1.1 Mission...........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Objectives....................................................................................................................................2
2.0 Company Summary......................................................................................................................2
2.1 Company Ownership................................................................................................................2
2.2 Start-up Summary....................................................................................................................2
Table: Start-up..............................................................................................................................3
3.0 Services.............................................................................................................................................4
4.0 Market Analysis Summary.........................................................................................................5
4.1 Market Segmentation..............................................................................................................5
Table: Market Analysis................................................................................................................5
4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy.......................................................................................6
4.3 Service Business Analysis......................................................................................................6
4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns...............................................................................7
5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary.............................................................................7
5.1 Competitive Edge......................................................................................................................7
5.2 Marketing Strategy...................................................................................................................8
5.3 Sales Strategy............................................................................................................................8
5.4Break even analysis

1.0 Executive Summary

Iqhulu Financial Managers is a comprehensive financial planning and stock

investment consultancy.  Iqhulu's services are comprehensive in terms of offered
products (mutual funds, equities, ) and depth of research.  Although it costs a fair
amount of money for Iqhulu to do an in-depth amount of research into prospective
investments as well as possible options for the client, this up-front cost will be
eclipsed by a long-term relationship that is likely to be establihed out of earned

Iqhulu Financial Managers serves the Shinyanga Municipal area.  Iqhulu will be
generating new clients through a combination of networking and monthly public
seminars that introduces othiswise unreachable segments of the population.  Besides
the seminars developing new business, it is also a way that Iqhulu can give back to
the community.

Iqhulu is a sole proprietorship that will reach profitability by second month will have
modest profits by the end of month three.

1.1 Mission

Iqhulu Financial Managers' mission is to provide comprehensive financial

investments services for our customers.  We exist to attract and maintain
customers.  When we adhise to this maxim, everything else will fall into place.  Our
services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

1.2 Objectives

The objectives for the first three months of operation include:

1. To create a service-based company whose primary goal is to exceed customer's

2. To increase the number of clients served by at least 20% per year through
superior performance and word-of-mouth referrals.
3. To develop a sustainable financial management company that generates value for
their customers. 

2.0 Company Summary

Iqhulu Financial Managers is a comprehensive financial planning service for the

upper end of the shinyanga market.  Iqhulu is a sole proprietorship owned by Juma
kombo.  Iqhulu will offer comprehensive financial planning and for the upper-middle
class in the Shinyanga area.

2.1 Company Ownership

Iqhulu Financial Managers is a sole proprietorship owned by Juma kombo.

2.2 Start-up Summary

Iqhulu Financial Managers will incur the following start-up costs:

 Desk, chair and file cabinet.

 Couch and table.

 Computer with printer, and Internet connection.

 Legal fees for business formation.

Please note that the items which are considered assets to be used for more than a
year will labeled long-term assets and will be depreciated using G.A.A.P. approved
straight-line depreciation method.

Table: Start-up



Start-up Expenses

Amount to invest $760

Custom indicator $200

Computer $200
Consultants $0
Insurance $0
Rent $0
Research and Development $0
Expensed Equipment $0
Othis $0
Total Start-up Expenses $1060

Start-up Assets
Cash Required $0
Othis Current Assets $0
Long-term Assets $200
Total Assets $0

Total Requirements $1260

3.0 Services

Iqhulu Financial Managers is a comprehensive financial planning consultancy.  Iqhulu

is a stock,indices and investment planner

 Stocks,indices. Iqhulu has experience , allowing them to buy and sell stock and
indices and generate profits. 

4.0 Market Analysis Summary

Iqhulu Financial Managers will be marketing their services to two different groups of
people, those in need of investing advice and services, and those that are in need of
income and wealth generation .  These two groups will be targeted through
networking activities and public seminars.  Iqhulu's competitive advantage of
thoroughness of services offered as well as in-depth research will turn prospective
clients into long-term customers.

4.1 Market Segmentation

Iqhulu Financial Managers will target different groups of customers. groups will be

from the middle to upper-middle class socio-economic groups.

 Middle age people interested in investing. This group is interested in some

sort of investing, whethis it is mutual funds, stocks, indices, bonds, treasury
notes, etc. They may have already done some investing, but want to change their
risk profile or take a different approach.  This might also be their first time
investing and want expert advice.

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

Iqhulu Financial Managers has chosen these two groups because they both have
money to invest and most need assistance in determining how to invest or how to
structure their estate.

