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Listening part 1

I. You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best
answer, A B or C.
1. You are in the service department of an electrical store when you overhear this technician speaking on
the telephone. What does he want the caller to do?
A. wait for a trained technician
B. try adjusting the TV himself
C. bring the TV to the shop.

2. You are in a railway waiting room when you overhear this man speaking. What is he describing?
A. the weather
B. his working conditions
C. a recent illness

3. You ore standing at the bar of an English pub when you overhear this exchange. What does the man
want the woman to do?
A. let him have the menu
B. get him some food
C. bring the food to his table

4. You are visiting the offices of a construction company when you overhear a woman answering the
telephone. What is the caller complaining about?
A. noise late at night
B. damage done to his property
C. noise early in the morning

5. You overhear this exchange in an office. What does the woman want the man to do?
A. type the letter
B. check the letter for spelling
C. give his opinion of the letter
6. You are listening to the results of football matches on a Saturday sports programme. The West
Bromwich-Albion game is different because
A. it was delayed by water' on the pitch.
B. it was delayed by rain.
C. there was no score.

7. You are at a rock concert where the lead singer makes this announcement. The next song has been
specially written for
A. disabled people.
B. people with a certain disease.
C. children in hospital.

8. You are a passenger travelling in a car when you are stopped by a policeman. The reason you have
been stopped is because
A. there is a fault with the car.
B. there has been an accident.
C. your car crossed a red traffic light.
Listening part 2

II. You are going to hear somebody giving an introductory talk about a course of lessons at a
summer school. For questions 9 to 18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
Listening part 3

III. You will hear five different people talking about incidents at work involving children. For
questions 19-23, choose from the list A-H which occupation each speaker has. Use the letters only
once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

Listening part 4

IV. You will hear three people, Norman and Linda Hunter, and Linda's friend Patty, talking tn a
shopping centre about their children. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer A B or C.

24. How do Patty and Norman know each other?

A. They worked together.
B. They are old friends.
C. They met at a party.

25. What does Norman mean when he calls Patty's child a "rocket scientist"?
A. He is very srnort.
B. He designs rockets.
C. He has a good job.
26. How does Norman feel about young children being encouraged to learn languages?
A. He thinks it is easier for younger children.
B. He thinks it is essential today.
C. He thinks it is unnecessary.

27. When Linda says her son taught her computer chess, Patty
A. is quite impressed.
B. does not approve.
C. decides to go to night school

28. What can we guess about Linda's working schedule?

A. She only works occasionally.
B. She works a lot of hours.
C. She has no time off.

29. Patty can probably afford to work less because

A. she has financial help.
B. her son will have a free education.
C. she is a teacher.

30. What does Norman think is important for children?

A. to have a lot of lessons
B. to have the latest toys
C. to have time to play

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