These groups will be targeted through two methods.  The first is old fashioned
networking.  Mr kombo made a lot of different contacts in his pursuit for his degree. 
In addition to networking his contacts from school, Mr kombo will also network
using his social contacts.

Mr kombo will also be targeting these groups through the production of public

seminars on investing.  These seminars typically take place in a public area such as
a library hall.  The seminars provide a basic level of knowledge. The seminar is not
meant to substitute Mr kombo's services, they are meant to whet people's appetites
for more information.  The real reason for the seminars is to get a diverse crowd of
people interested in Mr kombo and the services he offers, creating new business.

4.3 Service Business Analysis

The financial management is a populated space, just like real estate.  Thise are
literally hundreds of financial managers serving the Shinyanga area.  The secret is
specializing (concentrating on a specific area in the market, helping you to be
differentiated from all the othis service providers) and networking (building your
business through personal/professional contacts).

Although the financial market is pretty full, thise is room for new providers that
specialize and offer unsurpassed customer attention.

4.3.1 Competition

Competition comes from many different sources:

 Independent financial planners: these are often most like Iqhulu Financial

Managers.  They do not belong to a larger company and they are not affiliated
with any type of company, mutual fund, or othiswise.
 Tax and attorneys: professionals with a legal background who offer similar
financial services, sometimes as a sideline to their practice of law.

Since investors are more often than not based on networking or who the person
knows.  This is because the industry of financial planning is so populated it is quite
hard to make a decision for choosing a service provider.  Since many/most people
after a certain age have at least visited a financial planner it is not difficult to get a
referral for a planner.

5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary

Mr kombo's strategy for reaching his two target segments will be based on seminars
and networking.  The seminars are open to the public and have a small, subsidized
entry fee.  They are meant to cover the basics of financial and .  Typically the
seminars will start to get these people asking questions about their personal finances
and hopefully come back to Mr kombo for more help.

Mr kombo will also be doing networking to find customers.  His networking will be
primarily based on contacts that he made while at instituteof accountancy Arusha.

5.1 Competitive Edge

Iqhulu Financial Managers' competitive advantage is their comprehensive approach

to research and services provided.  It is Mr kombo's philosophy that he can develop
more value for his customers by investing more time up front while researching
different options.  Most planning firms will do adequate research in terms of looking
into different options, certainly enough to meet due diligence requirements. While
this is sufficient for some, Mr kombo adhere to the philosophy that its is better to
invest the time upfront in support of the customers.  This will then pay off in the
future by developing long lasting relationships.  This attention to detail and
thoroughness will certainly be appreciated by clients who are trusting their financial
future to Mr kombo.

5.2 Marketing Strategy

Mr kombo will be offering public seminars on and financial planning in Shinyanga

once or twice a month.  These workshops will be have subsidized rates and
encourage people to attend and learn as much information as possible.  These
seminars will typically take place in a public building and offer a general discussion
on the subject.  Mr kombo will caution people against solely using this information to
make decisions.  Instead they will be encouraged to see a professional individually so
they can better assess the customers needs.  The seminars will attempt to get these
people to start thinking about their financial future.  These seminars are a very good,
and efficient, way of introducing Mr kombo to new clients.

Mr kombo will also be doing a lot of networking to drum up business.  One

outstanding source of networking is with his friends from his degree program.  While
everyone that went through the degree program has a good educational foundation
for financial management, most people do not do their own planning by themselves
but are assisted by a specialist.  Mr kombo will be contacting his colleagues through
social occassions as well as calling them, to keep in touch with them and offer his
services if they are in need.  These two methods will accurately target the segmented
populations and allow Mr kombo to build his client list.

5.3 Sales Strategy

Iqhulu Financial Managers' sales strategy will be to emphasize their competitive

advantage of comprehensive research and product offerings.  This is likely to turn
prospective clients into long-term customers because people are often cautious with
their financial future and offering a comprehensive solution will likely allay their
concerns because Iqhulu Financial Managers is willing to work extra hard to research
all options. 

This approach takes a lot of time up front for Mr kombo, but the customers will recognize
this effort and choose Iqhulu Financial Managers as their service provider.


The time it will take to recover the start up cost and generate profits

By earning $25 every day for 51 days we will be able to cover cost and start to generate
profits, in 102 days we’ll be able to generate 100%profits and it will be shared 40% to
mr kombo and 60% to the investor.


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